01.risk Assessment - MV For Switchgear
01.risk Assessment - MV For Switchgear
01.risk Assessment - MV For Switchgear
Rev. No. : 01
Document Title:
Effective Date : 27/03/2021
Risk Assessment for MV Switchgear
Risk Assessment : 01
Project ID: Cause of Assessment: New Contract Date:
Risk Assessment (RR = SR X PR) Risk Rating
S Activity / Who might be Prob.
Risk(s) Severity Risk Rating (RR) Preventive Controls After Preventive.
# Hazard(s) affected? Rating
(PR) H M L Control
1 Mobilization of 4 2 8 Before mobilizing any tools make sure 4
tools & workers. Unauthorized that must be inspected.
tools brought O&M
out to site. Engineer/ Ensure that all personnel prior to start
Technicians the have been inducted or oriented
Unskilled and about the hazard in the job site.
un inducted
starting the job.
Workers needs
aware of
Perform safety Toolbox Talks 4
Visual & Electrical shock O&M 3 2 6 Before carrying test, Dust and moisture
2 Mechanical Checks Electrocution Engineer/ on equipment must be removed to
of equipment. Fire Technicians remove their influence on test.
(Dust, Moisture, Inspection of all portable electrical
Damage) tools must be carried out by the user
and the supervisor/foreman concerned
before its use.
Use properly insulated equipment to
carry out the test.
Inspect switchgear and all components
for any physical damage / defects.
Check nameplate information for
Inspect enclosures for proper
alignment, foundation fixing, and
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Occupational Health & Safety Management System Ref. No. : SR 4.3.1/1
Rev. No. : 01
Document Title:
Effective Date : 27/03/2021
Risk Assessment for MV Switchgear
Risk Assessment : 01
Project ID: Cause of Assessment: New Contract Date:
Risk Assessment (RR = SR X PR) Risk Rating
S Activity / Who might be Prob.
Risk(s) Severity Risk Rating (RR) Preventive Controls After Preventive.
# Hazard(s) affected? Rating
(PR) H M L Control
grounding and vermin entry.
Inspect all covers, panels’ section and
doors for paintwork and proper fit.
Check all the transport locks are
Check for smooth and proper movement
of racking mechanisms, shutter, rollers,
rails and guides.
Check proper alignment of the primary
and secondary contacts.
Check operation of all mechanical
Check tightness of all bolted
Check for correct phasing connection of
bus bar.
Perform mechanical check and visual
inspection for breaker / Contactor as
per section.
Perform mechanical check and visual
inspection for instrument transformers
as per section
Perform mechanical check and visual
inspection on all disconnect / grounding
switches as per section.
3 Switch-Off main 3 3 9 Switch-off the breaker 6
circuit breaker of O&M Use only inspected and insulated tools
the panel and Electrocution Engineer/ for the task.
Check for any Technicians Only Competent technicians shall carry
loose connection out activity. Use rubber gloves if the
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Occupational Health & Safety Management System Ref. No. : SR 4.3.1/1
Rev. No. : 01
Document Title:
Effective Date : 27/03/2021
Risk Assessment for MV Switchgear
Risk Assessment : 01
Project ID: Cause of Assessment: New Contract Date:
Risk Assessment (RR = SR X PR) Risk Rating
S Activity / Who might be Prob.
Risk(s) Severity Risk Rating (RR) Preventive Controls After Preventive.
# Hazard(s) affected? Rating
(PR) H M L Control
panel cannot be de-energized.
Perform safety Toolbox Talks 9
Use appropriate PPEs (CAT 2 uniform,
Carrying out IR Electrical Shock O&M Safety shoes, and Helmet).
4 4 3 12
test at; Arc Flash Engineer/ Ensure the grounding of equipment
500V for 60 Circuit spark Technicians under test.
sec. Damage to All electrical O&M work must be
5kV for 10 network / carried out only by a competent person.
min. Apparatus / Defects or mistakes must be corrected
Equipment. as soon as they are observed.
Arc Flash Perform safety Toolbox Talks 9
5 Grounding of Electrocution O&M Use appropriate PPEs (CAT 2 uniform,
4 3 12
system & Burn Engineer/ Safety shoes, and Helmet)
equipment Electrical Shock Technicians Ensure the grounding of equipment
under test.
After subject test, under test, is
discharged to ground.
6 Using chemical Ingestion for O&M 2 2 4 Perform safety Toolbox Talks. 2
materials for any chemical Engineer/ Wear safety glasses.
maintenance material. Technicians Wear mask.
purposes Inhalation. Wear appropriate safety gloves.
WD40 and Skin Wash hands thoroughly after handling.
CRC liquid (absorption) Avoid inhaling vapors.
materials. Eye contact. Standard laboratory operating
Electrical and (Respiratory issues, procedures to be followed.
mechanical Eye Issues and
grease solid digestive system
materials. issues)
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Occupational Health & Safety Management System Ref. No. : SR 4.3.1/1
Rev. No. : 01
Document Title:
Effective Date : 27/03/2021
Risk Assessment for MV Switchgear
Risk Assessment : 01
Project ID: Cause of Assessment: New Contract Date:
Risk Assessment (RR = SR X PR) Risk Rating
S Activity / Who might be Prob.
Risk(s) Severity Risk Rating (RR) Preventive Controls After Preventive.
# Hazard(s) affected? Rating
(PR) H M L Control
5. Catastrophic 5. Frequent
4. Severe 4. Probable
Severity Rate
3. Critical Probability Rate (PR) 3. Occasional
2. Marginal 2. Remote
1. Negligible 1.Improper
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