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Millimetre-Wave Technologies

for 5G Mobile Networks and

Short-Range Communications

L. Dussopt, F. Gianesello
CEA-LETI, STMicroelectronics

Laurent.dussopt@cea.fr, frederic.gianesello@st.com
5G mobile communications above 6 GHz:
timelines, key technologies and recent R&D

M. Nekovee
Samsung R&D, UK


WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 1
EMF user exposure due to
mobile terminals in V-band
Anda R. Guraliuc1, M. Zhadobov1, R. Sauleau1, L. Marnat2, L. Dussopt2

of Electronics and Telecommunications of Rennes
Rennes, France

2FrenchAlternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission

Grenoble, France


Overview & Objectives


Evaluation of the user’s exposure to mmW frequencies for

1. Real case scenarios 2. Different antenna positions

Front position Edge position

Phone call Browsing

Correlation of near-field exposure parameters to recommended safety limits

A.R. Guraliuc, M. Zhadobov, R. Sauleau, L. Marnat, L. Dussopt, “Millimeter-wave exposure from mobile terminals”
2 2015 European Conf. on Networks and Commun. (EuCNC 2015), Paris, France, pp. 82-85, June 29-July 2, 2015.
mmW interaction with the human body

mm Waves
At 60 GHz, normal incidence, the power
transmission coefficient is around 60% and
increases with the frequency.

Shallow penetration depth of mmWs in the skin

Penetration depth is shallow induce SAR levels significantly higher than those
(@ 60 GHz δ ≈ 0.5 mm) at microwaves for identical IPD values
(e.g. 100 W/kg for IPD = 1 mW/cm2).
Absorption in the superficial
layers Clothing impacts the absorption in the body
(textile may increase the transmission, while an
air gap between clothing and skin may reduce it).
Primary biological targets
are skin and cornea

M. Zhadobov, N. Chahat, R. Sauleau, C. Le Quement, Y. Le Dréan, “Millimeter-wave interactions with the human body: state of knowledge and recent advances”
3 International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 3, pp. 237-247, 2011.

Exposure guidelines and standards

Safety guidelines are set for Incident Power Density (IPD)
Absorption is superficial
& far-field region.

Power Averaging
Frequency Public
Organization density Surface Time Safety factor
(GHz) exposure
(mW/cm2) (cm2) (min)
5 20 Occupational
100 1
ICNIRP [1] 10-300 68/f1.05
1 20
20 1
5 20
Occupational FS = 5 or 10
100 1
CENELEC [2] 2-300 68/f1.05
1 20
General General
20 1
30 - 300 10 100
3 - 96 Occupational 200(f/3)0.2 1
IEEE [3], [4] > 96 400 1
1 100 25.24/f0.47
30 - 100 General
20 1
f – frequency in GHz
[1] ICNIRP: “Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz)”, Health Phys., vol. 74, no. 4, pp. 494-522, 1998.
[2] EN 50413 – 2008, “Basic standard on measurement and calculation procedures for human exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (0 Hz – 300 GHz)”.
[3] IEEE Standard for safety levels with respect to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz, ISBN 0-7381-4835-0 SS95389, Apr. 2006.
4 [4] IEEE Standard for safety levels with respect to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz, ISBN 978-0-7381-6207-2 STD96039, Feb. 2010.
Exposure limits - Considerations
is the surface area of a cube with edge dimension 1.8 cm (related
20 cm2 to the human eye) used to establish exposure limits.

is the surface area of the cornea used to establish localized

1 cm2 exposure limits.
Limits averaged over 1cm2 should not exceed 20 times the values averaged over 20cm2.

is the surface area of human face / hand.

100 cm2
is less restrictive than ICNIRP.

safety limits rely on temperature increase in the eye and the potential adverse
health effects caused by this increase.
Temperature threshold in the eye ≈ 41°C, over which cataract formation may
Temperature appear. It corresponds to a temperature increase of 3-4°C.
e.g. SAR@2.45GHz=10W/kg ∆T=4°C T < 41°C.

Skin exposure at mmWs at the recommended limits (i.e. 1mW/cm2 and

5mW/cm2 for an average surface of 20 cm2) will increase its temperature by less
than 0.7°C.
[1] A. Guraliuc, M. Zhadobov, and R. Sauleau, “Dosimetric aspects related to the human body exposure to mm Waves”, MiWaveS project – Deliverable D1.3, Dec. 2014.
Available online: http://www.miwaves.eu/MiWaveS_D1.3_v1.0.pdf
[2] ICNIRP: “Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz)”, Health Phys., vol. 74, no. 4, pp. 494-522, 1998.
[3] IEEE Standard for safety levels with respect to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz, ISBN 0-7381-4835-0 SS95389, Apr. 2006.
5 [4] EN 50413 – 2008, “Basic standard on measurement and calculation procedures for human exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (0 Hz – 300 GHz)”.

Human body modeling - Plane wave exposure

Plane waves TM


[1] N. Pavselj, D. Miklavcic, “Resistive heating and electropermeabilization of skin

tissue during in vivo electroporation: A coupled nonlinear finite element model”,
Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 54, pp. 2294-2302, 2011.
[2] S.I. Alekseev, M.C. Ziskin, “Human skin permittivity determined by millimeter
wave reflection measurements”, Bioelectromagn., vol. 28, pp. 331-339, 2007.
[3] T. Wu, T.S. Rappaport,, C.M. Collins, “Safe for generations to come”, IEEE
Microw. Mag., vol 16. no. 2, pp. 65-84, Mar. 2015.
[4] S. Gabriel, R.W. Lau, C. Gabriel, “The dielectric properties of biological tissues: II.
Measurements in the frequency range 10 Hz to 20 GHz”, Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 41,
pp. 2251-2269, 1996.
[5] M. Zhadobov, C. Leduc, A. Guraliuc, N. Chahat, R. Sauleau, Chapter 5 “Antenna /
human body interactions in the 60 GHz band: state of knowledge and recent
advances”, State-of-the-art in Body-Centric Wireless Communications and
Associated Applications, IET.
Human body modeling - Power density

( )⋅e
PD0 - power density at the skin surface (z = 0)
PD ( z ) = PD0 ⋅ e −2 z /δ = IPD ⋅ 1 − Γ −2 z / δ
Γ - power reflection coefficient

δ - penetration depth

Skin can be modeled as a
homogenous layer


M. Zhadobov, C. Leduc, A. Guraliuc, N. Chahat, R. Sauleau, Chapter 5: “Antenna / human body interactions in the 60 GHz band: state of knowledge and recent
10 advances”, State-of-the-art in Body-Centric Wireless Communications and Associated Applications, IET.

Antenna module

Realized gain [dB] @ 60GHz

Ant1 Ant2
10 8.97 8.82
Head effect

Geometrical head model: open

source CAD file with skin-
equivalent properties

Impact of the human body

on the antenna performance


Antenna in phone call mode


Module Input power Peak-SAR Peak-IPDeq
position mW W/kg mW/cm2
Front 0.084 9.69×10-8 3.99x10-9
Edge 0.133 3×10-7 1.24x10-8

<< ICNIRP recommended BRs

(1 mW/cm2 over 20cm2; 20 mW/cm2 over 1 cm2)
- Maximum SAR occurs on the user’s ear helix.
- Lower exposure is noticed for “Front” case than “Edge” case (“Front”:
the antenna radiates towards the base station).
- Exposure levels are significantly lower compared to the
recommended limits.

A.R. Guraliuc, M. Zhadobov, R. Sauleau, L. Marnat, L. Dussopt, “Millimeter-wave exposure from mobile terminals”, 2015 European Conf. on Networks and Commun.
12 (EuCNC 2015), Paris, France, pp. 82-85, June 29-July 2, 2015.
Thank You!
Cost effective mmW systems
leveraging silicon technology
and digital manufacturing
C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, A. Bisognin, D. Titz,
J. Costa, C. Fernandez, C. del Rio Bocio

EpoC, University Nice-Sophia Antipolis


WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 2

Communications of 53


• Rapid growth of wireless data drives the development of new technologies:

- 5G
- Wireless backhaul developments in V/E Bands
• Availability of high performance and cost effective antenna is key

• To address this need, fundamental enablers lie in manufacturing

technologies able to handle complex 3D-Shapes while providing fast and low-
cost prototyping as well as the ability to support medium-volume production

• This presentation illustrates how 3D-Printing and digital manufacturing

technologies might help to develop innovative and cost-effective antenna
solutions in order to address new business challenges

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Communications of 53

• Context and Motivation

• Antenna-Solution
• 3D-Printed Lens
• 3D-Printed Horns
• 3D-Printed Reflectors
• Future Work
• Conclusion

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Communications of 53

Context & Motivation

• Following the growth of mobile devices, global mobile data traffic has exceeded 4200
Petabytes/month in 2nd Q 2015

