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SWPF Archetype Cards 4

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archetype cards

set 4

Human: Adaptability.
Few things are more inspiring than the sight of
Koda charging into combat. While others may lead HINDRANCES
men through fear or the promises of wealth, Koda
Code of Honor: She keeps her word, doesn’t abuse or kill
inspires those around her through acts of heroics
and loyalty to her men. prisoners, and generally tries to treat others with due respect.
LoyaL: Koda never abandons her friends to danger.
SHort SigHted: Koda can’t spend Conviction to gain an extra
ATTRIBUTES use of her once per encounter ability.

Agility d8 pAce 6 EDGES

SmArtS d6 pArry 6 CavaLier: Koda’s true power comes from the conviction of her
Spirit d6 toughneSS 9 (3) ideals. She is part of the Order of the Lion.
Strength d8 Command: Extras in Command Range add +1 to their Spirit
Vigor d8 or Vigor rolls when attempting to recover from being Shaken
or Stunned.
AthleticS d6 CavaLier mount: Koda’s mount has the Hardy ability.
BAttle d6 CHaLLenge: As a limited action, you can issue a challenge
to an opponent you can see and is within 24” (48 yards). The
com. Knowledge d4 challenge remains in effect until the target is defeated, the
Fighting d8 cavalier is Incapacitated, or the combat ends, and he may never
notice d6 challenge more than one enemy at a time. The target of your
perSuASion d6 challenge is Distracted as long as he is within 10” (20 yards).
riding d6 migHty CHarge: Increase your melee weapon’s damage die
Shooting d6 one die type on a turn in which you move towards an enemy
SteAlth d4 while mounted.
Long sword (Str+d8), light crossbow (Range 10/20/40, Dam-
Languages: Common, Dwarven, age: 2d6, AP: 2), 10 bolts, chain shirt (+3), adventurer’s kit,
Elven, Giant light horse, saddle, 14 gp.


Human: Adaptability.
As an infant, Darius was abandoned on the steps
of a temple to Sarenrae. It was under the care of the HINDRANCES
temple’s priests that he developed a need to protect
the innocent. Darius charges head first into any DeatH WisH: Darius would gladly die if it saved the life of a
danger if it means protecting a child. child.
OvercOnfiDent: Darius believes his faith in Sarenrae will
allow him to overcome any challenge.
ATTRIBUTES stubbOrn: Darius never admits when he’s wrong.

Agility d8 pAce 6 EDGES

SmArtS d6 pArry 7 (2) arcane backgrOunD (cleric): You call on the power of your
Spirit d8 toughneSS 8 (3) deity using Faith as your arcane skill.
Strength d8 cleric (sun): You have been called to serve powers beyond
Vigor d6 most mortal understanding.
SKILLS cHannel energy: You can cast the healing power at a Range
AthleticS d6 of Spirit rather than Touch. Your healing also has the Additional
com. Knowledge d4 Recipients Power Modifier, allowing you to heal nearby allies
at the cost of 1 extra Power Point each.
FAith d8
vOW: You have sworn a solemn oath to serve your deity. If you
Fighting d6 violate your deity’s trust (GM’s call) you subtract 2 from Faith
heAling d6 rolls for a week. Truly sacrilegious acts might rob you of your
notice d6 powers entirely until you atone in some way.
occult d6
perSuASion d6 GEAR
SteAlth d4 Long sword (Str+d8), chain shirt (+3), medium shield, heal-
er’s kit, adventurer’s kit, silver holy symbol, 51 gp
Languages: Celestial, Common, POWers: Bolt, boost/lower Trait, dispel, healing, smite.
Draconic, Elven POWer POints: 10

Elf: Agile, Elven Magic (free reroll to resist enemy powers),
Synnica is more comfortable around animals Intelligence, Keen Senses, Low Light Vision (ignore penalties for
than other humanoids. Her magic allows her to Dim and Dark lighting), Slender.
communicate with animals in a way that she can’t
with people. Her instincts and ability to improvise HINDRANCES
make her a threat to any would-be enemies.
MutE: Synnica does not speak.
ObliviOus: You take half damage from successful Evasion rolls.
ATTRIBUTES POvErty: You start with half funds.
vOw (MajOr): You have sworn a solemn oath to serve Gozreh.
Agility d8 pAce 6 Violating that oath (GM’s call) has dire consequences (see
SmArtS d8 pArry 5 Savage Pathfinder).
Spirit d8 toughneSS 6 (2)
Strength d6
Vigor d6 arcanE backgrOund (MiraclEs-aniMal): Faith is your arcane
bEast MastEr: You have gained the help of a noble bird of
SKILLS prey.
AthleticS d8 GEAR
com. Knowledge d4
FAith d6 Short sword (Str+d6), leather armor (+2), adventurer’s kit, 10x
Fighting d6 tinder twig, 38 gp.
heAling d4 POWERS
notice d6
POwErs: Beast friend, entangle, smite.
perSuASion d6
POwEr POints: 10
SteAlth d6
SurViVAl d8

