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Department of Higher Education, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow

National Education Policy-2020

Common minimum syllabus for U.P. State Universities
Certificate Course in Microbial Techniques, Diploma in Microbial Technology and
B.Sc. Microbiology
Semester wise titles of the papers for B.Sc. (Microbiology)

Year Semester Course Paper Title Theory Credits

Code /Practical
1 I B080101T General Microbiology Theory 04
B080102P Experiments in Basic Microbiology Practical 02

II B080201T Agriculture and Environmental Microbiology Theory 04

B080202P Experiments in Agriculture and Environmental Practical 02
2 III B080301T Basic Biochemistry and Microbial Physiology Theory 04

B080302P Experiments in Basic Biochemistry and Microbial Practical 02

IV B080401T Molecular Biology and Microbial Genetics Theory 04
B080402P Experiments in Molecular Biology and Microbial Practical 02
3 V B080501T Medical Microbiology Theory 04

B080502T Immunology Theory 04

B080503P Experiments in Medical Microbiology & Practical 02

VI B080601T Food Microbiology Theory 04
B080602T Industrial Microbiology Theory 04
B080603P Experiments in Food & Industrial Microbiology Practical 02
Proposed Year wise Structure of UG Program in Microbiology
Programme/ Sem. Course Paper title Credits Teaching
Year code hours

1 I B080101T General Microbiology 4 60

Certificate B080102P Experiments in Basic Microbiology 2 60
Course in II B080201T Agriculture and Environmental Microbiology 4 60
Microbial B080202P Experiments in Agriculture and Environmental 2 60
Techniques Microbiology

2 III B080301T Basic Biochemistry and Microbial Physiology 4 60

Diploma in B080302P Experiments in Basic Biochemistry and 2 60
Microbial Microbial Physiology
IV B080401T Molecular Biology and Microbial Genetics 4 60
B080402P Experiments in Molecular Biology and 2 60
Microbial Genetics
3 V B080501T Medical Microbiology 4 60
Degree in B080502T Immunology 4 60
Bachelor of B080503P Experiments in Medical Microbiology & 2 60
Science VI B080601T Food Microbiology 4 60
B080602T Industrial Microbiology 4 60
B080603P Experiments in Food & Industrial 2 60
Subject prerequisite

To study MICROBIOLOGY at undergraduate, a student must have Biology in Class 12.

Programme Objectives (POs)

1. The programme has been designed in such a way so that the students get exposed to strong
theoretical and practical background on various domains of Microbiology.
2. The programme includes details of important microorganisms of agricultural, medical and
industrial importance, biomolecules, tools and techniques, enzymes, immunology, cell biology,
molecular biology genetic engineering to make the study of microbiology for sustainable
development of human society.
3. The practical courses have been designed to equip the students with the laboratory skills in
microbiology. Students will able to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and
interpret scientific data
4. The programme will provide students with the knowledge and skill base that would enable them
to undertake further studies in microbiology and related areas or in multidisciplinary areas that
involve microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology and molecular biology and help develop a
range of generic skills that are relevant in enhancing entrepreneurship skills among students
5. The students will be exposed to a wide range of careers that combine microbiology,
environment, industry and medical.

Certificate Course in Microbial Techniques

B. Sc. I Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
PSO1 Students will be able to acquire, articulate, retain, and apply specialized skills and knowledge
relevant to microbiology.
PSO2 Students will be able to appreciate the diversity of microorganisms and microbial communities
inhabiting a multitude of habitats, understand their pathogenic as well beneficial significance to
man and nature.
PSO3 Students will acquire and demonstrate proficiency in good laboratory practices in a
microbiological laboratory and be able to explain the theoretical basis and practical skills of the
tools/technologies commonly used to study this field.
PSO4 Students will gain fundamental knowledge about the various scopes on agricultural and
environmental microbiology and their concepts.
PSO5 The certificate course will enable students to apply for technical positions in government and
private labs/institutes.
Diploma in Microbial Technology
B.Sc. II Programme based outcomes
PSO 1 Students will develop familiarity and understanding of the microbiology concepts as relevant to
various areas such as biochemistry, microbial physiology, molecular biology and genetics.
PSO 2 Students will exhibit reasonable abilities in the utilization of instruments, advances and
techniques common to microbiology, and apply the logical strategy and theory testing in the plan
and execution of examinations.
PSO3 Students will be adequately capable to utilize microbiology information and abilities to analyze
problems involving microorganisms, articulate these with peers and undertake remedial
PSO4 Students will be able to describe how microorganisms obtain energy, metabolism, reproduction,
survival, and interactions with their environment, hosts, and host populations.

PSO5 Students will be able to work in a variety of fields, including biological and medical science in
higher education institutions, public health, environmental organizations, and the food, dairy,
pharmaceutical, and biotechnology industries.

Degree in Bachelor of Science

B.Sc III Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
PSO1 Students of B.Sc. Microbiology Programme will learn to use scientific logic as they investigate a
broad variety of contemporary subjects covering different areas of basic microbiology such as
Bacteriology, Virology, Biochemistry, Microbial Physiology, Immunology, Cell Biology,
Molecular Biology, Genetics, Immunology, and Microbial Genetics, as well as becoming aware
of the importance of environmental microbiology.
PSO2 Students will learn about various biotechnological applications of microorganisms as well as
industrially relevant substances developed by microorganisms. They'll learn about the special
role microbes play in genetic modification technologies.
PSO3 Students will learn and develop good laboratory practices in a microbiological laboratory, as well
as be able to explain the theoretical foundations and practical skills of the tools and technologies
widely used in this area. Students can gain proficiency in the quantitative skills needed to analyze
biological problems.
PSO4 Students will learn about experimental methods, hypothesis creation and testing, and experiment
design and execution. Students can develop their critical thinking skills as well as their ability to
read and interpret scientific literature. Via successful presentation of experimental findings as
well as workshops, students can acquire good oral and written communication skills.
PSO5 The Degree courses will enable students to go for higher studies in Microbiology and Allied
subjects leading to Post Graduation and Ph.D. degrees.
Detail Syllabus of

B.Sc. I Year


Certificate in Microbial Technology

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: First Semester: First
Course Code: B080101T Course Title: General Microbiology
Course Outcomes:
The student at the completion of the course will be able to:
● To understand the history, relevance of microbiology and classification of microbes.
● To learn and understand the microbial diversity in the living world.
● To understand the working of various microscopes and their applications.
● To gain knowledge of various (physical and chemical) methods of control of microorganisms and safety
measures to be followed while handling microbes.
● To demonstrate and understanding of bacterial, fungal, cyanobacterial, algal, viral and rickettesial
classification, culturing, reproduction and significance.
● To learn different methods of staining of microbes.
● To understand, learn and gain skill of isolation, culturing and maintenance of pure culture.
● To enable the students to get sufficient knowledge in principles and applications of bio-instruments.
● To help students gain knowledge about antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic agents.

