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3a. TY Micro Syllabus Wef 2018 19 Onwards

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Revised Syllabus for T.Y.B.Sc.

Program: B.Sc.
Course: Microbiology (USMB)

(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with

effect from the academic year 2018 – 2019)

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The Choice Based Credit system was introduced by Mumbai University from 2016 - 2017.
The process was initiated by restructuring the F.Y.B.Sc. syllabus and the paper pattern
according to the CBCS pattern and its implementation in the same year i.e. 2016 - 17.

This was followed by revision of S.Y.B.Sc. syllabus and paper pattern in the year 2017 -

The revised S.Y.B.Sc. syllabus gave an opportunity to the Microbiology students to opt for
Paper III of any subject other than Microbiology. Likewise S.Y.B.Sc. students of other
subjects could opt for Microbiology Paper III. This gave them the option to choose from
diversity of applied sciences.

In continuation with this, the T.Y.B.Sc. syllabus is being revised in the year 2018 - 2019.
The existing paper pattern will also be accordingly revised.

Keeping in tune with the revised syllabus, the committee has ensured that there is a
continuous flow of information and latest advances in the subject imparted to the students.
Hence some of the modules of the earlier syllabus have been upgraded, while some new
modules have been added to the syllabus in order to bridge the knowledge gap of the learner
from S.Y.B.Sc. to T.Y.B.Sc.

The syllabus is aimed at equipping the students with basic knowledge in various branches of
Microbiology such as Microbial Genetics, Molecular Biology, Virology, Medical
Microbiology, Immunology, Microbial Biochemistry and Industrial Microbiology.
Additionally, it also makes students aware of interdisciplinary sciences such as
Bioinformatics and Bioinstrumentation.

In all, the students offering Microbiology as a single major subject that is Six units pattern,
will study eight courses of theory and practicals compulsory during Semester V and Semester
VI together, while students opting for double major subject that is Three units pattern, will
have four courses of theory and practicals compulsory during Semester V and Semester VI

The courses for six units will comprise of the following:

1) USMB 501 and USMB 601

2) USMB 502 and USMB 602
3) USMB 503 and USMB 603
4) USMB 504 and USMB 604

The courses for three units will comprise of the following:

1) USMB 501 and USMB 601

2) USMB 502 and USMB 602

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The approach towards designing this syllabus has been to retain the classic concepts of
Microbiology as well as keeping abreast with the latest discoveries in Microbiology and other
interdisciplinary fields.

In conclusion, the revised syllabus aims at inculcating a spirit of learning and kindling
curiosity towards the subject in the minds of learners, resulting in their pursuit of higher
education in Microbiology.


2.5 Credits
USMB501 Microbial Genetics
(60 Lectures)
Unit I DNA Replication 15 Lectures
Unit II Transcription, Genetic Code & Translation 15 Lectures
Unit III Mutation and Repair 15 Lectures
Unit IV Genetic Exchange & Homologous Recombination 15 Lectures

2.5 Credits
USMB502 Medical Microbiology & Immunology: Part - I
(60 Lectures)
Unit I Bacterial Strategies for Evasion and Study of a Few 15 Lectures
Unit II Study of a Few Diseases with Emphasis on Cultural 15 Lectures
Characteristics of the Etiological agent, Pathogenesis,
Laboratory Diagnosis and Prevention.
Unit III General Immunology - I 15 Lectures
Unit IV General Immunology - II 15 Lectures

2.5 Credits
USMB503 Microbial Biochemistry: Part - I
(60 Lectures)
Unit I Biological Membranes & Transport 15 Lectures
Unit II Bioenergetics & Bioluminescence 15 Lectures
Unit III Methods of Studying Metabolism & Catabolism of 15 Lectures
Unit IV Fermentative Pathway & Anabolism of 15 Lectures

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2.5 Credits
USMB504 Bioprocess Technology: Part - I
(60 Lectures)
Unit I Upstream Processing - I 15 Lectures
Unit II Upstream Processing - II 15 Lectures
Unit III Fermentation Modes, Equipments and Instruments 15 Lectures
Unit IV Traditional Industrial Fermentations 15 Lectures

I. Each theory period shall be of 48 minutes duration. Theory
component shall have 240 instructional periods plus 240 notional
periods per semester which is equal to 384 learning hours. For theory
component the value of One Credit is equal to 38.40 learning hours.

II. Each practical period shall be of 48 minutes duration. Practical

component shall have 240 instructional periods plus 60 notional
periods per semester which is equal to 240 learning hours. For
practical component the value of One Credit is equal to 40 learning

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Microbial Genetics (USMB-501) is a course in Genetics for T.Y.B.Sc. undergraduate

students in Semester V that deals with various concepts of Genetics.

The learning objectives include the following:

1. DNA Replication: The learner will understand the events occurring in both
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic DNA replication, with a focus on the involvement of
Proteins and Enzymes at the cellular level. The topic will also include the assembly of
Eukaryotic chromosome.
2. Transcription, Genetic Code and Translation: This module aims at the learner
understanding the basis of gene expression and the Central Dogma and the molecular
basis of protein synthesis in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. The module deals with the
structure and properties of different forms of RNA, maturation of RNA and RNA
3. Mutation and DNA repair: The molecular basis and types of mutation, their cause,
effect and DNA repair is studied. The basic concepts related to molecular biology are
4. Genetic exchange: This module includes the study of various mechanisms of gene
transfer in bacteria. It also provides insight into the mechanisms of genetic
recombination. The module deals with the Genetics of bacteria and bacteriophages,
development of new strains and genetic mapping.
5. Practicals
The laboratory techniques and experiments based on these topics will give students
hands on competence in fundamental molecular biology experiments.


 DNA Replication: The learner will understand the sequence of events, mechanism,
enzymes and proteins involved in replication of DNA in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
 Transcription, Genetic Code and Translation: The student will know the central
dogma of biology its two-step transcription and translation, maturation of RNA.
 Mutation and DNA repair: The learner will know the concept of mutation, its types,
causes and their effects. This module will also make them understand types of
mutagens, damage to DNA due to mutagenesis, various mechanisms of DNA repair.
 Genetic exchange: The student shall understand the various mechanisms of gene
transfer in bacteria and genetic recombination.
 Practicals: The students will acquire skill to perform the laboratory techniques and
experiments based on the above topics.

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Lectures / Notional
Semester Periods
Unit I: DNA Replication 15 L 15
1.1. Historical perspective - Conservative, dispersive, semi-conservative, 3L
bidirectional and semi-discontinuous, Theta model of replication.

1.2. Prokaryotic DNA replication - Details of molecular mechanisms 4L

involved in Initiation, Elongation and Termination

1.3. Enzymes and proteins associated with DNA replication- Primase, 3L

Helicase, Topoisomerase, SSB, DNA polymerases, Ligases, Ter and
Tus proteins.

1.4. Eukaryotic DNA replication - Molecular details of DNA synthesis, 4L

replicating the ends of the chromosomes assembling newly replicated
DNA into nulcleosomes.

1.5. Rolling circle mode of DNA replication 1L

Unit II: Transcription, Genetic Code and Translation 15 L 15

2.1 Central Dogma: An Overview, Transcription process, 3L
Transcription in bacteria - Initiation of transcription at promoters,
elongation of an RNA chain, termination of an RNA chain

2.2 Transcription in Eukaryotes - Eukaryotic RNA polymerase, 5L

Transcription of protein- coding genes by RNA polymerase II,
Transcription initiation, The structure and production of Eukaryotic
mRNAs, Production of mature mRNA in Eukaryotes, Processing of
Pre-mRNA to mature mRNA. Self Splicing of Introns, RNA editing

2.3 Genetic code - Nature of genetic code and characteristics of genetic 2L


2.4 Translation process - Transfer RNA, structure of tRNA, tRNA genes, 5L

Recognition of the tRNA anticodon by the mRNA codon, Adding of
amino acid to tRNA , Ribosomal RNA and Ribosomes, Ribosomal
RNA Genes, Initiation of translation, Initiation in Bacteria, Initiation
in eukaryotes, Elongation of the polypeptide chain, termination of
translation, protein sorting in the cell.

Unit III: Transcription, Genetic Code and Translation 15 L 15

3.1 Mutation
3.1.1 Terminology: alleles, homozygous, heterozygous, genotype, 1L
phenotype, Somatic mutation, Germline mutation, Gene
mutation, Chromosome mutation, phenotypic lag, hotspots
and mutator genes

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3.1.2 Fluctuation test.

3.1.3 Types of mutations: Point mutation, reverse mutation, 3L

suppressor mutation, frameshift mutation, conditional lethal
mutation, base pair substitution, transition, transversion,
missense mutation, nonsense mutation, silent mutation,
neutral mutation, pleiotropic mutations.

3.1.4 Causes of mutation: Natural/spontaneous mutation-- 4L

replication error, depurination, deamination. Induced
mutation: principle and mechanism with illustrative diagrams
for: Chemical mutagens - base analogues, nitrous acid,
hydroxyl amine, intercalating agents and alkylating
agents. Physical mutagen Biological mutagen (only examples)

3.1.5 Ames test 1L

3.1.6 Detection of mutants 1L
3.2 DNA Repair 4L
3.2.1 Mismatch repair,
3.2.2 Light repair
3.2.3 Repair of alkylation damage
3.2.4 Base excision repair
3.2.5 Nucleotide excision repair
3.2.6 SOS repair

Unit IV: Genetic Exchange & Homologous Recombination 15 L 15

4.1 Genetic analysis of Bacteria 1L

4.2 Gene transfer mechanisms in bacteria

4.2.1 Transformation 3L Introduction and History Types of transformation in prokaryotes--Natural
transformation in Streptococcus pneumoniae,
Haemophilus influenzae, and Bacillus subtilis. Mapping of bacterial genes using transformation. Problems based on transformation.