Source : Ericsson mobility report June 2015

• Peak data rates of 5G will be close to 10 Gbit/s
• Cell-edge data rates should be 100 Mbit/s
• In order to address consumer demand, the development of high-speed, low-cost and low-
power wireless technologies is a key challenge for our industry
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Communications of 53
Context & Motivation
• Many current 5G researches are dealing with new RF/mmW radio technologies for
access in order to increase peak data rates, but do we really need new radio
g for access?
Under deployment

VDSL2 Wired
Under deployment Broadband

LTE Advanced Cellular

Under deployment

802.11ad (WiGig)

Under deployment
E Band backhaul

Under deployment R&D

120 GH

200 GHz

5 Mb/s 30 Mb/s
Mb/ 100 Mb/s 150 Mb/s
Mb 300 Mb/s 433 Mb
Mb/s 867 Mb/s 1.3 G
Gb/s 3.39 Gb/s 6.77 Gb/s 7 Gb/
Gb/s 10 Gb
Gb/s 40 Gb

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Context & Motivation

• Today average fixed broadband connection speed in Europe is 4.6 Mb/s, which is far
lower to the Gb/s experience that WiFi can deliver today …
• The situation is not better for mobile average connection speed which is in Europe ~4 Mb/s

Akamai State of the Internet Report Q2 2014

• While 100 Mb/s & 1Gb/s wireless technologies are today available in a cost-effective
manner (e.g. 802.11ac & LTE), we are not able to deliver those data rates to the user: this
is the challenge that 5G has to address.

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Context & Motivation

• Small cells will play a key role in order to increase the network

• Considering the deployment of those small cells, backhaul

connection is an issue (civil works cost) : wireless backhaul is here

• Since high data rates (1 Gb/s in full duplex) are required at low-
cost in backhaul solutions, 60 GHz & 70-80GHz wireless solutions
are strongly considered today.

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Context & Motivation

• Wireless Backhaul System at 60 & 80GHz
• The global power consumption of commercially available backhaul systems is
mainly dominated by the Digital Base Band (especially for high order modulation

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 9

Communications of 53
Context & Motivation
• Low Power OOK mmW Transceivers
• From the other side, academic research focused its effort on the design of wide
bandwidth and low power wireless system at mmW.
Freq. Max. Output Data Rate DC power (Tx+Rx)
(GHz) Power (dBm) (Gbps) (mW)

NTU 57-64 5 3.3 286

KAIST 47-67 5 10.7 67
STARC 125-145 -9 10 98.4


60GHz 60GHz 135GHz

Jri Lee et al, A Low-Power Low-Cost Fully- Chul Woo Byeon et al, A 67-mW 10.7-Gb/s
Integrated 60-GHz Transceiver System 60-GHz OOK CMOS Transceiver for Short- Minoru Fujishima et al, 98 mW 10 Gbps
With OOK Modulation and On-Board Range Wireless Communications, MTT, Wireless Transceiver Chipset With D-Band
Antenna Assembly, JSSC, 2010. 2013 CMOS Circuits, JSSC, 2013

• What about a wide bandwidth wireless system beyond 100GHz leveraging

silicon technologies ?
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Context & Motivation

• Leveraging the performance of state-of-the-art silicon transceivers operating at 60

& 120GHz, the following specifications could be targeted.

Existing 57-66GHz Backhaul Systems: 116-142GHz Wireless System:

• Max Output power (at antenna port): ~10 dBm • Max Output power (at antenna port): ~5 dBm
• Modulation scheme /sensitivity: • Modulation scheme /sensitivity:
• QPSK / -62 dBm • OOK / -45 dBm

• Data rates: • Data rate: 10 Gbps

• 100 Mbps • DC power*: 185 mW (Rx+Tx)
• 300 Mbps
• 1000 Mbps *(power consumption including analog interface)

• DC power: 700mW (+5W from DBB)

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Context & Motivation
• 60/120GHz High Gain Antenna Spec.
• Since the output power level is limited, the transmission range of the system
mainly depends on the antenna gain.

• From a first demo, a 25 dBi antenna gain has been targeted to achieve at
least 10m and validate the B55 IC developed by Stanford.
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Communications of 53

Context & Motivation

• Low Cost Antenna Challenge
• In order to meet the antenna gain required, the quasi-optical solution for the
antenna is the preferred approach.
• Low cost high gain mmW antenna solution is a key enabler in order to support the
development of cost effective wireless PtP solutions.

60GHz BiCMOS IC SMPM connector V/E-band antenna

Peraso PRS2152, PRS2153 60GHz coax. PCB connector Elva-1 fronthaul/backhaul

~ 30cm
> 35 dBi

̱ 5$ (>100 000 parts) ̱ 15$ ̱ 200/1500$

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Communications of 53
Context & Motivation
• Wireless mmW links are technically feasible but the challenge is here more on
integration in order to propose a real breakthrough on the cost of the proposed
solution. This is mandatory to deploy denser networks .
Today ~25000 $ Tomorrow ~1500 $ ?

• This is where silicon technologies as well as 3D-Printing technologies can play a major
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Communications of 53

Context & Motivation

• Wireless Communications beyond 100GHz
• There is an opportunity to leverage the 116-142GHz band where silicon
technologies still exhibit suitable performance.
• Leveraging III-V technologies, NTT has already demonstrated a 10 Gbps wireless
system in the 116-134GHz band over a range higher than 1 km.
10 Gbps Wireless System in the
Available frequency bands beyond 100GHz (US) 116-134 band (NTT)
48 dBi cassegrain antenna
(30cm diameter)

Transmission range > 1km

Source: FCC
Source: NTT, 2012

• The next step consists in developing an integrated solution leveraging silicon

technologies and associated packaging one.
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Communications of 53
Context & Motivation

Development of a high gain and cost-effective antenna solution

fulfilling the following specifications.

Targeted Performance Summary (antenna

Application Small cells Datacenter
116-142GHz 116-142GHz
Freq. 57-66GHz (15%)
(20%) (20%)
S11 < -10 dB < -10 dB < -10 dB

Gain ~30 dBi ~35 dBi > 25 dBi

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Communications of 53

• The lens-antenna approach enables antenna gain in the order of 25dBi while using
a low complexity source-antenna.
Gain vs. antenna size


Antenna array
on PCB

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Communications of 53
• Specifications
• In order to keep the system in a compact size, a co-design of
the source antenna with the lens is mandatory.
Lens directivity vs. Source directivity Elliptical Lens Cross-section


WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 18

Communications of 53

• Low Loss HDI PCB technology
• A 60GHz planar antenna source has been developed using a cost-effective
PCB technology.
• Subtractive manufacturing process
• Design rules: 80 µm (line width) ൈ 80 µm (space between lines)

1+2 PCB Buildup Panasonic Megtron 6 materials

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 19

Communications of 53
• 2ൈ2 array of Linear Aperture Coupled Patch antennas in order to achieve
the required directivity (̱12/13 dBi).
• Wide operation bandwidth using a thick core substrate (400µm).

Photography of the PCB-module

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Gain in the broadside direction Normalized Gain in the H plane at


Frequency (GHz)

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Communications of 53
• Semi-additive manufacturing process
– Design rules: 50 µm (line width) ൈ 50 µm (space between lines)
• Flip-chip assembly enables:
– Low profile, limited impact of the IC on the antenna performance.
– Low interconnection loss.
• Multilayer substrates with built-in LACP antenna.

Antenna-in-Package assembly scheme BGA modules in strip format

BGA module
Fit in automated assembly machines

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• 1+2+1 BGA Buildup

• A thick core substrate provide a wide operation bandwidth of the LACP antenna.
Cross-section view of the buildup*

*ߝ௥ (core) = ߝ௥ (ppg) = 3.4

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 23

Communications of 53
• For measurements, we used a dedicated probe-fed antenna setup for S11 and 3D
radiation pattern up to 140 GHz.

D. Titz et al, “Development of a Millimeter-Wave Measurement Setup and Dedicated Techniques to

Characterize the Matching and Radiation Performance of Probe-Fed Antennas”, IEEE Antennas and
Propagation Magazine, vol. 54, pp. 188-203, 2012.

A. Bisognin et al.,” Probe-fed measurement system for F-band antennas”, EuCAP 2014.

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Communications of 53

• A 2ൈ2 array of LACP antennas is integrated inside a 7ൈ7mm² BGA.

Manufactured BGA module

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Matching (S11) Smith Chart


S (dB)



freq (90.00GHz to 140.0GHz) freq (90.00GHz to 140.0GHz)

90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Freq (90…140GHz)
freq, GHz

Measurements Simulation

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Communications of 53


Realized Gain in the broadside Realized Gain in the H plane at 130GHz


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Communications of 53
3D-Printed Lens
• Various materials have already been explored for lenses at mmW like Teflon,
Polyethylene, Quartz, Rexolite, etc.
• But main drawbacks of those materials: cost and manufacturing complexity.

