Interpersonal Relationship Skills
Interpersonal Relationship Skills
Interpersonal Relationship Skills
Main ideas:
- Interpersonal relationships are critical in both your work success and career progress.
+ Positive interpersonal relationships will allow effective communication and understanding
among employees
+ Relating to your “boss” is one of the most important relationships you will establish in your
- Interpersonal relationships are critical to success and happiness
Main idea 2:
Supportive climate
Description: Evaluation:
Description messages that explain your Evaluative comments often begin with the
feelings, your reactions and your needs to pronoun “you”
others “you gave me unclear direction”, ‘You were
Statements like “I am confused by your rude to that customers,”,…
Problem orientation Control
- Problem orientation is a point of view Control in a conflict situation expect the
you share with another that says: other person to change their behaviour
“We have a problem Controlling does not result in a win-win
“We can find solution outcomes
We can work together
Spontaneity Strategy: for serious situation
Spontaneity refers to genuine, natural way of Strategy, on the other hand, involves
communicating with honesty and openness manipulation, tricks, or a planned script
rather than free flowing, open
Empathy Neutrality
Empathy communicates respect, Neutrality expresses a lack of concern with a
understanding and acceptance to another, it detaches, impersonal tone.
involves your ability to put yourself in Can result from Jack of first-hand experience,
another’s place making it difficult for you to understand
Empathic people consider: If I were you, how someone else’s feelings. However, neutrality
would I feel? can also occur from self-centeredness and an
unwillingness to be fully attentive to the
sharing of others
Equality Superiority
Shares a sense of value and mutual respect Involves looking down on others, creating
regardless power, status or position feelings of inadequacy, fault or failure
You approach others with a sense of equality,
you perceive their inherent worth, regardless
of differences that may exist between you
and them
Provisionalism: an open-minded view of new Certainty: a closed-minded, know-it-all view
ideas, trying new behaviors and seeking new of the world with no sense no need to for
solutions changes
- This list of qualities under supportive climates the foundation for the 4 part assertion messages
Main idea 3:
Communicating with
people who are
nonassertive can be
frustrating because
they rarely share their
true thoughts and
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