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Ctks 60 QVM

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4.0/5.0/6.0/7.1 kW Class
18000/24000/28000 Btu/h Class
Indoor Unit
Wall Mounted Type
Service Manual
Removal Procedure
Indoor Unit

zCooling Only zHeat Pump




Table of Contents
1. Air Filters .................................................................................................2
2. Front Panel..............................................................................................3
3. Front Grille ..............................................................................................4
4. Horizontal Blades ....................................................................................5
5. Electrical Box ..........................................................................................6
6. PCBs .....................................................................................................10
7. Drain Pan / Swing Motors .....................................................................14
8. Fan Guards / Vertical Blade ASSYs......................................................18
9. Indoor Heat Exchanger .........................................................................20
10.Fan Rotor / Fan Motor...........................................................................23
Note: Š The illustrations may be slightly different depending on the model.

Removal Procedure 1
Air Filters Si041652EB

1. Air Filters
Warning Š Be sure to wait for 10 minutes or more after turning off all power supplies before
disassembling work.
Step Procedure Points
1. Remove the air filters. Front panel
„ The air filters are not marked
1 Open the front panel. for difference between the
right and left sides.
2 Unfasten the 2 hooks
and pull out the air filter „ When reassembling, insert
downward to remove it. the air filter along the guides.

3 Remove the other air „ Insert the air filter with the
filter in the same way. “FRONT” mark faced up.
Hook Air filter (R22880)
„ Be sure to insert the 2
bottom hooks when installing
the air filters.
2. Remove the optional „ The right and left filters are
filters. Back side interchangeable.
1 Unfasten the 4
projections to remove
the optional filter ASSY.

Projection Projection

Optional filter ASSY


2 Unfasten the 5 hooks

and remove the
optional filter from its

3 Remove the other

optional filter in the
Optional filter
same way. Hook

2 Removal Procedure
Si041652EB Front Panel

2. Front Panel
Warning Š Be sure to wait for 10 minutes or more after turning off all power supplies before
disassembling work.
Step Procedure Points
1 Release the shaft on „ The shaft on each side can
both sides. Left Shaft be released easily by
pushing outward.


Right Shaft


2 Remove the front panel. „ When reassembling the front

Front panel
panel, fit the right and left
shafts one by one into the
grooves and fully push them
in position.


Removal Procedure 3
Front Grille Si041652EB

3. Front Grille
Warning Š Be sure to wait for 10 minutes or more after turning off all power supplies before
disassembling work.
Step Procedure Points
1 Remove the 3 screws
of the front grille. Front grille


2 Unfasten the 3 hooks at „ The convex marks (…) on

the top. Top view Hook the front panel indicate the
position of the hooks.



„ When reassembling, make

sure that all the 3 hooks are
3 Pull out the upper part
of the front grille, lift up
the lower part and then
remove the front grille.


4 Removal Procedure
Si041652EB Horizontal Blades

4. Horizontal Blades
Warning Š Be sure to wait for 10 minutes or more after turning off all power supplies before
disassembling work.
Step Procedure Points
1 Release the center
shafts of the upper Center shaft

horizontal blade while

bending the blade

Upper horizontal blade


2 Release the left shaft.

Left Right

3 Release the right shaft.

(R22890) (R23515)

4 Remove the upper „ Installation procedure

horizontal blade. 1. Fit the right shaft of the
horizontal blade first. Make
sure to rotate the horizontal
blade so the shaft fits in the
correct position.
2. Fit the horizontal blade to the
center and left shafts.
Upper horizontal blade
„ When reassembling, install
the lower horizontal blade
5 Remove the lower
horizontal blade in the
same way.

Lower horizontal blade


Removal Procedure 5
Electrical Box Si041652EB

5. Electrical Box
Warning Š Be sure to wait for 10 minutes or more after turning off all power supplies before
disassembling work.
Step Procedure Points
1. Disconnect the „ The service cover can be
connecting wire. Service cover removed without removing
1 Remove the screw, and the front grille.
then the service cover.
„ The service cover has no
hook and may fall when the
screw is loosened. Be
careful not to drop the
service cover.


2 Remove the screw, and

Terminal strip
then the wire fixture.

3 Remove the 4 screws

of the terminal strip and
disconnect the
connecting wire.


