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REL670 Installation and Commissioning Manual

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Installation and commissioning manual

Line distance protection IED


About this manual

Document No: 1MRK 506 234-UEN
Issued: January 2006
Revision: A

© Copyright 2006 ABB. All rights reserved.





ABB Power Technologies AB
Substation Automation Products
SE-721 59 Västerås
Telephone: +46 (0) 21 34 20 00
Facsimile: +46 (0) 21 14 69 18

Chapter Page

Chapter 1 Introduction ..................................................................... 1

Introduction to the installation and commissioning manual ................. 2

About the complete set of manuals for an IED ............................... 2
About the installation and commissioning manual.......................... 2
Intended audience .......................................................................... 3
Related documents......................................................................... 3
Revision notes ................................................................................ 4

Chapter 2 Safety information........................................................... 5

Warning signs ...................................................................................... 6

Caution signs ....................................................................................... 7
Note signs............................................................................................ 8

Chapter 3 Overview .......................................................................... 9

Commissioning and installation overview .......................................... 10

Chapter 4 Unpacking and checking the IED ................................ 11

Taking delivery, unpacking and checking .......................................... 12

Chapter 5 Installing the IED ........................................................... 13

Overview............................................................................................ 14
Dimensions ........................................................................................ 15
Case without rear cover................................................................ 15
Case with rear cover..................................................................... 16
Mounting dimensions.................................................................... 17
Side-by-side flush mounting dimensions ...................................... 18
Mounting methods and details........................................................... 20
Mounting the IED .......................................................................... 20
Flush mounting ............................................................................. 20
Flush mounting details............................................................. 21
19” panel rack mounting ............................................................... 22
19” panel mounting details ...................................................... 22
Wall mounting ............................................................................... 23
Wall mounting details .............................................................. 23
Protection cover....................................................................... 24
Side-by-side rack mounting .......................................................... 25
Side-by-side rack mounting details.......................................... 26

Side-by-side flush mounting ......................................................... 27

Side-by-side flush mounting details ......................................... 27
Making the electrical connection........................................................ 29
Configuration for analog CT inputs ............................................... 31
Connecting to CT and VT circuits ................................................. 31
Connecting the auxiliary power and signal connectors................. 32
Connecting to protective earth...................................................... 33
Making the screen connection ...................................................... 34
Installing the optical fibres ................................................................. 36
General ......................................................................................... 36
Installing the GPS antenna ................................................................ 37
Antenna installation ...................................................................... 37

Chapter 6 Checking the external optical and

electrical connections................................................... 39

Overview ............................................................................................ 40
Checking the VT circuits .................................................................... 41
Check of CT circuits........................................................................... 42
Checking the power supply................................................................ 43
Checking the binary I/O circuits ......................................................... 44
Binary input circuits....................................................................... 44
Binary output circuits .................................................................... 44
Checking the optical connections ...................................................... 45

Chapter 7 Energizing the IED......................................................... 47

Overview ............................................................................................ 48
Energizing the IED ............................................................................. 49
Checking the self supervision signals ................................................ 51
Reconfiguring the IED................................................................... 51
Setting the IED time...................................................................... 51
Checking the self supervision function ......................................... 51
Self supervision HMI data............................................................. 52

Chapter 8 Establishing connection and verifying the

SPA/IEC-communication ............................................. 53

Entering settings ................................................................................ 54

Entering SPA settings................................................................... 54
Entering IEC settings .................................................................... 54
Verifying the communication.............................................................. 56
Verifying SPA communication ...................................................... 56
Verifying IEC communication........................................................ 56
Fibre optic loop .................................................................................. 57
Optical budget calculation for serial
communication with SPA/IEC ................................................ 58

Chapter 9 Establishing connection and verifying

the LON communication ............................................. 59

The LON Protocol ......................................................................... 61

Hardware and software modules .................................................. 61

Chapter 10 Configuring the IED and changing settings ............... 65

Overview............................................................................................ 66
Entering settings through the local HMI............................................. 67
Analog input data............................................................................... 68
Configuration for analog CT inputs ............................................... 68
Downloading settings and configuration from a PC........................... 69
Downloading the configuration and setting files ........................... 69

Chapter 11 Verifying settings by secondary injection ................. 71

Overview............................................................................................ 72
Preparing for test ............................................................................... 74
Overview....................................................................................... 74
Preparing the connection to the test equipment ........................... 74
Putting the IED into test mode ...................................................... 75
Connecting test equipment to the IED .......................................... 75
Verifying the connections and the analog inputs .......................... 76
Releasing the function(s) to be tested .......................................... 77
Disturbance report ........................................................................ 78
Identifying the function to test in the technical reference manual 79
Exit test mode ............................................................................... 79
Basic IED functions............................................................................ 80
Parameter setting groups (ACGR)................................................ 80
Differential protection......................................................................... 81
High impedance differential protection (PDIF, 87)........................ 81
Distance protection ............................................................................ 82
Distance protection zones (PDIS, 21)........................................... 82
Phase selection with load enchroachment (PDIS, 21).................. 87
Power swing detection (RPSB, 78)............................................... 97
Automatic switch onto fault logic (PSOF) ................................... 102
Current protection ............................................................................ 103
Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection (PIOC, 50) ........... 103
Four step phase overcurrent protection (POCM, 51/67)............. 103
Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection (PIOC, 50N) ...... 105
Four step residual overcurrent protection (PEFM, 51N/67N) ..... 105
Four step residual overcurrent function. ..................................... 106
Thermal overload protection, one time constant (PTTR, 26)...... 107
Breaker failure protection (RBRF, 50BF).................................... 108
Stub protection (PTOC, 50STB) ................................................. 113
Pole discordance protection (RPLD, 52PD) ............................... 115
Voltage protection............................................................................ 117
Two step undervoltage protection (PUVM, 27)........................... 117

Two step overvoltage protection (POVM, 59)............................. 118

Two step residual overvoltage protection (POVM, 59N)............. 118
Frequency protection ....................................................................... 120
Underfrequency protection (PTUF, 81)....................................... 120
Overfrequency protection (PTOF, 81) ........................................ 121
Rate-of-change frequency protection (PFRC, 81) ...................... 122
Multipurpose protection ................................................................... 124
General current and voltage protection (GAPC)......................... 124
Secondary system supervision ........................................................ 127
Current circuit supervision (RDIF) .............................................. 127
Fuse failure supervision (RFUF)................................................. 127
Control ............................................................................................. 131
Synchrocheck and energizing check (RSYN, 25)....................... 131
Autorecloser (RREC, 79) ............................................................ 141
Apparatus control (APC)............................................................. 147
Interlocking ................................................................................. 147
Scheme communication................................................................... 148
Scheme communication logic for
distance protection (PSCH, 85) ............................................ 148
Current reversal and weak end infeed logic for distance
protection (PSCH, 85) ............................................................... 150
Local acceleration logic (PLAL) .................................................. 152
Scheme communication logic for residual
overcurrent protection (PSCH, 85) ........................................... 152
Current reversal and weak end infeed logic for residual
overcurrent protection (PSCH, 85) ........................................... 154
Logic ................................................................................................ 157
Tripping logic (PTRC, 94) ........................................................... 157
Monitoring ........................................................................................ 161
Event counter (GGIO)................................................................. 161
Event function (EV)..................................................................... 161
Fault locator (RFLO) ................................................................... 161
Metering ........................................................................................... 164
Pulse counter logic (GGIO)......................................................... 164
Remote communication ................................................................... 165
Binary signal transfer to remote end........................................... 165

Chapter 12 Commissioning and maintenance of the fault

clearing system ........................................................... 167

Installation and commissioning ........................................................ 168

Commissioning tests........................................................................ 169
Periodic maintenance tests.............................................................. 170
Visual inspection......................................................................... 170
Maintenance tests....................................................................... 170

Chapter 13 Fault tracing and repair............................................... 173

Fault tracing ..................................................................................... 174

Information on the local HMI....................................................... 174

Using front-connected PC or SMS.............................................. 175

Repair instruction............................................................................. 178
Repair support ................................................................................. 180
Maintenance .................................................................................... 181

Chapter 14 Glossary....................................................................... 183

Glossary........................................................................................... 184
About this chapter Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Introduction

About this chapter

This chapter introduces the user to the manual.

Introduction to the installation and Chapter 1
commissioning manual Introduction

1 Introduction to the installation and commissioning


1.1 About the complete set of manuals for an IED

The user’s manual (UM) is a complete set of four different manuals:

Application Technical Installation and Operator´s

manual reference commissioning manual
manual manual


The Application Manual (AM) contains application descriptions, setting guidelines and setting
parameters sorted per function. The application manual should be used to find out when and for
what purpose a typical protection function could be used. The manual should also be used when
calculating settings.

The Technical Reference Manual (TRM) contains application and functionality descriptions
and it lists function blocks, logic diagrams, input and output signals, setting parameters and tech-
nical data sorted per function. The technical reference manual should be used as a technical ref-
erence during the engineering phase, installation and commissioning phase, and during normal

The Installation and Commissioning Manual (ICM) contains instructions on how to install
and commission the protection IED. The manual can also be used as a reference during periodic
testing. The manual covers procedures for mechanical and electrical installation, energizing and
checking of external circuitry, setting and configuration as well as verifying settings and per-
forming directional tests. The chapters are organized in the chronological order (indicated by
chapter/section numbers) in which the protection IED should be installed and commissioned.

The Operator’s Manual (OM) contains instructions on how to operate the protection IED dur-
ing normal service once it has been commissioned. The operator’s manual can be used to find
out how to handle disturbances or how to view calculated and measured network data in order
to determine the cause of a fault.

1.2 About the installation and commissioning manual

The installation and commissioning manual contains the following chapters:

• The chapter “Safety information” presents warning and note signs, that the user
should pay attention to.
• The chapter “Overview” is a summary of the major tasks faced when installing
and commissioning an IED.

Introduction to the installation and Chapter 1
commissioning manual Introduction

• The chapter “Unpacking and checking the IED” explains how to take delivery of
the IED.
• The chapter “Installing the IED” explains how to install the IED.
• The chapter “Checking the external optical and electrical connections” explains
how to check that the IED is properly connected to the protection system.
• The chapter “Energizing the IED” explains how to start the IED.
• The chapter contains explains how to enter SPA/IEC settings and verifying the
SPA/IEC communication.
• The chapter “Establishing connection and verifying the LON communication”
contains a reference to another document.
• The chapter “Configuring the IED and changing settings” explains how to down-
load settings and configure the terminal.
• The chapter “Verifying settings by secondary injection” contains instructions on
how to verify that each included function operates correctly according to the set
• The chapter “Commissioning and maintenance of the fault clearing system” dis-
cusses maintenance tests and other periodic maintenance measures.
• The chapter “Fault tracing and repair” explains how to troubleshoot.
• The chapter “Glossary” is a list of terms, acronyms and abbreviations used in
ABB technical documentation.

1.3 Intended audience

1.3.1 General
The installation and commissioning manual addresses the personnel responsible for the installa-
tion, commissioning, maintenance and taking the protection in and out of normal service.

1.3.2 Requirements
The installation and commissioning personnel must have a basic knowledge in handling elec-
tronic equipment. The commissioning and maintenance personnel must be well experienced in
using protection equipment, test equipment, protection functions and the configured functional
logics in the protection.

1.4 Related documents

Documents related to REL670 Identity number

Operator’s manual 1MRK 505 233-UEN
Installation and commissioning manual 1MRK 506 234-UEN
Technical reference manual 1MRK 506 232-UEN
Application manual 1MRK 505 235-UEN
Buyer’s guide 1MRK 506 264-BEN
Connection diagram, Single breaker arr. Three phase tripping arr. 1MRK 002 801-BA
Connection diagram, Single breaker arr. Single phase tripping arr. 1MRK 002 801-CA
Connection diagram, Multi breaker arr. Three phase tripping arr. 1MRK 002 801-DA

Introduction to the installation and Chapter 1
commissioning manual Introduction

Documents related to REL670 Identity number

Connection diagram, Multi breaker arr. Single phase tripping arr. 1MRK 002 801-EA
Configuration diagram A, Single breaker with single or double busbar 1MRK 004 500-86
Configuration diagram B, Single breaker with singel or double busbar 1MRK 004 500-87
Configuration diagram C, Multi breaker such as 1 1/2 or ring busbar arr. 1MRK 004 500-88
Configuration diagram D, Multi breaker such as 1 1/2 or ring busbar arr. 1MRK 004 500-89
Setting example 1, 400 kV Long overhead power line with 1 1/2 CB arr. 1MRK 506 267-WEN
Setting example 2, 230 kV Extremely long overhead power line, double bus, 1MRK 506 268-WEN
single CB arr.
Setting example 3, 132 kV Short overhead power line, double bus, single CB 1MRK 506 269-WEN

Connection and Installation components 1MRK 013 003-BEN

Test system, COMBITEST 1MRK 512 001-BEN
PCM600, Protection and Control IED Manager 1MRS755552
Getting started guide 1MRK 500 065-UEN
SPA signal list for IED670 1MRK 500 075-WEN
IEC 61850–8–1 signal list for IED670 1MRK 500 077-WEN

Latest versions of the described documentation can be found on www.abb.com/substationautomation

1.5 Revision notes

Revision Description
- First release
A First revision, addition of SPA protocol, LON protocol and IEC 60870-5-103 proto-

About this chapter Chapter 2
Safety information

Chapter 2 Safety information

About this chapter

This chapter contains safety information. Warning signs are presented which urge the user to be
careful during certain operations in order to avoid injuries to humans or damage to equipment.

Warning signs Chapter 2
Safety information

1 Warning signs

Strictly follow the company and country safety regulations. Working in a high voltage environ-
ment requires serious approach to avoid human injuries and damage to equipment.

Do not touch circuitry during operation. Potentially lethal voltages and currents are present.

Always use suitable isolated test pins when measuring signals in open circuitry. Potentially le-
thal voltages and currents are present.

Never connect or disconnect a wire and/or a connector to or from a IED during normal opera-
tion. Hazardous voltages and currents are present that may be lethal. Operation may be disrupt-
ed and IED and measuring circuitry may be damaged.

Always connect the IED to protective earth, regardless of the operating conditions. This also
applies to special occasions such as bench testing, demonstrations and off-site configuration.
Operating the IED without proper earthing may damage both IED and measuring circuitry and
may cause injuries in case of an accident.

Never disconnect the secondary connection of current transformer circuit without short-circuit-
ing the transformer’s secondary winding. Operating a current transformer with the secondary
winding open will cause a massive potential build-up that may damage the transformer and may
cause injuries to humans.

Never remove any screw from a powered IED or from a IED connected to powered circuitry.
Potentially lethal voltages and currents are present.

Caution signs Chapter 2
Safety information

2 Caution signs

Always transport PCBs (modules) using certified conductive bags. Always handle modules us-
ing a conductive wrist strap connected to protective ground and on a suitable antistatic surface.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) may cause damage to the module since electronic circuits are
sensitive to this phenomena.

Do not connect live wires to the IED. Internal circuitry may be damaged

Always use a conductive wrist strap connected to protective ground when replacing modules.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) may damage the module and IED circuitry.

Take care to avoid electrical shock if accessing wiring and connection IEDs when installing and

Changing the active setting group will inevitably change the IEDs operation. Be careful and
check regulations before making the change.

Note signs Chapter 2
Safety information

3 Note signs

The protection assembly is designed for a maximum continuous current of four times rated val-

About this chapter Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Overview

About this chapter

This chapter outlines the installation and commissioning of the IED.

Commissioning and installation overview Chapter 3

1 Commissioning and installation overview

The settings for each function must be calculated before the commissioning task can start. A
configuration, done in the configuration and programming tool, must also be available if the IED
does not have a factory configuration downloaded.

The IED is unpacked and visually checked. It is preferably mounted in a cubicle or on a wall.
The connection to the protection system has to be checked in order to verify that the installation
is successful.

About this chapter Chapter 4
Unpacking and checking the IED

Chapter 4 Unpacking and

checking the IED

About this chapter

This chapter describes the delivery and the unpacking of the IED

Taking delivery, unpacking and checking Chapter 4
Unpacking and checking the IED

1 Taking delivery, unpacking and checking

1. Remove the transport casing.
2. Visually inspect the IED.
3. Check that all items are included in accordance with the delivery
Once the IED has been started make sure that the software functions or-
dered have been included in the delivery.

4. Check for transport damages.

If transport damage is discovered appropriate action must be taken
against the latest carrier and the nearest ABB office or representative
should be informed. ABB should be notified immediately if there are any
discrepancies in relation to the delivery documents.

5. Storage
If the IED is to be stored before installation, this must be done in the orig-
inal transport casing in a dry and dust free place. Observe the environ-
mental requirements stated in the technical data.

About this chapter Chapter 5
Installing the IED

Chapter 5 Installing the IED

About this chapter

This chapter describes how to install the IED.

Overview Chapter 5
Installing the IED

1 Overview
The mechanical and electrical environmental conditions at the installation site must be within
the limits described in the IED technical data. Dusty, damp places, places susceptible to rapid
temperature variations, powerful vibrations and shocks, surge voltages of high amplitude and
fast rise time, strong induced magnetic fields or similar extreme conditions should be avoided.

Sufficient space must be available in front of and at the rear of the IED to allow access for main-
tenance and future modifications. Flush mounted IEDs should be mounted so that IED modules
can be added and replaced without excessive dismantling.

Dimensions Chapter 5
Installing the IED

2 Dimensions

2.1 Case without rear cover




Figure 1: Case without rear cover Figure 2: Case without rear cover with 19” rack
mounting kit

Case size A B C D E F G H J K
6U, 1/2 x 19” 265.9 223.7 204.1 252.9 205.7 190.5 203.7 - 186.6 -
6U, 3/4 x 19” 265.9 336 204.1 252.9 318 190.5 316 - 186.6 -
6U, 1/1 x 19” 265.9 448.3 204.1 252.9 430.3 190.5 428.3 465.1 186.6 482.6
The H and K dimensions are defined by the 19” rack mounting kit

Dimensions Chapter 5
Installing the IED

2.2 Case with rear cover


B H xx05000502.vsd

Figure 4: Case with rear cover and 19” rack mounting kit.
Figure 3: Case with rear cover.


Figure 5: Rear cover case with details.

Case size A B C D E F G H J K
6U, 1/2 x 19” 265.9 223.7 242.1 255.8 205.7 190.5 203.7 - 228.6 -
6U, 3/4 x 19” 265.9 336 242.1 255.8 318 190.5 316 - 228.6 -
6U, 1/1 x 19” 265.9 448.3 242.1 255.8 430.3 190.5 428.3 465.1 228.6 482.6
The H and K dimensions are defined by the 19” rack mounting kit. All dimensions are in millimeters.

Dimensions Chapter 5
Installing the IED

2.3 Mounting dimensions

Flush mounting




Cut-out dimensions (mm)

Case size A B C D
Tolerance +/-1 +/-1
6U, 1/2 x 19” 210.1 254.3 4-10 12.5
6U, 3/4 x 19” 322.4 254.3 4-10 12.5
6U, 1/1 x 19” 434.7 254.3 4-10 12.5
E = 188.6 mm without rear protection cover, 229.6 mm with rear protection cover

Dimensions Chapter 5
Installing the IED

2.4 Side-by-side flush mounting dimensions

o f1

3 /4
o f1


Figure 6: A 3/4 size IED from the 600 series together with RHGS6 case in 19” rack.

Dimensions Chapter 5
Installing the IED



Case size A B C D E F G
Tolerance ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1
6U x 1/2 of 19” 214.0 259.3 240.4 190.5 34.4 13.4 6.4 diam
6U x 3/4 of 19” 326.7 259.3 352.8 190.5 34.4 13.4 6.4 diam
6U x 1/1 of 19” 438.7 259.3 465.1 190.5 34.4 13.4 6.4 diam

Figure 7: Panel-cut out dimensions for side-by-side flush mounting

With side-by-side flush mounting installation, only IP class 20 is obtained. To reach the IP class
54 the case-by-case flush mounting is recommended.

Mounting methods and details Chapter 5
Installing the IED

3 Mounting methods and details

3.1 Mounting the IED

Most of the REx670 IEDs can be rack, flush or wall mounted with the use of different mounting
kits. An additional box of type RHGS can be mounted to one side of a 1/2 or 3/4 IED.

A suitable mounting kit is available. Mounting kits contain all parts needed including screws and
assembly instructions. The following mounting kits are available:

• Flush mounting kit

• 19” Panel (rack) mounting kit
• Wall mounting kit
• Side-by-side rack mounting kit
• Side-by-side flush mounting kit

3.2 Flush mounting

All IED sizes, 1/2, 3/4 and 1/1 of 19” and RHGS 6 6U 1/4x19”, cases, can be flush mounted.
Only a single case can be mounted in each cut-out on the cubicle panel, for class IP54 ingression

Flush mounting cannot be used for side-by-side mounted IEDs when IP54 class must be fulfilled.
Only IP20 class can be obtained when mounting two cases side-by-side in one (1) cut-out.

To obtain IP54 class protection, an additional factory mounted sealing must be ordered when
ordering the IED.

Mounting methods and details Chapter 5
Installing the IED

3.2.1 Flush mounting details

2 5


PosNo Description
1 Sealing strip, used to obtain IP54 class. The sealing strip is factory mounted between the
case and front plate.
2 Four side holders
3 Groove
4 Four locking screws
5 Sealing strip

Figure 8: Flush mounting details.

Mounting methods and details Chapter 5
Installing the IED

3.3 19” panel rack mounting

3.3.1 19” panel mounting details




PosNo Description
1a, 1b Two rack flanges, which can be mounted, either to the left or right side of the case.
2 Eight fastening screws.

Figure 9: Panel mounting details. The flanges are interchangeable.

3.3.2 Mounting procedure for 19” panel mounting

1. Carefully fasten the mounting angles to the sides of the IED.
Use the screws supplied in the mounting kit.

2. Place the IED assembly in the panel.

3. Fasten the mounting angles with appropriate screws.

Mounting methods and details Chapter 5
Installing the IED

3.4 Wall mounting

All case sizes, 1/2, 3/4 and 1/1, can be wall mounted. It is also possible to mount the IED on a
panel or in a cubicle.

3.4.1 Wall mounting details



PosNo Description
1 Four bushings
2 Eight screws
3 Four screws
4 Two mounting bars
5 Six screws
6 Two side plates

Figure 10: Wall mounting details.

3.4.2 Mounting procedure for wall mounting

1. Mount the bars (PosNo 4) onto the wall.
See section 2 "Dimensions".

Mounting methods and details Chapter 5
Installing the IED

Depending on the wall different preparations may be needed like drilling

and inserting plastic or expander plugs (concrete/plasterboard walls) or
threading (metal sheet wall).

2. Mount the DIN-rail(s) on the mounting bars.

3. Mount the IED blocks on the DIN-rail(s).
It is much easier to do this without the unit in place.

4. Make all external electrical connections to the IED terminal blocks.

It is much easier to do this without the unit in place.

5. Mount the side plates (PosNo 6) to the IED.

6. Mount the IED to the mounting bars.

3.4.3 Protection cover

The IED can be equipped with a rear protection cover (PosNo 1), which is recommended at this
type of mounting. See figure 11


PosNo Description
1 Protection cover

Figure 11: Protection cover.

3.4.4 How to reach the rear side of the IED

To reach the rear side of the IED, a free space of 80 mm is required on the unhinged side.

Mounting methods and details Chapter 5
Installing the IED

View from above


80 mm


PosNo Description
1 Screws
2 Fixing screws

Figure 12: How to reach the connectors on the rear side of the IED.

1. Remove the inner screws (PosNo 1), upper and lower on one side.
2. Remove all three fixing screws (PosNo 2), on the opposite side, from
wall support.
3. The IED can now be swung out for access to the connectors, after
removing any rear protection.

3.5 Side-by-side rack mounting

IED case sizes, 1/2 or 3/4 of 19” and RHGS cases, can be mounted side-by-side up to a maxi-
mum size of 19”.

Mounting methods and details Chapter 5
Installing the IED

3.5.1 Side-by-side rack mounting details



PosNo Description
1 Two mounting plates
2 Eight screws
3 Eight fastening screws
4 Two mounting angles

Figure 13: Side-by-side rack mounting details.

3.5.2 Mounting procedure for side-by-side rack mounting

1. Place the two IEDs next to each other on a flat surface.
2. Fasten a side-by-side mounting plate (PosNo 1).
Use four of the delivered screws.

3. Carefully turn the two IEDs up-side down.

4. Fasten the second side-by-side mounting plate.
Use the remaining four screws.

5. Carefully fasten the mounting angles to the sides of the

IED (PosNo 4).
Use the screws available in the mounting kit.

6. Place the IED assembly in the rack.

7. Fasten the mounting angles with appropriate screws.

Mounting methods and details Chapter 5
Installing the IED

3.6 Side-by-side flush mounting

It is not recommended to flush mount side by side mounted cases. If your application demands
this type of installation, use the side-by-side mounting details kit and the 19” panel mounting
kit. The maximum size of the panel cut out is 19”.

With side-by-side flush mounting installation, only IP class 20 is obtained. To reach the IP class
54 the case-by-case flush mounting is recommended. See section, flush mounting.

