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TG - Art 3 - Q2

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Second Quarter : Painting

Lesson No. 1 : Harmony in Plants

Learning CodeA3PL-IIc : Perceives how harmony is created in an
artwork because of complementary colors
and shapes

Art History Art Production Art Criticism Art Appreciation
Harmony is an art Paint a picture of Looking into the Appreciate how
principle that can a plant or tree styles of the artists colors are
be seen in things using color, in painting, combined to
all around. harmony, shapes, harmony is show harmony in
It is the pleasing and textures. attained in the artwork done
selection and different ways by by pupils.
arrangement of combining the
colors, shapes, selected colors,
and textures. shapes, and

Elements and Principles of Art :
Value Focus
Time Allotment
Colors, Shapes, Textures
Environmental Awareness
1 Session (40 minutes)

April 22, 2014

I – Art Activity : Painting

II – Objectives:
1. Identify complementary colors in the color wheel.
2. Paint the things that can be seen in a natural environment in the
province or region.
3. Tell how painting is made more interesting by combining colors to
achieve harmony.

II- Materials : pencil, bond paper, brush, newspaper,

watercolor, oil pastel, water container, rags
Reference :

III – Procedure

A. Pre Activity
Ask the pupils to name several complementary colors.
B. Activity Proper
1. Motivation:

Go on a nature walk. Let the pupils identify the different

complementary colors they see around the school premises.

(Discussions and activities can be done outside the


2. Presentation and Discussion

Harmony is an art principle that is present in things around

us. It is seen in the arrangement of colors, shapes, and textures.
Harmony in visual design means all parts of the visual image
relate to and complement each other.

Looking into the styles of the artists in painting, harmony is

attained by combining the selected colors, shapes and textures.

Some famous Filipino artists are appreciated because of
their style in combining colors and in producing harmony in their

April 22, 2014


Painting showing complementary colors 

Discuss the things seen in the pictures. Ask about the different
colors, shapes, and textures seen in the pictures.

Let the pupils tell their observations about how complementary

colors were put together in the paintings.

2. Art activity: Painting

Let the children prepare the materials and remind them to

always to be careful in handling their art materials.
Refer to BE CREATIVE on LM p._____.
3. Processing/Critiquing of Art Output
a. What plant did your paint?
b. What colors did you use in your painting?
c. Is color harmony present in your artwork? Discuss briefly.

C. Post Activity

1. Generalization

Ask: How did you show color harmony in your painting/artwork?

Harmony in painting is a pleasing visual arrangement of

colors. It is created when secondary colors and their opposite
colors or complementary colors in the color wheel are used.

2. Application

Refer to TAKE THE CHALLENGE, LM p.____

3. Values Integration
Give a situation that shows environmental awareness.

IV – Assessment/Evaluation

April 22, 2014

Refer to BE PROUD, LM p.____

V – Assignment/Agreement:

Bring to class any kind of fruit.

Second Quarter : Painting
Lesson No.2 : Landscape Painting
Code A3EL-IIa : Sees that there is harmony in nature as seen in the color
of landscapes
Lesson Summary:

Art History Art Production Art Criticism Art Appreciation

The landscape painting Paint a Identify how Show

shows the visible features landscape at colors are appreciation
of the land, such as different times combined to and
of the day
mountains and hills. come up with preservation of
(morning, noon,
Known Filipino night time) to harmony in the nature through
landscape painters are show harmony painting. painting a
Felix Hidalgo, Fernando in nature. landscape.
Amorsolo, and

Jonahmar Salvosa.

Elements and Principle of Art: Colors, Harmony

Value Focus: Environmental Awareness
Time Allotment: 1 session (40 minutes)

April 22, 2014

I. Art Activity: Landscape Painting

II. Objectives:
1. Identify the visible features of a landscape.
2. Tell how to paint a landscape that shows color harmony.
3. Identify bright and dull colors, light and dark colors.
3. Paint a landscape at different times of the day.
4. Express ideas, feelings, emotions, and imagination through painting a

II. Materials
Pictures, pencil, bond paper, crayons, brush, water color

IV. Procedure:
A. Pre- Activity :

Share to the class your experiences of using colors in your
different artworks.

B. Activity Proper

1. Motivation

Show the sample pictures of the landscape paintings of Felix

Fernando Amorsolo, and Jonahmar Salvosa.
What color combination have you seen in the painting?

Which are bright colors? dark colors? light colors?
What feelings/ emotions/ mood does the painter express in his
painting according to the color combination used?