4.2.2 Conjugation 5L Discovery of conjugation in bacteria Properties of F plasmid/Sex factor The conjugation machinery Hfr strains, their formation and mechanism of
conjugation F’ factor, origin and behavior of F’ strains,

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Sexduction. Mapping of bacterial genes using conjugation
(Wolman and Jacob experiment). Problems based on conjugation

4.2.3 Transduction Introduction and discovery 3L Generalized transduction Use of Generalized transduction for mapping genes Specialized transduction Problems based on transduction

4.3 Recombination in bacteria 3L

4.3.1 General/Homologous recombination
4.3.2 Molecular basis of recombination
4.3.3 Holliday model of recombination (Single strand DNA break
model only)
4.3.4 Enzymes required for recombination
4.3.5 Site –specific recombination



The course in medical microbiology has been designed to help students to build on the basic
information regarding host defence mechanisms that they have gained in S.Y.B.Sc. It has
been designed to highlight the most important areas of medical microbiology i.e. etiology,
transmission, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, laboratory diagnosis, prophylaxis, and
treatment of various diseases The students have achieved a basic understanding of Innate
Immunity and Host defence mechanisms in their lower classes and Immunology that forms
an integral part of Medical Microbiology has been designed to help understand the ability of
our immune system to defend against invading pathogens in a logical fashion. This includes
our ability to defend against microorganisms by understanding the concepts of Humoral and
Cellular Immunity (innate immunity) the tissues and organs of the immune system types of
antigens we encounter and very importantly, the different types of antigen-antibody

LEARNING OUTCOMES: The students should be able to

 Give details of the virulence factors and other features of the pathogen
 Correlate these virulence factors with the pathogenesis and clinical features of the
 Comment on the mode of transmission, and therefore modes of prophylaxis of these

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 Comment on the methods of diagnosis of the disease.
 Conceptualize how the adaptive immune responses coordinate to fight invading
pathogens and the organs and tissue involved
 Discuss the role of antigen in initiating the immune response
 Correlate the structure & functions of immunoglobulin
 Understand the importance of cytokines, MHC, APCs, Cytokines, and the role in
adaptive immunity.
 Understand the various antigen –antibody reactions



Lectures / Notional
Semester Periods
Unit I: Bacterial Strategies for Evasion and Study of a Few Diseases 15 L 15
1.1. Study of virulence mechanisms in bacteria 5L
1.1.1. Pathogenicity islands
1.1.2. Bacterial virulence factors Adherence factors Invasion of host cells and tissues
1.1.3. Toxins Exotoxins Exotoxins associated with diarrhoeal diseases
and food poisoning LPS of gram negative bacteria
1.1.4. Enzymes Tissue degrading enzymes IgA1 proteases
1.1.5. Antiphagocytic factors
1.1.6. Intracellular pathogenicity
1.1.7. Antigenic heterogeneity
1.1.8. The requirement for iron

1.2. Study of A Few Infectious Diseases of the Respiratory Tract (wrt. 8L

Cultural Characteristics of the etiological agent, pathogenesis &
clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment and prevention
1.2.1. S. pyogenes infections
1.2.2. Influenza
1.2.3. Tuberculosis
1.2.4. Pneumonia caused by K .pneumoniae

1.3. Study of urinary tract infections 2L

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Unit II: Study of few diseases (wrt. Cultural characteristics of the 15 L 15
etiological agent, pathogenesis & clinical features, laboratory diagnosis,
treatment and prevention only)
2.1 Study of skin infections 7L
2.1.1 Pyogenic skin infections caused by Pseudomonas and S.
2.1.2 Leprosy
2.1.3 Fungal infections- Candidiasis
2.1.4 Viral Infections- Herpes simplex

2.2 Study of gastrointestinal tract infections 8L

2.2.1 Infections due to Enteropathogenic E.coli strains
2.2.2 Enteric fever- Salmonella
2.2.3 Shigellosis
2.2.4 Rotavirus diarrhoea
2.2.5 Dysentery due to Entamoeba histolytica

Unit III: General Immunology – I 15 L 15

3.1. Organs and tissues of the immune system: 4L
3.1.1 Primary lymphoid organs - structure and function of
Thymus and Bone marrow
3.1.2 Secondary lymphoid organs – structure and function of
Spleen, Lymph node, Mucosa associated lymphoid tissues,
Bronchus associated lymphoid tissue, Gut associated
lymphoid tissue, Cutaneous associated lymphoid tissue

3.2 Antigens
3.2.1 Immunogenicity versus antigenicity: Concepts - 5L
Immunogenicity, Immunogen, Antigencity, Antigen,
Haptens. Haptens as valuable research and diagnostic tools
3.2.2 Factors that influence immunogenicity - Foreignness,
Molecular size, Chemical composition, Heterogeneity,
Susceptibility of antigen to be processed and presented,
Contribution of the biological system to immunogenicity
Genotype of the recipient, Immunogen dosage, Route of
3.2.3 Adjuvants
3.2.4 Epitopes / antigen determinants - General concept,
Characteristic properties of B - cell epitopes, concepts of
sequential and non-sequential epitopes (with only one
example each). Properties of B - cell and T - cell epitopes.
Comparison of antigen recognition by T cells and B cells
3.2.5 Types of antigens – heterophile antigens, isophile antigens,
sequestered antigens, super antigens, bacterial and viral

3.3 Immunoglobulins 6L
3.3.1 Immunoglobulins – basic structure of Immunoglobulins,
heterodimer; types of heavy and light chains; constant and

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variable regions, Immunoblobulin domains-hinge region.
Basic concepts - hypervariable region, complementarity -
determining regions (CDRs), framework regions (FRs) and
their importance.
3.3.2 Immunoglobulin classes and biological activities -
Immunogloublin G, Immunogloublin M, Immunogloublin
A, Immunogloublin E, Immunogloublin D, (including
3.3.3 Antigenic determinants on immunoglobulins – isotypes,
allotypes, idiotypes.
3.3.4 Immunoglobulin Superfamily

Unit IV: General Immunology – II 15 L 15

4.1 Cytokines 2L
4.1.1 Concepts - cytokines, lymphokines, monokines,
interleukines, chemokines.
4.1.2 Properties of cytokines
4.1.3 Attributes of cytokines
4.1.4 Biological functions of cytokines

4.2 Major histocompatibility complex 3L

4.2.1 Introduction
4.2.2 Three major classes of MHC encoded molecules
4.2.3 The basic structure and functions of Class I and Class II
MHC Molecules
4.2.4 Peptide binding by Class I and Class II MHC molecule

4.3 Antigen presenting cells 3L

4.3.1 Types of APC’s
4.3.2 Endogenous antigens: The cytosolic pathway
4.3.3 Exogenous antigens: The endocytic pathway

4.4 Antigen Antibody reactions

4.4.1 Precipitation reaction - Immunoelectrophoresis
4.4.2 Agglutination reactions - haeme-agglutination, bacterial
agglutination, passive agglutination, agglutination
4.4.3 Radioimmunoassay (RIA),
4.4.4 Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay - indirect,
competitive and sandwich ELISA
4.4.5 Immunofluorescence- Direct and indirect.
4.4.6 Western blotting.

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This course is designed for T.Y.B.Sc. students who choose to major in Microbiology.
Biochemistry is the branch of science that explores the chemical processes that take place
inside all living things, from bacteria to plants and animals. It is a laboratory based science
that brings together biology and chemistry, by using chemical knowledge and techniques to
help understand and solve biological problems. Microbial physiology is best understood with
knowledge of biochemistry. The course thus focuses on the need to study uptake, various
intermediary metabolic processes and methods to study metabolism both invitro as well as
invivo. The course is designed to expose students to carbohydrate metabolism as also
understand the principles of energy generation by different physiological groups of
organisms. The advanced area of bioenergetics unfolds the universal mechanisms of energy
generation by using electron transport systems and gaining knowledge of energy
conservation. The student is also learning anabolic processes through concepts of
biosynthesis, and polymerization namely glycogen and peptidoglycan biosynthesis.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: The students should be able to

 Understand the architecture of the membrane and how solute is transported inside the
 Describe and explain the electron transport chains in prokaryotes and mitochondria
and understand the mechanism of ATP synthesis.
 Explain bioluminescence mechanism and its significance
 Discuss the experimental aspect of studying catabolism and anabolism and the various
pathways for the breakdown of carbohydrates along with reactions in amphibolic
 Describe various other pathways which produce different end products.
 Describe anabolic reactions in carbohydrate synthesis.
 Apply the concepts of energetics and catabolism in biodegradation of various



Lectures / Notional
Semester Periods
Unit I: Biological Membranes & Transport 15 L 15
1.1 Composition and architecture of membrane 2L
1.1.1 Lipids and properties of phospholipid membranes
1.1.2 Integral & peripheral proteins & interactions with lipids
1.1.3 Permeability

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1.1.4 Aquaporins
1.1.5 Mechanosensitive channels

1.2 Methods of studying solute transport 2L

1.2.1 Use of whole cells
1.2.2 Liposomes
1.2.3 Proteoliposomes

1.3 Solute transport across membrane 8L

1.3.1 Passive transport and facilitated diffusion by membrane
1.3.2 Co-transport across plasma membrane - (Uniport, Antiport,
1.3.3 Active transport & electrochemical gradient
1.3.4 Ion gradient provides energy for secondary active transport Lactose transport
1.3.5 ATPases and transport (only Na-K ATPase)
1.3.6 Shock sensitive system – Role of binding proteins Maltose uptake (Diagram and description) Histidine uptake (Diagram and description)
1.3.7 Phosphotransferase system
1.3.8 Schematic representation of various membrane transport
systems in bacteria.