3.6.1 Side-by-side flush mounting details




PosNo Description
1 Two mounting plates
2 Eight screws
3 Eight fixing screws
4 Two mounting angles

Figure 14: Side-by-side flush mounting details.

Mounting procedure for side-by-side flush mounting

1. Place the two IEDs next to each other on a flat surface

Mounting methods and details Chapter 5
Installing the IED

2. Fasten a side-by-side mounting plate (PosNo 1)

Use four of the delivered screws (PosNo 2).

3. Carefully turn the two IEDs up-side down

4. Fasten the second side-by-side mounting plate
Use the remaining four screws.

5. Carefully fasten the mounting angles to the sides of the

IED (PosNo 4)
Use the fixing screws available in the mounting kit (PosNo 3).

6. Make a panel cut-out

See the section about side-by-side flush mounting dimensions.

7. Insert the IED into the cut-out

8. Fasten the mounting angles with appropriate screws

Making the electrical connection Chapter 5
Installing the IED

4 Making the electrical connection

Table 1: Designations for 1/2 x 19” casing with 1 TRM slot

Module Rear Positions

BIM, BOM or X31 and X32 etc. to X51
IOM and X52
SLM X301:A, B, C, D
LDCM X302:A, B
LDCM X303:A, B
OEM X311:A, B, C, D
LDCM X312:A, B
LDCM X313:A, B
TRM X401

Table 2: Designations for 3/4 x 19” casing with 1 TRM slot

Module Rear Positions

BIM, BOM, IOM or MIM X31 and X32 etc. to X101 and
GSM X101
SLM X301:A, B, C, D
LDCM X302:A, B
LDCM X303:A, B
OEM X311:A, B, C, D
LDCM X312:A, B
LDCM X313:A, B
TRM X401

Making the electrical connection Chapter 5
Installing the IED

Table 3: Designations for 3/4 x 19” casing with 2TRM slot

Module Rear Positions

BIM, BOM, IOM or MIM X31 and X32 etc. to X71 and X72
SLM X301:A, B, C, D
LDCM X302:A, B
LDCM X303:A, B
OEM X311:A, B, C, D
LDCM X312:A, B
LDCM X313:A, B
TRM X401, 411

Table 4: Designations for 1/1 x 19” casing with 1 TRM slot

Module Rear Positions

BIM, BOM or X31 and X32 etc. to X161 and
IOM X162
MIM X31, X41, etc. or X161
GSM X161
SLM X301:A, B, C, D
LDCM X302:A, B
LDCM X303:A, B
OEM X311:A, B, C, D
LDCM X312:A, B
LDCM X313:A, B
TRM X401

Making the electrical connection Chapter 5
Installing the IED

Table 5: Designations for 1/1 x 19” casing with 2 TRM slots

Module Rear Positions

BIM, BOM or X31 and X32 etc. to X131 and
IOM X132
MIM X31, X41, etc. or X131
GSM X131
SLM X301:A, B, C, D
LDCM X302:A, B
LDCM X303:A, B
OEM X311:A, B, C, D
LDCM X312:A, B
LDCM X313:A, B
TRM 1 X401
TRM 2 X411

4.1 Configuration for analog CT inputs

The secondary rated current of the CT (i.e. 1A or 5A) determines the choice of TRM in the IED.
Two TRMs are available, One is dimensioned for an input current of 5A and the other for an
input of 1A. If the CT rated secondary current does not match the TRM input current rating ad-
justments can be made in settings depending on the tolerance of the TRM.

4.2 Connecting to CT and VT circuits

CTs and VTs are connected to the TRM connection terminal on the rear-side of the IED.

Use a solid conductor with a cross section area between 2.5-6 mm2 (AWG14-12) or a stranded
conductor with a cross section area between 2.5-4 mm2.

If the IED is equipped with a test-switch of type RTXP 24 COMBIFLEX wires with 20 A sock-
ets must be used to connect the CT and VT circuits.

Connectors X401 and X402 for current and voltage transformer circuits are so called
“feed-through IED blocks” and are designed for conductors with cross sectional area up to 4
mm2 (AWG 12). The screws used to fasten the conductors should be tightened with a torque of

Making the electrical connection Chapter 5
Installing the IED

4.3 Connecting the auxiliary power and signal connectors

4.3.1 Connecting the auxiliary power and signal connectors
Auxiliary power and signals are connected using voltage connectors. Signal wires are connected
to female connector see figure 15, which is then plugged into the corresponding male connector
see figure 16, located at the rear of the unit.

If the IED is equipped with a test-switch of type RTXP 24 COMBIFLEX wires with 20 A sock-
ets, 1.5mm2 (AWG16) conductor area must be used to connect the auxiliary power.

1. Connect signals to the female connector
All wiring to the female connector should be done before it is plugged
into the male part and screwed to the case. The conductors can be of rigid
type (solid, stranded) or of flexible type.

The female connectors accept conductors with a cross section area of

0.2-2.5 mm2 (AWG 24-14). If more than one conductor is used in the
same receptacle, the maximum permissible cross section area is 0.2-1
mm2 (AWG 24-18).

If two conductors, each with area 1.5 mm2 (AWG 16) need to be connect-
ed to the same socket receptacle, a ferrule must be used, see figure 17.
This ferrule, is applied with crimping pliers. No soldering is needed.
Wires with a smaller gauge can be inserted directly into the female con-
nector receptacle and the fastening screw shall be tightened with a torque
of 0.4 Nm (This torque applies to all binary connector blocks).

2. Plug the connector to the corresponding back-side mounted recep-

3. Lock the connector to the receptacle by fastening the lock screws


Figure 15: A female connector

Making the electrical connection Chapter 5
Installing the IED

Figure 16: Board with male connectors


1 is ferrule

Figure 17: Connected cables with ferrules.

4.4 Connecting to protective earth

Connect the earthing screws on the rear of the IED unit to the closest possible earthing point in
the cubicle. Electrical codes and standards require that protective earth cables are green/yellow
conductors with a cross section area of at least 2.5 mm2 (AWG14). There are several protective
earthing screws on an IED. The Power supply unit, Transformer modules and the enclosure are
all separately earthed, see figure 18 below.

Making the electrical connection Chapter 5
Installing the IED

The cubicle must be properly connected to the station earthing system. Use a conductor with a
core cross section area of at least 4 mm2 (AWG 12).



1 is main protective earth to chassis
2 is earthing screw to Power Supply Module
3 is earthing screw to TRM. (There is one earth connection per TRM)

Figure 18: Rear view of IED with one TRM showing earthing points.

4.5 Making the screen connection

When using screened cables always make sure screens are earthed and connected according to
applicable engineering methods. This may include checking for appropriate earthing points near
the IED, for instance, in the cubicle and/or near the source of measuring. Ensure that earth con-
nections are made with short (max. 10 cm) conductors of an adequate cross section, at least 6
mm2 (AWG10) for single screen connections.

Making the electrical connection Chapter 5
Installing the IED

Lc Cc Lc

Rx Tx
Tx Rx

Sc Sc


Figure 19: Communication cable installation.

Installing the optical fibres Chapter 5
Installing the IED

5 Installing the optical fibres

5.1 General
Connectors are generally color coded; connect blue or dark grey cable connectors to blue or dark
grey (receive) back-side connectors. Connect black or grey cable connectors to black or grey
(transmit) back-side connectors.

The fibre optical cables are very sensitive to handling. Do not bend too sharply. The minimum
curvature radius is 15 cm for the plastic fibre cables and 25 cm for the glass fibre cables. If cable
straps are used to fix the cables, apply with loose fit.

Always hold the connector, never the cable, when connecting or disconnecting optical fibres. Do
not twist, pull or bend the fibre. Invisible damage may increase fibre attenuation thus making
communication impossible.

Please, strictly follow the instructions from the manufacturer for each type of optical ca-

The IED can, if ordered accordingly, be equipped with an optical ethernet module (OEM), need-
ed for IEC 61850 communication and a serial communication module (SLM) for LON, SPA and
IEC 60870–5–103 communication. In such cases optical ports are provided on the rear side of
the case for connection of the optic fibres. Optical port X311 has the Tx and Rx connectors for
the OEM used for IEC 61850 communication. When LON, SPA and IEC 60870–5–10 is avail-
able the X301 port is used.

Either plastic or glass can be used. Plastic fibres use a snap-in connector, glass fibres a bayonet

When the optical ethernet module is used, the protection plate for the galvanic connection must
not be removed.

Installing the GPS antenna Chapter 5
Installing the IED

6 Installing the GPS antenna

6.1 Antenna installation

In order to receive GPS signals from the satellites orbiting the earth a GPS antenna must be used.

6.1.1 Mechanical installation

The antenna is mounted on a console for mounting on a horizontal or vertical flat surface or on
an antenna mast.

1 6

4 7


1 GPS antenna
2 TNC connector
3 Console, 78x150 mm
4 Mounting holes 5.5 mm
5 Tab for securing of antenna cable
6 Vertical mounting position
7 Horizontal mounting position

Mount the antenna and console clear of flat surfaces such as buildings walls, roofs and windows
to avoid signal reflections. If necessary, protect the antenna from animals and birds which can
affect signal strength. Also protect the antenna against lightning.

Installing the GPS antenna Chapter 5
Installing the IED

Always position the antenna and its console so that a continuous clear line-of-sight visibility to
all directions is obtained, preferably more than 75%. A minimum of 50% clear line-of-sight vis-
ibility is required for un-interrupted operation.


Figure 20: Antenna line-of-sight

6.1.2 Electrical installation

Use a 50 ohm coaxial cable with a male TNC connector on the antenna end and a male SMA
connector on the receiver end to connect the antenna to REx670. Choose cable type and length
so that the total attenuation is max. 26 dB at 1.6 GHz. A suitable antenna cable is supplied with
the antenna.

The antenna has a female TNC connector to the antenna cable.

Make sure that the antenna cable is not charged when connected to the antenna or to the receiv-
er. Short-circuit the end of the antenna cable with some metal device, then connect to the anten-
na. When the antenna is connected to the cable, connect the cable to the receiver. REx670 must
be switched off when the antenna cable is connected.

About this chapter Chapter 6
Checking the external optical and
electrical connections

Chapter 6 Checking the

external optical and
electrical connecti

About this chapter

This chapter describes what to check to ensure correct connection to the external circuitry, such
as the auxiliary power supply, CT’s and VT’s. These checks must be made with the protection
IED de-energized.

Overview Chapter 6
Checking the external optical and
electrical connections

1 Overview
The user must check the installation which includes verifying that the IED is connected to the
other parts of the protection system. This is done with the IED and all connected circuits de-en-

Checking the VT circuits Chapter 6
Checking the external optical and
electrical connections

2 Checking the VT circuits

Check that the wiring is in strict accordance with the supplied connection diagram.

Do not continue before any errors are corrected.

Test the circuitry. The following tests are recommended:

• Polarity check.
• VT circuit voltage measurement (primary injection test).
• Earthing check.
• Phase relationship
• Insulation resistance check

The polarity check verifies the integrity of circuits and the phase relationships. The check should
be performed as close as possible to the IED.

The primary injection test verifies the VT ratio and the wiring all the way through from the pri-
mary system to the IED. Injection must be performed for each phase-to-neutral circuit and each
phase-to-phase pair. In each case voltages in all phases and neutral are measured.

Check of CT circuits Chapter 6
Checking the external optical and
electrical connections

3 Check of CT circuits
The CTs must be connected in accordance with the circuit diagram provided with the IED, both
with regards to phases and polarity. The following tests shall be performed on every primary CT
connected to the REx670 IED:

• primary injection test to verify the current ratio of the CT and the correct wiring
up to the protection IED
• polarity check to prove that the predicted direction of secondary current flow is
correct for a given direction of primary current flow. This is an essential test for
the proper operation of the differential function.
• CT secondary loop resistance measurement in order to confirm that the current
transformer secondary loop dc resistance is within specification and that there are
no high resistance joints in the CT winding or wiring.
• CT excitation test in order to confirm that the current transformer is of the correct
accuracy rating and that there are no shorted turns in the current transformer
windings. Manufacturer"s design curves should be available for the current trans-
former in order to compare the actual results.
• check the earthing of the individual CT secondary circuits to verify that each
three-phase set of main CTs is properly connected to the station earth and only at
one electrical point.
• Insulator resistance check.

Both primary and secondary sides must be disconnected from the line and IED when plotting
the excitation characteristics.

If the CT secondary circuit earth connection is removed without the current transformer primary
being de-energized, dangerous voltages may result in the secondary CT circuits.

Checking the power supply Chapter 6
Checking the external optical and
electrical connections

4 Checking the power supply

Check that the auxiliary supply voltage remains within the permissible input voltage range under
all operating conditions. Check that the polarity is correct.

Checking the binary I/O circuits Chapter 6
Checking the external optical and
electrical connections

5 Checking the binary I/O circuits

5.1 Binary input circuits

Preferably, disconnect the binary input connector from the binary input cards. Check all con-
nected signals so that both input level and polarity are in accordance with the IEDs specifica-

5.2 Binary output circuits

Preferably, disconnect the binary output connector from the binary output cards. Check all con-
nected signals so that both load and polarity are in accordance with IED specifications.

Checking the optical connections Chapter 6
Checking the external optical and
electrical connections

6 Checking the optical connections

Check that the Tx and Rx optical connections are correct.

Checking the optical connections Chapter 6
Checking the external optical and
electrical connections

About this chapter Chapter 7
Energizing the IED

Chapter 7 Energizing the IED

About this chapter

This chapter describes the start up sequence and what to check once the IED has been energized.

Overview Chapter 7
Energizing the IED

1 Overview
Before the procedures in this chapter can be carried out the connection to external circuitry must
have been checked which ensures that the installation was made correctly.

The user must energize the power supply of the IED to start it up. This could be done in number
of ways, from energizing a whole cubicle to energizing a single IED. The user should reconfig-
ure the IED to activate the hardware modules in order to enable the self supervision function to
detect possible hardware errors. Then the IED time must be set. The self supervision function
(Diagnostics in HMI) should also be checked to verify that the IED unit operates properly. The
user could also check the software version, the IEDs serial number and the installed modules and
their ordering number to ensure that the IED is according to delivery and ordering specifications.

Energizing the IED Chapter 7
Energizing the IED

2 Energizing the IED

When the IED is energized, the green LED instantly starts flashing. After approximately 55 sec-
onds the window lights up and the window displays ‘IED Startup’. The main menu is displayed
and the upper row should indicate ‘Ready’ after about 90 seconds. A steady green light indicates
a successful startup.

1 2 3
t (s)
0 55 90


1 IED energized. Green Light Emitting Diode (LED) starts flashing

2 LCD lights up and "IED startup" is displayed
3 The main menu is displayed. A steady green light indicates a successful startup.

Figure 21: Typical IED startup sequence

If the upper row in the window indicates ‘Fail’ instead of ‘Ready’ and the green LED flashes,
an internal failure in the IED has been detected. See section 3.3 "Checking the self supervision
function" in this chapter to investigate the fault.

An example of the local HMI with a small LCD is shown in figure 2.

Energizing the IED Chapter 7
Energizing the IED

1 2 3

8 7

Figure 22: Example of the local HMI.

1. Status indication LEDs

2. LCD
3. Indication LEDs
4. Label
5. Local/Remote LEDs
6. RJ 45 port
7. Communication indication LED
8. Keypad

Checking the self supervision signals Chapter 7
Energizing the IED

3 Checking the self supervision signals

3.1 Reconfiguring the IED

I/O modules configured as logical I/O modules (BIM, BOM or IOM) are supervised.

I/O modules that are not configured are not supervised.

Each logical I/O module has an error flag that indicates signal or module failure. The error flag
is also set when the physical I/O module of the correct type is not detected in the connected slot.

3.2 Setting the IED time

This procedure describes how to set the IED time from the local HMI.

1. Display the set time dialog.

Navigate to:

Settings\Time\System time

Press the E button to enter the dialog.

2. Set the date and time.

Use the Left and Right arrow buttons to move between the time and date
values (year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds). Use the Up and
Down arrow buttons to change the value.

3. Confirm the setting.

Press the E button to set the calendar and clock to the new values.

3.3 Checking the self supervision function

3.3.1 Determine the cause of an internal failure
This procedure describes how to navigate the menus in order to find the cause of an internal fail-
ure when indicated by the flashing green LED on the HMI module.

1. Display the general diagnostics menu.
Navigate the menus to:

Diagnostics\IED status\General

2. Scroll the supervision values to identify the reason for the failure.
Use the arrow buttons to scroll between values.

Checking the self supervision signals Chapter 7
Energizing the IED

3.4 Self supervision HMI data

Table 6: Signals from the General menu in the diagnostics tree.
Indicated result Possible reason Proposed action
InternFail OK No problem detected. None.
InternFail Fail A failure has occurred. Check the rest of the indicated results to find the
InternWarning OK No problem detected. None.
InternWarning Warning A warning has been Check the rest of the indicated results to find the
issued. fault.
NUM-modFail OK No problem detected. None.
NUM-modFail Fail The main processing mod- Contact your ABB representative for service.
ule has failed.
NUM-modWarning OK No problem detected. None.
NUM-modWarning There is a problem with: Set the clock.
Warning • the real time clock. If the problem persists, contact your ABB repre-
• the time synchroniza- sentative for service.
ADC-module OK No problem detected. None.
ADC-module Fail The AD conversion module Contact your ABB representative for service.
has failed.
CANP 9 BIM1 Fail IO module has failed. Check that the IO module has been configured
and connected to the IOP1- block.
If the problem persists, contact your ABB repre-
sentative for service.
RealTimeClock OK No problem detected. None.
RealTimeClock Warning The real time clock has Set the clock.
been reset.
TimeSync OK No problem detected. None.
TimeSync Warning No time synchronization. Check the synchronization source for problems.
If the problem persists, contact your ABB repre-
sentative for service.

About this chapter Chapter 8
Establishing connection and
verifying the

Chapter 8 Establishing
connection and
verifying the

About this chapter

This chapter contains instructions on how to establish connection and verify that the
SPA/IEC-communication operates as intended, when the IED is connected to a monitoring or
control system via the rear SPA/IEC port.

Entering settings Chapter 8
Establishing connection and
verifying the

1 Entering settings
If the IED is connected to a monitoring or control system via the rear SPA/IEC port, the
SPA/IEC port has to be set either for SPA or IEC use.

1.1 Entering SPA settings

When using the SPA protocol, the rear SPA/IEC port must be set for SPA use.

The SPA/IEC port is located at IED X310 on the rear side of the IED. Two types of interfaces
can be used:

• for plastic fibres with connector type HFBR

• for glass fibres with connectors type ST

1. Set the operation of the rear optical SPA/IEC port to “SPA”.
The operation of the rear SPA port can be found on the local HMI or in
the PCM at:

Settings\General settings\Communication\SLM configuration\Rear optical SPA/IEC

port\Protocol selection SPA or IEC 103

When the setting is entered the IED will automatically restart. After the
restart the SPA/IEC port operates as a SPA port.

2. Set the slave number and baud rate for the rear SPA port
The slave number and baud rate can be found on the local HMI at:

Settings\General settings\Communication\SLM configuration\Rear optical SPA/IEC


Set the same slave number and baud rate as set in the SMS system for the

1.2 Entering IEC settings

When using the IEC protocol, the rear SPA/IEC port must be set for IEC use.

The SPA/IEC port is located at IED X310 on the rear side of the IED.

Two types of interfaces can be used:

• for plastic fibres with connector type HFBR

• for glass fibres with connectors type ST

Entering settings Chapter 8
Establishing connection and
verifying the

1. Set the operation of the rear SPA/IEC port to “IEC”.
The operation of the rear SPA/IEC port can be found on the local HMI at:

Settings\General settings\Communication\SLM configuration\Rear optical SPA/IEC

port\Protocol selection SPA or IEC 103

When the setting is entered the IED will automatically restart. After the
restart the selected IEC port operates as an IEC port.

2. Set the slave number and baud rate for the rear IEC port
The slave number and baud rate can be found on the local HMI at:

Settings\General settings\Communication\SLM configuration\Rear optical SPA/IEC


Set the same slave number and baud rate as set in the IEC master system
for the IED.

Verifying the communication Chapter 8
Establishing connection and
verifying the

2 Verifying the communication

To verify that the rear communication with the SMS/SCS system is working, there are some dif-
ferent methods. Choose one of the following.

2.1 Verifying SPA communication

1. Use a SPA-emulator and send “RF” to the IED. The answer from the
IED should be “REx670 ”.
2. Generate one binary event by activating a function which is config-
ured to an event block where the used input is set to generate events
on SPA. The configuration must be made with the PCM600 software.
Verify that the event is presented in the SMS/SCS system.

During the following tests of the different functions in the IED, verify that the events and indi-
cations in the SMS/SCS system are as expected.

2.2 Verifying IEC communication

To verify that the IEC communication with the IEC master system is working, there are some
different methods. Choose one of the following.

1. Check that the master system time-out for response from the IED, for
example after a setting change, is > 40 seconds.
2. Use a protocol analyzer and record the communication between the
IED and the IEC master. Check in the protocol analyzer’s log that the
IED answers the master messages.
3. Generate one binary event by activating a function which is config-
ured to an event block where the used input is set to generate events
on IEC. The configuration must be made with the PCM600 software.
Verify that the event is presented in the IEC master system.

During the following tests of the different functions in the IED, verify that the events and indi-
cations in the IEC master system are as expected.

Fibre optic loop Chapter 8
Establishing connection and
verifying the

3 Fibre optic loop

The SPA communication is mainly used for SMS. It can include different numerical relays/ter-
minals with remote communication possibilities. The fibre optic loop can contain < 20-30 ter-
minals depending on requirements on response time. Connection to a personal computer (PC)
can be made directly (if the PC is located in the substation) or by telephone modem through a
telephone network with ITU (CCITT) characteristics.

Table 7: Max distances between terminals/nodes

glass < 1000 m according to optical budget
plastic < 25 m (inside cubicle) according to optical budget

Remote monitoring Local monitoring

system with system with
PCM600 PCM600

IED670 IED670 IED670

Teleph Teleph
one one
modem modem

Optical to electrical
converter, e.g. SPA-ZC 22
or Fiberdata modem en05000672.vsd

1 A separate minute pulse synchronization from station clock to obtain ± 1 ms accuracy for
time tagging within the substation might be required.

Figure 23: Example of SPA communication structure for a station monitoring system

Optical budget calculation for serial Chapter 8
communication with SPA/IEC Establishing connection and
verifying the

4 Optical budget calculation for serial

communication with SPA/IEC
Table 8: Example
Distance 1 km Distance 25 m
Glass Plastic
Maximum attenuation for IED670 - 11 dB - 7 dB
4 dB/km multi mode: 820 nm - 62.5/125 um 4 dB -
0.16 dB/m plastic: 620 nm - 1mm - 4 dB
Margins for installation, aging etc. 5 dB 1 dB
Losses in connection box, two contacts (0.5 dB/contact) 1 dB -
Losses in connection box, two contacts (1 dB/contact) - 2 dB
Margin for 2 repair splices (0.5 dB/splice) 1 dB -
Maximum total attenuation 11 dB 7 dB

About this chapter Chapter 9
Establishing connection and
verifying the LON communication

Chapter 9 Establishing
connection and
the LON communic

About this chapter

This chapter explains how to set up LON communication and how to verify that LON commu-
nication is up and running.

About this chapter Chapter 9
Establishing connection and
verifying the LON communication

Station HSI Control Center



Star coupler
RER 111

IED670 IED670 IED670


Figure 24: Example of LON communication structure for a substation automation system.

An optical network can be used within the Substation Automation system. This enables commu-
nication with the 670IEDs through the LON bus from the operator’s workplace, from the control
center and also from other IEDs via bay-to-bay horizontal communication.

The fiber optic LON bus is implemented using either glass core or plastic core fiber optic cables.

Table 9: Specification of the fiber optic connectors

Glass fiber Plastic fiber
Cable connector ST-connector snap-in connector
Cable diameter 62.5/125 m 1 mm
Max. cable length 1000 m 10 m
Wavelength 820-900 nm 660 nm
Transmitted power -13 dBm (HFBR-1414) -13 dBm (HFBR-1521)
Receiver sensitivity -24 dBm (HFBR-2412) -20 dBm (HFBR-2521)

About this chapter Chapter 9
Establishing connection and
verifying the LON communication

4.1 The LON Protocol

The LON protocol is specified in the LonTalkProtocol Specification Version 3 from Echelon
Corporation. This protocol is designed for communication in control networks and is a
peer-to-peer protocol where all the devices connected to the network can communicate with
each other directly. For more information of the bay-to-bay communication, refer to the section
Multiple command function

4.2 Hardware and software modules

The hardware needed for applying LON communication depends on the application, but one
very central unit needed is the LON Star Coupler and optical fibres connecting the star coupler
to the terminals. To interface the IEDs from MicroSCADA, the application library LIB 670 is

The HV Control670 software module is included in the LIB 520 high-voltage process package,
which is a part of the Application Software Library within MicroSCADA applications.

The HV Control670 software module is used for control functions in 670IEDs. This module con-
tains the process picture, dialogues and a tool to generate the process database for the control
application in MicroSCADA.

