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Introduction to the standard P04
Benefits of implementation P06
PDCA cycle P07
Risk based thinking / audits P08
Annex SL P09
SECTION 1: Scope P10
SECTION 2: Normative references P11
SECTION 3: Terms of definition P12
SECTION 4: Context of organization P14
SECTION 5: Leadership P16
SECTION 6: Planning P18
SECTION 7: Support P20
SECTION 8: Operation P22
SECTION 9: Performance evaluation P24
SECTION 10: Improvement P28
Get the most from your management P30
Next steps once implemented P32
How else can we assist P33
ISO 45001:2018 is a new International to prevention of accidents and long and short term
standard which provides a framework, ill health effects. The standard provides a platform to
develop a positive safety culture leading to worker
regardless of size, activity and geographical wellbeing.
location, to manage and continuously
Once the policy framework has been put in place,
improve Occupational Health and Safety
along with processes to facilitate the organization’s
(OH&S) within the organization. commitment, the standard then asks the organization
The risk-based approach standard introduces to audit, review and improve the system including
the common ‘Annex SL’ structure which provides assessment of compliance obligations. This
compatibility with other ISO standards including ISO approach provides the organization with both
9001 Quality, ISO 14001 Environment and ISO 27001 assurance and business continuity.
Information Security management systems. Standard requirements can significantly help the
By adopting a systematic approach including worker organization improve internally; by embedding a
participation, the organization can integrate OH&S culture of challenge and continual improvement.
within its business processes which will contribute
of a selection of positive benefits from implementation of ISO 45001. These positive benefits
are not exhaustive.
The standard provides a systematic approach The standard provides a structure to monitor
for senior leadership to assess OH&S risk and review compliance obligations to ensure
and opportunities, monitor and review the organization is legally compliant including
safety performance and set objectives for products and services. It is important for an
continual improvement within the ‘context’ of organization to understand what it is to achieve,
organizational activities. This may include, for why it needs to achieve and if it has achieved –
example, worker health promotion campaigns this should be demonstrated within the system.
or the monitoring of the OH&S effects of
products and services provided. Both internal and external audit programmes
provide scrutiny and effectiveness of the OH&S
Implementation is a demonstration and management system including processes. The
commitment from senior leadership to internal programme promotes communication and
and external stakeholders (interested parties) participation of workers with identification of
of the intent to protect workers from accidents gaps leading to continuous improvement.
including short and long term ill health effects.
Of course, this may in-turn reduce downtime, With an emphasis on workers taking an active
lead to reduction or prevention of worker loss role in OH&S matters, this can have positive
time hours and potential prosecution. benefits on an organization’s reputation as a
safe place to work leading to staff retention,
This commitment also provides assurances to motivation and greater productivity.
the Board of Directors, Trustees or owners that
management controls regarding OH&S risks Implementation is also recognition for having
inherent within the organization. achieved an international standard benchmark
which may have positive influence on existing
The standard promotes worker participation and potential customers in fulfilling their own
when identifying hazards, elimination or social responsibility commitments.
reducing risk by implementation of controls
integrated with other business process. This
approach can improve safety culture, minimise
risk and embed best practice resulting in
increased productivity.
For further information on positive benefits of ISO 45001 standard implementation and its intended
outcome refer to section 1 ‘Scope’.
(7, 8)
Plan Do
(5) (9)
Act Check
Establish OH&S objectives, processes and resources required to deliver results in accordance with the organizations
OH&S Policy
effective at all levels of the organization and meets the requirements of the standard.
High Level Structure The first three clauses provide a background to the standard with
useful information including terms of definition. The rationale of
‘Context of the Organization’ (clause 4) is that the system focuses on
Annex SL consists of 10 processes and requirements needed to achieve organizational policy
core clauses: objectives. This is achieved by understanding the organization and
the context in which it operates. The Clause sets out the requirements
1. Scope for the organization to define the ‘Scope’ of the system, and the
subsequent planning of the system.
2. Normative references
3. Terms of definition Clause 5 to 10 are common to all management system standards, ISO
45001 specifically relates to occupational health and safety issues.
