Poe WT Lab Programs
Poe WT Lab Programs
Poe WT Lab Programs
1. Design and validate Student registration and login web forms. Add the
contents of registration form in database. After registration redirect to
login form. Using login form do the authentication of user, if user is valid
display user information on next web form. Do this using servlet.
3. Design and validate Employee registration and login web forms. Add the
contents of registration form in database. After registration redirect to
login form. Using login form do the authentication of user, if user is valid
display user information on next web form. Do this using servlet.
4. Design and validate Student registration and login form web forms. Add
the contents of registration form in database. After registration redirect to
login form. Using login form do the authentication of user, if user is valid
display user information on next web form. Do this using JSP.
6. Design and validate Employee registration and login form web forms. Add
the contents of registration form in database. Using login form do the
authentication of user, if user is valid display user information on next web
form. Do this using JSP.
7. Create student login form. Create web form to Search Book information.
Authenticate the user. After successfully login display book search form.
Search the book using this form if book is available add issue button.
When user clicks on issue button new entry should be added into issue
table and update copies field in books table.
If no. of copies are 0 in table or book record not present in table then
print the message Book not available. Take ready database do not insert
data through the registration form. Do this using JSP/Servlet.
8. Take ready database. Create Employee login form. Authenticate the user.
After successfully login create session for user name of employee and
display username on every page he visits till he logs out. After logout
destroy the session and redirect to login form. Do this using JSP.
9. Design Web Pages for Home Page, Login, Registration and about
us using CSS Design the same application created in first
assignment using CSS. Make use of inline, internal and external
CSS properly. Also perform validation on form field wherever
10. Design Registration form using CSS & perform form validation using
Design a Registration Form using bootstrap and perform the
validation of the form field using javascript
The Form Contains
Following Fields: Name:
Confirm Password:
Mobile No:
State: use
dropdown list
Address: use
11. Design a calculator in HTML/CSS/Bootstrap and provide the functionality
of calculator using java script
14. Design any web application in JSP. Properly design all web pages using
CSS. Web application must contain user login, user registration, user
home page. All pages must have validated fields. Use proper use of JSP
Scripting and action tags. Store the data in database. and check the user
login operation.
15. Design Web Application in JSP
Create a Admin Login.After Successful login admin can view edit
delete data of the registered users.
18. Design any web application in JSP. Properly design all web pages using
CSS. Web application must contain user login, user registration, user
home page. All pages must have validated fields. Use proper use of JSP
Scripting and action tags. Store the data in database. and check the user
login operation. After successful login session must be created
19. Design and validate Student registration and login web forms. Add the
contents of registration form in database. After registration redirect to
login form. Using login form do the authentications of user, if user is valid
display user information on next web form. Do this using servlet.
24. Design Registration form using CSS & perform form validation using
Design a Registration Form using bootstrap and perform the
validation of the form field using javascript
The Form Contains
Following Fields:
o Name:
o Password:
o Confirm Password:
o Email:
o Gender:
o Mobile No:
o State: use
o Use Checkbox for accept the
term and agreement (add other
additional fields if required)