Languages: Common, Elven,

Giant, Goblin, Sylvan


Elf: Agile, Elven Magic (free reroll to resist enemy powers),
When Eshire takes on a new identity, she falls Intelligence, Keen Senses, Slender.
completely into the new persona. This unusual
talent makes her a highly desired asset for thieves HINDRANCES
and royalty alike. She often acts on instinct, relying
on her skills and luck to get her out of danger. Cautious: You never make rash decisions, preferring to plot
things out in detail.
lonEr: Eshire does not benefit from Gang Up bonuses.
ATTRIBUTES MundanE Vision: An injury cost you your Low Light Vision.

Agility d6 PAce 6 EDGES

smArts d10 PArry 5 arCanE BaCkground (Bard): You use Performance as your
sPirit d8 toughness 4 arcane skill.
strength d4 Bard: You bring epic tales of heroism and tragedy to the people
vigor d6 of Golarion.
JaCk-of-all-tradEs: You may make a Smarts roll as an action
after observing or studying some subject. You gain a d4 in the
SKILLS relevant skill with success, or d6 with a raise.
Athletics d6
com. Knowledge d6 CLASS FEATURES
Fighting d6
arMor intErfErEnCE (light): –4 to Performance rolls if using
intimidAtion d4 medium or heavy armor or shields and you can’t use other class
notice d8 features.
occult d4 sharp tonguEd: Bards can use Performance in place of Taunt
PerFormAnce d6 to Test foes.
PersuAsion d8
steAlth d6 GEAR
thievery d6 5x Daggers (Str+d4), adventurer’s kit, disguise kit, thieves’
tools, smoke stick, antitoxin, sunrod, noble’s outfit, 13 gp.

Languages: Common, Dwarven, POWERS

Elven, Gnome, Orc, Undercommon powErs: Boost/lower Trait, conjure item, empathy.
powEr points: 10

GORSK Half-Orc: Darkvision (ignore Illumination penalties up to
As an adolescent, Gorsk was blessed by a 10”(20 yards)), Intimidating, Orc Ferocity, Outsider (Minor),
mysterious entity, granting him mystical powers. Strong.
Merging his berserker fury with his divine magic,
Gorsk overthrew his tribe’s oppressive shaman and HINDRANCES
freed himself from servitude. EnEmy (minOr): Disgraced shaman.
Hard Of HEaring (majOr): A curse cost you your hearing.
POvErty: You spend as if each day were your last.
Agility d8 pAce 8
arcanE BackgrOund (miraclEs-luck): Faith is your arcane
SmArtS d4 pArry 5 (–1)
Spirit d6 toughneSS 8 (2) BarBarian: You’re a brutal and uncompromising fighter.
Strength d10
armOr rEstrictiOn (mEdium): Subtract 4 from Agility and
SKILLS Agility-based rolls if using heavy armor or shields.
ragE: As a limited free action, you may “rage” voluntarily for
AthleticS d8 five rounds. If Shaken or Wounded, you must make a Smarts
com. Knowledge d4 roll or rage, whether you want to or not.
FAith d6 WHilE raging, yOu gain tHE fOllOWing aBilitiEs:
Fighting d8 fury: Increase Strength a die type. Must Wild Attack if able.
intimidAtion d6 EnragEd: Ignore two levels of Wound penalties and all Fatigue
notice d6 penalties.
perSuASion d4 rEcklEss aBandOn: If you roll a Critical Failure on a Fighting
SteAlth d6 check while raging, you hit a random target within range.
SurViVAl d4 GEAR
Great axe (Str+d10, AP 3, -1 Parry), leather armor (+2),
adventurer’s kit, 30 gp.
Languages: Common, POWERS
Goblin, Orc
POWErs: Boost/lower Trait, dispel, healing.
POWEr POints: 10


