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RA Actuator OMM

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Blakeborough Control & Choke Valves

Trillium Flow Technologies (UK)
UK) Ltd
Britannia House
TITLE: RA Reversible Diaphragm Actuator Huddersfield Road
ADI-C33-R5 HX5 9JR

Tel: +44 (0) 1422 282000

ISSUE DATE: 11th May 2020

Prepared By:
By: M.Charlton
Checked By:
By: M Clear
Rev Comments Author Checked Date
0 INITIAL ISSUE M.Charlton M.Clear 14/03/13
1 FORMATTING M.Charlton M.Clear 13/02/14
3 SEALING AND TORQUE VALUES ADDED N Kershaw M.Charlton 23/03/16
4 CHANGE COMPANY NAME A F Zawada T Newstead 05/03/19
5 FORMATTING TO TRILLIUM A Croft T Newstead 11/05/20
Assembly/Disassembly Instructions


Consult Section 2 of the IOM-M1 ‘Environmental, Health DISASSEMBLY
and Safety Instructions' before starting any maintenance
work. 1. Remove screws (100) and remove window cover
(20). (Fig.1)
The valve assembly should be handled and installed with
care. Consult section 2.4 for further details. 2. Relieve spring compression by inserting a rod or
screwdriver into the holes provided in the spring
Before any maintenance work it is essential to ensure adjuster (13) and turn anti-clockwise until spring
that the actuator is isolated and depressurised. is loose.

Do not remove the diaphragm case screw nuts
The ‘RA’ actuator is designed as a field reversible until the spring compression has been relieved.
diaphragm actuator and can therefore be configured as
both ‘Direct’ or ‘Reverse’ acting.
3. Remove bolts (104), and then remove cover
plate (15) and diaphragm case gasket (16).
All accessories should be removed before dismantling the
actuator. Remove the actuator from the valve bonnet
4. Remove stem locknuts (111) and lift actuator
assembly as outlined in the basic instruction book
stem (9) out of the yoke. (Fig.8)
covering the valve in use.
5. Remove the diaphragm case nuts, bolts and
DIRECT ACTING washers (112, 106 and 103), then lift off the
diaphragm case (3) and attached components
In the ‘normal’ position (no air pressure on the (5, 18, 107, 108 and 104). (Fig.3 & 4)
diaphragm) the stem of the direct acting actuator is held
in a fully retracted position by means of the spring. An 6. Remove stem nut (110) and then lift diaphragm
increase in air pressure in the upper diaphragm chamber button (8), diaphragm (7) and diaphragm plate
pushes the actuator stem assembly downwards and (6) off the stem. (Fig.5)
compresses the spring; decreasing the air pressure
allows the spring to return the stem and diaphragm 7. Lift spring (11) out of the actuator. (Fig.6)
assembly back to its normal position.
8. Remove bolts (101) and lift spring chamber (2)
• When mounted on pull-stem-to-open valves, the and diaphragm case (4) off the yoke. (Fig.7)
direct acting diaphragm actuator closes the valve
upon increasing the air pressure in the upper
diaphragm chamber. ASSEMBLY

1. Secure the diaphragm case (4) to the spring

• When mounted on push-stem-to-open valves, the
chamber (2) using travel stops (10).
direct acting diaphragm actuator opens the valve
upon increasing the air pressure in the upper
2. Secure spring chamber assembly to the yoke (1)
diaphragm chamber.
using bolts (101). (Fig.25)
REVERSE ACTING 3. Lower the spring (11) into the spring chamber
(2). (Fig.26)
In the ‘normal’ position (no air pressure on the
diaphragm) the stem of the reverse acting actuator is 4. Examine the diaphragm (7) checking for signs of
held in a fully extended position by means of the spring. wear or porosity. Replace if necessary.
An increase in air pressure in the lower diaphragm
chamber thrusts the actuator stem assembly upwards 5. Place the diaphragm plate (6) over the actuator
and compresses the spring; decreasing the air pressure stem (9). Ensure the rounded edges face
allows the spring to return the stem and diaphragm upwards.
assembly back to its normal position.
6. Lightly dust the diaphragm (7) with a coating of
• When mounted on pull-stem-to-open valves, the talcum power to reduce the effect of abrasion.
reverse acting diaphragm actuator opens the
valve upon increasing the air pressure in the 7. Drape the diaphragm (7) over the diaphragm
lower diaphragm chamber. plate (6) and locate the diaphragm button (8)
over the diaphragm. Ensure the rounded edges
• When mounted on push-stem-to-open valves, the face downwards.
reverse acting diaphragm actuator closes the
valve upon increasing the air pressure in the 8. Lock the assembly together as shown using stem
lower diaphragm chamber. nut (110). (Fig.27) – Tighten to torque as shown;
Assembly/Disassembly Instructions

