1x multimeter
Circuit Breaker site testing report, mentioning mechanical opening & closing
times as measured at site.
Accepted by <name of end user staff in charge of site acceptance>
Mise en service sur site Affaire n°
Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
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Powerlink H035_Strathmore
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Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Prepare initial conditions .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Energize + de-energize the transformer via CSD100 (fixed angles strategy) .................................................................................................... 53
Analyze the voltage waveforms and adjust CSD100 settings accordingly (CLOSING) .................................................................................. 54
Repeat steps 3 & 4 up to finding the optimal value of targeted pre-arcing time ............................................................................................. 56
Estimate actual RDDS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
De-energize + de-magnetize the transformer via CSD100 ....................................................................................................................................... 62
Energize + de-energize the transformer several times via CSD100 ...................................................................................................................... 63
Prepare CSD100 software settings for a maximized residual flux (OPENING) .................................................................................................. 64
Description...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Result ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 65
De-energize + re-energize the transformer via CSD100 (DYNAMIC FLUX strategy) ................................................................................... 65
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DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
In case the connections between the CSD100 device and the Circuit
Breaker is out of GE contractual scope of delivery and you find some
connected wires upon your arrival at site, report a picture here and
3 remind the customer/end user that any damage caused by this non-
conform condition would be out of GE warranty (see contractual
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Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
In case this nameplate would not mention the below listed technical data, report
4 them below as text:
- SF6 pressure (rated MPa abs. @ 20°C)
- SF6 pressure (refill threshold MPa abs. @ 20°C)
- Number of HV interrupters in series per pole (ex. 2)
- Whether grading capacitors are mounted parallel to each interruptor
- Whether a Pre-Inserted Resistor is mounted (PIR)
- Manufacturer company name (ex. GE)
- Circuit Breaker Part Number (ex. GL316XD)
- Mechanical drive Part Number (ex. FK3-4/132)
- Rated RDDS** (in kV/ms per pole, at the rated gaz pressure)
- Mechanical scatter upon CB closing (standard deviation s, in ms, of the
statistical distribution of the CB closing time)
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Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
CT and VT main technical data
Source VT 1x PH/N
ref voltage
3x current 3x PH/N
PoW load voltage
CT breaker load VT
Report here below a picture of the nameplates of the Current Transformer & Voltage
Transformers feeding the PoW controller dedicated inputs:
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DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Reference phase identification
DONE Selected reference voltage ID :
Check at site the relevant “as-built” documentation with Powerlink L2 (PH/N) <=> L2
representative in order to clearly identify WHICH electrical phase (L1/L2/L3,
0/4/8, 4/8/12, A/B/C, R/YB, R/W/B….) has been selected to feed the PoW
controller with a reference voltage.
It is your responsibility to check whether this reference voltage is well:
use a PHASE-PHASE voltage instead !)
Load-side voltages
Review at site the relevant “as-built” documentation with Powerlink
7 representative in order to check whether the 3 AC load-side voltages feeding
the PoW controller are well PHASE-TO-NEUTRAL voltages (it is STRICTLY
FORBIDDEN to use a PHASE-PHASE voltage instead !)
CT connection polarity
Review at site the relevant “as-built” documentation with Powerlink
8 representative in order to check whether the 6 wired connections from the CT
outputs to the PoW controller inputs are properly oriented. For some
applications the disrespect of current polarity might lead dramatic effects.
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Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
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Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
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Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Transformer neutrals
Report here the actual neutral mode of each winding of the transformer
Where the neutral is grounded via a NGR* and/or NER**, report below a picture
of their nameplates:
- rated RMS voltage : <ex:
123> kV
- rated RMS current: <ex: 10>
- rated impedance at 50 Hz:
- rated RMS voltage : <ex: 19.05>
- rated RMS current: <ex: 600> A
- rated impedance: 0 Ω
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Powerlink H035_Strathmore
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Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
PoW controller commissioning cannot be started in case the FINAL DC source (battery) is
not yet available at site.
The use of a diesel generator or any similar temporary power source is NOT PERMITTED.
Check at site that the DC source feeding the PoW for CB coils control is well the FINAL
DC source (battery).