Credits: 4 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing marks: as per rules
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical(in hours per week): L-T-P: 4-0-0
Unit Topics Total No. of
Hours (60)
I Introduction, history and scope of Microbiology 8
History, scope, branches of microbiology and relevance of microbiology;
Contribution of Antony Van Leeuwenhoek, Edward Jenner, Louis Pasteur,
Robert Koch, Joseph Lister, Alexander Fleming, Ivanowsky, Waksman, Subba
Rao, Sambhunath De; Position of microorganisms in the living world. 5
kingdom classification of Whittaker and 3 kingdom classification, comparison
of the 3 domain of microorganisms- bacteria, archaea, eukarya; Bergey’s
manual and introduction to classification of bacteria.
II Bacterial morphology 10
Ultrastructure of bacterial cell, cell wall, plasma membrane, capsule, flagella,
nucleoid, and reserve material. Differences between archaebacterial and
eubacterial cell. General features of Rickettsia, Chlamydia, Mollicutes,
Actinomycetes and Cynobacteria.
The viruses
General properties and structure of animal viruses: Influenza, HIV; plant
viruses: TMV; bacterial viruses: Lambda Phage and T4 bacteriophage; general
features of Prions and Viroids.
General characteristics, classification & reproduction of Saccharomyces,
General characteristics, classification & reproduction of Giardia, Entamoeba
III Techniques in microbiology I 6
Principles of microscopy, construction and application of-
Compound Microscope (monocular and binocular), Bright field Microscopy,
Dark field Microscopy ,Phase Contrast Microscopy, Fluorescence Microscopy,
Electron Microscopy- TEM and SEM
IV Techniques in microbiology II 6
Principles, construction and application of centrifuge; bacteriological Incubator
& Incubator Shaker; Laminar flow; Colourimeter & Spectrophotometer (UV-

V Sterilization techniques and control of microorganisms 7

Definitions of terms- sterilization and disinfection; Sterilization by Physical
methods- Use of moist heat- heat under pressure, autoclave, boiling,
pasteurization, fractional sterilization, tyndallization; Use of dry heat- hot air
oven, incineration; Filtration- Seitz filter, membrane filter, HEPA filter;
Radiation- Ionizing and non- ionizing; Chemical methods- Alcohols, aldehydes,
phenols, halogens, metallic salts, ethylene oxide.
VI Isolation, cultivation and preservation of microorganisms 8
Culture media and its types; Methods for enumeration & isolation of
microorganisms using pour plate, spread plate technique, and streak plate;
Isolation of anaerobic microorganisms; Maintenance and preservation of pure
VII Stains and staining techniques 7
Staining techniques, principles, procedures and applications of Simple staining,
negative staining; Differential staining- Gram’s staining, acid fast staining,
Leishman’s staining, Giemsa’s staining, Ziehl Neelsen staining; Structural
staining- cell wall, capsule, endospore and flagella staining.
VIII Biostatistics 8
Introduction to biostatistics – definition statistical methods, biological
measurement, kinds of biological data; Measure of central tendency – Mean,
median, mode, standard deviation; Collection of data, sampling and sampling
design, classification and tabulation, types of representation, graphic

Suggested Readings:
1. Alexopoulas C.J. and Mims C.W., Introductory Mycology, New Age International, New Delhi.
2. Aneja K.R., Experiments in Microbiology, plant pathology, Tissue culture and Mushroom cultivation,
New Age International, New Delhi.
3. Atlas R.M., Microbiology- Fundamentals and applications, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.
4. Benson Harold J., Microbiological Applications, WCB Mcgraw-Hill, New York.
5. Bold H.C. and Wynne M.J., Introduction to Algae, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.
6. Baveja C.P., Textbook of microbiology APC 6th edition.
7. Dubey R.C.. and Maheshwari D.K., Textbook of microbiology, S Chand Publications.
8. Pelczar M.J., Chan E.C.S and Kreig N.R., Microbiology, Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
9. Prescott Lansing M., Harley John P. and Klein Donald A., Microbiology, WCB Mcgraw- Hill, New
10. Stanier R.Y., Ingraham J.L., General Microbiology, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.
11. Sharma P.D., Microbiology, Rastogi Publications.
12. Tortora G.J., Funke B.R. and Case C.L., Microbiology: An introduction, 9th edition, Pearson Education.
13. Suggestive digital platforms web links-
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject biology in class 12th.
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
House Examination/Test: 10 marks
Written Assignment/Presentation/Project/Research Orientation/Term papers/Seminar: 10 Marks
Class performance/Participate: 5 Marks
Further Suggestions: None
Programme/Class: Certificate Year: First Semester: First
Course Code: B080102P Course Title: Experiments in Basic Microbiology
Course Outcomes:
The student at the completion of the course will be able to:
● To understand the instruments, microbial techniques and good lab practices for working in a
microbiology laboratory.
● Practical skills in the laboratory experiments in microbiology.
● Develop skills for identifying microbes and using them for industrial, agricultural and environmental
● To prepare slides and stain to see the microbial cell.

Credits: 2 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing marks: as per rules
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical(in hours per week): L-T-P: 0-0-2
S. No. Objectives Total No. of
Hours (60)
1. ● Good labroratory practice in Microbiology and safety measures. 12
● Cleaning and sterilization of glassware and equipments.
● Study of aseptic technique- preparation of cotton plug, wrapping of
glassware, transfer of media and Inoculum.