Table 1
Actuator Torque (Nm) 5. Lift the spring (11) over the actuator stem and
Size Minimum Maximum remove. (Fig.19)
50 40 50
100 50 60 6. Remove stem locknuts (111) and then lift
200 80 100 actuator stem (9), diaphragm plate (6),
300 100 120 diaphragm (7), diaphragm button (8) and stem
nut (110) out of the yoke (1) assembly. (Fig.20 &
9. Slide actuator stem (9) and diaphragm assembly 21)
(6,7 and 8) through diaphragm case (4), spring
chamber (2) and yoke (1). (Fig.28) 7. Remove bolts (101) and lift diaphragm case (3)
and adaptor box (5) assembly off the yoke (1).
10. Locate diaphragm case (3) and adaptor box (5) (Fig.22 & 23)
assembly to diaphragm case (4) using nuts, bolts
and washers (112, 106 and 103). (Fig.29) 8. Remove stem nut (110) and disassemble the
actuator stem (9), diaphragm plate (6),
11. Tighten the diaphragm case nuts to a torque of diaphragm (7) and diaphragm button (8).
35 to 40 Nm.
Nm (This torque value applies to all (Fig.24)
actuator sizes.) Apply the torque in stages, using
a diametrically opposite sequence to ensure the ASSEMBLY
load is applied evenly. Note: Take care that the
actuator stem (9) is correctly located in bush 1. Attach diaphragm case (3) and adaptor box (5)
(19). assembly previously removed to yoke (1) using
bolts (101). (Fig.9)
12. Attach diaphragm case gasket (16), cover plate
(15) to spring chamber (2) using bolts (104). 2. Examine the diaphragm (7) checking for signs of
Install Stem Locknuts (111). (Fig.30) wear or porosity. Replace if necessary.

13. Seal around edges of spring chamber barrel (2) 3. Lightly dust the diaphragm (7) with a coating of
connection to Diaphgram case (4) with silicon talcum power to reduce the effect of abrasion.
sealant; to prevent water ingress
4. Slide the diaphragm plate (6) onto the stem (9).
14. Adjust spring compression as described in the (Fig.10)
‘Adjustments’ section and attach window cover
(20) with screws (100). 5. Drape the diaphragm (7) over the diaphragm
plate (6) (Fig.10)
15. Seal outer edges of window cover (20) with
silicon sealant, excluding bottom edge; to 6. Slide the diaphragm button (8) over the stem (9).
prevent water ingress. The rounded edges of the diaphragm button
should face towards the diaphragm. (Fig.10)
‘RAD’ REVERSE ACTING ACTUATOR 7. Lock the assembly together with stem nut (110)
(Fig.10) – Tighten to Torque as shown in Table 1
8. Slide actuator stem (9) and diaphragm assembly
1. Remove screws (100) and remove window cover (6,7 and 8) through diaphragm case (3), adaptor
(20). (Fig.15) box (5) and yoke (1). (Fig.11)

2. Relieve spring compression by inserting a rod or 9. Slot spring (11) over spigot on diaphragm plate
screwdriver into the holes provided in the spring (6). (Fig.12)
adjuster (13) and turn anti-clockwise until spring
is loose. 10. Attach diaphragm case (4) and spring chamber
(2) assembly to diaphragm case (3) using nuts,
WARNING bolts and washers (112, 106 and 103).
Do not remove the diaphragm case screw nuts
until the spring compression has been relieved. Tighten the diaphragm case nuts to a torque of
35 to 40 Nm.Nm (This torque value applies to all
3. Remove bolts (104), and then remove cover actuator sizes.) Apply the torque in stages, using
plate (15) and diaphragm case gasket (16). a diametrically opposite sequence to ensure the
(Fig.16) load is applied evenly. Note: Take care that the
actuator stem (9) is correctly located in bush
4. Remove the diaphragm case nuts, bolts and (19). (Fig.13)
washers (112, 106 and 103), then lift off the
diaphragm case (4) and spring chamber (2) 11. Attach diaphragm case gasket (16), cover plate
assembly. (Fig.17 & 18) (15) to spring chamber (2) using bolts (104).

