Pinaglabanan NHS Learning Recovery Plan
Pinaglabanan NHS Learning Recovery Plan
Pinaglabanan NHS Learning Recovery Plan
Department of Education
I. Rationale
As the global community experienced the impact of the pandemic, especially in the learning of students, Pinaglabanan National
High School is decisive and committed in its efforts to not only ensure the continuity of their education but to providing them with the best
possible learning opportunities despite all the odds and challenges brought about by the pandemic and the changing world.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a lot of challenges to the education sector not only in ensuring education continuity but
also in ensuring quality education delivery. As it has adversely affected the quality of learning, on one hand, it has also taught us a lot of
lessons to learn how we can further improve education delivery and quality on the other hand. With all these lessons and learnings considered
in the crafting of the Pinaglabanan National High School Learning Recovery Plan and is confident that it can successfully bounce back, recover
and achieve its targets of improving the learning outcomes for every Pinaglabanan National High School learner.
The Pinaglabanan National High School Learning Recovery Plan is forward-thinking and focuses on each student, the quality of
their learning, and their outcome. This means not slowing down or looking back on lost ‘seat time’ stolen by a global pandemic but rather
stepping on the gas and removing barriers so each student can achieve their full potential which focuses on the four pillars of concern:
Quality, Learning Remediation and Intervention, measurement of learning the basis for learning remediation; Resiliency and Well-Being, Well-
Being and Protection; Access; and Governance, Professional Learning Development Program for teachers. These Pillars embody the concrete
plan of action of the Schools Division Office that will take to address the learning gaps and respond to the challenge of raising the quality of
II. Situationer
Pinaglabanan National High School has started to initiate and implement efforts to address the learning gaps encountered by
learners during the closing of schools and remote learning due to the pandemic over the last two years. Learning gaps and loss occurred due
to the low access of some learners in low-middle-income to resources needed to pursue distance education. This includes low access to
technology (i. e. devices, applications, and internet connection) and learning resources (printed modules) and it was reported that even before
the pandemic, there are learners left behind in the classes who are unable or struggled to read and this gap becomes exponential if learners
will not continue with effective instruction.
Before the pandemic, Barangay Pinaglabanan recorded a high percentage of out-of-school youth and many were unable to read
with proficiency. In addition, there are children who were at risk of dropping out of school, due to poverty, social marginalization,
displacement, and disruption caused by conflict. In 2020, on top of the pre-pandemic, there were children at risk of dropping out of school due
to the COVID-19 crisis, noting that they were unlikely to return to their educational institutions and because of the pandemic also,
Pinaglabanan has recorded the highest percentage of early teen pregnancy in the municipality and even in the province.
Pinaglabanan National High School seeks to recover any learning loss and issues or challenges that some students experience as
a result of the school’s closure due to the COVID – 19 pandemic. This plan seeks to bridge the school’s mission of developing student literacy
with the plan to close achievement gaps students may have suffered over the past year. The ultimate purpose of this plan is to identify learning
pathways that adequately prepare students to be well-rounded and career ready while taking into consideration social-emotional and academic
losses students may have suffered.
III. Goal
1. Increased individual mastery of competencies
2. improved performance of the learners
IV. Outcome
1. Assessment tasks produce reliable data to identify learning gaps
2. Teachers develop appropriate assessment
3. Learning gaps are used in program and project design
4. Evidence-based strategies to address the academic needs of learners
5. Learners attend Face-to-Face classes
V. Strategic Plan of Action
FOCUS Expected
S Division Strategies ACTIVITIES Key Players Timeline Budget Resource
AREA: Outcome
Learning 1. Percentage Ensure the reliability of 1. Conduct Child Mapping School Head Nov. 2 000.00 MOOE Ensured the
Remediatio of Learners learners' profile initiated by every adviser. Class 2022- reliability of
n and with low 2. Provide an updated Advisers April learners' profile
Interventio proficiency in learners profile. Stakeholders 2023
n reading and 3. Update Learners
numeracy Directory.
and non- Improve capacity of teachers 1. Conduct SLAC: Invite a School Head, Every 5 000.00 MOOE Improved the
readers in preparing Appropriate speaker or resource person Teachers month of capacity of
intervention according to to discuss preparing S.Y. teachers to
learner’s difficulty. appropriate interventions 2022- provide
according to the learner’s 2023 appropriate
difficulty. intervention.
2. Conduct Focus Group Conduct of
Discussions among teachers intervention
on how to prepare
appropriate interventions
according to learners’
3. Implement activities for
learners who have difficulties
in learning per subject area.
Ensure learning continuity in 1. Conduct Monitoring and School Head, Every 2 000.00 MOOE Monitored
the implementation of crafted Assessment of Reading and Teachers, end of learner's progress
reading and Numeracy intervention. and Parents quarter
numeracy intervention with 2. Capacitate teachers on S.Y.
the appropriate IMs. teaching strategies and in 2022-
the preparation of reading 2023
and numeracy materials.
Ensure effective 1. Conduct regular School Head Year- 5 000.00 MOOE Increased
implementation of school in monitoring through HPTA and Teachers round learner's progress
monitoring learners' progress. conferences/meetings.
2. Computing MPS Quarterly
and Recording assessments.
3. Administer home visitation
for academically challenge
learners by concerned
subject teachers and class
Strengthen the School 1. Structuring Reading Language Year- 2 000.00 MOOE Monitored
Reading Program by Corners in every classroom. Teacher and round Learners'
establishing a pool of Teachers 2. Prepare school-initiated Class Reading
that will focus on the non- reading materials by Advisers Performance
readers and struggling language teachers and class
learners advisers for non-readers and
struggling learners.
3. Impose a 1 o'clock
Reading habit.
4. Designation of a School
Reading Program and
Monitoring Team to monitor
the improvement of non-
readers and struggling
Strengthen partnership with 1. Involve stakeholders in School Head, Year- 1 000.00 MOOE Strengthened
internal and external school matter-related Teachers, round partnerships
stakeholders to establish activities and conferences. and, with internal and
strong support in the 2. Ask/Seek assistance Stakeholders external
implementation and voluntarily from the stakeholders to
assessment of reading and stakeholders regarding the establish strong
numeracy skills. assessment of the reading support in the
and numeracy activity of the implementation
learners. and assessment
3. Engage stakeholders of reading and
through GC via numeracy skills.