2. ● Study of instruments- Microscope, autoclave, hot air oven, laminar 12

airflow, inoculation loop and needle, incubator, B.O.D incubator,
centrifuge machine, pH meter, colony counter, seitz filter, membrane
filter, colourimeter, spectro photometer.

3. ● Preparation of different culture media- nutrient agar/nutrient broth for 12

bacterial culture, PDA for fungal culture.
● Enumeration of bacteria using spread plate and pour plate techniques.

● Isolation of bacteria by pour plate, spread plate and streak plate method.

4. ● Staining of bacteria- 12
1. Simple staining- methylene blue
2. Gram’s staining
3. Acid fast staining
4. Ziehl Neelsen staining
5. Giemsa staining
6. Structural staining- capsule, endospore.
7. Staining of fungi using lactophenol and cotton blue.

5. Study of permanent slide and life materials 12

Bacteria- Staphylococci, Streptocococci, Bacillus sp., Vibrio,
● Protozoans- Amoeba, Paramaecium, Trypanaosoma, Plasmodium,
Entamoeba hystolytica.
● Helminths- Fasciola, Taeniasolium, Ascaris.
● Fungi- Mucor, Rhizopus, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Alternaria.
● Cyanobacteria- Chlorella, Spirulina, Nostoc, Anabaena.
Suggested Readings:
1. Microbiology: A laboratory manual by J. Cappucino and C.T. Welsh. 11th edition, Pearson education,
USA. 2016
2. Aneja K.R., Experiments in Microbiology, plant pathology, Tissue culture and Mushroom Cultiation,
New Age International, New Delhi.
3. Dubey R.C.. and Maheshwari D.K., Textbook of practical microbiology, S Chand Publications.
4. Stanier RY, Ingraham JL, Wheelis ML and Painter PR. (2005). General Microbiology, 5th edition
5. Lab Virtual links-

This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject biology in class 12th

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:


Further Suggestions: None

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: First Semester: Second
Course Code: B080201T Course Title: Agriculture and Environmental Microbiology
Course Outcomes:
The student at the completion of the course will be able to:
● Get acquainted with natural habitats of diverse protection.
● Understand how microbes interact among themselves and with higher plants and animals with the help
of various examples.
● Become aware of the important role microbes play in bio-geochemical cycling of essential elements
occurring within an ecosystem and its significance.
● Gain in depth knowledge of different types of solid waste, liquid waste and their management.
● Get familiar with problems of pollution and applications of clear up technologies for the pollutants.
● Know about the diverse microbial populations in various natural habitats like soil, air, water.
● Gain knowledge of the bio-fertilizer and their types.

Credits: 4 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing marks: as per rules
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical(in hours per week): L-T-P: 4-0-0
Unit Topics Total No. of
Hours (60)
I Microorganisms and their habitats 8
Structure and function of ecosystem; Terrestrial environment: soil profile and
soil microflora; Aquatic Environment: microflora of fresh water and marine
habitats; Atmosphere: Aeromicroflora and dispersion of microbes; Animal
Environment: Microbes in/on human body (microbiomes) & animal
(Ruminants) body; Extreme habitats: Extremophiles: Microbes thriving at high
& low temperature, pH. High hydrostatic & osmotic pressures, salinity and low
nutrient level; Microbial succession in decomposition of plant organic matter.
II Microbial Interactions 8
Microbe interactions: Mutualism, synergism, commensalism, competition,
amensalism, parasitism, predation; Microbe-Plant interaction: positive-negative
interaction; Microbe-Animal interaction: positive-negative interaction;
Microorganism of rhizosphere, rhizoplane and phylloplane, mycorrhiza (types
and its applications).
III Biogeochemical cycling 8
Carbon cycle: Microbial degradation of cellulose, hemicellulase, lignin and
chitin; Nitrogen cycle: Nitrogen fixation, ammonification, nitrification,
denitrification and nitrate reduction; Phosphorous cycle: Phosphate
Immobilisation and solubilisation; Sulphur cycle: Microbes involved in sulphur
IV Waste management 8
Solid waste management: Source and type of solid waste, method of solid waste
disposal (composting and sanitary landfill), Liquid waste management:
composition and strength of sewage (BOD & COD), primary, secondary,
(oxidation pond, trickling filter, activated sludge process and septic tank) and
tertiary sewage treatment.
V Microbial Bioremediation 6
Principle and degradation of common pesticides, organic (hydrocarbon, oil
spills) and inorganic matter, biosurfactants.

VI Water potablity 6
Treatment and safety of drinking water; Methods to detect potability of water
sample: Standard qualitative procedure- MPN test/Presumptive test, confirmed
and completed test for faecal-coliforms Membrane filter technique,
Presence/Absence test fecal coliform.
VII Biofertilizer 8
Definition, Types- Bacterial, Fungal, Phosphate solubilizer, BGA &
associative; Mode of application; Advantages and Disadvantages.
VIII Biopesticides 8
Introduction and definition; Types of biopesticides; Integrated pest management
(IPM); Mode of action; Factor influencing; Applications, advantages&
Suggested Readings:
1. Alexander M., Introduction to soil microbiology, Wiley Eastern limited, New Delhi.
2. Alexopoulas C.J. and MIMS C.W., Introductory Mycology, New age international, New Delhi.
3. Aneja K.R., Experiments in Microbiology, plant pathology, Tissue culture and Mushroom cultivation,
New Age International, New Delhi
4. Hurst, C.J., Environmental Microbiology, ASM press, Washington D.C.
5. Mehrotra A.S., Plant Pathology, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publications limited, New Delhi.
6. Pelczar M.J., Chan E.C.S and Kreig N.R., Microbiology, Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
7. Prescott Lansing M., Harley John P. and Klein Donald A., Microbiology, WCB Mcgraw- Hill, New
8. Salle A.J., Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology, Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited,
New Delhi.
9. Stacey R.H. and Evans H.J., Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Chapman and Hall limited, London.
10. Stanier R.Y., Ingraham J.L., General Microbiology, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.
11. Subbarao N.S., Soil Microroganisms and Plant Growth, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company, New
12. Steward W.D.P., Nitrogen Fixation in Plants, The Athlone Press, London.

