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Call To Arms - Infernalist (v2)

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WRITING Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Alex Flagg
Take Heed! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Ben McSweeney, Octographics DUDETO Infernalist (Expert Class) . . . . . . . . . . 3
HIDE Building the Infernalist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
GRAPHIC DESIGN PAGEFRAMES Playing the Infernalist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Steve Hough
Spellcasting Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
EDITING & LAYOUT Dark Ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Patrick Kapera Spell Conversion: Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Spoils of Evil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Jon Andersen, Alex Andersson, Walter Christensen, New Class Ability NPC Qualities . . . . . . 5
Jacob Collins, Joshua Crisp, Loren Dean, Charles Etheridge-
Nunn, Travis Herron, Tyler Johnson, Evan McLeod, Steve OGL/OGC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Mileham, Mark Newman, Andy Normansell, Lee Reeves,
Kevin Ripka, Shaun Washington, Jimmy Taylor


Fantasy Craft and all related marks are ™ and © 2009 Crafty Games LLC.
All rights reserved.
All characters, names, places, and text herein is copyrighted by Crafty Games.
Reproduction without Crafty Games’ express permission is expressly forbidden,
except for the purpose of reviews and when permission to photocopy is clearly stated.
The mention of or reference to any company or product in this release is not a
challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.



Requirements: Sorcery campaign quality, Intelligence 13+,
Welcome to Call to Arms, a series of character expansions Intimidate 4+ ranks, Spellcasting 6+ ranks, 5+ spells from the
for Fantasy Craft. In each installment we offer a new class, Calling and/or Shadow Disciplines
appropriate for any fantasy setting. Some, like this volume’s Favored Attributes: Wisdom, Intelligence
Infernalist, come with additional character options and other Caster: Each level in this class increases your Casting Level
supporting material. For more information on this and many by 1.
other great products, visit the Crafty Games website at www. Class Skills: Bluff, Crafting, Disguise, Intimidate, Investigate,
crafty-games.com, your home for all things Fantasy Craft. Notice, Resolve, Ride, Search, Sense Motive
Skill Points: 6 + Int modifier per level

TAKE HEED! Vitality: 9 + Con modifier per level

The Infernalist is not for timid players, nor the faint of heart. Fire & Brimstone: You specialize in the magic of the nether
By taking levels in this class you’re bargaining with malevolent realms. Each time you spend an action die to boost a Spellcasting
forces of incredible power and risking your character’s long- check for a Fire spell, or a spell from the Calling or Shadow
term safety and security. Demonic blessings always come with Discipline, the saving throw DC increases by an equal amount.
a price — in this case permanent penalties with Will saves and
Charisma checks, representing your character’s gradual slide CLASS ABILITIES
into oblivion. Along the way, however, he gains access to powers Dark Pact I: You’ve forged a devil’s bargain with a supernatural
well beyond any other arcane spellcaster, including the Mage. power. At Level 1, once per scene, you may attempt to cast a spell
you know up to 2 levels higher than you can normally cast (i.e. if

INFERNALIST (EXPERT) you can normally cast Level 3 and lower spells, you may attempt
to cast a Level 4 or 5 spell). You also permanently gain 1 tainted
grade (see Fantasy Craft, page 325).
Tales abound of witches and warlocks who barter with evil Dark Pact II: At Level 6, you may use your dark pact I ability
forces for knowledge, love, and conquest. The Infernalist is 1 additional time per scene (total 2). Also, once per scene, you
one such individual, driven by dark desires to risk his greatest may attempt to cast any spell of any level you’re able to cast,
possession — his immortal soul — for ultimate arcane power. even if you don’t know it. You also permanently gain 1 additional
Depending on your campaign, an Infernalist could be… tainted grade (for a total of 2 grades from this class).
Dark Pact III: At Level 10, you may use your dark pact I
• A megalomaniacal wizard whose lust for power knows no ability 1 additional time per scene (total 3). Also, once per scene,
moral (or mortal) bounds you may automatically cast any spell you know, regardless of
• A sorcerer rescued from certain death at the price of eternal level, without making a Spellcasting check or spending any spell
damnation points (you must still spend spell points to modify the base spell,
• An adept seduced by vile forces beyond his understanding as normal). You also permanently gain 1 additional tainted grade
• A blood-mage tapping the power of death to fuel vile magic (for a total of 3 grades from this class).
• A witch consorting with the Devil to wreak terrible revenge Sympathy for the Devil I: You’ve learned the art of
on her enemies persuasion from inhuman counsel. At Level 2, you may make
• A tragic figure accepting a Pyrrhic bargain to save his true Haggle checks using your Intimidate skill bonus.
love Sympathy for the Devil II: At Level 7, you may make
Impress checks using your Intimidate skill bonus.
Party Role: Specialist. The Infernalist pays a heavy price Circle of Power I: At Level 3, you may cast Level 1 and
for his magical might and must make the most of it before his lower spells you know.
demonic debt comes due. Circle of Power II: At Level 5, you may cast Level 2 and
lower spells you know.
Circle of Power III: At Level 7, you may cast Level 3 and
lower spells you know.
Circle of Power IV: At Level 9, you may cast Level 4 and
lower spells you know.