Quartz lens at Rexolite lens at Polyethylene at

Teflon at 77GHz
86GHz 77GHz 110GHz

Alexey Artemenko et al, “Experimental

Characterization of E-Band Two-Dimensional A. Karttunen, et al, "Using Optimized Eccentricity H. Gulan et al, "Lens Coupled Aki Karttunen, "Extended Hemispherical
Electronically Beam-Steerable Integrated Lens Rexolite Lens For Electrical Beam Steering With Broadband Slot Antenna for W- Integrated Lens Antenna with Feeds on a
Antennas”, AWPL, 2013. Integrated Aperture Coupled Patch Array, Progress Band Imaging Applications", Spherical Surface", EuCAP, 2013.
In Electromagnetics Research B, 2012. APSURSI, 2013.

• In order to lower the manufacturing cost, we could think to evaluate 3D-

printing technologies using consumer grade plastic material.
WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 28
Communications of 53

3D-Printed Lens

• For low to medium-volume fabrications, 3D-Printing can eliminate the need for tool
production and therefore decrease costs, lead times and associated labor.

Michael Graham, A Look at 3D Printing as a Production Technology, October 5, 2015,


• Can we leverage 3D-Printing technology to develop innovative and cost effective mmW
antennas ?
WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 29
Communications of 53
3D-Printed Lens
• Fuse Deposition Modeling: layer-by-layer fabrication process.
• Plastic material: ABS-M30
• Layer thickness: 178µm

Stratasys FDM technology

Fabricated lens
source: en.wikipedia.org

Source: www.stratasysdirect.com

ߝ௥ and –ƒ ߜ of the ABS-M30 at 60GHz, 120 GHz ?

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Communications of 53

3D-Printed Lens
Complex Permittivity Measurements

Fabry-Perot Open Resonator at 60GHz Non-resonant waveguide method at 120GHz

J. R. Costa, et al,
Source: IST/IT lab “Compact Beam-Steerable Lens Antenna for 60-GHz
Wireless Communications”, TAP, 2009.

IST/IT ESA/ESTEC Our meas. Teflon

Fabry-Perot Open Quasi-optical meas. Waveguide
Method NA
resonator setup method
Freq. 60GHz 137.5GHz 110-125GHz NA
ߝ௥ 2.48 2.48 2.49 2
–ƒ ߜ 0.009 0.008 0.01 0.0002

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Communications of 53
3D-Printed Lens
• 30dBi Lens for Backhaul at 60GHz

• In order to lower the dielectric loss, we designed a chopped lens.

• Fast optimization using ILASH software tool (GO/PO).

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Communications of 53

3D-Printed Lens

Chopped Lens Profile

ܾ = 52mm

ͻͲι ݀= 30mm
‫ = ܮ‬33mm
ܿ ൌ38mm
‫ =ܯ‬19 mm

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Communications of 53
3D-Printed Lens

• A first 8cm diameter plastic lens was manufactured and measured

leveraging a NF-FF transformation method.
Co-pol NF Gain in the boresight direction
Fabricated Lens on the 30
supporting structure from
the 3D-printer

Gain (dBi)

Meas (Co-pol) at 60cm
22 Inter. Pol (order 3)
Inter. Pol (order 3) - 1
Inter. Pol (order 3) + 1
50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66
Frequency (GHz)

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Communications of 53

3D-Printed Lens
• This 4cm diameter lens is an homothety of the 60GHz 8cm
diameter lens.
Fabricated 120GHzLens Profile of the 120GHz lens

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Communications of 53
3D-Printed Lens

Co-Polarized Realized Gain (dBi) in the

boresight direction Matching (Measured S11)
26 26 GHz (20%)
Gain (dBi)

S11 (dB)
20 Interpolated meas. values (order 4) + 1.2 dB
Interpolated meas. values (order 4) - 1.2 dB
Interpolated meas. values (order 4)
16 Simu. In the direction (phi, theta)=(180°, 91°)
Simu. In the direction (phi, theta)=(180°, 90°)
90 100 110 120 130 140
Frequency (GHz)

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Communications of 53

3D-Printed Lens

• A full elliptical lens made of Teflon and of 25mm diameter achieves the
same level of antenna gain (~28dBi).
Co-Polarized Realized Gain (dBi) in the
Lens Profile broadside direction

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Communications of 53
3D-Printed Lens

• 3D Printed Plastic vs. Teflon Lenses

Teflon Lens 3D Printed Lens

Manufacturing time ~1 day ~9 hours

High Low

Material cost High Low

Lens diameter 25 mm 40 mm

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Communications of 53

3D-Printed Lens
• Microstrip line loss (organic BGA technology):
0.24 dB/mm at 130GHz

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Communications of 53
3D-Printed Horns
• Total efficiency of the 60 & 120GHz sources in BGA and PCB are ̱50%.
• Enhance the illumination efficiency ?
• We evaluated a 3D-printing technology (Swissto12) for the fabrication of a plastic
metallized horn antenna (designed by Prof. Carlos del-Río from University of

• However, a wide bandwidth and low loss PCB-waveguide transition is still required.

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Communications of 53

3D-Printed Horns
• Corrugated Horn is 3D-Printed out of plastic polymer and subsequently metal plated
with copper (+ protected for oxidation with gold) nearly 90% of efficiency


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Communications of 53
3D-Printed Reflectors
• For higher gains (> 35 dBi), the reflector antenna solution could be envisioned
(leveraging 3D-printing plastic metallized technologies).

Reflector/Lens antenna gain vs. diameter Reflector/Lens antenna gain vs. diameter at

Overall size: 13ൈ13ൈ3.8cm3

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3D-Printed Reflectors

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3D-Printed Reflectors

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3D-Printed Reflectors

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3D-Printed Reflectors

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3D-Printed Reflectors

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3D-Printed Reflectors

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3D-Printed Reflectors

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Communications of 53
Future Work

• Improve “PCB Source + Lens” combination for 30 dBi at 60 GHz

• Design a wideband microstrip-to-waveguide transition for horn use

• Evaluate PE material to improve Lens efficiency

• Investigate 3D-Printed low-cost antenna and source solutions for the 200-
300 GHz band

• Investigate 3D-Printed waveguide-fed novel antenna solution to improve

efficiency and form factor

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Communications of 53


• HDI organic packaging technology validated up to 140 GHz with

a predictive design flow.
• 3D-Printing technology has emerged has a promising solution
achieving excellent results in V-band and D-band up to 140 GHz
Those results enable cost-effective industrial high gain antenna
solution beyond 100GHz.

• We are still looking for the limit of 3D-Printing technology

• What about 3D-Printed antennas beyond 200 GHz ?

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 51

Communications of 53

1. Increase the gain ? Reflectors

2. Increase the efficiency ? Horn source

3. Increase the bandwidth ? Si-Photonics solution

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 52

Communications of 53

Thank you for your attention

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 53

Communications of 53
Reconfigurable millimeter-wave transmitarray
antennas for backhaul applications

L. Dussopt


WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 2

Communications of 44


• Introduction
– Principles, applications
• Passive transmit-arrays (fixed beam)
– Examples at 60 GHz and 70/80 GHz
• Switched-beam transmit-arrays
– Examples at 60 GHz
• Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
– Examples at 10 GHz and 30 GHz

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 3

Communications of 44
Introduction – mmWave applications

P2P communications Mobile access in future

(backhaul/fronthaul) networks (5G)

Satellite communications Radar systems Imaging and security

(automotive, industry)
WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 4
Communications of 44

Transmit-array antennas

Free-space feed from a focal source.
The signal is collected on one side,
phase-shifted, and re-radiated on the other side.
Reconfigurability at focal source level or lens level.

High-directivity antennas,
Wideband performance, Focal
Good efficiency,
Excellent polarization properties (linear or circular),
Standard PCB technologies (planar or conformable).