13. Suggestive digital platforms web links-


This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject General Microbiology in I
semester of certificate course in Microbial Technology
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
House Examination/Test: 10 marks
Written Assignment/Presentation/Project/Research Orientation/Term papers/Seminar: 10 Marks
Class performance/Participate: 5 Marks
Further Suggestions: None

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: First Semester: Second

Course Code: B080202P Course Title: Experiments in Agriculture and Environmental Microbiology
Course Outcomes:
The student at the completion of the course will be able to:
● To understand the instruments, microbial techniques and good lab practices for working in a
microbiology laboratory.
● Practical skill in the laboratory experiments in microbiology.
● Develop skills for identifying microbes and using them for industrial, agricultural and environmental
● To prepare slides and stain to see the microbial cell.

Credits: 2 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing marks: as per rules
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical(in hours per week): L-T-P: 0-0-2
S. No. Objectives Total No. of
Hours (60)
1 ● To analyse soil- pH, moisture, water holding capacity. 8

2 ● Isolation of microorganisms (Bacteria & Fungi) from soil sample at 16

different temperature (28o C & 45o C)
● Isolation of bacteria and fungi from rhizosphere and rhizoplane.
● Isolation of bacteria & fungi from air environment by exposure plate
● Isolation of Rhizobium sp. from leguminous root nodule.
3 ● To determine BOD of waste water sample. 12
● Bacteriological examinaiton of water by MPN test, presumptive
coliform, confirmed coliform and completed coliform test.
4 ● Specimen study of plant pathogens. 10
1. Black rust of wheat
2. White rust of crucifer
3. Leaf curl of tomato
4. Downy mildew
5. Red rot of sugarcane

5 Study of permanent slide and life materials 14

● Cladosporium
● Helmithosporium
● Mucor
● Curvularia
● Alternaria
● Geotrichurn
● Trichoderma
● Rhizopus

Suggested Readings:
1. Agrios A.G. Plant Pathology, Elsevier Academic Press, New Delhi, 2006.
2. Atlas RM and Batha R (2000). Microbial Ecology: Fundamentals & Applications. 4 th edition.
Benjamin/Cummings Science Publishing, USA.
3. Maier RM, Pepper IL and Gerba Cp (2009). Environmental Microbiology. 2nd edition, Academic Press.
4. Subba Rao NS. (1999). Soil Microbiology, 4th edition. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi.
5. Virtual Lab Links-

This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject General Microbiology in I
semester of certificate course in Microbial Technology
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods
Further Suggestions: None
Detail Syllabus of

B.Sc. II Year


Diploma in Microbial Technology

Programme/Class: Diploma Year: Second Semester: Third
Course Code: B080301T Course Title: Basic Biochemistry and Microbial Physiology
Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the student:
Will have understanding of the basic principles of thermodynamics applied to biological systems
Will be conversant with the structures of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids
Will comprehend the basic concepts of enzyme biochemistry including enzyme kinetics, and will become
aware of different variants of enzymes found in living cells.
Will be acquainted with the diverse physiological groups of bacteria/archaea and microbial transport
Will have an in-depth knowledge of patterns of bacterial growth, bacterial growth curve, calculation of
generation time and specific growth rate, and effect of the environment on growth.
Will apprehend how biochemical pathways are used by bacteria for energy generation and conservation
during growth on glucose under aerobic and anaerobic conditions
Will be familiar with the physiology of nitrogen fixation and assimilation of inorganic nitrogen by bacteria
and understand how interactions between microbes and the environment affect cellular physiology.
Credits: 4 Core: Compulsory
Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing marks: as per rules
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week):L-T-P:4-0-0
Unit Topics Total No.
of Lectures/
Hours (60)
I Overview of thermodynamics and bioenergetic 6
Basics of thermodynamics- First and second laws, concept of enthalpy, entropy,
free energy change, standard free energy change, equilibrium constant and
spontaneous reactions and coupled reactions

II Water & Carbohydrates 12

Structure and properties of water, Handerson Hasselbalch equation, Ionic
product of water, pH and buffers.
Structure & classification of carbohydrates, carbohydrates metabolism:
glycolysis, fermentation, Pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), Entner Doudoroff
pathway, Krebs Cycle, Electron transport chain (ETC)- Chemiosmotic
hypothesis, oxidative phosphorylation and ATP generation, Gluconeogenesis
III Proteins 6
Structure & Classification- Protein structure: primary, secondary- peptide unit
salient features, α helix, β sheet, β turn, tertiary and quaternary-human
hemoglobin as an example. Forces involved in protein folding

IV Lipids & Nucleic acids 6

Structure and classification of lipids. Metabolism of lipids- Alpha and beta
oxidation of lipids; Nucleic acids Structures, Double helical structure of DNA.
Types of DNA: A, B, Z. Physic-chemical properties of DNA. RNA types-
V Enzymology concepts: 6
Concepts of holozymes, apoenzyme, cofactors, prosthetic group, coenzyme,
metal cofactors; Classification of enzymes; Active site and activation energy;
Lock and key hypothesis, induced fit hypothesis; enzyme kinetics; Allosteric
enzymes-cooperativity; Enzyme inhibition: competitive and noncompetitive

VI Microbial nutrient uptake and transport: 8

Microbial classification based on nutrient and energy source; Nutrient uptake
mechanisms-passive and facilitated diffusion; Primary and secondary active
transport; Concept of uniport, symport, antiport, group translocation; Iron
VII Microbial growth and effect of environmental factors on growth 8
Bacterial growth curve and kinetics-Generation time and specific growth rate;
Diauxic growth and synchronous growth; Batch, Fed batch and continuous
cultures; Chemostat and turbidostat