April 22, 2014

 landscape painting Ni   landscape painting   landscape painting 
Felix Hidalgo  Ni Fernado Amorsolo  Ni Jonahmar Salvosa 

2. Presentation and Discussion

The landscape painting shows the visible features of the land,
including the physical elements of landforms such as mountains and
hills. Known Filipino landscape painters are Felix Hidalgo, Fernando
Amorsolo, and Jonahmar Salvosa. They used different kinds of
colors to show emotions or moods in their painting.

3. Art Activity

Refer to BE CREATIVE on LM, page __________.


4. Processing and Critiquing
 Did you enjoy the activity? Why? Why not?
 How did you show the time of day in your composition?
 What elements of art did you use to show harmony?
 What colors did you use in your landscape painting?
 What did you feel while doing the landscape painting?

D. Post Activity:

1. Generalization
How is harmony in nature depicted in landscape painting?

Harmony in nature is depicted through the different

combination of colors in the landscape painting. The painter

expresses his feelings/ mood or emotions based on the kinds
of colors he used in the painting.

2. Values Integration
If you are a painter, how can you help develop

April 22, 2014

environmental awareness?

V. Assessment/ Evaluation

Rate the outputs of the pupils based on the given rubric below.

Criteria Points
3 2 1
Very Evident Not
Evident Evident
1. Did he/ she use colors to express his / her
feelings/ moods or emotions?
2. Is the painting based on the theme?
3. Did he/she express himself/herself freely in
making the artworks using different colors
according to the time of the day?
4. Did he/she finish the artwork with

VI. Assignment/ Agreement
Bring pictures of animals found in province or region.

April 22, 2014

Second Quarter : Painting
Code A3PR– IIf : Paints a landscape at a particular time of
the day and selects colors that complement
each other to create a mood.

Lessons Summary:

Art History Art Production Art Criticism Art Appreciation

Many artists Paint a Identify moods Take pride and
create landscape that and feelings in inspiration in the
paintings that shows mood the paintings. beauty of
show different and feelings landscapes
moods and using warm and painted by
feelings. cool colors. Filipino artists.

Elements & Principle of Art: Colors (warm and cool)

Value Focus : Take Pride of one’s work

Time Allotment : 1 Session (40 Minutes)

I. Art Activity : Landscape Painting Using Warm and

Cool Colors
II. Objectives
1. Identify warm and cool colors in the artwork that shows the

April 22, 2014

mood and feelings in the artwork.
2. Paint a landscape that creates mood and feelings using warm
and cool colors.
3. Take pride and inspiration in the beauty of landscapes painted
by Filipino artists.

III. Materials and Reference

Materials : pencil, watercolor, oslo paper
Reference : Art Express, 1998 Harcourt Brace and
Daniel V.E. et. Al.
IV. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activity

How can you make light colors? How can you make dark
colors? What are the neutral colors?
B. Developmental Activity
1. Motivation

Have a guessing game on colors.

Group the pupils according to their favorite colors.
Tell the pupils that each color has meaning and
emotions to convey. Ex. red means bravery and
courage; green means calmness, etc..

2. Presentation and Discussion

Show a painting of a landscape.

Let the pupils identify the colors seen in the painting.
Ask the pupils what feeling or emotions each
painting wants to convey or tell.

Picture of a Landscape  Picture of a Landscape 

painting with bright  painting with dark 
colors by Filipino  colors by Filipino 
artists  artists 

April 22, 2014

Talk about the paintings.
Ask the pupils which objects in the paintings
communicate warm/cool feelings.
Let the pupils give their own thoughts and observations
about the feelings suggested by the picture.
Refer to THINK ABOUT THIS on LM page____.

3. Art Activity:

Landscape Painting Using Warm & Cool Colors

Refer to BE CREATIVE on LM page____.

4. Discussion of Artworks

Tell the pupils show their finished artworks to their

classmates. Let them discuss about their artwork and
share their experiences while painting landscapes.

C. Post Activity

1. Generalization

How can feelings or mood be shown in an artwork

or painting?

Refer to FRAME YOUR THOUGHTS on LM page____.

2. Value Integration

Should you be proud of your artwork and the works of

Filipino artists? Why?

3. Application

Refer to TAKE THE CHALLENGE on LM page ___.

April 22, 2014

V. Assessment/ Evaluation

Assess the pupils’ performance in painting landscape using

warm and cool colors.
Refer to BE PROUD on LM page ____

VI. Agreement/Assignment

List down at least five wild animals in your notebook.