Messenger/Facebook Group
and call and text to be
4. Give credits and
Recognition for the support
of stakeholders for school
matter-related activities by
means of giving them tokens
and certificates.
2. Low Ensure the implementation of 1. Communicate with School head, BOSY 500.00 MOOE Implemented 5-
Academic 5 - day in-person classes. parents and stakeholders teachers, and day in-person
performance regarding designing the class stakeholders classes
of learners program.
2. Designing a class
program for 5-day in-person
3. Administer Daily
Monitoring of Health Status,
attendance, and strict
compliance with Health
protocol for learners and
school personnel.
Enhance learning modality 1. Integration of ICT in the School head, Year- 500.00 MOOE Enhanced
platform for maximum daily lesson and Video teachers, and round learning modality
utilization of gadgets and lesson/tutorials as lesson stakeholders platform for
other technology to improve supplements/supplementary maximum
student learning achievement. . utilization of
2. Utilize the use of tablets gadgets and
for the lessons and activities other technology
during classes. to improve
3. Administer the use of e- student learning
learning resources in daily achievement.
Promote partnership with 1. Seek voluntary donors School head, BOSY 500.00 MOOE Promoted
internal and external from HPTA and other teachers, and partnership with
stakeholders to provide stakeholders through the use stakeholders internal and
schools/classrooms with of online communication external
modern/quality/ICT platforms. stakeholders to
equipment for F2F 2. Initiate Fundraising provide
instructions. activities like a popularity schools/classroo
contest and raffle draw ms with
during foundation day and modern/quality/I
Valentine’s day activities to CT equipment for
provide schools/classrooms F2F instructions.
with modern/quality/ICT
equipment for F2F
3. Seek assistance from
BLGU/LGU and Provincial
Office to provide
schools/classrooms with
equipment for F2F
Promote partnership with 1. Communication with School head, Before 1 000.00 MOOE Conducted
parents on additional time on students’ parents that need teachers, and the start remedial classes
remedial classes. intervention, inform them stakeholders of
about remedial classes remedial
during PTA meetings and classes
prepare MOA and seek for S.Y.
assistance in learning at 2022-
home during remedial 2023
classes also secure parents’
approval for the attendance
of their child during remedial
2. Conduct Home Visitation
to promote partnership with
parents on additional time
on remedial classes.
1. Conduct SLAC on how to School Head Year- 3 000.00 MOOE All students will
Provide contextualized craft learning activity sheets and Teachers round be provided with
learning activity sheets that (Crafting contextualized LAS learning activity
will deepen the learner's per quarter). sheets
understanding of a skill or 2. Prepare all the
concept for diverse learners. contextualized learning and
reading materials to be used
for the training.
3. Utilize and implement the
crafted contextualized LAS
per quarter
Ensure the implementation of 1. Administer post-test after School Head Year- 1 000.00 MOOE Ensured the
data-driven intervention the conduct of every and Teachers round implementation
activities. intervention. of data-driven
2. Revisit/revised the intervention
ineffective intervention activities.
activity based on the result of
the Post-Test
3. Monitor and evaluate
struggling learners through
the use of an Individual
Learning Monitoring Plan.
Improve access on the use of a 1. Require learners’ portfolios School Head Year- 1 000.00 MOOE Monitored
variety of strategies to to monitor, assess and Class round Learners'
monitor, assess and provide provide feedback about their Advisers Portfolios and
feedback to learners about learning. Improved access
their learning. 2. Evaluate the result of the to the use of a
learners’ portfolio to assess variety of
the effectiveness and efficacy strategies to
of the strategy given. monitor, assess
3. Apply another strategy like and provide
Journal writing for the feedback to
students who failed to learners about
comply and struggle in doing their learning.
their portfolio.
4. Conduct regular Parent's
Teacher Conferences to
communicate with parents
about learners’ progress.
Intensify monitoring activities 1. Regular/periodic checking School Head Year- 1 000.00 MOOE Checked and
in assessing and providing of learners’ performance with Class round monitored
feedback on learner’s progress teachers, parents, and Advisers learner's
learners Parents performance
2. Ensuring 100% Learners
attendance of parents during
Parent-Teachers Conference
and Monitoring of School
Head during PT Conference
and providing the narrative
report and other MOV’s,
attendance, etc.
Provide contextualized 1. Compile/Collect available School Head Year- 500.00 MOOE Provided
learning materials contextualized learning and Teachers round contextualized
materials. learning
2. Utilize contextualized materials
learning materials per
subject area.
3. Construct contextualized
learning materials applicable
to the school community.
Strengthen the Brigada 1. Institute programs and School head, Septembe 8 000.00 MOOE Conducted
Pagbasa program projects to enhance the Class r 2022- Brigada Pagbasa
reading performance of Adviser, and January and updated
learners. Reading 2023 reading corners
2. Construct or enhance the Coordinator
reading corner in each
3. Designate School Reading
Test Coordinator during
4. Look for voluntary donors
of reading materials and
5. Provide a school functional
library with a designated
Sustain utilization of 1. Conduct SLAC and School Head Every 3 000.00 MOOE Conducted SLAC
Kumustahan sa Paaralan Regulate and Monitor and Teachers quarter
Monitoring Tool for every Kumustahan sa Paaralan of S.Y.
learning area Monitoring Tool for every 2022-
learning area. 2023
2. Accomplish the
Kumustahan sa Paaralan
Tool per quarter.
3. Consolidate and Evaluate
the result of the
Kumustahan Sa Paaralan
Monitoring Tool.
4. Provide the solution to the
issue and concern
encountered based on the
evaluation report.
3. Inability of Ensure community awareness 1. Conduct SLAC to address School Head Year- 2 000.00 MOOE Ensured
parents to in inclusive education, the learners with special and Teachers round community
assist their specifically understanding needs. awareness of
children learners with special 2. Require teachers to attend inclusive
educational needs (LSENs) training to help them tailor education
instruction to the needs of
every learner.