Use the LNT, LON Network Tool to set the LON communication. This is a software tool applied
as one node on the LON bus. In order to communicate via LON, the IEDs need to know which
node addresses the other connected IEDs have, and which network variable selectors should be
used. This is organized by the LNT.

The node address is transferred to the LNT via the local HMI by setting the parameter Service-
PinMsg=YES. The node address is sent to the LNT via the LON bus, or the LNT can scan the
network for new nodes.

The communication speed of the LON bus is set to the default of 1.25 Mbit/s.

The setting parameters for the LON communication are set via the local HMI. Refer to the Tech-
nical reference manual for setting parameters specifications.

The path to LON settings in the local HMI is:

Settings\General settings\Communication\SLM configuration\Rear optical LON port

Use the LNT, LON Network Tool to set the LON communication. This is a software tool applied
as one node on the LON bus. In order to communicate via LON, the terminals need to know
which node addresses the other connected terminals have, and which network variable selectors
should be used. This is organised by the LNT.

The node address is transferred to the LNT via the local HMI by setting the parameter Service-
PinMsg=YES. The node address is sent to the LNT via the LON bus, or the LNT can scan the
network for new nodes.

The communication speed of the LON bus is set to the default of 1.25 Mbit/s. This can be
changed by the LNT.

About this chapter Chapter 9
Establishing connection and
verifying the LON communication

If the LON communication from the terminal stops, caused by setting of illegal communication
parameters (outside the setting range) or by another disturbance, it is possible to reset the LON
port of the terminal.

By setting the parameter LONDefault=YES, the LON communication is reset in the terminal,
and the addressing procedure can start from the beginning again.

There are a number of session timers which can be set via the local HMI. These settings are only
for advanced use and should only be changed after recommendation from ABB.

Path in local HMI:Settings\General settings\Communication\SLM configuration\Rear optical

LON port

These parameters can only be set with the LNT, LON Network Tool. They can be viewed in the
local HMI.

Table 10: Setting parameters for the LON communication

Parameter Range Default Unit Parameter description
DomainID 0 0 - Domain identification number
SubnetID 0 - 255 0 - Subnet identification number
Step: 1
NodeID 0 - 127 0 - Node identification number
Step: 1

Path in local HMI: Settings\General settings\Communication\SLM configuration\Rear optical

LON port

These parameters can only be set with the LNT, LON Network Tool. They can be viewed in the
local HMI.

Table 11: LON node information parameters

Parameter Range Default Unit Parameter description
NeuronID 0 - 12 Not loaded - Neuron hardware identification number in
hexadecimal code
Location 0-6 No value - Location of the node

Path in local HMI: Settings\General settings\Communication\SLM configuration\Rear optical

LON port

About this chapter Chapter 9
Establishing connection and
verifying the LON communication

Table 12: Setting parameters for the session timers

Parameter Range Default Unit Parameter description
SessionTmo 1-60 20 s Session timeout. Only to be changed
after recommendation from ABB.
RetryTmo 100-10000 2000 ms Retransmission timeout.Only to be
changed after recommendation from
IdleAckCycle 1-30 5 s Keep active ack.Only to be changed after
recommendation from ABB.
BusyAckTmo 100-5000 300 ms Wait before sending ack.Only to be
changed after recommendation from
ErrNackCycle 100-10000 500 ms Cyclic sending of nack. Only to be
changed after recommendation from

Path in local HMI: Settings\General settings\Communication\SLM configuration\Rear optical

LON port

Table 13: LON commands

Command Command description
ServicePinMsg Command with confirmation. Transfers the node adress to the LON network tool.
LONDefault Command with confirmation. Resets the LON communication in the terminal.

About this chapter Chapter 9
Establishing connection and
verifying the LON communication

About this chapter Chapter 10
Configuring the IED and changing

Chapter 10 Configuring the IED

and changing

About this chapter

This chapter describes how to change IED settings, either through a PC or the local HMI, and
download a configuration to the IED in order to make commissioning possible.

The chapter does not contain instructions on how to create a configuration or calculate settings.
Please consult the application manual for further information about how to calculate settings.

Overview Chapter 10
Configuring the IED and changing

1 Overview
The customer specific values for each setting parameter and a configuration file have to be avail-
able before the IED can be set and configured, if the IED is not delivered with a configuration.

Use the PCM600 configuration tool to verify that the IED has the expected configuration. A new
configuration is done with the CAP tool. The binary outputs can be selected from a signal list
where the signals are grouped under their function names. It is also possible to specify a user-de-
fined name for each input and output signal.

Each function included in the IED has several setting parameters which have to be set in order
to make the IED behave as intended. A factory default value is provided for each parameter. A
setting file can be prepared using the parameter setting tool (PST), which is available in the
PCM600 package.

All settings can be:

• Entered manually through the local HMI.

• Downloaded from a PC, either locally or remotely using SMS/SCS. Front or rear
port communication has to be established before the settings can be downloaded.

Entering settings through the local HMI Chapter 10
Configuring the IED and changing

2 Entering settings through the local HMI

Each of the included functions in the IED has to be set and this can be performed through the
local HMI. The user must browse to the desired function and enter the appropriate value. The
parameters for each function can be found in the local HMI.

The Operators Manual (OM) is structured in a similar way to the LHMI and provides a detailed
guide to the use of the local HMI including paths in the menu structure and brief explanations
of most settings and measurements. See the Technical reference manual for a complete list of
setting parameters for each function. Some of the included functions may not be used. In this
case the user can set the parameter “Operation” to “Off” to disable the function.

Analog input data Chapter 10
Configuring the IED and changing

3 Analog input data

In order to get correct measurement results as well as correct protection functionality, the analog
input channels must be configured. Because all protection algorithms in the IED utilize the pri-
mary system quantities it is extremely important to make sure that connected current transformer
settings are done properly. These data are calculated by the system engineer and normally set by
the commissioner from the local HMI or from the SMS.

3.1 Configuration for analog CT inputs

The analog inputs on the Transformer Module (TRM) are dimensioned for either 1A or 5A. Each
TRM has a unique combination of current and voltage inputs. Make sure the input current rating
is correct and that it matches the order documentation.

The primary CT data are entered from the HMI menu branch:

Settings\General Settings\Analog modules\AnalogInputsnn

The following parameter shall be set for every current transformer connected to the IED:

Table 14: CT configuration

Parameter description Parameter name Range Default
Rated CT primary current in A CT Prim Input from -10000 to +10000 0

This parameter defines the primary rated current of the CT. For two set of CTs with ratio 1000/1
and 1000/5 this parameter is set to the same value of 1000 for both CT inputs. Negative values
(i.e. -1000) can be used in order to reverse the direction of the CT current by software for the
differential function. This might be necessary if two sets of CTs have different star point loca-
tions in relation to the protected busbar. It is recommended that this parameter is set to zero, for
all unused CT inputs.

For main CTs with 2A rated secondary current, it is recommended to connect the secondary wir-
ing to the 1A input and to set the rated primary current to one half times its true value. For ex-
ample, a CT with a primary secondary current ratio of 1000/2A can be treated as a 500/1A CT.

Downloading settings and configuration from Chapter 10
a PC Configuring the IED and changing

4 Downloading settings and configuration from a PC

4.1 Downloading the configuration and setting files

When downloading a configuration to the REx670 IED with the CAP531 configuration tool, the
IED is automatically set in configuration mode. When the IED is set in configuration mode, all
functions are blocked. The red LED on the IED flashes, and the green LED is lit while the IED
is in the configuration mode.

When the configuration is downloaded and completed, the IED is automatically set into normal
mode. For further instructions please refer to the users manuals for PCM600.

Downloading settings and configuration from Chapter 10
a PC Configuring the IED and changing

About this chapter Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Chapter 11 Verifying settings

by secondary

About this chapter

This chapter describes how to verify that protection functions operate correctly and according to
their settings. It is preferable that only the tested function is in operation.

Overview Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

1 Overview
IED test requirements:

• Calculated settings
• Application configuration diagram
• Signal matrix (SMT) configuration
• Terminal diagram
• Technical reference manual
• Three-phase test equipment
• PCM600

The setting and configuration of the IED must be completed before the testing can start.

The terminal diagram, available in the Technical reference manual, is a general diagram of the
IED. but note that the same diagram is not always applicable to each specific delivery (especially
for the configuration of all the binary inputs and outputs). Therefore, before testing, check that
the available terminal diagram corresponds to the IED.

The Technical reference manual contains application and functionality summaries, function
blocks, logic diagrams, input and output signals, setting parameters and technical data sorted per

The test equipment should be able to provide a three-phase supply of voltages and currents. The
magnitude of voltage and current as well as the phase angle between voltage and current must
be variable. The voltages and currents from the test equipment must be obtained from the same
source and they must have minimal harmonic content. If the test equipment cannot indicate the
phase angle, a separate phase-angle measuring instrument is necessary.

Prepare the IED for test before testing a particular function. Consider the logic diagram of the
tested protection function when performing the test. All included functions in the IED are tested
according to the corresponding test instructions in this chapter. The functions can be tested in
any order according to user preferences and the test instructions are therefore presented in alpha-
betical order. Only the functions that are used (Operation is set to On) should be tested.

The response from a test can be viewed in different ways:

• Binary outputs signals

• Service values in the local HMI (logical signals or phasors)
• A PC with PCM600 application configuration software in debug mode

All setting groups that are used should be tested.

This IED is designed for a maximum continuous current of four times the rated current.

Overview Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Please observe the measuring accuracy of the IED, the test equipment and the angular accuracy
for both of them.

Please consider the configured logic from the function block to the output contacts when mea-
suring the operate time.

Preparing for test Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

2 Preparing for test

2.1 Overview
This section describes how to prepare the IED to verify settings.

If a test switch is included, start preparation by making the necessary connections to the test
switch. This means connecting the test equipment according to a specific and designated IED
terminal diagram. The IED can then be put into test mode in order to facilitate the test of indi-
vidual functions and prevent unwanted operation caused by other functions. The test switch
should then be connected to the IED. The user can also verify the connection and that the analog
input signals are measured and recorded correctly by injecting currents and voltages required by
the specific IED. To make testing even more effective the Protection and Control IED Manager
(PCM600) should be used. The primary tool at your disposal in the PCM600 apart from the Pa-
rameter Setting Tool (PST) is the Disturbance Handling Tool (DHT). The content of reports gen-
erated by the DHT can be determined by the user which makes it more efficient. For example,
the tool may be configured to only show time tagged events and to exclude analog information
and so on. The disturbance report settings could be checked to ensure that indications are correct.
Functions to test, signals and parameter names can be found in the technical reference manual.

2.2 Preparing the connection to the test equipment

The IED can be equipped with a test switch of type RTXP 24. The test switch and its associated
test plug handle (RTXH 24) are a part of the COMBITEST system which provides secure and
convenient testing of the IED.

When the test-plug handle is inserted into the test switch, preparations for testing are automati-
cally carried out in the proper sequence (i.e. blocking of tripping circuits, short circuiting of
CT’s, opening of voltage circuits, making IED terminals available for secondary injection). Ter-
minals 1 and 12 of the test switch are not disconnected as they supply DC power to the protection

The test-plug handle leads may be connected to any type of test equipment or instrument. When
a number of protection IEDs of the same type are tested, the test-plug handle only needs to be
moved from the test switch of one protection IED to the test switch of the other, without altering
previous connections.

To prevent unwanted tripping when the handle is withdrawn, latches on the handle secure it in
the half withdrawn position. In this position, all voltages and currents are restored and any reen-
ergizing transients are given a chance to decay before the trip circuits are restored. When the
latches are released, the handle can be completely withdrawn from the test switch, restoring the
trip circuits to the protection IED.

If a test switch is not used it is necessary to take measures according to provided circuit dia-

Preparing for test Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Never disconnect the secondary connection of a current transformer circuit without short-cir-
cuiting the transformer's secondary winding. Operating a current transformer with the second-
ary winding open will cause a massive potential build up that may damage the transformer and
injure humans.

2.3 Putting the IED into test mode

The IED can be put into test mode before testing. This blocks all functions in the function test
modes folder and allows the user to unblock or release the functions needed for the test in ques-
tion. In this way, it is possible to test slower back-up measuring functions without the interfer-
ence of faster measuring functions. Test mode is indicated when the yellow LED flashes.

1. Browse to the ‘TestMode’ menu and press ‘E’.
The Test Mode menu is found under the Test folder in the LHMI:

Test/IED test mode/TestMode

2. Use the up and down arrows to choose ‘On’ and press ‘E’.
3. Press the left arrow to exit the menu.
The dialog box ‘Save changes’ appears.

4. Choose ‘Yes’, press E and exit the menu.

The yellow start LED above the LCD will start flashing when the IED is
in test mode.

2.4 Connecting test equipment to the IED

Before testing, connect the test equipment according to the IED specific connection diagram.
Pay special attention to the correct connection of the input and output current terminals, and to
the connection of the residual current conductor. Check that the input and output logical signals
in the logic diagram for the function under test are connected to the corresponding binary inputs
and outputs of the IED under test.

Preparing for test Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

NI IN (I4,I5)


REx 670
UN (U4,U5)



Figure 25: Connection of the test set to the REx670 IED

2.5 Verifying the connections and the analog inputs

The user must verify that the connections are correct and that the analog signals are measured

1. Inject a symmetrical three-phase current and voltage at rated value.
2. Inject a through going phase-to-phase current and voltage at rated
value. (This is for RET only)
3. Compare the injected value with the measured value.
The voltage phasor and current phasor menus are located under the Mea-
surements folder in the LHMI:

Measurements\Monitoring\Analog primary values


Measurements\Monitoring\Analog secondary values

Take into consideration ratio factor settings for CT’s and VT’s.

Preparing for test Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

4. Compare the frequency reading with the set frequency and the direc-
tion of the power with the injected power.
The frequency and active power are located in the local HMI under:


5. Inject an unsymmetrical three-phase current and voltage at rated val-

ue in two phases.
6. Compare the injected value with the measured value.
The current phasor menu is located in the local-HMI under:


The voltage phasor menu is located in the local HMI under:


2.6 Releasing the function(s) to be tested

The user can release/unblock the function(s) to be tested. This is done to ensure that only the
function(s) under test are in operation and that other functions are prevented from operating. The
user can release the tested function(s) by setting the corresponding blocked parameter under
Function test modes to NO in the local HMI. When testing a function in this blocking feature,
remember that not only the actual function must be activated, but the whole sequence of inter-
connected functions (from measuring inputs to binary output contacts), including logic and so
on. Before starting a new test mode session the user should scroll through every function to en-
sure that only the function to be tested (and the interconnected ones) are set to NO. A function
is also blocked if the BLOCK input signal on the corresponding function block is active, which
depends on the configuration. The user should therefore ensure that the logical status of the
BLOCK input signal is equal to 0 for the function to be tested. The user could also individually
block event blocks to ensure that no events are reported to a remote station during the test.

The function is blocked if the corresponding setting under the Function test modes menu remains
on and the TEST-INPUT signal remains active. All functions that were blocked or released from
a previous test mode session are reset when a new test mode session is started.

1. Browse to the ‘Function test modes’ menu.
The Function test modes menu is located in the local HMI under:

Preparing for test Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Test\Function test modes\function category\function instance

2. Browse to the function instance that should be released.

Use the left and right arrow buttons. Press ‘E’ when the desired function
has been found.

3. Select ‘Yes’. Press 'E' and the new setting is valid.

2.7 Disturbance report

2.7.1 Introduction
The following functions are included in the disturbance report function:

• Disturbance recorder
• Event list
• Event recorder
• Fault locator (not included in all products)
• Trip value recorder
• Indications

If the disturbance report is running, then its sub-function are also running and so it is not possible
to only switch these functions off. The disturbance report function is switched off from PCM600
or from the local HMI.

2.7.2 Disturbance report settings

When the IED is in test mode, the disturbance report can be made active or inactive. If the dis-
turbance recorder is turned on during test mode, recordings will be made. When test mode is
switched off all recordings made during the test session are cleared.

Settings for the control of the disturbance recorder during test mode are located in the local HMI

Settings\General settings\Monitoring\Disturbance report\DisturbanceRe-


2.7.3 Disturbance recorder (DR)

Evaluation of the results from the disturbance recording function requires access to a PC either
permanently connected to the IED or temporarily connected to the Ethernet port (RJ 45) on the
front. The PCM600 software package must be installed in the PC.

Disturbance upload can be performed by the use of PCM600 or by any third party tool with IEC
61850 protocol. Reports can automatically be generated from the PCM600 tool. Disturbance
files can be analyzed by any tool reading Comtrade formatted disturbance files.

Preparing for test Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

It could be useful to have a printer for hard copies. The behavior of the disturbance recording
function can be checked when IED protective functions are tested. When the IED is set to oper-
ate in test mode, there is a separate setting for operation of the disturbance report, which also
affects the disturbance recorder.

A manual trig can be started at any time. This results in a recording of the actual values from all
recorded channels.

2.8 Identifying the function to test in the technical reference manual

The user can use the technical reference manual (TRM) to identify function blocks, logic dia-
grams, input and output signals, setting parameters and technical data.

2.9 Exit test mode

The following procedure is used to return to normal operation.

1. Navigate to the test mode folder.
2. Change the 'On' setting to 'Off'. Press the 'E' key and the left arrow
3. Answer 'YES', press the 'E' key and exit the menus.

Basic IED functions Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

3 Basic IED functions

3.1 Parameter setting groups (ACGR)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

3.1.1 Verifying the settings

1. Check the configuration of binary inputs that control the selection of
the active setting group.
2. Browse the ‘ActiveGroup’ menu to achieve information about the ac-
tive setting group.
The ActiveGroup menu is located in the local HMI under:

Test\Function status\Setting groups

3. Connect the appropriate dc voltage to the corresponding binary in-

put of the IED and observe the information presented on the HMI dis-
The displayed information must always correspond to the activated input.

4. Check that the corresponding output indicates the active group.

Operating procedures for the PC aided methods of changing the active
setting groups are described in the corresponding PCM documents and
instructions for the operators within the SCS are included in the SCS doc-

3.1.2 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to off.

Differential protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

4 Differential protection

4.1 High impedance differential protection (PDIF, 87)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

1. Connect single phase or three phase test set to inject the operating
voltage. The injection shall be on the primary side of the stabilizing
Note! As the operating voltage is adjusted on the stabilizing resistor and
with the setting of the resistor value in the function this is essential for the
measurement of the expected value. Normally a slightly higher operating
value is no problem as the sensitivity is not influenced much.

2. Connect the trip contact to the test set to stop the test set for mea-
surement of trip times below.
3. Increase the voltage and make note of the operate value UR. This is
done with manual test and without trip of the test set.
4. Reduce the voltage slowly and make note of the reset value. The re-
set value must be high for this function.
5. Check the operating time by injecting a voltage corresponding to 1,2
UR> level Make note of the measured trip time.
6. If required, verify the trip time at another voltage. Normally 2*UR is
7. If used measure the alarm level operating value. Increase the voltage
and make note of the operate value U>Alarm. This is done with man-
ual test and without trip of the test set.
8. Measure the operating time on the alarm output by connecting the
stop of the test set to an output from tAlarm. Inject a voltage
1,2*U>Alarm and measure the alarm time.
9. Check that trip and alarm outputs operates according to the config-
uration logic.
10. Finally check that start and alarm information is stored in the Event
menu and if a serial connection to the SA is available verify that the
correct and only the required signals are presented on the local sta-
tion HMI and on the SCADA system.

Information on how to use the event menu is found in the REx670 operator's manual.

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

5 Distance protection

5.1 Distance protection zones (PDIS, 21)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter. Consider releasing Zone 1, the PHS and the TR0n. If the au-
torecloser is not released and in service, trip will always be three phase.

Measure operating characteristics during constant current conditions. Keep the measured current
as close as possible to its rated value or lower. But make sure it is higher than 30% of the rated

Ensure that the maximum continuous current in an IED does not exceed four times its rated val-
ue, if the measurement of the operating characteristics runs under constant voltage conditions.

The test procedure has to take into consideration whether the shaped load encroachment charac-
teristic is on or off. It is therefore necessary to check the setting. To verify the settings without
the shaped load encroachment characteristic the test should be carried out according to
figures 26 and 27 and tables 15 and 16. In cases where the load encroachment characteristic is
activated tests according to the adjusted figures should be carried out.

To verify the settings for the operating points according to the following fault types should be

• One phase-to-phase fault (when the Ph-Ph measurement is included in the IED
• One phase-to-earth fault (when the Ph-E measurement is included in the IED

The shape of the operating characteristic depends on the values of the setting parameters.

The angles a (angle on blinder in second quadrant for forward direction), b (angle to blinder in
fourth quadrant for forward direction) and c (Load angle determining the load impedance area)
in the figures below are adjusted with the parameters ArgNegRes, ArgDir and ArgLd respec-

The diagrams illustrating the characteristic for the distance protection function can be used for
settings with and without load encroachment. The solid lines designate the diagram applicable
when the load current compensation operationLdCom parameter is set to 1 (On). This is the de-
fault setting. The solid line and all test points except 13 are valid for this setting.

When it is set to 0 (Off) then the dotted lines and test point 13 are valid. Test points 5, 6, and 7
are not valid for this measurement.

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

1 2

11 3

X1 10 4
5 (Ω /

6 R
7 13

40% of RLdFw
80% of RLdFw
0.5 x RFPP


Figure 26: Distance protection (ZM) characteristic with test points for phase to phase mea-

Table 15 is used in conjunction with figure 26.

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

1 2

11 3

X1+XN 10 4
a 5

6 R (Ω / loop)
7 13

40% of RLdFw

80% of RLdFw
alt. 80% of
RFPE (Load

Figure 27: Distance protection (ZM) characteristic with test points for phase to earth mea-

Table 16 is used in conjunction with figure 27.

Table 15: Test points for phase-to-phase loops L1-L2 (Ohm/Loop)

Test point Reach Set value Comments
1 X X1set
R 0
2 X X1set
R R1set
3 X 0.8 x X1set
R 0.8 x R1set+ RFPP/2
4 X 0.5 x X1set
R 0.5 x R1set+ RFPP/2
5 X 0.85 x RFPP x tan (ArgRLd) ArgRLd = angle for the maximal load transfer
R 0.85 x RFPP
6 X RLdFw x tan (ArgLd)
7 X RLdFw x tan (ArgLd)
R 0
8 X –0.2143 x RFPP/2 Exact: 0.8 x RFPP/2 (ArgDir)
R 0.8 x RFPP/2

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Test point Reach Set value Comments

9 X –0.4 x RLdFw x tan(ArgDir)
R 0.4 x RLdFw
10 X 0.5 x X1set Exact –0.5 x R1set x tan(ArgNegRes-90)
R –0.23 x X1set
11 X 0.8 x X1set Exact –0.5 x R1set x tan(ArgNegRes-90)
R –0.37 x X1 set
12 X 0.5 x X1set
R 0.5 x R1set
13 X 0 Only used when OperationLdCmp setting is 0 (Off)
R 0.5 x RFPP

Table 16: Test points for phase-to-earth L3-E (Ohm/Loop)

Test point Reach Value Comments
1 X (2 x X1set+X0set)/3
R 0
2 X (2 x X1set+ X0set)/3
R 2 x R1set+ R0set)/3
3 X 0.8 x (2 x X1set+ X0set)/3
R 0.8 x (2 x R1set+ R0set)/3 +RFPEset
4 X 0.5 x (2 x X1set+ R0set)/3
R 0.5 x (2 x R1set+R0set)/3 + RFPEset
5 X 0.85 x RFPEset x tan(ArgLdset) ArgLd = angle for the maximal load transfer.
R 0.85 x RFPE
6 X RLdFwset x tan(ArgLdSet)
R RLdFwset
7 X 0
R RLdFwset
8 X –02143 x RLdFwset Exact: 0.8 x RFPE x tan (ArgDir)
R 0.8 x RLdFwset
9 X –0.8 x RLdFwset x tan(ArgDir)
R 0.8 x RLdFwset
10 X 0.17 x (2 x X1set + X0 set) Exact: 0.5 x (2 x X1set X0 set)/3
R -0.36 x (2 x X1set + X0set) Exact: 0.5 x (2X1set + X0set)/(3 x tan(AgNegDir90)

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Test point Reach Value Comments

11 X 0.27 x (2 x X1set+X0set) Exact: 0.8 x (2 x X1set + X0set)/3
R –0.57 x (2 x X1set + X0set) Exact: 0.8 x (2X1set + X0set)/(3 x tan(AngNegDir
12 X 0.5 x (2 x X1set + X0set)/3
R 0.5 x (2 x R1set + R0set)/3
13 X 0

5.1.1 Measuring the operate limit of set values in cases without shaped load
encroachment characteristics (OperationLdCmp=off)

Procedure for phase to phase fault L1–L2.

1. Subject the IED to healthy normal load conditions for at least two
2. Apply the fault condition and slowly decrease the measured imped-
ance to find the operating value of the phase-to-phase loop for zone
1 according to test point 1 in figure 26 and table 15. Compare the re-
sult of the measurement with the set value.
3. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to find the operating value for test point P2, P3 in
table table 15 and the operating value for the phase-to-earth loop ac-
cording to test point P1, P2, P3 in table table 16.
Observe that the zone that is not tested has to be blocked and the zone that
is tested has to be released.