Hence it shall receive CB opening and/or closing commands from the Bay Control Unit
(BCU), but NOT from any emergency protection device like protection relays or post-
fault auto-recloser.
Check on the bay P&C diagram that this basic principle is well respected prior to go on with PoW
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Powerlink H035_Strathmore
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Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
PoW controller bypass
Under particular circumstances it might be required to perform UNCONTROLLED
switching of the circuit breaker, for instance (non-exhaustive list):
In order to address such cases, the design of the Protection & Control system
shall include a “bypass” circuit as shown below:
Check at site with P&C engineering staff (Powerlink) that such a bypass circuit is
well included in the system and review its active conditions (manual / automatic).
A safe and reliable bypass circuit ensures that ANY PHYSICAL CONNECTION IS
INTERRUPTED between the PoW controller outputs and the circuit breaker coils
when the bypass is active.
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Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
load VT
source VT
The bay Protection & Control system shall include some logics (interlocks…)
ensuring that this condition is well checked prior that CB opening / closing
4 commands reach the PoW controller.
Check at site with P&C engineering staff (Powerlink) that such a logics is well
included in the bay P&C system.
As soon as any impedance is solidly connected to the transformer that can’t be
switched OFF, the NO-LOAD condition of the transformer cannot be ensured and
therefore the concerned PoW configuration settings shall be adjusted according to
the concerned impedance (line capacitance in the below example):
line VT
source VT
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Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
PoW connection to the circuit breaker on one hand and to the Protection & Control system on the other hand is to be achieved
as per the below step-by step procedure.
1. Connect the CSD100 earthing screw to the P&C panel Protection Earth as
shown below:
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Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Adjust the CSD100 current date and time (device clock)
1. Using any Internet browser, log in the embedded web HMI (admin role required):
2. Click the “system” menu and select “Date and time” as shown below:
2 3. Select your local time zone (Australia) and adjust the local date and time:
4. Click the “Apply” button appearing on the top right corner of the page:
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DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
3. In case this version is not the most recent one, download the corresponding binary from
the GE website: https://www.gegridsolutions.com/hvmv_equipment/catalog/csd100.htm
4. On the device HMI (page “system/Update”, click the “Browse” button and select the
path to the downloaded binary file:
5. click the “Upload”, and wait for the successful completion message pop up:
6. Once the device rebooted, log back in and check the firmware version now running:
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DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Upload your POW settings to the device memory
7. Logged in with an admin role, click the “settings” menu and select “General”:
8. Scroll the page down to bottom and click the “Browse” button:
9. Select the path to the XML settings file supplied by GE IED expert in charge of
this contract (ais_ied_support@ge.com ) and click “Upload”.
10. Once the successful upload got confirmed, click again the “Settings” menu and
select “General:
11. Click the “Apply” button appearing on the top right corner of the page:
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Powerlink H035_Strathmore
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Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Source-side VT secondary injection: 1x AC reference voltage
1. Be sure to wear appropriate IPE (Individual Protection Equipment) for
AC voltage injection up to 250 VAC.
2. Locate the Voltage Transformer expected to feed CSD100 with 1x AC
source voltage , ensure it is OFF voltage and install your signal
generator on its secondary pins for AC voltage injection:
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Powerlink H035_Strathmore
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Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
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Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Load-side VT secondary injection: 3x AC voltages
1. Be sure to wear appropriate IPE (Individual Protection Equipment) for
AC voltages injection up to 250 VAC.
2. Locate the Voltage Transformer expected to feed CSD100 with 3x AC
LOAD voltages , ensure it is OFF voltage and install your signal
generator on its secondary pins for AC voltage injection:
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Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
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Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Source + load VT secondary injection: phase-shift checking test
1. Be sure to wear appropriate IPE (Individual Protection Equipment) for
AC voltages injection up to 250 VAC.