1.4 Other examples of solute transport: 3L

1.4.1 Iron transport: A special problem
1.4.2 Assembly of proteins into membranes and protein export
1.4.3 Bacterial membrane fusion central to many biological

Unit II: Bioenergetics & Bioluminescence 15 L 15

2.1 Biochemical mechanism of generating ATP: Substrate-Level- 1L
Phosphorylation, Oxidative Phosphorylation &

2.2 Electron transport chain 3L

2.2.1 Universal Electron acceptors that transfer electrons to
2.2.2 Carriers in E.T.C. Hydrogen carriers – Flavoproteins, Quinones Electron carriers – Iron Sulphur proteins,
2.2.3 Mitochondrial ETC Biochemical anatomy of mitochondria Complexes in Mitochondrial ETC Schematic representation of Mitochondrial

2.3 Prokaryotic ETC

2.3.1 Organization of electron carriers in bacteria 3L

Page 13 of 45 Generalized electron transport pathway in
bacteria Different terminal oxidases
2.3.2 Branched bacterial ETC
2.3.3 Pattern of electron flow in E. coli - aerobic and anaerobic
2.3.4 Pattern of electron flow in Azotobacter vinelandii

2.4 ATP synthesis

2.4.1 Explanation of terms – Proton motive force, Proton pump,
Coupling sites, P:O ratio, Redox potential (definition of
Standard reduction potential)
2.4.2 Free energy released during electron transfer from NADH to
2.4.3 Chemiosmotic theory (only explanation)
2.4.4 Structure & function of Mitochondrial ATP synthase
2.4.5 Structure of bacterial ATP synthase
2.4.6 Mechanism by Rotational catalysis
2.4.7 Inhibitors of ETC, ATPase and uncouplers

2.5 Other modes of generation of electrochemical energy 2L

2.5.1 ATP hydrolysis
2.5.2 Oxalate formate exchange
2.5.3 End product efflux, Definition, Lactate efflux
2.5.4 Bacteriorhodopsin: - Definition, function as proton pump
and significance

2.6 Bioluminescence 3L
2.6.1 Brief survey of bioluminescent systems
2.6.2 Biochemistry of light emission
2.6.3 Schematic diagram
2.6.4 Significance / Application

Unit III: Studying Metabolism & Catabolism of Carbohydrates 15 L 15

3.1 Experimental Analysis of metabolism 3L
3.1.1 Goals of the study
3.1.2 Levels of organization at which metabolism is studied
3.1.3 Metabolic probes.
3.1.4 Use of radioisotopes in biochemistry Pulse labeling Assay and study of radiorespirometry to
differentiate EMP & ED
3.1.5 Use of biochemical mutants
3.1.6 Sequential induction

3.2 Catabolism of Carbohydrates 10 L

3.2.1 Breakdown of polysaccharides – Glycogen, Starch,
3.2.2 Breakdown of oligosaccharides - Lactose, Maltose, Sucrose,
3.2.3 Utilization of monosaccharides - Fructose, Galactose

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3.2.4 Major pathways – (with structure and enzymes) Glycolysis (EMP) HMP Pathway - Significance of the pathway ED pathway TCA cycle - Action of PDH, Significance of
TCA Incomplete TCA in anaerobic bacteria Anaplerotic reactions Glyoxylate bypass

3.3 Amphibolic role of EMP; Amphibolic role of TCA cycle 1L

3.4 Energetics of Glycolysis, TCA and ED pathway – Balance sheet 1L

only. Format as in Lehninger (2.5 ATP/NADH and 1.5 ATP /
FADH2) (Based on this format make balance sheet for Glycolysis -
Lactic acid and Alcohol fermentation and for ED pathway)

Unit IV: Fermentative Pathways & Anabolism of Carbohydrates 15 L 15

4.1 Fermentative pathways (with structures and enzymes) 4L
4.1.1 Lactic acid fermentation Homofermentation Heterofermentation
4.1.2 Bifidum pathway
4.1.3 Alcohol fermentation By ED pathway in bacteria By EMP in yeasts

4.2 Other modes of fermentation in microorganisms 5L

4.2.1 Mixed acid
4.2.2 Butanediol
4.2.3 Butyric acid
4.2.4 Acetone-Butanol
4.2.5 Propionic acid (Acrylate and succinate propionate pathway)

4.3 Anabolism of Carbohydrates 6L

4.3.1 General pattern of metabolism leading to synthesis of a cell
from glucose
4.3.2 Sugar nucleotides
4.3.3 Gluconeogenesis (only bacterial)
4.3.4 Biosynthesis of glycogen
4.3.5 Biosynthesis of Peptidoglycan

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Bioprocess Technology I course is designed to develop the learner’s ability to study the
techniques used in the different phases of industrial microbiology such as strain
improvement, basic fermentation equipment & its sterilization aspects. It gives an in depth
focus of the different types of fermenters used in industry for production of different
products, and also emphasizes its process parameters. It includes the principles and describes
the main steps and processes in the industrial production of beverages and enzymes.
Industrial microbiology becomes an important application based paper covering
microbial fermentations. Thus, it becomes a laboratory to market scenario where the entire
products reach. The learner is provided with the details of productions of important
traditional fermentation products like wine, beer, vinegar and enzymes.
Thus, this paper readies the learner to understand and apply the knowledge of fermentation
technology and related products.
This course aims to enable graduates to enter industry with an appropriate level of
understanding of the need for both the science and business aspects to be achievable to make
a viable product and enhance their entrepreneur skills.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: The students should be able to

 Describe the applications of microbes and its strain improvement in Industrial
 Apply kinetic formula to determine growth and productivity parameters of batch
continuous, fed batch and solid substrate fermentations
 Describe the design of bioreactors for different applications and its process parameters
 Design media, growth conditions and techniques for producing and recovering
different types of products of commercial value.
 Learner will be well –versed with the containment and levels of containment.



Lectures / Notional
Semester Periods
Unit I: Upstream Processing – I 15 L 15
1.1 Introduction 3L
1.1.1 An introduction to fermentation processes
1.1.2 The range of fermentation processes
1.1.3 The Component parts of a fermentation process

1.2 Screening methods

1.2.1 Primary and secondary screening

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1.2.2 High throughput screening methods

1.3 Strain improvement 6L

1.3.1 The improvement of industrial microorganisms
1.3.2 The selection of induced mutants synthesizing improved
levels of primary metabolites
1.3.3 The isolation of induced mutants producing improved yields
of secondary metabolites.
1.3.4 The improvement of strains by modifying properties other
than the yield of product

1.4 Preservation of cultures 3L

1.4.1 Preservation of industrially important organisms
1.4.2 Quality control of preserved stock Key Criteria’s Development of a master culture bank (MCB) Variability test to ensure reproducibility of the

Unit II: Upstream Processing – II 15 L 15

2.1 Fermentation media formulation and raw materials 4L
2.1.1 Media formulation
2.1.2 Raw materials for fermentation media

2.3 The development of inocula for industrial fermentations 3L

2.2.1 Introduction
2.2.2 Development of inocula for unicellular bacterial process
2.2.3 Development of inocula for mycelial process

2.3 Sterilization and achievement of aseptic conditions 6L

2.3.1 Introduction
2.3.2 Medium sterilization (concept of nabla factor)
2.3.3 Methods of batch sterilization
2.3.4 The design of continuous sterilization process
2.3.5 Sterilization of the Fermenter
2.3.6 Sterilization of the Feeds
2.3.7 Sterilization of the liquid wastes
2.3.8 Filter Sterilization Filter sterilization of fermentation media, Filter sterilization of air Filter sterilization of fermenter exhaust air
2.3.9 Achievement of aseptic conditions

2.4 Scale up and scale down of fermentation 2L

Unit III: Fermentation Modes, Equipments and Instruments 15 L 15

3.1 Modes of fermentation 3L
3.1.1 Batch, continuous and fed batch fermentation
3.1.2 Solid substrate fermentation

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3.2 Design of fermenter 7L
3.2.1 Basic functions
3.2.2 Aseptic operation & Containment
3.2.3 Body construction
3.2.4 Agitator (impeller) – function, types, mechanical seal and
magnetic drive
3.2.5 Baffles
3.2.6 The aeration system (sparger) - function and types
3.2.7 Valves (Globe, piston & needle)
3.2.8 Steam traps
3.2.9 Examples of fermenters - Stirred Tank Reactor, Air Lift,
Deep Jet, Photobioreactor

3.3 Instrumentation and control 5L

3.3.1 Introduction to sensors and its types
3.3.2 Measurement and control of: pH, temperature, pressure, foam
sensing, dissolved oxygen, inlet and exit gas analysis.