The procedure for phase to earth faults in L3 is the same as that described
for phase to phase faults except that figure 27 and table 16 should be re-
ferred to.

Test points 8 and 9 are intended to test the directional lines of impedance protection. Since di-
rectionality is a common function for all 5 measuring zones, it is only necessary to test points 6,
7, 8 and 9 once, in the forward direction (the largest reverse zone can be used to facilitate the
test) in order to test the accuracy of directionality (directional angles). Directional functionality
testing (trip inside, no-trip outside) should always be carried for all ZM zones set with direction-
ality (forward or reverse).

5.1.2 Measuring the operate time of distance protection zones

1. Subject the IED to healthy normal load conditions for at least two

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

2. Apply the fault condition to find the operating time for the
phase-to-phase loop according to test point P10 in figure 26 and
table 15 for zone 1. Compare the result of the measurement with the
setting t1PP.
3. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to find the operating time for the phase-to-earth
loop according to test point P10 in figure 27 and table 15. Compare
the result of the measurement with the setting t1PE.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to find the operating time for all other used mea-
suring zones.
Observe that the zone that are not tested has to be blocked and the zone
that is tested has to be released.

When the load shaped characteristic is activated (OperationLdCmp=On)

the test point for phase to phase faults is P12 in figure 26and table 15and
for phase — earth faults according to P12 in figure 27and table 16.

5.1.3 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to off.

5.2 Phase selection with load enchroachment (PDIS, 21)

Prepare the terminal for verification of settings as outlined in section 2 "Preparing for test" in
this chapter.

The phase selectors operate on the same measuring principles as the impedance measuring
zones. So it is necessary to follow the same principles as for distance protection, when perform-
ing the secondary injection tests.

Measure operating characteristics during constant current conditions. Keep the measured current
as close as possible to its rated value or lower. But ensure that it is higher than 30% of the rated

Ensure that the maximum continuous current of a terminal does not exceed four times its rated
value, if the measurement of the operating characteristics runs under constant voltage condi-

To verify the settings the operating points according to figures 28, 29, and 30 should be tested.
See also table 30 for information.

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Default values:
Earthfault loop ArgNegRes=115
X (Ohm/phase)

1 2

10 85%
⋅ ( X 1 + XN ) 4

11 5
ArgNegDir 60 deg
12 R (Ohm/phase)
8 ArgDir
20% of RLdFw 7
80% of RLdFw

Figure 28: Operate characteristic for phase selection element, forward direction single phase

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

X (Ω / phase)
1 2

85% 3


5 20%
9 11
6 12

8 ArgDir R (Ω / phase)
0.2• RLdFw


Figure 29: Phase selection characteristic for phase to phase faults.

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary


1 3

90 deg

10 30

2 4
⋅ X1 5
3 ArgNegRes

8 ArgDir
0.2•RLdFw 11


Figure 30: Phase selection characteristic for three phase faults.

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Table 17: Test points for phase-earth loop L3-E (Ohm/loop)

Test point Value Comments

⋅ [ X 1 + XN ]

⋅ [ X 1 + XN ]

X ≈ 0.981 ⋅ [ X 1 + XN ]
⋅ [ X 1 + XN ]
X = 0.85 ⋅
R ≈ 0.567 ⋅ ( X 1L + XNL) + RFFwPE
2 1
R = 0.85 ⋅ ⋅ ⎡⎣ X 1 + XN ] ⋅ + RFFwPE )
3 tan(60°)


R= ⋅ 3 ⋅ RFFwPE

X = RLdFw ⋅ tan( ArgLd ) X ≈ 1.732 ⋅ RFFwPE

6 X=0
7 X=-0.386·RLdFw

X = − 0.8 ⋅ RLdFw ⋅ tan( ArgLd )


Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Test point Value Comments


X = 0.2 ⋅ RLdFw ⋅ tan( ArgLd ) X ≈ 0.346 ⋅ RLdFw

R = 0.2 ⋅ RLdFw

X ≈ 0.231 ⋅ [ X 1set + XN ]
⋅ [ X 1 + XN ]
X = 0.2 ⋅
R ≈ 0.108 ⋅ [ X 1 + XN ]
⋅ [ X 1 + XN ] ⋅ tan( AngNegDir − 90°)
R = 0.2 ⋅

X ≈ 0.981 ⋅ [ X 1 + XN ]
⋅ [ X 1 + XN ]
X = 0.85 ⋅
R ≈ 0.458 ⋅ [ X 1 + XN ]
R = 0.85 ⋅ ⋅ [ X 1 + XN ] ⋅ tan( ArgNegDir − 90)

X ≈ 0.231 ⋅ [ X 1 + XN ]
⋅ [ X 1 + XN ]
X = 0.2 ⋅
R ≈ 0.133 ⋅ [ X 1 + XN ]
⋅ [ X 1 + XN ]
R = 0.2
3 ⋅ tan(60°)
12 X=0 Note! This test points is proposed to be used instead of
point 4, 5 and 6 when shaped load characteristic is not
activated (OperationLdCmd=OFF)

The table showing test points for phase to earth loops is used together with figure 28.

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Table 18: Test points for phase-phase loops L1–L2

Test point Value Comments
1 X=X1
2 X=X1
3 X=0.85·X1set

0.85 ⋅ X 1 RFFwPP
R= +
3 2

3 X ≈ 0.433 ⋅ RFFwPP
X = ⋅ RFFwPP


X = RLdFw ⋅ tan( ArgLd ) X ≈ 0.577 ⋅ RLdFw

6 X=0
7 X=0.8·RLdFw·tan(ArgDir)
R=0.8·RLdFw X ≈ −0.214 ⋅ RLdFw

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Test point Value Comments

8 X=0.2·RLdFw·tan(ArgDir)
R=0.2·RLdFw X ≈ −0.054 ⋅ RLdFw
9 X=0.2·X1

R ≈ 0.432 ⋅ X 1
0.2 ⋅ X 1
tan( ArgNegDir − 90)
10 X=0.85·X1set

R ≈ 1,727 ⋅ X 1
0.8 ⋅ X 1
tan( ArgNegDir − 90)
11 X=0.2·X1

R ≈ 0.346 ⋅ X 1set
0.2 ⋅ X 1
12 X=0 Note! This test points is proposed to be used instead of
point 4, 5 and 6 when shaped load characteristic is not
activated (OperationLdCmd=OFF)

The table showing test points for phase to phase loops is used together with figure 29.

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Table 19: Test points for three-phase faults

Test point Value Comments

4 X ≈ 1.33 ⋅ X 1set
X = ⋅ X1

⎡4 1 X ≈ 1.067 ⋅ X 1 + 0.231 ⋅ RFFwPP

X = 0.85 ⋅ ⎢ X 1 + ⋅ RFFwPP ]
⎣3 2⋅ 3

⎡ 3⋅2 1 ⎤
R = 0.8 ⋅ ⎢ ⋅ X1+ ⋅ RFFwPP ⎥
⎣ 3 4 ⎦

4 X ≈ 0.75 ⋅ X 1set
X = ⋅ X1

R = 0.5 ⋅ RFFwPP

1 X ≈ 0.289 ⋅ RFFwPP
2⋅ 3

R = 0.5 ⋅ RFFwPP

3 X ≈ 0.577 ⋅ RLdFw
X = ⋅ RLdFw
6 X=0

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Test point Value Comments


X = −0.8 ⋅ (2 − 3) ⋅ RLdFw X ≈ −0.214 ⋅ RLdFw


X = −0.2 ⋅ (2 − 3) ⋅ RLdFw X ≈ −0.054 ⋅ RLdFw

9 X=0.2·X1

R ≈ 0.093 ⋅ X 1set
R = 0.2 ⋅ X 1 ⋅ tan( ArgNegDir − 90)
10 X=0.8·X1

R ≈ 0.373 ⋅ X 1
R = 0.2 ⋅ X 1 ⋅ tan( ArgNegDir − 90)
11 X=-0.5·RFFwPP·tan(AngDir) Note! This test points is proposed to be used instead of
R=0.5·RFFwPP point 4, 5, 6 and 7 when shaped load characteristic is not
activated (OperationLdCmd=OFF)

The table showing test points for three phase loops is used together with figure 30.

5.2.1 Measuring the operate limit of set values

1. Supply the terminal with healthy conditions for at least two seconds.
2. Apply the fault condition and slowly decrease the measured imped-
ance to find the operate value for of the phase to earth loop L3, test
point P1, according to figure . Compare the result of the measure-
ment with the expected value according to table 30.
The corresponding binary signals that inform about the operation of the
phase-selection measuring elements are available in the local HMI under
the menu:

Measurements/Monitoring/Current phasors


Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Measurements/Monitoring/Voltage phasors

3. Repeat steps 1to 2to find the operate values for the remaining test
points according to figures 28, 29 and 30and to table 30.
Note, that if the shaped load encroachment characteristic is not activated
OperationLdCh=Off then the test points 4, 5, 6 and 7 can be replaced by
number 12.

4. Repeat steps to to find the operate value for the phase to phase fault
in L1 — L2 according to figure and compare with table 30.
Note, that if the shaped load encroachment characteristic is not activated
OperationLdCh=Off then the test points 4, 5 and 6 can be replaced by
number 12.

5. Repeat steps to to find the operate value of a three phase fault ac-
cording to figure and compare the result with table30.
6. Continue to test another function or complete the test by setting the
test mode to off.

5.3 Power swing detection (RPSB, 78)

The aim of this instruction is to verify the settings of the PSD function and to verify that the PSD
covers all impedance zones that should be blocked by the PSD.

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

Before starting this process, all impedance measuring zones shall be set and in operation. The
inner zone of the PSD must cover all zones to be blocked by the PSD by at least 10% margin.
See figure 31 below.

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

KX ⋅ X 1IN


Impedance locus at power swing

− KR ⋅ R1IN R1IN

− R1IN

− X 1IN

− KX ⋅ X 1IN

Figure 31: Operating principle and characteristic of the PSD function

The PSD can operate in two modes when configured for; “one of three phase operation” and
“two out of three phase operation”. Check the configuration to see which of these is valid for the

5.3.1 Testing overview

1. Re-configure the binary output from the ZOUT signal to the START
signal of the PSD function.
It is also possible to observe the START signal on the regular output ter-
minals, if provided during the engineering stage. Check the correspond-
ing IED documentation.

2. Slowly decrease the measured voltages in all three phases until the
W-meter detects the appearance of the START signal.
3. Increase the measured voltages to their rated values.
4. Decrease instantaneously voltages in all three phases to the values,
which are approximately 20% lower than the set value R1IN.
The START signal must not appear.

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

5. Increase the measured voltages to their rated values.

5.3.2 Testing the one-of-three-phase operation

1. Check the existing (default) configuration of the following function
input signals:
REL1PH, BLK1PH, REL2PH, BLK2PH and record the connections.

2. Reconfigure the IED according to the following list:


3. Disconnect the L2 and L3 currents from the IED and make sure that
they are short-circuited on the output terminal of the testing equip-
4. Slowly decrease the measured voltages until the START signal ap-
5. Increase the measured voltages to their rated values.

5.3.3 Testing the two-of-three-phase operation

1. Reconfigure the IED according to the following list:

2. Slowly decrease the measured voltages to the value, which is rough-

ly 20% lower than the operating value of the R1IN measuring point.
No START signal should appear.

3. Increase the measured voltages to their rated values.

4. Reconnect the phase L2 current to the IED.
5. Decrease the measured voltages until the START signal appears.
6. Increase the measured voltages to their rated values.
7. Connect the phase L3 current to the IED.
8. Restore the original configuration for the functional inputs REL1PH,

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

5.3.4 Testing the tEF timer and functionality

1. Check and record the default configuration for the TRSP, I0CHECK,
BLKI01, BLKI02, and BLOCK functional inputs.
2. Re-configure the functional inputs TRSP and I0CHECK to connect
them to two unused binary inputs of a terminal.
3. Configure functional inputs BLKI01, and BLKI02 to the FIXD-ON
functional output and the BLOCK functional input to the FIXD-OFF
functional input.
4. Connect the binary input towards the I0CHECK functional input via
an open switch to the constant positive dc voltage.
5. Connect the binary input towards the TRSP functional input via a
closed switch to the constant positive dc voltage.
6. Decrease the measured voltages slowly until the START signal ap-
7. Close the switch towards the binary input with I0CHECK connection
and observe the START signal.
It must reset instantaneously.

8. Open the switch towards the I0CHECK functional input.

9. Open the switch towards the TRSP functional input and close with
some time delay the switch towards the I0CHECK functional input.
The START signal resets if the time difference between opening the first
and closing the second switch is shorter than the time delay set on the tEF
timer. The START signal does not reset in the opposite case.

10. Increase the measured voltages to their rated values.

5.3.5 Testing the tR1 timer

1. Disconnect the dc voltage from the binary inputs connected to the
TRSP and I0CHECK functional inputs.
2. Connect the binary input towards the I0CHECK functional input via
an open switch to the constant positive dc voltage.
3. Re-configure the BLKI02 functional input to the FIXD-OFF functional
4. Decrease the measured voltages slowly until the START signal ap-

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

5. Close the switch towards the I0CHECK binary input and observe the
START signal.
It must reset with the time delay set on the tR1 timer. It is also possible
to measure this time delay with the timer, which starts with the closing of
a switch and stops with the resetting of a START signal on the corre-
sponding binary output.

6. Increase the measured voltages to their rated values.

5.3.6 Testing the tR2 timer

1. Disconnect the dc voltage from the binary input connected to the
I0CHECK functional input.
2. Re-configure the functional input BLKI02 to the FIXD-ON functional
input and BLKI01 to the OFF functional output.
3. Decrease slowly the measured voltages until the START signal ap-
It should reset after the time delay, set on tR2 timer. It is also possible to
measure the time delay tR2.

4. Connect for this purpose the timer to the binary output with the
START signal.
5. Start the timer with change of the signal from 0 to 1 and stop it with
the change from 1 to 0.
6. Increase the measured voltages to their rated values

5.3.7 Testing the block input

1. Re-configure the functional input BLOCK to the binary input, to
which the I0CHECK has been configured so far.
2. Re-configure the functional input BLKI01 to the FIXD-ON functional
3. Decrease slowly the measured voltages in all three phases until the
START signal appears.
4. Close the switch towards the BLOCK binary input and observe the
START signal.
It must reset instantaneously.

5. Increase the measured voltages to their rated values.

6. Re-configure the functional inputs TRSP, I0CHECK, BLKI01, BLKI02,
and BLOCK to restore their original configuration.

Distance protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

5.3.8 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to off.

5.4 Automatic switch onto fault logic (PSOF)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

The PSOF is checked using secondary injection tests together with the distance or overcurrent
protection function and with the Dead Line Detection (DLD) function which is embedded in the
PSOF function. The switch-onto-fault function is activated either by the external input BC, or
by the internal DLD function which is integrated in the FUSE function. The latter is done with
a prefault condition where the phase voltages and currents are at zero. A reverse three-phase
fault with zero impedance and a three-phase fault with an impedance corresponding to the whole
line is applied. This fault shall cause an instantaneous trip and result in a TRIP indication.

5.4.1 External activation of the PSOF function

1. Activate the switch-onto-fault BC input.
During normal operating conditions, the BC input is de-energized.

2. Apply a three phase fault condition corresponding to a fault at ap-

proximately 45% of the line or with an impedance at 50% of used
zone setting and current greater than 30% of Ir.
3. Check that the correct trip outputs, external signals and indication
are obtained.

5.4.2 Automatic initiation of PSOF

1. Deactivate the switch-onto-fault BC input.
2. Set current and voltage inputs to 0 for at least 1 second.
3. Apply a three phase fault condition corresponding to a fault at ap-
proximately 45% of the line or with an impedance at 50% of used
zone setting and current greater than 30% of Ir.
4. Check that the correct trip outputs, external signals and indication
are obtained.

5.4.3 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to off. Restore
connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed for test purposes.

Current protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

6 Current protection

6.1 Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection (PIOC, 50)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

To verify the settings the following fault type should be tested:

• One for a phase-to-earth fault

Ensure that the maximum continuous current of the IED does not exceed four times its rated val-

6.1.1 Measuring the operate limit of set values

1. Inject a phase current into the IED with an initial value below that of
the setting.
2. Set operation mode to 1 out of 3.
3. Increase the injected current in the Ln phase until the TRL (n=1–3)
signal appears.
4. Switch the fault current off.
Observe the maximum permitted overloading of the current circuits in the

5. Compare the measured operating current with the set value.

6. Set operation mode to 2 out of 3 and inject current into one of the
phases. Check- no operation.

6.1.2 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to OFF.

6.2 Four step phase overcurrent protection (POCM, 51/67)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section 3 "Overview"and section 2 "Pre-
paring for test" in this chapter.

Directional phase overcurrent current function

1. Connect the test set for appropriate current injection to the appropri-
ate IED terminals.
If 1 of 3 currents for operation is chosen: Connect the injection current to
terminals L1 and neutral.

Current protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

If 2 of 3 currents for operation is chosen: Connect the injection current

into terminal L1 and out from terminal L2.

If 3 of 3 currents for operation is chosen: Connect the symmetrical 3

phase injection current into terminals L1, L2 and L3.

2. Connect the test set for the appropriate three-phase voltage injec-
tion to the IED terminals L1, L2 and L3. The protection shall be fed
with a symmetrical three phase voltage.
3. Set the injected polarizing voltage slightly larger than the set mini-
mum polarizing voltage (default is 5% of Ur) and set the injection cur-
rent to lag the appropriate voltage by an angle of about 80° if forward
directional function is selected.
If 1 of 3 currents for operation is chosen: The voltage angle of phase L1
is the reference.

If 2 of 3 currents for operation is chosen: The voltage angle of phase L1

– the voltage angle of L2 is the reference.

If 3 of 3 currents for operation is chosen: The voltage angle of phase L1

is the reference.

If reverse directional function is selected, set the injection current to lag

the polarizing voltage by an angle equal to 80° + 180°.

4. Increase the injected current and note the operated value of the stud-
ied step of the function.
5. Decrease the current slowly and note the reset value.
6. If the test has been performed by injection of current in phase L1, re-
peat the test when injecting current into terminals L2 and L3 with po-
larizing voltage connected to terminals L2 respectively L3. (1 of 3
currents for operation)
7. If the test has been performed by injection of current in phases L1 –
L2, repeat the test when injecting current into terminals L2 – L3 and
L3 – L1 with appropriate phase angle of injected currents.
8. Block higher set stages when testing lower set stages according to
9. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
10. Set the injected current to 200% of the operate level of the tested
stage, switch on the current and check the time delay.
For inverse time curves, check the operate time at a current equal to 110%
of the operate current for tmin.

11. Check that all trip and start contacts operate according to the con-
figuration (signal matrixes)

Current protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

12. Reverse the direction of the injected current and check that the pro-
tection does not operate.
13. If 2 of 3 or 3 of 3 currents for operation is chosen: Check that the
function will not operate with current in one phase only.
14. Repeat the above-described tests for the higher set stages.
15. Finally check that start and trip information is stored in the event

Check of the non-directional phase over-current function. This is done in principle as instructed
above, without applying any polarizing voltage.

6.3 Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection (PIOC, 50N)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

To verify the settings the following fault type should be tested:

• One for a phase-to-earth fault

Ensure that the maximum continuous current of the terminal does not exceed four times its rated

6.3.1 Measuring the operate limit of set values

1. Inject a phase current into the IED with an initial value below that of
the setting.
2. Increase the injected current in the Ln or in the neutral (summated
current input) phase until the TRIP signal appears.
3. Switch the fault current off.
Observe the maximum permitted overloading of the current circuits in the

4. Compare the measured operating current with the set value.

6.3.2 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to OFF.

6.4 Four step residual overcurrent protection (PEFM, 51N/67N)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

Current protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

1. Connect the test set for single current injection to the appropriate
IED terminals.
Connect the injection current to terminals L1 and neutral, or to terminals
N and neutral.

2. Set the injected polarizing voltage slightly larger than the set mini-
mum polarizing voltage (default 5 % of Ur) and set the injection cur-
rent to lag the voltage by an angle equal to the set reference
characteristic angle (AngleRCA) if the forward directional function is
If reverse directional function is selected, set the injection current to lag
the polarizing voltage by an angle equal to RCA+ 180°.

3. Increase the injected current and note the value at which the studied
step of the function operates.
4. Decrease the current slowly and note the reset value.
5. If the test has been performed by injection of current in phase L1, re-
peat the test when injecting current into terminals L2 and L3 with a
polarizing voltage connected to terminals L2 respectively L3.
6. Block higher set stages when testing lower set stages according to
the instructions that follow.
7. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
8. Set the injected current to 200 % of the operate level of the tested
stage, switch on the current and check the time delay.
For inverse time curves, check the operate time at a current equal to 110
% of the operate current for tmin.

9. Check that all trip and start contacts operate according to the con-
figuration (signal matrixes)
10. Reverse the direction of the injected current and check that the pro-
tection does not operate.
11. Check that the protection does not operate when the polarizing volt-
age is zero.
12. Repeat the above-described tests for the higher set stages.
13. Finally, check that start and trip information is stored in the event

6.5 Four step residual overcurrent function.

1. In principle this is done as described above but without applying any

polarizing voltage.

Current protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

6.6 Thermal overload protection, one time constant (PTTR, 26)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

Check that the input logical signal BLOCK is logical zero and that on the local HMI, the logical
signal TRIP, START and ALARM are equal to logical 0.

6.6.1 Measuring the operate and time limit of set values

Testing the protection without external temperature compensation (NonComp)

1. Quickly set the measured current (fault current) in one phase to
about 300% of IRef (to minimise the trip time), and switch the current
2. Reset the thermal memory under menu tree:
Reset\Reset temperature\ThermalOverload1TimeConst(PTTR,26)\THLn

3. Switch the fault current on and take note of the temperature:

Test\Current protection\ThermOverLoad1TimeConst(PTTR,26)\THLn\TEMP

4. Check the Alarm time limit AlarmTemp during injection.

Measure the signal ALARM until it appears on the corresponding binary
output or on the local HMI.

5. Compare the measured temperature with the setting.

6. Measure the THL protection trip time.
Use the TRIP signal from the configured binary output to stop the timer.

7. Take the “TEMP” readings.

Compare with the setting of TripTemp.

8. Activate the BLOCK binary input.

The signals ALARM, START and TRIP should disappear.

9. Reset the BLOCK binary input.

10. Check the reset limit (TdReset).
Measure the signal START until it disappears on the corresponding bina-
ry output or on the local HMI, take the “TEMP” readings and compare
with the setting of ReclTemp.

11. Compare the measured trip time with the setting according to the
12. Reset the thermal memory.

Current protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

13. Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test
mode setting to off.

6.7 Breaker failure protection (RBRF, 50BF)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

The breaker-failure protection should normally be tested in conjunction with some other func-
tion that provides a start signal. An external start signal can also be used.

The function(s) has to be set and configured before the testing can start. The BFP function is
highly flexible in that it permits a choice of functional and tripping modes. The various modes
are checked at the factory as part of the design verification. In certain cases only modes with a
high probability of coming into operation need to be checked, in order to verify the configuration
and settings.

Required for testing the function are:

• Calculated settings
• Valid configuration diagram for the IED
• Valid terminal diagram for the IED
• Technical reference manual
• Three-phase test equipment

The Technical reference manual contains application and functionality summaries, function
blocks, logic diagrams, input and output signals, a list of setting parameters and technical data
for the function.

The test equipment should be able to provide a three-phase supply of currents (and for some start
functions also voltage). The magnitude and angle of currents (and voltages) should be possible
to vary.

Make sure the IED is prepared for test before starting the test session. Consider the logic diagram
of the function when performing the test. The response from a test can be viewed in different

• Binary output signals

• Service values in the local HMI (logical signal or phasors)
• A PC with PCM600 (configuration software) in debug mode

To verify the settings in the most common back-up trip mode “1 out of 3” it is sufficient to test
phase-to-earth faults.

At mode “2 out of 4” the Phase current setting, IP> can be checked by single phase injection
where the return current is connected to the summated current input. The value of residual (EF)
current “IN” set lower than IP> is easiest checked in back-up trip mode “1 out of 4”.

Current protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

6.7.1 Checking the phase current operate value, IP>

The check of the IP> current level is best made in FunctionMode=Current and BuTripMode=
“1 out of 3” or “2 out of 4”.

1. Apply the fault condition, including start of BFP, with a current below
set IP>.
2. Repeat the fault condition and increase the current in steps until a
trip occurs.
3. Compare the result with the set IP>.
4. Disconnect AC and start input signals.
Note: If “No I> check” or “Retrip off” is set, only back-up trip can be
used to check set IP>.

6.7.2 Checking the residual (EF) current operate value “IN>” set below “IP>”
The check of low set IN> current level is best made in FunciontMode= Current and BuTrip-
Mode= “1 out of 4”.

1. Apply the fault condition, including start of BFP, with a current just
below set IN>.
2. Repeat the fault condition and increase the current in steps until trip
3. Compare the result with the set IN>.
4. Disconnect AC and start input signals.