4. Context of organization So, whilst there is commonality, there are OH&S processes to be
5. Leadership established, implemented and maintained including understanding
6. Planning of the policy framework, identification of hazards, management
control of risks and worker participation. A successfully deployed
7. Support Annex SL enables an integrated management system (IMS) which
8. Emergency preparedness simultaneously handles the requirements of ISO 45001, ISO 9001 and
ISO 14001. Typically, this would include a harmonised documented
9. Performance evaluation
information, procurement, audit and management review process
10. Improvement without the necessity of duplication.
4 9
5 6 7 8 10
Context of the Performance
Leadership Planning Support Operations Improvement
organization evaluation
The intended outcome of the OH&S management system is for the organization to:
• Provide a safe and healthy workplace(s)
• Prevent work related injury and / or ill health
• Proactively monitor and improve OH&S performance
• Eliminate hazards and minimise OH&S risks (including system deficiencies)
• Take advantage of OH&S opportunities and address management system non-conformities associated with its activities
• Fulfil legal and other requirements
• Achieve OH&S objectives
• Integrate other aspects of health and safety including worker wellness / wellbeing
This section makes it clear that the standard does not address issues such as product safety, property damage or environmental
impacts beyond the risks they present to workers and other relevant interested parties.
Reference to ‘normative references’ are common across all management system standards
however in the case of ISO 45001 there are no normative references.
ISO standards are written in such a way that their meaning can be open to interpretation. As
with all standards, this interpretation can lead to confusion. To assist the user section 3 of
the standard provides prescriptive terms of definition to prevent the wrong interpretation.
The rationale of this clause is that the system focuses on the processes and requirements needed to
achieve the OH&S policy objectives. This can be achieved by understanding the organization and the
‘context’ in which it operates. Clause 4 also sets out the requirements for the ‘Scope’ and the system
to be defined, and the subsequent high-level planning of the system to achieve the objectives.
Understanding the context of the organization is usually These four requirements follow a sequence:
conducted by senior leadership with information about • In 4.1: Clarification of the strategic aims of the organization
the business and activities gathered at every level of the and determine any issues that could affect these aims
organization. Discussion points focus on internal and external being achieved.
issues which have an impact on the OH&S system. • In 4.2: Consideration of the interested parties (Stakeholders)
including workers to the organization and how they can affect
Clause 4 has four sub-clauses that each set out an element of how the organization operates.
what is needed to define the Context of the Organization, and to • In 4.3: Setting the scope of the OH&S Management System
design the OH&S management system. from the information discussed and considered in 4.1 and 4.2
• In 4.4: Laying out a design for the OH&S management system
and the high-level planning around it
Clause 4.2
Clause 4.1 Clause 4.3 Clause 4.4
Understand the needs and
Define the organization and Scope what you want to Design the sequence
expectations of workers and
what can affect it include in the system of processes
other interested parties
With the information that is gathered during discussions at all levels of the organization to determine context, it is
recommended this information is placed into a report. The benefit of this is it provides a cohesive explanation and a good
reference to support present and future business strategy. (For review of context refer to section 9).
standards this clause introduces SERVICES
the term ‘Workers’ which is a broad
term as described in section 3 of the
standard ‘Terms and definitions’.
4.3 Determining the scope of a statement. This will ensure that they send the correct auditor
with experience in your industry sector. For example:
the OH&S management system ‘The Manufacture and Sales of Dishwashers’
From the context information gathered in 4.1 and
Using this example, you can see that the main process
understanding of needs and expectations of workers and
is manufacturing which will incorporate many processes
interested parties in 4.2 the ‘scope’ can be developed.
including workers, machinery, regulatory requirements,
The Scope sets out the areas of the business that are going to external providers, customers (end users) and competence
be managed in the OH&S Management System. which will be audited.
Usually, this will include the key processes and activities that
are engaged in the service or production of goods, including
4.4 OH&S management system
any customer facing activity and post-delivery warranty work. From the information gathered in 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 the standard
requires the design and integration of processes within the
Where an organization is complex, the scope is used to ring-
management system to satisfy the requirements of ISO 45001.
fence only the activities or locations where the system is being
This may include such processes as design and development,
used. This can be referred to as ‘boundaries of applicability’.
procurement, marketing and manufacturing.