Second Quarter : Painting
Lesson No. 4 : Landscape Painting
Code A3PR-IIh : Appreciates the Filipino artists painted
landscapes in their own particular style and
can identify what makes each artist unique in
his use of colors to create harmony.
Lesson Summary:
Art History Art Production Art Criticism Art Appreciation
There are Paint a Compare Give importance
Filipino painters landscape with unique styles of to one’s own
like Fernando the use of Filipino artists in landscape
Amorsolo, Jose bright and dark their use of painting by
Blanco, and colors. bright and dark recognizing the
others who are colors. styles in paintings.
because of
their unique
style in painting.

Elements/Principle of Art: Colors
Value Focus: Appreciate originality of one’s artwork
Time Allotment: 1 session (40 minutes)

I. Art Activity: Landscape Painting

April 22, 2014

II. Objectives

1. Identify the types of colors used in paintings by some Filipino artists.

2. Create a painting using bright and dark colors.
3. Show appreciation for the contribution of Filipino artists in
promoting Filipino culture pointing out to their unique styles in

III. Materials watercolor, brush, pencil, oslo paper, old

newspapers, apron
References: K12 Curriculum, URL, Work text in Music, Arts, and
Physical Education (Radiance) by: Imelda V.
Codog, et.al p.149-157
IV. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activity:
Let the pupils look around the room and out the
windows to look for things with warm and cool colors.
Draw art examples of warm and cool colors.

B. Activity Proper

1. Motivation

Let’s stand and sing the song “Magtanim ay Di Biro”
with actions of planting rice.

Show the paintings of Fernando Amorsolo’s “Planting

Rice” and Carlos Francisco’s “Bayanihan”.

Fernando Amorsolo’s “Planting Rice”

April 22, 2014

Carlos Francisco’s ”Bayanihan”

What can you say about Amorsolo’s painting?

Francisco’s painting?

Ask pupils to say something about the colors used by

the artists in their paintings.

1. Presentation and Discussion

The “Planting Rice” of Fernando Amorsolo has dark
and bright colors while Carlos Francisco’s painting

April 22, 2014

entitled “Bayanihan” uses bright colors. The two artists
have different styles in using colors for their paintings.

A color becomes darker when it is mixed with black.

A color is bright when it is not mixed with another color.

2. Art Activity

Refer to BE CREATIVE on LM page __.

3. Processing/Critiquing of Art Outputs

Let the pupils exhibit their artworks.

Call some pupils to say something about their painting.
C. Post Activity


What are the styles of Filipino artists in terms of their
choice of colors?

There are many Filipino artists in our country. Their

paintings became famous because of their unique styles
e.g. Fernando Amorsolo uses dark and bright colors while
Carlos Francisco uses bright colors in his paintings.

V. Assessment/Evaluation

Refer to TAKE THE CHALLENGE on Lm page ___.

VI. Agreement/Assignment

Look for an example of a painting by a Filipino artist. Determine
his/her unique style in the use of color. Follow the guide or format

Title of the painting: ___________________

April 22, 2014

Name of artist: ____________________

Colors used: ____________________

Second Quarter : Painting
Lesson 5 : Still Life Painting of Fruits
Lesson Code A3PR-IId : Paints a still life by observing the different shapes,
color and texture of fruits, drawing them
overlapping, and choosing the right colors for
each fruit.

Lesson Summary:
Art History Art Production Art Criticism Art Appreciation
In still life painting, Create a still life Point out how well Describe how
the subjects in painting of fruits the fruits were colors, shapes,
painting are with different arranged and put and textures were
assembled and shapes, colors, them together for used to make a
designed in a and textures. a still life painting. realistic still life
pleasing art painting.

Elements & Principles of Art: Colors , shapes, and texture
Value Focus :
Time Allotment :
1 Session (40 minutes)

April 22, 2014

I Art Activity : Still Life Painting of Fruits

II Objectives:

1. Describe a still life painting and its use of the art elements and
2. Arrange objects showing overlapping.
3. Paint still life objects.

III Materials and References

Materials : pencil, bond paper, water color,

mixing pan, brush,
old newspaper or recycled materials,
different kinds of fruits
References :
IV Procedure

A. Pre Activity

Are you familiar with fruits and trees that are common in your
place or in your region? Describe the colors, shapes, and
textures of the fruits.

B. Activity Proper

1. Motivation

Divide the class into two groups. Show samples of still life paintings.
Let each group identify and describe the art elements and principles used
in each painting.