6.7.3 Checking the re-trip and back-up times

The check of the set times can be made in connection with the check of operate values above.
Choose the applicable function and trip mode, such as FunctMode= Current and RetripMode =
I> check.

1. Apply the fault condition, including start of BFP, well above the set
current value. Measure time from “Start of BFP”.
2. Check the re-trip t1 and back-up trip times t2 and t3
In applicable cases the back-up trip for multi-phase start “t2MPh” and
back-up trip 2, “t2 + t3” can also be checked. For check of “t2MPh” a
two-phase or three-phase start shall be applied.

3. Disconnect AC and start input signals.

6.7.4 Verifying the re-trip mode

Choose the mode below, which corresponds to the actual case. In the cases below it is assumed
that FunctionMode = Current is selected.

Current protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Checking the case without re-trip, RetripMode = Off

1. Set RetripMode = Off.
2. Apply the fault condition, including start of BFP, well above the set
current value.
3. Verify that no re-trip, but back-up trip is achieved after set time.
4. Disconnect AC and start input signals.

Checking the re-trip with current check, RetripMode = I> check

1. Set RetripMode = I> check.
2. Apply the fault condition, including start BFP, well above the set cur-
rent value.
3. Verify that retrip is achieved after set time t1 and back-up trip after
time t2
4. Apply the fault condition, including start of BFP, with current below
set current value.
5. Verify that no re-trip, and no back-up trip is obtained.
6. Disconnect AC and start input signals.

Checking re-trip without current check, RetripMode= No I> check

1. Set RetripMode = No I> check.
2. Apply the fault condition, including start of BFP, well above the set
current value.
3. Verify that re-trip is achieved after set time t1, and back-up trip after
time t2.
4. Apply the fault condition, including start of BFP, with current below
set current value.
5. Verify that re-trip is achieved after set time t1, but no back-up trip is
6. Disconnect AC and start input signals.

6.7.5 Verifying the back-up trip mode

In the cases below it is assumed that FunctionMode = Current is selected.

Checking that back-up tripping is not achieved at normal CB tripping

Use the actual tripping modes. The case below applies to re-trip with current check.

Current protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

1. Apply the fault condition, including start of BFP, with phase current
well above set value “IP”
2. Arrange switching the current off, with a margin before back-up trip
time, t2. It may be made at issue of re-trip command.
3. Check that re-trip is achieved, if selected, but no back-up trip.
4. Disconnect AC and start input signals.

The normal mode BuTripMode = “1 out of 3” should have been verified in the tests above. In
applicable cases the modes “1 out of 4” and “2 out of 4” can be checked. Choose the mode be-
low, which corresponds to the actual case.

Checking the case BuTripMode = 1 out of 4

It is assumed that EF current setting IN> is below phase current setting IP>

1. Set BuTripMode = 1 out of 4.
2. Apply the fault condition, including start of BFP, with one phase cur-
rent below set IP> but above IN>. The residual (EF) should then be
above set IN>.
3. Verify that back-up trip is achieved after set time. If selected, re-trip
should also appear.
4. Disconnect AC and start input signals.

Checking the case BuTripMode = 2 out of 4

The EF current setting IN> may be equal to or below phase current setting IP>.

1. Set BuTripMode = 2 out of 4
2. Apply the fault condition, including start of BFP, with one phase cur-
rent above set IP> and residual (EF) above set IN It can be obtained
by applying a single phase current.
3. Verify that back-up trip is achieved after set time. If selected, re-trip
should also appear.
4. Apply the fault condition, including start of BFP, with at least one
phase current below set IP> and residual (EF) above set IN>. The cur-
rent may be arranged by feeding three (or two) phase currents with
equal phase angle (I0-component) below IP>, but of such value that
the residual (EF) current (3I0) will be above set value IN>.
5. Verify that back-up trip is not achieved.
6. Disconnect AC and start input signals.

Current protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

6.7.6 Verifying instantaneous back-up trip at “CB faulty” condition

Applies in a case where signal “CB faulty and unable to trip” is connected to input CBFLT.

1. Repeat the check of back-up trip time. Disconnect current and start
input signals.
2. Activate the input CBFLT. The output CBALARM (CB faulty alarm)
should appear after set time tCBAlarm. Keep the input activated.
3. Apply the fault condition, including start of BFP, with current above
set current value.
4. Verify that back-up trip is obtained without intentional delay, e.g.
within 20 ms from application of start.
5. Disconnect injected AC and input signals.

6.7.7 Verifying the case FunctionMode = Contact

It is assumed that re-trip without current check is selected, RetripMode = No I> check.

1. Set FunctionMode = Contact
2. Apply input signal for CB closed to relevant input or inputs CBCLDL*
3. Apply input signal, or signals for start of BFP. The value of current
could be low.
4. Verify that re-trip and back-up trip are achieved after set times.
5. Disconnect the start signal(s). Keep the CB closed signal(s).
6. Apply input signal(s), for start of BFP. The value of current could be
7. Arrange disconnection of CB closed signal(s) well before set
back-up trip time t2.
8. Verify that back-up trip is not achieved.
9. Disconnect injected AC and start input signals.

6.7.8 Verifying the function mode “Curr&Cont Check”

To be made only when FunctionMode = Curr and Cont is selected. It is suggested to make the
tests in one phase only, or at three-phase trip applications for just three-phase tripping.

Checking the case with fault current above set value IP>
The operation shall be as in FunctionMode = Current.

1. Set FunctionMode = Curr&Cont Check
2. Leave the inputs for CB close inactivated. These signals should not

Current protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

3. Apply the fault condition, including start of BFP, with current above
the set IP> value.
4. Check that the re-trip, if selected, and back-up trip commands are
5. Disconnect injected AC and start input signals.

Checking the case with fault current below set value I>BlkCont
The case shall simulate a case where the fault current is very low and operation will depend on
CB position signal from CB auxiliary contact. It is suggested that re-trip without current check
is used; setting Retrip = No I> check.

1. Set FunctionMode = Curr&Cont Check
2. Apply input signal for CB closed to relevant input or inputs CBCLDL*
3. Apply the fault condition with input signal(s) for start of BFP. The val-
ue of current should be below the set value I>BlkCont
4. Verify that re-trip (if selected) and back-up trip are achieved after set
times. Failure to trip is simulated by keeping the signal(s) CB closed
5. Disconnect the AC and the start signal(s). Keep the CB closed sig-
6. Apply the fault and the start again. The value of current should be be-
low the set value I>BlkCont.
7. Arrange disconnection of BC closed signal(s) well before set
back-up trip time t2. It simulates a correct CB tripping.
8. Verify that back-up trip is not achieved. Re-trip can appear, e.g. due
to selection “Re-trip without current check”.
9. Disconnect injected AC and start input signals.

6.7.9 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the settings for the function and
IED to their original state.

6.8 Stub protection (PTOC, 50STB)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

Current protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

6.8.1 Measuring the operate limit of set values

1. Check that the input logical signals BLOCK and RELEASE are logi-
cal zero and note on the local HMI that the TRIP logical signal is
equal to the logical 0.
Logical signals for STUB protection are available under menu tree:

Measurements\Current protection\Stub\STB

2. Activate the RELEASE binary input.

STUB protection settings are available under menu tree:

Settings\Setting group N\Current protection\Stub\STB

3. Quickly set the measured current (fault current) in one phase to

about 110% of the set operating current, and switch the current off
with the switch.
Observe the maximum permitted overloading of the current circuits in the

4. Switch the fault current on and measure the operating time of the
STUB protection.
Use the TRIP signal from the configured binary output to stop the timer.
The operation should be instantaneously.

5. Activate the BLOCK binary input.

6. Switch on the fault current (110% of the setting).
No TRIP signal should appear.

7. Switch off the fault current.

8. Quickly set the measured current (fault current) in same phase to
about 90% of the set operating current, and switch the current off
with the switch.
9. Switch the fault current on.
No TRIP signal should appear.

10. Switch the fault current off.

11. Reset the RELEASE binary input.
12. Switch the fault current on.
No TRIP signal should appear.

13. Switch the fault current off.

Current protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

14. Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test
mode setting to off.

6.9 Pole discordance protection (RPLD, 52PD)

Prepare the terminal for verification of settings as outlined in section 2 "Preparing for test" in
this chapter.

1. External detection logic, Contact function selection=ContSel setting
equals PD signal from CB. Activate the EXTPDIND binary input, and
measure the operating time of the PD protection.
Use the TRIP signal from the configured binary output stop the timer.

2. Compare the measured time with the set value TimeDelayTrip.

3. Reset the EXTPDIND binary input.
4. Activate the BLKDBYAR binary input.
This test should be performed together with AR.

5. Activate the EXTPDIND binary input.

No TRIP signal should appear.

6. Reset both BLKDBYAR and EXTPDIND binary inputs.

7. Activate the BLOCK binary input.
8. Activate EXTPDIND binary input.
NO TRIP signal should appear.

9. Reset both BLOCK and EXTPDIND binary inputs.

10. If Internal detection logic Contact function selection=ContSel setting
equals Pole position from auxiliary contacts. Then set inputs
POLE1OPN...POLE3CL in a status that activates the pole discor-
dance logic and repeats steps 2-9 above.
11. Unsymmetry current detection with CB monitoring: Set measured
current in one phase to 110% of Current Release level. Activate
CLOSECMD and measure the operating time of the PD protection.
Use the TRIP signal from the configured binary out put stop the timer.

12. Deactivate the CLOSECMD.: Set measured current in one phase to

90% of Current Release level. Activate CLOSECMD.
NO TRIP signal should appear.

Current protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

13. Repeat point 11 and 12 using OPENCMD instead of CLOSECMD. Un-

symmetry current detection with CB monitoring: Set all three cur-
rents to 110% of Current Release level. Activate CLOSECMD.
NO TRIP signal should appear due to symmetrical condition.

14. Deactivate the CLOSECMD. Decrease one current with 120% of the
Current Unsymmetry level compared to the other two phases. Acti-
vate CLOSECMD and measure the operating time of the PD protec-
Use the TRIP signal from the configured binary out put stop the timer.

15. Deactivate the CLOSECMD. Decrease one current with 80% of the
Current Unsymmetry level compared to the other two phases. Acti-
NO TRIP signal should appear.

16. Continue to test another function or complete the test by setting the
test mode to off.

Voltage protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

7 Voltage protection

7.1 Two step undervoltage protection (PUVM, 27)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

7.1.1 Verifying the settings

Verification of Start-value and time delay to operate for Step1

1. Make sure that the IED settings are appropriate, especially the
Start-value, the definite time delay and the 1 out of 3 operation
2. Supply the terminal with three-phase voltages at their rated values.
3. Slowly decrease the voltage in one of the phases, until the START
signal appears.
4. Note the operate value and compare it with the set value.
5. Increase the measured voltage to rated load conditions.
6. Make sure that the START signal resets.
7. Instantaneously decrease the voltage in one-phase to a value about
20% lower than the measured operate value.
8. Measure the time delay for the TRIP signal, and compare it with the
set value.

Extended testing

1. The test above can now be repeated for Step2.
2. The tests above can be repeated for 2 out of 3 and for 3 out of 3 op-
eration mode.
3. The tests above can be repeated to check security, i.e. the start and
operate signals, that are not supposed to appear, - do not.
4. The tests above can be repeated to check the time to reset.
5. The tests above can be repeated to test the inverse time characteris-

7.1.2 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to off. Restore
connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed for test purposes.

Voltage protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

7.2 Two step overvoltage protection (POVM, 59)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

7.2.1 Verifying the settings

1. Apply single phase voltage below the set value U1>.
2. Slowly increase the voltage until the ST1 signal appears.
3. Note the operate value and compare it with the set value.
4. Switch the applied voltage off.
5. Set and apply about 20% higher voltage than the measured operate
value for one phase.
6. Measure the time delay for the TR1 signal and compare it with the set
7. Repeat the test for step 2.

7.2.2 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to off. Restore
connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.

7.3 Two step residual overvoltage protection (POVM, 59N)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

7.3.1 Verifying the settings

1. Apply the single phase voltage either to a single phase voltage input
or to a residual voltage input with the start value below the set value
2. Slowly increase the value until ST1 appears
3. Note the operate value and compare it with the set value.
4. Switch the applied voltage off.
5. Set and apply about 20% higher voltage than the measured operate
value for one phase.
6. Measure the time delay for the TR1 signal and compare it with the set
7. Repeat the test for step 2.

Voltage protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

7.3.2 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to off. Restore
connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.

Frequency protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

8 Frequency protection

8.1 Underfrequency protection (PTUF, 81)

Prepare the terminal for verification of settings as outlined in section 2 "Preparing for test" in
this chapter.

8.1.1 Verifying the settings

Verification of Start-value and time delay to operate

1. Make sure that the IED settings are appropriate, especially the
Start-value and the definite time delay.
2. Supply the terminal with three-phase voltages at their rated values.
3. Slowly decrease the frequency of the applied voltage, until the
START signal appears.
4. Note the operate value and compare it with the set value.
5. Increase the frequency until rated operating levels are reached.
6. Make sure that the START signal resets.
7. Instantaneously decrease the frequency of the applied voltage to a
value about 20% lower than the operate value.
8. Measure the time delay of the TRIP signal, and compare it with the
set value.

Extended testing

1. The test above can be repeated to check the time to reset.
2. The tests above can be repeated to test the voltage dependent in-
verse time characteristic.

Verification of the low voltage magnitude blocking

1. Make sure that the IED settings are appropriate, especially the Start-
Frequency, IntBlkStVal, and the tTrip.
2. Supply the terminal with three-phase voltages at rated values.
3. Slowly decrease the magnitude of the applied voltage, until the
BLKDMAGN signal appears.
4. Note the voltage magnitude value and compare it with the set value,

Frequency protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

5. Slowly decrease the frequency of the applied voltage, to a value be-

low StartFrequency.
6. Make sure that the START signal not appears.
7. Wait for a time corresponding to tTrip, and make sure that the TRIP
signal not appears.

8.1.2 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test session by changing the test mode setting to off.
Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed for test purposes.

8.2 Overfrequency protection (PTOF, 81)

Prepare the terminal for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

8.2.1 Verifying the settings

Verification of Start-value and time delay to operate

1. Make sure that you have appropriate settings in the terminal, espe-
cially the Start-value and the definite time delay.
2. Supply the terminal with three-phase voltages at their rated values.
3. Slowly increase the frequency of the applied voltage, until the
START signal appears.
4. Note the operate value and compare it with the set value.
5. Decrease the frequency to rated operating conditions.
6. Make sure that the START signal resets.
7. Instantaneously increase the frequency of the applied voltage to a
value about 20% higher than the operate value.
8. Measure the time delay for the TRIP signal, and compare it with the
set value.

Extended testing

1. The test above can be repeated to check the time to reset.

Verification of the low voltage magnitude blocking

1. Make sure that you have appropriate settings in the terminal, espe-
cially the StartFrequency, IntBlkStVal, and the tTrip.
2. Supply the terminal with three-phase voltages at their rated values.

Frequency protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

3. Slowly decrease the magnitude of the applied voltage, until the

BLKDMAGN signal appears.
4. Note the voltage magnitude value and compare it with the set value,
5. Slowly increase the frequency of the applied voltage, to a value
above StartFrequency.
6. Make sure that the START signal not appears.
7. Wait for a time corresponding to tTrip, and make sure that the TRIP
signal does not appears.

8.2.2 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to off. Restore
connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.

8.3 Rate-of-change frequency protection (PFRC, 81)

Prepare the terminal for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

8.3.1 Verifying the settings

Verification of Start-value and time delay to operate

1. Make sure that you have appropriate settings in the terminal, espe-
cially the Start-value and the definite time delay. Set StartFreqGrad,
to a rather small negative value.
2. Supply the terminal with three-phase voltages at their rated values.
3. Slowly decrease the frequency of the applied voltage, with an in-
creasing rate-of-change that finally exceeds the setting of Start-
FreqGrad, and check that the START signal appears.
4. Note the operate value and compare it with the set value.
5. Increase the frequency to rated operating conditions, and zero
6. Make sure that the START signal resets.
7. Instantaneously decrease the frequency of the applied voltage to a
value about 20% lower than the nominal value.
8. Measure the time delay for the TRIP signal, and compare it with the
set value.

Frequency protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Extended testing

1. The test above can be repeated to check a positive setting of Start-
2. The tests above can be repeated to check the time to reset.
3. The tests above can be repeated to test the RESTORE signal, when
the frequency recovers from a low value.

8.3.2 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to off. Restore
connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.

Multipurpose protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

9 Multipurpose protection

9.1 General current and voltage protection (GAPC)

One of the new facilities within the GF function is that the value which is processed and used
for evaluation in the function can be chosen in many different ways by the setting parameters
CurrentInput and VoltageInput.

These setting parameters decide what kind of preprocessing the connected three-phase CT and
VT inputs shall be subjected to. That is e.g. single-phase quantities, phase-to-phase quantities,
positive sequence quantities, negative sequence quantities, maximum quantity from the 3-phase
group, minimum quantity from the 3-phase group, difference between maximum and minimum
quantities (unbalance) can be derived and then used in the function.

Due to the versatile possibilities of the GF itself but also the possibilities of logic combinations
in the CAP-configuration of outputs from more then one GF function block it is hardly possible
to define a fully covering general commissioning test.

9.1.1 Built-in overcurrent feature (non-directional)

1. Go to the Test/Function Test Mode/Multipurpose protection menu
and make sure that the GF to be tested is unblocked and other func-
tions that might disturb the evaluation of the test are blocked.
2. Connect the test set for injection of 3-phase currents to the appropri-
ate current terminals of IED670.
3. Inject current(s) in a way that relevant measured current (according
to setting parameter CurrentInput) is created from the test set. In-
crease the current(s) until the low set stage operates and check
against the set operate value.
4. Decrease the current slowly and check the reset value.
5. Block high set stage if the injection current will activate the high set
stage when testing the low set stage according to below.
6. Connect a trip output contact to the timer.
7. Set the current to 200% of the operate value of low set stage, switch
on the current and check the time delay.
For inverse time curves, check the operate time at a current equal to 110%
of the operate current at tMin.

8. Check that trip and start contacts operate according to the configu-
ration logic.
9. Release the blocking of the high set stage and check the operate and
reset value and the time delay for the high set stage in the same way
as for the low set stage.

Multipurpose protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

10. Finally check that start and trip information is stored in the Event
Information on how to use the event menu is found in the IED670 oper-
ators manual.

9.1.2 Overcurrent feature with current restraint

The current restraining value has also to be measured or calculated and the influence on the op-
eration has to be calculated when the testing of the operate value is done.

1. Operate value measurement
The current restraining value has also to be measured or calculated and
the influence on the operation has to be calculated when the testing of the
operate value is done.

9.1.3 Overcurrent feature with voltage restraint

1. Connect the test set for injection of 3-phase currents and 3-phase
voltages to the appropriate current and voltage terminals of IED670.
2. Inject current(s) and voltage(s) in a way that relevant measured (ac-
cording to setting parameter CurrentInput and VoltageInput) cur-
rents and voltages are created from the test set.
Overall check in principal as above (non-directional overcurrent feature)

3. Operate value measurement

The relevant voltage restraining value (according to setting parameter
VoltageInput) has also to be injected from the test set and the influence
on the operate value has to be calculated when the testing the operate val-
ue is done.

4. Operate time measurement

Definite times may be tested as above (non-directional overcurrent fea-
ture). For inverse time characteristics the start value (to which the over-
current ratio has to be calculated) is the actual pickup value as got with
actual restraining from the voltage restraining quantity.

9.1.4 Overcurrent feature with directionality

Please note that the directional characteristic can be set in two different ways either just depen-
dent on the angle between current and polarizing voltage (setting parameter DirPrinc_OC1 or
Dirprinc_OC2 set to or in a way that the operate value also is dependent on the angle between
current and polarizing voltage according to the I x cos(Φ) law (setting parameter DirPrincOC1
or DirPrincOC2 set to I x cos(Φ). This has to be known if a more detailed measurement of the
directional characteristic is made, than the one described below.

Multipurpose protection Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

1. Connect the test set for injection of 3-phase currents and 3-phase
voltages to the appropriate current and voltage terminals of IED670.
2. Inject current(s) and voltage(s) in a way that relevant measured (ac-
cording to setting parameter CurrentInput and VoltageInput) cur-
rents and voltages are created from the test set.
3. Set the relevant measuring quantity current to lag or lead (lag for
negative rca angle and lead for positive rca angle) the relevant polar-
izing quantity voltage by an angle equal to the set relay characteris-
tic angle (rca-dir) when forward directional feature is selected and
the CTstarpoint configuration parameter is set to ToObject.
If reverse directional feature is selected or CTstarpoint configuration pa-
rameter is set to FromObject the angle between current and polarizing
voltage shall be set equal to rca-dir+180°.

4. Overall check in principal as above (non-directional overcurrent fea-

5. Reverse the direction of the injection current and check that the pro-
tection does not operate.
6. Check with low polarization voltage that the feature becomes non-di-
rectional, blocked or with memory according to the setting.

9.1.5 Over/Undervoltage feature

1. Connect the test set for injection 3-phase voltages to the appropriate
voltage terminals of IED670.
2. Inject voltage(s) in a way that relevant measured (according to set-
ting parameter VoltageInput) voltages are created from the test set.
3. Overall check in principal as above (non-directional overcurrent fea-
ture) and correspondingly for the undervoltage feature.

Secondary system supervision Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

10 Secondary system supervision

10.1 Current circuit supervision (RDIF)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

The current circuit supervision function is conveniently tested with the same 3-phase test set as
used when testing the measuring functions in the REx670.

The condition for this procedure is that the setting of IMinOp is lower than the setting of

1. Check the input circuits and the operate value of the IMinOp current
level detector by injecting current, one phase at a time
2. Check the phase current blocking function for all three phases by in-
jection current, one phase at a time. The output signals shall reset
with a delay of 1 second when the current exceeds 1.5*IBase
3. Inject a current 0.9*IBase to phase L1 and a current 0.15*IBase to the
reference current input I5
4. Decrease slowly the current to the reference current input and check
that blocking is obtained when the current is about 0.1*IBase
5. Continue to test another function or complete the test by setting the
test mode off

10.2 Fuse failure supervision (RFUF)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

The verification is divided in two main parts. The first part is common to all fuse failure super-
vision options, and checks that binary inputs and outputs operate as expected according to actual
configuration. In the second part the relevant set operate values are measured.

The corresponding binary signals that inform the operator about the operation of the FUSE func-
tion are available on the local HMI under the menu:

Test\Function status\Secondary System Supervision\FuseFailure(RFUF)\FSO

10.2.1 Checking that the binary inputs and outputs operate as expected

1. Simulate normal operating conditions with the three-phase currents
in phase with their corresponding phase voltages and with all of
them equal to their rated values.

Secondary system supervision Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

2. Connect the nominal dc voltage to the DISCPOS binary input.

• The signal BLKU should appear with almost no time delay.
• No signals BLKZ and 3PH should appear on the IED.
• Only the distance protection function operates.
• No other undervoltage-dependent functions must operate.

3. Disconnect the dc voltage from the DISCPOS binary input terminal.

4. Connect the nominal dc voltage to the MCBOP binary input.
• The BLKU and BLKZ signals should appear without any time delay.
• No undervoltage-dependent functions must operate.

5. Disconnect the dc voltage from the MCBOP binary input terminal.

6. Disconnect one of the phase voltages and observe the logical output
signals on the terminal binary outputs.
BLKU and BLKZ signals should simultaneously appear.

7. After more than 5 seconds disconnect the remaining two phase volt-
ages and all three currents.
• There should be no change in the high status of the output signals
• The signal 3PH will appear.

8. Establish normal voltage and current operating conditions simulta-

neously and observe the corresponding output signals.
They should change to logical 0 as follows:

• Signal 3PH after about 25 ms

• Signal BLKU after about 50 ms
• Signal BLKZ after about 200 ms

10.2.2 Measuring the operate value for the negative sequence function
Measure the operate value for the negative sequence function, if included in the IED.

1. Simulate normal operating conditions with the three-phase currents
in phase with their corresponding phase voltages and with all of
them equal to their rated values.
2. Slowly decrease the measured voltage in one phase until the BLKU
signal appears.
3. Record the measured voltage and calculate the corresponding neg-
ative-sequence voltage according to the equation.
Observe that the voltages in the equation are phasors:

Secondary system supervision Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

3 ⋅ U 2 = UL 1 + a ⋅ U L 2 + a ⋅ U L3
(Equation 1)


U L1 U L2 and UL3 = the measured phase voltages

j -----------
3 3
a = 1⋅e = – 0, 5 + j -------

4. Compare the result with the set value (consider that the set value
3U2> is in percentage of the base voltage U1b) of the negative-se-
quence operating voltage.

10.2.3 Measuring the operate value for the zero sequence function
Measure the operate value for the zero sequence function, if included in the IED.