Unit IV: Traditional Fermentations 15 L 15

4.1 Wine – Red, White, Champagne and Sherry: Alcoholic 3L
fermentation, composition of grape juice, Sulphur dioxide addition,
factors affecting wine fermentation, examples and role of yeasts
involved in fermentation, malolactic fermentation, technological
aspects of wine making- red, white, champagne, sherry, examples of
aroma compounds of wine, types and examples of wine

4.2 Beer – Ale and Lager: Elements of brewing process, process details, 3L
use of cylindro-conical vessel, primary fermentation, continuous
fermentation, aging and finishing, yeasts involved in fermentation.

4.3 Alcohol from Molasses: Introduction, biosynthesis of ethanol, 2L

production process- preparation of nutrient solution, fermentation,
recovery by distillation.

4.4 Vinegar (acetic acid): Introduction, biosynthesis, production using 3L

generator, production using submerged fermenter, recovery.

4.5 Baker’s yeast: Outline of production, yeast strains and their 2L

properties, factors important in production-oxygen requirement and
aeration, concentration of sugar, pH, temperature, preparation of
substrate, fermentation, harvesting of yeast cells, production of
compressed and active dry yeast.

4.6 Fungal amylase production:  amylase- production from bacteria 2L

and fungi,  amylase and glucoamylase, concentration and

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Course Code: USMBP05

[Practicals Based on USMB501, Credits -1.5, Lectures- 60, Notional Periods-15]

1. UV survival curve – determination of exposure time leading to 90% reduction

2. Isolation of mutants using UV mutagenesis
3. Gradient plate technique (dye resistant mutant)
4. Replica plate technique for selection & characterization of mutants – auxotroph &
antibiotic resistant
5. Isolation and detection of plasmid DNA.

Course Code: USMBP05

[Practicals Based on USMB502, Credits -1.5, Lectures-60, Notional Periods-15]

1. Acid fast staining.

2. Identification of Candida species using the germ tube test and growth on Chrom agar
3. To determine SLO and SLS activity of S .pyogenes
4. Study of standard cultures E. coli, Klebsiella spp., Proteus spp., Pseudomonas spp.,
Salmonalla typhi, S. paratyphi A, S. paratyphi B, Shigella spp., S .pyogenes, S. aureus
5. Identification of isolates obtained from pus, sputum, stool and urine by morphological,
cultural and biochemical properties.
6. Antigen Preparation: O & H antigen preparation of Salmonella. Confirmation by slide

Course Code: USMBP06

[Practicals Based on USMB503; Credits-1.5, Lectures- 60, Notional Periods-15]

1. Isolation and study of Bioluminescent organisms

2. Study of oxidative and fermentative metabolism
3. Qualitative and Quantitative assay of Phosphatase
4. Study of Homo - Heterofermentations
5. Isolation and detection of Mitochondria
6. Glucose detection by GOD/POD

Course Code: USMBP06

[Practicals Based on USMB504, Credits -1.5, Lectures- 60, Notional Periods-15]

1. Alcohol Fermentation
1.1. Preparation and standardization of yeast inoculums for alcohol fermentation
1.2. Laboratory Alcohol fermentation using jaggery medium, calculation of efficiency
of fermentation.

Page 19 of 45
2. Determine the alcohol tolerance for yeast.
3. Determine the sugar tolerance for yeast.
4. Chemical estimation of sugar by Cole’s ferricyanide method
5. Chemical estimation of alcohol
6. Production of amylase- detection, shake flask or solid substrate cultivation and
detection (Qualitative).
7. Primary screening for antibiotic producers using Wilkin’s agar overlay method.
8. Determination of antibiotic spectrum using agar strip / streak method.
9. Industrial Visit



Course Code: USMB501

Text books:

1. Peter J. Russell (2006), “I Genetics-A molecular approach”, 2nd edition.

2. Benjamin A. Pierce (2008), “Genetics a conceptual approach”, 3rd edition, W. H.
Freeman and company.
3. R. H. Tamarin, (2004), “Principles of genetics”, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. D. Nelson and M. Cox, (2005), “Lehninger’s Principles of biochemistry”, 4th edition,
Macmillan worth Publishers.
5. M. Madigan, J. Martinko, J. Parkar, (2009), “Brock Biology of microorganisms”, 12th
edition, Pearson Education International.
6. Fairbanks and Anderson, (1999), “Genetics”, Wadsworth Publishing Company.
7. Prescott, Harley and Klein, “Microbiology”, 7th edition Mc Graw Hill international
8. Robert Weaver, “Molecular biology”, 3rd edition. Mc Graw Hill international edition.
9. Nancy Trun and Janine Trempy, (2004), “Fundamental bacterial genetics”, Blackwell
10. Snustad, Simmons, “Principles of genetics”, 3rd edition. John Wiley & sons, Inc.

Reference books:

1. Benjamin Lewin, “Genes IX”, Jones and Bartlett publishers.

2. JD Watson, “Molecular biology of the gene”, 5th edition.

Page 20 of 45
Course Code: USMB502

Text books:

1. Jawetz, Melnick and Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology, 26th Edition, Lange publication
2. Ananthanarayan and Panicker’s, Textbook of Microbiology, 10th edition
3. Ananthanarayan and Panicker’s, Textbook of Microbiology, 9th edition
4. Ananthanarayan and Panicker’s, Textbook of Microbiology, 8th edition
5. Kuby Immunology, 6th Edition, W H Freeman and Company
6. Pathak & Palan, Immunology: Essential & Fundamental, 1st& 3rd edition, Capital
Publishing Company
7. Fahim Khan, Elements of Immunology, Pearson Education

Reference books / Internet references:

1. Kuby Immunology, 7th edition, W H Freeman and Company

2. Ananthanarayan and Panicker’s, Textbook of Microbiology, 8th edition
3. Baron Samuel , Medical Microbiology, 4th edition
4. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7627/
5. http://www.macmillanlearning.com/catalog/static/whf/kuby/

Course Code: USMB503

Text books:

1. Stanier, R. Y., M. Doudoroff and E. A. Adelberg. General Microbiology, 5th edition,

The Macmillan press Ltd
2. Conn, E.E., P. K .Stumpf, G. Bruening and R. Y. Doi. 1987. Outlines of Biochemistry,
5th edition, 1987. John Wiley &Sons. New York.
3. Gottschalk,G., (1985), Bacterial Metabolism, 2nd edition, Springer Verlag
4. White, D., (1995), The Physiology and Biochemistry of Prokaryotes, 3rd edition,
Oxford University Press
5. Nelson, D. L. and M.M. Cox (2005), Lehninger, Principles of biochemistry. 4th edition,
W. H. Freeman and Company
6. Rose, A.H. (1976) Chemical Microbiology, 3rd edition. Butterworth-Heinemann
7. Zubay, G. L (1996), Biochemistry, 4th edition, Wm. C. Brown publishers
8. Mathews, C.K., K.E. van Holde, D.R. Appling, S, J, Anthony-Cahill (2012)
Biochemistry, 4th edition. Pearson
9. Wilson and Walker, 4th edition Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology. Cambridge University press.

Reference books:

1. Zubay, G. L (1996), Principles of Biochemistry, Wm. C. Brown publishers

2. Cohen, G.N. (2011). Microbial Biochemistry. 2nd edition, Springer

Page 21 of 45
Course Code: USMB504

Text books

1. Casida L. E., "Industrial Microbiology” (2009) Reprint, New Age International (P) Ltd,
Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Stanbury P. F., Whitaker A. & Hall S. J., (1997), "Principles of Fermentation
Technology", 2nd edition, Aditya Books Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
3. Stanbury P. F., Whitaker A. & Hall S. J 3rd edition (2017) "Principles of Fermentation
4. Peppler, H. J. and Perlman, D. (1979), "Microbial Technology’’. Vol. 1 & 2, Academic
5. H. A. Modi, (2009). ‘’Fermentation Technology’’ Vol. 1 & 2, Pointer Publications,
6. Okafor Nduka (2007) ‘’Modern Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology’’, Science
Publications Enfield, NH, USA.
7. Crueger W. and Crueger A. (2000) "Biotechnology -"A Textbook of Industrial
8. Microbiology", 2nd edition, Panima Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.
9. Prescott and Dunn's ‘’Industrial Microbiology’’(1982) 4th edition, McMillan Publishers

Reference books
1. R. C. Dubey, 2005 A Textbook of ‘’Biotechnology’’ S. Chand and Company, New
2. H. A. Modi, 2009. ‘’Fermentation Technology’’ Vol: 1 & 2, Pointer Publications, India
3. Practical Fermentation Technology by Brian Mcneil & Linda M. Harvey (2008).

