(G3) Arts-Detailed Lesson Plan
(G3) Arts-Detailed Lesson Plan
(G3) Arts-Detailed Lesson Plan
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, pupils are expected to:
A. Identify warm and cool colors that shows the mood and feelings in an artwork.
B. Paints a landscape that creates mood and feelings using warm and cool colors.
C. Take pride and inspiration in the beauty of landscapes painted by Filipino artists.
Learning competency: Paints a landscape at a particular time of the day and selects colors that
complement each other to create a mood. (A3P3-IIf)
III. Methodology
Great! And how does it make you feel? It feels calm and warm.
Excellent! And the feelings it gives you? It feels bright and happy.
C. Discussion
Today, we will learn about painting landscapes
and how colors can create different moods. Let's
start by looking at this painting.
What colors do you see here? I see blue, white, and gray.
D. Application
Now it's your turn!
E. Generalization
IV. Evaluation
Activity 1: Landscape Color
Look at each landscape image carefully. Identify the time of day depicted in each image. Encircle the
correct answer for each question. Then write a sentence describing the mood of each landscape based on
the colors used.
Is it:
A) Sunrise
B) Sunset
C) Daytime
D) Night
Is it:
A) Sunrise
B) Sunset
C) Daytime
D) Night
Is it:
A) Sunrise
B) Sunset
C) Daytime
D) Night
Is it:
A) Sunrise
B) Sunset
C) Daytime
D) Night
Is it:
A) Sunrise
B) Sunset
C) Daytime
D) Night
V. Assignment
Choose your favorite time of day (sunrise, daytime, sunset, or night) and sketch a simple landscape.
Include elements like the sun, moon, stars, trees, mountains, or buildings. Paint it with watercolors, using
warm colors (red, orange, yellow) for a happy mood and cool colors (blue, green, purple) for a calm
mood. Write 3-4 sentences explaining your choices and how you used colors to create the mood. Bring
your painting and description to the next class to share and discuss.
Use of Warm and Skillfully uses a Uses warm and Attempts to use Limited or
Cool Colors balanced mix of cool colors to warm and cool ineffective use of
warm and cool create a mood, colors, but warm and cool
colors to with mostly selections may not colors. Colors do
effectively create appropriate clearly represent not represent the
a distinct mood. selections that the time of day or time of day or fail
Colors are represent the time effectively convey to create a distinct
thoughtfully of day and convey a mood. mood.
selected to a general feeling.
represent the time
of day and
enhance the
overall feeling of
the painting.
Mood and Feeling Successfully Creates a mood Attempts to create Fails to create a
creates a distinct and feeling that a mood and distinct mood and
mood and feeling are mostly clear feeling, but it may feeling. The use of
through the use of through the use of not be clearly color and
color and color and conveyed or may composition does
composition. The composition. The lack cohesion with not convey a clear
mood is clearly mood is conveyed the overall emotional impact.
conveyed and but may lack a composition.
enhances the strong impact.
overall impact of
the painting.
Excellent: 16-20 points
Good: 11-15 points
Satisfactory: 6-10 points
Needs Improvement: 1-5 points
Submitted by:
Group 3
Heinz Ruzzel Soriano
Angel Ann Bugawan
Krizza Mae Millo
Loren Joy Austria
Princes Abriam
Jazelle Valdez
Submitted to:
Mrs. Patricia Tumamao