Job Safety Analysis (JSA) : Electronics (Cleaning + Servicing)
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) : Electronics (Cleaning + Servicing)
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) : Electronics (Cleaning + Servicing)
NOTE: RB = Risk Rating before controls implemented - RA = Risk Rating after controls are implemented
Person Responsible for
Tasks Hazards RB Hazard Control Measures RA
List the tasks required to Against each task list the hazards List the control measures required to
perform the activity in the that could cause injury when the eliminate or minimise the risk of injury
sequence they are carried out task is performed. arising from the identified hazard.
Tripping, slipping when transporting
Use pallet jacks
from wash bay to Maintenance Area
Good housekeeping
Back injuries when transporting
1. Cleaning Equipment M Use assistance when lifting boxes L Shop Tech / Site Specialist
Wear rubber gloves, safety glasses
Chemical exposure to skin, eyes
Review MSDS for cleaning supplies
3. Calibrating Electronics Exposure to calibration gas L Use in well ventilated areas L Shop Tech / Site Specialist
Insignificant Significant Severe Major Catastrophic
Almost Certain/
Medium High High High High
probability of an event
Medium Medium High High High
Low Medium Medium High High
Low Low Medium Medium High
Rare Low Low Low Medium High
Re-fill line valves not closed Lifting In correct pressure rated hose Environment/Weather
Cylinder valves not open Hazardous Atmosphere H.P. Line damage Slips/trip
Pre air intake filter not positioned correctly Buffing & Grinding Depressurizing Chemical Exposure
Overhead Fire Explosion Limited access & egress In correct Job Task Procedures
Fittings not operational In correct pressure rated fittings used Missing Person Routine mask work
PPE Daily equipment inspections (SOP Safety relief valves operational H2S BOP training completed
Communication Rescue Drills & training Equipment inspections executed as per company SOP Compressor turned off
Permit to Work Lifting pre-check visual and MSDS & TDG documentation Bleed off line secured
Hazard Controls
Company SOP on-site current color code & certification Lanyard & harness All connections double checked
Equipment function tested Safety barricade Auto shut down operational SCBA/SABA
Air Analysis current ERP in place and tested Life vest Safety meeting held prior to critical job task
H.P. Lines secure Gas detector tube device Radio/phone access Face shield
Correct H.P. Valve placement for isolation Head count control measures in place Respirator Containment bottles