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LP - GUERRERO, Sean Daniel G.

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A Detailed

Lesson Plan in
Science K




Page 1
At the end of the 40-minute lesson, the students should be able to:
a. identify the categories of smell;
b. classify the smell of different objects; and
c. describe the smell of certain objects to promote good communication skill.


Topic: Sense of Smell
References: Eva, E., Malabanan, C., Tirona, C., & Torreno, E. (n.d.). Ladders to
Learning Series K1 Science (2nd ed.). ABIVA Publishing House. Pp. 47-56.
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation and other visual aids
Values Integration:
Enhancing Children’s
III. PROCEDURE: Communication Skills


A. Preliminary Activities

a. Greetings

(The teacher will greet the pupils with enthusiasm)

Good morning, class! (The pupils will greet the teacher and
their classmates)

All: Good morning teacher!

All: Good morning classmates!

Are you ready to learn something new today?
All: Yes, teacher!

b. Prayer

Everyone, kindly stand up and we will pray.

(Pupils stand and bow their heads to
Heavenly Father,

Thank you for this wonderful day. Guide us in All: Heavenly Father,
everything we do and keep us all safe and secure.
Thank you for this wonderful day. Guide
Amen. us in everything we do and keep us all
safe and secure.


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You may now take your seats, class!

c. Checking of Attendance

Now, I have to check your attendance. As you can

see, there are gingerbreads in my hands. These
gingerbreads are all of you who came from their
own homes and now inside the school. What you’re
going to do is when I call your name, kindly stand
up and say present.

Did you understand, class?

All: Yes, teacher!

Let’s start.

Jea Manuel

Naryan Mendez (Jea will stand up and say present)

Rj Santos (Naryan will stand up and say present)

Carla Aguilar (Rj will stand up and say present)

(Carla will stand up and say present)

Very good! Everybody, give yourselves a “perfect

attendance” clap since everyone is here!

The “perfect attendance” clap goes like this,

One, two, three,

(Pupils will listen to the teacher)
One, two, three,

Perfect Attendance!

Altogether, class. Stand up.

(Pupils will stand up and do the clap)

All: One, two, three,

One, two, three,

Perfect Attendance!
Very good, class. You may now take your seats.

d. Setting of the Classroom Rules

Before we begin our lesson today, you must

always remember our classroom rules and

Page 3

Listen carefully.

What’s our first rule again, class?

All: Listen carefully, teacher!


You raise your hands if you want to speak.

What’s our second rule again, class?

All: You raise your hands if you want to
speak, teacher!


Pick up the pieces of paper under your tables

and chairs.

What’s our last rule again, class? All: Pick up the pieces of paper under
your tables and chairs, teacher!
Have I stated our rules clearly, class? All: Yes, teacher!

What’s our first rule again, class?

All: Listen carefully, teacher!

What about our second rule?

Page 4
All: You raise your hands if you want to
speak, teacher!
What about the last rule?

All: Pick up the pieces of paper under

Very good, class!
your tables and chairs, teacher.
e. Drill

Now, I have here a figure. Do you know what

figure it is?

All: It’s an eye, teacher!

That’s correct!

Where are your eyes?

(The pupils will point their fingers to

Nice job!
their eyes)
At this moment, I have here flashcards. What you’re
going to do is you are going to tell me the colors
and shape of the items that I will show you. If you
want to recite, just raise your hands, okay? Did you
understand, class?

All: Yes, teacher!

Great! Let’s start!

(The pupils will now get themselves

(The teacher will start flashing the cards)

(The pupils will look on the flashcards)

What is the shape of a basketball, class?

(Pupils will raise their hands to recite)

Very good!
Jea: Circle, teacher!
How about its color?

(Pupils will raise their hands to recite)

Rj: Orange, teacher!

That’s correct!

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(The teacher will flash again the cards)

(The pupils will look on the flashcards)

What is the shape of an envelope, class?

(Pupils will raise their hands to recite)

Very good! Carla: Rectangle, teacher!

How about its color?