2. Start injecting 4x AC voltages using your signal generator (1 x
reference voltage + 3x load voltages), each of them with the same
magnitude but phase shifted by 120° as per the applicable phasor
convention in this substation:
X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X2
3. On the CSD100 web HMI, browse the “Download” page and click the button named “create an archive now”:
4. Using the software tool “CSD100 Records Viewer”, download the most recent record and use vertical cursors
to measure actual phaseshifts on the source-side and load-side voltage plottings as shown below:
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Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Voltage phase shift measurements Expected phase shift Measured phase shift
SOURCE TO LOAD phase shift
from VL2_SOURCE to VL2_LOAD (L1) 0° el. (in phase) 0 ° el.
LOAD side voltages
from VL2 (L2) to VL1 (L1) +120° el. (+6.67 ms) 120 ° el.
from VL3 (L3) to VL2 (L2) +120° el. (+6.67 ms) 120 ° el.
from VL1 (L1) to VL3 (L3) +120° el. (+6.67 ms) 120 ° el.
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DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
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Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Check the DC voltage feeding the CSD100 for CB OPENING coils driving
REMINDER: the below option must be adjusted according to actual wiring: in the
HMI web page "Settings/Mechanical"
2. Browse the CSD100 web HMI (“home” page) to check the actual value
of OPENING control voltage, as currently measured by CSD100:
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Powerlink H035_Strathmore
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Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Check the DC voltage feeding the CSD100 for CB CLOSING coils driving
(RPH4) DC voltage
t o closing t o closing t o closing
10 coil (L1) coil (L2) coil (L3)
REMINDER: the below option must be adjusted according to actual wiring: in the
HMI web page "Settings/Mechanical"
4. Browse the CSD100 web HMI (“home” page) to check the actual value
of CLOSING control voltage, as currently measured by CSD100:
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Powerlink H035_Strathmore
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DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Check the temperature sensor
In case Circuit Breaker is installed outdoor, the external temperature sensor
(supplied by GE) must be installed outside, out of direct exposure to sun rays, as
illustrated below :
11 T°C
GND out U+
3 2 1
Connection of the standard sensor (manufacturer = Hydrotechnik)
Its correct operation and connection to the CSD100 must be confirmed using
the device web HMI, so that the actual outside temperature gets properly
displayed on the “home” page as shown below:
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Powerlink H035_Strathmore
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Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Check hardwired connection to Normally Open (N.O.) auxiliary contacts
1. Make sure that your circuit breaker is in CLOSED POSITION (important
If not, close it (locally from LCC or via the PoW bypass circuit)
2. Before connecting ANY wire to the CSD100 X16 socket, make sure to
check the DC voltage on the mating connector using a voltmeter WITH
RESPECT TO DC- polarity (not with respect to ground!):
In case you would detect any voltage on those wires DO NOT
connect them under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. Check and fix
actual wirings prior to move to next steps.
Put your
Put your voltmeter
voltmeter “+” Expected Your actual
“-“ probe X16
probe on X16 voltage value measurement
connector pin
connector pin
X16:5 X16:6 + 125 VDC 126 VDC
X16:7 X16:8 + 125 VDC 126 VDC
X16:9 X16:10 + 125 VDC 126 VDC
3. You can now safely plug X16 connector into the corresponding socket
4. Check on the CSD100 HMI (“home” page) that each circuit breaker
pole is currently well displayed in CLOSED position as shown below:
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Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
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Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Clear *ALL* PoW controller bypass causes (internal AND external causes)
1. Be sure that the CSD100 X13 socket is fully disconnected
2. Check that the bypass relay(s) is(are) OFF (i.e. not picked up):
In case the bypass relay(s) is (are) ON while X13 is
disconnected, it is due to an external bypass cause.
This *MUST* be sorted out prior to moving to next steps!
3. Before plugging X13 connector (wire side) into mating socket (device
side), measure the DC voltage on the connector pins 7 and 8, and
report your measurements below:
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Powerlink H035_Strathmore
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DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Bay Cont rol
X13 8 9
if ready (RPH4)
X13 7
Automatic bypass
Put your
Put your voltmeter “+” Expected voltage Your actual
voltmeter “-“ probe on the X13 value measurement
probe on the connector pin
DC- polarity X13:7 0 VDC VDC
X13:8 + 125 VDC +/- 20% VDC
4. You can now safely connect X13 connector into CSD100 X13 socket.
Then check again the status of “KBP” bypass relay(s):
IF KBP is still in OFF, THEN you can move to the next step
ELSE CSD100 internal causes for bypass must be cleared out prior
to moving forward (check out the CSD100 web HMI
“measurements” page to identify which alarms are currently ON
that are driving the monostable/watchdog contact).