Page 22 of 45
2.5 Credits
USMB601 rDNA Technology, Bioinformatics & Virology
(60 Lectures)
Unit I Recombinant DNA Technology 15 Lectures
Unit II Applications of rDNA Technology & Bioinformatics 15 Lectures
Unit III Regulation & Basic Virology 15 Lectures
Unit IV Advanced Virology 15 Lectures

2.5 Credits
USMB602 Medical Microbiology & Immunology: Part - II
(60 Lectures)
Unit I Study of a Few Diseases with Emphasis on Cultural 15 Lectures
Characteristics of the Etiological Agent,
Pathogenesis, Laboratory Diagnosis and Prevention.
Unit II Chemotherapy of Infectious Agents 15 Lectures
Unit III Immunology - I 15 Lectures
Unit IV Immunology – II 15 Lectures

2.5 Credits
USMB603 Microbial Biochemistry: Part - II
(60 Lectures)
Unit I Lipid Metabolism & Catabolism of Hydrocarbons 15 Lectures
Unit II Metabolism of Proteins and Nucleic Acids. 15 Lectures
Unit III Metabolic Regulation 15 Lectures
Unit IV Prokaryotic Photosynthesis & Inorganic Metabolism 15 Lectures

2.5 Credits
USMB604 Bioprocess Technology: Part - II
(60 Lectures)
Unit I Downstream Processing 15 Lectures
Unit II Advances in Bioprocess Technology 15 Lectures
Unit III Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Instrumentation 15 Lectures
and Bioassay
Unit IV Industrial Fermentations 15 Lectures

Page 23 of 45
rDNA technology, Bioinformatics and Virology, USMB 601 is a course for T.Y.B.Sc. in
Semester VI Microbiology students which deal with the following:

1. The rDNA technology: This module deals with the basic steps in gene cloning,
vectors, model organisms, methods of transformation and screening and identification
of recombinant cells.
2. Application of rDNA technology and Bioinformatics: This module will empower
the student to understand the basic techniques in Recombinant DNA technology along
with their applications. Bioinformatics is the basic tool in understanding Cells at the
genomic and proteomic levels. Inclusion of Bioinformatics in this module will
empower the learner with insilico analytical techniques.
3. Gene Regulation and Basic Virology: This module will make the students
understand the genetic basis of regulation and operon control through the involvement
of regulatory proteins. The study of Basic Virology will emphasise on the structure,
classification and general modes of replication of viruses.
4. Advanced Virology: This module deals with basic structure and life cycle of
different viruses and cultivation of viruses. It also comprises of basic study on Prions,
Viriods and viruses causing cancer.

 r DNA technology: This module will make the student understand the methods to
construct recombinant DNA molecules, also know the tools required like vectors,
restriction enzymes etc.
 Application of rDNA technology and Bioinformatics: The learner will know about
applications of r DNA technology, through bioinformatics the student will understand
the use of databases and software tools for understanding biological data.
 Gene Regulation and Basic Virology: The student will know about gene expression
in prokaryotes, operon as a unit of gene regulation, regulation of gene expression in
prokaryotes and bacteriophages. The student will also understand about general
structure, life cycle and classification of viruses.
 Advanced Virology: The learner will understand the basic structure and life cycle of
different viruses and their cultivation. The student will get basic knowledge on Prions,
Viriods and viruses causing cancer.
 Practicals: The students will acquire skill to perform the laboratory techniques and
experiments based on the above topics. The students will understand computational
biology and insilico analytical techniques.

Page 24 of 45


Lectures / Notional
Semester Periods
Unit I: Recombinant DNA Technology 15 L
1.1 Branches of Genetics 1L
1.1.1 Transmission genetics
1.1.2 Molecular genetics
1.1.3 Population genetics
1.1.4 Quantitative genetics

1.2 Model Organisms 2L

1.2.1 Characteristics of a model organism
1.2.2 Examples of model organisms used in study
1.2.3 Examples of studies undertaken using prokaryotic and
eukaryotic model organisms

1.3 Plasmids
1.3.1 Physical nature 2L
1.3.2 Detection and isolation of plasmids
1.3.3 Plasmid incompatibility and Plasmid curing
1.3.4 Cell to cell transfer of plasmids
1.3.5 Types of plasmids
1.3.6 Resistance Plasmids, Plasmids encoding Toxins and other
Virulence characteristics, Colfactor, Degradative plasmids

1.4 Transposable Elements in Prokaryotes 2L

1.4.1 Insertion sequences
1.4.2 Transposons: Types, Structure and properties, Mechanism of
transposition, Integrons

1.5 Basic steps in Gene Cloning. 1L

1.6 Cutting and joining DNA molecules - Restriction and modification 3L

systems, restriction endonucleases, DNA ligases

1.7 Vectors 3L
1.7.1 Plasmids as cloning vectors. plasmid vectors, pBR322 vector
1.7.2 Cloning genes into pBR322
1.7.3 Phage as cloning vectors, cloning genes into phage vector
1.7.4 Cosmids
1.7.5 Shuttle vectors
1.7.6 YAC
1.7.7 BAC

1.8 Methods of transformation 1L

Page 25 of 45
Unit II: Applications of rDNA Technology & Bioinformatics 15 L 15
2.1 PCR- basic PCR and different types of PCR (Reverse transcriptase 2L
PCR, Real time quantitative PCR)

2.2 Basic techniques 2L

2.2.1 Southern, Northern and Western blotting.
2.2.2 Autoradiography (explain the term

2.3 Screening and selection methods for identification and isolation of 2L

recombinant cells

2.4 Applications of recombinant DNA technology: Site specific 4L

mutagenesis of DNA, Uses of DNA polymorphism, STRS and
VNTRS, DNA molecular testing for human genetic diseases (Only
RFLP), DNA typing, gene therapy, Genetic engineering of plants and

2.5 Bioinformatics
2.5.1 Introduction 5L
2.5.2 Definition, aims, tasks and applications of Bioinformatics.
2.5.3 Database, tools and their uses – Importance, Types and classification of databases Nucleic acid sequence databases- EMBL, DDBJ,
GenBank, GSDB, Ensembl and specialized
Genomic resources. Protein sequence databases-PIR, SWISS-PROT,
TrEMBL NRL-3D.Protein structure databases-
2.5.4 Explain the terms: Transcriptome, Metabolomics,
Pharmacogenomics, Phylogenetic analysis, Phylogenetic
tree, Annotation, Genomics- structural, functional and
comparative genomics, Proteomics - structural and functional
proteomics, Sequence alignment - global v/s local alignment,
FASTA, BLAST (Different types of BLAST)

Unit III: Regulation & Basic Virology 15 L 15

3.1 A) Lac operon and problems on Lac operon 7L
B) Trp operon

3.2 Regulation of lytic and lysogenic pathway of lambda phage 3L

3.3 Viral architecture - Capsid, viral genome and envelope 2L

3.4 Viral classification (Baltimore classification) 1L

3.5 Viral replication cycle - Attachment, penetration, uncoating, types of 2L

viral genome, their replication, assembly, maturation & release.

Page 26 of 45
Unit IV: Advanced Virology 15 L 15
4.1 Structure of TMV, T4, Influenza virus, HIV. Life cycle of T4 phage, 5L
TMV, Influenza Virus and HIV in detail.

4.2 Cultivation of viruses- cell culture techniques, embryonated egg, 3L

laboratory animals, Cell culture methods: Equipment required for
animal cell culture, Isolation of animal tissue

4.3 Visualization and enumeration of virus particles 3L

4.3.1 Measurement of infectious units Plaque assay Fluorescent focus assay Infectious center assay Transformation assay Endpoint dilution assay.
4.3.2 Measurement of virus particles and their components Electron microscopy Atomic force microscopy Haemagglutination Measurement of viral enzyme activity.

4.4 Role of viruses in cancer: Important definitions, characteristics of 2L

cancer cell, Human DNA tumor viruses- EBV, Kaposis sarcoma virus,
Hepatitis B and C virus, Papiloma Virus.

4.5 Prions: Defination, Examples of diseases caused by prions, Kuru, PrP 1L

protein and protein only hypothesis

4.6 Viroids 1L


Medical microbiology encompasses the etiology, transmission, pathogenesis, clinical
manifestations, laboratory diagnosis, prophylaxis, and treatment of various diseases that are
most common to humans through which the students build on the basic information regarding
host defence mechanisms that they have gained in S.Y.B.Sc. A separate unit is based on
chemotherapy that is available for infectious agent and the misuse of antibiotic in generation
of multiple resistance strains. Immunology is an integral part of Medical Microbiology and
this course is designed for T.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology students, on the assumption that the
students have achieved a basic understanding of Innate Immunity and Host Defence

Page 27 of 45
mechanisms. The course has been designed to help understand the ability of our immune
system to defend against invading pathogens in a logical fashion. This includes the role of T
and B cells and their role in obtaining acquired immunity. It also includes the role of
immunoheamatology in blood transfusion and very importantly, can we prevent pathogens
from infecting us (vaccination) and the production and use of monoclonal antibodies.