1. Simulate normal operating conditions with the three-phase currents
in phase with their corresponding phase voltages and with all of
them equal to their rated values.
2. Slowly decrease the measured voltage in one phase until the BLKU
signal appears.
3. Record the measured voltage and calculate the corresponding ze-
ro-sequence voltage according to the equation.
Observe that the voltages in the equation are phasors.

3 ⋅ U0 = U L1 + UL2 + U L3
(Equation 2)


UL 1 , U L2 and U L 3 = the measured phase voltages.

4. Compare the result with the set value (consider that the set value
3U0> is in percentage of the base voltage U1b) of the zero-sequence
operating voltage.

Secondary system supervision Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

10.2.4 Checking the operation of the du/dt and di/dt based function
Check the operation of the du/dt and di/dt based function, if included in the IED.

1. Simulate normal operating conditions with the three-phase currents
in phase with their corresponding phase voltages and with all of
them equal to their rated values.
2. Connect the nominal dc voltage to the CBCLOSED binary input.
3. Change the voltages and currents in all three phases simultaneous-
The voltage change should be greater then set DU> and the current
change should be less than the set DI<.

• The BLKU and BLKZ signals appear without any time delay. The
BLKZ signal will be activated , only if the internal deadline detection
is not activated at the same time.
• 3PH should appear after 5 seconds, if the remaining voltage levels
are lower than the set UDLD< of the DLD function.

4. Apply normal conditions as in step 1.

The BLKU, BLKZ and 3PH signals should reset, if activated, see step 3.

5. Change the voltages and currents in all three phases simultaneous-

The voltage change should be greater then set DU> and the current
change should be greater then the set DI<.

The BLKU, BLKZ and 3PH signals should not appear.

6. Disconnect the dc voltage to the CBCLOSED binary input.

7. Apply normal conditions as in step 1.
8. Repeat step 3.
9. Connect the nominal voltages in all three phases and feed a current
below the operate level in all three phases.
10. Keep the current constant. Disconnect the voltage in all three phas-
es simultaneously.
The BLKU, BLKZ and 3PH signals should not appear.

10.2.5 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or complete the test by setting the test mode to off.

Control Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

11 Control

11.1 Synchrocheck and energizing check (RSYN, 25)

This section contains instructions on how to test the synchronism and energizing check for sin-
gle and double CB with or without the synchronizing function and for 11/2 breaker arrange-

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

At commissioning and periodical checks, the functions shall be tested with the used settings. To
test a specific function, it might be necessary to change some setting parameters, for example:

• AutoEnerg = On/Off/DLLB/DBLL/Both
• ManEnerg = Off
• Operation = Off, On
• Activation of the voltage selection function if applicable

The tests explained in the test procedures below describe the settings, which can be used as ref-
erences during testing before the final settings are specified. After testing, restore the equipment
to the normal or desired settings.

A secondary injection test set with the possibility to alter the phase angle by regulation of the
resistive and reactive components is needed. The test set must also be able to generate different
frequencies on different outputs.

The description below applies for a system with a nominal frequency of 50 Hz but can be directly
transferred to 60 Hz. The synchrocheck function can be set to use different phases, phase to
earth or phase to phase. Use the set voltages instead of what is indicated below.

Figure 32 shows the general test connection principle, which can be used during testing. This
description describes the test of the version intended for one bay.

Figure 33 shows the general test connection for a 11/2 CB diameter with one-phase voltage con-
nected to the line side.

Control Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

U-Bus U-Bus

N UMeasure
U-Line Ph/Ph
UL1 Input Phase
UL2 L1,L2,L3
UL3 L12,L23,L31


Figure 32: General test connection with three-phase voltage connected to the line side

Control Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Test U-Bus1
equipment U3PBB1



U3PLN1 UMeasure



Figure 33: General test connection for a 11/2 CB diameter with one-phase voltage connected
to the line side

11.1.1 Testing the synchronizing function

This section is applicable only if the synchronizing function is included.

The voltage inputs used are:

UP3LN1 UL1, UL2 or UL3 voltage inputs on the IED

UP3BB1 Bus1 voltage input on the IED.
UP3BB2 Bus2 voltage input on the IED
UP3LN2 UL1, UL2 or UL3 voltage from line 2 inputs on the IED

The settings in table 20 shows typical values. The final settings should be used during testing.

Control Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Table 20: Test settings for synchronizing

Parameter Setting
Operation Off
UBase System voltage level
SelPhaseBus1 UL2
SelPhaseBus2 UL2
SelPhaseLine1 UL2
SelPhaseLine2 UL2
PhaseShift 0 degrees
URatio 1.00
CBConfig SingleBus
AutoEnerg Off
ManEnerg Off
ManEnergDBDL Off
UHighBusEnerg 80% UBase
UHighineEnerg 80% UBase
ULowBusEnerg 30% UBase
ULowLineEnerg 30% UBase
UMaxEnerg 125% UBase
OperationSynch On
UHighBusSynch 70% UBase
UHighLineSynch 70% UBase
UDiffSynch 15% UBase
FreqDiffMin 0.01 Hz
FreqDiffMax 0.22 Hz
tMaxSynch 600 sec
OperationSC On
PhaseDiffM 35 degrees
PhaseDiffA 35 degrees
FreqDiffM 0.01 Hz
FreqDiffA 0.01 Hz
UDiff 15% UBase
tAutoEnerg 0.1 s
tManEnerg 0.1 s
ShortPulse Off
tClosePulse 0.20 s

Control Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Parameter Setting
tBreaker 0.08 s
VTConnection Line
tSyncM 0s
tSyncA 0s
FreqDiffBlock Off

Testing the frequency difference

The frequency difference is in the example set at 0.20 Hz on the local HMI, and the test should
verify that operation is achieved when the FreqDiffSynch frequency difference is lower than
0.20 Hz. The test procedure below will depend on the settings used.

1. Apply voltages U-line = 100% UBase, f-line=50.0 Hz and U-Bus =
100% UBase, f-bus = 50.2 Hz.
2. Check that a closing pulse is submitted and at closing angle less
than 2 degrees from phase equality. Modern test sets will evaluate
this automatically.
3. Repeat with U-Bus = 80% UBase, f-bus=50.25 Hz to verify that the
function does not operate when freqency difference is above limit.
4. Repeat with different frequency differences e.g. 100 mH with f-bus
nominal and line leading and for example 20 mHz (or just above
fSynMin) to verify that independent of frequency difference the clos-
ing pulse occurs within 2 degrees.
5. Verify that the closing command is not issued when the frequency
difference is less than the set value fSynMin.

11.1.2 Testing the synchronism check

During test of the synchronism check function for a single bay arrangement, these voltage inputs
are used:

U-line UL1, UL2 or UL3 voltage input on the IED.

U-bus U5 voltage input on the IED

Voltage inputs
At test of the synchrocheck function for a 11/2 CB diameter the following alternative voltage in-
puts can be used for the three synchrocheck functions. The voltage is selected by activation of
different inputs in the voltage selection logic:

Control Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

SYN1 U-line UL1 Activate SYN1_FD1CLD

UL2 Activate SYN1_CB2CLD
U4 Activate SYN1_CB2CLD and CB3CLD
U-bus U5 No activation of inputs necessary
SYN2 U-line UL2 Activate SYN2_FD2CLD
U4 Activate SYN2_CB3CLD
U-bus UL1 Activate SYN2_FD1CLD
U5 Activate SYN2_CB1CLD
SYN3 U-line UL1 Activate SYN3_CB2CLD
UL2 Activate SYN3_FD2CLD
U5 Activate SYN3_CB1CLD and CB2CLD
U-bus U4 No activation of inputs necessary

Testing the voltage difference

Set the voltage difference at 15% UBase on the HMI, and the test should check that operation is
achieved when the voltage difference UDiff is lower than 15% UBase.

The settings used in the test shall be final settings. The test shall be adapted to site setting values
instead of values in the example below.

Test with no voltage difference between the inputs.

1. Apply voltages U-line (e.g.) = 80% UBase and U-Bus = 80% UBase.
2. Check that the AUTOENOK and MANENOK outputs are activated.
3. The test can be repeated with different voltage values to verify that
the function operates within the set UDiff values. Check with both U1
and U2 respectively lower than the other.

Test with a voltage difference higher than the set UDiffSC

1. Increase the U-bus to 110% UBase, and the U-line = 90% UBase and
also the opposite condition.
2. Check that the two outputs for manual and auto synchronism are not

Testing the phase angle difference

The phase angle differences PhaseDiffM and PhaseDiffA respectively are set to their final set-
tings and the test should verify that operation is achieved when the phase angle difference is low-
er than this value both leading and lagging.

Test with no voltage difference

1. Apply voltages U-line (e.g.) = 100% UBase and U-bus = 100% UBase,
with a phase difference equal to 0 degrees and a frequency differ-
ence lower than fSynchMax.

Control Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

2. Check that the AUTOOK and MANOK outputs are activated.

The test can be repeated with other PhaseDiff values to verify that the
function operates for values lower than the set ones. By changing the
phase angle on U1 connected to U-bus, between ± dϕ degrees. The user
can check that the two outputs are activated for a PhaseDiff lower than
the set value. It should not operate for other values. See figure 34.


No operation
U-Line operation



Figure 34: Test of phase difference.

3. Change the phase angle between +dϕ and —dϕ and verify that the
two outputs are activated for phase differences between these val-
ues but not for phase differences outside, see figure 34.

Testing the frequency difference

The frequency difference test should verify that operation is achieved when the FreqDiff fre-
quency difference is lower than the set value for manual and auto synchronism check respective-
ly and that operation is blocked when the frequency difference is bigger.

Test with FreqDiff = 0 mHz

1. Apply voltages U-Line equal to 100% UBase and U-Bus equal to
100% UBase, with a frequency difference equal to 0 mHz and a phase
difference lower than the set value.
2. Check that the AUTOSYOK and MANSYOK outputs are activated.

Test with a frequency difference outside the set limits for manual and auto
synchrocheck respectively.
1. Apply voltage to the U-line equal to 100% UBase with a frequency
equal to 50 Hz and voltage U-bus equal to 100% UBase, with a fre-
quency outside the set limit.

Control Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

2. Check that the two outputs are not activated.

The test can be repeated with different frequency values to verify that the
function operates for values lower than the set ones. If a modern test set
is used, the frequency can be changed continuously.

Testing the reference voltage

1. Use the same basic test connection as in figure 32.
The UDiff between the voltage connected to U-bus and U-line should be
0%, so that the AUTOOK and MANOK outputs are activated first.

2. Change the U-Line voltage connection to U-Line2 without changing

the setting on the local HMI.
3. Check that the two outputs are not activated.
4. The test can also be repeated by moving the U-line voltage to the
U3PLN input.

11.1.3 Testing the energizing check

During test of the energizing check function for a single bay arrangement, these voltage inputs
are used:

U-line UL1, UL2 or UL3 voltage input on the terminal.

U-bus U5 voltage input on the terminal

At test of the energizing check function for the applicable bus, arrangement shall be done for the
energizing check functions. The voltage is selected by activation of different inputs in the volt-
age selection logic.

The test shall be performed according to the settings for the station. Test the alternatives below
that are applicable.

Testing the dead line live bus (DLLB)

The test should verify that the energizing check function operates for a low voltage on the
U-Line and for a high voltage on the U-bus. This corresponds to the energizing of a dead line to
a live bus.

1. Apply a single-phase voltage 100% UBase to the U-bus, and a sin-
gle-phase voltage 30% UBase to the U-line.
2. Check that the AUTOENOK and MANENOK outputs are activated.

Control Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

3. Increase the U-Line to 60% UBase and U-Bus to be equal to

100% UBase. The outputs should not be activated.
The test can be repeated with different values on the U-Bus and the

Testing the dead bus live line (DBLL)

The test should verify that the energizing check function operates for a low voltage on the U-bus
and for a high one the U-line. This corresponds to an energizing of a dead bus from a live line.

1. Verify the local HMI settings AutoEnerg or ManEnerg to be DBLL.
2. Apply a single-phase voltage of 30% UBase to the U-bus and a sin-
gle-phase voltage of 100% UBase to the U-line.
3. Check that the AUTOENOK and MANENOK outputs are activated.
4. Decrease the U-line to 60% UBase and keep the U-bus equal to 30%
The outputs should not be activated.

5. The test can be repeated with different values on the U-bus and the

Testing both directions (DLLB or DBLL)

1. Verify the local HMI settings AutoEnerg or ManEnerg to be Both.
2. Apply a single-phase voltage of 30% UBase to the U-line and a sin-
gle-phase voltage of 100% UBase to the U-bus.
3. Check that the AUTOENOK and MANENOK outputs are activated.
4. Change the connection so that the U-line is equal to100% UBase and
the U-bus is equal to 30% UBase.
The outputs should still be activated.

5. The test can be repeated with different values on the U-bus and the

Testing the dead bus dead line (DBDL)

The test should verify that the energizing check function operates for a low voltage on both the
U-bus and the U-line, i.e closing of the breaker in a non-energized system. Test is valid only
when this function is used.

1. Verify the local HMI setting AutoEnerg to Off and ManEnerg to DBLL.
2. Set the parameter ManDBDL to On.

Control Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

3. Apply a single-phase voltage of 30% UBase to the U-bus and a sin-

gle-phase voltage of 30% UBase to the U-line.
4. Check that the MANENOK output is activated.
5. Increase the U-bus to 80% UBase and keep the U-line equal to 30%
The outputs should not be activated.

6. Repeat the test with ManEnerg set to DLLB with different values on
the U-bus and the U-line voltage.

11.1.4 Testing the voltage selection

Testing the voltage selection for single CB arrangements

This test should verify that the correct voltage is selected for the measurement in the energizing
check function used in a double-bus arrangement. Apply a single-phase voltage of 30% UBase
to the U-line and a single-phase voltage of 100% UBase to the U-bus.

If the UB1/2OK inputs for the fuse failure are used, they must be activated, during tests below.
Also verify that deactivation prevents operation and gives an alarm.

1. Connect the signals below to binary inputs and binary outputs.
2. Connect the voltage inputs to the analog inputs used for each bus or
line depending of the type of busbar arrangement and verify that cor-
rect output signals are generated.

Testing the voltage selection for double breaker or 11/2 circuit breaker diameter
when applicable
This test should verify that correct voltage is selected for the measurement in the energizing
function used for a diameter in a one and a half breaker arrangement. Apply single-phase volt-
ages to the inputs according to the table 20. “H” means a voltage of 100% UBase and “L” means
a voltage of 30% UBase. Verify that correct output signals are generated.

1. Connect the analog signals to the voltage inputs, in pair of two for
U1 and U2. (Inputs U3P - BB1, BB2, LN1, LN2)
2. Activate the binary signals according to the used alternative. Verify
the measuring voltage on the synchrocheck function. Normally it
can be good to verify synchronism check with the same voltages
and phase angles on both voltages. The voltages should be verified
to be available when selected and not available when another input
is activated so connect only one voltage transformer reference at
each time.
3. Record your voltage selection tests in a matrix table showing read
values and AUTOSYOK/MANSYOK signals to document the test per-

Control Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

11.1.5 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or complete the test by setting the test mode to off.

11.2 Autorecloser (RREC, 79)

Verification of the automatic reclosing function can be considered to consist of two parts; one
part to verify the internal logic and timing of the function and one part to verify its interaction
with the protection system. This section deals with verification of the auto-reclosing function it-
self. However it is practical to start the auto-reclosing function by activating a protection func-
tion, e.g. by secondary injection tests.

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in the section 1 "Overview" and section
2 "Preparing for test" in this chapter.

The purpose of verification before commissioning is to check that entered selections, setting pa-
rameters and configuration render the intended result. The function is flexible with many options
and facilities. At commissioning only the selections and settings intended for use are verified. If
one chooses to reduce some time settings in order to speed up verification, be careful to set the
parameters at intended operational values at the end of the verification procedure. One such pa-
rameter is the reclaim time and could result in a long delay of reclosing shots, e.g. shot 2 and
later ones.

The verification test is performed together with protection and trip functions. Figure 35 illus-
trates a suggested testing arrangement, where the circuit-breaker (CB) is simulated by an exter-
nal bi-stable relay (BR), for example a relay type RXMVB2 or RXMD. The following manual
switches are used:

• Switch or push-button to close (SC)

• Switch or push-button to trip (ST)
• Switch for CB ready condition (SRY)

If no bi-stable relay is available, replace it with two self-reset auxiliary relays and use a
self-holding connection.

Use a secondary injection relay test set to operate the protection function! The test set shall be
switched off when a trip signal is given or when the BR comes to open position to simulate real

The CB simulation can be made more elaborate, including simulation of the operating gear con-
dition, CBREADY of either the type ready for a Close-Open (CO) cycle, or the type ready for
an Open-Close -Open (OCO) cycle.

The CB condition CBREADY of a type, CO, shall be high (true) until a closing operation is per-
formed. It then goes low (false) for a recharging time of about 5 - 10 s. After that it is high again.

A CB condition CBREADY of a type, OCO shall be high (true) before and during tripping (Start
reclosing). During tripping it goes low for a recharging time, e.g. 10 s. It may thus be low at the
instant of reclosing. After each Open or Close operation it may need a recharging period before
it goes high again.

In the example of CB simulation arrangement, the CBREADY condition is simulated by a man-

ual switch, SRY.

Control Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Information and material for the verification:

• Protection or control unit, Intelligent electronic device (IED), configured and

with settings entered.
• Configuration diagram for the IED
• Terminal diagram for the IED, or plant circuit diagram including the IED
• Technical reference manual for the IED
• Relay test set for secondary injection
• Means to indicate, measure and record operation and times, e.g. an event record-
ing facility
• A bi-stable relay (BR) or two auxiliary relays to simulate a CB
• Two push-buttons (SC, ST) to operate the BR and a change-over switch (SRY)
to simulate CBREADY
• Possibly a switch simulation the Synchronism check (SYNC) condition








To test

+ -
Figure 35: Simulating the CB operation by a bi-stable relay and manual switches

Control Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

11.2.1 Preparation of the verification

1. Check the function settings.
In the HMI tree they are found under:

Settings\Setting Group N\Control\Autorecloser(RREC,79)

If any timer settings are reduced to speed-up or facilitate the testing, they
shall be set to normal after testing. A temporary label on the unit can be
a reminder to restore normal settings after which a verification test should
be performed.

2. Decide if a synchronism check (SYNC) shall be included in the test.

If SYNC as an internal function or external device is not operated by the
injection, it may be connected as a permanent high signal or controlled
by a switch.

3. Read and make notes of the reclosing operation counters.

Local HMI tree:

Test\Function status\Control\Auto recloser\Autorecloser(RREC,79)

Possibly reset the counters to zero. Counters are reset in the RESET

4. Make arrangements for the simulation of the CB, e.g. as in figure 35.
5. Make arrangements for indication, recording and time measure-
The signals for CBPOS, START, CLOSECB, READY and other rele-
vant signals should preferably be arranged for event recording with time
tagging. If that is not possible, other means of time measurement and re-
cording should be arranged.

11.2.2 Switching the auto-reclosing function On and Off

1. Set the Operation setting to Off and check the state.
2. Set the Operation setting to On and check the state, including SET-
The CB should be closed and ready.

3. If external control Off/On is connected, check that it works.

Set Operation to ExternalCtrl, and use that control to switch On and Off,
and check the state of the function

Control Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

11.2.3 Verifying the auto-reclosing function

Select the test cases to be run according to what is applicable to the particular application. It may
for instance be a) three-phase single-shot reclosing, b) two-shot reclosing or c) single-phase and
three-phase single shot reclosing. Below a case with single-phase and three-phase single-shot
reclosing is illustrated.

1. Set Operation = On.
2. If SYNC is not to be operated ensure that the SYNC input is activated.
If the SYNC function is to be included, ensure that it is supplied with
the appropriate AC quantities.
3. Simulate CB closed position by closing switch SC to make the BR re-
lay pick-up.
4. Simulate CBREADY by closing the switch SRY, and leave it closed.
5. Inject AC quantities to give a trip, e.g. 1-phase trip, to the BR and to
the START input.
Observe and preferably record the operation. The BR relay shall trip and
reclose (pick-up). After reclosing, the SRY switch can be opened for
about 5 s and then closed again.

The auto-reclosing open time and the sequence should be checked, for
example in the event recording. Check also the operation indications (dis-
turbance report) and the operation counters.

Test\Function status\Control\Autorecloser(RREC,79)

Should the operation not be as expected, this should be investigated. It

could be caused by an inappropriate setting or missing condition such as
CBREADY (or SYNC at three-phase reclosing).

6. Repeat the sequence by simulating a permanent fault.

Shortly after the reclosing shot a new fault is applied. If a single-shot re-
closing program is selected, there shall be one reclosing operation and
then blocking of the auto-reclosing function for the set Reclaim time.

Before a new reclosing sequence can be run, the CBREADY and CBPOS
(CB closed) must be set manually.

7. Repeat the sequence by simulating a three-phase transient and per-

manent faults, and other applicable cases, such as signal to
STARTHS and High-speed reclosing.
If just single-phase reclosing is selected, FirstShot=1ph, a check can be
run to make sure that a three-phase trip does not result in any reclosing.
Other similar cases can be checked as required.

Control Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

11.2.4 Checking the reclosing conditions

When checking the influence of a releasing condition it is suggested to first run a sequence with
the condition fulfilled. When the condition signal is removed, and a new sequence is run, it in-
dicates that the result was due to the changed condition. In case of a blocking signal the proce-
dure should be similar. Start without the blocking or inhibit signal, and then run a sequence with
the blocking or inhibit signal added.

Checking the influence of the INHIBIT signal

1. Check that the auto-reclosing function is operative, e.g. by making a
reclosing shot without the INHIBIT signal.
2. Apply a fault and thereby a START signal. At the same time, or during
the open time, apply a signal to the input INHIBIT.
3. Check that the reclosing sequence is interrupted and no reclosing
takes place.

Check closing onto a fault

1. Check that the reclosing function is operative, e.g. by making a re-
closing shot.
Keep the CBREADY signal high.

2. Set the breaker simulating relay BR in Open position.

3. Close the BR relay and apply immediately a fault and thereby a
START signal.
4. Check that no reclosing takes place.

Checking the influence of CB not ready for reclosing

1. Check that the auto-reclosing function is operative, e.g. by making a
reclosing shot.
Keep the CB simulator BR closed. Remove the CBREADY signal by
opening SRY.

2. Apply a fault and thereby a START signal.

3. Check that no reclosing takes place.

Control Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Checking the influence of synchronism check (at three-phase reclosing)

1. Check that the auto-reclosing function is operative, e.g. by making a
three-phase reclosing shot with the synchronism check condition.
Remove the SYNC signal.

2. Apply a fault causing three-phase trip and thereby a START and a

TR3P signal.
3. Wait for the tSync time out limit.
Check that no reclosing is made.

Checking the response when auto-reclosing is Off

1. Check that the auto-reclosing function is operative, e.g. by making a
reclosing shot.
Set the auto-reclosing Operation Off, e.g. by external control.

The output READY shall be low, and PREP3P shall be high.

2. Apply a fault and thereby a START signal.

3. Check that no reclosing takes place.

Testing auto-reclosing in a multi-breaker arrangement

The usual arrangement is to have an auto-reclosing function per circuit-breaker. They can be in
different CB related units (IEDs) or in a common unit. One auto-reclosing function (Master) is
set with Priority=High and the other (Slave) with Priority=Low. An illustration of typical inter-
connections is shown in the Application manual, section Autorecloser/Setting guidelines. The
two functions can be checked individually by carefully applying START, WAIT, and INHIBIT

It is also possible to verify the two functions together by using CB simulating equipment and
two CB circuits. There should be interconnections from the Master to the Slave function; WF-
MASTER - WAIT, and UNSUCCL - INHIBIT, as shown in the picture referred to above.

Completing the test

After the tests, restore the equipment to normal or desired state. Check the following items in

1. Check the operation counters.
Reset the counters to zero, if that is the user's preference. The counter re-
set function is found in the HMI under:

Control Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Reset\Reset counters\AutoRecloser(RREC,79)\ARnn

2. Restore settings that may have been modified for the tests back to
3. Disconnect the test switch, CB simulating arrangement and test cir-
Reconnect any links or connection terminals, which may have been
opened for the tests.

4. Reset indications, alarms and disturbance recordings.

Clearing of the disturbance report must be done via the PCM600 using
the Disturbance handling tool.

5. Continue to test other functions or complete the test by changing the

Test mode setting to Off.
Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were
changed for test purposes.

11.3 Apparatus control (APC)

The apparatus control function consists of four types of function blocks, which are connected in
a delivery-specific way between bays and to the station level. For that reason, test the total func-
tion in a system, that is, either in a complete delivery system as an acceptance test (FAT/SAT)
or as parts of that system.

11.4 Interlocking
Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

The interlocking function consists of a bay-level part and a station-level part. The interlocking
is delivery specific and is realized by bay-to-bay communication over the station bus. For that
reason, test the function in a system, that is, either in a complete delivery system as an accep-
tance test (FAT/SAT) or as parts of that system.

Scheme communication Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

12 Scheme communication

12.1 Scheme communication logic for

distance protection (PSCH, 85)
Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

Check the scheme logic during the secondary injection test of the impedance or overcurrent pro-
tection functions. For details see the ordering sheets for each particular REx670 IED.