Antenna Antenna
array Array

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 5

Communications of 44
Transmit-array antennas
Modeling and simulation (1/2)
Full-wave EM simulation of the entire structure: for validation only!
Separate EM simulations:
• Unit-cell(s): S-parameters, radiation patterns
• Focal source(s): radiation patterns

, ,

, focal distance F

, focal source

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 6

Communications of 44

Transmit-array antennas
Modeling and simulation (2/2)
Full-wave EM simulation of the entire structure: for validation only!
Separate EM simulations:
• Unit-cell(s): S-parameters, radiation patterns
• Focal source(s): radiation patterns
Analytic calculation of the full structure properties
Optimization of the cell distribution
Radiation patterns
Power budget

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 7

Communications of 44
Passive transmit-arrays (fixed beam)

60-GHz Circularly-Polarized Transmit-Arrays

Patch-based unit-cells, sequential rotations for CP
Unit cells:
• Insertion losses : 0.44 dB at 60 GHz
• 3-dB bandwidth : 7.8 GHz (13%)

Unit-cell limits
Reflection, Transmission (dB)



-15 0° 90°


-25 Return loss (S11)

Insertion loss (S21)

50 55 60 65 70
Frequency (GHz) 180° 270°

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 8

Communications of 44

Passive transmit-arrays (fixed beam)

Cell 0° Cell 90° Cell 180° Cell 270° 50×50 mm
60-GHz Circularly-Polarized Transmit-Arrays
Patch-based unit-cells, sequential rotations for CP
Array performances:
• Max. Gain: 23 dBi (50x50 mm aperture)
• 1-dB bandwidth : >12 GHz (18.7%)
• Axial Ratio (1 dB): 9.9 GHz (16.3%)

Simulation Measurement
Axial Ratio (dB)
Gain (dBi)

Gain (dBi)

Gain (dBi)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 9

Communications of 44
Passive transmit-arrays (fixed beam)

60-GHz Linearly-Polarized Transmit-Arrays M3: Antenna

Via-less unit-cells, 3 metal layers
381 um (0.015”)
3 unit-cells to achieve 7 phase states (2.8 bits) M2: GP
76 um (0.003”)
254 um (0.010”)
M1: Antenna

Unit-cell “b”
Patch Patch π/2
3π/4 π/4

π X0
Coupling slot Coupling slot
Periodic boundaries conditions
Patch Patch
Coupling slot Coupling slot Slots -π/4
Patch Patch -π/2 Unit-cell “c”
(a) (b) (c)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 10

Communications of 44

Passive transmit-arrays (fixed beam)

60-GHz Linearly-Polarized Transmit-Arrays

Via-less unit-cells, 3 metal layers
3 unit-cells to achieve 7 phase states (2.8 bits)
Insertion losses: < 1 dB

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 11

Communications of 44
Passive transmit-arrays (fixed beam)

60-GHz Linearly-Polarized Transmit-Arrays

Ø100-mm lens, focal distance 55 mm
Focal source: 10-dBi horn

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 12

Communications of 44

Passive transmit-arrays (fixed beam)

60-GHz Linearly-Polarized Transmit-Arrays

Ø100-mm lens, focal distance 55 mm
Focal source: 10-dBi horn
Max. Gain: 33 dBi at 64 GHz (45% aperture efficiency)
3-dB bandwidth: ~15%

Gain (dBi)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 13

Communications of 44
Passive transmit-arrays (fixed beam)

60-GHz Linearly-Polarized Transmit-Arrays

Ø100-mm lens, focal distance 55 mm
Focal source: 10-dBi horn
Radiation pattern synthesis: fan beam

H-Plane E-Plane

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 14

Communications of 44

Passive transmit-arrays (fixed beam)

E-band Linearly-Polarized Transmit-Arrays

71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz: total 19% relative bandwidth
Ø100-mm lens, focal source: 10-dBi horn
Several designs: lower band, upper band, dual band

36 40

34 Simulation
Gain (dBi)

Gain (dBi)

28 10


20 -20
65 70 75 80 85 90 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90
Frequency (GHz) Angle (degrees)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 15

Communications of 44
Passive transmit-arrays (fixed beam)

Pre-industrial prototype
Linear polarization, compliance ETSI-class 2 radiation mask
Circular array (Ø 100 mm 40 cells)
Gain 32.5 dBi, 1-dB bandwidth 15.4%
Aperture efficiency 42.7%



Pre-Industrial prototype Transmit array

Courtesy of Radiall.

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 16

Communications of 44

Switched-beam transmit-arrays
Beam-switching functionality can be implemented at the focal source
Similarly to dielectric lenses, the beam can be steered by moving the focal
source in the focal plane.
Active focal array:
The switching circuit can be embedded with the focal sources and with other active
circuits (amplifiers, TRx) in a compact module: power efficiency, low cost.
Schemes more complex than simple switching can be implemented: multi-beam,
Limited steering range: aberration if the focal
source is too far from the lens focal point.
Long-range radar
Beam alignment in P2P communications

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 17

Communications of 44
Switched-beam transmit-arrays
V-band Circularly-Polarized Transmit-Arrays
Switched focal sources
Focal array: 5-elements array integrated on HR-silicon
40x40 mm2 array, Meas. Gain = 20 dBi
Beam-switching: ±25°
Bandwidth (3-dB): 15.9%

Port 1
20 Port 2
Port 3
10 Port 4

Gain (dBi)
Port 5

Focal array -10


-90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90
Angle (deg.)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 18

Communications of 44

Switched-beam transmit-arrays
V-band Linearly-Polarized Transmit-Arrays
Passive discrete lens (Ø100 mm)
5-elements focal source array on LCP with MMIC switches

Focal array

Principle Front Back

Work done in collaboration with VTT.

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 19
Communications of 44
Switched-beam transmit-arrays
V-band Linearly-Polarized Transmit-Arrays
Passive discrete lens (Ø100 mm)
5-elements focal source array on LCP with MMIC switches
Beam-switching: ±5°
Bandwidth (3-dB): 14%
Phi = 90° Simulations

Gain (dBi)
G a in (d B i)



-50 0 50
θ (deg) Work done in collaboration with VTT.
WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 20
Communications of 44

Switched-beam transmit-arrays
V-band Linearly-Polarized Transmit-Arrays
Passive discrete lens (Ø100 mm)
5-elements focal source array on LCP with MMIC switches
Beam-switching: ±5°
Bandwidth (3-dB): 14% Measurements
AUT Gain Plan H AUT Gain Plan H
0 0
beam 101 beam 101
beam 102
-5 beam 102
beam 103
beam 103 -5
Magnitude (dBi)

beam 104
-10 beam 104 beam 105
beam 105
Magnitude (dBi)



-30 -15 0 15
θ (deg)

-90 -75 -60 -45 -30 -15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90
θ (deg)
Work done in collaboration with VTT.
WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 21
Communications of 44
Switched-beam transmit-arrays
Perspective: beam-switching/beamforming using an active focal
Focal source : Transceiver module with 2x4 antennas phased array.
Improved coverage, lower gain ripple. Coverage

Single beam
at a time

Discrete lens

Focal array More uniform coverage using

multiple simultaneous beams
(gain variation < 3 dB)

Active focal array

(8 elements)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 22

Communications of 44

Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
Reconfigurable transmitarrays enable wide scan angle and complex
beam synthesis
Fixed (passive) focal source
Reconfigurable transmitarray panel
Many demonstrations at 5 to 40 GHz using
varactor diodes, PIN diodes, MEMS.
Few demonstrations above 40 GHz using
ferroelectric materials or liquid crystals.
Applications: Focal
Short-range radar Source
Point-to-MultiPoint communications
Wireless mobile access
Antenna Antenna
array Array

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 23

Communications of 44
Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
Continuous or discrete phase-shifters? How many phase states?
Aperture efficiency:
limited number of phase states enable
low quantization losses.
Trade-off: phase-accuracy vs losses
Impact on side-lobe levels

80 Theoretical results for an array of 20x20

Aperture efficiency (%)

70 3 bits
elements and a 10 dBi focal source
60 2 bits
1 bit
50 Phase quant. Perfect 3 bits 2 bits 1 bit
Quant. Loss (dB) 0 0.2 0.8 3.5
SLL (dB) 25.0 25.0 24.4 20.2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 24
Communications of 44

Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
10-GHz 1-bit linearly-polarized unit-cell
2 substrates, 4 metal layers
1-bit phase shifter (0/180°) realized with 2 PIN diodes
Single bias line

Active patch Cross section

Active patch Bias line

Passive patch

Ground plane
Passive patch

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 25

Communications of 44
Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
10-GHz 1-bit linearly-polarized unit-cell
2 substrates, 4 metal layers
1-bit phase shifter (0/180°) realized with 2 PIN diodes
Single bias line

Active patch Cross section

Active patch Bias line

Diode 1

Passive patch
Diode 2

Ground plane
Passive patch

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 26

Communications of 44

Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
10-GHz 1-bit linearly-polarized unit-cell
Waveguide characterization
Insertion loss: 1.8 dB at 9.8 GHz
3-dB bandwidth: 1.47 GHz (14.7%)

0° state 0 180° state

-5 S21 -5 S21
Magnitude (dB)
Magnitude (dB)

-10 -10
-15 -15
-20 -20
-25 -25
Measure Measure
-35 -35
8 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 8 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 27

Communications of 44
Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
10-GHz transmitarray

Array 20×20 cells

Horn 10 dBi


Biasing and logic circuit

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 28

Communications of 44

Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
10-GHz transmitarray
Total efficiency: 53%
Gain: 22.7 dBi, aperture efficiency: 16%
3-dB bandwidth: 15.6%

25 25
20 20
Magnitude (dBi)
Magnitude (dBi)

5 10

0 5
-5 0
-10 Simul.
-15 Measure
-20 -10
-90 -75 -60 -45 -30 -15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12
θ (deg) Frequency (GHz)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 29

Communications of 44
Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
10-GHz transmitarray
Beamsteering: ±70° in E- and H-planes


20 H Plane

Magnitude (dBi)





-90 -75 -60 -45 -30 -15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90
θ (deg)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 30

Communications of 44

Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
10-GHz transmitarray
Beam synthesis: flat-top beam

15 15
10 mask 10
Magnitude (dBi)

0° 180° 5
Magnitude (dBi)

0 0
-5 -5
-10 -10
Simulation Simulation
-15 -15
Measurement Measurement
-20 -20
-90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90
Angle (deg.) Angle (deg.)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 31

Communications of 44
Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
30-GHz transmitarray
Unit-cell: 1-bit phase-shifting, similar
design as in X-band.

