Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
Paper 2 AS Level Structured Questions May/June 2018
1 hour 15 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
Additional Materials: Data Booklet
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1 Sodium and magnesium are the first two elements in the third period.
(a) S
odium and magnesium both react with cold water to produce the same type of product in
solution. With sodium the solution is clear but with magnesium it appears cloudy.
(i) Write an equation for the reaction of magnesium with cold water.
........................................................................................................................................ [1]
(ii) Suggest why the solution is cloudy after the reaction of magnesium with cold water.
........................................................................................................................................ [1]
(b) G
roup 2 elements, including magnesium, react with oxygen and with dilute acids. There are
trends in both the physical and chemical properties of the elements and their compounds down
the group. Reactivity generally increases from Mg to Ba.
........................................................................................................................................ [2]
(ii) Give two observations for the reaction of magnesium with oxygen. Write an equation for
this reaction. Include state symbols.
equation ...............................................................................................................................
(iii) Write an equation for the reaction of magnesium with sulfuric acid.
........................................................................................................................................ [1]
(iv) uggest why there is a general decrease in the melting points of the elements down
Group 2.
........................................................................................................................................ [3]
[Total: 11]
2 Ammonium iron(II) sulfate, (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2, has a relative formula mass, Mr, of 284.
............................................................................................................................................... [2]
(b) One of the cations in ammonium iron(II) sulfate is the ammonium ion, NH4+.
(i) Draw a ‘dot-and-cross’ diagram of an ammonium ion. Show outer shell electrons only.
(ii) Suggest the shape of an ammonium ion and predict the bond angle.
shape ...................................................................................................................................
(c) In aqueous solution the ammonium ion acts as a weak Brønsted-Lowry acid.
........................................................................................................................................ [2]
(ii) Write an equation to show this behaviour of the ammonium ion in water. Include state
........................................................................................................................................ [2]
(d) Mohr's salt, (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2•xH2O, is the hydrated form of ammonium iron(II) sulfate.
A student wanted to determine the value of x. 0.784 g of the hydrated salt was dissolved in
water and this solution was acidified.
ll of the solution was titrated with 0.0200 mol dm–3 potassium manganate(VII). 20.0 cm3 of this
potassium manganate(VII) solution was required for complete reaction with the Fe2+ ions.
(i) Use changes in oxidation numbers to balance the equation for the reaction taking place.
........................................................................................................................................ [2]
(iv) Calculate the amount, in moles, of Fe2+ ions in the sample of the salt.
x = .............................. [1]
[Total: 17]
(a) (i) tate the name of the type of reaction that hydrocarbons undergo when being used as
........................................................................................................................................ [1]
(ii) Write an equation for the reaction of octane, C8H18, as a fuel, as in (a)(i).
........................................................................................................................................ [2]
(b) T
he supply of material suitable for use as fuels directly from crude oil is not sufficient to meet
demand. A process is carried out to make some of the larger hydrocarbon molecules more
........................................................................................................................................ [1]
As well as producing fuels, this process produces compounds suitable for use in the production
of polymers. An example of such a compound is but-2-ene, CH3CH=CHCH3.
(ii) Draw the repeat unit of the polymer that is produced from but-2-ene.
(iii) Name the type of polymerisation that occurs during the production of the polymer in (ii).
........................................................................................................................................ [1]
(c) G
ases produced in internal combustion engines include carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen
such as NO2, and unburnt hydrocarbons.
These gases are removed from the exhaust before they can enter the atmosphere.
(i) State what is used to remove these gases from the exhaust.
........................................................................................................................................ [1]
(ii) Write one equation to show how both carbon monoxide, CO, and nitrogen dioxide, NO2,
are removed from the exhaust.
........................................................................................................................................ [1]
(iii) tate the environmental consequence of allowing unburnt hydrocarbons to enter the
........................................................................................................................................ [1]
(d) V
ehicle fuels are treated to remove sulfur. If sulfur is present in a fuel when it is burned, SO2 is
produced and may be released into the atmosphere where it can form acid rain.
........................................................................................................................................ [2]
Give two equations which describe how acid rain is formed by the action of NO2 with SO2.
........................................................................................................................................ [2]
Explain, with the use of an appropriate equation, why NO2 is described as a catalyst.
........................................................................................................................................ [2]
[Total: 16]
(a) The reaction between W and alkaline aqueous iodine produces a yellow precipitate.
(i) Give the name of the compound formed as a yellow precipitate in this reaction.
........................................................................................................................................ [1]
........................................................................................................................................ [1]
(b) There are two structural isomers of W that are also carbonyl compounds.
reaction 1
reaction 2
........................................................................................................................................ [1]
........................................................................................................................................ [1]
Include the structure of the intermediate formed and all necessary charges, dipoles, lone
pairs and curly arrows.
H 3C CH2
........................................................................................................................................ [1]
........................................................................................................................................ [2]
(e) If X is treated with ammonia and the product hydrolysed, a compound, Y, is obtained that
contains 51.3% C, 9.40% H, 12.0% N and 27.3% O by mass.
[Total: 16]
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