Dwarf: Darkvision (ignore Illumination penalties up to 10”
Grull was abducted by a group of fey-like creatures (20 yards)), Iron Constitution (+1 if resisting poison or resisting
as a child and has forever been marred by the powers), Reduced Pace, Stonecunning (Notice roll +2 to detect
experience. After returning home, he dedicated his unusual stonework within 10 feet), Tough.
life to defending his people from the monsters from
the first world. HINDRANCES
fey-Taken: The character suffers a –2 penalty on rolls to resist
disease and poison and on rolls to resist spells, abilities, and
ATTRIBUTES opposed Tests from Fey.
Agility d8 pAce 4 (-1) GreeDy (minor): You argue bitterly for more than a fair share of
SmArtS d4 pArry 9 (2) any loot or reward the party might come across.
Spirit d6 toughneSS 10 (4) overconfiDenT: There’s nothing out there your hero can’t
Strength d8 defeat.
Vigor d8 EDGES
fiGhTer: You excel at combat. You lead the charge to protect
SKILLS your friends and defeat your enemies.
com. Knowledge d4 marTial flexibiliTy: Once per encounter, as a limited free
Fighting d10 action, you can choose to gain the benefits of a single Combat
notice d6 Edge. You must meet all of the Edge’s Requirements (preferring
perSuASion d4 Formation Fighter, Iron Jaw, or Nerves of Steel). This lasts for
SteAlth d4 five rounds.
SurViVAl d4
tAunt d8 GEAR
Warhammer (Str+d6, AP 1), breastplate (+4), heavy shield,
adventurer’s kit, 18 gp.

Languages: Common, Dwarven,


Code of Honor: She keeps her word, doesn’t abuse or kill
Few things are more inspiring than the sight of prisoners, and generally tries to treat others with due respect.
Koda charging into combat. While others may lead LoyaL: Koda never abandons her friends to danger.
men through fear or the promises of wealth, Koda SHort SigHted: You can’t spend Conviction to gain an extra
inspires those around her through acts of heroics use of her once per encounter ability.
and loyalty to her men.
BattLe HeraLd: Battle heralds are skilled leaders.
ATTRIBUTES CavaLier: You are part of the Order of the Lion.
Agility d8 pAce 6 Command: Extras in Command Range add +1 to their Spirit
SmArtS d6 pArry 6 or Vigor rolls when recovering from being Shaken or Stunned.
Spirit d8 toughneSS 10 (4) CLASS FEATURES
Strength d8
Vigor d8 CavaLier mount: The mount is Hardy and Resilient.
CHaLLenge: As a limited action, you can issue a challenge
to an opponent you can see and is within 24” (48 yards). The
SKILLS challenge remains in effect until the target is defeated, the
cavalier is Incapacitated, or the combat ends, and he may never
AthleticS d8 challenge more than one enemy at a time. The target of your
BAttle d6 challenge is Distracted as long as he is within 10” (20 yards).
com. Knowledge d6 inSpiring Command: Once per encounter as a limited free
Fighting d8 action, you may provide allies within Command Range one of
intimidAtion d6 the following abilities for five rounds.
notice d6 tougHneSS: Allies gain +2 Toughness.
perSuASion d6 reveiLLe: Allies ignore 1 point of Fatigue or Wound penalty.
riding d6 Sound tHe CHarge: Allies deal +2 damage on Fighting attacks.
Shooting d6 migHty CHarge: Increase your melee weapon’s damage one
SteAlth d4 die type if you move towards an enemy while mounted.
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Long sword (Str+d8+1, AP 1, Damaging), light crossbow
Elven, Giant (Range 10/20/40, Damage: 2d6, AP: 2), 10 bolts, breastplate
(+4, Fortification), banner, ring of retribution, adventurer’s kit,
heavy horse, saddle, 14 gp.


DARIUS Human: Adaptability.

As an infant, Darius was abandoned on the steps
of a temple to Sarenrae. It was under the care of the HINDRANCES
temple’s priests that he developed a need to protect DeatH WisH: Darius would gladly die to save a child.
the innocent. Darius charges head first into any OvercOnfiDent: Darius believes his faith in Sarenrae will
danger if it means protecting a child. allow him to overcome any challenge.
stubbOrn: Darius never admits when he’s wrong.