 Give details of the virulence factors and morphological and cultural features of the
 Correlate these virulence factors with the pathogenesis and clinical features of the
 Comment on the mode of transmission, and modes of prophylaxis of these diseases
 Given a few key clinical features, identify the likely causative agent.
 Comment on the methods of diagnosis of the disease.
 Understand the structure and role of T and B cells in generating adaptive immunity
and thereby study effector responses in both Humoral & Cell Mediated Immunity
Acquire an understanding of the role of immune system in disease:
 Understand the activation of complement system
 Apply the concept of immunity to prevention of disease by development of vaccines



Lectures / Notional
Semester Periods
Unit I: Study of a Few Diseases with Emphasis on Cultural 15 L
Characteristics of the Etiological Agent, Pathogenesis, Laboratory
Diagnosis and Prevention.
1.1 Study of vector-borne infections - Malaria 2L

1.2 Study of sexually transmitted infectious diseases 8L

1.2.1 Syphilis
1.2.2 AIDS
1.2.3 Gonorrhoea

1.3 Study of central nervous system infectious diseases 5L

1.3.1 Tetanus
1.3.2 Polio
1.3.3 Meningococcal meningitis

Page 28 of 45
Unit II: Chemotherapy of Infectious Agents 15 L 15

2.1 Attributes of an ideal chemotherapeutic agent - Selective toxicity, 2L

Bioavailability of drug, routes of drug administration, LD50, MBC,

2.2 Mode of action of antibiotics on- 8L

2.2.1 Cell wall (Beta-lactams- Penicillin and Cephalosporins,
2.2.2 Cell Membrane (Polymyxin and Imidazole)
2.2.3 Protein Synthesis (Streptomycin, Tetracycline and
2.2.4 Nucleic acid (Quinolones, Nalidixic acid, Rifamyicn)
2.2.5 Enzyme inhibitors (Sulfa drugs, Trimethoprim)

2.3 List of common antibiotics - used for treating viral, fungal and 1L
parasitic diseases.

2.4 Mechanisms of drug resistance - Its evolution, pathways and origin 3L


2.5 (i) Selection and testing of antibiotics for bacterial isolates by Kirby- 2L
Bauer method
(ii) Methods that detect S. aureus resistance to methicillin, and
determination of ESBL strains

Unit III: Immunology – I 15 L 15

3.1 T cells 4L
3.1.1 T Cell Receptor-structure (alpha-beta, gamma-delta TCR)
3.1.2 TCR-CD3 complex - structure and functions. Accessory
3.1.3 T cell activation TCR mediated signaling – Overview Costimulatory signals Superantigens induced T cell activation
3.1.4 T cell differentiation (Memory and Effector cells)

3.2 Cell mediated effector response 3L

3.2.1 General properties of effector T cells
3.2.2 Cytotoxic T cells and destruction of target cell by
perforin/granzyme pathway and Fas pathway
3.2.3 Killing mechanism of NK cells
3.2.4 Antibody mediated cell cytotoxicity (ADCC)

3.3 B cells 4L
3.3.1 B cell receptor and co-receptor-structure and function
3.3.2 B cell activation and Differentiation Thymus dependant and independent antigens

Page 29 of 45 Signal transduction pathway activated by BCR-
overview Role TH cell in B cell response-Formation of T-B
conjugates, CD40/CD40L interaction, TH cells
cytokine signals

3.4 Humoral Response

3.4.1 Primary and secondary responses
3.4.2 In vivo sites for induction of Humoral response
3.4.3 Germinal centers and antigen induced B cell Differentiation Cellular events within germinal centers- Overview Affinity maturation, somatic hyper-mutation and
class switching Generation of plasma cells and memory cells

Unit IV: Immunology – II 15 L 15

4.1 Vaccines
4.1.1 Active and passive immunization
4.1.2 Types of vaccines - Killed and attenuated vaccines, Whole
organism vaccines, Purified macromolecules as vaccines,
recombinant viral vector vaccines, DNA vaccines
4.1.3 Use of adjuvants in vaccine
4.1.4 New vaccine strategies
4.1.5 Ideal vaccine
4.1.6 Route of vaccine administration, Vaccination schedule

4.2 Immunohaematology 3L
4.2.1 Human blood group systems, ABO, secretors and non
secretors, Bombay Blood group. Rhesus system and list of
other blood group systems
4.2.2 Haemolytic disease of new born, Coombs test.

4.3 Complement System 3L

4.3.1 Functions and components of complement
4.3.2 Complement Activation—classical, alternative and lectin
4.3.3 Biological consequences of complement activation

4.4 Monoclonal Antibodies 2L

4.4.1 Production and clinical uses

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Having studied many aspects of microbial physiology in the earlier semester, contents of this
semester is designed to understand how myriad organic compounds such as lipids,
carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids can be utilized by the living cells. These life
mechanisms also reveal how biomolecules are synthesized. Since all biosynthetic pathways
are denovo or salvage, the vital regulatory role played by enzymes is understood. Various
levels and mechanisms of regulation are dealt to make the learner aware of coordinated
mechanisms of metabolism in the living cell. Photosynthesis is studied to understand the
diversity in mechanism of its electron transfer, pigments and localization of photosynthetic
apparatus, although the energy conservation mechanism is not different. Microorganisms are
diverse with respect to their metabolism and the field of lithotrophy explains how some
universal inorganic compounds can be used to make constituents of cell biomass yet others
use them as electron acceptors or reduced compounds as source of energy.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the course in Microbial Biochemistry; USMB

603, the learner will have an understanding of the following metabolic process and their

 Metabolism of Lipids, Fatty acids, Nucleotides and Amino acids

 Catabolism of Protein and aliphatic hydrocarbons
 Regulation of metabolic process at various levels
 Photosynthesis
 Metabolism of inorganic molecules with special reference to nitrate and sulfate
 Biological Nitrogen fixation
 Lithotrophy

At the end of the course the learner will also acquire the following practical skills

 Screening of microorganisms producing lipase, PHB and protease

 Detection of activity of enzymes which play an important role in amino acid and
nitrate metabolism
 Quantitative detection of important metabolic products such as protein and uric acid.
 Quantitative detection of an important metabolic enzymes- protease

Page 31 of 45


Lectures / Notional
Semester Periods
Unit I: Lipid Metabolism & Catabolism of Hydrocarbons 15 L
1.1 Introduction to Lipids 2L
1.1.1 Lipids –Definition, classification & functions
1.1.2 Types and role of fatty acids found in bacteria
1.1.3 Common phosphoglycerides in bacteria
1.1.4 Action of lipases on triglycerides /tripalmitate

1.2 Catabolism of Fatty Acids and PHB 5L

1.2.1 Oxidation of saturated fatty acid by β oxidation pathway
1.2.2 Energetics of β oxidation of Palmitic acid
1.2.3 Oxidation of propionyl CoA by acrylyl- CoA pathway and
methylcitrate pathway
1.2.4 PHB as a food reserve and its degradation

1.3 Anabolism of Fatty Acids & Lipids 6L

1.3.1 Biosynthesis of straight chain even carbon saturated fatty acid
(palmitic acid)
1.3.2 Biosynthesis of phosphoglycerides in bacteria
1.3.3 Biosynthesis of PHB

1.4 Catabolism of aliphatic hydrocarbons 2L

1.4.1 Organisms degrading aliphatic hydrocarbons
1.4.2 Hydrocarbon uptake mechanisms
1.4.3 Omega oxidation pathway- Pathway in Corynebacterium and yeast Pathway in Pseudomonas

Unit II: Metabolism of Proteins and Nucleic Acids 15 L 15

2.1 Protein / amino acid catabolism 6L

2.1.1 Enzymatic degradation of proteins
2.1.2 General reactions of amino acids catalyzed by Amino acid decarboxylases Amino acid deaminases Amino acid transaminases Amino acid racemases
2.1.3 Metabolic fate of amino acids - Glucogenic and ketogenic
amino acids
2.1.4 Fermentation of single amino acid - Glutamic acid by
Clostridium tetanomorphum
2.1.5 Fermentation of pair of amino acids -Stickland reaction
(include enzymes)

Page 32 of 45
2.2 Anabolism of amino acids 2L
2.2.1 Schematic representation of amino acid families
2.2.2 Biosynthesis of amino acids of Serine family (Serine, Glycine
and Cysteine)

2.3 Catabolism of Nucleotides 3L

2.3.1 Degradation of purine nucleotides up to uric acid formation
2.3.2 Salvage pathway for purine and pyrimidine nucleotides

2.4 Biosynthesis of nucleotides 4L

2.4.1 Nomenclature and structure of nucleotides
2.4.2 Role of nucleotides (high energy triphosphates)
2.4.3 Biosynthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides
2.4.4 Biosynthesis of purine nucleotides
2.4.5 Biosynthesis of deoxyribonucleotides

Unit III: Metabolic Regulation 15 L 15

3.1 Definition of terms and major modes of regulation 2L
3.2 Regulation of enzyme activity 5L
3.2.1 Noncovalent enzyme inhibition Allosteric enzymes and feedback inhibition Patterns of FBI, combined activation and inhibition
3.2.2 Covalent modification of enzymes Monocyclic cascades Examples of covalent modification(without
structures) Regulation of Glutamine synthetase

3.3 DNA binding proteins and regulation of transcription by positive 4L

& negative control
3.3.1 DNA binding proteins
3.3.2 Negative control of transcription: Repression and Induction
3.3.3 Positive control of transcription: Maltose catabolism in E. coli

3.4 Global regulatory mechanisms 2L

3.4.1 Global control & catabolite repression
3.4.2 Stringent response

3.5 Regulation of EMP and TCA cycle - (Schematic and Regulation of 2L

Pryruvate dehydrogenase Complex)

Unit IV: Prokaryotic Photosynthesis & Inorganic Metabolism 15 L 15

4.1 Photosynthesis 4L
4.1.1 Definition of terms in photosynthesis (light and dark reactions,
Hill reaction & reagent, Photophosphorylation)
4.1.2 Photosynthetic pigments
4.1.3 Location of photochemical apparatus
4.1.4 Photochemical generation of reductant

Page 33 of 45
4.2 Light reactions in:
4.2.1 Purple photosynthetic bacteria 3L
4.2.2 Green sulphur bacteria
4.2.3 Cyanobacteria (with details)

4.3 Dark reaction 2L

4.3.1 Calvin Benson cycle
4.3.2 Reductive TCA cycle

4.4 Inorganic Metabolism

4.4.1 Assimilatory pathways: Assimilation of nitrate, Ammonia fixation – Glutamate dehydrogenase,
Glutamine synthetase, GS-GOGAT, Carbamoyl
phosphate synthetase Biological nitrogen fixation (Mechanism for N2
fixation and protection of nitrogenase) Assimilation of sulphate
4.4.2 Dissimilatory pathways: Nitrate as an electron acceptor (Denitrification in
Paracoccus denitrificans) Sulphate as an electron acceptor

4.5 Lithotrophy–Enlist organisms and products formed during oxidation 1L

of Hydrogen, carbon monoxide, Ammonia, Nitrite, Sulphur, Iron.