Useful reminder:
Among most common causes for monostable/watchdog contact
to be ON and drive the bypass relay(s), check out below listed
1. Both DC polarities “DC1” and “DC2” must be measured by CSD100
device inside the allowed range (as defined in web HMI
“settings/Alarms” page)
2. An AC reference voltage must be applied on CSD100 (X9 socket)
that is well inside the allowed ranges of magnitude and frequency (as
defined in web HMI “settings/Alarms” page)
3. The current date and time must have been properly adjusted (web
HMI page “System/Date and Time”)
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Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
As-built link electrical phases CB poles PoW controller inputs/outputs
Connection cables between the PoW controller and the breaker’s Local Control Cubicle
might have been installed by non-specialists, as well as cables between LCC and drives.
Hence connections might have been unexpectedly swapped between poles along any of
the junction blocks, thus impairing PoW control.
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Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
In case this relay would be outside the CB cubicle (e.g. in a
protection relay function), an agreement is required to
temporarily disable this auto-tripping feature.
3. Temporarily disconnect wires from X14:3, X14:5, X15:3 and X15:5 pins
as shown below, so that the device cannot drive opening and closing
coils of phases L2 (L2) and L3 (L3):
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Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
6. Check on the CSD100 web HMI (“home” page) that the displayed
status of auxiliary contacts well reflects the actual status of phases L1,
L2 and L3:
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Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
9. Check on the CSD100 web HMI (“home” page) that the displayed
status of auxiliary contacts well reflects the actual status of phases L1,
L2 and L3:
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Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
13. Check on the CSD100 web HMI (“home” page) that the displayed
status of auxiliary contacts well reflects the actual status of phases L1,
L2 and L3:
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Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
14. Send a CB closing command pulse to the CSD100 device input X16:3&4
(typically via the BCU)
15. Check that the current status of the circuit breaker poles is well as
shown below (all 3 phases are closed):
16. Check on the CSD100 web HMI (“home” page) that the displayed
status of auxiliary contacts well reflects the actual status of phases L1,
L2 and L3:
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Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
20. Check on the CSD100 web HMI (“home” page) that the displayed
status of auxiliary contacts well reflects the actual status of phases L1,
L2 and L3:
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Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
21. Send a CB closing command pulse to the CSD100 device input X16:3&4
(typically via the BCU)
22. Check that the current status of the circuit breaker poles is well as
shown below (all 3 phases are closed):
23. Check on the CSD100 web HMI (“home” page) that the displayed
status of auxiliary contacts well reflect the actual status of phases L1,
L2 and L3:
24. Reconnect the PNT tripping relay (“Phases Not Together”, also named
“Poles discrepancy”), so that the initial wiring gets fully restored:
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Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Once the CSD100 has been fully erected and its connections duly tested, CB actual mechanical timings must be accurately
measured at site as per the below setup and procedure (a “CB timing analyzer” typ. Megger TM1800 or equivalent is required).
1. such a breaker timings measurement is mandatory upon CSD100 SAT: any set of previous
measurements performed without properly configured CSD100 in the circuit must NOT be
2. Such measurements cannot be started in case the FINAL DC source (battery) is not yet
available at site. The use of a diesel generator or any similar temporary power source is NOT
3. Since PoW controlled operations are mandatorily required for this timings measurement, it is
MANDATORY that CSD100 controller has previously been duly configured and fully connected
to the circuit breaker before starting i.e. ALL STEPS of the above section #3 MUST HAVE
In any case such a measurement requires preliminary EHS induction as per applicable safety
standards as well as site owner’s safety rules and GE safety rules for insulating, earthing and de-
insulating HV equipments as per the below sequence:
1. Open, lock-out and tag-out the series disconnector (to isolate the breaker from the HV grid)
2. Check the absence of voltage at the 3 grid-side breaker HV terminals
3. Safely earth the 3 grid-side breaker HV terminals (using either an earthing switch or earthing
cable + insulated stick) and securely lock them
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
The below timings fingerprint has been obtained at S/S H035_Strathmore on circuit breaker T2_Transformer:
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Once the CSD100 has been fully erected, actual wirings duly tested and CB mechanical measurements measured as expected,
the next step consists in:
Uploading your final settings (including measured mechanical timings) to the device memory
Operating the breaker via CSD100 for 1x controlled opening + 1x controlled closing while the bay is kept in DRY
conditions (disconnectors OFF, earthing switches ON).