(Pupils will raise their hands to recite)

That’s correct! Kaye: Blue, teacher!

(The teacher will flash again the cards)

What is the shape of a watermelon, class?

(Pupils will raise their hands to recite)

Very good!
Jea: Triangle, teacher!
How about its color?

(Pupils will raise their hands to recite)

That’s correct!
Renalyn: Red, teacher!
(The teacher will make the teacher repeat the
colors and shapes of the objects presented)

Excellent, class! Give yourselves a round of

applause because all your answers are correct.

(The pupils will give themselves a round

f. Review of applause)

Who can remember our topic yesterday?

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(Pupils will raise their hands to recite.)

Correct. Rj: It’s all about the eyes, teacher.

Why are our eyes important?

(Pupils will raise their hands to recite.)

Great job! Narrianne: It’s important because it

helps us see things.
g. Unlocking of Difficulties

At this moment, I have here a chart containing

words that will give you an idea about our next
(Pupils will listen carefully to the
I will first read the word and its definition, and you teacher)
will repeat it after me. Is that okay, class?

All: Yes, teacher.

(The pupils will look on the chart)


something that smells extremely bad.

What’s our first word again, class?

Very good! All: Stink!

(The pupils will look on the chart)


something that has a strong, sweet smell.

What’s our second word again, class?

Very good!
All: Aroma!

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B. Development of the Lesson

a. Motivation

Now class, I have here two puzzles. I will group you

into two and you will complete the puzzles in the
board. The first one to complete the puzzle will get
a reward from me. Did you understand class?

All: Yes, teacher!

Let’s start! Commented [JL1]: Yung pictures muna na hindi nabuo
dito then sa side ng students ay yung nabuo na.

(Pupils will start completing the puzzle)

Great work, class! You may now take your seats!

(Pupils will take their seats)

b. Presentation

Before we start our lesson today, did you enjoy

what we did, class?
All: Yes, teacher!
Do you now have an idea what is formed in the
puzzle? Commented [JL2]: Move it to the presentation of the
lesson. Sa presentation mo na itanong kung ano yung nabuo
What is it? All: Yes, teacher! nila. Based of the puzzle that you have formed what do you
see? Ganern. Then ask them will you point out your nose?
Where is your nose?
Very good! All: It’s a nose, teacher!

How can you tell what your mother is cooking?

Again, what part of the body do you use in smelling? All: We use our nose, teacher!
All: Nose, teacher!

Perfect! Commented [JL3]: Bakit ito ganito? Hindi okay for me

yung question. It is a nose teacher ganern. Don’t make
Okay, class do you now have an idea what would be things complicated

our next lesson?

All: Yes, teacher!
What would be our next lesson?
All: It’s all about the nose, teacher!
It seems like you’re now ready for our new lesson
for today.

c. Lesson Proper

Page 8
Class, we will now start our discussion.

Again, what part of the body do we use for smelling?

All: Nose, teacher!


Which of the body senses do we use? Anybody who

wants to recite?
(Narrianne will raise her hand)

Narrianne: It’s sense of smell, teacher!

Very Good!

Okay, class who wants to sniff something?

(The pupils will raise their hands)

Wow, that’s great. Now, we will be going to sniff

different things. I will call three children to come
here in front and sniff the objects.
I will cover your eyes with a handkerchief because
you will only use your nose. Is it clear, class?

All: Yes, teacher!

Once you sniff it, you will describe its smell and
guess the object. Did you understand, class?
All: Yes, teacher!

Let’s start.

(The teacher will now call the three children in


(The three children will now go in front

and start sniffing the objects)

(The three children will now describe the

smell and guess the object)
Nice job, class!

Commented [JQ4]: Wag kalimutan na ipaulit sa bata yung

Okay, class do you know that smell can be mga sinabi mo

categorized into two? Teacher: Again, what are the two categories of smell?
All: No, teacher! All: Pleasant and Unpleasant Smell!
The two categories of smell are the pleasant and Teacher: Very Good!
unpleasant smell. Now we’re going to discuss about Commented [JL5]: Magpa-amoy ka nalang dito ng
pleasant and unpleasant. Then tsaka ka magkacome-up sa
the two categories of smell. two categories.

