Purpose •Several different types of machines can be used for the compaction process.
To reduce fabric shrinkage mechanically by forcing the structure of the The original compactor was designed for woven fabrics.
fabric to compress upon itself.
•It was known by the trademark Sanforizer. Today, this device is known as a
blanket compactor.
Compacted by a rubber blanket by a series of rolls. Steam arennecessary to •However, some modern blanket compactors are designed for use with tubular
allow the yarns to slip by each other. knit fabrics. Additionally, there are other types of compactors that are designed
primarily for knit fabrics.
Fabric Characteristics
• A way of mechanically reducing fabric shrinkage. •The most popular machines are the heated roll and shoe compactor and the
• Fabric becomes heavier and yardage yield is reduced. blade compactor.
• As long as the fabric is not stretched, the fabric is stable.
Re la x a t i on Drying
•One way to correct this added shrinkage due to wet processing is to use relaxation drying.
•During the drying of the fabric, stress is allowed to relax out of the fabric.
To minimize shrinkage in knitted fabric during drying by
•Since this knitted fabric is not held tightly in place, overfeeding does not compact the fabric but
overfeeding fabric into dryer, minimizing tension, and allowing allows the knit loops to rearrange or relax back to their original knitted configuration.
fabric to pre‐shrink during the drying process.
•This drying process does not remove all shrinkage potential from the fabric, but it does restore it
to a stable dimension and stable knitted loop configuration.
Factors Affecting Shrinkage During Drying
•After this process, additional shrinkage potential can be removed from the fabric by usingthe
compacting process.
• Mechanical Action
• Overfeed
• Spreading
• Moisture Content
• Temperature
The most popular type of relaxation
dryer is known as the tensionless . Selection of physico-chemical method
conveyer dryer
During the drying process, the fabric . Establishing evaluation method
forms a series of waves that are similar
in appearance to sinewaves. . Devising suitable application conditions
repellent Effect finishes
Antistatic Soil
finish release
• Skin care –rejuvenating
Avoid Charge Creation upon Rubbing AATCC Test Method 76: Electrical resistivity of fabrics
Wicking Effect This test determines electrical surface resistivity of fabrics (ohm/square) which is calculated
by determining electrical resistance offered by the antistatic finished fabric placed between
Soft Handle
two parallel plates.
Improves Fat and Soil Release
Pad-dry-cure, spraying, coating the hydrophilic surface necessary for easy oily soil release during
So the detergent used during washing can easily penetrate inside
Commercial products the fabric and enhance the soil release.
Resiguard SR (Resil), Bayprotect CL
Typically, these modified fluoro polymers are pad applied
(Tanatex), Ruco-guard C6 (Rudolf)
to fabrics followed by drying & curing
These stresses are minimized allowing controlled shrinkage in relaxed/stretched condition. Setting process releases strains
What is the temperature of heat setting?
imposed during drawing
What is heat setting? Heat setting is carried out at 180ᵒC.
Heat setting of PET improves
A process that uses heat to stabilize the shape and dimensions of yarns or fabrics made of dimensional stability it is preferred in-spite of lowest dye-
thermoplastic fibers. uptake
Processes like dyeing, printing
Effects of heat setting
require stability of fabric structure Why 180ᵒC?
Improved dimensionalstability It is necessary to avoid crease marks Residual shrinkage (R.S.) is required to be
Increased wrinkle resistance after dyeing nil.
Increased drape And to avoid distortion of printed
design Minimum R.S. for fabrics treated at 180ᵒC.
Reduced pillingtendency Thus it is the ideal temperature for heat
Reduced edge curling specifically in Knitted fabrics setting.
Objective Application
Pad-dry-cure, Spraying, coating
Moisturising effect
Commercial products
Anti inflammatory effect
Skintex (Pulcra chem.), Rucofin Avo New (Rudolf), Saracare VE (Sarex)
Skin whitening
Anti ageing
● Qualitative evaluation –rating by a panel
Improves blood circulation
● Quantitative assessment – add-on/retention
Protect, soothes and rejuvenates skin
● Chemical analysis - instrumental, FTIR
● Performance behavior – hand tags of Brands
Vitamin A, D, E
Aloe vera
Cool-dry conditions as specified by chemical supplier
Microencapsulated natural oil such aspeppermint, lemon, passion fruit ,etc.
As specified in MSDS of supplier
During body movement active ingredients slowly released from fabric to the skin
Odor Contamination on the consumer
formation risk
● Qualitative evaluation –AATCC 147
● Quantitative assessment – AATCC 100
Cool-dry conditions as specified by
chemical supplier
As specified in MSDS of supplier
Colour changes after finishing can also occur. Total species of mosquitoes : 3500 Mosquitoes are vegetarian in nature
If residual finish is improperly disposed of at the finishing plant, the desirable and
necessary microbes in the waste treatment facility can be destroyed, causing serious Why Mosquito Sugar Energy
Suck Blood? Female
ecological problems.
Another area of concern is whether the long term use of antimicrobial products in our Egg
society will lead to the eventual development of resistant microbes with perhaps deadly Development
• Testing monitor keeps arm wrapped with rolled the treated fabric in the cage for
No loss due to Better
skin absorption A C adherence to
Mosquito cotton and • The number of landing of exposure was counted and recorded as per time interval
Repellent synthetic fibres of (After 2min-5min-10min-20min-30min)
Slower • Percentage of repellency was defined as the percentage reduction in the number
No removal of the E D evaporation of landing on the treated sample, as compared to that of control sample.
active compoundby because oflower
sweating temperature
Dry Cure
Resin+Softner+Cross C O CH2 N C N CH2 N
linker+Water (800C for 2 (1500C for E
min) 4-5 min) L
Fabric Fabric
Dry Air Dry
(800C for
2 min)
Mosquito Repellency
Mosquito repellent Finishes Sensory Perception