Bioprocess Technology II is designed to develop the learner’s ability to study the techniques
use in the downstream process used for the final product and industrial effluent treatment.
Bioprocess technology II becomes an important application based paper covering microbial
fermentations as well as applying the techniques of molecular biology to enzyme technology,
animal tissue culture as well as plant tissue culture. Thus, it becomes a laboratory to market
scenario where the entire products reach. The learner is provided with the details of
productions of important products like antibiotics, vitamins, organic acid, amino acids and
mushrooms along with the analysis techniques using various instruments and bioassays.
The learner is expected to learn the need of Quality management and regulatory bodies as the
products need to fulfill these requirements. Thus, this paper readies the learner to understand
and apply the knowledge of fermentation technology and related products. This course aims
to enable graduates to enter industry with an appropriate level of understanding of the need
for both the science and business aspects to be achievable to make a viable product and
enhance their enterpreunial skills.

Page 34 of 45

 Understand the actual process involved in fermentations of important products.

 To apply the knowledge of applications of animal and plant tissue culture techniques.
 Learn the applications of immobilized enzymes in various fields.
 Understand the working of important instruments used in biochemical analysis and
 Learn the salient features of quality management and regulatory procedures.

At the end of the course the learner will also acquire the following practical skills

 Techniques involved in running a bioassay, immobilization of cells & sterility testing

 Preliminary techniques in animal & plant tissue culture.



Lectures / Notional
Semester Periods
Unit I: Downstream Processing 15 L 15
1.1 Recovery and purification 10 L
1.1.1 Introduction
1.1.2 Methods of DSP: Precipitation, Filtration, Centrifugation,
Cell Disruption, Liquid-Liquid Extraction, Solvent Recovery,
Chromatography, Membrane Processes, Drying,
Crystallization, Whole Broth Processing
1.2 Effluent treatment – Introduction, Dissolved oxygen concentration as
indicator of water quality, The strength of fermentation effluents,
Treatment process (Physical, chemical and biological)

Unit II: Advances in Bioprocess Technology 15 L 15

2.1 Animal biotechnology 5L
2.1.1 Primary cell culture and established cell lines
2.1.2 Basic principles
2.1.3 Growth media
2.1.4 Cell viability
2.1.5 Scale up of cultured cells and tissue
2.1.6 Applications of cell culture: Vaccines, somatic cell fusion,
valuable products.

2.2 Plant tissue culture

2.2.1 Introduction

Page 35 of 45
2.2.2 Requirements for in vitro culture, Methods of plant cell and
tissue culture
2.2.3 Types of cultures of plant materials: explants, callus,
organogenesis, root culture, shoot culture, micropropogation,
suspension culture, protoplast culture, protoplast fusion and
somatic hybridization.
2.2.4 Applications: production of disease resistant plants,
production of virus free plant, In vitro selection of cell lines
for disease resistance, micropropogation, secondary
metabolites from cell culture, transgenic plants for crop

2.3 Immobilized enzyme and cells

2.3.1 Introduction and Definitions 5L
2.3.2 Methods
2.3.3 Immobilized Enzyme Reactors
2.3.4 Applications

Unit III: Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Instrumentation and 15 L 15

3.1 Quality assurance and quality control 4L
3.1.1 Definitions, Chemical and pharmaceutical products
3.1.2 Variables of batch process
3.1.3 Q.A and Q.C wrt.- Raw materials, method of manufacturing,
in process items, finished products, label and labeling,
packaging materials
3.1.4 Control of microbial contamination during manufacturing

3.2 Sterilization control and assurance 2L

3.3 Instrumentation: Principles, working and application of 3L

3.3.1 Spectrophotometry: UV, Visible & IR
3.3.2 AAS & AES (Flame photometry)

3.4 Bioassay 3L
3.4.1 Introduction
3.4.2 Types: Diffusion, End Point, Turbidometric, Metabolic
Response, Enzymatic

3.5 Intellectual property rights

3.5.1 Genesis, Role of WTO and TRIPS 3L
3.5.2 Overview of patent system
3.5.3 Requirements for patentability
3.5.4 Patent Categories
3.5.5 Preliminary steps for patent applications
3.5.6 Patent Procedures
3.5.7 For biotech and microbiological products

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Unit IV: Industrial Fermentations 15 L 15
4.1 Penicillin and semisynthetic penicillins: Introduction, biosynthesis 3L
and regulation, strain development, production methods.
Semisynthetic penicillins: Examples, production, advantages

4.2 Aminoglycoside: Streptomycin: Aminoglycoside antibiotics, 3L

biosynthesis, regulation of biosynthesis, strain development,
production method, recovery.

4.3 Vitamin B 12: Occurrence and economic significance,structure, 2L

biosynthesis, production based on media containing carbohydrates by-
Propionibacteria and Pseudomonas, recovery.

4.4 Citric acid: Introduction, strains used for production, biosynthesis, 3L

nutrient media, production processes- surface and submerged, product

4.5 Glutamic acid: Production strains, biosynthesis, effect of 2L

permeability on production, conditions of manufacturing, production
process and recovery.

4.6 Mushroom cultivation (Agaricus): Edible mushroom species, 2L

preparation of substrate- composting- phase I and phase II, Factors
affecting composting, preparation of spawn, casing, induction of
fruiting body formation, harvesting



Course Code: USMBP07

[Practicals Based on USMB601, Credits -1.5, Lectures- 60, Notional Periods-15]

1. Isolation of genomic DNA of E. coli and measurement of its concentration by UV-VIS.

2. Enrichment of coliphages, phage assay (pilot & proper).
3. Restriction digestion of lambda phage /any plasmid DNA (Demo)
4. Beta galactosidase assay
5. Bioinformatics practicals
On Line Practical
i. Visiting NCBI and EMBL websites & list services available, software tools available
and databases maintained
ii. Visiting & exploring various databases mentioned in syllabus and
a. Using BLAST and FASTA for sequence analysis
b. Fish out homologs for given specific sequences (by teacher – decide sequence of
some relevance to their syllabus and related to some biological problem e.g.

Page 37 of 45
evolution of a specific protein in bacteria, predicting function of unknown protein
from a new organism based on its homology)
c. Six frame translation of given nucleotide sequence
d. Restriction analysis of given nucleotide sequence
e. Pair-wise alignment and multiple alignment of a given protein sequences
f. Formation of phylogenetic tree
6. Animal cell culture (Demo)

Course Code: USMBP07

[Practicals Based on USMB602, Credits -1.5, Lectures-60, Notional Periods-15]

1. Demonstration of malarial parasite in blood films (Demo)

2. Selection and testing of antibiotics using the Kirby-Bauer method
3. Determination of MBC of an antibiotic.
4. Blood grouping – Direct & Reverse typing
5. Coomb’s Direct test
6. Determination of Isoagglutinin titer
7. Demonstration experiments - Widal, VDRL

Course Code: USMBP08

[Practicals Based on USMB603; Credits-1.5, Lectures- 60, Notional Periods-15]

1. Detection of PHB producing bacteria

2. To study catabolite repression by diauxic growth curve.
3. Protein estimation by Lowry’s method
4. Estimation of uric acid
5. Qualitative and Quantitative assay of Protease
6. Qualitative detection of Lipase
7. Study of breakdown of amino acids – Lysine decarboxylase and Deaminase activity
8. Study of Lithotrophs – Nitrosification and Nitrification

Course Code: USMBP08

[Practicals Based on USMB604, Credits -1.5, Lectures- 60, Notional Periods-15]

1. Bioassay of an antibiotic (Ampicillin / Penicillin)

2. Bioassay of Cyanocobalamin.
3. Perform immobilization of yeast cells for invertase activity - making of beads,
Determination of activity and count by haemocytometer and viable count.
4. Plant tissue culture – Callus culture (Demo).
5. Sterility testing of injectable.
6. Chemical estimation of Penicillin
7. Estimation of phenol.
8. Industrial Visit

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Course Code: USMB601

Text books:

1. Peter J. Russell (2006), “I Genetics-A molecular approach”, 2nd edition.

2. Benjamin A. Pierce (2008), “Genetics a conceptual approach”, 3rd edition, W. H.
Freeman and company.
3. R. H. Tamarin, (2004), “Principles of genetics”, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. M. Madigan, J. Martinko, J. Parkar, (2009), “Brock Biology of microorganisms”, 12th
edition, Pearson Education International.
5. Fairbanks and Anderson, (1999), “Genetics”, Wadsworth Publishing Company.
6. Prescott, Harley and Klein, “Microbiology”,. 7th edition Mc Graw Hill international
7. Edward Wagner and Martinez Hewlett, (2005) “Basic Virology”, 2nd edition, Blackwell
8. Teri Shors,.(2009), “Understanding viruses”, Jones and Bartlett publishers.
9. S.Ignacimuthu, (2005), “Basic Bioinformatics”, Narosa publishing house.
10. Robert Weaver, (2008), “Molecular biology”, 3rd edition, Mc Graw Hill international
11. Primrose and Twyman, (2001), “Principles of gene manipulation and genomics”, 6th
edition, Blackwell Publishing
12. Arthur Lesk, (2009), “Introduction to Bioinformatics”, 3rd edition, Oxford University
13. Snustad, Simmons, “Principles of genetics”, 3rd edition. John Wiley & sons, Inc.
14. A textbook of biotechnology R. C. Dubey 4 th edition. S. Chand.