However, areas of the business cannot be excluded from the
scope to avoid OH&S processes or evade legal compliance.
champions of the system and provide the necessary resources to protect workers from harm.
• Site tours
Consultation and participation • Open door policy to talk to a safety or HR representative
• OH&S suggestion boxes
of workers • Communication – Notice boards, newsletters, email, blogs,
health promotion campaigns
A key factor for the success of an OH&S system is to ensure
there are clear lines of communication, consultation and Once a selection of methods of consultation and participation
participation of workers with sufficient allocation of time of workers has been chosen, consider documenting the
and resources. This section requires the development of methodologies within a process. This will enable the
processes to ensure information that has an impact on OH&S organization to periodically check the process within your audit
is communicated at all levels of the organization. programme to ensure any identified requirements have
been fulfilled.
This can be achieved in many different ways depending on the
scope and scale of your organization.
Planning occurs at several points in the framework for OH&S • Changes in work pattern including increase or decrease
management system. In order to set out the management in productivity
system planning is required using information gathered in • Noise, cold, heat
clause 4. At various points in time there will be the need to • Legal requirements and mechanism to adapt to changes in
‘plan’ again; this includes the periodic planning for achieving legal requirements
objectives that are set and reviewed, and also in the event of a • How the risk assessment will be communicated and
‘change’ which could arise from a planned or unplanned event. subsequent worker training of control measures
• Emergency situations such as unplanned events including
The requirements are to: fire and loss of power
• Plan the actions based on risk assessment to manage risks • Availability of resources to ensure hierarchy of controls can
and opportunities in the prevention of undesired effects be applied to risk assessment findings
including work related injury or ill health
• Manage events and continually determine risk and
opportunities for both workers and the OH&S system
• Establish and manage objectives
Hierarchy of Controls
• Plan and manage changes to the system and re-evaluate Most Effective
Determination of legal and introduction of control measures must be within the framework
of the OH&S management system.
other requirements Control measures may be either integrated into existing quality
The organization needs to be confident that during the risk system work instructions or based on risk and developed into
assessment process it is adhering to the latest applicable legal a dedicated Safe Systems of Work. Tasks may be delegated
and other requirements. The legal and other requirements by senior leadership individually or as a collective group.
process of assessment will vary depending on the complexity Tasks will be allocated to persons based on competency
of the business. with consideration as to how any training will be delivered to
different groups of workers.
Sources of information may be gathered in many
ways including:
• Subscription to publisher legal update newsletters
• Membership of trade associations It is a requirement of the standard to set achievable OH&S
• Research via reputable government websites objectives with the means to periodically measure progress,
• Use of competent consultants demonstrating continuous improvement. Often objectives are
• Competent employee membership of occupational health set and reviewed at management review (see clause 9.3) or
and safety institutes locally at departmental or committee meetings. Once set, there
• Employee attendance of occupational health and safety must be the means to communicate objectives throughout the
training courses organization to support and generate a positive OH&S culture.
Following the initial assessment of compliance obligations, the If many requirements have been identified the organization
organization may consider placing the relevant information in a may consider developing a documented Occupational Health
document. A spreadsheet may be useful for this purpose. and Safety Strategic Plan. The plan should be agreed by
senior leadership and include risk rating tasks, in order of
A live document may include the following information and priority, and the alignment with senior leadership responsible
be referenced within individual risk assessments: for overseeing the task.
• Name and reference number of regulation / requirement
• Revision status A strategic OH&S plan is a live document and periodically
• Date the regulation was last reviewed should be reviewed to monitor progress to achieving
• Competent person responsible for reviewing the requirement objectives and continuous improvement.
