LP - GUERRERO, Sean Daniel G.
LP - GUERRERO, Sean Daniel G.
LP - GUERRERO, Sean Daniel G.
Lesson Plan in
Science K
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At the end of the 40-minute lesson, the students should be able to:
a. identify the categories of smell;
b. classify the smell of different objects; and
c. describe the smell of certain objects to promote good communication skill.
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Greetings
Good morning, class! (The pupils will greet the teacher and
their classmates)
b. Prayer
Thank you for this wonderful day. Guide us in All: Heavenly Father,
everything we do and keep us all safe and secure.
Thank you for this wonderful day. Guide
Amen. us in everything we do and keep us all
safe and secure.
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You may now take your seats, class!
c. Checking of Attendance
Let’s start.
Jea Manuel
Perfect Attendance!
Perfect Attendance!
Very good, class. You may now take your seats.
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Listen carefully.
What’s our last rule again, class? All: Pick up the pieces of paper under
your tables and chairs, teacher!
Have I stated our rules clearly, class? All: Yes, teacher!
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All: You raise your hands if you want to
speak, teacher!
What about the last rule?
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(The teacher will flash again the cards)
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(Pupils will raise their hands to recite.)
Very good!
All: Aroma!
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B. Development of the Lesson
a. Motivation
Again, what part of the body do you use in smelling? All: We use our nose, teacher!
All: Nose, teacher!
c. Lesson Proper
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Class, we will now start our discussion.
Let’s start.
categorized into two? Teacher: Again, what are the two categories of smell?
All: No, teacher! All: Pleasant and Unpleasant Smell!
The two categories of smell are the pleasant and Teacher: Very Good!
unpleasant smell. Now we’re going to discuss about Commented [JL5]: Magpa-amoy ka nalang dito ng
pleasant and unpleasant. Then tsaka ka magkacome-up sa
the two categories of smell. two categories.
Our first category is pleasant smell. Commented [JL6R5]: Then after that sila na magbibigay
ng example.
Commented [JL7R5]: Pwede nilang i-describe yung amoy
then they can guess kung ano yung bagay na yun.
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(The teacher will make the children repeat the first
category of smell)
All: Pleasant smell.
Very well!
Again, what’s the first category of smell? All: It’s pleasant smell, teacher!
That’s correct!
Very good!
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Very good!
d. Generalization
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What part of the body do we use for smelling? All: Nose, teacher!
e. Application
f. Values Integration
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Kaye: I’m thankful to God because He
gave me a body that is healthy and
That’s good to hear. Now, again, let’s all thank
strong, teacher!
God for the special parts of our body that He has
given us because it helps us enjoy every little or
even great things around.
Direction: Put a ( ) sign to the items that has a pleasant smell and (X) sign to the items that
has an unpleasant smell.
______________ ______________
______________ ______________
______________ ______________
Direction: Cut out a picture of other objects with your guardians, five (5) pleasant and five (5)
unpleasant smell. Paste it in a short coupon bond.
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