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 32

Communications of 44

Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
30-GHz transmitarray
Unit-cells insertion loss: 1.09-1.29 dB at 29 GHz (meas.).
3-dB bandwidth: 27-30.2 GHz (11%)

0 0 0 0
-5 -1 -5 -1
-2 -2
-10 -10
-3 -3
Magnitude (dB)

Magnitude (dB)

-15 -4 -15 -4
-20 -5 -20 -5
-25 -6 -25 -6
S11 measurement S11 measurement
S21 measurement -7 -7
-30 -30 S21 measurement
S22 measurement S22 measurement
S11 sim. waveguide -8 S11 sim. waveguide -8
-35 S21 sim. waveguide -35 S21 sim. waveguide
0° S22 sim. waveguide -9 180° S22 sim. waveguide -9
-40 -10 -40 -10
26 26.5 27 27.5 28 28.5 29 29.5 30 30.5 31 26 26.5 27 27.5 28 28.5 29 29.5 30 30.5 31
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 33

Communications of 44
Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
30-GHz transmitarray
20x20 elements transmitarray (400 unit-cells).
10-dBi focal source (horn)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 34

Communications of 44

Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
30-GHz transmitarray
20x20 elements transmitarray (400 unit-cells).
10-dBi focal source (horn)
Sequential rotation of LP unit-cells
Switchable circular polarization (left/right)
Switchable linear polarization (H/V)

Sequential rotation
of LP unit-cells

Active patches

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 35

Communications of 44
Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
30-GHz transmitarray
Gain: 20.8 dBi (broadside)
3-dB bandwidth: 15%, 3-dB AR bandwidth: 18%
Efficiency: 58%

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 36

Communications of 44

Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
30-GHz transmitarray
Beamsteering: ±60° in every azimuth plane (5-dB scan loss at 60°)
Polarization switching : LHCP/RHCP

LHCP configuration RHCP configuration

Magnitude (dB)

Magnitude (dB)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 37

Communications of 44
Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
30-GHz multi-source transmitarray
Focal distance reduction using multiple focal sources
F -50%



Planar focal array

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 38

Communications of 44

Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
30-GHz multi-source transmitarray
Focal distance reduction using multiple focal sources
SIW slot array: 2x2 sub-arrays of 2x2 slots
Each sub-array: ~8 dBi gain, 50° beamwidth

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 39

Communications of 44
Reconfigurable transmit-arrays

30-GHz multi-source transmitarray

Gain: 16.2 dBi (broadside)
Magnitude (dB)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 40

Communications of 44

Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
30-GHz multi-source transmitarray
Gain: 16.2 dBi (broadside)
Beamsteering ±40°
Magnitude (dB)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 41

Communications of 44
Reconfigurable transmit-arrays
Perspective: mmWave base-station applications and self-backhauling
Medium antenna gain (20-30 dBi) and Rad. Power (40-60 dBm EIRP)
Beamsteering capability over a wide angular sector
Spatial multiplexing, Multi-User
Hybrid architectures (digital + analog beamforming)


WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 42

Communications of 44

Transmitarray antennas: competitive and cost-effective solutions
for mmWave transmissions in 5G
Efficiency, bandwidth, polarization quality, light weight
State-of-the-art demonstrations from 10 to 90 GHz
Passive antennas: mature solutions with on-going industrial transfer
Beam-switching antennas with active focal arrays for Point-to-Point or
Point-to-MultiPoint links
Reconfigurable transmitarrays for beam-steering or beamforming in
mmWave small cells with self-backhauling.

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 43

Communications of 44
H. Kaouach, L. Dussopt, J. Lantéri, T. Koleck, R. Sauleau., "Wideband low-loss linear and circular polarization transmit-
arrays in V-band," IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol. 59, no. 7, pp. 2513-2523, July 2011.
A. Clemente, L. Dussopt, R. Sauleau, P. Potier, P. Pouliguen, "Wideband 400-element Electronically Reconfigurable
Transmitarray in X Band ," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 61, no. 10, October 2013, pp. 5017-
J.A. Zevallos Luna, L. Dussopt, "A V-band Switched-Beam Transmit-array antenna," Int. Journal on Microwave and
Wireless Technologies, vol. 6, Issue 1, Feb. 2014, pp. 51-56.
J.A. Zevallos Luna, L. Dussopt, A. Siligaris, "Packaged Transceiver with On-Chip Integrated Antenna and Planar Discrete
Lens for UWB Millimeter-Wave Communications," 2014 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB
2014), 1-3 Sept. 2014, Paris, France.
L. Di Palma, A. Clemente, L. Dussopt, R. Sauleau, P. Potier, P. Pouliguen, "1-bit reconfigurable unit-cell for Ka-band
transmitarrays," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2015.
L. Di Palma, A. Clemente, L. Dussopt, R. Sauleau, P. Potier, P. Pouliguen, "Circularly-polarized reconfigurable
transmitarray in Ka-band," 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Davos, Switzerland, 11-15 April
L. Dussopt, A. Moknache, "Design of E-Band Transmitarray Antennas for Point-to-Point Communications," 2016
European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2016), Athens, Greece, June 27-30, 2016.

Collaboration Prof. R. Sauleau (univ. of Rennes, IETR)
PhD students & postdocs: H. Kaouach, A. Clemente, L. Di Palma, J. Zevallos, J. Lanteri, A. Moknache.
This work was partially supported by the French Ministry of Defense (DGA), the French Space Agency and the European
Union (FP7-MiWaveS project).

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 44

Communications of 44
Hardware and System Design for
Wireless Fiber in the Millimeter-
Wave Band

WF03 Millimetre
Wave Technologies
Technolo for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Data Traffic

First video 320p, 2005 First 8k, 2015

Channel : jawed Channel : Neuumannfilms

 1MB/min > 150MB/min

IP traffic CAGR of 22 percent from 2015 to 2020
Exponential growth of video data traffic
Data Traffic: Forecasts
Mobile Data Traffic 8! 2015-2020
Smartphone traffic will exceed PC by 2020

Exabytes / month

[1] Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2015Ð2020


+ New Drivers:
Internet of Everything

Source: Qualcomm

Source: General Electric


Source: Rockwell Automation

Source: GreenPeak Technologies Source: BrivoLabs
Image: Reuters

Not easy to predict killer apps?

Cellular Phones, 1970Õs


Dr. Martin Cooper

Electricity, 1800Õs


Historical Perspective
First Wireless Age: Station to Station. Kilo-scale

GBC Marconi- Maritime Communications

!"# $"%&'()*+,-(./(0++1()/()*2,23,4 ENGINEERING

Historical Perspective
First Wireless Age: Station to Station. Kilo-scale
Second Wireless Age: Station to People. Mega-Scale


!"# $"%&'()*+,-(./(0++1()/()*2,23,4 ENGINEERING

Historical Perspective
First Wireless Age: Station to Station. Kilo-scale
Second Wireless Age: Station to People. Mega-Scale
Third Wireless Age: People to People. Giga-Scale

AFP Photo / Philippe Huguen

!"# $"%&'()*+,-(./(0++1()/()*2,23,4 ENGINEERING


Wind of Change

Cross over to Data happened in ~2013


!"# $"%&'()*+,-(./(0++1()/()*2,23,4 ENGINEERING

Other Indications?