Check the consistency of related archive records (no alarm, measured timings vs. forecasted timings, etc.)
Where possible, operate the CB from the Bay Controlling Unit
(BCU) rather than using temporary wirings or applying DC
polarity to the CSD100 input pins.
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Check out CSD100 records consistency (1x DRY POW open + 1x DRY POW close)
1. Load both records into the software “CSD100 Records Viewer”, and
check that both are well marked as “POW CONTROLLED”:
In case of a mismatch, it is MANDATORY to identify and clear the root cause(s) out prior to move
no alarm was unexpectedly trigged depicting a mechanical misbehaviour:
Some other alarms might get trigged upon these switchings, that are not linked to the CB mechanical behaviour.
Depending on the bay specificities, some of these alarms might be ignored, among which (but not limited to):
In particular, the below alarms might get raised upon dry POW controlled opening if some AC current is getting injected:
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Adjust the coil energy detection thresholds
1. Using the Records Viewer software (“Measurements” view), note down
the amount of energy that was transmitted to each breaker opening coil
and closing coil upon these 1x POW opening + 1x POW closing as shown
The recommended value for each threshold is approx. 30% of the average coil energy that has been measured upon the
corresponding POW controlled switching
3. Click the “Apply” button on the top-right corner to store new values.
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Reset operations counters and reignitions counters
1. Browse the web HMI “Settings/Mechanical” page and assign to each of
the “uncontrolled” operation counters the current value that is
displayed on the mechanical counter inside each mechanical drive:
3. Click the “Apply” button on the top-right corner to store new values.
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
By default it is recommended to activate this feature in case the breaker would be operated quite often (typ. ≥ 10 times /
Since adaptive control feature is DISABLED in your specific case, you can move to next chapter.
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
This section aims to describe in a step-by-step approach the acceptance tests to be performed on each concerned Controlled
Switching System (CSS = CSD + circuit breaker) in the concerned bay “C05-Q20”.
De-isolate breaker “T2_Transformer” (earthing switches OFF, disconnectors ON) so that next closing will well energize
the transformer.
Be sure that the concerned transformer is in NO-LOAD CONDITION:
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
375 MVA transformer under 275 kV RMS ph-ph 1 p.u. = 1113 A peak.
3. Open the CB via CSD100 from the BCU (as per Powerlink standard procedure) in
order to switch the transformer OFF (still in NO-LOAD condition).
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Analyze the voltage waveforms and adjust CSD100 settings accordingly (CLOSING)
1. On recorded closing voltage waveforms, note the “making time error” as displayed by
the CSD100 Records Viewer on the FIRST phase to get closed (L2-N load voltage
in this case), i.e. the time delay from the targeted instant to the actually achieved
making instant :
adjust the targeted pre-arcing times for next controlled closings in CSD100 software
settings using this measured time delta as follows:
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Repeat steps 3 & 4 up to finding the optimal value of targeted pre-arcing time
Repeat steps #3 & #4 above with updated value of targeted pre-arcing times, up to
when inrush currents get:
- Low enough regarding the applicable acceptance criterion (typically < 1 p.u.)
- Statistically repeatable along > 3 consecutive closings
- 375 MVA transformer under 275 kV RMS ph-ph 1 p.u. = 1113 A
Report here below the optimal values of pre-arcing times that you identified this way, as
well as obtained inrush currents:
- RDDS is the Rate of Decrease of Dielectric Strength (in kV/ms) of the
concerned pole (in this case L2 i.e. L2)
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
- (in ms) is the optimal value of the targeted pre-arcing time as obtained
in step 5 above for pole L2 i.e. L2
- 275 = 224.5 kV : rated PHASE-TO-NEUTRAL voltage peak at
the CB side of the transformer
2. π. f
- ω= = 0.31 rad/ms : pulsation @ 50 Hz
- = 90 ° el.= 5 ms: target making instant for the FIRST POLE to get
closed when the transformer residual flux is initially null.