• Area of the organization the requirement impacts including
a short description of activity and associated documented The document may include:
information • Strategic prioritised topic
• A hyperlink or description of the source of information • Action, this could be conducting assessments according to
• Name and customer / external provider contact details if compliance obligations such as a noise assessment
relevant to ‘other requirement’ • Method in which the action can be achieved
• Next review date • Resources required to achieve the action. For example
human, equipment, financial and external provider expertise
Methods of controlling • Develop a spread sheet identifying the reasons why previous
revisions have been updated
Documented Information • Determine the method of issue for documented information
with consideration for recovery of pre-modified documented
It’s essential to have a robust but simple system of control for information and communication
documented information. This will ensure workers are always • Archive in electronic format previous revisions of documents
aware of the latest requirements relating to OH&S. In support based on risk ensuring there is a means of backing up and
of the latest revision of documented information there must recovering data
be the means to communicate the latest policies, practices • Determine and identify in the spread sheet the intended
and work instructions. As previously indicated documented document retention timescale. This may be based on legal
information will come from internal and external sources. requirements such as insurance documentation
Below are suggested means of controlling both internal and
external documented information: External
• Determine what should be communicated and retained
Internal based on risk
• Develop a document reference system within the header • Consider scanning to reduce reliance on paper
or footer e.g. Maintenance Procedure No. 1 – MP01, • Maintain the integrity of archived documentation
Maintenance Form 01 – MF01 etc
• Identify the revision status, revision date and author within Remember to create a simple system to use for all to
the document footer understand and access accordingly. Consider supporting the
• Use the same document control methodology for electronic chosen method with an instructional procedure with
documents and data applicable training.
The tables below provide examples of monitoring and specific control measures:
Monitoring Appointed person to weekly inspect airflow of an LEV system to safely remove fumes from a process.
Measurement Use of a calibrated meter to check the airflow at two inspection locations of the system according to a specified
Work Instruction. (Employee is trained and competent to use the equipment).
Analysis Review of recorded data determining the airflow efficiency of the system to ensure workers are safe. This may
include trends. This would be in compliance with manufacturers specifications and regulatory requirements.
Evaluation The trend analysis indicates a reduction in airflow therefore maintenance is triggered to isolate and inspect the
LEV system.
Monitoring Appointed person daily site inspection of safe walking routes to ensure they are in a condition to prevent slips,
trips and falls.
Measurement Visual inspection to ensure there are no obstructions outside of defined safe walking routes. (Usually
measurement is associated with measurement equipment to obtain data).
Analysis Examination of results from inspections. In this case there may be a trend of equipment repeatedly left in the
same location of a Safe Walking Route.
Evaluation Determination of root cause of why equipment is repeatedly left in the safe walking route. Resulting in allocation
of designated safe place for equipment away from the safe walking route.
Any equipment used to determine the measurement ‘indicator’ Internal audits must be conducted by competent staff with a
should be calibrated and maintained so that a high degree of degree of impartiality to the area being audited. A risk-based
confidence is gained in the credibility of data. The standard also approach can be applied to areas being audited with an
requires the organization to implement a process to evaluate increased focus on higher risk activities. Internal audits must be
legal and other compliance including: planned with an expectation of each process being audited in
regular intervals.
• The frequency and method of evaluation
• If action is needed, the process in which it will be evaluated In addition to planned audits, unplanned audits may be
and implemented conducted in reaction to problematic areas, near miss reports or
• Maintain knowledge and understanding of its incident data with focus on accident prevention.
compliance status
• Retain documented information to support the evaluation of It is beneficial to communicate audit results to applicable
legal and other requirements interested parties including workers and set realistic completion
timescales for identified ‘opportunities for improvement’ or ‘non-
In practice you may consider putting a list of compliance conformities’. Top Management must be aware of deficiencies
obligations within a spreadsheet as outlined under section within the system to ensure necessary resources can be
6 of this document. Periodically this process should be allocated to mitigate the findings. Audit results will be reviewed
audited within the internal audit programme to ensure all as part of the management review process.
compliance obligations have been fulfilled. Audit results
including compliance status should be communicated to senior
leadership within the organization. Any outstanding or pending
Management Review
requirements can be actioned by the leadership team. This will Management Review is an essential element of the Occupational
ensure compliance to obligations and reduction in risk including Health and Safety Management System. The aim of the review
potential prosecution. is for Top Management to assess the performance of the
management system to ensure it has been effective and suitable
Internal Audit for the needs of the business, ultimately preventing injury or
harm to workers. The management review is also a planned
An internal audit is a systematic method to check organizational activity to review objectives including compliance and to set
processes and requirements, as well as those detailed in the new objectives.
