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DLP FinalMath4 Ressureccion - Martin

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Republic of the Philippine


Guinhawa, Malolos Bulacan

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 4

I. Objectives

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the

concepts of parallel and perpendicular lines, angles, triangles, and

Performance Standard: The learner is able to construct and describe

parallel and perpendicular lines, angles, triangles, and quadrilaterals in
designs, drawings and models.

Learning Competency: The learner solves routine and non-routine

problems in real-life situations involving perimeter of squares and
rectangles, triangles, parallelogram, and trapezoids (M4ME-IIIi-52)

At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:

a. solve the perimeter of squares and rectangles, triangles,

parallelograms, and trapezoids
b. follow the steps in solving routine and non-routine problems in real-
life situations involving perimeter of squares and rectangles,
triangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids ; and
c. practice the importance of helping each other.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic:
Solving Routine and Non-Routine Problems in Real-Life Situations
Involving Perimeter Of Squares And Rectangles, Triangles,
Parallelograms, and Trapezoids
B. References:
Mathematics Learners Material Grade 4 p. 188-191
Self-Learning Module (SLM) Quarter 3 - Module 8: Solving Routine
and Non-Routine Problems in Real-Life Situations Involving Perimeter
of Squares and Rectangles, Triangles, Parallelograms, and Trapezoid

C. Materials:
Tarpapel, printed materials, PowerPoint presentation

III. Procedure


A. Preliminary Activity

1. Prayer

To start our day, let’s all

stand and pray. Sam lead (Sam will lead the prayer)
the prayer
Dear God,

May we, through your blessings,

add purity to the world, subtract
evil from our lives, multiply Your
Good News, and divide Your gifts
and share them with others.
2. Greetings

Good morning math

Good Morning, Teacher Gen!
How are you today?
We’re fine, thank you.
Ready to make shape
dance and numbers sing
Yes, we are!

3. Checking of Homework
Do we have any homework None, teacher

4. Checking of Attendance

Are there any absentees in None, Teacher

today's class ?

5. Setting of rules

Before we start our class

today, please remember
these instructions: when I say
'1,' raise both of your hands;
when I say '2,' place your
hands on your lips; and when
I say '3,' sit properly. Do you

Okay, let's give it a try:

One! (Students will raise their two


Two! (Students will place their hands

on their lips)

Three! (Students will sit properly)

Also, kindly pick up the (Students will pick up pieces of

pieces of paper under your paper under their chair.)

6. Review

Before we proceed to our

next lesson, let’s recall first
the steps in problem-solving.
Do you remember the
acronym AGONSA? Yes teacher!

Write the meaning of the

acronym, raise your hand if
you want to answer one
letter at a time for this (Students will raise their hands
acronym: and write the answers on the
O Asked
N Given
S Operation
A Number Sentence
Very good! Answer

A is for “What is asked?” (Students will read)

G is for “What are given?”
O is for “What operation/s will
you use?”
N is for “What is the number
S is for “How the solution is
A is for “What is the answer to
the problem?”

Very good!

I’m glad that you still

remember the steps in
problem solving.

7. Motivation

I have friends here, their

names are Lucky and Lulu.
Let's read their story. (Students will read the story)

Lucky and Lulu

“Lucky and Lulu were two best

friends who loved making their
classroom look beautiful. They
wanted it to be the best place for
all their friends to learn and have
fun. One day, they decided to
decorate their chalkboard for
National Heroes Day.

But there was a little problem –

they needed to measure how big
the chalkboard was so they
could put a special ribbon
around it. Lucky and Lulu
scratched their heads, wondering
how to do it.

Then, they had a brilliant idea!

They asked their friends in class to
help them measure the length
and width of the chalkboard.
Everyone got excited and
grabbed rulers..

Together, they carefully

measured the chalkboard,
giggling and chatting as they
worked. Once they had the
measurements, Lucky and Lulu
thanked their friends and got to
work decorating.”

Now to find out what is the

measurement they got,
you're going to measure their
chalkboard again.

I will group you into 2. The 1st

group should measure the
length and the 2nd group
should measure the width
using a ruler. After you
measure the chalkboard,
write the measurement on
the board.

The first group who finished

measuring the chalkboard
within 1 minute should shout

Do you understand? Yes Teacher

What are we going to do Measure the width and length of

again? the chalkboard

Very good, and remember

the importance of
teamwork, just like the friends
of Lucky and Lulu. Teamwork
makes the task easy and fun!

You may start now. (Students will start measuring the

width and height)

Length = 111 cm
Width =165 cm

Good job! Give yourself a (G-O-O-D-J-O-B, GOOD JOB1

Good Job Clap! GOOD JOB!)

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation of Lesson

What are the names of the Lucky and Lulu

two friends?

What do they love? Teacher, they love to clean and

decorate their classroom for
every event in their school.
Who helped them measure
their chalkboard? They were helped by their friends
and classmates.

Are you helping your friends

too? Yes, teacher.

In what way are you helping

your classmates? Teacher, by helping them to
arrange the chairs and also for
cleaning the room.
(Answers may vary)
Always remember that
helping each other makes
our work easier. When we
help each other, we can
learn new things together
and have more fun in class.
So let's keep being helpful
and kind to each other!

Now after they measured

the chalkboard, they
needed to measure the
ribbon they needed to find
out how long of ribbon they

Again, how long is the width

and length of the
chalkboard? The length is 111 cm and the
width is 165 cm.

Very good!

Let’s move on to our next


Altogether read what is

perimeter (Students will read what is
Perimeter - is a total distance
around a polygon. It can be
found by adding together all the
sides of the polygon.

Again, how to find the By adding together all the sides

perimeter? of the polygon.

Very good, we can find the

perimeter by adding the
sides of a polygon.

2. Discussion

Now let’s try to find the

perimeter of this word

Read this word problem. (Students will read the story)

“The chalkboard has a length of

111 cm and a width of 165 cm.
Lucky and Lulu wanted to
decorate it by putting special
ribbon around it. For the edging
of the chalkboard, how long of
special ribbons is needed?

Let’s answer this word

problem in a routine method
by using the acronym

Write your answer on the


A - Asked or What is asked in (Students will raise their hand and

the problem? will answer on the board)

The length of the special ribbon

needed to decorate the

G - Given or What are given? (Students will raise their hand and
will answer on the board)

111 cm length and 165 cm width.

O - Operation or What (Students will raise their hand and

operation/s will you use? will answer on the board)


N - Number sentence or (Students will raise their hand and

What is the number will answer on the board)
P = 111 cm + 111 cm + 165 cm +
165 cm

S - Solution or How is the (Students will raise their hand and

solution done? will answer on the board)


A - Answer or What is the (Students will raise their hand and

answer to the problem? will answer on the board)

Lucky and lulu need 552 cm long

of special ribbon for the edging
of the chalkboard, teacher.
Very good!

Now, let's check your

answers. For our first letter A
for Ask. Again, What is asked
in the given story? Teacher, The length of the special
ribbon needed to decorate the

Correct! Again, we have

letter G for given. What are
the given in the story? 111 cm length and 165 cm width
Fantastic! How about O for
Operation. What is the
operation to be used? Addition.

Nice! Next we have letter N

for the number sentence.
What is our number
sentence? P = 111 cm + 111 cm + 165 cm +
165 cm

Good! Again, we have here

letter S for the solution. What
is our solution? 111+111+165+165=552

Very good! For the last letter

we have here A for the
Answer. What is the final
answer? Teacher our complete solution is
Lucky and lulu needs 552 cm long
of special ribbon for the edging
of the chalkboard.

All of your answers are (Students will perform the May

correct. Give yourself a May Tama Ka Clap”: Ang galing! Ang
Tama Ka Clap! galing! May tama ka!”)

Now I need 2 students who (The two students will go in the

will put a special ribbon on front to put a special ribbon
the chalkboard. around the chalkboard)
Wow, what a nice special
ribbon with the color red and
blue of our Philippine Flag.

Give them a Good Job Clap (G-O-O-D-J-O-B, GOOD JOB1


Let's try to solve another

Altogether read the (Students will read the story)
Many walked around a
basketball court. The court is 27 m
long and 17 m wide. What is the
perimeter of the court ?

First, write the meaning of the (Students will raise their hands
acronym AGONSA on the write the AGONSA on the board)
Number sentence

Second, write your answer (Students will raise their hands

on the board by following and write the answers on the
the AGONSA board)

Asked: Perimeter of the court

Given: 27 m long and 17 m wide
Operation: Addition
Number sentence: 27 + 17 + 27 +
17 = P
27 m
17 m
27 m
+ 17 m
88 m
Answer: The perimeter of the
court is 88.

All of your answers are


Im glad that you can follow

the steps in solving problems!

Now, let’s try to solve

another problem in a non -
routine way using illustration.

Let’s read this problem (Students will read the story)

Kia has a new handbag. The

handbag has a length of 7
inches, 11 inches, and a width of
5 inches. What is the perimeter of
the handbag?

Let’s illustrate the handbag


What is the possible shape of Trapezoid

the handbag?

Who wants to draw a (Students will raise their hand and

trapezoid on the board? will draw a trapezoid on the

Very good, and let’s write

the measurement of its side.

Who wants to write the (Students will raise their hand and
measurement on the board? will draw the measurement on
the board)
7 in

5 in 5 in

11 in

Now, let’s find the perimeter

P = 11 in + 7 in + 5 in + 5 in

Who wants to try to answer? (Students will raise their hand and
will write the answer on the

11 in
7 in
5 in
+ 5 in
28 in

What is our final answer? The perimeter of Kia’s handbag is

28 in.
Very good!

Let’s try to answer another

problem using illustration.

Let’s read the problem (Students will read the story)

Maverick is going to make a

triangular path in her garden. The
sides will be 20 feet, 36 feet and
18 feet. What is the total length of
the path?

Who wants to answer the (Students will raise their hand and
problem using illustration? will write the answer on the
38 ft 18 ft

20 ft

38 ft
18 ft
+ 20 ft
76 ft
Answer: The total length of the
path is 76 ft.
Very good!