Ensure continuity of the 1. Communication with Teachers and Conducive
monitoring of learning parents through chat, call, Parents Year- 3 000.00 relationship
progress through frequent text, letter, and home round MOOE between
home visitation, group chat, visitation to monitor learners’ teachers,
calls, text messages, and other progress. parents, and
applicable modalities in the students
4. Ensure maximum learning 1. Provide Contingency Plan School Head BOSY 5 000.00 LGU, Ensured
Limitations continuity through full in the implementation of and Teachers MOOE, maximum
in the implementation of-person person classes. and learning
implementati classes. 2. Provide SLMS 1:1 in ratio. Donation continuity
on of 3. Ensure strict compliance s from through full
distance of health protocol. Stakehol implementation
learning ders of-person
Curriculum 1. Congested Enhance teachers' capacity in 1. Conduct SLAC on merging School Head Oct-22 3 000.00 MOOE Decongested
Implement Curriculum merging and sub-tasking of and sub-tasking of and Teachers competencies
ation and competencies. competencies.
Improveme 2. Conduct and Strengthen
nt the mentoring in merging
and sub-tasking of
3. Attend seminars to
enhance teachers' capacity in
merging and sub-tasking of
2. Improve assessment 1. Conduct SLAC on School Head October 1 000.00 MOOE Conducted SLAC
Inconsistency objectivity through the use of designing a valid and reliable and Teachers 2022- and prepared
of learning valid and reliable instruments assessment. January examination with
and to measure learners' 2. Required Subject teachers 2023 TOS
assessment performance to prepare Quarterly
examinations with TOS.
Promote the use of available 1. Prepare templates for School Head BOSY 500.00 MOOE Promoted the
learning tools, activity sheets, designing learning plans, and Teachers use of available
etc. at the DepEd and Division and worksheets for learning tools,
LR Portal and platforms consistency in school activity sheets,
delivery across different etc. at the DepEd
subjects and grade levels. and Division LR
2. Download the latest Portal and
Learning tools in the DepEd platforms
and Division LR portal and
platforms and print them
3. Contextualize the learning
tools to be used which are
suited for the learners.
1. Conduct SLAC on the School Head October 1 000.00 MOOE Conducted SLAC
Capacitate teachers on the preparation of MELCS-based and Teachers 2022- and prepared
preparation of a competency- assessment and Crafting of January MELCS-based
based assessment of learning. contextualized competency- 2023 assessment with
based assessment. TOS
3. 1. Conduct SLAC on School Head Year- 15 MOOE Improved teacher
Continuous Teaching strategies and ICT and Teachers round 000.00 performance
Enhance the knowledge and
Professional utilization.
skills of teachers through
Development 2. Attend
capacity-building and training
seminars/webinars on
utilizing educational
technology in the classroom.
Provide regular retooling and 1. Conduct appropriate School Head Year- 3 000.00 MOOE Conducted
upskilling of School Heads on research and development of and Teachers round appropriate
the provision of technical innovations as an research and
assistance and instructional intervention to improve development of
supervision to teachers teaching and learning. innovations
Strengthen the 1. Recommend Teachers to School Head Year- 3 000.00 MOOE Teachers
implementation of Teacher attend Teacher Induction and Teachers round Attended
Induction Program for Program professional
teachers with 0-3 years in development
service seminars and
workshops and
attended TIP.
Intensify supervision, 1. School head conduct class School Head Year- 500.00 MOOE Improved
monitoring and evaluation of observation to give technical and Teachers round teachers’
School Heads' function with assistance to improve performance in
focus on improving teaching- teaching-learning outcome teaching-learning
learning outcomes and mentoring to improve outcomes.
teaching and learning
outcomes and lastly conduct
monitoring and evaluation,
feedback, and
4. Extra task Promote partnership with LGU 1. Request to LGU for the School Head Year- 5 000.00 LGU Employment of
to be for employing non-teaching provision of non-teaching and Teachers round FUND/S non-teaching
accomplished personnel. personnel. EF personnel.
by teachers Hire and capacitate non- 1. Request to LGU for the School Head Year- 5 LGU Requested LGU
teaching personnel to do the provision of non-teaching and Teachers round 000.00 FUND/S for the assistance
additional task personnel. EF of non-teaching
2. Unload other personnel
administrative services to the
regular teacher.
3. Give the ancillary task to
non-teaching personnel.
Allocation of funds from the 1. MOOE or budget School Head Year- 500.00 MOOE/ Proper allocation
MOOE or SEF transparency and liquidation and Teachers round SEF of funds from the
should be done by AO, not MOOE or SEF
by regular teachers, and
have a meeting with the BAC
members and discuss the
allocation of funds.
Include the procurement of 1. Procure modem and School Head Year- 2 000.00 MOOE/ Included the
modem and Internet internet connectivity to and Teachers round SEF procurement of
connectivity in the SEF/ provide Instructional ICT modem and
MOOE's APP and PPMP concerns for the learners. Set Internet
a conference with the BAC connectivity in
and provide a budget for the the MOOE's and
procurement and bills. APP
5. Absence Promote partnership with LGU 1. Seek assistance from the School Head Year- 3 000.00 LGU Promoted
/limited and TELCO for internet LGU and TELCO to provide a and Teachers round FUND/S partnership with
internet provision and connection. good internet connection EF LGU and TELCO
connectivity needed to upskill teachers for internet
and learners. provision and
2. Make a Request letter to connection.
LGU and TELCO to provide
an additional cell site for the
betterment of the internet
STUDENTS' Negative 1. Provide psycho-social 1. Proper implementation of School Year- 500.00 MOOE 90%- 100% of
ATTITUDE learners' services for learners and School rules and regulations. Personnel round PNHS students
AND attitude and school personnel to strengthen 2. Thoroughly would become
DISCIPLIN behavior the strong and secured implementation of classroom Stakeholders well-disciplined.
E personality and behavior of rules.
learners and school personnel 3. Conduct Guidance PTA officials
2. Ensure learning continuity orientation on students’
in the proper implementation attitudes and discipline and SSG Officers
of blended and in-person build up year-round
classes counseling for the learner Students
3. Strengthen infusion of who has an attitude problem.
values in all learning areas Parents
applied in daily living
4. Revitalize GMRC, Values Guidance
Education, and strengthen Counselor
Filipino ideology and other
guidance and counseling
strengthen strong
partnerships with parents
with the
5. Provision of training in
relation to Values Formation.
6. Intensify the practice on
conduct studies in relation to
learners' behavior
7. Provide guidance
counselors in all schools.