Still Life Painting  of  Still Life Painting  of 

April 22, 2014

famous Filipino artist  famous Filipino artist 

2. Presentation and Discussion


Still life painting can show us a new way of looking at ordinary

objects around us. The objects like fruits, flowers, vases, bottles, and
many others are placed or assembled in a pleasing arrangement
overlapping each other.
3. Art Activity: Still Life Painting of Fruits
Refer to BE CREATIVE on LM p. _____

April 22, 2014

4. Processing/Critiquing

Let the children show their artwork to the class, then ask
them about their experiences while doing their artwork. Point out
how well the fruits were arranged and put together for a still life

C. Post Activity
1. Generalization:

What is a still life painting?

A still life painting is an arrangement of non-living or everyday

objects. These may be natural objects or man-made objects.

2. Value Integration
How did you show your creativity in painting a still life?
3. Application

Refer to TAKE THE CHALLENGE on LM page ____.

IV Evaluation:

Refer to BE PROUD on LM page _____.

V. Assignment/Agreement

April 22, 2014
Second Quarter : Painting
Lesson No. 6 : Tints and Shades of Colors
Code A3PR-IIe : Creates new tints and shades of colors
by mixing two or more colors.

Art History Art Production Art Criticism Art Appreciation

The artistic ability Create a Evaluate one’s Show confidence

of a painter finger painting ability in in making finger
involves his showing tints developing skills painting through
choice of colors and shades of of producing the use of tints
and use of colors. tints and shades. and shades of
neutral colors to colors.
show tints and
shades in his

Elements and Principles of Art : Color, Balance, Contrast
Value Focus : Creativity, Confidence
Time Allotment: 1 session (40 minutes)

I. Art Activity : Finger Painting

April 22, 2014

II. Objectives :

1. Explain the process of producing tints and shades.

2. Create a finger painting showing the lightness and
darkness of colors.
3. Develop self-confidence in painting with tints and
shades through experimentation.

III. Materials and References

Materials: oslo paper, water color, brush, cornstarch, container,

rags, old newspapers, recycled plastic spoons, red
and blue colored dye

Reference : Active MAPE 3 pages 100-101

IV. Procedure:
A. Pre-Activity:
What color will be produced if you mixed the following:
a. yellow and red
b. blue and red
c. yellow and blue

You learned before that you could show tints or shades or

light and dark of these colors by adding white or black.
B. Activity Proper:
1. Motivation
When are the times that you are happy?

When are the times that you are sad?

Let the pupils share their happy and unforgettable

experiences with their friends on several occasions. Allow
them also to tell about some sad moments they had

April 22, 2014

experienced in the past.

2. Presentation and Discussion:

Tell the pupils that happy or sad feelings can also be felt
on paintings.

Show to pupils some pictures with colors that suggest

happiness or sadness. (Dull and dark colors on paintings
suggest sadness while bright and light colors suggests

Show them also some samples of finger paintings then ask.

Have you done finger painting before?

Today, you will paint using your fingers.
Explain that finger paint is made of paste and dye.

3. Art Activity:

Let the pupils do BE CREATIVE on LM page _______

Activity I: Producing Tints and Shades

Activity 2: Finger Printing

C. Processing/Critiquing of Art Works:

Let the pupils display their artworks on the board.
Why is it important to show value of colors used in

April 22, 2014

D. Post – Activity :
1. Generalization:

How are tints and shades produced?

A tint is the mixture of a color with white and

a shade is the mixture of a color with black. Black and
white are neutral colors.

2. Values Integration:

Are you willing to share and display your artwork or
painting? Why? Were you able to show confidence
when painting with your fingers to show happy and sad
feelings? Explain briefly.
V. Assessment/Evaluation :

Refer to BE PROUD on LM page ______.

VI. Agreement/Assignment:

Display your finger painting at home.

April 22, 2014
Second Quarter : Painting
Lesson No.7 : Painting of Animals
Code A3EL-IIb : Appreciates that nature is so rich for no two animals
have the same shape, skin covering, and color

Lesson Summary:
Art History Art Production Art Criticism Art Appreciation
Some regions in our country Painting of Notice that Appreciate the
are rich with animals that animals known animals in unique shape
are unique in color and skin in the province different and color of the
covering, just like the or region with regions have skin covering of
Tamaraw in Mindoro, unique colors uniqueness and animals through
Pilandok in Palawan, and & skin beauty of their exhibits of
Philippine Eagle in Davao covering. own. paintings of
and many more. animals found in
the province or


Elements and Principle of Art : Colors, Shapes, and Texture

Value Focus : Kindness to Animals
Time Allotment : 1 session (40 minutes)

April 22, 2014

I. Art Activity : Painting of Animals

II. Objective

1. Describe the uniqueness of animals in terms of shape, skin covering,

and color.
2. Paint the picture of animals through crayon-resist painting technique.
3. Show kindness to animals through sharing of experiences in a group

III. Materials

bond paper or oslo paper, watercolor, brush, crayon, pencil,

color wheel

References :
Sing and Sketch 5 pp.111
IV. Procedure
A. Pre Activity


In an artwork, what colors are used that are opposites in the
color wheel?

