Muhammad Hatta was one of the founding fathers of Indonesia who helped proclaim independence in 1945. He was born in 1902 and served as vice president until 1956 before focusing on writing. Hatta played an active role in Indonesia's independence movement and fought for political education, for which he was imprisoned by the Dutch colonial government multiple times.
Muhammad Hatta was one of the founding fathers of Indonesia who helped proclaim independence in 1945. He was born in 1902 and served as vice president until 1956 before focusing on writing. Hatta played an active role in Indonesia's independence movement and fought for political education, for which he was imprisoned by the Dutch colonial government multiple times.
Muhammad Hatta was one of the founding fathers of Indonesia who helped proclaim independence in 1945. He was born in 1902 and served as vice president until 1956 before focusing on writing. Hatta played an active role in Indonesia's independence movement and fought for political education, for which he was imprisoned by the Dutch colonial government multiple times.
Muhammad Hatta was one of the founding fathers of Indonesia who helped proclaim independence in 1945. He was born in 1902 and served as vice president until 1956 before focusing on writing. Hatta played an active role in Indonesia's independence movement and fought for political education, for which he was imprisoned by the Dutch colonial government multiple times.
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Nama : Ahmad Adzani Fajri
Kelas : 10.4
Dr. Mohammad Hatta
Muhammad Hatta was of Indonesian founding fathers. He lived from 1902 until 1980. Together with Soekarno, he proclaimed the independence of Indonesia on 17th August 1945.Muhammad Hatta was born on 12th August 1902 in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra. When he was still in junior high school in Bukittinggi he joined the league of Young Sumatrans.When he finished his study in Bukittinggi, he moved to Batavia. Then, he went to the Netherlands to continue his study. When he was there, he participated actively in the National Movement. As a result, he was arrested by the Dutch government.In 1932, Bung Hatta went back to Indonesia. He joined a political organization called Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia. This organization wanted Indonesian people to know many things about politic. Because of this activity he was arrested again. He was sent to Boven Digul, and later to Banda Neira as a prisoner. Before the Japanese invanded Indonesia in 1942 he was brought back to Java. On 17th August 1945, two days after Japan surrended to the Allies, Bung Karno and Bung Hatta declared the independence of Indonesia. Then they were selected as the president and vice president. Bung Hatta was the vice president until 1956. He resigned and concentrated in writing. On 14th March 1980 Bung Hatta passed away in Jakarta. Muhammad Hatta was one of the greatest people in Indonesia. People will always remember him as an honest and sincere person. TRANSLATE Muhammmad Hatta adalah salah satu founding Fathers bangsa Indonesia. Dia tinggal pada tahun 1902 Hingga tahun 1980. Bersama Ir Soekarno ia memproklamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945.Muhammad Hatta lahir pada 12 Agustus 1901 di Bukittinggi, sumatera barat. Saat masih duduk di bangku SMP di Bukittinggi ia mengikuti liga muda Sumatra.Setelah menyelesaikan studinya di bukittinggi.ia pindah ke Batavia. Kemudian ia berangkat ke Belanda untuk melanjutkan studinya. Selama di sana, ia ikut aktif dalam gerakan nasional. Akibatnya, ia di tangkap oleh pemerintah Belanda. Pada tahun 1932, bung Hatta kembali ke Indonesia. Ia bergabung dengan organisme politik bernama pendidikan nasional Indonésia. Organisasi ini ingin masyarakat Indonésia mengaruhi banyak hal tentang politik. Gara-gara aktifitasnya itu ia kembali di tangkap. Ia di kirim ke Boven figul dan kemudian ke banda Neira sebagai tahanan sebelum Jepang menginvasi Indonésia pada tahun 1942 ia di bawa ke Jawa. Pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, dua hari setelah Jepang menyerah kepada sekutu, bung Karno dan bung Hatta mendeklarasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Kemudian mereka di pilih menjadi presiden. Bung Hatta menjabat wakil presiden hingga tahun 1956. Ia mengundurkan diri dan berkonsentrasi menulis. Pada tanggal 14 Maret 1980 bung Hatta meninggal dunia di jakarta. Muhammad Hatta adalah salah satu orang terhebat di Indonesia. Orang orang akan selalu mengingatnya sebagai orang yang jujur dan tulus.