Activating the different zones verifies that the ZCS signal is issued from the intended zones. The
CS signal from the independent tripping zone must have a tSendMin minimum time.

Check the tripping function by activating the CR and CRG inputs with the overreaching zone
used to achieve the CACC signal.

It is sufficient to activate the zones with only one type of fault with the secondary injection.

12.1.1 Testing permissive underreach

1. Activate the carrier receive (CR) signal in the IED.
2. Apply healthy normal load conditions to the IED for at least two sec-
3. Apply a fault condition within the permissive zone.
4. Check that correct trip outputs, external signals, and indications are
obtained for the actual type of fault generated.
5. Check that other zones operate according to their zone timers and
that the carrier send (CS) signal is obtained only for the zone config-
ured to generate the actual signal.
6. Deactivate the carrier receive (CR) signal in the IED.
7. Check that the trip time complies with the zone timers and that cor-
rect trip outputs, external signals, and indications are obtained for
the actual type of fault generated.

12.1.2 Testing permissive overreach

1. Activate the carrier receive (CR) signal in the IED.
2. Apply healthy normal load conditions to the IED for at least two sec-
3. Apply a fault condition within the permissive zone.
4. Check that correct trip outputs, external signals, and indication are
obtained for the actual type of fault generated.

Scheme communication Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

5. Check that the other zones operate according to their zone timer and
that the carrier send (CS) signal is obtained only for the zones that
are configured to give the actual signal.
6. Deactivate the IED carrier receive (CR) signal.
7. Apply healthy normal load conditions to the IED for at least two sec-
8. Apply a fault condition within the permissive zone.
9. Check that trip time complies with the zone timers and that correct
trip outputs, external signals, and indications are obtained for the
actual type of fault generated.

12.1.3 Testing blocking scheme

1. Deactivate the carrier receive (CR) signal of the IED.
2. Apply healthy normal load conditions to the IED for at least two sec-
3. Apply a fault condition within the forward directed zone used for
scheme communication tripping.
4. Check that correct trip outputs and external signals are obtained for
the type of fault generated and that the operate time complies with
the tCoord timer (plus relay-measuring time).
5. Check that the other zones operate according to their zone times and
that a carrier send (CS) signal is only obtained for the reverse zone.
6. Activate the IED carrier receive (CR) signal.
7. Apply a fault condition in the forward directed zone used for scheme
communication tripping.
8. Check that the no trip from scheme communication occurs.
9. Check that the trip time from the forward directed zone used for
scheme communication tripping complies with the zone timer and
that correct trip outputs, external signals, and indications are ob-
tained for the actual type of fault generated.

12.1.4 Checking of unblocking logic

Check the unblocking function (if the function is required) when you check the communication

Command function with continuous unblocking (Unblock = 1).

1. Activate the carrier guard input signal (CRG) of the IED.
2. Using the scheme selected, check that a carrier accelerated trip
(TRIP) is obtained when the carrier guard signal is deactivated.

Scheme communication Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

12.1.5 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to off.

12.2 Current reversal and weak end infeed logic for distance
protection (PSCH, 85)
Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

The current reversal logic and the week end infeed functions are tested during the secondary in-
jection test of the impedance or overcurrent protection zones together with the scheme commu-
nication logic for the distance protection function (PSCH).

12.2.1 Current reversal logic

It is possible to check the delay of the CS carrier send signal with tDelay by changing from a
reverse to a forward fault.

By continuously activating the CR input and changing from a reverse to a forward fault, the de-
lay tDelay can be checked.

Checking of current reversal

The reverse zone timer must not operate before the forward zone fault is applied. The user might
need to block the reverse zone timer during testing of current reversal.

The forward zone timer must be set longer than 90 ms.

1. Activate the carrier receive (CRL) signal.
2. Set the healthy condition to an impedance at 50% of the reach of the
reverse zone connected to IRVL.
3. After the start condition is obtained for reverse zone, apply a fault at
50% of the reach of the forward zone connected to WEIBLKL1.
4. Check that correct trip outputs and external signals are obtained for
the type of fault generated.
The operation time should be about the tDelay setting longer than the car-
rier accelerated trip (TRIP) previously recorded for permissive scheme

5. Restore the forward and reverse zone timer to its original setting.

Scheme communication Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

12.2.2 Weak end infeed logic

WEI logic at permissive schemes

1. Check the blocking of the echo with the injection of a CR signal
>40 ms after a reverse fault is applied.
2. Measure the duration of the echoed signal by applying a CR carrier
receive signal.
3. Check the trip functions and the voltage level for trip by reducing a
phase voltage and applying a CR carrier receive signal.

Testing conditions
Only one type of fault is sufficient, with PSCH function. Apply three faults (one in each phase),
when ZC1P function is used. For phase L1-N fault, set these parameters:

Table 21:
Phase I (Amps) Phase-angle V (Volts) Phase-angle
(Deg) (Deg)
L1 0 0 Set less than UPN< 0
L2 0 240 63 240
L3 0 120 63 120

Change all settings cyclically for other faults (L2-N and L3-N).

Weak end infeed set for trip

1. Apply input signals according table 21.
2. Activate the carrier receive (CR) signal of the terminal.
3. After the relay has operated, turn off the input signals.
4. Check that trip, carrier-send signal, and indication are obtained.
(note: a 200mS pulse)

Weak end infeed set for echo

1. Apply input signals according table 21.
2. Activate the carrier receive (CR) signal of the terminal.
3. After the relay has operated turn off the input signals.
4. Check that the carrier send signal is obtained.

12.2.3 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to off.

Scheme communication Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

12.3 Local acceleration logic (PLAL)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

The logic is checked during the secondary injection test of the impedance measuring zones.

1. Provide the terminal with conditions equivalent to normal load for at
least two seconds.
2. Deactivate the conditions for accelerated function.
3. Apply a phase to earth fault at 100% of line impedance.
4. Check that the fault is tripped with the second zone time delay.
5. Provide the terminal with conditions equivalent to normal load for at
least two seconds.
6. Activate the condition for accelerated function either by the
auto-recloser or by the loss of load.
7. Apply a phase to earth fault at 100% of line impedance.
8. Check that the fault is tripped “instantaneously”.
9. Continue to test another function or end the test session by chang-
ing the test mode setting to off.

12.4 Scheme communication logic for residual

overcurrent protection (PSCH, 85)
Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

Before testing the communication logic for residual overcurrent protection, the four step residual
overcurrent protection (PEFM) has to be tested according to the corresponding instruction. Once
this is done, continue with the instructions below.

If the current reversal and weak-end-infeed logic for earth-fault protection is included, proceed
with the testing according to the corresponding instruction after the testing the communication
logic for residual overcurrent protection. The current reversal and weak-end-infeed functions
shall be tested together with the permissive scheme.

12.4.1 Testing the directional comparison logic function

Blocking scheme

1. Inject the polarizing voltage 3U0 at 5% of UBase (directional TEF)and
the with the current lagging the voltage by 65°.

Scheme communication Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

2. Inject current (65° lagging the voltage) in one phase at about 110%
of the set operating current, and switch the current off with the
3. Switch the fault current on and measure the operating time of the
EFC logic.
Use the TRIP signal from the configured binary output to stop the timer.

4. Compare the measured time with the set value tCoord.

5. Activate the CR binary input.
6. Check that the CRL output is activated when the CR input is activat-
7. Switch the fault current on (110% of the setting) and wait longer than
the set value tCoord.
No TRIP signal should appear.

8. Switch the fault current off.

9. Reset the CR binary input.
10. Activate the BLOCK digital input.
11. Switch the fault current on (110% of the setting) and wait for a period
longer than the set value tCoord.
No TRIP signal should appear.

12. Switch the fault current and the polarizing voltage off.
13. Reset the BLOCK digital input.

Permissive scheme

1. Inject the polarizing voltage 3U0 which is 5% of UBase (Four step
PEFM) and with the current lagging the voltage by 65°.
2. Inject current (65° lagging the voltage) into one phase at about 110%
of the set operating current, and switch the current off with the
3. Switch the fault current on, (110% of the setting) and wait longer than
the set value tCoord.
No TRIP signal should appear, and the CS binary output should be acti-

4. Switch the fault current off.

5. Activate the CR binary input.

Scheme communication Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

6. Switch the fault current on (110% of the setting) and measure the op-
erating time of the EFC logic.
Use the TRIP signal from the configured binary output to stop the timer.

7. Compare the measured time with the setting for tCoord.

8. Activate the BLOCK digital input.
9. Switch the fault current on (110% of the setting) and wait for a period
longer than the set value tCoord.
No TRIP signal should appear.

10. Switch the fault current and the polarizing voltage off.
11. Reset the CR binary input and the BLOCK digital input.

12.4.2 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to off.

12.5 Current reversal and weak end infeed logic for residual
overcurrent protection (PSCH, 85)
Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

First, test the time delayed residual overcurrent protection according to the corresponding in-
struction. Then continue with the instructions below.

Logical signals for current reversal and WEI logic for residual overcurrent protection are avail-
able under menu tree:

Test\Functio status\Current protec-


12.5.1 Testing the current reversal logic

1. Inject the polarizing voltage 3U0 to 5% of UBase (directional TEF)
and the phase angle between voltage and current to 155°, the current
leading the voltage.
2. Inject current (155° leading the voltage) in one phase to about 110%
of the setting operating current (IN>Dir).
3. Check that the IRVL output is activated after the set time (tPickUp).
4. Abruptly reverse the current to 65° lagging the voltage, to operate
the forward directional element.
5. Check that the IRVL output still is activated after the reversal with a
time delay that complies with the setting (tDelay).
6. Switch off the polarizing voltage and the current.

Scheme communication Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

12.5.2 Testing the weak-end-infeed logic

If setting parameter WEI=Echo

1. Inject the polarizing voltage 3U0 to 5% of UBase and the phase angle
between voltage and current to 155°, the current leading the voltage.
2. Inject current (155° leading the voltage) in one phase to about 110%
of the setting operating current (IN>Dir).
3. Activate the CRL binary input.
No ECHO and CS should appear.

4. Abruptly reverse the current to 65° lagging the voltage, to operate

the forward directional element.
No ECHO and CS should appear.

5. Switch off the current and check that the ECHO and CS appears on
the corresponding binary output or on the local HMI unit, about 200
ms after resetting the directional element.
6. Switch off the CRL binary input.
7. Activate the BLOCK binary input.
8. Activate the CRL binary input.
No ECHO and CS should appear.

9. Switch off the polarizing voltage and reset the BLOCK and CRL bina-
ry input.

If setting WEI=Trip

1. Inject the polarizing voltage 3U0 to about 90% of the setting (3UO)
operating voltage.
2. Activate the CRL binary input.
No ECHO, CS and TRWEI outputs should appear.

3. Increase the injected voltage to about 110% of the setting (3UO) op-
erating voltage.
4. Activate the CRL binary input.
5. Check that the ECHO, CS and TRWEI appears on the corresponding
binary output or on the local HMI.
6. Reset the CRL binary input.
7. Activate the BLOCK binary input.

Scheme communication Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

8. Activate the CRL binary input.

No ECHO, CS and TRWEI outputs should appear.

9. Reset the CRL and BLOCK binary input.

10. Inject the polarizing voltage 3U0 to about 110% of the setting (3UO)
and adjust the phase angle between the voltage and current to 155°,
the current leading the voltage.
11. Inject current (155° leading the voltage) in one phase to about 110%
of the setting operating current (IN>Dir).
12. Activate the CRL binary input.
No ECHO, CS and TRWEI should appear.

13. Abruptly reverse the current to 65° lagging the voltage, to operate
the forward directional element.
No ECHO, CS and TRWEI should appear.

14. Switch the current off and check that the ECHO, CS and TRWEI ap-
pears on the corresponding binary output or on the local HMI, about
200 ms after resetting the directional element.
15. Switch the polarizing voltage off and reset the CRL binary input.

12.5.3 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to off.

Logic Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

13 Logic

13.1 Tripping logic (PTRC, 94)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter. This function is functionality tested together with other pro-
tection functions (line differential protection, earth-fault overcurrent protection, etc.) within the
IED. It is recommended that the function is tested together with the autoreclosing function, when
built into the IED or when a separate external unit is used for reclosing purposes. The instances
of the TRP function are identical except for the name of the function block (TRPx). The testing
is preferable done in conjunction with the protection system and autoreclosing function.

13.1.1 Three phase operating mode

1. Make sure that AutoLock and TripLockout are both set to Off.
2. Initiate a three-phase fault
An adequate time interval between the faults should be considered, to
overcome a reclaim time caused by the possible activation of the autore-
closing function. The function must issue a three-phase trip in all cases,
when trip is initiated by any protection or some other built-in or external
function. The following functional output signals must always appear si-
multaneously: TRIP, TRL1, TRL2, TRL3 and TR3P.

13.1.2 1ph/3ph operating mode

In addition to various other tests, the following tests should be performed. They depend on the
complete configuration of an IED:

1. Make sure that TripLockout and AutoLock are both set to off.
2. Initiate different single-phase-to-earth faults one at a time.
Single phase tripping will only be allowed when an auto-reclose attempt
will follow. Autoreclose function has functionality such as the long trip
time, CB ready etc. which can prevent a proper single phase tripping and
auto-reclose. To by-pass this problem the fault initiation should be with
a test set and with the auto-reclose in full service with a test set connected
to the distance protection function. Consider using an adequate time in-
terval between faults, to overcome a reclaim time of which is activated
by the autoreclosing function. Only a single-phase trip should occur for
each separate fault and only one of the trip outputs (TRLn) should be ac-
tivated at a time. Functional outputs TRIP and TR1P should be active
during each fault. No other outputs should be active.

Logic Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

3. Initiate different phase-to-phase and three-phase faults.

Consider using an adequate time interval between faults, to overcome a
reclaim time which is activated by the autoreclosing function. A
three-phase trip should occur for each separate fault and all of the trips.
Functional outputs TRIP, all TRLn and TR3P should be active at each
fault. No other outputs should be active.

4. Initiate a single-phase-to-earth fault and switch it off immediately

when the trip signal is issued for the corresponding phase. Initiate
the same fault once again within the reclaim time of the used autore-
closing function.
A single-phase fault shall be given at the first fault. A three-phase trip
must be initiated for the second fault. Check that the corresponding trip
signals appear after both faults. Functional outputs TRIP, TRLn and
TR1P should be active during first fault. No other outputs should be ac-
tive. Functional outputs TRIP, all TRLn and TR3P should be active dur-
ing second fault.

5. Initiate a single-phase-to-earth fault and switch it off immediately

when the trip signal is issued for the corresponding phase. Initiate
the second single-phase-to-earth fault in one of the remaining phas-
es within the time interval, shorter than tEvolvingFault (default set-
ting 2.0 s) and shorter than the dead-time of the auto-reclosing
function, when included in the protection scheme.
Check that the second trip is a three-phase trip and that a three phase au-
toreclosing attempt is given after the three phase dead time. Functional
outputs TRIP, TRLn and TR1P should be active during first fault. No oth-
er outputs should be active. Functional outputs TRIP, all TRLn and TR3P
should be active during second fault.

13.1.3 1ph/2ph/3ph operating mode

In addition to other tests, the following tests, which depend on the complete configuration of a
IED should be carried out:

1. Make sure that AutoLock and TripLockout both are set to off.
2. Initiate different single-phase-to-earth faults one at a time.
Take into consideration an adequate time interval between faults, to over-
come a reclaim time which is activated by the autoreclosing function.
Only a single-phase trip should occur for each separate fault and only one
of the trip outputs (TR01-TRLn) should be activated at a time. Functional
outputs TR01-TRIP and TR01-TR1P should be active at each fault. No
other outputs should be active.

3. Initiate different phase-to-phase faults one at a time.

Take into consideration an adequate time interval between faults, to over-
come a reclaim time which is activated by the autoreclosing function.
Only a two-phase trip should occur for each separate fault and only cor-

Logic Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

responding two trip outputs (TRLn) should be activated at a time. Func-

tional outputs TRIP and TR2P should be active at each fault. No other
outputs should be active.

4. Initiate a three-phase fault

Take into consideration an adequate time interval between faults, to over-
come a reclaim time which may be activated by the autoreclosing func-
tion. Only a three-phase trip should occur for the fault and all trip outputs
(TRLn) should be activated at the same time. Functional outputs TRIP
and TR3P should be active at each fault. No other outputs should be ac-

5. Initiate a single-phase-to-earth fault and switch it off immediately

when the trip signal is issued for the corresponding phase. Initiate
the same fault once again within the reclaim time of the used autore-
closing function.
A single-phase fault shall be given at the first fault. A three-phase trip
must be initiated for the second fault. Check that the corresponding trip
signals appear after both faults. Functional outputs TRIP, TRLn and
TR1P should be active during first fault. No other outputs should be ac-
tive. Functional outputs TRIP, all TRLn and TR3P should be active dur-
ing second fault.

6. Initiate a single-phase-to-earth fault and switch it off immediately

when the trip signal is generated for the corresponding phase. Ini-
tiate the second single-phase-to-earth fault in one of the remaining
phases within the time interval, shorter than tEvolvingFault (default
setting 2.0 s) and shorter than the dead-time of the auto-reclosing
function, when included in the protection scheme.
Check that the second trip is a three-phase trip and that a three phase au-
toreclosing attempt is given after the three phase dead time. Functional
outputs TRIP, TRLn and TR1P should be active during first fault. No oth-
er outputs should be active. Functional outputs TRIP, all TRLn and TR3P
should be active during second fault.

7. Initiate a phase-to-phase fault and switch it off immediately when the

trip signal is issued for the corresponding two phases. Initiate a sec-
ond phase-to-phase fault between two other phases within the time
interval, shorter than tEvolvingFault (default setting 2.0 s).
Check, that the output signals, issued for the first fault, correspond to a
two-phase trip for included phases. The output signals generated by the
second fault must correspond to the three-phase tripping action.

13.1.4 Circuit breaker lockout

The following tests should be carried out when the built-in lockout function is used in addition
to possible other tests, which depends on the complete configuration of a IED.

1. Make sure that AutoLock and TripLockout are both set to Off.

Logic Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

2. Activate shortly the set lockout (SETLOCKOUT) signal in the IED.

3. Check that the circuit breaker lockout (CLLKOUT) signal is set.
4. Activate shortly thereafter, the reset lockout (RSTLKOUT) signal in
the IED.
5. Check that the circuit breaker lockout (CLLKOUT) signal is reset.
6. Initiate a three-phase fault
A three-phase trip should occur and all trip outputs (TRLn) should be ac-
tivated. Functional outputs TRIP and TR3P should be active at each fault.
The output CLLKOUT should not be set.

7. Activate the automatic lockout function, set AutoLock = On and re-

Beside the trip outputs, CLLKOUT should be set.

8. Reset the lockout signal by shortly thereafter activating the reset

lockout (RSTLKOUT) signal.
9. Activate the trip signal lockout function, set TripLockout = On and
All trip outputs (TRLn) and functional outputs TRIP and TR3P should be
active and stay active after each fault, CLLKOUT should be set.

10. Repeat
All functional outputs should reset.

11. Deactivate the trip signal lockout function, set TripLockout = Off and
the automatic lockout function, set AutoLock = Off.

13.1.5 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to off.

Monitoring Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

14 Monitoring

14.1 Event counter (GGIO)

The function can be tested by connecting a binary input to the counter under test and from out-
side apply pulses to the counter. The speed of pulses must not exceed 10 per second. Normally
the counter will be tested in connection with tests on the function that the counter is connected
to, such as trip logic. When configured, test it together with the function which operates it. Trig
the function and check that the counter result is the same the number of operations.

14.2 Event function (EV)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

During testing, the IED can be set when in test mode from the PST. The functionality of the
event reporting during test mode is set from the PST as follows:

• Use event masks

• Report no events
• Report all events

In Test Mode, individual event blocks can be blocked from the PCM600.

Individually event blocks can also be blocked from the local HMI under the menu:

14.3 Fault locator (RFLO)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

The fault locator function depends on other functions to work properly, i.e. phase selection in-
formation from distance protection function and analog information supplied by the trip value
recorder function. Check that proper binary start and phase selection signals are connected and
voltage and current signals are configured (parameter settings)

The result is displayed on the local HMI or via PCM600. Distances to faults for the last 100 re-
corded disturbances can be found in the local HMI under the menu:

Disturbance Records\Disturbance #n(n = 1–100)\General Information

If PCM600 is used the result is displayed on the recording list after upload, including loop se-
lection information.

Monitoring Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

Table 22: Test settings

Parameter: Condition:
I Higher than 30% Ir
Healthy conditions U = 63,5 V, I = 0 A & ZF = 0°
Impedance |Z| Test point
• Zx ≤ (X0 + 2 · X1)/3For single-phase faults
• Zx ≤ X1 For three and two phase faults
• Zx ≤ (X0 + 2 · X1 XM)/3For single-phase fault with mutual
zero-sequence current
Impedance angle ZΦ Test angle
• ZΦ arctan[(X0 + 2 · X1) / (R0 + 2R1)] For single-phase faults
• ZΦ arctan(X1/R1)For two-phase faults

14.3.1 Measuring the operate limit

1. Set the test point (|Z| fault impedance and ZΦ impedance phase
angle ) for a condition that meets the requirements in table 22.
2. Subject the IED to healthy normal load conditions for at least two
3. Apply a fault condition.
Check that the distance-to-fault value displayed on the HMI complies
with the following equations (the error should be less than five percent):

p = ------x- ⋅ 100
in % for two- and three-phase faults

in % for single-phase-to-earth faults

in % for single-phase-to-earth faults with mutual zero sequence current.

p = the expected value of a distance to fault in percent
Zx = set test point on the test set
X0 = set zero-sequence reactance of a line
X1 = set positive-sequence reactance of a line
XM = set mutual zero-sequence impedance of a line

Monitoring Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

14.3.2 Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to off. Restore
connections and settings to the original values, if they were changed for testing purpose.

Metering Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

15 Metering

15.1 Pulse counter logic (GGIO)

The test of the pulse counter function requires the Parameter Setting Tool in the PCM or an ap-
propriate connection to a local HMI with the necessary functionality. A known number of pulses
with different frequencies are connected to the pulse counter input. The test should be performed
with settings Operation = Off/On and the function blocked/deblocked. The pulse counter value
is then recorded by the PCM or local HMI.

Remote communication Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

16 Remote communication

16.1 Binary signal transfer to remote end

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section 1 "Overview" and section 2
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

There are two types of internal self-supervision of the RTC.

The I/O-circuit board is supervised as an I/O module. For example it generates ‘FAIL’ if the
board is not inserted. I/O-modules not configured are not supervised. When an RTC- module is
configured as a logical I/O module it is also supervised.

There is also communication supervision that generates the output ‘WARNING’ if one of the
RTC-modules signals ‘COMFAIL’. Each RTC-module has an error output (‘COMFAIL’)
which is set to a logical 1 if anything is wrong with the communication through the actual mod-
ule. Status for inputs and outputs as well as self-supervision status are available from the local

Test correct functionality by simulating different kind of faults. Also check that sent and re-
ceived data is correctly transmitted and read.

A test connection is shown in figure 36. A binary input (BI) is connected to an RTC function
input at end1, for example SEND01, and at the other end a binary output (BO) is connected to
the received function output, for example REC01. The binary signal is transferred to the remote
end (end2) through a communication link. Check at the remote end that the corresponding signal
(REC01) has been received. Repeat the test for all the signals used by the RTC function.

REx670 (End 1)
- BI

REx670 link
(End 2)

Figure 36: Test of RTC with I/O.

Remote communication Chapter 11
Verifying settings by secondary

About this chapter Chapter 12
Commissioning and maintenance of
the fault clearing system

Chapter 12 Commissioning
and maintenance of
the fault
clearing system

About this chapter

This chapter discusses maintenance tests and other periodic maintenance measures.

Installation and commissioning Chapter 12
Commissioning and maintenance of
the fault clearing system

1 Installation and commissioning

The protection relay system is in an "on-guard" situation where they can be inactive for several
years and then suddenly be required to operate within fractions of a second. This means that
maintenance testing with certain time intervals should be performed to detect failures of the pro-
tection IED or the surrounding circuits. This is a complement to the advanced self supervision
in the modern protection IED.

Relays are not expected to deteriorate with usage but extreme conditions such as mechanical
shocks, AC or DC transients, high ambient temperatures, and high air humidity always have a
certain likelihood of causing damages.

Delivered equipment undergoes extensive testing and quality control in the ABB manufacturing
program. All types of IEDs and their integral components have been subject to extensive labo-
ratory testing during the development and design work. Prior to series production of a specific
IED, it is Type tested according to national and international standards. Each individual relay in
normal production is individually tested and calibrated before delivery.

Protection relays installed in an apparatus cubicle shall be checked in various ways before de-
livery. Insulation test (to check for bad wiring) and complete testing of all equipment with in-
jection of currents and voltages is performed.

During the design of the station certain steps shall be taken to limit the risk of failures e.g. all
relay coils are connected to negative potential to earth to prevent contact corrosion due to elec-

Certain circuits are continuously supervised to improve their availability. Examples of such su-
pervisions are:

• Trip circuit supervision

• Protection DC supply supervision
• DC system earth fault supervision
• Busbar protection CT-circuit supervision

Protection relays shall be encapsulated according to environment requirements. In tropical cli-

mates, cubicles are provided with glass-door and ventilation louvres. Heaters for anti-condensa-
tion, often thermostatically controlled are provided. Cubicle power-loss is limited not to exceed
protection IED temperature limits which according to the IEC standard is 55°C.