5 Data contribution to overall revenues is now at 65%

5 2016 Q1 overall ARPU dropped below $40

5 Smartphone penetration already ~80% in the US with

mobile subscribers at 400M

5 É

Sources: Strategy Analytics; FierceCIO

Chetan Sharma Consulting


Meeting Capacity Demands with Wireless Fiber



Backhauling for smalls cells everywhere, it needs :

1. High power from relay to small cell (long distance)
2. Low power inside the small cell (user side, power constraint)

[2] https://www.qualcomm.com/invention/1000x ENGINEERING

Higher Frequencies: D-Band
- More bandwidth available, goes with ! f
Center Frequency 2.4 GHz 65 GHz 130 GHz
Available Spectrum 60 MHz 7 GHz 20

- At constant patch size, number of antenna goes with ! f 2

Antenna array
(!/2 spacing)

@65 GHz @130GHz

With fixed aperture, degrees of freedom goes with " f 3

Enable Beam steering / Spatial Multiplexing / Space division multiple access
* Not officially defined by FCC yet

Problem Statement

Achieving Tb/s capacity

Limited Aperture on TX Limited Aperture on RX

5 Line of Sight, Short to Medium Range links (50m Ð low kmÕs)

1. Exploit link Degrees of Freedom to obtain capacity

5 Spectral DOFs  Frequency
5 Spatial DOFs  Frequency 2 *
2. Realizing hardware system to achieve this capacity
5 Systems + Microwave/E&M + Circuits
Utilizing Spatial Bandwidth (LOS MIMO)

Spatial Bandwidth! Frequency 2

Paulraj, A. J. (2002). IEEE Transactions on Communications.
15 Torklidson, et al. IEEE Trans. Wireless Comm., Dec 2011. ENGINEERING

System Overview
0.5m 60 GHz, 4 spatial degrees of freedom
" 8-fold gain if used with polarization
" 40 Gbps aggregate rate if SISO rate is 5 Gbps
Spatial Degrees of Freedom for Parallel Links
Subarray or directional antenna

(Required form factor shrinks to 0.33m by 0.33m at 140 GHz)

!"!#$ !"!#$
%&'()*'& ;)<=,1'&

High Fan in/ Fan Out Networks
running at high speed
Channel w/ Misalignments
# Channel matrix given by: !''&

! !
" "

$ $
# #

TTX, 4x4 H4x4 TRX, 4x4


# Let !"#$%# & !"# $%# $'%( 2 !"# $%# $3%(

)*+ ,%( ,-./01) %( ,-./01)
# Assume: zero-forcing detection, noise-less channel for simplicity.


Channel Model: Gains and Interference

With the ZF detector, the residual interference of the
cross element (only one) is plotted below.

Implementation Challenges
1. Link Budget for 100Gbps/ 400m/ 12Ó Form Factor
# Lens antennas + Electrical/Mechanical beamforming
# D-Band enables more potential gain and DOF within form factor
2. Large baseline and signal/data distribution
# Mixed-Signal Centralized Processing Architecture
# Distributing the RF signal directly- avoid clock distribution
# Dielectric Waveguides for signal distribution
3. Data Throughput and the Channel Separation Network
# Extremely Large Fan-in/Fan-out at Tbps
# Information-Optimized front-ends; looking at TX-RX coding, feedback,
Analog processing, and distributed architecture

Will discuss a subset of example challenges here


Example: Scalable ADC and Dig. BB Rates

Digital CSN : Implemented in digital and at RX.
56 56 56
4& !%# 7 !"#, !"# 7!%# @ A BC A D
89:9;0/ ,8<=093 "#,EF
GE,8.;.H;<I $,"#


!&' !"#$% @A8''

/0.*1 @A8'?

!&? !"#$%

4 bits @ 20GSample/sec  8 = 640 Gbps rate (ADC/ BB)

Not scalable! ENGINEERING
Analog Processing- Back to the Future

F612%/3-42153!.647 F612%/3-42153!.647
-./.0123 >9=<G;8 >9=<9;:3H978
-42153!.647 !"
>9=<9;:36978 &'(

!" CD20.A253
#$% 16E3FEE


Dielectric Waveguide
Signal Distribution @130GHz across ~50cm and with >40GHz BW
Planar excitation structures on a single side of the Waveguide:
$ Ex11 mode: Vivaldi antenna
$ Ey11 mode: Substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) horn

Coupling efficiency: -2.5 dB

Coupling Isolation> 35 dB

HDPE Dielectric Waveguide Measurements

5 HDPE properties

Open cavity resonator setup

!r: 2.25
Loss tangent: 0.0005

Damaskos inc., model 900T

5 Dielectric Waveguide measurements

Measurements @ 60 GHz
Attenuation < 2.5 dB/m
Mode polarization cross coupling <
-30dB (for a 2m DWG)


Measured Data
Confirming low loss and high isolation at 60GHz- Suitable
for signal distribution

Back-to-back measurements

Line-of-Sight 130GHz MIMO Transceiver
!"#$%&'()*+,--.' /%01%2324%56%5.7.,8.'

PRBS 019 01<

LO PA 0#:

PRBS 01; 01/

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Group and Project Collaborators:
5 Professors Pierre Khuri-Yakub, U. Madhow, and Graham Creasy
5 Professors John Pauly, Tom Lee, David Leeson, Dr. Greig Scott, and
Dr. Yoon.
5 Stanford System-X Alliance
5 DARPA (MEDS, YFA, and RAM programs)
5 NSF (GigaNets and CAREER)
5 Hellman Faculty Scholarship & SOE Terman Fellowship
5 STARnet SONIC Center
5 Google, Texas Instruments, Samsung, Anritsu, Qualcomm, LMTC
5 Chip Donations: ST Microelectronics & TSMC


300 GHz Fixed Wireless Links

Ingmar Kallfass
University of Stuttgart


WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 2

• Motivation of THz
• E-/G-/H-band Frontends
and Experiments
• 300 GHz Fixed Wireless Link
• Challenges and Outlook

IEMN THz Workshop

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range
Slide 3
“THz“ Communication (0.1 – 1 THz)
A Wealth of (Potential) Applications
Fixed wireless links
Home Theatre

Media Kiosk
Data Center
Data synch Smart Office

Board-to-board km
Si ↔ SiGe ↔
GaAs, InP, GaN
Photonics (UTC, QCL, Si, ...) ↔
WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range
Slide 4

Fixed Wireless Links at ILH

E-band G-band H-band
71-76 & 81-86 GHz 208 – 272 GHz 275 – 325 GHz

G-band link
E-band link

H-band link
atmospheric attenuation / dB/km

limit of frequency allocation

H2 O

43.4% RH
O2 heavy rain
O2 heavy fog
1 bar, 20°C
0 100 200 300 400
frequency / GHz
WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range
Slide 5
Fixed Wireless Link Experiments

Tx: UTC PD EVM: 21.6 % 32 GBd

32 GBd 8PSK
EVM: 26.3 % 32 GBd 32 GBd QPSK
20 GBd 16QAM @240 GHz @240 GHz
@240 GHz @ 40 m @ 850 m
@ 20 m Ptx = -4 dBm Ptx = -4 dBm
Ptx = -13.5 dBm Gant = 2 x 43 dBi Gant = 2 x 55 dBi
Gant = 2 x 43 dBi
40 m 850 m

Tx: GaN PA
@300 GHz @ 1 m @73.5 GHz @ 37 km
Ptx = -4 dBm Ptx = 29 dBm
Gant = 2 x 24 dBi Gant = 2 x 49 dBi
64 Gbit/s EVM: −9.65 dB


WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 6

Frequency Plan


n E-band n
I Q H-band Q I


WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 7
Data Source
n n


• Choice of AWG DAC

• Filtering
• (Pre-Distortion) 20 GHz / 4x 65 GSa
13 GHz / 4x 65 GSa

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 8

Data Sink
n n


• Synchronization
• Equalization
• (Filtering)
20 GHz / 80 GSa
• De-Modulation (offline,
using VSA Software)
• EVM, SNR, ...
• BER (Matlab)

20 GHz / 4x 65 GSa
WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range
Slide 9
LO Generation
n n


Synthesizer PLL-based
approx. -126 dBc/Hz DDS-based approx. -104 dBc/Hz
@ 100 kHz offset @ 100 kHz offset

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 10

n n


B2b + var. Attenuator Horn (+ collimating lens) Cassegrain parabolic

sensitivity meas. Short range < 100 m Long range (km)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 11
Analog Transmit/Receive Frontend
n n


• LO frequency multiplication
and buffer amplifiers
• RF Tx amplification
• IQ up- and down-conversion
• Fraunhofer IAF 100, 50 and
35 nm mHEMT process

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 12

Fraunhofer IAF 35 nm mHEMT Process

1.5 µm

fT = 515 GHz
fmax >1 THz
2.0 µm

Slide 13

Slide 14

The TERAPAN Project


Terahertz Communication for Next Generation Wireless Personal Area Networks

• TERAPAN is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Research

and Education (BMBF) in the frame of the VIP (Validating the
Innovative Potential) under grant number 03V0411.
• The authors thank Dr. Peter Meissner for his valuable input as the
Innovation Mentor of the TERAPAN project.