Reference books:

1. Flint, Enquist, Racanillo and Skalka, “Principles of virology”, 2nd edition. ASM press.
2. T. K. Attwood & D. J. Parry-Smith, (2003), “Introduction to bioinformatics”, Pearson
3. Benjamin Lewin, (9th edition), “Genes IX”, Jones and Bartlett publishers.
4. JD Watson, “Molecular biology of the gene”, 5th edition.

Course Code: USMB602

Text books:

1. Jawetz, Melnick and Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology, 26th edition, Lange publication
2. Ananthanarayan and Panicker’s, Textbook of Microbiology, 10th edition 2017

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3. Ananthanarayan and Panicker’s, Textbook of Microbiology, 9th edition
4. Ananthanarayan and Panicker’s, Textbook of Microbiology, 8th edition
5. Introduction to diagnostic microbiology for lab Science Maria Dannessa Delost 2015
6. Prescott’s microbiology 10th edition 2017
7. Kuby Immunology,4th and 6th edition, W H Freeman and Company
8. Pathak & Palan, Immunology: Essential & Fundamental, 1st& 3rd edition, Capital
Publishing Company
9. Fahim Khan, Elements of Immunology, Pearson Education

Reference books / Internet references:

1. Baron Samuel , Medical Microbiology, 4th edition

2. Kuby Immunology, 7th edition, W H Freeman and Company

Course Code: USMB603

Text books:

1. Stanier, R. Y., M. Doudoroff and E. A. Adelberg. General Microbiology, 5th edition,

The Macmillan press Ltd.
2. Conn, E.E., P. K. Stumpf, G. Bruening and R. Y. Doi. 1987. Outlines of Biochemistry,
5th edition, 1987. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
3. Gottschalk, G., (1985), Bacterial Metabolism, 2nd edition, Springer Verlag
4. White, D., (1995), The Physiology and Biochemistry of Prokaryotes, 3 rd edition,
Oxford University Press
5. Nelson, D. L. and M.M. Cox (2005), Lehninger, Principles of biochemistry, 4th edition,
W. H. Freeman and Company.
6. G. Moat, J.W. Foster, M, P. Spector. (2002), Microbial Physiology, 4th edition,
7. Madigan, M.T. and J.M. Martinko2006. 11th edition, Brock Biology of
Microorganisms. Pearson Prentice Hall.

Reference books:

1. Zubay, G. L (1996), Biochemistry, 4th edition, Wm. C. Brown publishers

2. Zubay, G. L (1996), Principles of Biochemistry, Wm. C. Brown publishers
3. Principles of Biochemistry, Lehninger, 5th edition, W. H. Freeman and Company

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Course Code: USMB604

Text books

1. Casida L. E., "Industrial Microbiology” (2009) Reprint, New Age International (P) Ltd,
Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Stanbury P. F., Whitaker A. & Hall S. J., (1997), "Principles of Fermentation
Technology", 2nd Edition, Aditya Books Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
3. Stanbury P. F., Whitaker A. & Hall S. J 3rd edition (2017) "Principles of Fermentation
4. H. K. Das., “Text book of Biotechnology”, 2nd and 3rd edition.
5. A textbook of biotechnology R. C. Dubey 4th edition. S. Chand.
6. H. A. Modi, (2009). ‘’Fermentation Technology’’ Vol. 1 & 2, Pointer Publications,
7. Okafor Nduka (2007) ‘’Modern Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology’’, Science
Publications Enfield, NH, USA.
8. Crueger W. and Crueger A. (2000) "Biotechnology -"A Textbook of Industrial
9. Microbiology", 2nd edition, Panima Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.
10. Prescott and Dunn's ‘’Industrial Microbiology’’ (1982) 4th edition, McMillan
11. Veerakumari L. “Bioinstrumentation”, MJP Publisher
12. Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Hugo and Russell, 7th edition, Blackwell Science.

Reference books

1. Peppler, H. J. and Perlman, D. (1979), "Microbial Technology’’. Vol 1 & 2, Academic

2. Williams, Bryan L; Wilson, 2nd edition.” A Biologist's guide to principles and
techniques of practical biochemistry” Baltimore: University Park Press, 1981.
3. Wilson, Keith, 1936-; Goulding, Kenneth H, 3rd edition., A Biologist's guide
to principles and techniques of practical biochemistry” London ; Baltimore : E. Arnold,
4. Wilson and Walker, “Principles and techniques of practical biochemistry” 5th edition.

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Modality of Assessment
Assessment pattern for theory

Scheme of Examination

The learner’s Performance shall be assessed by conducting the Semester End Examinations
with 100% marks

Semester End Theory Assessment - 100% 100 marks

1. Duration - These examinations shall be of 3 hours duration.

2. Theory question paper pattern :-
i. There shall be five questions each of 20 marks (with internal options)
ii. Question one will be based on unit one, question two on unit two, question three on
unit three and question four on unit four. Question five will have questions from all
four units of the syllabus.
iii. Each of the main questions one to four will be subdivided into two sub-questions “A”
and “B”. Sub-question “A” will have four questions (of 6 marks each) out of which
any two will be attempted. Total marks allotted to sub-question “A” will be 12 marks.
Sub-question “B” will be ‘Do as directed (attempt eight out of twelve)’. Each question
in Sub-question “B” will be of one mark each. Total marks allotted to “B” sub-
question will be 8 marks. Main question five will have six questions (of 5 marks each)
out of which any four will be attempted, total 20 marks.
iv. All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the questions.
v. The allocation of marks will depend on the weightage of the topic.

Passing Standard:

The learners to pass a course shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate for
each course and 40% marks in Semester End Examination (i.e. 40 out of 100) separately,
to pass the course and minimum of Grade E in each project, wherever applicable, to pass a
particular semester.

Practical Examination Pattern:

External (Semester end practical examination):-

Sr.No. Particulars/ paper Marks

1. Laboratory work 40
2. Journal 05
3. Viva 05

Page 42 of 45
Semester V:
The students are required to present a duly certified journal for appearing at the practical
examination, failing which they will not be allowed to appear for the examination.
In case of loss of Journal and / or Report, a Lost Certificate should be obtained from the
Head of the Department / Co-ordinator of the department; failing which the student
will not be allowed to appear for the practical examination.

Semester VI
The students are required to present a duly certified journal for appearing at the practical
examination, failing which they will not be allowed to appear for the examination.
In case of loss of Journal and/ or Report, a Lost Certificate should be obtained from the
Head of the Department/ Co-ordinator of the department; failing which the student will
not be allowed to appear for the practical examination.
Overall Examination and Marks Distribution Pattern

Course code Practical Syllabus Credits & lectures

Based on USMB501 and USMB502 of Credits 3 (8 periods/week)
USMBP05 = 120 periods/semester
Semester V
Based on USMB503 and USMB504 of Credits 3 (8 periods/week)
USMBP06 = 120 periods/semester
Semester V

Semester V
501 502 503 504 Total
Theory 100 100 100 100 400
Practicals 50 50 50 50 200

Semester VI


601 602 603 604 Total
Theory 100 100 100 100 400
Practicals 50 50 50 50 200

Page 43 of 45
T.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology Practicals: Semester-V

Course code Practical Syllabus Credits & lectures

Based on USMB501 and USMB502 of Credits 3 (8 periods/week)
USMBP05 Semester V = 120 periods/semester
Based on USMB503 and USMB504 of Credits 3 (8 periods/week)
USMBP06 Semester V = 120 periods/semester

T.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology Practicals: Semester-VI

Course code Practical Syllabus Credits & lectures

Based on USMB601 and USMB602 of Credits 3 (8 periods/week)
USMBP07 Semester VI = 120 periods/semester
Based on USMB603 and USMB604 of Credits 3 (8 periods/week)
USMBP08 Semester VI = 120 periods/semester

Page 44 of 45

Program: B.Sc.
Course: Microbiology (USMB)

Course wise First Year Second Year Third Year

assignments (Credit x No. of (Credit x No. of (Credit x No. of
under Courses ) Courses ) Courses ) Total
the faculty of
Type of Courses First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth
/ Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester
Core Courses
04x03 04x03 06x02 06x02 2.5x04 2.5x04 68

Core Courses
02x03 02x03 03x02 03x02 1.5x04 1.5x04 36
02x01 02x01 02x01 02x01 08
Component 02x01 02x01 04
Courses (Theory)
02x01 02x01 04
Total 20 20 20 20 20 20 120

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