ISO 45001 standard. This will ensure the processes in place are
effective and the procedures are being adhered to. The internal Usually management review meetings are conducted annually,
audit programme will aid the organization to achieve the OH&S however many organizations conduct management reviews
objectives and targets. It helps: every six months or quarterly to track the performance of the
system. If more frequent meetings are conducted, often the
• Monitor compliance to policy and objectives meeting agenda is reduced with the full agenda occurring
• Provide evidence that all necessary checks are carried out annually.
• Ensure all current legislative and other requirements are met
• Assess the effectiveness of risk management The table on the following page provides an overview of
• Worker engagement leading to a positive safety culture prescribed management review agenda requirements:
• Identify improvement using ‘fresh eyes’ to review a process
• Aid continual improvement
a) Provide a summary of the status of actions from the output of the previous management review. This will
include completed or incomplete tasks and justifications for their status. This information can be pre-prepared
for the meeting.
b1) Explain any changes to internal and external issues relevant to the context of the organization to ensure the
needs and expectations of interested parties including workers are fulfilled.
b2) In addition to B1 note any changes or pending changes to legal and other requirements and actions to address
compliance obligations.
b3) If there are any differences or changes to organizational risk and opportunities, they should be noted and
explained and discussed in the section below.
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c) Review whether compliance to OH&S policy and objectives have been achieved. It is good practice to place
objectives within a table, align key performance indicators to achieve them and comments if they have or have
not been achieved. This will also indicate compliance status of continual improvement.
d1) Discuss any incidents or non-conformities which have occurred since the last review period including trends.
Are there any trends and what actions have been taken to prevent re-occurrence?
d2) Determine if monitoring and measuring has been effective in meeting expectations within the organization. If
evidence suggests it has not been effective Top Management can influence improvement.
d3) Discuss the status of compliance to legal and other requirements. This may include evidence to support
compliance including the methods of determination and sources of information. Discuss any pending legal and
other requirements.
d4) Discuss results of internal audits and actions that have been taken to resolve any non-conformities. Discuss
areas of improvement and areas which are performing well.
d5) Overview of consultation of workers. This may be feedback from safety committee meetings and actions to
address risk and opportunities. Other processes to ensure workers are safe including contractor arrangements.
d6) Discuss risk and opportunities including performance of hazard identification and opportunities to mitigate
harm to workers. The organization may wish to review significant findings of risk assessments.
e) With consideration of the information discussed in previous sections are there enough resources to maintain
and continuously improve the management system. This could be human or financial. Top Management are
key to influence improvement in this area.
f) Discuss communications with interested parties, this may include regulatory authorities or external providers
who are providing materials which have an impact on safety.
g) General discussion with the provision of information how the OH&S management system is performing and
how can it continually improve in the future.
On completion of the management review meeting the • Any implications to the strategic direction of the business. This
organization must decide with senior leadership and support, is a broad scope requirement to capture any topic to improve
what is needed to continuously improve OH&S and satisfy the OH&S management system
the standard. The following points outline the Management
Review Meeting output requirements: The organization is required to record the meeting minutes
within documented information. This information must be
• Provide a wide-ranging conclusion to the continuing stability, communicated to the relevant interested parties and where
adequacy and effectiveness in achieving its intended applicable worker representatives.
• Identify continual improvement opportunities It is good practice to transfer management review objectives into
• Identify any required changes to the a separate document with identified key performance indicators,
OH&S management system expected completed timescales and delegated responsibilities.
• Identify required resources These objectives may be communicated via the organizations
• Identify any actions needed email or placed on notice boards.
• Identify any integration improvements with other business
processes. This may be further harmonisation with ISO 9001
or ISO 14001 management systems
eans of reporting including incidents to the right
groups of workers and interested parties
he timescale of reporting
ow the information is going to be recorded as
documented information for example near miss
report cards, accident reports, defect reports,
reports to senior leadership
sing workers to participate in investigations to
determine root cause analysis
structured system to prevent reoccurrence
ierarchy of control measures to reduce risk as far
as is reasonably practicable
ssessment of OH&S risks prior to the introduction
of a corrective action to prevent the introduction of
new hazards
raining and competence for workers and interested
parties on the means of reporting OH&S hazards,
incidents and opportunities for improvement
Incident • A delivery vehicle during a reversing manoeuvre • Driver has conducted the visitor induction
narrowly misses a worker. including issue of site map.