Slide 15
The TERAPAN Project
35 nm GaAs mHEMT technology
with THz cutoff frequency

Fully integrated 300 GHz

transmitter & receiver MMICs

Compact high performance

waveguide modules

Mechanical beam-steering
of SISO link Ongoing:
4x4 channel electronic

Slide 16

300 GHz Rx/Tx MMIC Chip Set

• Transmitter Tx
• IQ up-conversion
• integrated LO tripler Tx MMIC Rx MMIC

• PA output stage IFI

300 GHz
• Receiver Rx 3 3
• IQ down-conversion
• integrated LO tripler 100 GHz 100 GHz

• LNA stage
LO Freq. Multiplier MMIC
• no IF amplification LO in
2 3 2 LO out
8.333 GHz 100 GHz
• Local Oscillator LO
• X-band input
• frequency multiplier-by-12 ( x2 x3 x2)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 17
300 GHz Transmitter

resistive FET
2 x 7 µm

compressed two-stage two-stage single-stage

class-A cascode 90° 90° cascode cascode
2 x 20 µm 4 x 9 µm 4 x 9 µm 4 x 9 µm
0° 0°
LO 0° 0° 0° 0° RF
90° 0° 90° 90°
0° 0°

90° 90°



WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 18

300 GHz Receiver

resistive FET
2 x 7 µm

compressed two-stage four-stage

class-A cascode 90° 90° cascode
2 x 20 µm 4 x 9 µm 4 x 9 µm
0° 0°
LO 0° 0° RF
90° 0°
0° 0°

90° 90°



WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 19
300 GHz Transmit and Receive MMICs

Technology: Fraunhofer IAF 35 nm mHEMT

x3 LO buffer Mixer PA

0.75 x 3.25 mm2

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 20

300 GHz Transmit MMIC

@300 GHz RF: @ PIF 0 dBm
• 6 dB linear conversion gain • 270 – 314 GHz 3dB RF bandwidth
• 3.6 dBm saturated RF power • 290 – 310 GHz <1dB gain ripple
• -1 dBm OCP1dB
• 6 dBm LO power @100 GHz

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 21
300 GHz Receive MMIC
@-35 dBm PRF: @ PIF 0 dBm, fRF 300-330 GHz (USB)
• 11.4 dB linear conversion gain • gain control via cascode bias
• 6 dBm LO power @100 GHz
• 6.5 dB NF (stand-alone LNA)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 22

W-Band Frequency Multiplier by Twelve

• 1.5 dBm output power

• 2.5 dB conversion gain
• 88 – 103 GHz bandwidth (15.7%)
• >30 dBc suppression
• no PN degradation beyond 20logn

Weber et.al. CSICS2011

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 23
Waveguide Packaging

• split-block Au-plated brass waveguide modules

• 50 µm Quartz waveguide-to-microstrip transitions
• integrated PCB voltage supply

W-Band x12

300 GHz Tx/Rx

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 24

Measurement Setup

Keysight AWG Keysight DSO

64 GSa/s, 20 GHz, 8bit 80 GSa/s, 20 GHz, 8bit


300 GHz
100 GHz 100 GHz
12 12
8.33 GHz 8.33 GHz

Slide 25
Tx/Rx Module Chain

LO in IFI/IFQ in
8.33 GHz 0-32 GHz


horn ant.

100 GHz WR-10 300 GHz

MPA att. Tx

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 26

1 m SISO Link

80 GSa/s
power meter
DC supplies
@ 8.33 GHz
64 GSa/s

300 GHz
@ 8.33 GHz
300 GHz

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 27
Receiver Sensitivity

• 25 cm free-space (70 dB
FSPL) plus variable
• QPSK 2 GBd
• Optimum Rx power: -
35.8 dBm

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 28

64 Gbit/s QPSK Transmission

• 1 m free-space distance 64 Gbit/s EVM: −9.65 dB

• QPSK 32 GBd


WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 29

Slide 30

Challenges of THz Communication Systems

Directional Links
beam-steering for NLOS and
nomadic/mobile scenarios

Cost-efficient analog
frontends: MMIC
technology, packaging etc.

Multi-Gigabit Baseband DSP

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 31
Analog Frontend („Radio“) Imperfections

DC Supplies Clock of switched

Supply mode regulators

Phase IQ
noise imbalance

PLL ×n

LO leakage NF

fc = 300 GHz
Spurs and noise in the
radar or communication

System level simulation incl. frontend imperfections

J. Antes, Dissertation, ILH 2015

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range

Slide 32

Conclusions and Outlook

• We consider 300 GHz directional links a viable and scalable
option for providing Gigabit data rates in real-world wireless
communication systems
• Data rates of 100 Gbit/s will be achievable by low
complexity modulation formats (2-3 bit/s/Hz)
• Choice of technology (Si / III-V MMIC, Si / InP photonic) can
be matched to the most prospective application scenario
• Future developments should focus on
• Performance improvements of the analog Tx/Rx frontend
• Electronic beam-steering for mobile/nomadic applications
• Energy-efficient real-time digital signal processing at 100 Gbit/s
and beyond
• Low-cost, low-weight packaging technology
• Seamless network integration
WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range
Slide 33
• Thank you for your attention

Ingmar Kallfass
University of Stuttgart
Institute of Robust Power Semiconductor Systems
Pfaffenwaldring 47
D – 70569 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0)711-685-68747
Fax: +49 (0)711-685-58747
E-Mail: ingmar.kallfass@ilh.uni-stuttgart.de
Slide 34
THz Point to point links for
back-hauling in future networks

G. Ducournau, M. Zaknoune, JF Lampin

IEMN, Lille University


WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 2

Communications of Ducournau


1. Towards THz frequencies: why?

2. Photomixing for THz generation using UTC-PD
3. Early demonstrators
4. State of the art
5. Towards 100 Gbit/s at mm/submm wave frequencies

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 3

Communications of Ducournau

1. Towards THz frequencies: why?

2. Photomixing for THz generation using UTC-PD
3. Early demonstrators
4. State of the art
5. Towards 100 Gbit/s at mm/submm wave frequencies

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 4

Communications of Ducournau

1. Towards THz frequencies

IP Trafic expected : -> 130 Ebyte per month in 2018…

Massive connected objects.

- Point to point, Line of Sight

1 THz

60 GHz LAN THz

Satellite comms
1 GHz
Radio comms

“We will use THz carrier frequencies by 2020”,

after T. S. Bird, Keynote talk at
Next P2P links Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Melbourne,
Australia, December 2011.
Access for mobile networks 1 MHz
Adapté de [P.J. Winzer; IEEE Proceedings] 1900 1940 1980 2020

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 5

Communications of Ducournau
1. Towards THz frequencies

Board to board coms.

Fibre optic compatible (1.55 µm).
Optics: also available
FSO products
(Free Space optics,
0.4 / 0.78 µm)
(ex: Intellimax) ~ Gbit/s

60 GHz products THz for indoor: frequency re-use , small

cell size.
AireBeam G60-DP

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 6

Communications of Ducournau

1. Towards THz frequencies

Frequency re-use

Frequency can depend

on usages
Point to point
up to km

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 7

Communications of Ducournau
1. Towards THz frequencies


Kiosk downloading

Link budget

200-320 GHz: good target for

km range

Contexte 8
WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 8
Communications of Ducournau


1. Towards THz frequencies: why?

2. Photomixing for THz generation using UTC-PD
3. Early demonstrators
4. State of the art
5. Towards 100 Gbit/s at mm/submm wave frequencies

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 9

Communications of Ducournau
2. Photomixing for THz
UTC-PD / Photoconducteur


x bit/s

Laser 1, F1 1,55 µm THz


Optical domain

fB = F2 - F1

x Hz

Laser 2, F2 Bruit millimétrique/THz


Efficiency ηt =
V0 I 0 + Popt
WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 10
Communications of Ducournau

2. Photomixing for THz

P UTC-PD operation P
[T. Ishibashi et al., IEICE Trans.
Electron Vol. E-83C, 2000]

InGa InGa
As As

τa InP



Structure InP/InGaAs
Absorption in p-doped zone(∼1018 cm-3)
e-: diffusion towards InP collector

Dynamics: τa, transit (τt), collector capacitance + loading (τRC) PRF=r (ω).I2 f3dB > 200 GHz

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 11

Communications of Ducournau
2. Photomixing for THz

Barrière (AlInGaAs)
τa ∼ 0.2 ps absorbante
τt ∼ 0.7 ps
p InGaAs
Contact (p) InP
Coll. InP 3 µm2
h+ (i) Sub-
100 nm Coll. Epitaxy (MBE): X. Wallart and C. Coinon
137 nm Technology: A. Beck and M. Zaknoune

To increase cut-off frequency:

• Short collector (137 nm)
• Small area (3 µm2)
• Pseudo-field in absorbing layer: 46 % ⇒ 60 % Indium
WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 12
Communications of Ducournau

2. Photomixing for THz

TEM horn antenna (TEM-HA)

• No radiation in the substrate

• No Si lens
• Pulse or CW (Non dispersive)


10 µW @ Target
UTC-PD communication
20 µm frequencies (200-400 GHz)

UTC-PD + TEMHA : (No bias, passive hot spot)

Spatial separation of the 1.55 µm beam and the THz beam.

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 13
Communications of Ducournau
2. Photomixing for THz
TEM horn antenna (TEM-HA)

• No radiation in the substrate

• No Si lens
• Pulse or CW (Non dispersive)

[L. Prissette et ,al. IEEE

Microwave and Wireless
Components Lett. 21, 49-
51, 2011.]