VIII Stress physiology and Nitrogen metabolism 8

Effect of oxygen, pH, osmotic pressure, heat shock on bacteria; Microbial
adaptation to Environment-Temperature, pH, Oxygen, Pressure, Salt, Water
activity; Extremophiles application in industry; Dissimilatory nitrate reduction,
Nitrogen fixation
Suggested Readings:
1. Moat A.G., Foster J.W. and Spector M.P. 2002. Microbial Physiology, 4th edition. A Johan Wiley and sons
inc., publication.
2. Kim B.H. and Gadd G.M. 2008. Bacterial physiology and metabolism. Cambridge University Press,
3. Gilbert H.F. 2000. Basic concepts in biochemistry: A student’s survival guide. Second Edition. Mc-Graw-
Hill Companies, health professions Division, New York.
4. Madigan M.T., Martinko J.M., Stahl D.A. and Calrk D.P. 2012. Brock Biology of Microorganisms. 13th ed.
Pearson Education Inc.
5. Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Gregory J. Gatto Jr., Lubert Stryer.2015. Biochemistry 8th edition. W.
H. Freeman.
6. Suggestive digital platforms web links-

This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject “Agriculture and Environmental
Microbiology” in II Semester of certificate course in Microbial Technology
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods
House Examination/Test:10 marks
Written Assignment/Presentation/Project/Research Orientation/Term papers/Seminar: 10 Marks
Classperformance/Participate: 5Marks
Further Suggestions: None

Programme/Class: Diploma Year: Second Semester: Third

Course Code: B080302P Course Title: Experiment in Basic Biochemistry and Microbial Physiology
Course Outcomes:
After completing the course, the student will be able to:
Understand the structures of carbohydrates and their main properties, as well as conduct chemical tests to
detect their presence in samples.
Would have acquired practical knowledge of biochemical techniques for proteins and will be familiar with
the use of a spectrophotometer.
Understand the fundamental principles of enzyme biochemistry, including enzyme kinetics, at the end of
the course.
Will have a thorough understanding of bacterial growth patterns, bacterial growth curves, generation time
and basic growth rate calculations, and the impact of the environment on growth.
Will learn about the fermentation process in microbes.
Credits: 2 Core: Compulsory
Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing marks: as per rules
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical(in hours per week):L-T-P:0-0-2
S. No. Objectives Total No. of
Hours (60)
1 Use and calibration of pH meter and preparation of buffers. Preparation of stock 4
and working solutions. Handling of pipettes and micropipettes and checking their
2 Qualitative tests 20
Carbohydrates: Molisch’s Test, Fehling’s Test, Benedict’s Test, Iodine Test)
Amino acids and Proteins: Ninhydrin test, Biuret test, Lowry test.
Lipids: Solubility Test, Translucent Spot Test, Emulsification Test.

3 Quantitative estimation of carbohydrate by anthrone method. Quantitative 10

estimation of proteins by Lowry’s method
Determination of the acid value of a fat

4 Amylase production, H2S production, Urease production test, IMViC test 10

5 Effect of temperature and pH on growth of E. coli, Effect of carbon and nitrogen 8

on microbial growth.
6 Demonstration of carbohydrate fermentation, indole production, catalase test, 8
oxidase test.

Suggested readings:
1. Daniel M. Bollag, Stuart J. Edelstein, Protein Methods, Volume 1, 1991, Wiley.
2. S. K. Sawhney, Randhir Singh,Introductory Practical Biochemistry, 2000, Narosa.
3. Sambrook J and Russell DW., Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 4th Edition, 2004, Cold Spring
Harbour Laboratory press.
4. Maloy SR, Cronan JE and Friefelder D, Microbial Genetics 2nd EDITION., 2004, Jones and Barlett
5. Larry Snyder. Molecular Genetics of Bacteria: 3rd (third) Edition.
6. Digital links
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject “Agriculture and Environmental
Microbiology” in II Semester of certificate course in Microbial Technology
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods

Further Suggestions: None

Programme/Class: Diploma Year: Second Semester: Fourth

Course Code: B080401T Course Title: Molecular Biology and Microbial Genetics
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Distinguish in prokaryotic cellular structure and functional components of cells, as well as the dissimilarities
in genome organization between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Describe the replication, transmission, and action mechanisms of chromosomal and extrachromosomal genes
and sequences.
Recognize and distinguish genetic regulatory mechanisms at various levels
Gain an understanding of how internal and external signals regulate gene expression, influence microbial
diversity, and shape microbial communities and their environments.
Describe the processes that lead to mutations and other genetic changes.

Credits:4 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing marks: as per rules
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical(in hours per week):L-T-P:4-0-0
Unit Topics Total No. of
Hours (60)
I Overview of the genome organization – 6
DNA/and RNA as genetic material, DNA double helix structure salient
features, types of DNA. RNA Structure. Denaturation and renaturation, cot
curves. DNA topology: linking number, topoisomerases. DNA organization in
prokaryotes, viruses, eukaryotes.
II DNA Replication in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes- 6
Bidirectional and unidirectional replication, semi-conservative and semi-
discontinuous replication. Mechanism of DNA replication, Replication of
chromosome ends.
III Transcription in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes 8
Concept of transcription unit. General transcription process in prokaryotes and
eukaryotes; Post-Transcriptional modification in eukaryotes, Aternative
splicing mechanism,RNA interference
IV Translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes 8
Ribosome structure, tRNA structure and processing, Mechanisms of translation
in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, Genetic code, Wobble hypothesis, Fidelity
of translation
V Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes 10
Overview of regulation of gene expression, Regulation of gene expression by
DNA methylation, histone acetylation and histone methylation mechanisms;
Transcription control mechanisms, Inducible Operon System, Repressible
Operon System, Translation control mechanisms.
VI Plasmids in prokaryotes and eukaryotes 6
Plasmid replication and partitioning, host range, plasmid incompatibility,
plasmid amplification, regulation of plasmid copy number, curing of plasmids.
Types of plasmids.
VII Bacterial gene exchange processes- 8
Mechanisms of Genetic Exchange, Horizontal gene transfer, Transformation;
Conjugation; Transduction, Complementation.
VIII Mutations, mutagenesis and repair 8
Types of mutations, Physical and chemical mutagens. Loss and gain of
function mutants. Reversion and suppression, Uses of mutations. Ames Test,
DNA repair mechanism
Suggested Readings:
1. Watson, J. et. Al. 2004. Molecular Biology of the Gene,5th Edition, CSHL Press, New York.
2. Conn, E., & Stumpf, P. 2009.Outlines of Biochemistry, 5Th Ed. Wiley India Pvt. Limited.
3. T A Brown.2001. Essential Molecular Biology. Oxford University Press, USA
4. Brock, T.D. 1990. The Emergence of Bacterial Genetics, Cold Spring Harbor Lab Press.
5. Ptashne, M. 2002. Genes and Signals, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
6. Miller, J.R. 1992. A Short Course in Bacterial Genetics: Lab Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
7. Suggestive digital platforms web links-

