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Power Engg Question Bank

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1. A diesel engine has compression ratio from

(A) 6 to 10
(B) 10 to 15
(C) 15 to 25
(D) 25 to 40

2. A petrol engine has compression ratio from

(A) 6 to 10
(B) 10 to 15
(C) 15 to 25
(D) 25 to 40

3. If the temperature of intake air in internal combustion engine increases, then its
efficiency will
(A) Remain same
(B) Decrease
(C) Increase
(D) None of these

4. The inlet valve of a four stroke cycle I.C engine remains open for nearly
(A) 180°
(B) 125°
(C) 235°
(D) 200°

5. In a petrol engine, the fuel supplied to the engine cylinder is mixed with required
quantity of air and the mixture is ignited with a
(A) Fuel pump
(B) Fuel injector
(C) Spark plug
(D) None of these

6. In a four stroke cycle diesel engine, the exhaust valve

(A) Opens at 30° before bottom dead centre and closes at 10° after top dead centre
(B) Opens at 30° after bottom dead centre and closes at 10° before top dead centre
(C) Opens at bottom dead centre and closes at top dead centre
(D) May open and close anywhere
7. The air-fuel ratio of the petrol engine is controlled by

(A) Carburettor
(B) Injector
(C) Governor
(D) None of these

8. The octane number of petrol, generally available, is

(A) 20 to 40
(B) 40 to 60
(C) 60 to 80
(D) 80 to 100

9. The air standard efficiency of an I.C. engine depends on

(A) Fuel used

(B) Speed of engine
(C) Compression ratio
(D) None of these

10. A diesel engine, during suction stroke, draws

(A) Air only

(B) Diesel only
(C) A mixture of diesel and air
(D) None of these

11. The cetane number of diesel oil, generally available, is

(A) 20 to 25
(B) 25 to 30
(C) 30 to 40
(D) 40 to 55
12. The thermodynamic cycle on which the petrol engine works, is
(A) Otto cycle
(B) Joule cycle
(C) Rankine cycle
(D) Stirling cycle

13. The correct mixture strength (by weight) for petrol is about

(A) 14.6 : 1
(B) 18.5 : 1
(C) 20.4 : 1
(D) 22.6 : 1

14. In a four stroke cycle, the minimum temperature inside the engine cylinder occurs at

(A) Beginning of suction stroke

(B) End of suction stroke
(C) Beginning of exhaust stroke
(D) End of exhaust stroke

15. A 75 cc engine has following parameter as 75 cc

(A) Fuel tank capacity
(B) Lube oil capacity
(C) Swept volume
(D) Cylinder volume

16. The brake power is the power available

(A) In the engine cylinder
(B) At the crank shaft
(C) At the crank pin
(D) None of these

17.The Indicated power is the power available

(A) In the engine cylinder
(B) At the crank shaft
(C) At the crank pin
(D) None of these
18. The Frictional power is the power
(A) In the engine cylinder
(B) At the crank shaft
(C) Difference between IP & BP
(D) None of these

19. Morse test is used to determine the I.P. of a

(A) Single cylinder petrol engine
(B) Four stroke engine
(C) Single cylinder diesel engine
(D) Multi cylinder engine

20. The ratio of the brake power to the indicated power is called
(A) Mechanical efficiency
(B) Overall efficiency
(C) Indicated thermal efficiency
(D) Volumetric efficiency

21. If the speed of the engine is increased, the indicated power will
(A) Increase
(B) Decrease
(C) Remain same
(D) None of these

22. Morse test can be conducted for

(A) Petrol engines
(B) Diesel engines
(C) Multi cylinder engines
(D) All of these

23. The method of determination of indicated power of a multi cylinder spark ignition
engine is by the use of

(A) Morse test

(B) Prony brake test
(C) Motoring test
(D) Heat balance test
24. In a diesel engine, the duration between the time of injection and ignition, is known as

(A) Pre-ignition period

(B) Delay period
(C) Period of ignition
(D) Burning period

25. The catalyst materials most commonly used are platinum, palladium and rhodium.

a) True
b) False

26.Catalytic converters are called three-way converters because they are used to reduce the
concentration of CO. HC, and NOx in the exhaust.

a) True
b) False

27.Pollutants are produced by the incomplete burning of the air-fuel mixture in the
combustion chamber.

a) True
b) False

28.The major pollutants emitted from the exhaust due to incomplete combustion are

a) carbon monoxide
b) hydrocarbons
c) oxides of nitrogen
d) all of the mentioned

29. The basic measurement and testing parameters are

a) friction power
b) indicated power
c) brake power
d) all of the mentioned
30. India decided to skip which stage of Bharat norms and implement which stage from 1
April 2020 respectively?

a. Stage V, stage VI
b. Stage III, stage V
c. Stage VI, stage VII
d. Stage III, stage IV

31. A machine used to raise the pressure of air is called

(A) Gas turbine

(B) I.C engine
(C) Compressor
(D) Air motor

32. The compressed air may be used

(A) In gas turbine plants

(B) For operating pneumatic drills
(C) In starting and supercharging of I.C. engines
(D) All of the above