Linear scale

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 14

Communications of Ducournau

2. Photomixing for THz

TEM-HA: S11< - 10 dB 100 GHz up to 1000 GHz:

Exemple in 220-325 GHz band

WR3 waveguide
Plane reflector ∆ν ~ 20 GHz (Air Cavity)

< -10 dB
In the whole


Antenna With reflector

(l = 4,5 mm)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 15

Communications of Ducournau

1. Towards THz frequencies: why?

2. Photomixing for THz generation using UTC-PD
3. Early demonstrators
4. State of the art
5. Towards 100 Gbit/s at mm/submm wave frequencies

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 16

Communications of Ducournau

3. Demonstrators
Roadmap: Tx development using advanced InGaAs/InP UTC-PD, componant up to system-level evaluation of

Fiber optic compatible / link with coherent networks.

• 2010: Simple ASK / 1.25 Gbit/s @ 200 GHz

• 2012: « Fiber» data rates in THz range:

• ASK 46 Gbit/s / 400 GHz
• 2013: Coherent-links for ultra-high efficiency at 200 GHz, combination of photonics
and electronics.

• 2014-2015: Vectorial schemes

• Towards 100 Gbit/s in THz?

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 17

Communications of Ducournau
3. Simple case: ASK link
G. Ducournau, et al. Electronics
Letters, 46(19) :pp. 1349–1351, 2010.
• Simple modulation format (ASK)
• 2 modulated λ (Mach-Zehnder)

• BER « error-free »
10-9 / 10-11

• Power < µW
IET Premium award 2011
WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 18
Communications of Ducournau

3. Ultra-wide band at 400 GHz

Optical modulation
Reference eye
LD2 (PRBS -> 46 Gbps) (22 Gbps)

Antenne THz
LD 1 193.6 THz
LD 2 194 THz
CL = 8 dB
3.2 nm (400 GHz) EDFA UTC-PD @ 400 GHz Amp.
Optical monitoring (dBm)

-20 THz Cornet

WR2.2 WR5.1 30 dB
λ-meter ∼ 4 dB
-40 LD1

193,4 193,6 193,8 194,0 194,2
Frequency (THz)
16.666 GHz

46 Gbit/s @ 400 GHz

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 19

Communications of Ducournau
3. Ultra-wide band at 400 GHz

G. Ducournau et al., “Ultra wide bandwidth …”, IEEE

Transactions on THz Science and Technology, 2014.

7.5 dB T.A.D.
Normalized THz channel (dB)


-6 D.A.D.
22 Gbps

-9 Towards 40 Gbit/s
∼ 7.5 dB distorsion
40 Gbps
∼ THz channel not symetric
∼ Noise-limited
Bande requise pour ∼ …Challenging…
-18 40 Gbit/s

340 360 380 400 420 440 460

Frequency (GHz)

Transmission of fiber data rates (OC-768, 40 Gbit/s - 42,7 Gbit/s avec FEC) on THz carrier

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 20

Communications of Ducournau

3. Coherent schemes
Collab. Univ. OSAKA (T. Nagatsuma) Frequency comb driven by microwave reference

Elec. Rx


Error free BER

< 1 µW à 5 Gbit/s
< 2 µW à 10 Gbit/s

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 21

Communications of Ducournau
3. Next steps
2010-2013 demonstrators

Heterodyne + Dét. enveloppe

Heterodyne + Dét. enveloppe

Dét. enveloppe

UTC-PD Tx can be qualified using electronic Rx

Ultra-wide bandwidth in THz

Very simple ASK format

Real-time only in ASK mode (phase noise of the laser sources)

Easy to reach multi-carrier in THz using
Sigle THz carrier, single polarization, directive photonic devices

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 22

Communications of Ducournau

3. Next steps
• Radio-astronomy services and earth observation: already working
• H2O lines!
• Sevaral sub-bands available, split in frequency in the > 275 GHz region

Free above 275 GHz

8 6 5/3 5/10/5 5 10 21/11 30

300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Frequency (GHz)

Total ~ 120 GHz / 200 Gbit/s @ 2 bit/s/Hz

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 23

Communications of Ducournau
3. Next steps: coupling with fibers

Fiber networks


Multi λ, 2-Pol

Fopt~ 193 THz


λ1 Optical
QPSK Baseband

λ2 networks
Pilot optical Mm-wave
line UTC-PD F1-F2


WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 24

Communications of Ducournau

3. Exemple: QAM-16 in THz

THz emission


THz Optical signal

25 m QAM-16 (reference)
32 Gbit/s

32 Gbit/s
detected I-eye
Signal processing

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 25

Communications of Ducournau

1. Towards THz frequencies: why?

2. Photomixing for THz generation using UTC-PD
3. Early demonstrators
4. State of the art
5. Towards 100 Gbit/s at mm/submm wave frequencies

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 26

Communications of Ducournau

4. State of the art

Data rate Distance Freq. Technology CDP
Multiplexing Modulation BER (Type) Ref. Year
(Gbit/s) (m) (GHz) (Tx/Rx) (Gbit/s.km)

200 0.5 100 Polarization (2 ch) PD / SHM QPSK 10-3 / off-line [31] - 2013
10 1000 120 - ASK < 10-9 / real-time [9] 10 2012
40nm CMOS
11 3 130 - ASK < 10-9 /real-time [58] 0.033 2015
75 0.02 200 Frequency (3 ch) UTC-PD / SHM QPSK 10-5 / off-line [29] - 2014
100 20 237.5 Frequency (3 ch) 2.10-3 / off-line [32] - 2013
Rx 16
64 850 240 - mHEMT - MMIC QPSK 5.10-3 / off-line [61] - 2015

64 1 300 - MMIC (Tx/Rx) QPSK - / off-line [52] - 2015

40 10 300 - UTC-PD / SHM QPSK 10-4 / off-line [36] - 2015

48 0.5 300 Polarization (2 ch) UTC-PD / SBD ASK 10-10 / real-time [34] 0.024 2013

3 50 340 - SHM / SHM QAM-16 10-10 / real-time [65] 0.15 2014

32 0.5 385 - UTC-PD / SHM QPSK 10-5 / off-line [62] - 2015

46 2 400 - UTC-PD / SHM ASK 10-3 / off-line [30] - 2014

30 / 50 20 / 0.5 300 / 330 - ASK 10-9 / real-time [28] 0.6/0.025 2015
60 0.5 400 Frequency (4 ch) UTC-PD / SHM QPSK 10-3 / off-line [63] - 2015
2.5 3 625 - Multiplier / SBD < 10-9 /real-time [64] 0.0075 2011
WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 27
Communications of Ducournau
4. State of the art (applicative)

Real ‘figure-of- THz com. systems demonstrated

merit’ is Product
1000 IEMN roadmap
(Gbit/s.km) (2016-2020) (b) Spectrally efficient - Indoor
IEMN, 2015 [6] IAF, [9]
Data rate (Gbit/s)

(real-time perf.) Outdoor

IEMN, 2014, [5] (a) ASK Back-haul
10 [IEMN, 2014]
NTT, [7] NTT, [8]

Photonics, DSP
1 [IEMN, 2010] Photonics, real-time
Electronics, DSP
Electronics, real-time
0,1 Targets, real-time

0,01 0,1 1 10 100 1000

Distance (m)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 28

Communications of Ducournau


1. Towards THz frequencies: why?

2. Photomixing for THz generation using UTC-PD
3. Early demonstrators
4. State of the art
5. Towards 100 Gbit/s at mm/submm wave frequencies

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 29

Communications of Ducournau
5. Towards 100 Gbit/s
ASK transmissions Coherent transmissions

… 100 Gbit/s @ 1 km
Channel effects
P2P > 100 m
QPSK 385 GHz Advanced UTC-PD
32 Gbit/s, 20 cm
32 Gbit/s à 385 GHz, 25m

UWB à 400 GHz

Génération THz lasers Brillouin
1 Gbit/s à 200 GHz
UTC-PD pour THz

2008 2010 2011 2013 2014 2015

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 30

Communications of Ducournau

5. Towards 100 Gbit/s

Open challenges

Item Target Technology options

Multi-band (multi-carrier) system

Data rate 100 Gbit/s ~ 1 Tbit/s
Ultra-wideband optical modulators ‘system-level’
Integrated photodiode arrays Active devices
Link distance 1 km ~ 5 km
Use of amplifiers and integration
Photonic integration
Efficiency -
(III-V photonics/Si photonics)
Low-loss waveguide/interconnect
Wide-band antenna Antennas
Wide-band passive devices
Key component -
(fix or reconfigurable)
New materials & devices
(metamaterial, graphene, plasma-wave, etc.)
Propagation model
Miscellaneous - Standardization Radio channel
Spectrum regulation

Robust system, in ‘real-life’ case, using III-V or Silicon photonic

devices (for integration level)

WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 31

Communications of Ducournau


Excelsior, FLUX



WF03 Millimetre-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Slide 32

Communications of Ducournau

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