Wire fixture

2. Remove the electrical „ When reassembling, make

Earth/ground wire (green/yellow)
box. sure to pass the green earth/
1 Remove the 2 screws ground wire behind the heat
and detach the earth/ exchanger tube, except for
ground wires. FTXF60QVMA. For
FTXF60QVMA, the green
earth/ground wire should
pass above the heat
exchanger tube.
Earth/ground wire

Earth/ground wire (green)


wire (green) (R24088)

6 Removal Procedure
Si041652EB Electrical Box

Step Procedure Points

2 Pull out the indoor heat „ Be careful not to lose the clip
Indoor heat exchanger thermistor
exchanger thermistor. of the thermistor.



(R22897) „ The location of the indoor

heat exchanger thermistor
varies depending on the

3 Unfasten the 4 hooks „ When reassembling, make

Hook Hook
and remove the sure that the 4 hooks are
electrical box cover. securely fastened.

Electrical box

4 Disconnect the [S200]: fan motor

connector [S200].

5 Release the harnesses

from the 4 hooks and
the groove.


Groove (R23517)

Removal Procedure 7
Electrical Box Si041652EB

Step Procedure Points

6 Disconnect the [S6]: swing motor for horizontal
connector [S6]. blades

7 Release the harnesses

from the 2 hooks and
the groove.

Groove Hook [S6] (R23518)

8 Disconnect the [S11]: swing motor for vertical

connector [S11]. blades

9 Release the harnesses „ Some models do not have

from the 2 hooks and the harness for [S11].
the groove.


Groove Hook

10 Disconnect the [S26]: display/signal receiver

connector [S26]. PCB

11 Release the harnesses

from the 3 hooks and
the groove.

Groove Hook (R23520)

8 Removal Procedure
Si041652EB Electrical Box

Step Procedure Points

12 Disconnect the [S3]: INTELLIGENT EYE sensor
connector [S3]. PCB

13 Release the harnesses

from the 2 hooks and
the groove.


Groove Hook (R24089)

14 Remove the screw of „ When reassembling, make

Electrical box
the electrical box. sure the hook at the front of
the electrical box is securely
15 Slightly lift the electrical fastened.
box and remove it.

Hook (R22905)


„ When reassembling, make

Right view Hook Bottom frame
sure that the 2 hooks are
securely fastened to the
bottom frame.



Removal Procedure 9
PCBs Si041652EB

6. PCBs
Warning Š Be sure to wait for 10 minutes or more after turning off all power supplies before
disassembling work.
Step Procedure Points
1. Remove the control PCB. Slit
[S32]: indoor heat exchanger
1 Remove the connector thermistor
„ When reassembling, make
2 Release the harnesses sure to insert the thermistor
from the slit. harness back into the slit.


3 Remove the connector [S900]: filter PCB



4 Unfasten the 5 hooks

and remove the control



10 Removal Procedure
Si041652EB PCBs

Step Procedure Points

2. Remove the filter PCB. [FG], [HE]: earth/ground
1 Disconnect the [HE] [FG] terminal
terminals [HE] and


2 Disconnect the [S100]: terminal strip

connector [S100].


3 Unfasten the 4 hooks

and remove the filter


Filter PCB


Removal Procedure 11
PCBs Si041652EB

Step Procedure Points

3. Remove the
sensor PCB.
1 Release the harness of
the signal receiver unit
from the 3 hooks.


Signal receiver unit


2 Unfasten the 2 hooks „ When reassembling, make

and remove the signal sure to fit the bottom of the
receiver unit. signal receiver unit before
fastening the 2 hooks.


Signal receiver


3 Release the harness on

Back view Hook
the back of the signal
receiver unit from the 3


12 Removal Procedure
Si041652EB PCBs

Step Procedure Points

4 Unfasten the 4 hooks
Front view
and remove the
sensor ASSY.


sensor ASSY
5 Remove the motion „ When reassembling the
sensor from the shield motion sensor, make sure
plate. you hear a clicking noise.
Otherwise, the sensor is not
completely set.

Motion sensor Shield plate (R24091)

6 Unfasten the 2 hooks

and remove the shield

7 Disconnect the Hook [S36]: control PCB

connector [S36].

8 Remove the
sensor PCB.
sensor PCB
Shield plate (rear)

4. Remove the display/

Back view Hook
signal receiver PCB.
1 Unfasten the 3 hooks
on the back and
remove the display/
signal receiver PCB.

receiver PCB


Removal Procedure 13
Drain Pan / Swing Motors Si041652EB

7. Drain Pan / Swing Motors

Warning Š Be sure to wait for 10 minutes or more after turning off all power supplies before
disassembling work.
Step Procedure Points
1. Remove the drain pan. „ Use a short screwdriver from
Right view
1 Lift up the indoor unit the back.
slightly and remove the
screw on the back.


2 Disconnect the drain „ Hold the indoor unit up with a

hose. piece of wood.

