Assignment List
Assignment List
Assignment List
Practical Assignments
1 Create an HTML form that contains the Student Registration details and write a JavaScript to
validate Student first and last name as it should not contain other than alphabets and age
should be between 18 to 50.
2 Create an HTML form that contains the Employee Registration details and write a JavaScript
to validate DOB, Joining Date, and Salary.
3 Create an HTML form for Login and write a JavaScript to validate email ID using Regular
Assignment 4: AngularJS
4 Write angular JS by using ng-click Directive to display an alert message after clicking the
5 Write an AngularJS script for addition of two numbers using ng-init, ng-model & ngbind. And
also Demonstrate ng-show, ng-disabled, ng-click directives on button component.
6 Using angular js display the 10 student details in Table format (using ng-repeat directive use
Array to store data )
7 Using angular js Create a SPA that show Syllabus content of all subjects of MSC(CA) Sem III
(use ng-view)
8 Using angular js create a SPA to accept the details such as name, mobile number, pincode
and email address and make validation. Name should contain character only
mobile number should contain only 10 digit, Pincode should contain only 6 digit, email id should
contain only one @, . Symbol
10 Create an HTML form using AngularJS that contain the Student Registration details and
validate Student first and last name as it should not contain other than alphabets and age
should be between 18 to 50 and display greeting message depending on current time using
ng-show (e.g. Good Morning, Good Afternoon, etc.)
11 Create angular JS Application that show the current Date and Time of the System(Use
Interval Service)
12 Using angular js create a SPA to carry out validation for a username entered in a textbox. If
the textbox is blank, alert „Enter username‟. If the number of characters is less than three, alert ‟
Username is too short‟. If value entered is appropriate the print „Valid username‟ and password
should be minimum 8 characters
13 Create an angular JS Application that shows the location of the current web page.
Assignment 5: NodeJS
14 Create a Node.js file that will convert the output "Hello World!" into upper-case letters
15 Using nodejs create a web page to read two file names from user and append contents of
first file into second file
16 Create a Node.js file that opens the requested file and returns the content to the client If
anything goes wrong, throw a 404 error
17 Create a Node.js file that writes an HTML form, with an upload field
Assignment 5: ExpressJS
22. Design simple web server. Thisshould cover: creating a server, defining routes, and handling
JSON data.
Ex: I/P : http://localhost:3000/students
I/P :http://localhost:3000/students/30
O/P : Specific student with roll number 30
23. Design simple web server. This should cover: creating a server, defining routes, and
handling JSON data : a list of items:(Roll,Name)
Ex: I/P : http://localhost:3000/greet/ABC
O/P : Hello ABC
I/P : http://localhost:3000
24 Design simple web server. This should cover: creating a server , design a form ( Name,
Phone no. , Email ) , submit a form, and the server will process and display the submitted data.
25 Design a simple Express.js program that implements user authentication using sessions. It
should allow users to register, log in, and log out.
Accept user details (User Name, Password) in registration. Store it and show message
“Registerd successfully”.
Give the link for login then . Perform login procedure. If correct login show message
‘login successful’ otherwise ‘ Wrong Login . Try again .’
On successful login show logout , and allow tto logout.
Assignment 6
1. Write node js script to interact with the file system, and serve a web page from a File
2. Write node js script to build Your Own Node.js Module. Use require („http‟) module is a
built-in Node module that invokes the functionality of the HTTP library to create a local
server. Also use the export statement to make functions in your module available
externally. Create a new text file to contain the functions in your module called,
“modules.js” and add this function to return today‟s date and time
3. Create a js file named main.js for event-driven applications. There should be a main loop
that listens for events, and then triggers a callback function when one of those events is
4. Write a node js application that transfers a file as an attachment on the web and
enables browsers to prompt the user to download a file using express js.