Paper Title (Use Style: Paper Title) : Abstract-A Novel Mm-Wave Multiband Microstrip Patch
Paper Title (Use Style: Paper Title) : Abstract-A Novel Mm-Wave Multiband Microstrip Patch
Paper Title (Use Style: Paper Title) : Abstract-A Novel Mm-Wave Multiband Microstrip Patch
Abstract—A novel mm-Wave multiband microstrip patch bandwidth, complex circuit, and decreased efficiency to
antenna for 5G wireless communication is designed and integrate multi-functional antenna [5]. For wireless
presented in this paper. The 5G mm-Wave antenna resonates at communication systems, low cost and highly effective
frequency of 23.2, 40.3, 59.3, 86.9 and 104.3 GHz with a antenna with multi-band features that will provide a solution
maximum bandwidth of 1.1, 2.8, 18.1, 7.7 and 10.7 GHz for spectrum congestion and interference is highly desirable
respectively. The antenna has a sufficient realized gain of [6].
6.4882, 7.1198, 7.9062, 8.1804 and 9.8156 dBi at the resonant
frequencies respectively. Furthermore, the antenna covers the Multiband microstrip patch antennas are the most
most interest 5G mm-Wave spectrum with a total bandwidth of imperative topic for researchers today. Antennas on such
40.4 GHz. The proposed multiband antenna is designed using systems are expected to support the operation of several bands
microstrip technology with features such as light weight, low in the advancement of navigation, positioning and WLAN
cost, low profile, high gain and efficiency. The 5G antenna is applications on mobile phones [7]. The requirement for
designed using a high frequency structure simulator software antennas with a wideband bands is a challenge in the
(HFSS). It has a small form factor of 7.5 x 8.5 x 0.55 mm3. The development of cellular communication systems, especially
antenna can be easily integrated in smart devices and used for cellular communication systems [8]. However, the major
various 5G applications. drawback of a conventional microstrip antenna is the
inheritance of narrow bandwidth. In order to improve the
Keywords—component, formatting, style, styling, insert (key
operating bandwidth, many efforts have been made to design
dual band or multiband microstrip antenna.
I. INTRODUCTION Previously, various research papers on multi-band
In modern applications, wireless communication is one of microstrip antenna for 5G communications have been done [9-
the frontier technologies that has been widely used. It was a 14]. Surendran et al [9] designed a microstrip patch antenna
new technology that evolved very rapidly from analog voice that provides multiple operational bands with impedance
communication in the first generation (1G) to upcoming bandwidth of 0.44 GHz, 1.2 GHz, 4.52 GHz, 1.62 GHz, 2.97
smartphone communication and high quality 5th generation GHz, 0.3 GHz at a resonant frequency of 28.075 GHz, 29.57
(5G). The vast variety of user requirements, the emerging new GHz, 33.47 GHz, 35.72 GHz, 38.2 GHz and 39.85 GHz
technologies, applications and the increased demand for high respectively. The antenna has an overall optimized patch size
data rates and mobility for new wireless applications have of 15.5 x 16.4 mm2. The maximum averaged gain achieved
been addressed by wireless system designers for the 5G is 12.013 dBi and the total impedance bandwidth provided is
cellular network. 5G wireless mobile communication that 11.05 GHz. A compact triple band microstrip patch antenna is
employs millimeter-wave delivers high-quality audio, video presented in [10]. The antenna resonates at 26.92 GHz,
and data connectivity via the Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) 35.08GHz and 54.74GHz with a return loss of -27.97 dB, -
network to devices with high data [1, 2]. 19.79 dB and -52.87 dB respectively. The maximum gain
achieved is 5.86, 4.63 and 6.36 dBi at the resonant frequencies
Highly efficient, light weight, and multiband wireless respectively. This antenna achieves a maximum averaged
antennas are required for these systems. The Microstrip Patch gain of 5.616 dBi over the three operational bands. Moreover,
Antenna (MPA) is the most suitable candidate for these the total impedance bandwidth provided over these bands is
applications due to extensive features such as light weight, 13.6706 GHz. Authors in [11] proposed a multiband triangular
less volume and low manufacturing cost. MPA has a shaped microstrip antenna resonating at frequencies of 43.9
conducting patch placed above a grounded substrate and is fed GHz, 61.8 GHz, 75.8 GHz and 94 GHz. The antenna has a size
at the edge of this conducting patch by a microstrip feed line of 10.02 x 8 x 0.5 mm2 printed on FR-4 substrate material.
[3]. Millimeter-wave as it is comparatively unused, has a very This antenna provides an impedance bandwidth of 3.255
wide frequency spectrum from 30 GHz to 300 GHz and can GHz, 7.132 GHz,7.721 GHz and 8.434 GHz at resonate
provide large absolute bandwidth for 5G wireless networks frequency of 43.9 GHz, 61.8 GHz, 75.8 GHz and 94 GHz
[4]. The use of millimeter wave frequencies has an influence respectively and have a return loss of -19.233 dB, -28.209 dB,-
on the reduction in the dimensions of the mobile phone 41.89 dB and -19.035 dB at the resonate frequencies. Lodro,
antenna. Therefore, a new antenna with requirements that suit zeeshan, et al [12] designed a mm-Wave multi-band patch
the specifications of the fifth generation must be built. antenna resonates at band of 37 GHz and 54 GHz with
The critical component of a communication system is the maximum impedance bandwidth of 5.5 GHz and 8.67 GHz
antenna. Most of the antennas incorporated in the current respectively. The antenna has a size of 7.2 x 5 x 0.787 mm2.
wireless system have fixed functional characteristics. The This antenna provides a sufficient realized gain of 5 dBi and
device will result in certain problems such as large size, small 6 dBi respectively. Authors in [13] proposed a dual-band
rectangular microstrip patch antenna for 5G mm-Wave