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Call To Arms - Mist Dancer (v2)

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WRITING Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Alex Flagg
Mist Dancer (Expert Class) . . . . . . . . . 3
Ben McSweeney, Octographics DUDETO Building the Mist Dancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
HIDE Playing the Mist Dancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Steve Hough Spellcasting Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Spell Theft Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
EDITING & LAYOUT Spell Theft Mastery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Alex Flagg, Patrick Kapera Spell Theft Supremacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

PLAYTESTERS New Class Ability NPC Qualities . . . . . . 5

Jon Andersen, Alex Andersson, Jacob Collins, Joshua
Crisp, Loren Dean, Charles Etheridge-Nunn, Travis OGL/OGC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Herron, Tyler Johnson, Evan McLeod, Steve Mileham, Mark
Newman, Andy Normansell, Lee Reeves, Kevin Ripka,
Shaun Washington, Jimmy Taylor


Fantasy Craft and all related marks are ™ and © 2009 Crafty Games LLC.
All rights reserved.
All characters, names, places, and text herein is copyrighted by Crafty Games.
Reproduction without Crafty Games’ express permission is expressly forbidden,
except for the purpose of reviews and when permission to photocopy is clearly stated.
The mention of or reference to any company or product in this release is not a
challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.


INTRODUCTION Skill Points: 8 + Int modifier per level

Vitality: 6 + Con modifier per level

Welcome to Call to Arms, a series of character expansions CORE ABILITY

for Fantasy Craft. In each installment we offer a new class, Spellshroud: You weave the arts magic and stealth into a
appropriate for any fantasy setting. Some, like this volume’s seamless tapestry. Whenever you make a successful Spellcasting
Mist Dancer, come with additional character options and other check, you may spend an action die to make a Hide check as a
supporting material. For more information on this and many free action.
other great products, visit the Crafty Games website at www.
crafty-games.com, your home for all things Fantasy Craft. CLASS ABILITIES
Dark’s Beloved: Night yields her secrets to you like an old

MIST DANCER (EXPERT) lover. At Level 1 and at each level thereafter, you learn 1 additional
spell from the Illusion or Shadow Disciplines.
Shadow’s Hand: You twist darkness and fog into a shadowy
From superstitious gossips to the stoutest city guardsmen, hand — the perfect tool for mischief. At Level 2, you may spend
rumors spread of rogues emerging from the night fog blanketing 1 spell point to make a Conceal Action or Stash check anywhere
the streets – invisible, untouchable wraiths prowling rooftops within Close Quarters and line of sight, as if you were adjacent
and alleys in search of treasure and glory. The truth, as it happens, to your target.
is nearly as audacious — through an uncanny combination of At Level 7, you may also take Feint actions and make Disable
illusion, stealth, and deception, the Mist Dancer excels at the checks with this ability.
larcenous arts. No shackle can hold him, no door can stop him, Bonus Feat: At Levels 3, 5, 7 and 9, you gain an additional
and no riches are beyond his reach. His methods are as elusive as Covert or Spellcasting feat.
they are effective, and for this he commands the highest rates in Circle of Power I: At Level 4, you may cast Level 1 and
the land — rates his clients are all too happy to pay. lower spells you know.
Depending on the campaign, the Mist Dancer could be… Circle of Power II: At Level 8, you may cast Level 2 and
lower spells you know.
• A street urchin, trained by a sorcerous rogue in the arts of Fog’s Cloak: The mists protect you from prying eyes. At
spell-slinging and stealth Level 4, when in dim, faint, or no light, your threat range with
• A cutthroat assassin whose limitless guile exiles, or perhaps Blend and Sneak checks increases by 2.
liberates him to the night Shade’s Step: You deftly leap from shadow to shadow, unseen
• A thieves’ guild master exploiting stolen magic to evade traps and unfelt. At Level 6, once per round as a half action, you may
and captivity spend 2 spell points to teleport from your current square to any
• A mysterious scholar documenting the passage of history unoccupied square within Close Quarters and line of sight. You
under cover of darkness may only use this ability when in dim, faint, or no light.
• A devious sorcerer with a penchant of mischief that drives Night’s Embrace: Fear of the dark is one of your greatest
him to larceny… and the law to their wits’ end sources of power. At Level 8, when in dim, faint, or no light, the
spell point cost to use your shadow’s hand class ability, or to cast
Party Role: Specialist. As a competent spellcaster and an Illusion or Shadow spells, decreases by 1 (minimum 0).
accomplished infiltrator, the Mist Dancer grants expertise with Mist-Borne: You may become one with the mists, your
subtlety and misdirection. He’s an exceptionally talented scout, body becoming a wisp of smoke. At Level 10, you may become
entering (and escaping) nearly any trap or situation with none incorporeal as a full action. You may remain incorporeal for a total
the wiser. number of rounds per session equal to your Intelligence score, or
until you spend a full action to consciously become corporeal.
CLASS FEATURES You instantly become corporeal if you fall unconscious or die.
Requirements: Sorcery campaign quality, Prestidigitation
6+ ranks, Spellcasting 4+ ranks, 5+ spells from the Illusion or BUILDING THE
Shadow Disciplines, any 1 Covert feat
Favored Attributes: Dexterity, Intelligence, Charisma
Caster: Each level in this class increases your Casting Level The Mist Dancer relies on stealth, skills, and spells to
by 1. overcome obstacles, making Dexterity and Intelligence his most
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Blend, Bluff, Crafting, Haggle, critical attributes. Saurians are perhaps the most naturally gifted
Notice, Prestidigitation, Resolve, Ride, Search, Sneak, Tactics Mist Dancers, but Humans (naturally) also fit the bill. Even with


