General Description
The TS1910A is a high performance, high efficiency step up DC-DC Converter with integrated 2A. The TS1910A
converter input voltage ranging from 2.6 to 5.5V. The Output voltage can be set up to 27V. The selectable
frequency of 680kHz and 1.2MHz allows the use of small external inductors and capacitors and provides fast
transient response. Current mode control with external compensation network makes it easy to stabilize the
system and keep maximum flexibility. Programmable soft start function minimizes impact on the input power
system. Internal power MOSFET with very low RDS(ON) provides high efficiency. The TS1910A automatically
transits from PWM to PFM during light load condition further increasing efficiency. The converter also provides
protection functions such as Current Limit and Thermal shutdown.
Features Application
● 2.6V to 5.5V operating input voltage range ● Digital Still Cameras
● Adjustable output voltage range up to 27V ● Portable Electronics
● Up to 3A output switch current ● PDA’s and Palm-Top Computers
● 680K/1.2MHz Selectable Switching Frequency ● Local Boost Regulator
● Programmable soft-start function
● External Compensation Network
● Current limit and Thermal shutdown protection
Ordering Information
Electrical Specifications (Ta = 25oC, VIN=5V, EN=VIN, IL=0A unless otherwise noted)
Characteristics Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Input Voltage range VCC 2.6 -- 5.5 V
Under Voltage Lockout UVLO Rising -- 2.35 2.6 V
UVLO Hysteresis UVLOhys -- -150 -- mV
Step-Up Voltage Adjust Range VOUT VCC+0.5 -- 27 V
Operating quiescent current ICCQ IOUT=0mA, VFB=1.5V -- 150 250 µA
Shutdown current ISD VEN=0V -- 0.1 1 µA
Feedback Voltage VFB 1.219 1.238 1.257 V
FB Input Leakage Current IFB-LKG VFB = 1.5V -100 0.01 +100 nA
VIN=2.6 to 5.5V
Line Regulation REGLINE -- 0.2 -- %
Load Regulation REGLOAD - 0.3 -- %
IOUT= 1mA to 0.7A
FREQ=High 900 1200 1500
Oscillator frequency FOSC KHz
FREQ=Low 500 680 850
FREQ high-level input voltage VFQ-IH 2 -- --
FREQ low-level input voltage VFQ-IL -- -- 0.5
FREQ input leakage current IFQ-LKG FREQ=GND -- -- 0.1 uA
Soft Start Current ISS 4 7 13 µA
N-channel MOSFET current limit ILIM Duty=40% http://www.DataSheet4U.net/
3 3.8 - A
MOSFET on-resistance VIN=3V, ISW =2A -- 200 280
RDS(on) mΩ
(Note) VIN=5V, ISW =2A -- 160 220
EN high-level input voltage VIH 1.0 -- -- V
EN low-level input voltage VIL -- - 0.4 V
EN Hysteresis ENhys -- 200 - mV
EN input leakage current IEN-LKG VEN=GND or VIN -- 0.01 0.1 µA
Maximum Duty Cycle Duty VFB=0V 85 90 -- %
LX Leakage Current ILXL VLX =25V, VFB=1.5V -- -- 10 µA
Thermal Shutdown TSD -- 150 --
Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis Thys -- 35 --
Note: Guaranteed by design
Block Diagram
FREQ Oscillator
Slope Current
Compensation Sense
Pin Description
Pin Number Pin Name Description
1 COMP Compensation Pin
2 FB Feedback Pin
3 EN Enable Pin http://www.DataSheet4U.net/
Application Circuit
FREQ=High (Frequency=1.2MHz)
L1 D1
4.7uH B340A
R3 R2
U1 C1 130K
4.7~100Ω 6
VCC LX 5 220pF
7 FREQ 2
R4 3 4 C3
2*10uF EN GND R8
1M 1 8 3*10uF
SS 15K
C4 C8
R6 AX5510A
100K C6
0.1uF 1nF
C7 10nF
VOUT = 1.238V X (1 + ------- )
R8 Suggest 10K~30K
VIN ≦ 4.5V, R3=10Ω
VIN > 4.5V, R3=100Ω
FREQ=Low (Frequency=680KHz)
L1 B340A
R3 C1 R2
4.7~100Ω U1 130K
VCC LX 5 220pF
7 FREQ 2
R4 3 4 C3
2*10uF EN GND R8
1M 1 8 3*10uF
SS 15K
C4 C8
R7 R6 AX5510A
10K 100K C6
0.1uF 1nF
C7 10nF
VOUT = 1.238V X (1 + ------- )
R8 Suggest 10K~30K
VIN ≦ 4.5V, R3=10Ω
VIN > 4.5V, R3=100Ω
Compensation Table
Frequency(Hz) L1 (H) VIN (V) VOUT (V) R6 (Ω) C7 (F)
2.5~4.4 5 10K 1.2n
2.5~5.5 7 15K 470p
2.5~5.5 9 27K 270p
Application Information
Setting the Output Voltage
Application circuit item shows the basic application circuit with TS1910A adjustable output version. The external
resistor sets the output voltage according to the following equation:
VOUT=1.238V x (1+R2/R8)
For most applications, R8 is a suggested a value by 10~30KΩ. Place the resistor-divider as close to the IC as
possible to reduce the noise sensitivity.
Soft Start Capacitor
The soft-start function begins from SS pin Voltage=0V to VCC with a 7uA (typ.) constant current charging to the soft-
start capacitor, so the capacitor should be large enough to let the output voltage reach regulation inside the soft-start
cycle. Typical value of soft-start capacitor range is from 4.7nF to 100nF. After the cycle finished, the load can start to
draw maximum current as required.
Frequency Select Pin (FREQ)
The frequency select pin FREQ allows to set the switching frequency of the device to 680 KHz (FREQ = low) or 1.2
MHz (FREQ = high). Higher switching frequency improves load transient response but reduces slightly the
efficiency. The other benefits of higher switching frequency are a lower output ripple voltage. Usually, it is
recommended to use 1.2 MHz switching frequency unless light load efficiency is a major concern.
Layout Guide
A 4.80 5.00 0.189 0.196
B 3.80 4.00 0.150 0.157
C 1.35 1.75 0.054 0.068
D 0.35 0.49 0.014 0.019
E 2.05 2.41 0.081 0.095
E1 2.82 3.30 0.111 0.130
F 0.40 1.25 0.016 0.049
G 1.27BSC 0.05BSC
K 0.10 0.25 0.004 0.009
M 0º 7º 0º 7º
P 5.80 6.20 0.229 0.244
R 0.25 0.50 0.010 0.019
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