SoC 219-626
SoC 219-626
SoC 219-626
1. The road Poonch - Rawalakot takes off from Km 240.00 on road Jammu-Poonch. This
road has been conceived to link Pakistan from Poonch in the UT of Jammu & Kashmir under
Confidence Building Measure.. This road was included in BRDP programme at Sl No. 946 and
LTRoWP 2018-2023 at Sl No. 210 for improvement to NHDL specifications from CL-9
Specifications. Approval to maintain this road under Scale I maintenance grant was accorded
vide HQ DGBR letter No. 20223/SPK/Maint/DGBR/27/TP Works dated 13 Feb 2013.
2. Recce Survey and preparation of DPR for Construction/Improvement from Cl-9 to NHDL
specifications of road Poonch-Rawalkoat was sanctioned under Job No. 219/596 for Rs. 39.92
Lakh vide HQ CE (P) Sampark letter No. 27126/DPR/Poonch-Rawalakot/03/E2 Estg dated 13
Jul 2019. Further DPR for construction/improvement of road Poonch-Rawalkoat has been
sanctioned under Job No. 219/626 for Rs. 3986.26 Lakh vide HQ CE (P) Sampark letter No.
27289/DPR/P-R/08/E2 Estg dated 27 Dec 2022.
3. It is proposed to obtain sanction of Corrigendum to Adm Approval of Job No. 219/626 for
reason mentioned in Para 4 below.
(a) Change in Escalation Charge:- Initially the subject work was sanctioned based
on Escalation Charges @ 15.44% as per HQ DGBR letter No.33733/DGBR/SSR-
16/29/D&S dated 02 Jul 2019. Eescalation Charges for the year 2022-23 has been
notified vide HQ DGBR letter No. 33733/DGBR/Escalation/27/D&S dated 14 Mar 2023
@ 46.26% over SSR 2016. Accordingly work done in between 1 April 2023 to 20 Oct
2023 has been priced on SSR 2016 rates with escalation of 46.26%.
(b) Revision of SSR & SSR Zone:- The subject work was sanctioned based on SSR
2016 and applicable Zone-‘E’. SSR 2023 has been made effective from 21 Oct 2023.
Hence work balance on 21 Oct 2023 has been priced on SSR 2023, Zone B with Nil
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Permanent work: Rate of supply of contract material for PMT work has been
adopted based on concluded CA GeM No 511687743215541 dated 03 Oct 2023
except for stone.
Surfacing work: Cost of contract materials for Surfacing works has been
adopted in Corrigendum AE as per Para 8 of General rules of SSR 2023 except
for GSB materials(Departmental).
5. The cost of corrigendum to AA is worked out to Rs 5594.22 Lakh which is (+) 1607.96
Lakh (Rs 5594.22-3986.26) i.e. 40.34% above the AA amount.
(i) SSR Rate:- The SSR 2016, zone J rates have been taken for work done upto 20
Oct 2023 and DGBR SSR 2023 Zone ‘B’ after 20 Oct 2023.
(ii) Extra Transportation Charges:- Pmt woks except stone for backfilling and Surf
works except GSB are provisioned through supply contract. Stone required for
permanent work has to be retrieved from formation cutting, which is within initial lead and
hence extra TPT charges for formation works is Nil. Stone required for GSB works is to
be quarried from Km 233.750 (Durangli), which is 13.46 Kms from Mid sector. Hence
extra TPT charges for 8.46n Kms has been considered.
(iii) Road Lift Charge:- The road lift charges have been calculated on percentage
basis as per HQ DGBR letter No. 33736/DGBR/21/SSR dated 23 Jul 1993.
(iv) Royalty Charge:- Royalty rates of Stone and Sand has been adopted in the
Corrigendum AE as per Office of the District Mineral Officer letter No. 2036/RC/118/E2
dated 25 Sep 2018(copy attached). There is a increase in rate of materials for Royalty
charges @ 30% on previous rate as per District Mineral Officer letter No.
DMO/P/Misc/2023-24/441-442 dated 28 Oct 2023(copy attached).
(vi) Quality Control Charges:- Provision of QCC @ 1% has been made in the AE as
per HQ DGBR SSR 2023.
(vii) Labour Cess Charge:- Labour cess charges @ 1% has been considered as per
office of the Cess Collector, Building & other construction works (Regulation of
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Employment and conditions of service) act 1996, Asst Labour Commissioner, Labour
Sarai, Jammu letter No. ALC/J/1013/ dated 19 Mar 2009.
(viii) Escalation Charges:- Escalation charges for the subject work has been
catered in this Corrigendum for the FY 2023-24 (for work done period) @46.26% over
SSR 2016 as per HQ DGBR letter No. 33733/DGBR/Escalation/27/D&S dated 14 Mar
2023 and nil escalation charges over SSR 2023 for balance work as on 21 Oct 2023.
(ix) Credit for PNR:- Provisioned for credit for PNR has been catered as per HQ
DGBR letter No. 33733/DGBR/SSR-2016/31/D&S dated 29 Jul 2019.
(x) Credit for deploying GREF Tradesmen:- Credit for deploying GREF Tradesmen
and Pioneers has been considered as per SSR 2016 and HQ Spk letter
No.21099/SSR/07/E2 Estg dated 16 Jul 2019.
(xi) Credit for retrieve stone:- Necessary credit for retrieve stone due to HR cutting
has been considered in this corrigendum.
(xii) Credit for cost of supply contract/supply order:- Credit for cost of supply
contract/supply orders has been provisioned.
(xiii) Quarry location:- Quarry location taken as per approved BOO vide HQ CE (P)
Sampark CO No. 13017/CO/36/E1C dated 06 Apr 2017.