8. Integrate values education
in all subjects
Learner's 1. Establish MOA between the 1. Conduct orientation on School Year- 1 500.00 MOOE The learners
misuse of parents and school on the use the proper and responsible Personnel round would become
gadgets and and regulation of gadgets and use of gadgets. responsible for
addiction to social media of learners 2. Secure MOA/MOU with Stakeholders using gadgets
online games 2. intensify educational the students, and parents as and lessen their
and other campaign on the positive use well as with the Barangay Barangay addiction to
social media of technology that support and council on the regulation of Council online games and
platforms enhance academic learning gadgets in the school to the other social
3. Provide effective regulatory learners. Students media platforms.
measures on the use of social 3. Conduct home visitation
media and gadgets regularly to monitor the Parents
4. Strengthen home visitation, learner’s misuse of gadgets
monitoring and feedback- and addiction to online
giving games and other social
5. Intensify Information media platforms.
Education Campaign on the
disadvantages and advantages
of using gadgets
6. Active parents’ participation
in monitoring the use of
gadgets of their children.
7. Strengthen information
education campaign on the
advantages and disadvantages
on using gadgets and organize
club activities that would
indulge learners in other co-
curricular activities
8. Strengthen intensive home
visitation and consultation
with parents on the use of
9. Strengthen the orientation
to parents and learners on the
proper use of gadgets
Increased 1. Promote partnership and 1. Coordinate with the School Once a 3 000.00 LGU Decreased the
number of coordination with barangay Barangay Council and 4P's Personnel year Assistanc number of
learners government unit with staff to help the school e learners
indulging in ordinances, counseling of encourage out-of-school Stakeholders indulging in
vices, parents and learners, increase youth/ adolescents to enroll. SSG vices, cliques, or
cliques, or participation in BGU/ MSWD 2. Conduct school sportsfest. Barangay Assistanc sub-sets
sub-sets sessions to raise issues and Implement year-round Council e resulting in the
resulting in concerns, and conduct family counseling for both parents low scholastic
low community mapping to and students to raise issues Students Barangay performance of
scholastic identify the root cause of low and concerns about low Assistanc the learner’s
performance academic performance. academic performance. Parents e tendencies of
of 2. Provide sports and other 3. Invite a resource speaker teenage
thelear’er'ss activities to divert their from 4P’s/DSWD to conduct LGU Officials PTA pregnancies and
tendencies of attention and interests a campaign/ symposium Assistanc Increase the
teenage 3. Strengthen the information about the importance of 4P’s e number of
pregnancies and education campaign on education to parents and Personnel enrollees.
(among the importance of education, learners and encourage the
female motivate and encourage the parents to develop their
learners) parents in the community to child’s confidence and
develop learners’ confidence capabilities.
and capabilities.
EARLY Increase in 1. Strengthen the partnership 1. Support pregnancy School Quarterly 3 000.00 SSG Decreased the
PREGNANC number of of school with the religious prevention programs in the Personnel Fund number of early
Y early groups, barangay LGU and Barangay among pregnancy cases
pregnancy other community stakeholders adolescents. Stakeholders in our school.
cases in values formation of the 2. Educate girls and boys
(Prevalence of learners about sexuality thru Barangay
early 2. Institutionalize the integration in some subjects Council
pregnancy Adolescent Reproductive and build community
among Health (ARH) in classroom support for preventing early Students
secondary instruction pregnancy.
school 3. Intensify awareness of 3. Invite personnel from Parents
learners) family members on Adolescent DSWD to conduct orientation
Reproductive Health (ARH) on Early Pregnancy and
4. Organize a task force on Adolescent Reproductive
Values Formation composed of Health (ARH) with the
religious groups, district learners, parents, and
nurses, guidance counselors, stakeholders.
school heads, and linkages
with DSWD, RHU, and other
Law enforcement agencies for
the enhancement of learners'
development to positive
values, habits, beliefs, cultural
representation, self-integrity,
and adolescent reproductive
health education and well-
5. Facilitate/Provide
Postschool heads, teachers
and learners physical and
socio-emotional skills
development through
um and/or fora.
6. Lessen teachers' workloads
by hiring more non-teaching
personnel to do other
administrative work and
ancillary tasks.
7. Establish strong linkages
for the continuance of school
feeding programs to lessen
severely wasted, wasted,
stunted, and severely stunted
nutritional status in
partnership with LGU
monitoring and regular health
check-up of health personnel.
8. Mobilize stakeholders,
alumnae, and private
advocates in the
construction/procurement of
necessary medical/dental
HEALTH Capacity of 1. Capacitate school heads on 1. Develop survey programs School Twice a 1 000.00 MOOE The school Head
school heads the early manifestations of to foster a positive school Personnel year had properly and
in handling mental and psychosocial atmosphere and advance firmly in
teachers and health issues teachers’ and students' Students (August, handling
learners abilities to handle bullying January) teachers and
experiencing and conflicts, solve problems, Parents learners
mental and form positive peer experiencing
psychosocial connections, participate in RHU mental and
health issues activities to prevent suicide personnel psychosocial
and drug use, etc. health issues
2. Conduct school-initiated
Psychosocial health
orientation for teachers,
learners, and parents.
1. Intensify Feeding Program 1. Conduct School feeding School Quarterly 2 000.00 Canteen 90%- 100% of
High number through partnership program entitled “Malnuris Personnel fund SW, W, and
of learners 2. Strengthen awareness and na bata, Masustansyang (Once stunted and
with SW, W, implementation of Gulayan sa pagkain ang ihahanda.” Stakeholders every Income severely wasted
stunted and Tahanan / Paaralan Program Through the help of BLGU, quarter) from learners would
severely 3. Promote partnership with PTA fund and other Barangay Gulayan become normal
stunted the Barangay LGU on child stakeholders. Council sa in their
nutritional mapping and Barangay- 2. Conduct Nutritional health Paaralan nutritional
status initiated feeding program orientation by the designated Students status.
(Number of 4. Strengthen the partnership school nurse to learners.
learners with with the local LGU and other 3. Monitor learners/parents Parents Donation
nutritional stakeholders in planting fruits and from
deficit) vegetables in school and at RHU RHU
home. (vitamins)
4. Giving vitamins and Nutritionist
selected students based on
their nutritional status from
LGU/Barangay Health Unit.
1. Enhance the educational 1. Promote Hand washing School Year- 1 000.00 MOOE The health risks,
Health risks, information dissemination of Habit every 12' o clock and Personnel round hazards, and
hazards and programs and projects about proper segregation of waste Stakehol threats of
threats of health risks, hazards and in school and at home. Stakeholders ders’ COVID19,
COVID19, threats from COVID19 and 2. Encourage educators and donation infectious
infectious other infectious diseases in students to obtain COVID Barangay diseases, and
diseases and the campus, classrooms, vaccinations in a responsible Council other health-
other health offices, facilities, and manner. (Dahil sa tusok, related issues in
related issues environment buhay mo ay ligtas laban sa Students the campus,
in the 2. Provision of school clinic in Virus.) classrooms,
campus, every school 3. Participate in School Parents offices, facilities,
classrooms, 3. Intensify provision of ground Oplan Linis every last and environment
offices, medical and dental check-ups Friday of the month. RHU would be
facilities and for learners through the 4. Encourage school lessened.
environment regular visit of Division health personnel to comply with
personnel. Medical and Dental check-
PSYCHOSO 1. Strengthen psychosocial 1. Invite speakers from School Once a 1 000.00 MOOE The school had
CIAL recovery program for learners, DSWD personnel to provide Personnel year full support for
parents, and teaching and teachers and students with learners and
non-teaching personnel. psychosocial orientation. Stakeholders school personnel
Low 2. Improved psychosocial in 2. Integrate psychosocial for their
psychosocial person capability building health in lessons from the Barangay Psychosocial
support to 3. Provide mental health- different subject areas. Council health.
learners, related symposium and 3. Conduct counseling on
parents and activities and guidance psychosocial to the needy Students
teaching & counseling services learners.
non-teaching 4. Ensure that all school Parents
personnel. personnel have
attended/capacitated on RHU
mental health activities
5. Intensify the Guidance
6. Provide exploration towards
learning; buddy pair learning,
collaborative teaching learning
and inquiry-based approach to
7. Strengthen five days in
person learning activity
DISASTER 1. Promote capacity building 1. Hiring of watchman or School Year- 1 000.00 Financial 100% of learners
RISK program for school DRRM security personnel (night Personnel round Assistanc and school
REDUCTIO coordinators and school shift) e from personnel were
N AND heads. 2. Coordinate with the Stakeholders Barangay safe in
MANAGEM Safety of 2. Strengthen capability Barangay Council for Fund transitioning
ENT learners, building program for the Barangay Tanods to be Barangay from MDL to
teaching and school DRRM coordinators assigned at school during Council LGU face-to-face
non-teaching 3. Strengthen the consultation class hours and school Financial classes.
personnel in in the increase of allocation for activities. Students Assistanc
transitioning DRRM program. 3. Posting of Emergency e
from MDL to 4. Integrate DRRM program in Hotlines in every classroom, Parents
in-person school activities gates, sitios, and Community
classes 5. Provide an inclusive and Learning center. DRRM
effective strategized schedule. 4. Attend/ participate in Coordinator
6. Promote partnership to the different DRRM seminars
stakeholders in the and training for Junior
distribution and retrieval of Rescuers and personnel are
modules. given priority to increasing
awareness and preparedness
during the time of disaster.
5. Seek assistance from
BLGU/LGU and other
stakeholders for the funds to
be allocated to purchase the
necessary DRRM kit and
types of equipment.
CHILD Presence of Educate parents on Child 1. Bata, Bata Mag-aral Ka DSDW, First 1 500.00 LGU Conducted
LABOR child labor in Labor laws. (BBM Ka) Orientation of Values Quarter Orientation
the Intensify the information Parents and students Teacher,
community education advocacies on child regarding Child Labor Laws Guidance
resulting to labor-related laws and and Students’ rights Designate
low school policies. and Advisers.
Enhance campaigns and
advocacies to promote
awareness to all learners on
the importance of educational
attainment in finding good
gobs /career guidance and
Promote partnerships with the 1. Coordinate with LGU, School head, Year- 500.00 MOOE Coordinated with
LGU and other stakeholders PESO, and DOLE PESO round PESO and DOLE.
for job opportunities and coordinators for job Coordinator,
livelihood program for parents. opportunities and livelihood and DOLE
programs for parents. Coordinator.
Enhance guidance and 1. Monitor the students that School head, Year- 1 000.00 MOOE Conducted
counselling to learners and engage in child labor by the DSWD. round Guidance and
parents. adviser. Counseling
intensify advocacy against 2. Conduct a Career
child labor and initiate regular Guidance and Counseling
guidance and counselling for Program for parents and
maximum learners’ working students.
participation in inclusive 3. Invite DSWD personnel to
education discuss child labor with
parents and students during
the PTA meeting.
Learners Strengthen the 1. Coordinate with ALS and School Head, Year- 500.00 MOOE Strengthened
develop low implementation of ADM/ALS Open High School within the DALSC round the
interest in to learners engaged in child municipality. implementation
schooling labor activities. 2. Conduct a symposium and of ADM/ALS to
due to labor invite the ALS Coordinator learners engaged
exposure. about the implementation of in child labor.
ADM/ALS to learners
engaged in child labor
Intensify the Career Guidance 1. Bata, Bata Mag-aral Ka DSDW, First 1 000.00 LGU Conducted
Advocacy program (BBM Ka) Values Quarter Orientation
implementation in Orientation of Parents and Teacher,
schools/CLCs. students regarding Child Guidance
Labor Laws and Students’ Designate
rights. and Advisers.
Ensure learning continuity by 1. Conduct Home visitation Class Year- 1 MOOE Conducted home
motivating the parents and to motivate the parents and advisers and round 5000.00 visitation
learners to continue their learners to continue their Subject
studies and intensify home studies. teachers
visitation. 2. Communicate constantly
Promote partnership with with the parents to assist School head, Year- 1 000.00 BGU Conducted family
parents and stakeholders, learners with their studies. BHW, round mapping
Barangay Government Unit) to 3. Acknowledge the efforts of Advisers.
conduct family mapping and parents and students in
encourage learners to go to continuing the learning of
school. students by giving
Promote a Child-Friendly certificates and tokens to Values October 3 000.00 Stakehol Celebrated
environment to encourage encourage them to study. Teachers and ders, Children's Month
learners to participate in 4. Coordinate with the SSG Officers SSG
school Barangay Health Worker to Fund,
conduct family mapping and PTA
home visitation to encourage
learners to go to school.
5. Conduct and Celebrate
Children's Month by
promoting Larong Lahi and
other activities that
encourage learners to
participate in school.
COMPLETI Transfer of Promote strong partnership 1. Conduct child mapping All teachers Year- Stakehol BLGU, Conducted child
ON RATE residence programs among parents in and home visitation among and BLGU round ders, SEF Stakehol mapping and
affected the order to encourage them more learners who transfer their and Fund ders home visitation
school to enroll their children and residence. Stakeholders. among learners
participation finish basic education. 2. Implement Kontribusyon who change their
of the Mo, Sagot Ko! Adopt a residence.
learners. Student Program for the
students who cannot provide
for their needs in school.
Strengthen every family in 3. Coordinate and conduct All teachers, Year- Stakehol BLGU, Coordinated with
terms of enhancement of training workshops with BLGU, LGU, round ders, SEF Stakehol PESO and DOLE.
moral fiber, job generation and LGU, PESO, and DOLE PESO Fund ders
livelihood programs by coordinators for the Coordinator,
intensifying campaign and enhancement of moral fiber, DOLE
advocacy within the job generation, and livelihood Coordinator.
community by involving LGU, programs.
NGAs and all stakeholders
DROP-OUT High Strengthen the 1. Conduct Home visitation School Year- SEF Donation Decreased the
percentage of implementation of FLO (ALS to minimize the number of heads, round Fund s, percentage of
dropout and ADM) learners who opt to drop out Teachers, Find a Fundraisi dropouts
of school. parents, sponsor ng
2. Ensure a healthy and students, (Teacher
conducive learning and & other
environment by proper stakeholders, stakehold
Improve teachers' holding implementation of school by- BLGU ers)
power laws and regulations to BLGU
Improve the implementation of establish a Teacher-friend
Career Guidance and child-friendly school system.
Homeroom Guidance Program 3. Conduct child mapping to
Establish stable linkages with trace learners who stop
barangay, municipal links, studying with the help of the
community organization, Barangay, Municipal Links,
parent leaders to easily Parent Leaders, and another
conduct tracing and finding volunteer.
learners who stop studying. 4. Put up Community
Ensure learning continuity Learning centers in every
through undertaking different sitios to ensure learning
flexible learning options as continuity and to lessen the
means of intervention and high dropout rate or attains
preventive measures to lessen zero dropouts.
high dropout rate or attain 5. Request to concerned
zero drop out. agencies (Division Office) the
implementation of the Open
High School Program to
minimize the number of
learners who opt to drop out
of classes.
Lack of Strengthen partnership with 1. Offer a Scholarship School Year- SEF Donation Continuity of
interest in internal and external Program and or implement heads, round Fund s, education of less
education stakeholders in the an “Adopt-A-Child Program” Teachers, Find a Fundraisi fortunate
leading to implementation of "Adopt-A- with the help of BLGU, LGU, parents, sponsor ng students/out-of-
dropout Child Program", NGO’s, NGA’s, and other students, (Teacher school youth to
cases. (extrinsic/intrinsic motivation, stakeholders to motivate and & other complete basic
MOA/MOU Signing, IEC) learners to continue stakeholders, stakehold education.
schooling to complete basic BLGU ers)
education. NGO's,
2. Conduct Home visitation BLGU,
regularly to monitor and LGU
Poverty encourage learners to School Year- SEF Donation Strengthened
affecting the continue studying to heads, round Fund s, partnership with
continuity of complete basic education. Teachers, Find a Fundraisi the Local
education of 3. Request and offer parents, sponsor ng Government Unit
the learners. programs such as Open High students, (Teacher (LGU) and
School to cater to the out-of- and & other allocate funds for
High number Strengthen partnership with school youth with the help of stakeholders, stakehold the continuity of
of Out of the Local Government Unit LGU and other concerned BLGU ers) education of the
School Youth (LGU). agencies. NGO's, learners.
(OSY) Allocate funds through Special LGU,
Education Fund (SEF) BLGU
Offer programs that will cater
to the OSY.
High Strengthen linkages and 1. Intensify the School Year- SEF Donation Decrease the
percentage of partnership with concerned implementation of an heads, round Fund s, percentage of
learners drop agencies in the conduct of inclusive, effective guidance Teachers, Find a Fundraisi dropouts due to
out due to intervention through and counseling program with parents, sponsor ng early pregnancy
early psychosocial symposium and the help of DOH, RHU, students and (Teacher and early marital
pregnancy fora. Provide an inclusive, DSWD, Guidance stakeholders, & other relationship
and early effective, guidance and Counselors, and other DOH (Nurse), stakehold
marital counseling program for those concerned agencies to BLGU ers)
relationship. SARDOs due to early educate parents and NGO's,
pregnancy and early marital students, especially those LGU,
relationship and their parents who are at risk of dropping BLGU
out due to early pregnancy
Strengthen linkages and and early marriage.
partnership with concerned 2. Conduct home visitation
agencies in the conduct of to monitor and encourage
intervention through learners and parents to
psychosocial symposium and continue schooling to
fora. complete basic education.
3. Conduct Symposium and
Provide an inclusive, effective, orientation programs with
guidance and counselling the help of RHU, DSWD, and
program for those SARDOs other concerned agencies to
due to early pregnancy and promote awareness of
early marital relationship and Republic Act no. 11596 to
their parents prohibit the practice of child
Promote partnerships with
agencies to Provide intensive
campaign for educational
literacy on early pregnancy
and early marriage.
CRUCIAL Lack of Improve existing inferior 1. Improve the school’s Teachers, Year- 30 MOOE Established and
RESOURCE school classrooms and other existing facilities to cater to School Head, round 000.00 PTA and Improved the
S buildings and available facilities to be other ancillary services Stakeholders, LGU school’s existing
other school utilized as learning centers through the help of PTA and Students facilities to cater
facilities and other ancillary services officials and other to other ancillary
stakeholders. services
2. Repair the existing
classrooms and other
available facilities to be
utilized as a learning center
during the Gulpimano of the
Damaged Ensure early detection of 1. Conduct an inspection by SDRRM Quarterly 20 MOOE, Every quarter
classrooms factors causing damages to the SDRRM Coordinator to Coordinator, 000.00 LGU and monitored and
school buildings/classrooms submit a quarterly hazard Property Stakehol checked school
mapping. Custodian, ders/PTA buildings/classro
2. Report regularly building LGU, and oms
the inventory by the SDRRM Stakeholders
Strengthen partnership in the 1. Initiate and involve in the Teachers, BOSY 500.00 LGU and Maintained
LGU, NGOs, NGAs and other Adopt a School Program School Head, Stakehol communication
stakeholders to augment the (ASP) in school. and ders and involvement
shortage of ancillary and 2. Continuous connection Stakeholders of LGU, NGO's
support services for effective with the LGU, NGAs, NGOs, and other
governance and stakeholders by inviting stakeholders in
them to be involved in school every school plan
plans and activities. and activities
Limited Strengthen partnership and 1. Conduct a meeting with Teachers, BOSY 500.00 MOOE Every
funds for linkages with stakeholders the stakeholders about the School Head, Stakehol stakeholder’s
school limited funds for school and ders accomplishments
operations operations to provide funds Stakeholders will be recognized
assistance needed. by giving a
2. Recognize them by giving a plaque or
Plaque/certificate of certificate of
recognition as part of the recognition.
school’s achievements and
Insufficient Strengthen relationship with 1. School initiative in Teachers, BOSY 500. 00 MOOE Every
facilities of stakeholders (LGU, NGOs, recognizing stakeholders School Head, and stakeholder’s
the school Private Sectors and Business through giving and LGU accomplishments
(Comfort Sectors, Alumni Association, certificates/plaques. Stakeholders will be recognized
Rooms, and Private individuals) 2. Conduct meetings with by giving a
Community Stakeholders to encourage plaque/certificate
Learning them to support the school’s of recognition.
Centers - operation.
CLC’s) 3. Establish a
Libraries, communication system with
Computer the stakeholders (LGU,
Rooms, NGOs, Private Sectors and
Workshop Business Sectors, Alumni
Buildings, Associations, and Private
Laboratories, individuals).
Rooms, and
Unparallel Ensure proper and timely 1. Prepare APP, WFP, and BAC and Year- 500.00 MOOE Prepared on time
allotment of allocation and utilization of PPMP on schedule. 2. Utilize School Head round APP, WFP, and
supplemental funds funds allotted in APP, WFP, PPMP
budget for and PPMP.
Wins before 3. Liquidate funds on time
the opening Provide budget allotment of 1. Outsource a portion of the WINS Year- 15 MOOE Provided budget
of classes (it the WINS Program in the budget from SEF for the Coordinator, round 000.00 and allotment of the
is expected Special Education Fund construction of a ten-faucet School Head, SEF WINS Program in
that there are washing facility/repair of a Stakeholders, the Special
lots of school washing facility. and Teachers Education Fund.
constructions Strengthen partnership with 1. Tap internal and External Teachers, BOSY 1 500.00 MOOE Parents and
and repairs different stakeholders through stakeholders. Parents, Stakehol stakeholders are
during the "Adopt-A-School Program" and 2. Secure a resolution to Stakeholders, ders and the activity
first weeks of Brigada Eskwela. stakeholders about Brigada and School PTA participated
classes) Eskwela and different school Head and during Brigada
activities for Adopt-A-School Brigada Eskwela.
Program. Coordinator
3. Conduct programs and
projects to be implemented
in the school.
4. Provide resources for the
implementation of programs
and projects.
5. Signing of MOA/MOU
6. Implementation of the
programs and projects.
7. Giving of certificate of
appreciation to the
stakeholders that participate
in Adopt-A-School Program
and Brigada Eskwela.
8. Secure Accomplishment
Report and Documentation.
Some Strengthen partnership and 1. Encourage stakeholders to Teachers, BOSY 1 500.00 MOOE Stakeholders will
facilities linkages with stakeholders support school programs and School head, and PTA provide some
cannot be activities and facilities that
financed by 2. Give awards and stakeholders cannot be
the MOOE certificates of recognition to financed by
those who continually MOOE.
support and render their
There is still Ensure proper utilization and 1. Ensure utilization of funds School Head, Quarterly 500.00 MOOE Proper utilization
a shortage of fund transparency based on MOOE and other Teachers, and PTA of MOOE funds
resources school fund utilization and
that even should be based on APP, Stakeholders
teachers WFP, and SLCP.
utilized their 2. SCHOOL MOOE
own funds Liquidation reports should
and money to be posted on Transparency
perform their Board
tasks. 3. Discuss during the PTA /
Teacher's Meeting the funds
and utilization of MOOE.
Strengthen partnership and 1. Encourage internal and School Head, BOSY 500.00 MOOE There will be
linkages with stakeholders external stakeholders to give Teachers, and PTA funds for the
assistance with school and learning
learning materials and other Stakeholders resources.
2. Tap other government
organizations like Barangay
and LGU-funded learning
support Aide.
3. Sending acknowledgment
and recognition certificates
to the internal and external
4. Secure the signed
STAKEHOL Shocked due Strengthen partnership with 1. Coordinate with BLGU and Teachers, Quarterly 500.00 MOOE There will be
DERS' to the influx LGUs, NGOs and other LGU, NGOs, and other School Head, General PTA
SUPPORT of request of stakeholders for budget, stakeholders for budget, and Meeting every
schools for assistance and other assistance, and other Stakeholders quarter
assistance resources. resources.
2. Conduct regular meetings
with the parents and
3. Sending acknowledgment
and recognition certificates
to the internal and external
Limited Promote strong partnership 1. Involve parents and Teachers, BOSY 1 000.00 MOOE Stakeholders are
number of and collaboration with stakeholders in the process School Head, involved in
identified stakeholders in the of planning the Programs and planning.
stakeholders community to support school and Projects Activity of the Stakeholders Crafting, and
in the PPA's school. implementation
community 2. Include parents and of LRP.
to support stakeholders in crafting PPA.
school PPAs 3. Implement the crafted PPA
with the help of parents and
stakeholders in the
4. Acknowledge the parent’s
ad stakeholders by giving
certificates/plaques of
appreciation for the support
of school PPA’s.
Low Improve networking and 1. Proper dissemination of Teachers, Year- 1 000.00 MOOE Stakeholders are
participation linkages capabilities of schools school information and School Head, round and actively
of programs through invitation and PTA participating in
stakeholders letters/calls/text Stakeholders the school's
in school messages/chats or other activities and
programs means of communication. programs.
2. Acknowledge parents’
participation through school
radio broadcasting/social
media like Facebook and by
giving awards and
School plans Ensure regular dissemination 1. Tap the parents, Teachers, Year- 500.00 MOOE Parents,
are not of School Report Card. community, and other School Head, round and stakeholders,
transparently Enhance the involvement of stakeholders through and PTA and the school
, presented to the School Governing Council meetings and updated the Stakeholders community will
parents/stak in school planning and school Transparency Board be updated on
eholders/ operations to further strengthen school reports
school governance through and in-school
community increased awareness and plans, programs
and stronger participation of the implemented,
implemented community and other and operations.
strictly. stakeholders in making the
school a better place for
2. Involve and tap the School
Governing Council in school
planning and operations
through their participation in
creating an Annual
Improvement Plan, SBM, and
other schools’ mean.
Ensure that school plans and 1. Conduct meetings with Teachers, Quarterly 500.00 MOOE school plan and
programs are presented to parents and other School Head, and programs are
parents and other stakeholders to present the and PTA presented to
stakeholders. school plans and programs Stakeholders stakeholders
to ensure they are guided during quarterly
and well-oriented with school meetings.
plans and programs.
No assurance Intensify the implementation 1. Send teachers to Teachers and Year- 3 000.00 MOOE Teachers are
that all of professional learning necessary training and School Head round and encouraged to
personnel are development program and seminars, and motivate LGU attend seminars,
resilient, psychosocial support services teachers to pursue their pieces of training
competent, graduate studies. and enroll in
and 2. Encourage teachers to graduate school
continuously attend professional learning
improving development programs and
psychosocial support
Ensure proper implementation 1. Conduct orientation on Teachers, Year- 1 000.00 MOOE Teachers gained
of KRAs as stated in the RPMS - PPST, and train School Head round and different effective
RPMS-PPST; Strengthen teachers on the different and Resource LGU teaching
implementation of programs effective teaching strategies. Speaker strategies.
and projects to uphold
inclusive and right-based
PROFESSI Poor Issue designation of M&E 1. Select the M&E Teachers, Year- 1 500.00 MOOE created M&E
ONAL monitoring Coordinators with terms of coordinator and issue a School Head, round and Committee
DEVELOPM and reference; Capacitate M&E designation order containing and LGU
ENT AND evaluation of Coordinators based on their its duties and functions. Stakeholders
TEACHERS' programs designation 2. Capacitate M&E
COMPETEN and projects coordinator by the school
CE implemented head through LAC SESSION.
Capacitate teachers to teach 1. Administer Peer tutoring Teachers and Year- 1 500.00 MOOE The teachers
subject different from their to co-teachers to teach School Head round and improved to
field of specializations subjects different from their PTA teach subjects
field of specialization. different from
High Enhancing content- 2. Conduct School Learning their field of
percentage of knowledge, skills, and Action Cell (SLAC) Sessions specialization
learners were pedagogies of non-major and and INSET to address the and
affected by 0-5-year teachers in service. needs of teachers in teaching Enhanced
the teaching different subjects from their content
strategies field of specialization. knowledge, skills,
employed by 3. Motivate teachers to take a and pedagogies
the teachers master’s degree. of non-major and
in teaching 4. Encourage teachers to 0-5-year teachers
and attitudes attend seminars and in service.
of teachers workshops to develop their
towards teaching skills.
PROGRAM Low Strengthened monitoring and 1. Create a Monitoring and Teachers and Year- 500.00 MOOE The programs
S AND sustainability evaluation of all DepEd Evaluation Team to monitor School Head round LGU and projects of
PROJECTS of programs program being implemented and evaluate all DepEd DepEd are
IMPLEMEN and projects programs being monitored using
TATION implemented implemented. prescribed M&E
2. Conduct regular Tools.
monitoring in the evaluation
of programs and projects
implemented by DepEd using
the prescribed M&E Tools.
Too many Ensure proper planning and 1. Conduct meetings for the Teachers and Year- 500.00 MOOE Programs and
Programs, careful planning of program planning of program and School Head round LGU projects are well-
Projects and and projects. project activities with the planned and
activities that teachers and stakeholders. implemented on
become 2. Select the desired time.
complicated program.
on the part of Implementation of the
teachers. program followed by
Monitoring and
RESEARCH Lack of Strengthen the conduct of 1. Conduct School Head, Quarterly 1 500.00 MOOE The Teachers
research- action and basic researchers training/workshops in Teachers, and have gained
based to address learning gaps in crafting research. and LGU knowledge in
decision- teaching and learning. 2. Hold LAC Sessions in Stakeholders crafting research
making. crafting, monitoring, and to address
(Teachers) evaluating action/basic learning gaps in
research. teaching and
3. Collaborate with learning.
LGU/BLGU for the additional
research fund.
SAFETY Uncollected Strengthen proper waste 1. Establish linkage with Teachers, Year- 20 PTA Provided school-
Garbage management with LGU BLGU on proper waste DRRMC, round 000.00 based proper
during management. School Head waste
lockdown 2. Provide a school-based and BLGU management
proposal for proper waste Constructed and
management (e.g. MRF established spot
Construction, safe and for waste
secure community spot for material
waste material, others).
Promote awareness of the 1. Integrate lessons on Teachers, Year- 1 000 .00 MOOE The learners and
proper waste management proper waste management in DRRMC, round Donation parents applied
practices school. 2. Include Proper School Head, s from the proper waste
Waste Disposal as one of the and Learners Stakehol disposal at
agendas during meetings. ders school and home.
3. Advocate a campaign to
promote awareness of proper
waste management practices
in the school community.
SBM School Heads Policy recommendation to allot 1. School heads and teachers School Head Year- 1 000.00 MOOE Teachers are
PRACTICE and teachers additional budget for training shall revisit/ reprogram the and Teachers round and encouraged to
expense their and communication allowance allocation of the budget on PTA attend Training
own budget for teachers and school heads communication and travel and Seminars.
for fare and expenses for training and
for load submission of reports.
on to submit
report and to
and training.
Budget for
this matter is
TECHNICA Inadequate Enhance capacity building of 1. Conduct School Learning School Head Year- 3 000.00 PTA Conducted
L Technical teachers and school heads Action Cell (SLAC) Sessions, and Teachers round various Seminars
ASSISTANC Assistance to through various seminars and Individual Coaching, and and Workshops
E Teachers and training workshops Classroom Observation to to enhance
School Heads strengthen the weaknesses of technical
teachers in technical aspects assistance.
and capacity building.
2. Teachers and School head
must upskill or reskill their
capacity building by
attending various seminars
and training workshops.
Noted by:
Approved by: