Solve:Tcpaccess 5.2 Technical Note 05: Server FTP Jes Support
Solve:Tcpaccess 5.2 Technical Note 05: Server FTP Jes Support
Solve:Tcpaccess 5.2 Technical Note 05: Server FTP Jes Support
Technical Note 05:
Server FTP JES Support
April 1999
This technical note contains information about features, enhancements, and program fixes which have been
completed since the SOLVE:TCPaccess 5.2 product was distributed. Items described in this document will
be included in the product documentation for the next incremental release. Information within this document
is organized according to the audience for which it is written.
The following topics about the Server FTP JES interface are covered:
• “Minimum Requirements” on page TN05-2
• “FTP Configuration Parameters - FTP Statement” on page TN05-2
• “Using the Server FTP JES Interface” on page TN05-3
• “Examples” on page TN05-6
• “SOLVE:TCPaccess Unprefixed Messages & Codes” on page TN05-9
SOLVE:TCPaccess 5.2 Technical Note 05: Server FTP JES Support TN05 – 1
Minimum Requirements Server FTP JES Support
SOLVE:TCPaccess supports batch FTP for JES in Server FTP. Server FTP offers JES spool support
compatible with that offered by the IBM C FTP server. It offers the same functionality as the IBM server when
the filetype is defined as JES.
The Server FTP JES interface allows users to submit, display, retrieve and delete “user's job” and its spool
output. “User's job” is defined as those jobs that are assigned an OWNERID or jobname equal to the FTP
user's userid plus one character (depending on the JESFILTER option used in the APPCFGxx).
Minimum Requirements
• SOLVE:TCPaccess 5.2
• IBM OS/390 V1.R3
• JES3 customers need IBM OS/390 V2.R5 to use JESFILTER(OWNERID)
• IBM fixes OW35104 (for JES2) and OW35435 (for JES3) to process FREE=CLOSE spool files properly
JESPUTGETTO (time) Specifies time, in seconds (0:86400), the server will wait before a
PUTGET (automatic retrieval of a submitted job) time out occurs.
JESFILTER (OWNERID | Specifies filter to limit user access to (OWNERID | USERID) batch jobs.
OWNERID - Only jobs that have an ownerid of the logon user.
USERID - Only jobs that have a jobname of userid plus one (1) character.
Default: OWNERID
Note: The FTP JES interface mode stays on till you issue this command or terminate the FTP
You can display status of user's job with the FTP subcommands DIR or LIST while in FILEtype=JES mode.
Output from DIR subcommand might look like following:
USERA1 JOB03841 OUTPUT 3 spool Files
USERA3 JOB03907 OUTPUT 5 spool Files
The output is formatted as follows:
• First column - jobname
• Second column - job ID assigned by JES
• Remainder of display shows user's job status:
– INPUT - user's job received but hasn't run yet
– ACTIVE - user's job is running
– OUTPUT - user's job is completed. You also see the number of held spool files job created which
could be retrieved.
Note: If user's job was submitted with a held MSGCLASS, the order of the spool files is JCL
messages, JES messages, MVS initiator/terminator messages, followed by the held
SYSOUT files.
SOLVE:TCPaccess 5.2 Technical Note 05: Server FTP JES Support TN05 – 3
Server FTP JES Interface Server FTP JES Support
Output from the LIST subcommand (using same above example) would look like the following:
Though LIST may not provide desired information, it uses less computer resources and allows client FTPs
that support the MGET subcommand to function.
Retrieving User’s Job Spool Files
To retrieve all held spool created by a user’s job, enter FTP JES interface mode (FILEtype=JES), then
GET jobid <client.filename>
GET jobid.x <client.filename> for compatibility with IBM FTP
All the held spool files are transferred and placed into client filename “<client.filename>” (if specified) or jobid
(or jobid.x). The following line appears after each retrieved JES spool file to allow you to find the end of each
For example:
GET JOB04197.X
Retrieves all the held spool files for jobid JOB04197 and places them into client file named JOB04197.X
(prefixed by local directory).
Replace the # with the file number you desire and <client.filename> (optional) is replaced by the client
filename to receive the data.
For example:
Gets the first held spool file of jobid JOB04197 and places it into USERA.TESTJOB (prefixed by local
Note: In JES3, the spool files must be in a hold queue reserved for external writers
You can delete a user's job before or during execution, or delete the output after the user's job completed.
To do so, enter the FTP JES interface mode and use the FTP DELete subcommand. For example:
The host returns the message 220 CANCEL SUCCESSFUL after it deletes the job.
Note: When you issue the DELete subcommand all spool output related to the user's job is deleted
- both held and non-held spool.
You can submit a user’s job using FTP and automatically retrieve its held output. This function requires the
JCL to be built on the FTP server site. The following FTP commands are used:
GET jclfile remote.filename
The “jclfile” defines the data set on the server site which contains the JCL for the user's job. The
“remote.filename” defines the data set on the client site that is to contain the held spool output when the job
completes. The MVS server reads “jclfile” and submits it to the JES internal reader. It then waits for the
submitted user's job to complete then retrieves all the held spool files and sends it to the client.
When using this function, remember that your session is suspended till the user's job completes or
JESPUTGETTO time limit is reached (defined in APPCFGxx). If a timeout occurs, you will have to manually
retrieve your output as described in “Retrieving User's Job Spool Files” above.
SOLVE:TCPaccess 5.2 Technical Note 05: Server FTP JES Support TN05 – 5
Examples Server FTP JES Support
Following examples where performed with JESFILTER(OWNERID) set in active APPCFGxx:
<-- Submit from server & send results to client (PUTGET) -->
ftp> get sample.cntl(iehlist) iehlist.allfiles
200 OK, Ready
150-Submitting job ABC1.SAMPLE.CNTL(IEHLIST) FIXlrecl 80
When JOB06349 is done, will retrieve its output
Dataset opened; data connection starting.
Data transfer Type is ASCII. Structure is File. Mode is Stream.
150 Sending all spool files for JOB06349
226-Transfer complete. 34641 bytes sent in 1.13 seconds (30655 bytes/s)
User=ABC1 Data bytes read: 37124.
226 Disk tracks read: 1.
local: iehlist.allfiles remote: sample.cntl(iehlist)
34641 bytes received in 1.1 seconds (30 Kbytes/s)
SOLVE:TCPaccess 5.2 Technical Note 05: Server FTP JES Support TN05 – 7
Examples Server FTP JES Support
Action: Ensure you have enough INTRDRs available and SOLVE:TCPaccess isn’t prevented from
allocating them.
Explanation: Job submitted using PUTGET (automatic retrieval of a submitted job) could not be found in
the JES queue.
Action: Check the job submitted isn’t being sent to another JES node.
Explanation: GET using PUTGET (automatic retrieval of a submitted job) resulted in no batch jobs.
Action: Make sure file your submitting from has a valid MVS job card.
Explanation: Job submitted using PUTGET (automatic retrieval of a submitted job) didn’t complete within
Explanation: The specified job can’t be found on the JES queue using the JESFILTER criteria.
Explanation: JES sysout file can not be processed cause it is currently being processed by a writer or
another user.
SOLVE:TCPaccess 5.2 Technical Note 05: Server FTP JES Support TN05 – 9
550 Authorization failed Server FTP JES Support
Explanation: Access to the specified JES sysout file denied by the security (access control) system of the
Explanation: The specified JES sysout file can’t be found or is currently being processed by a writer or
another user.
Explanation: Job submitted using PUTGET (automatic retrieval of a submitted job) completed but contains
no held sysout to retrieve.