Confined Spaces Identify and Manage The Risks
Confined Spaces Identify and Manage The Risks
Confined Spaces Identify and Manage The Risks
No ➡
It is not a confined space Does the space have one or more of the following risks:
• Serious injury due to fire or explosion?
• Loss of consciousness from increased body temperature?
• Loss of consciousness or asphyxiation arising from gas, fume, vapour, or
lack of oxygen?
• Drowning from an increase in the level of a liquid?
Examples of potential • Asphyxiation from a free-flowing solid or being unable to reach a
respirable environment due to being trapped by a free flowing solid e.g.
confined spaces are: storage grain, flour, coal bins?
tanks, silos, enclosed drains,
sewers, duct work and
No Yes
unventilated or poorly
ventilated rooms.
Will the work to be done in the space It is a confined space
introduce one or more of those risks?
No Yes
If you have identified a ‘confined space’ under the regulations, check you have taken the following actions: