Assessment 5
Assessment 5
Assessment 5
1. Define quantitative research. Define qualitative research. List the differences between these two
research methods. What is mixed methods research?
Quantitative Research: Quantitative research is an empirical research method that focuses on the
systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of numerical data. It aims to quantify and measure
variables, relationships, and patterns in order to establish statistical significance and make generalizable
Qualitative Research: Qualitative research is an empirical research method that seeks to understand and
interpret human behavior, experiences, and social phenomena through non-numerical data. It aims to
explore and gain in-depth insights into the underlying meanings, motivations, and context of individuals or
groups being studied.
Mixed Methods Research: Mixed methods research is an approach that combines elements of both
quantitative and qualitative research methods in a single study. It involves collecting, analyzing, and
integrating both numerical and non-numerical data to address research questions more comprehensively.
Nature of Data: Quantitative research focuses on objective and measurable data, typically represented in
numbers and statistics. Qualitative research, on the other hand, deals with subjective and descriptive data,
often presented as textual or visual narratives.
Sample Size and Generalizability: Quantitative research usually involves larger sample sizes, aiming for
representative samples to generalize findings to a larger population. Qualitative research often uses
smaller, purposefully selected samples, with the focus on exploring specific contexts and gaining rich
insights rather than generalizability.
Analysis Techniques: Quantitative research employs statistical analysis methods to analyze data and
determine statistical significance. Qualitative research involves thematic analysis, coding, or other
qualitative techniques to identify patterns, themes, and meanings within the data.
2. What is meant by an “observation technique”? What is observed, and why is it recorded?
An observation technique is a research method used to gather data by systematically observing and
recording behaviors, events, or phenomena in a structured and systematic manner. It involves carefully
observing and documenting what is happening, without directly manipulating or interfering with the
subject being observed. The primary purpose of recording observations is to collect accurate and reliable
data for analysis and interpretation.
3. Indicate why covert observation would be appropriate for a study on how parents discipline their
children when dining out.
Covert observation refers to a research method where the researcher observes and collects data without
the knowledge or consent of the participants being observed. In the context of studying how parents
discipline their children when dining out, covert observation can be an appropriate approach for several
reasons: Minimizing Observer Effect, Authenticity of Behavior, Ecological Validity, and Confidentiality and
Privacy. However, ethical considerations should be carefully addressed to ensure the well-being and rights
of the participants.
A traditional focus group is a qualitative research method that involves bringing together a small group of
individuals, typically ranging from 6 to 10 participants, to engage in a facilitated discussion on a specific
topic of interest. It is conducted in a controlled environment, such as a meeting room or research facility,
and typically lasts for 1-2 hours. The goal of a traditional focus group is to elicit in-depth insights, opinions,
attitudes, and experiences from participants through group interaction and discussion.
Video Conference-Based Online Focus Groups: Video conference-based online focus groups utilize video
conferencing platforms to facilitate real-time group discussions. Participants and the moderator join a
virtual meeting room using tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Skype. This format closely replicates the
interactive nature of traditional face-to-face focus groups.
Text-Based Online Focus Groups: Text-based online focus groups rely on written communication to
facilitate group discussions. Participants engage in text-based exchanges through chat platforms, dedicated
online forums, or online focus group software. This format offers flexibility and can be particularly useful
for participants who prefer written communication or have scheduling constraints.