The document contains 35 important questions about the microprocessor 8086. It lists features, pin diagrams, architecture, registers, flags, segmentation, addressing, and assembly language programs related to the 8086 microprocessor.
The document contains 35 important questions about the microprocessor 8086. It lists features, pin diagrams, architecture, registers, flags, segmentation, addressing, and assembly language programs related to the 8086 microprocessor.
The document contains 35 important questions about the microprocessor 8086. It lists features, pin diagrams, architecture, registers, flags, segmentation, addressing, and assembly language programs related to the 8086 microprocessor.
The document contains 35 important questions about the microprocessor 8086. It lists features, pin diagrams, architecture, registers, flags, segmentation, addressing, and assembly language programs related to the 8086 microprocessor.
SUBJECT :-- MIC SUBJECT CODE :-- 22412 22620 BY :-- VISHAL CHAVARE Visit :--
Microprocessor Important Questions
1. List out any eight features of 8086.
2. Draw neat labeled Pin diagram of 8086. 3. State functions of all pins of 8086. ((List and explain (separately) min & max) explain the functions of minimum mode pins.) 4. Draw neat labeled Architecture of 8086 with all signals. 5. List out various blocks of BIU of 8086. State their functions. (Describe the main blocks in BIU and EU/ Describe MP 8086 in details.) 6. Describe the register organization of 8086 MP. (List all 16 bit registers of 8086. / List and explain general purpose registers of 8086 MP.) 7. What is queue? How does queue speeds up processing of 8086 MP? 8. Draw flag register format and explain in brief various flags related to 8086. (List and explain control flags of 8086 MP. List instructions related to control flags.) 9. What is memory segmentation? How memory segmentation is achieved in 8086 MP. 10. List diff advantages of segmentation. 11. . Define physical and effective address. Describe 20 bit physical address generation process in 8086. Calculate physical address by taking DS, CS, and IP. 12. Explain the concept of pipelining. How it helps in improving system throughput. Microprocessor Important Questions
13. Diff between Minimum and Maximum modes of 8086 MP.
14. ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES ASSUME,DB (DEFINE BYTE),DW (DEFINE WORD),DD (DEFINE DOUBLE WORD),DUP directive:,LENGTH 15. ALP for addition of two 8-bit HEX numbers 16. ) ALP for Subtraction of two 8-bit HEX numbers 17. ALP for Multiplication of two 8-bit HEX numbers 18. ALP for division of TWO 8-bit HEX number 19. ALP for division of TWO 8-bit HEX number 20. ALP for addition of two 8-bit BCD numbers 21. ALP for division of two 16-bit HEX numbers 22. WAP to concatenate two strings 23. WAP to reverse the string. 24. Define procedure. 25. Differentiate between Near (Intrasegment) & Far (Intersegment) Call (or procedure). 26. Differentiate between Near (Intrasegment) & Far (Intersegment) Call (or procedure). 27. Describe Recursive procedure 28. List and explain parameter passing methods in Procedure. 29. Define Macro. 30. List and explain directives used with Macro. 31. Give the advantages of Macro. 32. Differentiate between Procedure and Macro. 33. Write an assembly language program to solve p= x2 +y2 using Macro (x and y are 8 bit numbers). 34. ) Write an ALP to find whether the number is even or odd. (Using macro). 35. State the advantages of pipelined architecture.
DEPARTMENT :-- Computer Engg. SUBJECT :-- MIC SUBJECT CODE :-- 22412 22620 BY :-- VISHAL CHAVARE Visit :--