CCTC-Focus On Others-Int
CCTC-Focus On Others-Int
CCTC-Focus On Others-Int
Focus on Others
Knowing emotions in others: The ability to Never/ Always/
Almost Seldom Sometimes Often Almost
empathize with and recognize emotional Never Always
cues in others.
1. It is important to me to know how
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others are feeling.
2. I stay focused and listen deeply when
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talking with someone who is emotional.
3. I work hard to identify and understand
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how others are feeling.
4. I take time to try to see the other
person’s perspective when we 1 2 3 4 5
5. I can recognize nonverbal emotional
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cues in others.
Column Totals:
File Name: CCTC-FocusOnOthers © Development Dimensions International, Inc., 2019. All rights reserved.
Permission is granted to reproduce this document for internal use only.
Column Totals:
Paraphrase and pause. Paraphrasing what Listen deeply. When you listen deeply for
you think someone might be feeling and why clues about how a person is feeling, you
lets the person know you “got” the message. start to understand situations from his or her
Pausing afterward lets the person correct or perspective. If you don’t pick up on verbal
confirm your summation. Then, he or she can or nonverbal cues, you can ask, “What do
work on solutions. you think about that?” Responding with
empathy will keep the person’s emotions from
Don’t assume. People who don’t show Identify fears. If you’re aware of others’
emotion still feel it. Don’t wait for someone reactions, but aren’t taking action, it could
to express emotion; ask a question to be that you’re uncomfortable addressing
check: “This change throws your schedule emotions. Practice using communication
off. How do you feel about that?” or “Is it techniques that will enable you to address
disappointment you’re feeling about the emotions with confidence.
new structure?” You can ask yourself such
questions too.
Balance with work. While you understand Spread the love. Look for opportunities to
emotional reactions, it’s important to keep acknowledge both work well done and the
others accountable for getting work done. effort that went into less successful results,
Using empathy statements effectively enables regardless of your affinity for the person. To be
people to feel heard and to move more meaningful, mention what the person did and
quickly to practical actions. how it had impact.