Commissioning tests Chapter 12
Commissioning and maintenance of
the fault clearing system

2 Commissioning tests
During commissioning all protection functions shall be verified with the setting values used at
each plant. The commissioning tests must include verification of all circuits by green-lining the
circuit diagrams and the configuration diagrams for the used functions.

Further, the settings for protection functions are tested and recorded carefully as outlined for the
future periodic maintenance tests described below.

The final testing will include primary verification of all directional functions where load currents
is checked on the IED through the LHMI or the PCM600 tool. The amplitudes and angles of all
currents and voltages should be checked and the symmetry verified.

Directional functions have information about the measured direction and for example measured
impedance. These values must be checked and verified as correct with the export or import of
power available.

Finally final trip tests must be performed. This involves activation of protection functions or
tripping outputs with the circuit breaker closed and the tripping of the breaker verified. When
several breakers are involved each must be checked individually and it must be verified that the
other involved breakers are not tripped at the same time.

Periodic maintenance tests Chapter 12
Commissioning and maintenance of
the fault clearing system

3 Periodic maintenance tests

The periodicity of all tests depends on several factors, for example the importance of the instal-
lation, environment conditions, simple or complex equipment, static or electromechanical relays

The normal maintenance praxis of the user should be followed. However ABB proposal is to

Every second to third year:

• Visual inspection of all equipment.

• Removal of dust on ventilation louvres and relays if necessary.
• Periodic maintenance test for protection relays of object where no redundant pro-
tections are provided.

Every four to six years:

• Periodic maintenance test for protection relays of objects with redundant protec-
tion system.

First maintenance test should always be carried out after the first half year of service.

When protection IEDs are combined with built-In control the test interval can be Increased
drastically, up to for instance 15 years, because the IED continuously reads service values, op-
erates the breakers etc.

3.1 Visual inspection

Prior to testing, the protection IEDs should be inspected in order to detect any visible damage
that may have occurred (dirt or moisture deposits, overheating, etc.). Should burned contacts be
observed when inspecting the relays, a diamond file or an extremely fine file can be used to pol-
ish the contacts. Emery cloth or similar products must not be used as insulating grains of abra-
sive may be deposited on the contact surfaces and cause failure.

Make sure that all IEDs are equipped with covers.

3.2 Maintenance tests

To be made after the first half year of service, then with the cycle as proposed above and after
any suspected maloperation or change of the relay setting.

Periodic maintenance tests Chapter 12
Commissioning and maintenance of
the fault clearing system

Testing of protection relays shall preferably be made with the primary circuit de-energized. The
relay cannot protect the circuit during testing. Trained personnel may test one relay at a time on
live circuits where redundant protection is installed and de-energization of the primary circuit is
not allowed.

ABB protection relays are preferable tested by aid of components from the COMBITEST testing
system described in information B03-9510 E. Main components are RTXP 8/18/24 test switch
located to the left in each protection relay and RTXH 8/18/24 test handle which is inserted in
test switch at secondary testing. All necessary operations such as opening of trip circuits,
short-circuiting of current circuits and opening of voltage circuits are automatically performed
in the right order to allow for simple and safe secondary testing even with the object in service.

3.2.1 Preparation
Before starting maintenance testing the test engineers should scrutinize applicable circuit dia-
grams and have the following documentation available: Test instructions for protection IEDs to
be tested. Test records from previous commissioning and maintenance tests. List of valid set-
tings. Blank test records to fill in measured values.

3.2.2 Recording
It is of utmost importance to carefully record the test results. Special test sheets covering the fre-
quency of test, date of test and achieved test values should be used. Relay setting list and proto-
cols from previous tests should be available and all results should be compared for differences.
At component failures, spare equipment is used and set to the requested value. A note of the ex-
change is made and the new measured values are recorded. Test records for several years of test-
ing should be stored in a common file for a station, or a part of a station, to give a simple
overview of the period of testing and achieved test values. These test records are valuable when
analysis of service disturbances shall be done.

3.2.3 Secondary injection

The periodic maintenance test is done by secondary injection from a portable test set. Each pro-
tection shall be tested according to the secondary injection test information for the specific pro-
tection IED. Only the setting values adopted shall be checked for each protection function. If the
discrepancy between obtained value and requested set value is too big the setting should be ad-
justed, the new value recorded and a note should be made in the test record.

3.2.4 Alarm test

When inserting the test handle the alarm and event signalling is normally blocked. This is done
in IED670 by setting the Event reporting to off during the test. This can be done when the test
handle is inserted or the IED is set to test mode from the LHMI. At the end of the secondary
injection test it should be checked that the event and alarm signalling is correct by activating the
events and performing some selected tests.

3.2.5 Self supervision check

Once secondary testing has been completed it should be checked that no self supervision signals
are activated continuously or sporadically. Especially check the time synchronizsation system,
GPS or other, and communication signals, both station communication(61850/SPA/LON..) and
remote communication, for example line the differential communication system.

Periodic maintenance tests Chapter 12
Commissioning and maintenance of
the fault clearing system

3.2.6 Trip circuit check

When the protection IED undergoes an operational check, a tripping pulse is normally obtained
on one or more of the output contacts and preferably on the test switch. The healthy circuit is of
utmost importance for the protection operation. If the circuit is not provided with a continuous
trip circuit supervision it is possible to check that circuit is really closed when the test-plug han-
dle has been removed by using a high-ohmic voltmeter and measuring between the plus and the
trip output on the panel. The measurement is then done through the tripping magnet of the circuit
breaker (note! Breaker must be closed) and therefore the complete tripping circuit is checked.
Please observe that the test system does not have its built-in security during this test. If the in-
strument should be set on Amp instead of Volts, the circuit breaker naturally is tripped, there-
fore, greatest care is necessary.

Trip circuit from trip relays to circuit breaker is often supervised by trip circuit supervision relay.
It can then be checked that a circuit is healthy by opening tripping output terminals in the cubi-
cle. When terminal is opened an alarm shall be achieved on the signal system after a delay of
some seconds. However, remember to close the circuit directly after the test and tighten the ter-
minal carefully!

3.2.7 Measurement of service currents

After a maintenance test it is recommended to measure the service currents and service voltages
recorded by the protection IED. The service values are checked on the IED670 local HMI or
with the PCM600 tool. Ensure that the correct values and angles between voltages and currents
are recorded. Also check the direction of directional functions such as Distance and directional
overcurrent functions.

For a transformer differential protection the achieved differential current value is dependent on
tap changer position and can vary between less than 1 % up to perhaps 10% of rated current. For
line differential functions the capacitive charging currents can normally be recorded as a differ-
ential current.

The zero-sequence current to earth-fault protection relays should be measured. The current
amounts normally very small but it is normally possible to see if the current circuit is "alive".

The neutral-point voltage to an earth-fault relay is checked. The voltage is normally 0.1 to 1V
secondary. However, voltage can be considerably higher due to harmonics normally a CVT sec-
ondary can have around 2.5-3% third harmonic voltage.

3.2.8 Restoring
Maintenance is very important to improve the availability of the protection system by detecting
failures before the protection is required to operate. There is however little point in testing
healthy equipment and then putting it back into service with an open terminal, with a removed
fuse or open miniature circuit breaker with an open connection, wrong setting etc.

Thus a list should be prepared of all items disturbed during test so that all can be put back into
service quickly and without overlooking something. It should be put back into service item by
item and signed by the responsible engineer.

About this chapter Chapter 13
Fault tracing and repair

Chapter 13 Fault tracing and


About this chapter

This chapter describes how to carry out fault tracing and if necessary, a change of circuit board.

Fault tracing Chapter 13
Fault tracing and repair

1 Fault tracing

1.1 Information on the local HMI

If an internal fault has occurred, the local HMI displays information under:

Diagnostics\IED status\General

Under the Diagnostics menus, indications of a possible internal failure (serious fault) or internal
warning (minor problem) are listed.

Indications regarding the faulty unit are outlined in table 23.

Table 23: Self-supervision signals in the built-in HMI

HMI Signal Name: Status Description
INT Fail OFF / ON This signal will be active if one or more of
the following internal signals are active;
any of the HW dependent signals
INT Warning OFF / ON This signal will be active if one or more of
the following internal signals are active;
NUM Fail OFF / ON This signal will be active if one or more of
the following internal signals are active;
NUM Warning OFF / ON This signal will be active if one or more of
the following internal signals are active;
ADMnn READY / FAIL Analogue input module n failed. Signal
activation will reset the IED
BIMnn READY / FAIL BIM error. Binary input module Error sta-
tus. Signal activation will reset the IED
BOMn READY / FAIL BOM error. Binary output module Error
IOMn READY / FAIL IOM-error. Input/Output Module Error sta-
MIMn READY / FAIL mA input module MIM1 failed. Signal acti-
vation will reset the IED
RTC READY / FAIL This signal will be active when there is a
hardware error with the real time clock.
Time Sync READY / FAIL This signal will be active when the source
of the time synchronization is lost, or when
the time system has to make a time reset.

Fault tracing Chapter 13
Fault tracing and repair

HMI Signal Name: Status Description

Application READY / FAIL This signal will be active if one or more of
the application threads are not in the state
that Runtime Engine expects. The states
NING, etc.
RTE READY / FAIL This signal will be active if the Runtime
Engine failed to do some actions with the
application threads. The actions can be
loading of settings or parameters for com-
ponents, changing of setting groups, load-
ing or unloading of application threads.
IEC61850 READY / FAIL This signal will be active if the IEC61850
stack did not succeed in some actions like
reading IEC61850 configuration, startup
LMD READY / FAIL LON network interface, MIP/DPS, is in an
unrecoverable error state.
LDCMxxx READY / FAIL Line Differential Communication Error sta-
OEM READY / FAIL Optical Ethernet Module error status.

Also the internal signals, such as INT--FAIL and INT--WARNING can be connected to binary
output contacts for signalling to a control room.

In the IED Status - Information, the present information from the self-supervision function can
be viewed. Indications of failure or warnings for each hardware module are provided, as well as
information about the external time synchronization and the internal clock. All according to ta-
ble 23. Loss of time synchronization can be considered as a warning only. The REx670 IED has
full functionality without time synchronization.

1.2 Using front-connected PC or SMS

Here two summary signals appear, self-supervision summary and numerical module status sum-
mary. These signals can be compared to the internal signals as:

• Self-supervision summary = INT--FAIL and INT--WARNING

• CPU-module status summary = INT--NUMFAIL and INT--NUMWARN

When an internal fault has occurred, you can retrieve extensive information about the fault from
the list of internal events available in the SMS part:

TRM-STAT TermStatus - Internal Events

The list of internal events provides valuable information, which can be used during commission-
ing and during fault tracing.

Fault tracing Chapter 13
Fault tracing and repair

The internal events are time tagged with a resolution of 1 ms and stored in a list. The list can
store up to 40 events. The list is based on the FIFO principle, when it is full, the oldest event is
overwritten. The list cannot be cleared; its content cannot be erased.

The internal events in this list not only refer to faults in the IED, but also to other activities, such
as change of settings, clearing of disturbance reports, and loss of external time synchronization.

The information can only be retrieved with the aid of the PST software package. The PC can be
connected either to the port at the front or at the rear of the IED.

These events are logged as internal events.

Table 24: Events available for the internal event list in the IED
Event message: Description Generating signal:
INT--FAIL Off Internal fail status INT--FAIL (reset event)
INT--FAIL INT--FAIL (set event)
INT--WARNING Off Internal warning status lNT--WARNING (reset event)
INT--NUMFAIL Off Numerical module fatal error sta- INT--NUMFAIL (reset event)
INT--NUMWARN Off Numerical module non-fatal error INT--NUMWARN (reset event)
IOn--Error Off In/Out module No. n status IOn--Error (reset event)
IOn--Error IOn--Error (set event)
ADMn-Error Off Analog/Digital module No. n sta- ADMn-Error (reset event)
ADMn-Error ADMn-Error (set event)
MIM1-Error Off mA-input module status MIM1-Error (reset event)
MIM1-Error MIM1-Error (set event)
INT--RTC Off Real Time Clock (RTC) status INT--RTC (reset event)
INT--RTC INT--RTC (set event)
INT--TSYNC Off External time synchronization sta- INT--TSYNC (reset event)
INT--TSYNC INT--TSYNC (set event)
INT--SETCHGD Any settings in IED changed
DRPC-CLEARED All disturbances in Disturbance
report cleared

The events in the internal event list are time tagged with a resolution of 1 ms.

This means that when using the PC for fault tracing, it provides information on the:

• Module that should be changed.

Fault tracing Chapter 13
Fault tracing and repair

• Sequence of faults, if more than one unit is faulty.

• Exact time when the fault occurred.

Repair instruction Chapter 13
Fault tracing and repair

2 Repair instruction

Never disconnect the secondary connection of a current transformer circuit without short-cir-
cuiting the transformer’s secondary winding. Operating a current transformer with the second-
ary winding open will cause a massive potential build up that may damage the transformer and
may cause injuries to humans.

Never connect or disconnect a wire and/or a connector to or from a IED during normal service.
Hazardous voltages and currents are present that may be lethal. Operation may be disrupted
and IED and measuring circuitry may be damaged.

An alternative is to open the IED and send only the faulty circuit board to ABB for repair. When
a printed circuit board is sent to ABB, it must always be placed in a metallic, ESD-proof, pro-
tection bag. The user can also purchase separate replacement modules.

Strictly follow the company and country safety regulations.

Most electronic components are sensitive to electrostatic discharge and latent damage may oc-
cur. Please observe usual procedures for handling electronics and also use an ESD wrist strap.
A semi-conducting layer must be placed on the workbench and connected to earth.

Disassemble and reassemble the REx670 IED accordingly:

1. Switch off the dc supply.

2. Short-circuit the current transformers and disconnect all current and voltage con-
nections from the IED.
3. Disconnect all signal wires by removing the female connectors.
4. Disconnect the optical fibres.
5. Unscrew the main back plate of the IED.
6. If the transformer module is to be changed — unscrew the small back plate of the
7. Pull out the faulty module.
8. Check that the new module has a correct identity number.
9. Check that the springs on the card rail are connected to the corresponding metal-
lic area on the circuit board when the new module is inserted.
10. Reassemble the IED.

Repair instruction Chapter 13
Fault tracing and repair

If the REx670 IED has the increased measuring accuracy feature (Optional), a file with unique
calibration data for that particular transformer module is stored in the Main processor module.
Therefore it is not possible to freely change only one of these modules with maintained accuracy.
To maintain the accuracy feature the calibration file stored in the NUM must match the TRM
and ADM used together with the NUM. As a consequence of this a faulty NUM can be replaced
without replacing the TRM and ADM only if the original serial number is supplied when order-
ing a new NUM. Because these modules are factory calibrated, all three modules will have to be
replaced if the TRM fails and the increased accuracy feature is to continue functioning.

Repair support Chapter 13
Fault tracing and repair

3 Repair support
If a REx670 IED needs to be repaired, the whole IED must be removed and sent to an ABB Lo-
gistic Center. Before returning the material, an inquiry must be sent to the ABB Logistic Center.

e-mail: offer.selog@se.abb.com

Maintenance Chapter 13
Fault tracing and repair

4 Maintenance
The REx670 IED is self-supervised. No special maintenance is required.

Instructions from the power network company and other maintenance directives valid for main-
tenance of the power system must be followed.

Maintenance Chapter 13
Fault tracing and repair

About this chapter Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Glossary

About this chapter

This chapter contains a glossary with terms, acronyms and abbreviations used in ABB technical

Glossary Chapter 14

1 Glossary

AC Alternating Current

A/D converter Analog to digital converter

ADBS Amplitude dead -band supervision

AIM Analog input module

ANSI American National Standards Institute

ArgNegRes Setting parameter/ZD/

ArgDir Setting parameter/ZD/

ASCT Auxiliary summation current transformer

ASD Adaptive Signal Detection

AWG American Wire Gauge standard

BIM Binary input module

BOM Binary output module

BR External bi-stable relay

BS British Standard

BSR Binary signal transfer function, receiver blocks

BST Binary signal transfer function, transmit blocks

C34.97 Protocol, used in LON

CAN Controller Area Network. ISO standard (ISO 11898) for serial communi-
CAP 531 Configuration and programming tool

CB Circuit breaker

CBM Combined backplane module

CCITT Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephony. A
United Nations sponsored standards body within the International Tele-
communications Union.
CCM CAN Carrier Module

CEM Controller area network emulation module

CIM Communication interface module

CMPPS Combined Mega Pulses Per Second

CO cycle Close-Open cycle

Co-directional Way of transmitting G.703 over a balanced line. Involves two twisted
pairs making it possible to transmit information in both directions

COMTRADE Standard format according to IEC 60255-24

Glossary Chapter 14

Contra-directional Way of transmitting G.703 over a balanced line. Involves four twisted
pairs of with two are used for transmitting data in both directions, and
two pairs for transmitting clock signals
CPU Central Processor Unit

CR Carrier Receive

CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check

CS Carrier send

CT Current transformer

CVT Capacitive voltage transformer

DAR Delayed auto-reclosing

DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (The US developer of the

TCP/IP protocol etc)
DBDL Dead bus dead line

DBLL Dead bus live line

DC Direct Current

DFT Discrete Fourier Transform

DIP-switch Small switch mounted on a printed circuit board

DLLB Dead line live bus

DR Disturbance Recorder
DRH Disturbance Report Handler

DSP Digital signal processor

DTT Direct transfer trip scheme

EHV network Extra high voltage network

EIA Electronic Industries Association

EMC Electro magnetic compatibility

EMI Electro magnetic interference

ESD Electrostatic discharge

FOX 20 Modular 20 channel telecommunication system for speech, data and

protection signals

FOX 512/515 Access multiplexer

FOX 6Plus Compact, time-division multiplexer for the transmission of up to seven

duplex channels of digital data over optical fibers

FXM IEC 61850, Optical Ethernet Card

G.703 Electrical and functional description for digital lines used by local tele-
phone companies. Can be transported over balanced and unbalanced

G.711 Standard for pulse code modulation of analog signals on digital lines
GCM Communication interface module with carrier of GPS receiver module

Glossary Chapter 14

GI General interrogation command

GIS Gas insulated switchgear

GOOSE Generic Object Oriented Substation Event

GPS Global positioning system

GSM GPS time Synchronization Module

HDLC protocol High level data link control, protocol based on the HDLC standard
HFBR connector type Plastic fibre connector

HMI Human Machine Interface

HSAR High Speed Auto Reclosing

HV High Voltage

HVDC High Voltage Direct Current

IDBS Integrating Dead Band Supervision

IEC International Electrical Comittee

IEC 60044-6 IEC Standard, Instrument transformers – Part 6: Requirements for pro-
tective current transformers for transient performance

IEC 60870-5-103 Communication standard for protective equipment. A serial master/slave

protocol for point-to-point communication

IEC 61850 Substation Automation Communication Standard

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IEEE 802.12 A network technology standard that provides 100 Mbits/s on twisted-pair
or optical fiber cable

IEEE P1386.1 PCI Mezzanine Card (PMC) standard for local bus modules. References
the CMC (IEEE P1386, also known as Common Mezzanine Card) stan-
dard for the mechanics and the PCI specifications from the PCI SIG
(Special Interest Group) for the electrical EMF Electro Motive Force.
EMF Electro Motive Force

IED Intelligent Electronic Device

I-GIS Intelligent gas insulated switchgear

IOM Binary Input/Output module

Instance When several occurrences of the same function are available in the IED
they are referred to as instances of that function. One instance of a func-
tion is identical to another of the same kind but will have a different num-
ber in the IED user interfaces. The word instance is sometimes defined
as an item of information that is representative of a type. In the same
way an instance of a function in the IED is representative of a type of

IP 1. Internet protocol. The network layer for the TCP/IP protocol suite
widely used on Ethernet networks. IP is a connectionless, best-effort
packet switching protocol. It provides packet routing, fragmentation and
re-assembly through the data link layer.
2. Ingression protection according to IEC standard

IP 20 Ingression Protection, According to IEC standard, level 20

Glossary Chapter 14

IP 40 Ingression Protection, According to IEC standard, level 40

IP 54 Ingression Protection, According to IEC standard, level 54

ITU International Telecommunications Union

LAN Local Area Network

LIB 520 High voltage software module

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

LDCM Line Differential Communication Module

LDD Local detection device

LED Light Emitting Diode

LNT LION Network Tool

LON Local Operating Network

MCB Miniature Circuit Breaker

MCM Mezzanine Carrier Module

MIM Milli-ampere module

MPM Main Processing Module

MVB Multifunction vehicle bus. Standardized serial bus originally developed

for use in trains.

NCC National Control Centre

NUM Numerical Module

OCO cycle Open-Close-Open cycle

OLTC On Load Tap Changer

OV Over voltage
Overreach A term used to describe how the relay behaves during a fault condition.
For example a distance relay is over-reaching when the impedance pre-
sented to it is smaller than the apparent impedance to the fault applied
to the balance point, i.e. the set reach. The relay “sees” the fault but per-
haps it should not have seen it.

PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect, a local data bus

PCM Pulse code modulation

PCM600 Protection and Control IED 600 Manager

PISA Process interface for sensors & actuators

POTT Permissive overeach transfer trip

Process bus Bus or LAN used at the process level, that is, in near proximity to the
measured and/or controlled components
PSM Power supply module

PST Parameter setting tool

PT ratio Potential transformer or voltage transformer ratio

PUTT Permissive underreach transfer trip

Glossary Chapter 14

RASC Synchrocheck relay, COMBIFLEX

RCA Relay characteristic angle

REVAL Evaluation software

RFPP Resistance for phase-to-phase faults

RFPE Resistance for phase-to-earth faults

RISC Reduced instruction set computer

RMS value Root mean square value

RS422 A balanced serial interface for the transmission of digital data in

point-to-point connections
RS485 Serial link according to EIA standard RS485

RS530 A generic connector specification that can be used to support RS422,

V.35 and X.21 and others.
RTU Remote terminal unit

SA Substation Automation

SC Switch or push-button to close

SCS Station control system

SCT System Configuration Tool according to standard IEC 61850

SLM Serial communication module. Used for SPA/LON/IEC communication.

SMA connector Subminiature version A, A threaded connector with constant impedance.

SMS Station monitoring system

SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol – is used to synchronize computer clocks

on local area networks. This reduces the requirement to have accurate
hardware clocks in every embedded system in a network. Each embed-
ded node can instead synchronize with a remote clock, providing the
required accuracy.
SPA Strömberg Protection Acquisition, a serial master/slave protocol for
point-to-point communication

SRY Switch for CB ready condition

ST Switch or push-button to trip

Starpoint Neutral point of transformer of generator

SVC Static VAr compensation

TC Trip coil

TCS Trip circuit supervision

TCP Transmission Control Protocol. The most common transport layer proto-
col used on Ethernet and the Internet.

Glossary Chapter 14

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol over Internet Protocol. The de facto stan-
dard Ethernet protocols incorporated into 4.2BSD Unix. TCP/IP was
developed by DARPA for internet working and encompasses both net-
work layer and transport layer protocols. While TCP and IP specify two
protocols at specific protocol layers, TCP/IP is often used to refer to the
entire US Department of Defense protocol suite based upon these,
including Telnet, FTP, UDP and RDP.

TEF Time delayed earth-fault protection function

TNC connector Threaded Neill Concelman, A threaded constant impedance version of a

BNC connector

TPZ, TPY, TPX, TPS Current transformer class according to IEC

Underreach A term used to describe how the relay behaves during a fault condition.
For example a distance relay is under-reaching when the impedance
presented to it is greater than the apparent impedance to the fault
applied to the balance point, i.e. the set reach. The relay does not “see”
the fault but perhaps it should have seen it. See also Overreach.

U/I-PISA Process interface components that deliver measured voltage and cur-
rent values

UTC Coordinated Universal Time. A coordinated time scale, maintained by

the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), which forms the
basis of a coordinated dissemination of standard frequencies and time
signals. UTC is derived from International Atomic Time (TAI) by the addi-
tion of a whole number of "leap seconds" to synchronize it with Universal
Time 1 (UT1), thus allowing for the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, the
rotational axis tilt (23.5 degrees), but still showing the Earth's irregular
rotation, on which UT1 is based. The Coordinated Universal Time is
expressed using a 24-hour clock and uses the Gregorian calendar. It is
used for aeroplane and ship navigation, where it also sometimes known
by the military name, "Zulu time". "Zulu" in the phonetic alphabet stands
for "Z" which stands for longitude zero.

UV Under-voltage
V.36 CCITT interface for 4 wire data communication with a speed exceeding

WEI Weak End Infeed logic

VT Voltage transformer

X.21 A digital signalling interface primarily used for telecom equipment

3IO Three times zero-sequence current. Often referred to as the residual or

the earth-fault current

3UO Three times the zero sequence voltage. Often referred to as the residual
voltage or the neutral point voltage

Glossary Chapter 14


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