5 Speaking Rules You Need To Know!: 1. Don't Study Grammar Too Much
5 Speaking Rules You Need To Know!: 1. Don't Study Grammar Too Much
5 Speaking Rules You Need To Know!: 1. Don't Study Grammar Too Much
need to know!
1. Don't study grammar too
Don't translate
When you want to create an English sentence, do not
translate the words from your Mother tongue. The
order of words is probably completely different and
you will be both slow and incorrect by doing this.
Instead, learn phrases and sentences so you don't
have to think about the words you are saying. It
should be automatic.
First Problem
Isn't it strange that schools across the world teach
reading first, then writing, then listening, and finally
speaking? Although it is different, the main reason is
because when you learn a second language, you
need to read material to understand and learn it. So
even though the natural order is listening, speaking,
reading, then writing, the order for ESL students is
reading, listening, speaking, then writing.
Second Problem
The reason many people can read and listen is
because that's all they practice. But in order to speak
English fluently, you need to practice speaking.
Don't stop at the listening portion, and when you
study, don't just listen. Speak out loud the material
you are listening to and practice what you hear.
Practice speaking out loud until your mouth and
brain can do it without any effort. By doing so, you
will be able to speak English fluently.
4. Submerge yourself
What is a subject?
"I am hungry"
"My brother is very smart"
"That computer is very expensive"
"We are going to the store now"
"My sister and I will be waiting here"
"The building is very big"
What is a predicate?
"I am hungry"
"My brother is very smart"
"That computer is very expensive"
"We are going to the store now"
"The building is very big"
What is a verb?
What is an Article?
Articles seem so easy, but it is extremely
difficult to teach.
"A dog..."
"A boy..."
"A building..."
"A hamburger..."
"An eagle..."
"An umbrella..."
"An elephant..."
"An awesome book..."
Speed of speaking
Study Method
Learn English to Use it!
You will become an expert English speaker!
Many people study English for many years. Even
after years of studying, they go to an English
speaking country and realize that they cannot say
one sentence correctly. This is going to change for
people who finish this course. You will be able to
speak English in many different situations. This site
will give you the foundation you need to
communicate effectively in English.