Devilish Heritage: Your dalliance with infernal forces has Suggested Species: Elf, Human, Rootwalker
left its marks. At Level 4, you gain the Devilish Heritage feat (see Suggested Human Talents: Intelligent, Ruthless, Savvy
Fantasy Craft, page 100). Suggested Specialties: Aristocrat, Shaman, Sorcerer,
Imp: At Level 4, you gain control of an imp as an additional Swindler, Wizard
character (see Fantasy Craft, page 271). This imp is a special Suggested Entry Classes: Channeler (Spellbound), Mage,
character with a Threat Level equal to your Career Level minus Priest (with Path of Magic)
4 (minimum 1). It gains no action dice, but you may spend your
action dice on its behalf. If the imp dies or is dismissed, you lose PLAYING THE INFERNALIST
Reputation equal to your Career Level and the imp is replaced The Infernalist personifies absolute magical power, selling
with a new one at the start of the following adventure. slices of his soul for access to progressively greater (and in every
At Level 8, your imp’s Threat Level increases to your Career case unrivaled) spellcasting ability. Dark pact and an aggressive
level minus 3. circle of power progression are the backbone of this trade-off,
From Hell: Unholy forces watch over you and your friends. vastly amplifying the Infernalist’s arcane prowess and flexibility
At Level 8, you and each teammate who can see or hear you gain by making him vulnerable to mind-altering affects and — in a
Damage Reduction 2/divine. game with the corrupting magic campaign quality (see Fantasy
Craft, page 325) — running the risk of him succumbing entirely
BUILDING to the will of his malicious masters.

THE INFERNALIST Fortunately, the Infernalist is also well-rounded: sympathy

for the devil improves on his negotiation skills as he takes cues
The Infernalist wields incredible power — at a cost; his from the nastiest bargainers of all; devilish heritage, from hell,
soul begins to wither with his first step into the primal world of and his vitality progression make him much tougher than most
ancient evil. He gains his first permanent grade of the tainted magic users; and fire & brimstone, imp, his base attack bonus,
condition at Level 1 and it rises again at Levels 6 and 10. By taking and his Defense help him enormously in combat.
each of these levels the character is consciously sacrificing his The Infernalist benefits most from feats that enhance
connection with the mortal coil for unmatched arcane prowess. his spellcasting efficiency or protect him from the ravages of
His best safeguard against the debilitating effects of his bargain demonic influence. Iron Will is a no-brainer, if he doesn’t gain it
is to load up on character options that boost Wisdom, Charisma, from the Rootwalker Species or another character option, as are
and related checks and saves. Certain Species, like elves and Spellcasting feats that boost his Casting Level and saving throw
rootwalkers, can better cope with the tainted condition, and any DCs. Spell Library is useful if he wants a wide range of spells,
Talent or Specialty that offers a bonus to Wisdom, Charisma, or which can be particularly helpful late in his career as his dark
Will saves is a plus. Of course, the character could simply give in pact grants access to his full repertoire, and Spell Conversion
to the lure of the bargain, accepting a great vulnerability so he feats are a strong complement as well, offering great control over
can focus the rest of his training elsewhere. Such are the choices spell level and other facets of casting. Black Cat and Glint of
facing the damned. Madness, from the Chance tree, are just as well themed, further
In preparation for this class, a character should also take disrupting opponents’ actions (perhaps through the intervention
levels in Mage or another spellcasting class, though the Priest of the Infernalist’s sinister patrons?).
with Path of Magic will work in a pinch.