Agility d8 pAce 6 arcane backgrOunD (cleric): Faith is your arcane skill.
cleric (sun): You have been called to serve powers beyond
SmArtS d6 pArry 8 (2)
most mortal understanding.
Spirit d10 toughneSS 9 (4) HOly vinDicatOr: You are a paragon of battle.
Strength d8
cHannel energy: You can cast the healing power at a Range
SKILLS of Spirit rather than Touch. Your healing also has the Additional
Recipients Power Modifier, allowing you to heal nearby allies
AthleticS d6 at the cost of 1 extra Power Point each.
com. Knowledge d6 stigmata: You may cause your stigmata to bleed for five
FAith d8 rounds as a limited free action. While they bleed, you add +2
Fighting d8 to all healing rolls. Afterwards, you suffer a level of Fatigue.
heAling d6 vOW: You have sworn a solemn oath to serve your deity. If you
notice d6 violate your deity’s trust (GM’s call) you subtract 2 from Faith
occult d6 rolls for a week.
perSuASion d6 GEAR
SteAlth d4
Long sword (Str+d8, AP 1, Allying), breastplate (+4), medium
shield, healer’s kit, adventurer’s kit, silver holy symbol, minor
necklace of fireballs, muleback cords, 3x potion of minor
Languages: Celestial, Common, relief, 100 gp
Draconic, Elven POWERS
POWers: Bolt, boost/lower Trait, dispel, healing, smite.
POWer POints: 15
Elf: Agile, Elven Magic (free reroll to resist enemy powers),
Synnica is more comfortable around animals Intelligence, Keen Senses, Low Light Vision (ignore penalties for
than other humanoids. Her magic allows her to Dim and Dark lighting), Slender.
communicate with animals in a way that she can’t
with people. Her instincts and ability to improvise HINDRANCES
make her a threat to any would-be enemies.
MutE: Synnica does not speak.
ObliviOus: You take half damage from successful Evasion rolls.
ATTRIBUTES POvErty: You start with half funds.
vOw (MajOr): You have sworn a solemn oath to serve Gozreh.
Agility d8 pAce 6 Violating that oath (GM’s call) has dire consequences (see
SmArtS d8 pArry 6 or 7 Savage Pathfinder).
Spirit d8 toughneSS 7 (3)
Strength d6
Vigor d6 arcanE backgrOund (MiraclEs-aniMal): Faith is your arcane
bEast MastEr x2: You have gained the help of two noble birds
SKILLS of prey.
AthleticS d8 naturE wardEn: You guard the wilds and defend the beasts.
com. Knowledge d4 CLASS FEATURES
FAith d6
survivalist: You have Forrest (as with the Favored Terrain
Fighting d8
ability). While in this terrain, you have +1 Parry, get a free reroll
heAling d4 on Survival and Notice checks, and ignore Difficult Ground and
notice d8 Hazards caused by natural elements. You can select another
perSuASion d6 terrain every time you take a Nature Warden Edge.
SteAlth d6
SurViVAl d8 GEAR
Short sword (Str+d6), small improvised weapon, leather armor
(+3, Aegis), adventurers kit, 10x tinder twig, 38 gp.

Languages: Common, Elven, POWERS

Giant, Goblin, Sylvan POwErs: Beast friend, entangle, smite.
POwEr POints: 15


ESHIRE Elf: Agile, Elven Magic (free reroll to resist enemy powers),
Intelligence, Keen Senses, Slender.
When Eshire takes on a new identity, she falls
completely into the new persona. This unusual HINDRANCES
talent makes her a highly desired asset for thieves
and royalty alike. She often acts on instinct, relying Cautious: You never make rash decisions.
on her skills and luck to get her out of danger. lonEr: You do not benefit from Gang Up bonuses.
MundanE Vision: An injury cost you your Low Light Vision.
arCanE BaCkground (Bard): Performance is your arcane skill.
Agility d8 PAce 6 Bard: You bring epic tales to the people of Golarion.
smArts d10 PArry 5 JaCk-of-all-tradEs: You may make a Smarts roll as an action
sPirit d8 toughness 6 (2) after observing or studying some subject. You gain a d4 in the
strength d4 relevant skill with success, or d6 with a raise.
vigor d6 MastEr spy: You are an unparalleled practitioner of deception.
SKILLS arMor intErfErEnCE (light): –4 to Performance rolls if using
Athletics d8 medium or heavy armor or shields and you can’t use other class
com. Knowledge d6 features.
Fighting d6 MastEr of disguisE: You can create a disguise in less than a
minute, reducing any penalties by 2. You can cast minor conceal
intimidAtion d4
arcana on yourself or your equipment as a limited free action.
notice d8 This costs no Power Points and lasts until dismissed.
occult d4 sharp tonguEd: Bards can use Performance in place of Taunt
PerFormAnce d8 to Test foes.
PersuAsion d8
steAlth d8 GEAR
thievery d8 5x Daggers (Str+d4), leather vest (+2, Glamered), adventurer’s
kit, disguise kit, thieves’ tools, smoke stick, antitoxin, sunrod,
noble’s outfit, philter of love, gloves of storing, 13 gp.
Languages: Common, Dwarven,
Elven, Gnome, Orc, Undercommon POWERS
powErs: Boost/lower Trait, conjure item, empathy.
powEr points: 10