Near miss • The worker fills out a simple report card outlining the • Near Miss Report Card available across the site.
report Card occurrence with the assistance of the supervisor. Process training delivered during induction.
Corrective • Cones and tape are immediately placed to prevent • Temporary Corrective Action.
Action entry to the area of incident by the supervisor.
Investigation •T
he supervisor has a discussion with the delivery • Details recorded as part of the investigation.
driver relating to the circumstances. • Risk assessment reviewed.
he warehouse and site manager discuss the
incident and review the associated risk assessment.
orkers located in the area provide input.
Risk based • Following the risk assessment review including • Risk assessment revised.
thinking discussions with Top Management, physical barriers • Delivery driver induction modified to include
solution are placed on the pedestrian walkway as segregation barriered walkways.
of vehicles and transport. • Non-conformance report completed with root
• Additional lighting is installed. cause analysis.
• Barriers are incorporated into the maintenance • Recorded within the incident report register.
programme. • Maintenance programme updated.
Communication • The delivery driver (worker) is contacted and • Incident report sent to transport company.
provided with incident feedback and closure. • Incident report worker signs the corrective action
• The worker who reported the near miss is provided report as evidence of positive feedback.
with feedback.
Review • The incident is discussed at the Safety committee • Safety committee and management meeting
and management meetings. minutes.
• The responsible supervisor reports the effectiveness • Committee meeting minutes posted on notice
of the introduced changes. boards.
Management • Overview of incident and positive outcome within • Near miss / incident statistics review.
Review statistics. Management Review Minutes communicated.
• A regular audit of pedestrian routes is added
to the internal audit programme as part of an
improvement objective.
Top tips to get the most out of your health and safety
management system:
1. T
o have an effective OH&S management 6. B
uild the requirements of the standard
system the organization must have in to existing processes and control –
commitment from ‘Top Management’ to OHS is not an add-on
implement and continually improve
7. C
onsider integrating this standard into
2. D
evelop the management system as existing management systems such
a tool to protect workers and business as ISO 9001 Quality and ISO 14001
interests and not just to satisfy the Environmental. This will help embed
standard OH&S into the thinking of both Top
Management and Workers leading to a
safe workplace
3. U
se ‘context’ to understand how
the organization can internally and
externally impact on OH&S including 8. Implementation of this standard is not
workers a burden on your organization. Risk
based thinking with the participation of
workers should improve safety culture
4. Inform interested parties and workers of and productivity
their objectives when implementing the
standard to gain ‘buy in’ and generate a
positive safety culture
5. W
hen designing processes ensure that
they are relevant to the environment
they are intended to be used. In other
words, do not overcomplicate the
various standards covered under IMS. essential. Internal Auditor Training is recommended
and NQA can provide Internal Auditor Training for the
1 • You should hold separate training meetings for top
management, middle management and junior level
management, which will help to create a motivating
6 standard(s) that you are implementing.
• It is important to implement corrective actions for
environment, ready for implementation. improvements, in each of the audited documents, in
order to bridge gaps and ensure effectiveness of IMS.
Learn how to identify, reduce and mitigate risk to your stakeholders and their property.
Need to get up to speed with the new 2018 health and safety standard? Gain the knowledge
and skills to manage the migration effectively.
NQA ISO 45001:2018 OH&S (Health & Safety) 1 0.5 Days £170.00
Migration E-Learning Training
CQI and IRCA ISO 45001 OH&S (Health & Safety) 2 2 Days £750.00
Internal Auditor Training (A2199)
CQI and IRCA ISO 45001 OH&S (Health & Safety) 2 3 Days £950.00
Lead Auditor Conversion Training (A1918)
CQI and IRCA ISO 45001 OH&S (Health & Safety) 3 5 Days £1375.00
Lead Auditor Training (A2236)
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Health and Safety Management Training