33. Volumetric efficiency is

(A) The ratio of stroke volume to clearance volume
(B) The ratio of the air actually delivered to the amount of piston displacement
(C) Reciprocal of compression ratio
(D) Index of compressor performance

34. The volume of air sucked by the compressor during its suction stroke is called

(A) Free air delivery

(B) Compressor capacity
(C) Swept volume
(D) None of these

35. The type of aircraft gas turbines include

a) turbojet
b) turbofan
c) turboprop
d) all of the mentioned
36. A closed cycle gas turbine gives ________ efficiency as compared to an open cycle gas

(A) Same
(B) Lower
(C) Higher
(D) None of these

37. The pressure at the inlet of a refrigerant compressor is called

(A) Suction pressure

(B) Discharge pressure
(C) Critical pressure
(D) Back pressure

38. The temperature of air recorded by a thermometer, when it is not affected by the
moisture present in the air, is called

(A) Wet bulb temperature

(B) Dry bulb temperature
(C) Dew point temperature
(D) None of these

39. The refrigerant widely used in domestic refrigerators is

(A) Ammonia
(B) Carbon dioxide
(C) Sulphur dioxide
(D) R-12

40. The process, generally used in winter air-conditioning to warm and humidity the air, is

(A) Humidification
(B) Dehumidification
(C) Heating and humidification
(D) Cooling and dehumidification
41. Efficiency of gas turbine is increased by
(A) Reheating
(B) Inter cooling
(C) Adding a regenerator
(D) All of the above

42.A closed cycle gas turbine consists of a

(A) Compressor
(B) Heating chamber
(C) Cooling chamber
(D) All of these

43. The ignition quality of petrol is expressed by

(A) Cetane number

(B) Octane number
(C) Calorific value
(D) All of these

44. A spark plug gap is kept from

(A) 0.3 to 0.7 mm

(B) 0.2 to 0.8 mm
(C) 0.4 to 0.9 mm
(D) 0.6 to 1.0 mm

45. The ignition quality of diesel oil is expressed by

(A) Cetane number

(B) Octane number
(C) Calorific value
(D) None of these
46. The pressure ratio in gas turbines is of the order of

(A) 2: 1
(B) 4:1
(C) 61: 1
(D) 9: 1

47. The probability of knocking in diesel engines is increased by

(A) High self ignition temperature

(B) Low volatility
(C) Higher viscosity
(D) All of these

48. Pour point of fuel oil is the

(A) Minimum temperature to which oil is heated in order to give off inflammable vapours in
sufficient quantity to ignite momentarily when brought in contact with a flame
(B) Temperature at which it solidifies or congeals
(C) It catches fire without external aid
(D) Indicated by 90% distillation temperature i.e., when 90% of sample oil has distilled off

49. The maximum temperature in the I.C. engine cylinder is of the order of
(A) 500-1000°C
(B) 1000-1500°C
(C) 1500-2000°C
(D) 2000-2500°C

50. In compression ignition engines, swirl denotes a

(A) Haphazard motion of the gases in the chamber

(B) Rotary motion of the gases in the chamber
(C) Radial motion of the gases in the chamber
(D) None of the above

51. The knocking in spark ignition engines can be reduced by

(A) Retarding the spark

(B) Increasing the engine speed
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
52.The pressure at the end of compression in the case of diesel engine is of the order of
(A) 6 kg/cm
(B) 12 kg/cm
(C) 20 kg/cm
(D) 35 kg/cm

53. In a closed cycle gas turbine, the air is compressed

(A) Isothermally
(B) Polytropically
(C) Isentropically
(D) None of these

54. The work-done on a compressor will be minimum if air is taken from

(A) The atmosphere

(B) A source at 0° C
(C) A source of low temperature air
(D) A source of high temperature air

55. The power available for takeoff and climb in case of turbojet engine as compared to
reciprocating engine is
(A) Less
(B) More
(C) Same
(D) May be less or more depending on ambient conditions

56. In the cross compounding of the gas turbine plant

(A) H.P. compressor is connected to H.P. turbine and L.P. compressor to L.P. turbine
(B) H.P. compressor is connected to L.P. turbine and L.P. compressor is connected to
H.P. turbine
(C) Both the arrangements can be employed
(D) All are connected in series

57. A jet engine works on the principle of conservation of

(A) Mass
(B) Energy
(C) Flow
(D) Linear momentum
58. Propulsive efficiency is defined as ratio of
(A) Thrust power and fuel energy
(B) Engine output and propulsive power
(C) Propulsive power and fuel input
(D) Thrust power and propulsive power

59. Which of the following fuels can be used in turbojet engines?

(A) Liquid hydrogen
(B) High speed diesel oil
(C) Kerosene
(D) Methyl alcohol

60. Propulsion efficiency of the following order is obtained in practice

(A) 34%
(B) 50%
(C) 60%
(D) 72%

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