This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject “Basic Biochemistry and
Microbial Physiology” in III Semester of Diploma course in Microbial Technology
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods
House Examination/Test:10 marks
Written Assignment/Presentation/Project/Research Orientation/Term papers/Seminar: 10 marks
Class performance/Participate: 5Marks
Further Suggestions: None

Programme/ Class: Year: Second Semester: Fourth

Course Code: B080402P Course Title: Experiment in Molecular Biology and Microbial Genetics
Course Outcomes:
The student at the completion of the course be able to:
• understand the fundamentals of molecular biology and genetic research.
• use some basic equipment in a molecular biology laboratory.
• extract genomic DNA from microbes using molecular biology techniques
• measure DNA and verify purity using UV spectrometer and electrophoresis.
• understand the basic principle of plasmid isolation and their conformations using electrophoresis.
• understand the mutagenic effect of chemical and physical agents and perform test to identify mutagenic
effect of chemicals
Credits:2 Core: Compulsory
Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing marks: as per rules
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P:0-0-2
S. No. Objectives Total No. of
Hours (60)
1 Isolation of genomic DNA from E. coli and analysis by agarose gel 8
2 Estimation of DNA using diphenylamine reagent. 8

3 Resolution of proteins by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and 10

visualization using coomassie dye.
4 Replica plating method: Preparation of master and replica plates. 10
Isolation of Histidine auxotrophs

5 Isolation of plasmid DNA from E. coli. Study the different conformations of 8

plasmid DNA through agarose gel electrophoresis
6 Study of the effect of chemical (nitrous acid) and physical (UV) mutagens on 8
bacterial cells.
7 Demonstration of Ames test. 8

Suggested readings:
1. Michael Wink, An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology (2nd), 2012. ISBN: 9783527326372, TX
2. Seidman & Moore, Basic Laboratory Methods for Biotechnology: Textbook & Laboratory Reference,
2nd edition. 2009. Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0321570146.
3. Sambrook J and Russell DW., Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 4th Edition, 2004, Cold Spring
Harbour Laboratory press.
4. Digital links:
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject “Basic Biochemistry and
Microbial Physiology” in III Semester of Diploma course in Microbial Technology.
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods
Further Suggestions: None
Detail Syllabus of

B.Sc. III Year

Programme / Class: Bachelor of Science Year: Third Semester: Fifth

Subject: Microbiology

Course Code: B080501T Course Title: Medical Microbiology

Course outcomes:
Upon completion the students will learn:
The historical development of medical microbiology
The importance of microorganisms in life.
The microorganisms associated with various infectious diseases.
The treatment strategies followed for the infectious diseases.
Antibiotic resistance
Processes of sample collection and processing

Credits: 4 Core :Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: as per rules

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 4-0-0

Total No. of
Unit Topics Lectures/
Hours (60)
History of Medical Microbiology
I Contribution of pioneers in the field of Medical Microbiology, Normal 7
Microflora of human body: skin, mouth, alimentary canal and gintourinary tract
Bacterial diseases
Diseases caused by certain bacterial pathogens Staphylococcus aureus,
II 8
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Salmonella typhi,
Vibrio cholera
Viral diseases
Diseases caused by certain viruses Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis
Virus, Influenza virus, Herpes virus

Parasitic diseases
IV Diseases caused by protozoa Giardia sp., Plasmodium sp., Leshmania sp., and 7
Entamoeba sp.
Pathogenic fungal disease I
Dermatophytes- Trichophyton, Microsporum
V Filamentous fungi causing subcutaneous infection by Mucor, Rhizopus and 8

Pathogenic fungal disease II

VI Systemic mycoses caused by Blastomyces, Histoplasma and Yeast like fungi: 8
Candida and Cryptococci
Antibiotics and Chemotherapeutics
Historical development of chemotherapeutic and antibiotic substances, Major
antimicrobial agents, Mode of action of chemotherapeutic and antibiotic
Antibiotic resistance, Sample collection and processing
Drug resistance, Mechanism of antibiotic resistance, Antibiotic susceptibility
Collection and transport of appropriate clinical sample specimen for clinical

Suggested Readings:
1. Annadurai, A. A textbook of Immunology and Immunotechnology. S. Chnd
2. Ananthanarayanan R and Panicker C K. Textbook of Microbiology. Orient Longman.
3. Baveja, CP. Text book of Microbiology. Arya publications.
4. Ken S.Rosenthal, Patrick R.Murray, and Michael A.Pfaller. Medical Microbiology 7th Edition, Elsevier
5. Karen C.Carroll, Geo.Brooks, Stephen Morse, and Janet Butel.Jawetz, Melinck, &Adelberg’s Medical
Microbiology, Lang
6. Suggestive digital platforms web links-

This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject “Molecular Biology and
Microbial Genetics” in IV Semester of Diploma course in Microbial Technology

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

House Examination/ Test: 10 marks
Written Assignment/ Presentation/Project/Research Orientation/Term papers/Seminar: 10 Marks
Class performance/ Participate: 5 Marks
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Further Suggestions:
Programme / Class: Bachelor of Science Year: Third Semester: Fifth

Subject: Microbiology

Course Code: B080502T Course Title: Immunology

Course outcomes:
Upon completion the students will learn
The historical development of immunology
The components of immune system, Immune responses, features of antigen and antibody,
hypersensitivity responses
Applications of antibody in diagnosis and therapy, and antigen-antibody reactions.