Do you understand our

lesson today? Yes teacher

3. Application

For our next group activity, I

have prepared four (4)

The problem #1 and #2 is for

group 1 and group 2. Group
1 and 2 should answer using
The problem #2 is for groups
3 and 4. Group 3 and 4
should answer using

The first group who finished

answering the problems
within 10 minutes should

Do you understand? Yes teacher

Here is the rubrics for our
group activity
You may start your group
activity now
Group #1
Problem #1
Asked: How far does Robert ride
Robert rides his bike along
for the three rounds?
triangular park. The sides of
Given: 26 meters, 28 meters and
the park are 26 meters, 28
35 meters
meters and 35 meters. How
Operation: addition and
far does Robert ride for three
Number Sentence: P = (26m +
28m + 35m) x 3

x 3

Answer: Robert rides 267 meters

for 3 rounds

26 m
28 m
+ 35 m
89 m

Problem #2
Group #2
A parking lot has the shape
of a parallelogram. The Asked: How much fencing
dimension is 55 meters long materials is needed?
and 84 meters wide. How Given: 55 meters and 84 meters
much fencing materials is Operation: addition
needed? Number Sentence: P = 55 m + 55
m + 84 + 84

55 m
55 m
85 m
+ 85 m
278 m
Answer: 278 meters of fencing
materials is needed

Problem #3 Group #3

Camila is decorating her

room and wants to add a
border of colored tape
around the perimeter of her
desk which has a
parallelogram shape. The
length of one side of the
desk is 80 cm and the length Solution:
of the adjacent side is 65 ft.
How much colored tape
does Alice need to buy to 290 cm
border the entire desk? x 2
580 cm

Answer: Alice need 580 cm of

colored paper
80 cm
80 cm
65 cm
+ 65 cm
290 cm
Problem #4 Group #4

Evan is wrapping a 3 square

gift. Each side of the square
gift measures 27 cm. How
27 cm
much wrapping paper does
Evan need to cover 3 gifts?
27 cm 27 cm

27 cm

27 cm

27 cm 27 cm

27 cm

27 cm
27 cm
27 cm 108 cm
+ 27 cm x 2
108 cm 216 cm

Answer: Evan need 216 cm of

wrapping paper

Good job!

All of your answers is correct! Students will perform the “May

Give yourself a May Tama Ka Tama Ka Clap”: Ang galing! Ang
Clap! galing! May tama ka!”)

4. Generalization

Before we proceed have we

achieved our objectives?
Yes teacher
How to find the perimeter? By adding together all the sides
of the polygon
What are the steps in solving
the routine problem? We should follow or answer the

Asked or What is asked?

Given or What are given?
Operation or What is the
operation to be used?
Number Sentence or What is the
number sentence?
Solution or How is the solution
Answer or What is the answer to
the problem

How to solve the problem in By using illustration

a non-routine way?

Very good!

It seems like you listen


5. Valuing

In our story earlier, who

helped Lucky and Lulu? Their friends and classmates

Why is it important to help

each other? To make our task easier
It makes our world better
Very good!

Remember that we should

be with each other. Helping
also makes us feel good
inside and makes our world a
happier place for everyone.

G. Evaluation

A. Read the problem and answer the questions that follow.

Julie has a square cartolina whose sides measure 40 cm
each. She cuts the cartolina into two equal rectangles. Find
the perimeter of one piece of rectangle.

What is asked? ________________________________________________

What are the given? __________________________________________
What is the operation to be used?______________________________
What is the number sentence?________________________________
How the solution is done?______________________________________
What is the answer?___________________________________________

Key to Corrections

A. What is asked? The perimeter of one piece of rectangle.

What are the given? 40 cm
What is the operation to be used? Division_
What is the number sentence? _P = 40 cm ÷ 2
How is the solution done?

What is the answer? The perimeter of one piece of

rectangle is 20 cm

H. Assignment. Follow up


Read the following problems and answer using the acronym AGONSA.

1. Teacher Sanchez is preparing for a classroom activity. She wants to

place a border around a square bulletin board in her classroom to
display student artwork. Each side of the bulletin board measures 3
feet. How much border material does Teacher Sanches needs to
enclose the entire bulletin board?

Asked: ______________________________________________________

Given: ______________________________________________________

Operation: __________________________________________________

Number Sentence: __________________________________________

Solution: ____________________________________________________

Answer: _____________________________________________________

2. Bea is drawing a triangle on cartolina for her math homework. The

lengths of the three sides of her triangle are 30 centimeters, 48
centimeters, and 23 centimeters. What is the total perimeter of
Sara's triangle?

Asked: ______________________________________________________

Given: ______________________________________________________

Operation: __________________________________________________

Number Sentence: __________________________________________

Solution: ____________________________________________________

Answer: _____________________________________________________

Assignment. Continuation

Explore your home to find objects with shapes like squares,

rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, or trapezoids. Pick two of
these shapes. Using a ruler, measure the sides of one object for
each shape you chose. Then, calculate the perimeter of each
shape based on what you learned today
Prepared by:
Ressureccion, Genelyn S.
Martin, Pierre Paolo D.C.

Noted by:


Instructor, Teaching Math in the Intermediate Grades

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