Use the color wheel to identify complementary colors.

B. Activity Proper

1. Motivation
What animals do you know in your locality, province, or
region? Tell us about your observations of their habits,

colors, textures, or skin covering.

2. Presentation

Show pictures of different animals that can be seen in the

different regions in our country like the following: Pilandok in

April 22, 2014

Palawan, Tamaraw in Mindoro, and Philippine Eagle in Davao.

Let the pupils identify the animals shown in the picture. Let
them notice the elements of art like lines, shapes, and texture
in their skin coverings.

Discuss their answers with the class.


3. Art Activity:

Refer to LM page____________.

Activity 1: Painting Using Crayon Resist

April 22, 2014

4. Processing / Critiquing of Output

What animal did you draw? Is it known in the province or region?

What makes it unique than other animals?
What shapes did you use in your artwork?
Describe its skin color and texture.
How did you show harmony in colors?
Why is crayon resist painting using complementary colors

C. Post Activity

1. Generalization:

How can skin coverings and colors of animals enrich or

contribute to the beauty of nature?

The physical characteristics of animals such as their size, color

texture, and body coverings add to the beauty of nature.
2. Value Integration

How can you show kindness to animals?

IV. Assessment/ Evaluation

Refer to BE PROUD on LM page _____.

V. Assignment/ Agreement

Bring pictures of trees or plants found in your place/ province, or


April 22, 2014
Second Quarter : Painting
Lesson No. 8 : Painting Wild Animals
Code A3PR-IIg : Observes the characteristics of wild animals
by making several pencil sketches, and
painting it later, adding the texture of its skin
Lesson Summary:

Art History Art Production Art Criticism Art

Filipinos have always Paint wild Evaluate Show
been artistic. Many animals showing own appreciation
Filipino painters are contrast of painting in of wild
known not only in the colors. terms of use animals
country but also in of the through
other countries like Dr. elements painting.
Jose Rizal, Juan Luna, and

Fernando Amorsolo principles.
and many others.

Elements and Principles of Art: Texture, Color, Lines

Value Focus: Appreciation and care for animals

April 22, 2014

Time Allotment: 1 session (40 minutes)

I. Art Activity: Pencil Sketching and Painting Wild Animals

II. Objectives:

1. Observe the colors and textures of wild animals.

2. Create a painting using warm and cool colors.
3. Make painting realistic by using lines to show texture.
4. Show appreciation of wild animals through painting
emphasizing texture.

III. Materials: pencil , oslo paper, water color, and brush

IV. Procedure:
A. Pre Activity:


Distribute paper strips to the pupils. Let them write in the

strips examples of objects with warm and cool colors.
Ask them to paste the paper strips on the charts.

Example of the charts:

Things with cool colors . 
Things with warm colors. 


Check the responses of the pupils.

April 22, 2014

B. Activity Proper:

1. Motivation

Show pupils pictures of animals, then play a game.

Let the pupils identify wild animals and tamed or

domesticated animals. If the picture is an example of a
wild animal, pupils will give the sound of a tiger. If the
picture is an example of a tamed animal, pupils will give the
sound of a bird.

2. Presentation and Discussion

What animals were shown in the pictures?
What kind of animals are they?
What do you observe about the skin of a crocodile? How
about the wild pig, the snake, the deer, or the shark?

3. Art Activity

(Please refer to BE CREATIVE on LM page ___.)

4. Processing/Critiquing

Tell the pupils to look at their painting.

How did you show the skin texture of the animal you
chose to paint?

Let the pupils share their experiences when making their

art activity.

C. Post Activity:
1. Generalization

How would you enhance your painting?

To enhance a painting, add more lines, colors and textures.

April 22, 2014

2. Values Integration

Should wild animals be protected by people? Why?

3. Application

Refer to TAKE THE CHALLENGE on LM page ___.

V. Assessment/Evaluation:

Refer to BE PROUD on LM page ___. 


VI. Assignment/Agreement: 

Make a compilation of pictures of wild animals.

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