Credits: 4 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: as per rule

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 4-0-0

Total No. of
Unit Topics Lectures/
Hours (60)
Overview of Immunology
I History of immunology, Physical and physiological barriers, Innate and
Acquired immunity, Organs and Cells of Immune system.
Complement System
II Complement System Proteins, Complement System Activation by Classical, 8
Alternate and Lectin Pathway
Humoral and Cell Mediated Immunity, Active And Passive Immunity
Antigen & Immunogens
Antigen Characteristics, Types of Antigens, Adjuvants, Immunogenicity and
IV 7
Antigenicity, Cytokines,

Immunoglobulins and MHC and their role

Classes of immunoglobulin, structure and function, Major Histocompatibility
V 9
Complex: Types, Antigen Presentation through MHC class I and class II
VI 5
Types of Hypersensitivity, Mechanism of hypersensitivities with examples
Immune Response
VII Antibody dependent Cell mediated Cytotoxicity, Phagocytosis, Inflammation 6
and Inflammatory response mechanism.
Applications of Immunoglobulins
Applications of antibody in diagnosis and therapy; In vitro serological test
methods: Antigen-Antibody Reactions: Agglutination and immunodiffusion;
Suggested Readings:
1. Kindt, Goldsby and Osborne. Kuby’s Immunology. WH Freeman& Company,
2. Roitt I,Brostoff, J and Male D.Immunology, 6th edition, 2001, Mosby, London.
3. Ramesh SR, Immunology. Mc Graw Hill Publications.
4. Madhavee LP, A Textbook of Immunology, S Chand Publisher.
5. Reddy R, Textbook of Immunology, 3rd edition, AITBS Publisher.
6. Digital links

This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject Molecular Biology and
Microbial Genetics in IV Semester of Diploma course in Microbial Technology

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

House Examination/Test: 10 marks
Written Assignment/Presentation/Project/Research Orientation/Term papers/Seminar: 10 Marks
Class performance/Participate: 5 Marks
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Further Suggestions:
Programme / Class: Bachelors of Science Year: Third Semester: Fifth

Subject: Microbiology
Course Title: Experiments in Medical Microbiology &
Course Code: B080503P
Course outcomes:
Upon completion of the practical course in medical microbiology and immunology the students will learn about
The preparation of culture media, microorganisms associated with human body, characterization of
microorganisms associated with disease.
Antigen- antibody interaction
Learning of the application of antibodies for diagnostic purposes, antibiotic sensitivity test and resistance

Credits: 2 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: as per rules

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P:0-0-2

Total No. of
S. No. Objectives Lectures/
Hours (60)
Preparation of blood agar, chocolate agar, and other media required for medically
1 6
important microorganisms

2 Isolation and characterization of skin normal microflora 6

3 Isolation of bacteria from teeth crevices 6

4 Demonstration of α and β haemolysis on blood agar medium. 8
Demonstration of serological tests: blood groups, Rh factor determination,
5 12
pregnancy test, Widal, VDRL, ELISA
6 Demonstration of pathogenic fungi in mycoses lesion 8

7 Antibiotic sensitivity test and MIC determination 6

Demonstration of antibiotic resistance transfer from resistant to sensitive
8 8
Suggested Readings:
1. Hudson L, and Hay FC, Practical Immunology, 3rd edition, Wiley.
2. Noel R. Rose, Herman Friedman, John L. Fahey., Manual of Clinical Laboratory Immunology, 3rd edition,
ASM. Ed.3; 1986.
3. Talwar GP and Gupta SK, A Handbook of Practical and Clinical Immunology, Vol.I-II; CBS Publishers and
Distributors. Delhi
4. Aneja KR, Experiments in Microbiology, Plant Pathology and Biotechnology, Ist edition, New Age
International Publisher
5. Randhawa VS, Practicals and Viva in Medical Microbiology, Harcourt India Pvt. Ltd.
6. Digital Links
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject “Molecular Biology and
Microbial Genetics” in IV Semester of Diploma course in Microbial Technology.

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:


Suggested equivalent online courses:


Further Suggestions:

Programme/Class: Bachelor of Science Year: Third Semester: Sixth

Subject: Microbiology

Course Code: B08060IT Course Title: Food Microbiology

Course outcomes:
Upon completion the students will learn about the role of Microorganism in food Microbiology.
Learn the symptoms of deteriorated food.
Assimilate knowledge about Microbial Examination of food.
Learn about food preservation techniques.
Will get sufficient knowledge regarding analysis of milk.
Will be able to monitor food quality.

Credits: 4 Core : Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: as per rules

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 4-0-0

Total No. of
Unit Topics Lectures/
Hours (60)
Introduction to food & nutrition.
I History, Development and Scope of food microbiology; Concept of food and 8
nutrients; Physiochemical properties of food; Importance and types of
microorganisms in food (bacteria, mold and yeast); Food as a substrate for
microorganism- Intrinsic and extrinsic factors that affect growth and survival of
microbes in food, natural flora and source of contamination of foods in general.
Microbial spoilage of various foods
II Principal; Spoilage of vegetables, fruits, meats, eggs, milk and butter, bread, 6
canned foods.
Microbial examination of food
III DMC, viable count, examination of faecal Streptococci. Food quality 6
monitoring, Biosensors and Immunoassays.
Food Preservation
Basic Principles, Methods (heating, freezing, dehydration, chemical
IV 8
preservatives, radiation). Modern technologies in food preservation, Packaging
Fermented foods:
Fermented dairy products (cheese, butter, yoghurt), Kefir; Other Fermented
V 8
foods- Soya sauce, Saurkraut, Dosa, Tempeh; Probiotics: health benefits, types
of microorganisms used, probiotic foods available in market.
Food borne diseases (Causative agents, foods involved, symptoms and
preventive measures)
VI Food intoxication- Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium botulinum and 8
Mycotoxins; Food infections- E.coli, Salmonellosis, Bacillus cereus,
Sheigellosis, Listeria.
Microorganisms and milk
Physical and chemical properties of milk; Milk as a substrate for
microorganisms; Microbiological analysis of milk – Rapid Platform test,
standard plate count, MBRTtest, alkaline phosphatase enzyme test, DMC;
Method of preservation of milk and milk product, pasteurization sterilization and
Food sanitization and control
VIII HACCP, Indices of food sanitary quality and sanitisers; Microbiological quality 8
standard of food.
Suggested Readings:
1. Adams & Moss, Food Microbiology, Published by Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, U.K.
2. R.S. Mehrotra – Plant Pathology, Tata Mc-Graw Hill
3. Frazier & Westhoff., Food Microbiology Tata Mc-Graw Hill (2014)
4. Varnam A.H. & Evans M G – Food borne pathogens. Wolfe Publishing House, London
5. B.D. Singh (2015) Biotechnology, Kalyani Publisher
6. Prajapati (2007) Fundamentals of Dairy microbiology, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New
7. Andrew Proctor (2011) Alternatives to conventional food processing. RSC Publisher
8. Arun K. Bhunia & Bibek Ray, Fundamental Food Microbiology, 5th Ed., CRC Press
Suggestive digital platforms web links –
Doyle. Michael P, Gonzalez-francisco Diez, Food Microbiology : Fundamentals and frontiers, 5th
edition, Hill Colin, available on Wiley online Library.