„ Place a plastic sheet around

the drain pan to prevent
wetting the floor with
remaining drain.

„ If the drain hose is

embedded in the wall,
disconnect the drain hose

Drain hose


3 Remove the 4 screws.


14 Removal Procedure
Si041652EB Drain Pan / Swing Motors

Step Procedure Points

4 Unfasten the 4 hooks „ When reassembling, make
and remove the drain sure that all the 4 hooks are
pan. securely fastened.

Hook Drain pan


2. Remove the swing motor „ Some models do not have

for vertical blades. the swing motor for vertical
1 Remove the filament blades.

Filament tape

2 Remove the 2 screws.

Back view


3 Release the shaft of the

Shaft Swing motor
vertical blade from the
swing motor shaft with
a flat screwdriver and
remove the swing motor


Removal Procedure 15
Drain Pan / Swing Motors Si041652EB

Step Procedure Points

4 Release the harness „ When reassembling, make
from the 3 hooks and sure to wrap the harness
the groove. around the hook (1)


Groove Hook (1)


5 Unfasten the 2 hooks. „ When reassembling, make

Back view sure that the 2 hooks are
securely fastened.




6 Remove the 2 screws

Swing motor for vertical blade
and remove the swing
motor for vertical


3. Remove the swing motor

for horizontal blades.
1 Remove the screw.


16 Removal Procedure
Si041652EB Drain Pan / Swing Motors

Step Procedure Points

2 Remove the swing
motor for horizontal Link shaft ASSY Swing motor for horizontal blade
blades together with the
link shaft ASSY.


3 Remove the swing

motor for horizontal
blades from the link
shaft ASSY.

Link shaft ASSY


Removal Procedure 17
Fan Guards / Vertical Blade ASSYs Si041652EB

8. Fan Guards / Vertical Blade ASSYs

Warning Š Be sure to wait for 10 minutes or more after turning off all power supplies before
disassembling work.
Step Procedure Points
1. Remove the fan guards. „ The fan guards are not
Fan guard marked for difference
1 Peel off the sealing
material. between right and left.

2 Unfasten the 3 hooks at „ Some models do not have

the bottom and remove fan guards.
the fan guard.

3 Remove the other fan

guards in the same

Hook Sealing material


„ When reassembling, fit the

fan guard to the 2
projections at the top, then
fasten the 3 hooks at the


2. Remove the vertical blade „ It is necessary to unfasten all

ASSYs (auto-swing 15 hooks in order to remove
models). the center shaft.
1 Unfasten the 5 hooks
on each vertical blade
ASSY to remove the
center shaft.

Center shaft Hook


2 Unfasten the 3 hooks at „ Each vertical blade ASSY

Vertical blade ASSY
the shaft mounting part has 5 fins. It is not possible
by pressing them with a to replace the fins
flat screwdriver. individually.

3 Remove the vertical „ The vertical blade ASSY is

blade ASSY. not marked for difference
between right, center and
4 Remove the other left.
vertical blade ASSYs in
the same way.

18 Removal Procedure
Si041652EB Fan Guards / Vertical Blade ASSYs

Step Procedure Points

3. Remove the vertical blade Hook
„ Each vertical blade ASSY
ASSYs (manual swing has 5 fins. It is impossible to
models). replace only one fin.
1 Unfasten the upper 2
hooks. „ The vertical blade ASSY is
not marked for difference
between right, center and

Vertical blade ASSY (R21046)

2 Unfasten the 3 hooks at

the shaft mounting part
by pressing them with a
flat screwdriver.

3 Remove the vertical

blade ASSY.

4 Remove the other

vertical blade ASSYs in
the same way. Hook

Removal Procedure 19
Indoor Heat Exchanger Si041652EB

9. Indoor Heat Exchanger

Warning Š Be sure to wait for 10 minutes or more after turning off all power supplies before
disassembling work.
Š In pump-down work, be sure to stop the compressor before disconnecting the
refrigerant pipe. If the refrigerant pipe is disconnected with the compressor operating
and the stop valve open, air may be sucked in and may generate an over-pressure in
refrigeration cycle, thus resulting in pipe rupture or accidental injury.
Š When removing or reinstalling the indoor heat exchanger, be sure to wear gloves or
wrap the indoor heat exchanger with cloths. (You may be injured by the fins.)

Caution Š Be sure to conduct pump down operation before disassembling the refrigerant pipe.
Š If the refrigerant leaks, repair the spot of leaking, then collect all refrigerant from the
unit. After conducting vacuum drying, recharge proper amount of refrigerant.
Š From the viewpoint of global environmental protection, make sure to use a vacuum
pump for air purging.
Step Procedure Points
1. Disconnect the refrigerant
1 Remove the 2 screws.