Our first category is pleasant smell. Commented [JL6R5]: Then after that sila na magbibigay
ng example.
Commented [JL7R5]: Pwede nilang i-describe yung amoy
then they can guess kung ano yung bagay na yun.

Page 9
(The teacher will make the children repeat the first
category of smell)
All: Pleasant smell.

Very well!

Here are the examples of pleasant smell.

(The teacher will flash the pictures on the screen

and show the children the real objects that produces
pleasant smell)

(Pupils will look on the screen and on

the real objects in front)

(Pupils will observe the picture and the

real objects)

Pleasant smell is a strong, pleasing smell that

usually comes from food or drink.

Again, what’s the first category of smell? All: It’s pleasant smell, teacher!

That’s correct!

Will anyone give me an example of pleasant smell?

Any pleasant smell that you’re familiar with, class.
(Pupils will raise their hands)

Rj: Juice that has fruity aroma, teacher!

Very good!

Additionally, flower scent and the aroma of freshly

baked bread are also one of the examples.

Now we move on to the next one. Our next category

is unpleasant smell.

(The teacher will make the children repeat the first

category of smell)
All: Unpleasant smell.

Page 10

Here are the examples of unpleasant smell.

(The teacher will flash the pictures on the screen

and show the children the real objects that produces
unpleasant smell)
(Pupils will look on the screen and on
the real objects in front)

(Pupils will observe the picture and the

real objects)

Unpleasant smell refers to a strong stinking or

disgusting smell which usually come from wastes or

What’s the second category again, class!

All: It’s unpleasant smell, teacher!

Very good!

Will anyone give me an example of unpleasant

smell? Anything that you know, class.
(Pupils will raise their hands)

Narrianne: Diapers, teacher!

That’s right! Diapers really stinks!

Also, rotten foods such as fruits and vegetables are

also one of the sources of unpleasant smell.

Again, what are the two categories of smell?

All: Pleasant and unpleasant smell,
Very good!

d. Generalization

Did you understand our topic today?

All: Yes, teacher!

What is our topic all about again?

All: It’s all about the nose, teacher!

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What part of the body do we use for smelling? All: Nose, teacher!

What are the two categories of smell?

All: Pleasant and unpleasant smell,

Good job, class!

e. Application

Now class, I want you to go back to your assigned

groups. In this part, we will be having a group
activity. Each group will have a box. The boxes
(Pupils will listen to the instructions of
contain pictures that you are going to classify
the teacher)
whether it is pleasant or unpleasant smell. The
group who will finish first will be given a reward
from me.

All: Yes, teacher!

(The two groups will start classifying the

items from the box) Commented [JL8]: Yung nakaclassify na dito para hindi
sabihing dead.

Did you understand, class?

You may now start.

Okay, class I want one representative from each

group to remain in front because you will be going
to describe the smell of what you’ve classified.
(The representatives from each group
will stay in the front and describe the
smell of what they’ve classified)
Very good, class. You may now take your seats.

f. Values Integration

Did you enjoy our lesson today, children?

All: Yes, teacher!
Now, who are the pupils who are thankful to God
for the special parts of their bodies?

(The pupils will recite)

Why should you be thankful to God for the special

parts of your body?

Page 12
Kaye: I’m thankful to God because He
gave me a body that is healthy and
That’s good to hear. Now, again, let’s all thank
strong, teacher!
God for the special parts of our body that He has
given us because it helps us enjoy every little or
even great things around.

(Pupils will thank God for the special

parts of their body)


Direction: Put a ( ) sign to the items that has a pleasant smell and (X) sign to the items that
has an unpleasant smell.

______________ ______________

______________ ______________

______________ ______________


Direction: Cut out a picture of other objects with your guardians, five (5) pleasant and five (5)
unpleasant smell. Paste it in a short coupon bond.

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