Assembly/Disassembly Instructions

Install stem locknuts (111). (Fig.14)

12. Seal around edges of spring chamber barrel (2)
connection to Diaphgram case (4) with silicon DISASSEMBLY DIRECT ACTING - ‘RADB’
sealant; to prevent water ingress
To disassemble direct acting actuator with side mounted
13. Adjust spring compression as described in the handwheel, follow steps 1-7 above ‘Disassembly Direct
‘Adjustments’ section and attach Window cover Acting ‘RAD’’. Then proceed as below:
(20) with Screws (100).
1. Remove stem locknuts (111) and lift actuator
14. Seal outer edges of window cover (20) with stem (9), locating spacer (135) and stem
silicon sealant, excluding bottom edge; to locknuts (111) out of the yoke and handwheel
prevent water ingress unit. (Fig.31)

ADJUSTMENTS 2. Remove handwheel unit from yoke, by removing

bolts (101). (Fig.32)
The actuator stroke is not adjustable, all the stops in the
actuator are fixed. The valve stroke is fixed at –0 to DISASSEMBLY REVERSE ACTING ‘RARB’
+2mm maximum.
To disassemble reverse acting actuator with side
1. Apply about 2 bar (30 PSI) air pressure to the mounted handwheel, follow steps 1-5 above
actuator chamber in order to extend the stem as ‘Disassembly Reverse Acting ‘RAR’’. Then proceed as
far as it will go. Check the travel. below:

2. To set the diaphragm pressure range, the spring 1. Remove stem locknuts (111) and bolts (101) lift
is compressed just enough to counterbalance actuator stem (9), diaphragm plate (6),
the downward thrust of the diaphragm when air diaphragm (7), diaphragm button (8), stem nut
pressure in the chamber is at the preload (110), diaphragm case (3) and adaptor box (5)
pressure. Once the starting point has been off yoke (1). (Fig.33)
established, the spring design ensures that the
stem will be fully compressed when air pressure 2. Remove handwheel unit from yoke, by removing
reaches the upper range value. bolts (101). (Fig.33)

3. Connect an air gauge and a 0 to 4 bar (0 to 60 SERVICING THE HANDWHEEL UNIT

PSI) regulator to an air-line leading to the
Adaptor box (5). 1. Bearing retainer (134), lower thrust bearings
(131) and thrust washers (132) should drop out
4. Turn the spring adjuster (13) until there is a once the unit is removed from the yoke. (Fig.34)
positive indication of spring compression.
2. Turn handwheel (128), until jacking screw (137)
5. Determine the lower value of the diaphragm is removed. (Fig.35)
pressure range from the nameplate.
3. Loosen stem nut (124). (Fig.36)
6. Gradually increase the air pressure to the
diaphragm chamber and determine at what 4. Rotate handwheel (128) so that worm (123) and
pressure the stem starts to move downwards. handwheel (128) / stem (125) retract from the
handwheel housing (120). (Fig.37)
7. Adjust the spring compression by moving the
spring adjuster (13) and again increase the air 5. Continue to loosen stem nut (124) whilst rotating
pressure gradually. Repeat this testing and handwheel (128) and retracting worm (123).
adjusting procedure until the actuator stem just (Fig.37)
starts to move as the increasing air pressure
passes the lower value of the pressure range. 6. Once the worm (123) has cleared the
The diaphragm pressure range has now been wormwheel (133), wormwheel (133), thrust
established. bearing (131) and thrust washers (132) should
drop from the handwheel housing (120). (Fig.38)
Note Spring design limits the amount of possible ‘jack-
up’ compression. Too much initial compression leaves 7. Remove thrust bearing (122) and thrust washers
insufficient spring deflection for full actuator stroke. (121) from bottom of worm (123) housing.
8. Clean/inspect/replace all items as necessary.
To reverse the actuator operation simply follow the steps
for ‘Direct’ or ‘Reverse’ acting assembly as appropriate. 9. Re-grease bearings (122 and 131), worm (123)
and wormwheel (133) and fit in reverse order.