Table 1: The Infernalist

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Def Init Lifestyle Legend SP Abilities
1 +0 +1 +0 +1 +1 +0 +2 +0 2 Dark pact I, fire & brimstone
2 +1 +2 +0 +2 +1 +0 +3 +1 4 Sympathy for the devil I
3 +2 +2 +1 +2 +2 +1 +3 +1 6 Circle of power I
4 +3 +2 +1 +2 +2 +1 +4 +1 8 Devilish heritage,
imp (Career Level minus 4)
5 +3 +3 +1 +3 +3 +1 +4 +1 10 Circle of power II
6 +4 +3 +2 +3 +4 +2 +5 +2 12 Dark pact II
7 +5 +4 +2 +4 +4 +2 +5 +2 14 Circle of power III,
sympathy for the devil II
8 +6 +4 +2 +4 +5 +2 +6 +2 16 From hell, imp (Career Level minus 3)
9 +6 +4 +3 +4 +5 +3 +6 +2 18 Circle of power IV
10 +7 +5 +3 +5 +6 +3 +7 +3 20 Dark pact III


Beyond the requisite mage’s pouch, the Infernalist should SPOILS OF EVIL
seek gear that lets him exploit his combat-oriented caster role, Sometimes being bad feels so good.
preferably from a distance. Melee weapons with Reach and Prerequisites: Spellcasting 1+ ranks, Wisdom 15+
powerful ranged weapons are common, and those that inflict Benefits: You may substitute your Wisdom bonus for your
stress damage can also be useful. Armor should be light so it Charisma bonus when determining your Lifestyle. You also learn
doesn’t impact his maneuverability, and poisons may come in 1 spell from the Shadow School and the spell point cost for you
handy when fighting dirty. to cast any Shadow spell decreases by 1 (minimum 1).
Suggested Feats: Black Cat, Casting Basics, Dark Ritual (see
below), Glint of Madness, Iron Will, Spell Conversion: Duration,
Spell Conversion: Effect, Spell Library, Spoils of Evil (see right) NEW CLASS ABILITY
Suggested Adventuring Equipment (248s): Bullwhip, 5
candles, partial leather armor with light fittings, light crossbow NPC QUALITIES
+ 20 barbed bolts, mage’s pouch, 7 days’ rations, sheaf of paper
and common ink, 3 vials (doses) of agonizing poison The following Infernalist abilities are available to NPCs using
the class ability NPC quality (see Fantasy Craft, page 231).

SPELLCASTING Class Ability XP Value

FEATS Fire & brimstone

From hell
Sympathy for the devil 2 per grade
For more about Spellcasting Feats, see Fantasy Craft, page

The blood of your enemies fuels your spellcasting.
Prerequisites: Spellcasting 1+ ranks
Benefits: You gain a trick.
Bloodletting (Coup de Grace Trick): When you perform a
Coup de Grace on a standard NPC, you gain 1 temporary spell
point. When you do so against a special NPC, you gain a number
of temporary spell points equal to the adventure’s Menace. These
temporary spell points are lost at the end of the scene.

You’ve mastered the magic of conviction.
Prerequisites: Casting Level 1+, Alignment
Benefits: You gain 2 tricks.
Align Spell (Spellcasting Trick): When casting an unaligned
spell, you may pay 1 additional spell point to add the Aligned
term. The spell’s variable effects increase by 50% (rounded up) if
the target(s) possess an opposing Alignment.
Confident Spell (Spellcasting Trick): When casting an aligned
spell, you may double the Casting Time and reduce each of the
spell’s variable effects to 1/2 standard (rounded down) to reduce
the spell’s level by 1 (minimum 1).



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Scott Gearin, and Patrick Kapera.

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