GORSK Half-Orc: Darkvision (ignore Illumination penalties up to
10” (20 yards)), Intimidating, Orc Ferocity, Outsider (Minor),
As an adolescent, Gorsk was blessed by a Strong.
mysterious entity, granting him mystical powers.
Merging his berserker fury with his divine magic, HINDRANCES
Gorsk overthrew his tribe’s oppressive shaman and
freed himself from servitude. EnEmy (minOr): Disgraced shaman.
Hard Of HEaring (majOr): A curse cost you your hearing.
POvErty: You spend as if each day were your last.
Agility d8 pAce 8 arcanE BackgrOund (miraclEs-luck): Faith is your arcane
SmArtS d4 pArry 6 (–1) skill.
Spirit d6 toughneSS 12 (5) BarBarian: You’re a brutal and uncompromising fighter.
Strength d10 ragE PrOPHEt: You draw power from the world beyond.
Vigor d8
armOr rEstrictiOn (mEdium): Subtract 4 from Agility and
SKILLS Agility-based rolls if using heavy armor or shields.
AthleticS d8 ragE: As a limited free action, you may “rage” voluntarily for
com. Knowledge d4 five rounds. If Shaken or Wounded, you must make a Smarts
FAith d6 roll or rage, whether you want to or not.
WHilE raging, yOu gain tHE fOllOWing aBilitiEs:
Fighting d10
fury: Increase Strength a die type. Must Wild Attack if able.
intimidAtion d6 EnragEd: Ignore two levels of Wound and all Fatigue penalties.
notice d6 rEcklEss aBandOn: If you roll a Critical Failure on a Fighting
occult d4 check while raging, you hit a random target within range.
perSuASion d6 ragE castEr: You may cast while Raging. +2 to opposed spells.
SteAlth d6
SurViVAl d4 GEAR
Great axe (Str+d10, AP 4, -1 Parry, Bane (Orc)), scale armor
(+3), adventurer’s kit, minor ring of protection, 30 gp.
Languages: Common,
Goblin, Orc POWERS
POWErs: Boost/lower Trait, dispel, healing.
POWEr POints: 10


Dwarf: Darkvision, Iron Constitution (+1 if resisting poison or
Grull was abducted by a group of fey-like creatures powers), Reduced Pace, Stonecunning (Notice roll +2 to detect
as a child and has forever been marred by the unusual stonework within 10 feet), Tough.
experience. After returning home, he dedicated his
life to defending his people from the monsters from HINDRANCES
the first world.
fey-Taken: The character suffers a –2 penalty on rolls to resist
disease and poison and on rolls to resist spells, abilities, and
opposed Tests from Fey.
ATTRIBUTES GreeDy (minor): You argue bitterly for more than a fair share of
Agility d8 pAce 4 (-1) any loot or reward the party might come across.
SmArtS d4 pArry 10 (2) overconfiDenT: There’s nothing out there you can’t defeat.
Spirit d6 toughneSS 14 (7)
Strength d8
Vigor d10 fiGhTer: You excel at combat. You lead the charge to protect
your friends and defeat your enemies.
nerves of sTeel: Ignore 1 point of Wound penalty.
SKILLS sTalwarT DefenDer: Stalwart defenders are masters of
AthleticS d6 claiming and holding an area.
TraDemark weapon (warhammer): +1 to Fighting and Parry.
com. Knowledge d4
notice d6 Defensive sTance: Once per encounter, as a limited free
perSuASion d4 action, you can enter a defensive stance (+1 Parry, increase
SteAlth d4 Strength and Vigor one die type, reduce Pace by 2 and cannot
SurViVAl d4 run) for five rounds. While doing so you can’t willingly move
tAunt d8 faster. Doing so ends the stance. You can end defensive stance
as a free action.
marTial flexibiliTy: Once per encounter, as a limited free
action, you can choose to gain the benefits of a single Combat
Edge. You must meet all of the Edge’s Requirements (preferring
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Block, Iron Jaw, or Frenzy). This lasts for five rounds.
Warhammer (Str+d6, AP 4, Keen), breastplate (+5, Aegis),
heavy shield, adventurer’s kit, ring of minor protection, 18 gp.

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