Assembly/Disassembly Instructions


Direct Acting Actuator Reverse Acting Actuator


1 Yoke 18 Seal gland
2 Spring chamber 19 Wear bush
3 Diaphragm case 20 Window cover
4 Diaphragm case 100 Window cover screw
5 Adaptor box 101 Yoke bolt
6 Diaphragm plate 103 Diaphragm case bolt
7 Diaphragm * 104 Cover plate bolt
8 Diaphragm button 105 Bearing washer
9 Actuator stem 106 Diaphragm case washer
10 Travel stop 107 O Ring *
11 Actuator spring 108 O Ring *
12 Spring seat 109 O Ring *
13 Spring adjuster 110 Actuator stem nut
14 Spring adjuster screw 111 Stem locknut
15 Cover plate 112 Diaphragm case nut
16 Diaphragm case gasket * 114 Bearing
17 Guide location bush
*Recommended Spares

Assembly/Disassembly Instructions


Direct Acting Actuator Reverse Acting Actuator


1 Yoke 18 Seal gland
2 Spring chamber 19 Wear bush
3 Diaphragm case 20 Window cover
4 Diaphragm case 21 Travel Stop Washer
5 Adaptor box 100 Window cover screw
6 Diaphragm plate 101 Yoke bolt
7 Diaphragm * 103 Diaphragm case bolt
8 Diaphragm button 104 Cover plate bolt
9 Actuator stem 105 Bearing washer
10 Travel stop 106 Diaphragm case washer
11 Actuator spring 107 O Ring *
12 Spring seat 108 O Ring *
13 Spring adjuster 109 O Ring *
14 Spring adjuster screw 110 Actuator stem nut
15 Cover plate 111 Stem locknut
16 Diaphragm case gasket * 112 Diaphragm case nut
17 Guide location bush 114 Bearing
*Recommended Spares

Assembly/Disassembly Instructions



120 Handwheel Body 130 Handwheel Washer
121 Thrust Washer 131 Thrust Bearing
122 Thrust Bearing 132 Thrust Washer
123 Worm 133 Wormwheel
124 Stem Nut 134 Bearing Retainer
125 Handwheel Stem 135 Locating Spacer
126 Woodruff Key 136 Jacking Screw Key
127 Stem Nut Bush 137 Jacking Screw
128 Handwheel 138 Bolt
129 Handwheel Nut 139 Grease Nipple

Assembly/Disassembly Instructions

Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.3

Fig.4 Fig.5 Fig.6

Fig.7 Fig.8 Fig.9

Assembly/Disassembly Instructions

Fig.10 Fig.11 Fig.12

Fig.13 Fig.14 Fig.15

Fig.16 Fig.17 Fig.18

Assembly/Disassembly Instructions

Fig.19 Fig.20 Fig.21

Fig.22 Fig.23 Fig.24

Fig.25 Fig.26 Fig.27

10 |
Assembly/Disassembly Instructions

Fig.28 Fig.29 Fig.30

Fig.31 Fig.32 Fig.33

Fig.34 Fig.35 Fig.36

11 |
Assembly/Disassembly Instructions

Fig.37 Fig.38 Fig.39

12 |
Trillium Flow Technologies (UK) Ltd
Britannia House
Huddersfield Road

Tel: +44 (0) 1422 282000


Contact Information:

If further assistance is required please feel free to send any enquiry through the contract or project manager for
the contract in question (if known), otherwise please see a selection of contact details for other departments
that should be able to provide assistance;

Trillium UK - Tel +44 (0)1422 282000, blakeborough@trilliumflow.com


This manual contains information proprietary to Trillium Flow Technologies™ UK Limited, it is submitted
in confidence and is to be used solely for the purpose for which it is furnished. This manual and such
information is not be reproduced, transmitted, disclosed or used otherwise, in whole or in part, without
authorisation of Trillium Flow Technologies™ UK Limited.

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