MCQ Tapp Cell
MCQ Tapp Cell
MCQ Tapp Cell
(A)negativeplate (B)positiveplate.
(C)bothplate (D)noneoftheplates
(A)chargingonly (B)dischargingonly
(C)bothduringchargingaswellasdischarging (D)neitherduringchargingnordischarging.
(A)1.285 (B)2.185. (C)2.585 (D)2.9585.
(A)amperes (B)amperehour (C)watts (D)watthours
(A)Brown (B)Grey (C)White (D)Black
(A)NaOH (B)OnlyH2SO4 (C)Onlywater (D)DiluteH2SO4
(A)Methane (B)Petrol (C)Hydrogen (D)Naturalgas
(A)1to50 (B)1to100 (C)1to200 (D)1to400
(A)Nodriveaxle (B)Twodriveaxleatfront
(C)Onedriveaxleatrear (D)Twodriveaxleatrear
(A)Wornsynchronizerblockingring (B)Theclutchisnotfullyreleasing
(C)Crackedorlooseshiftforks (D)Thepilotbushingisseized
(A)Primarypiston (B)Secondarypiston
(C)Residualpressurevalve (D)Compensatingport
(A)Underinflation (B)Excessiveacceleration/braking
(C)Overinflation (D)Excessivecamber
(A)Brokendampersprings (B)Weakclutchapplysprings
(C)Clutchlinkageadjustment (D)Seizedpilotbearing
(A)Decreasingspeed (B)Decreasingpower
(C)Decreasingpetrolconsumption (D)Alloftheabove
(A)Crownwheel&sungear (B)Sungear&planetgear
(C)Crownwheel&drivepinion (D)Crownwheel&planetgear
(A)Movesthesynchronizersleeve (B)Movesthesynchronizer
(C)Meshesthegears (D)Selectsthesynchronizer
(A)R (B)2R (C)4R (D)4R2
(A)ZerothLaw (B)FirstLaw (C)SecondLaw(D)ThirdLaw
(A)Impeller (B)Propeller (C)Expeller (D)Bypassvalve
(A)Equaltostrokevolume (B)Equaltostrokevolume&clearancevolume
(C)Morethanstrokevolume (D)Lessthanstrokevolume
(A)Increases(B)Decreases (C)Remainthesame(D)Noneoftheabove
(A)4Senginewillproducemorepower (B)2Senginewillproducemorepower
(C)Bothwillproducesamepower (D)Noneoftheabove
(A)Pressurevalve&vacuumvalve (B)Pressurevalve&bypassvalve
(C)Atmosphericvalve&vacuumvalve (D)Bypassvalve&connectorvalve
(A)Compressible (B)Incompressible
(C)Compressible&Nonviscous (D)Hasnegligiblesurfacetension
(A)Differentheatcontents (B)Differentspecificheat
(C)Differentatomicstructure (D)Differenttemperatures
(30)Which moments act on car body while its two wheels on same axle moving on a symmetric
(A) Bending only (B) Bending and Twisting (C) Twisting only (D) None of the above
(31) Acceleration/Braking is an example of which load case on car body?
(A) Longitudinal (B) Lateral (C) Vertical (D) Inclined
(32) Give the example of lateral load case on car body
(A) Cornering (B) Acceleration (C) Braking (D) None of the above
(33) Which sensor plays a major role in the speed density method of air flow sensing?
(A) The hot wire sensor. (B) The knock sensor.
(C) The cylinder identification sensor. (D) The manifold absolute pressure sensor.
(34) What is the speed below which ABS is not active and only normal braking is available:
(A) 10 Km/h (B) 05 Km/h (C) 07 Km/h (D) 40 km/h
(35) Coolant temperature sensors often have:
(A) a negative temperature coefficient (B) resistance that rises with temperature
(C) resistance that does not vary (D) screened cables
(36) If the temperature of intake air in internal combustion engine increases, then its efficiency will
(A) Remain same (B) Decrease (C) Increase (D) None of these
(37) The mean effective pressure obtained from engine indicator indicates the
(A) Maximum pressure developed (B) Minimum pressure
(C) Instantaneous pressure at any instant (D) Average pressure
(38) The air requirement of a petrol engine during starting compared to theoretical air required for
complete combustion is
(A) More (B) Less
(C) Same (D) May be more or less depending on engine capacity
(39) The firing order in an I.C. engine depends upon
(A) Arrangement of the cylinders (B) Design of crankshaft
(C) Number of cylinders (D) All of these
(40) Number of working strokes per min. for a two-stroke cycle engine is _________ the speed of the
engine in r.p.m.
(A) Equal to (B) One half (C) Twice (D) Four times
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A
6. B 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. D
11. C 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. A
16. D 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. A
21. D 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. A
26. A 27. A 28. C 29. D 30. A
31. A 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. A
36. B 37. C 38. B 39. D 40. A