You did a great job in the lesson.
You did an amazing job in the lesson.
You participated well in the lesson.
You were able to do the activities very well.
You can make sentences using the words.
You can answer the questions.
You can read the words properly.
You were able to follow the instructions.
You can communicate very well.
You were responsive in class.
You showed enthusiasm in learning the English language.
Please review the sentence patterns.
I'm sorry but our time is over. Let us continue this next time.
Practice making sentences using the new words we have learned in class.
-For you to improve your English more you need to have conversations.
Read English books that are suitable for you.
Read English books to widen your vocabulary words. Read aloud to practice your
-Try to read English books like Peter Pan or The Little Prince for you to know how to
say the words and widen your vocabulary.
-listen to English songs like "Jack and Jill" daily so you can learn more words.
- You can make short sentences well. However, you need to enhance your listening
skills in order to properly communicate and answer in complete sentences. Try
watching English movies, listening to English songs and audio books. They will be of
good help.
-You can also listen to English songs or watch English movies to get used to English
- Continue to practice your pronunciation and how to make complete sentences more!
Watch movies that are suitable. Try to imitate how they speak.
Keep having daily conversation with an English teacher for you to practice how to
speak words correctly and how to make complete sentences.
The most important thing you can do is immerse yourself in the language as much as
possible. If you can't live somewhere where the language is spoken, do your best to
speak, listen, and think in the language.
Talk with other people so that you can use different English words and be able to
express your ideas properly.
-When learning a new language, it is more important to just speak as best as you can
and not worry too much about saying everything correctly or perfectly. You will
naturally improve with time and practice.
Speak English as much as you can so you will get used to it. Through constant practice
you will become an expert in speaking English.
However, please review the new words to you. Try to make sentences using them.
However, be careful on your grammar. Use simple past tense of verbs when you talk
about the past.
However, please review about singular and plural nouns.
However, please review about countable and uncountable nouns.
However, please review about the prepositions.
Listen to English music that is suitable at your age to be familiarized with some words.
Practice to pronounce the words.
- You are very active and responsive. I can see your potential. You need to learn more
English so you can communicate with other people very well using English.
He is active and responsive. I can see his potential. He needs to learn more English so
he can communicate with other people very well using English.
Dear parents, your guidance and support are very important. Please help him to review
and practice the lesson. Thank you!
She is active and responsive. I can see her potential. She needs to learn more English
so she can communicate with other people very well using English.
Dear parents, your guidance and support are very important. Please help her to review
and practice the lesson. Thank you!
It is definitely an honor to teach you. Having a student like you motivated me as a
- Keep practicing and always remember the things you have learned. You should
speak English every day so that you will learn how to express yourself better.
How nice! You show a good grasp of the language. You have good comprehension
skills, can communicate with the teacher and were able to answer the activities quickly.
I am very proud of you!
Continue to work on those weak points. Have regular classes in English so that you'll
get used to the English conversation.
-Don’t rely on the translator to remember words. Try your best to understand how
English works. Don’t be influenced by your mother tongue.
Don't forget to practice the vocabulary and phrases that we've learned today. You
really tried your best to explain yourself. Keep on practicing.
I believe that nothing is impossible if you work hard like this. You have to remember
that studying with a foreign teacher is the best way to improve your Spoken English. A
teacher will correct your mistakes, help you understand the words and will guide to
master English.
I am certain that if you study harder you will be able to see improvements in your
English skills. There is still some room for progress, so never stop learning until you
reach your goals.
-Thank you for doing your best in our lesson. I can see that you have a lot of potential
in learning English and sooner or later, I believe that you will be good. I hope I can
teach you more about English in a different lesson. Let me help you bring out the best
in yourself. In the future, you will be more confident in speaking with foreign people. Let
us learn more English here in CHIPCHIP!
Thank you for choosing me as you teacher today. Always remember, practice makes
perfect. Thank you so much and I hope to see you again soon.
Thank you for your effort in this class. You did pretty well. Although you were having
some difficulties during the lesson, it shows that you are willing to learn. Don`t forget to
practice the vocabulary and phrases that we`ve learned today. Keep going! Keep on
I hope you continue learning English because you have the potential to be better. I
hope I could teach you more and see you in one of my lessons again. Thank you!
I'm truly delighted by your participation today. Your attitude in class is very over
whelming and I encourage you to keep it up.
I appreciate your effort in answering the questions today. You tried your best and
that's good. I can see that you are really eager to learn. Keep that up!
I admire your determination and eagerness. With that right kind of attitude, you'll go
the extra mile so keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to having our next class!
I am proud of you!
You have the ability to read and understand simple English.
You struggle to comprehend grade-level texts at an independent level.
Your reading comprehension level is defined as intermediate.
You understand a variety of English vocabulary across contexts.
You routinely apply some higher-order thinking skills when reading texts but relies on
scaffolding to sustain understanding.
You regularly re-read a text to clarify meaning.
You exhibit a growing understanding of fundamental English language structures.
You often read slowly in short phrases and sentences.
You occasionally have a difficulty with less commonly-used vocabulary words.
Your reading comprehension level is defined as advanced.
You display a solid understanding of multiple-meaning words.
You understand a variety of grade-appropriate English vocabulary across contexts when
sufficient support is provided.
You routinely apply higher-order thinking skills when reading texts, though may sometimes
require scaffolding.
You demonstrate that you using English language structures to comprehend grade-level texts.
You commonly read familiar simple sentences and longer phrases with appropriate speed and
Advanced High
Your level of English vocabulary acquisition is comparable to native English speakers with
some exceptions related to technical or low-frequency terms.
You frequently recite texts with grade-appropriate expression, speed, rate, and intonation.
General ESL Report Card Comments for Speaking
You can produce comprehensible sounds in English.
You routinely speak with clear and accurate detail.
You actively contribute to interactions in the lesson.
You speak using a variety of grammatical structures.
You apply a range of vocabulary necessary when giving and requesting information.
You can express your feelings and ideas with ease.
You can express your feelings and ideas confidently.
You struggle to speak English in an academic setting.
You often speak using simple phrases or words and the topics are very familiar.
You exhibit a very limited vocabulary.
In order to connect sentences more fluently, you require an improvement in grammar usage.
Your pronunciation hinders communication.
Your English pronunciation is generally understood by others.
You easily express yourself in simple sentences.
Advanced High
You frequently and actively participate in the conversation.
When communicating, you utilize content-based vocabulary.
You are commonly using complex sentences and grammatical structures.
Though you at times mispronounce words, your overall communication is rarely affected.
General ESL Report Card Comments for Listening
You easily recognize the elements of the English sound system.
With practice and time, you grasp basic and academic vocabulary, expressions, and language
structures heard in classroom instruction.
You seek clarification of listening comprehension when needed.
To support listening comprehension, you often use linguistic, contextual, and visual cues.
With a bit of explanation, you comprehend figurative language and more complex spoken
You have little difficulty understanding the main idea and essential details of a conversation.
You easily follow instructions, responds to questions.
Listening to music and watching television in English will support your English listening
Proficiency-Level Specific Comments for Listening
You struggle to understand spoken English in an academic setting.
You have a hard time comprehending basic conversations and discussions, even when visual
cues are provided and the topics familiar.
With little support, you frequently have trouble understanding instructions.
You usually do not ask for assistance when understanding isn’t clear.
With unfamiliar topics, you need verbal and visual cues to aid listening comprehension.
You comprehend basic high-frequency spoken English within academic environments.
You can identify the key words and phrases needed to grasp the main idea of a message.
When comprehension breaks down, you ask for clarification by asking questions.
You grasp well the main idea and details of the spoken messages.
Occasionally, you request that the speaker rephrase or repeat to clarify meaning.
You understand elaborate discussions, directions, and conversations even though she at times
needs a bit of time to process the information.
Advanced High
You understand elaborate discussions, directions, and conversations with only an occasional
need for more time to process the information.
At times, you need cues to process specialized language.
You habitually comprehend the main idea and details of the spoken word.
You rarely request the speaker to slow down, rephrase, or repeat information in order to
clarify understanding.
Character Traits (Positive Comments)
You are confident, positive and a great role model.
You have shown excellent ability to set goals and be persistent in achieving them.
You are interested in your own learning, listens attentively, and make a solid effort the
learning process.
You are accountable and responsible.
You respond to questions appropriately.
You are dependable and follow directions effectively
You are thoughtful, insightful and thorough verbal communication and has a talent for
expressing your ideas clearly.
You show a positive attitude in class.
You excel at _________
It has been a pleasure to have your enthusiasm and positivity in my class.
You are is an enthusiastic learner and show willingness to learn.
You show responsible behavior.
You are focused during class and you contribute ideas willingly.
You perform independent work with confidence and focus.
You work independently and takes pride in work done well.
You are focused in class and willingly participate.
You conscientious and show excellent effort.
You demonstrate a willing and conscientious effort in your work.
You show a conscientious effort to learn.
You have done a great job facing and overcoming big challenges this month. Please
continue to nurture and encourage this behavior.
You show responsibility and follow directions whenever they are given.
You listen to and follow directions precisely and attentively.
You follow direction promptly and accurately.
You are an enthusiastic learner who seem to enjoy learning.
You exhibit a positive outlook and attitude in the class.
You appear well rested and ready for each day's activities.
You show enthusiasm for classroom activities.
You show initiative and look for new ways to get involved.
You use instincts to deal with matters independently and in a positive way.
You strive to reach their full potential.
You are committed to doing their best.
You seek new challenges.
You take responsibility for your learning.
You cooperate consistently with the teacher.
You are courteous and shows good manners in class.
You conduct yourself with maturity.
You respond appropriately when corrected.
You remain focused on the activity at hand.
You are kind e in the class.
You set an example of excellence in behavior and cooperation.
You show respect to the teacher.
You faithfully perform classroom tasks.
You can be depended on to do what they are asked to do.
You seek responsibilities and follow through.
You are thoughtful in interactions with the teacher
You are kind and respectful
You take your classroom jobs seriously and demonstrate responsibility when
completing them
You demonstrate your manners on a daily basis and you are always respectful
You do not give up when facing a task that is difficult and always do your best
You are always enthusiastic when answering your work
You are hardworking
Communication Skills
The student:
1. All Right!
2. Exactly right
3. Excellent!
4. Exceptional
5. Fabulous!
6. Fantastic!
7. Sensational!
8. Wonderful!
9. Outstanding!
10. That’s it!
11. Just right!
12. Unbelievable
13. Way to go!
14. Simply superb
15. Stupendous!
16. Magnificent
17. Marvelous!
18. First class job
19. First class work
20. Good for you!
21. That’s great
22. Good going!
23. Good thinking
24. Right on!
25. Better than ever!
26. I’m impressed!
27. You’re one of a kind
28. You’ve got it now.
29. You’ve mastered it!
30. What an improvement!
31. You always amaze me
32. You are fantastic
33. You are learning a lot
34. You are learning fast
35. You are so good
36. You did it that time!
37. You did that very well
38. You don’t miss a thing
39. You got it right!
40. You hit the target
41. I’m very proud of you
42. Keep up the great work!
43. Nothing can stop you now
44. Now you’ve figured it out
45. You make it look easy
46. You haven’t missed a thing
47. You did that all by yourself
48. That’s really nice work!
49. You’re doing beautifully!
50. You are very good at that
51. That’s the way to do it
52. It’s perfect!
53. Nice going!
54. That’s right!
55. Well done
56. I’m speechless!
57. Great work
58. How creative
59. Keep it up!
60. Keep on trying!
61. You got it!
62. Not bad at all!
63. That’s the way!
64. Now you have it
65. I knew you could do it!
66. Great improvement!
67. That’s much better
68. That’s it exactly
69. That’s the best ever
70. That’s the way to do it
71. Couldn’t have done it better myself
72. Tremendous job
73. What a creative idea!
74. What a good try!
75. What a neat work!
76. You’re doing well
77. You’re learning fast
78. That looks like it is going to be a great paper
79. That’s quite an improvement
80. That’s the right way to do it
81. That’s a real work of art
82. That’s coming along nicely
83. You’re doing a great job
84. You’ve just about mastered it
85. Your studying really paid off
86. You must have been practicing
87. You’re on the right track now
88. You’re getting better every day
89. You’ve just about mastered that
90. I’ve never seen anyone do it better
91. One more time and you’ll have it
92. It looks like you’ve put a lot of work into this
93. Now that’s what I call a great job
94. We couldn’t have done it without you
95. Keep working on it, you’re improving
96. I’m happy to see you working like that
97. That’s an interesting way of looking at it
98. That’s the right way to do it
99. You certainly did well today.
Great job! Thank you for doing your best in our lesson. I can see that you have a lot of
potential in learning English and sooner or later, I believe that you will be better. I hope
I can teach you more about English in different lessons. Let me help you bring out the
best in yourself. In the future, you will be more confident in speaking with foreign
people. Let us learn more English here in CHIPCHIP!
Notes below are some corrections she needs to review and practice for improvement.
student said:
It should be:
student said:
It should be:
Notes below are some corrections she needs to review and practice for improvement.
student said:
It should be:
student said:
It should be:
Notes below are some corrections she needs to review and practice for improvement.
student said:
It should be:
student said:
It should be:
Notes below are some corrections she needs to review and practice for improvement.
student said:
It should be:
student said:
It should be:
Notes below are some corrections she needs to review and practice for improvement.
student said:
It should be:
student said:
It should be:
Anna's writing has been particularly impressive in recent weeks and she has advanced her skill in this area
admirably. She constructs readable, coherent English sentences and she keeps her English largely free from
spelling inaccuracies. She makes excellent use of punctuation in her work.
Listening is one of Anna's real strengths and she has taken full advantage of every chance to practise. She picks up
the gist of listening texts successfully and she pays excellent attention to specific details. Anna can handle many
different types of content during listening activities.
Anna is an outstanding oral communicator and she has improved very quickly since the beginning of the course.
She takes great care to minimise errors in her speaking and maintains a beautifully fluent style at the same time.
Her pronunciation is clear and precise.
During the course, Anna has demonstrated a strong command of grammar and she has improved greatly in recent
lessons. She has an in-depth knowledge of many grammatical rules and constructions. She also incorporates the
structures she has learnt into her writing and speaking with excellent accuracy.
Anna has an outstanding vocabulary for her level of English and she is adding new words to it every day. Her
vocabulary covers a very broad range of different topics and contexts. She is also able to deploy words accurately
and appropriately when communicating.
Anna has been an enthusiastic member of the class and she worked extremely hard during lessons. She took
advantage of homework to consolidate her learning and she was a lively participant in activities with other students.
Gustavo reads well at this level and he is gradually developing his understanding of English text. However, he will
need to work on skim-reading texts more effectively in his future studies. That said, Gustavo can pinpoint important
areas of text by scanning and he analyses texts with a degree of insight.
Gustavo's writing is competent and he has worked hard to extend and improve his writing skills. His written English
sometimes flows quite naturally and his spelling skills are well developed. He now needs to consider punctuation
rules in more detail.
Listening is an area in which Gustavo is confident but he is capable of better progress if he applies himself. He
sometimes listens for the gist of a script successfully and he notes specific details competently. Gustavo can listen
equally well to a range of audio material.
Gustavo finds spoken communication hard but he is progressing at a good rate. He speaks with a moderate level of
accuracy and now needs to work on communicating with greater fluency. He should also pay close attention to
pronunciation when learning vocabulary.
Gustavo has a good command of grammar and he has obviously learnt from the material presented in class. His
knowledge and understanding of different structures is adequate. He also uses the structures he knows correctly in
conversation and on paper.
Gustavo has developed a fair-sized vocabulary for this level and he has learnt many new words during lessons.
Nevertheless, his vocabulary needs to cover a bigger range of different topics and contexts. On the other hand, he
understands quite well how to deploy words naturally and accurately.
Gustavo has been a reasonably active member of the class and he worked moderately hard during lessons. He
completed his homework to a satisfactory standard and he made helpful contributions during class activities.
Tom's reading skills are not yet secure and he has made little progress in his understanding of English text. In spite
of this, he can sometimes use skim-reading to pick up the main ideas of a text. Tom currently finds scanning for
detail challenging and he ought to practice reading texts carefully to understand their meaning.
Tom has been writing to a reasonable standard during this course but he has made limited progress in this area. He
must practice in order to make his writing more coherent but he spells familiar words with reasonable accuracy. He
now needs to ensure his work is properly punctuated.
Listening is an area in which Tom is not yet confident and he must try to make more progress in order to maximise
his ability. However, he can understand the basic meaning of easier listening scripts and he must now pay more
attention to important details. Furthermore, Tom would benefit from expanding the range of audio material he can
Tom expresses himself adequately when speaking and he has improved steadily since the beginning of the course.
Despite that, he must start to minimize errors in his speaking while practicing to develop a more natural pace and
rhythm. A little more study of pronunciation would also be worthwhile
Tom does not yet have sufficient command of grammar and he has not absorbed new material effectively. He needs
to increase his understanding of grammatical rules and constructions. He should also practise using the structures
he knows correctly in conversation and on paper.
Tom's English is currently limited by his weak vocabulary but he is progressively adding new words to it.
Nevertheless, he needs to broaden his vocabulary to enable him to cope in a greater variety of contexts. He also
ought to practice using the words he knows in an appropriate and natural way.
Tom has approached parts of the course with enthusiasm and he made an effort to advance his skills.
Unfortunately, he did not take advantage of homework to revise new language and he would benefit from involving
himself more in whole-class exercises.
Responsible in welcoming customers on arrival, assisting customers to their tables, taking orders, processing
customer order, providing answers to customer’s queries, cleaning tables after the customers leave, serving and
packing food for customers.
Responsible for the overall cleanliness and sanitation of the residents' rooms, bathrooms and common
areas including mopping, vacuuming, polishing, and dusting.