- Δt = 0.5 ms : the actual CB statistical scatter, in ms (i.e. standard deviation σ
of the Gaussian distribution of mechanical closing time for this breaker model
as per type tests refer to IEC62271-302 for further details).
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Prepare CSD100 settings for a dynamic management of the residual flux
1. Browse the CSD100 web HMI ("Settings/Transformer") to switch from a STATIC to a DYNAMIC
management of the transformer residual flux:
2. Enter the CB specific characteristics: (per pole RDDS, mechanical scatter, number of “idle half-
cycles” to be inserted between the 1st making instant and the remaining one(s) for a spread
sequence, etc.):
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
NOTE #1: a value of TWO half-cycles is recommended by default as a good compromise between:
A too long duration that might cause a protection trip (poles discrepancy…)
A too short duration that might alter the PoW inrush currents mitigation in case the PH-N
capacitance of an underground cable would oscillate with the respective transformer
NOTE #2: it is recommended to keep unchanged the default proposed RMS thresholds for residual
flux computation (by default 25% of rated PH-N RMS voltage at transformer-side VT outputs):
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
For a cross-check of proper settings after upload completion, you might browse the “Measurements”
page of the CSD100 web HMI and check there the target points as automatically prepared by
CSD100 for the next controlled closing: they shall match the ones in case of a "fixed angles"
strategy with initial residual flux level = 0 p.u. (i.e. 540°/90°/540° resp. for L1 / L2 / L3 in this
NOTE: a slight difference of +/- 5° el. might be observed between theoretical targets for an ideal
breaker and computed targets, due to the finite RDDS setting value.
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Report here below the actually achieved inrush currents, calculated pre-arcing
times and initial residual flux values:
L1 (L1) L2 (L2) L3 (L3)
Initial residual flux
NOTE: inrush currents shall be of ~similar magnitude than upon step #5 (as obtained with
optimal pre-arcing times).
Open the CB via CSD100 from the BCU (as per Powerlink standard procedure) in order to
de-energize the transformer (still in NO-LOAD condition) for a residual magnetic flux ~0 Wb.
Open the corresponding archive using “RPH3 records viewer” and report here below the
residual flux value as computed and recorded by RPH3-FLUX upon this controlled opening:
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
Prepare CSD100 software settings for a maximized residual flux (OPENING)
DONE Completed a POW Bypass Close.
1. While the CB is closed, temporarily change the TARGETED ARCING TIME
setting (upon CB CONTROLLED OPENING), in order to maximize the
residual flux level in the transformer core upon next controlled opening:
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Site Acceptance Test Contract ID
Client final Nom du poste
Powerlink H035_Strathmore
Customer / end user Substation name
Type disjoncteur Identifiant travée
DT1-362-F3 C05-Q20
Circuit Breaker type Bay ID
Item Description Result Comment
De-energize + re-energize the transformer via CSD100 (DYNAMIC FLUX strategy)
Open the CB via CSD100 from the BCU (as per Powerlinkstandard procedure) in
order to de-energize the transformer (still in NO-LOAD condition), and report here
below the residual flux value as computed and recorded by RPH3-FLUX upon this
controlled opening for each transformer winding:
NOTE: thanks to the intentionally too high targeted arcing time setting, the estimated
residual flux value is expected here to be > 0.3 p.u. on at least 1 phase.
Now close the CB via CSD100 from the BCU (Bay Control Unit), as per Powerlink
11 standard procedure.
NOTE #1: inrush currents shall be of ~similar magnitude than upon previous steps.
NOTE #2: check in the applied switching sequence that CSD100 well closed FIRST
the phase for which the highest residual flux had been measured upon previous
IMPORTANT: you MUST restore the initial value of targeted arcing time into
your CSD100 device afterwards, so that ALL next controlled openings will
target a ZERO residual flux !
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