database involves several steps. In this response, I'll guide you through creating three
forms: Login, User_Menu, and Admin_Menu. This is a simplified example, and you can
expand upon it to meet the full system requirements.
1. Open NetBeans.
2. Click on "File" -> "New Project..."
3. Select "Java" -> "Java Application" and click "Next."
4. Provide a project name, e.g., "AutoPartsSalesSystem," and click "Finish."
// Sample code to validate user login:
if (username.equals("admin") && password.equals("adminpassword")) {
// Admin authentication
} else if (isValidUser(username, password)) {
// User authentication
} else {
// Show error message
### Step 3: Create the User_Menu Form
1. In your Java code, establish a connection to the Derby database. You can use JDBC
for this.
// Sample code to connect to the Derby database:
String dbURL = "jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/AutoPartsDB";
String username = "your_username";
String password = "your_password";
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL, username, password);
Write Java code to implement the business logic of the Auto Parts Sales System,
including recording customer, product, and order details, daily sales tracking, stock
control, VAT calculations, and reporting generation.
Compile your project and run it to test the forms and functionality. Ensure that the
authentication, data recording, and reporting features work as expected.
This is a simplified example, and you'll need to expand and fine-tune your code and
interface to meet all the system requirements and provide a fully functional Auto
Parts Sales System. Additionally, consider implementing user and admin management
for user-specific access to features.
Certainly, if you want to include a "Sign Up" or "Register" option on the login
form, you can modify the login form to allow new users to create accounts.
Here are the steps to add a "Sign Up" feature to the login form:
4. Design your Registration Form with components like labels, text fields for username, password,
and other necessary user information, and a "Register" button.
### Step 3: Code the "Sign Up" Button on the Login Form
In the code for the "Sign Up" button on the login form, open the registration form when the "Sign
Up" button is clicked.
### Step 4: Implement User Registration
In the registration form, write code to handle user registration. This should include collecting user
information and adding it to your database.
if (isUsernameAvailable(username)) {
addUserToDatabase(username, password);
} else {
Compile your project and run it to test the login and registration forms. Users can now choose to
either log in with existing credentials or register as new users using the "Sign Up" option.
This allows users to create new accounts and then log in with those accounts. Make sure to secure
and hash passwords for user registration in a real-world application.
Now, you will design the User Menu Form by adding buttons for user functionalities:
2. Under the "Swing Containers" section, find "Panel" and drag and drop it onto the form. This will
act as the main container for your buttons.
3. Click on the "Panel" to select it, and in the "Properties" window, set the layout to
"AbsoluteLayout." This allows you to position buttons precisely.
Now, you can add buttons to the panel for different functionalities.
1. Follow the same steps as above but add a new button to the form.
To make these buttons perform specific actions when clicked, you need to set up action listeners for
each button. Here's a simplified example for the "Order" button:
2. In the Java code for the "Order" button's action event, you can add code to open the order
functionality form or perform the desired action.
For example:
Repeat the above steps for the "View Products" and "Reports" buttons, customizing their action
event handlers to perform the respective functionalities when clicked.
After you've designed and customized the User Menu Form with buttons for various user
functionalities, you can compile and run your project to test its functionality.