This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all
But special for B.Sc. Math, B.Sc. Statistic, B.Sc. Nutrition, B.Sc. Biotech, B.Sc. Forestry & B.Sc. Agriculture,
B.Sc. Biology
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject Medical Microbiology &
Immunology in V Semester of Degree in Bachelor of Science.
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods :
House Examination/Test : 10 marks
Written Assignment/Presentation/Project/Research Orientation/Term papers/Seminar: 10 Marks
Class performance/Participate: 5 Marks
Suggested equivalent online courses:

Further Suggestions:

Programme/Class: Bachelor of Science Year: Third Semester: Sixth

Subject: Microbiology

Course Code: B080602T Course Title: Industrial Microbiology

Course outcomes :
Develop understanding about IPR in industry
Understand role of microorganism in industry
Know about Processing & selection of best microbial strains for the industry
Gain fundamental knowledge of fermentation process
Gain knowledge about production of various pharmaceutical products or industrially important product

Credits: 4 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: as per rule

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 4-0-0

Total No. of
Unit Topics Lectures/
Hours (60)
History & Multidisciplinary nature of Industrial microbiology. A typical Bio
process: Introduction, advantages & limitations. Patents and intellectual property
I 7
Taxonomic diversity of industrially useful bacteria & fungi. Important
characteristics of microbes used in Industrial Microbiology, Isolation techniques.
II Concept & examples of microorganisms classified as Generally Regarded as 8
Safe (GRAS).

Exploitation of microorganism and their products, Screening, Strain

III development strategies, Immobilization methods. 8

Fermentation: Media, Raw material, Antifoaming agents, Buffers. Equipments,

IV 7
Fermenter design. Types of fermentation – Single, Batch, Continuous.
Down-stream processing steps: Detection and assay of the product, Recovery
V (intercellular and extracellular product). Purification (solvent extraction & 9

Production of Alcohol (industrial alcohol, wine, beer, whiskey), Organic acid

VI 7
(Citric acid), Antibiotic (Penicillin)

Production of Vitamin (B12), Enzyme (Amylase), Amino acid (Glutamic acid),

Hormones (Insulin), Vaccine (Hepatitis B).

Biofuel (Methane), Production of Biofertilizers & Biopesticides,

Biotransformation of steroids.

Suggested Readings:

1. Industrial Microbiology (2000) by AH Patel, Macmillan Publishers India

2. Biology of Industrial microorganism (1981) by Arnold L. Domain, Bejamin/ cummings Pub. Co.
3. Industrial Microbiology by Prescott & Dunns, AVI Publishing Company Inc.
4. Industrial Microbiology by Casida LE, New age International (P) Ltd.
Suggestive digital platforms web links
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all
But special for B.Sc. Math, B.Sc. Statistic, B.Sc. Nutrition, B.Sc. Biotech, B.Sc. Forestry, B.Sc. Biology & B.Sc.
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject “Medical Microbiology &
Immunology” in V Semester of Degree in Bachelor of Science.

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

House Examination/Test: 10 marks
Written Assignment/Presentation/Project/Research Orientation/Term papers/Seminar: 10 Marks
Class performance/Participate: 5 Marks
Suggested equivalent online courses:

Further Suggestions:
Programme/ Class: Bachelor of Science Year: Third Semester: Sixth

Subject: Microbiology

Course Code: B080603P Course Title: Experiments in Food & Industrial Microbiology
Course outcomes:
Understand the instruments, techniques & Lab discipline
Develop skill for identifying microbes used in industry
Upon completion student will learn about the process of fermentation & design of bioreactors, a major
part of pharmaceutical industry
Will learn about the culture of microorganisms used in Food & Industrial microbiology.
Credits: 2 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: as per rules

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P:0-0-2

Total No. of
S. No. Objectives Lectures/
Hours (60)

1 Study of Bioreactor & its essential parts 4

Necessity & procedure of writing SOPs for instruments used in large scale
2 6

3 Isolation and microscopic observation of industrially important microorganism 8

4 Isolation and characterization of microorganism used in Dairy industry 8

5 Isolation and characterization of Yeast used in Bakery/distillery/winery 8

6 Isolation & identification of important microorganism of food microbiology 8

7 Bacteriological analysis of food products 8

8 Determination of the quality of milk by MBRT 2

9 Bacterial examination of milk – Alcohol test 4

10 Preservation methods 4
Suggested Readings:
7. Aneja, K.R. 1993. Experiments in Microbiology, Pathology and Tissue Culture, Vishwa Prakashan, New
8. Dubey, R.C. and Maheshwari. D.K. 2012. Practical Microbiology, S.Chand & Company, Pvt. Ltd., New
9. Pandey. B.P. 2014 Modern Practical Botany, (Vol-I) S. Chand and Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
10. W.F. Harrigan, Laboratory methods in Microbiology, Publisher – Elsevier
11. Lynne Mc Landsborough, Food Microbiology Laboratory, CRC Press
12. Brain McNeil & Harvey (2008), Practical Fermentation Technology, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
13. Digital links

This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject “Medical Microbiology and
Immunology” in V Semester of Degree in Bachelor of Science.

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:


Suggested equivalent online courses:


Further Suggestions:

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