a hit to Charisma, Goblins are an excellent choice for their small the character’s career, not even barred doors and iron gates can
Size, free Ambush Basics feat, and Low-Light Vision — all perfect stop him, thanks to shade’s step and mist-borne, and his strong
tools for a character who spends most of his time slinking about complement of Covert and Spellcasting feats improve all his core
in the dark. capacities considerably.
As a multi-themed character, the Mist Dancer should Though the Mist Dancer doesn’t stand up to a dedicated
focus on Specialties that shore up strengths in his secondary Mage in raw Spellcasting power, he’s got a healthy dose of tricks
focus, either as a spellcaster or a sneak-thief. Any Specialty up his sleeve. Most magic at his disposal focuses on enhancing
with a bonus to casting, benefits to Dex-based skills, or bonus his already-formidable abilities, including the strong collection
Covert or Spellcasting feats is a great place to start. Rogue, with of Illusion and Shadow spells granted by dark’s beloved, spells
its Ambush Basics bonus feat, trap sense, and practiced sneak that can include Blur, Darkness, Illusionary Image, and Teleport,
abilities is especially useful. all of which are vastly improved by night’s embrace.
Since four ranks in Spellcasting and six ranks in As with most of his other choices, the Mist Dancer’s feat
Prestidigitation are required to become a Mist Dancer, Mage is selections should capitalize on his innate stealth. Ambush
the most natural class for entry. However, cagey players can do Basics, Ghost Basics, and Hidden Spells all preserve and exploit
equally well with a Priest with access to the Path of Magic, a his ability to surprise enemies, while combat feats like Knife
Sage (using cross-training to snag the Mage’s subtle and quick to Basics and Garrote Basics make that ability one of his deadliest
anger), or even a Burglar with access to Blessed (Path of Magic). assets. Because the Mist Dancer is so reliant on darkness, his
Suggested Species: Goblin, Human, Saurian best secondary choices improve or expand his options in little
Suggested Human Talents: Adaptable, Nimble, Intelligent, to no light: Night Fighting, for example, or Blessed (Path of
Unpredictable Darkness), or Abide in Darkness. Finally, the new Spell Theft
Suggested Specialties: Acrobat, Adept, Adventurer, Rogue, feat chain is useful for Mist Dancers who thrill at hunting and
Wizard harassing fellow mages, quickly evening the odds by improving
Suggested Entry Classes: Burglar (with Blessed), Mage, his knowledge and spell points.
Priest (with Path of Magic), Sage The Mist Dancer is likely to have a high Dexterity score, so
easily concealed finesse weapons like fencing swords and knives,
PLAYING THE MIST DANCER plus light armor without a Defense penalty, should probably
When you absolutely, positively have to steal something form the core of his gear. Many of his core skills require kits, and
from a seemingly impregnable fortress, there’s no better ally than a mage’s pouch and thieves’ tools are virtually required. Other
a Mist Dancer. He’s a master of magical misdirection with great equipment that promotes misdirection or concealment, like flash
skill at larceny and the arcane enhancements to overcome nearly bombs, body paint, and loot sacks, round out his gear nicely.
any obstacle between him and his mark. Shadow’s hand and Suggested Feats: Abide in Darkness, Ambush Basics, Blessed
fog’s cloak are perhaps the foremost tools toward this end… The (Path of Darkness), Garrote Basics, Ghost Basics, Hidden Spells,
ability to pick pockets, flip switches, and open locks at a distance Knife Basics, Night Fighting, Spell Theft Basics (see page 5)
while safely enshrouded in darkness? Most rogues would kill for Starting Adventuring Equipment (250s): Partial studded
that edge. Spellshroud literally binds the Mist Dancer’s magic and leather with fitted upgrade, cutlass, main-gauche, sap, 3 flash
sneaky nature, concealing his escape with flash and fury. Later in bombs, garrote, mage’s pouch, thieves’ tools, 50 ft. of silk rope,
backpack, 2 small sacks