2 Pull out the drain hose. „ Hold the indoor unit up with a
piece of wood.

„ Place a plastic sheet around

the drain pan to prevent from
wetting the floor with
remaining drain.
Drain hose
„ If the drain hose is
Extension drain
embedded in the wall,
Connecting wires (R22938)
disconnect the drain hose

3 Disconnect the flare nut „ Carry out the removal works

for gas piping. with 2 wrenches.

4 Disconnect the flare nut „ When the pipings are

for liquid piping. disconnected, protect the
open ends of both the pipe
and the unit from moisture


20 Removal Procedure
Si041652EB Indoor Heat Exchanger

Step Procedure Points

2. Remove the indoor heat
1 Detach the indoor unit
from the installation


2 Unfasten the 2 hooks

and remove the piping Piping fixture

fixture on the back of

the indoor unit.


3 Slightly pull out the

auxiliary piping.

Auxiliary piping

4 Remove the 3 screws „ When reassembling, make

on the left side and sure that the hook is
unfasten the hook on securely fastened.
the rear side.



Removal Procedure 21
Indoor Heat Exchanger Si041652EB

Step Procedure Points

5 Unfasten the 2 hooks „ When reassembling the
Indoor heat exchanger
on the right side and lift indoor heat exchanger,
up the indoor heat make sure that the 2 hooks
exchanger. are securely fastened.



22 Removal Procedure
Si041652EB Fan Rotor / Fan Motor

10.Fan Rotor / Fan Motor

Warning Š Be sure to wait for 10 minutes or more after turning off all power supplies before
disassembling work.
Step Procedure Points
1 Remove the screw of
the right side plate. Right side plate


2 Unfasten the 2 hooks

and remove the right
side plate.


3 Remove the fan rotor/ „ The fan motor has 3

fan motor. Bushing projections on the right side.

„ The fan rotor has a bushing

on the left side.


Removal Procedure 23
Fan Rotor / Fan Motor Si041652EB

Step Procedure Points

4 Pull out and remove the
fan motor stator ASSY. Fan motor stator ASSY

5 Unfasten the 2 hooks

and disassemble the
fan motor stator ASSY.



Fan motor cover (body)

Bearing rubber

Rubber cushion

Fan motor
cover (cap)

Fan motor stator


24 Removal Procedure
Revision History
Month / Year Version Revised contents

02 / 2016 Si041652E First edition

06 / 2016 Si041652EA Model addition: FTKC50/60/71QVM, FTKC50/60/71QVMV, FTKC50/60/71QVM4,

FTKC18/24/28QV2S, FTHM50/60/71HVMV, FTHP40/50HVLT

11 / 2016 Si041652EB Model addition: CTKS60/71QVM, FTHF40/50RVLT, FTXF60/71QVMA

Warning z Daikin products are manufactured for export to numerous countries throughout the world. Prior to
purchase, please confirm with your local authorised importer, distributor and/or retailer whether this
product conforms to the applicable standards, and is suitable for use, in the region where the product
will be used. This statement does not purport to exclude, restrict or modify the application of any local
z Ask a qualified installer or contractor to install this product. Do not try to install the product yourself.
Improper installation can result in water or refrigerant leakage, electrical shock, fire or explosion.
z Use only those parts and accessories supplied or specified by Daikin. Ask a qualified installer or
contractor to install those parts and accessories. Use of unauthorised parts and accessories or
improper installation of parts and accessories can result in water or refrigerant leakage, electrical
shock, fire or explosion.
z Read the user's manual carefully before using this product. The user's manual provides important
safety instructions and warnings. Be sure to follow these instructions and warnings.
If you have any enquiries, please contact your local importer, distributor and/or retailer.

Cautions on product corrosion

1. Air conditioners should not be installed in areas where corrosive gases, such as acid gas or alkaline gas, are produced.
2. If the outdoor unit is to be installed close to the sea shore, direct exposure to the sea breeze should be avoided. If you need to install
the outdoor unit close to the sea shore, contact your local distributor.

Head Office:
Umeda Center Bldg., 2-4-12, Nakazaki-Nishi,
Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-8323 Japan
Tokyo Office:
JR Shinagawa East Bldg., 2-18-1, Konan,
Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0075 Japan
c All rights reserved

zSpecifications, designs and other content appearing in this brochure are current as of November 2016 but subject to change without notice.
11/2016 AK.B

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