Table 1: The Mist Dancer

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Def Init Lifestyle Legend SP Abilities
1 +0 +0 +2 +0 +2 +1 +0 +1 1 Dark’s beloved, spellshroud
2 +1 +0 +3 +0 +3 +1 +0 +1 2 Shadow’s hand (Conceal Action/Stash)
3 +2 +1 +3 +1 +3 +2 +1 +2 3 Bonus feat
4 +3 +1 +4 +1 +4 +2 +1 +2 4 Circle of power I, fog’s cloak
5 +3 +1 +4 +1 +5 +3 +1 +3 5 Bonus feat
6 +4 +2 +5 +2 +6 +4 +2 +3 6 Shade’s step
7 +5 +2 +5 +2 +6 +4 +2 +4 7 Bonus feat, shadow’s hand
8 +6 +2 +6 +2 +7 +5 +2 +4 8 Circle of power II, night’s embrace
9 +6 +3 +6 +3 +8 +5 +3 +5 9 Bonus feat
10 +7 +3 +7 +3 +9 +6 +3 +5 10 Mist-borne



For more about Spellcasting feats, see Fantasy Craft, The following Mist Dancer abilities are available to NPCs
page 105. using the class ability NPC quality (see Fantasy Craft, page 231).


You regularly “borrow” bits of magical power from other Fog’s cloak 2
mages. Mist-bourne 5
Prerequisites: Spellcasting 1+ ranks Night’s embrace 2
Benefit: You gain a +1 insight bonus with saves vs. spells. Shade’s step 5
Also, you gain a stance: Shadow’s hand 2 per grade
Spell Catcher (Stance): When an adversary spends 1 or more Spellshroud 4
spell points to cast a spell within Close Quarters, you immediately
gain 1 spell point. Spell points gained in this way are lost if not
spent by the end of the combat. You may not move while in this
stance (though you may take Bonus 5-ft. Steps, as normal).


Other wizards view you as a mosquito, though twice as
annoying and ten times as dangerous.
Prerequisites: Spell Theft Basics
Benefit: The DCs of Spellcasting checks made by adversaries
within your Reach increase by 4. Also, you gain a trick:
Mana Drain (Tire Trick): You also gain 1 spell point, and
your target’s spell points decrease by 1. Spell points gained in
this way are lost if not spent by the end of the combat. This trick
has no effect if the target has no spell points.


Your very presence robs sorcerers of their most prized
possession — knowledge.
Prerequisites: Spell Theft Mastery
Benefit: Once per scene when you successfully save against
a spell, you may choose to copy that spell. You may attempt to
cast this copied spell once during that scene as if you know it.
Also, you gain a trick:
Arcane Lobotomy (Feint Trick): The target’s known spells
decrease by 1 until the end of the scene (see Fantasy Craft, page
110). This trick has no effect if the target doesn’t know any spells.
You may use this trick a number of times per session equal to the
number of Spellcasting feats you have.



The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000
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Scott Gearin, and Patrick Kapera.

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