Arduino Fire Fighting Robot
Arduino Fire Fighting Robot
Arduino Fire Fighting Robot
Er. Rashid Khan
This is to certify that the project report entitled “SEMI AUTOMATIC UREA FERTILIZER
In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Diploma in mechanical
engineering and submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Galgotias
University, University Polytechnic, work carried out during a period for the academic year
2021-22 as per curriculum.
Plot No.2, Sector 17-A Yamuna Expressway, Greater Noida,
Session (2021-2022)
This project is done as a semester project as a part of course titled ARDUINO FIRE FIGHTING
ROBOT. We are really thankful to our Principal Mr. MOHIT GAHARWAR SIR, HOD Mr.
RASHID KHAN SIR and the Project Coordinator Mr. RASHID KHAN SIR Mechanical
Engineering Department, Galgotias University, University Polytechnic for his invaluable guidance
and assistance, without which the accomplishment of the task would have never been possible.
We are also thankful to Mr. RASHID KHAN SIR our Project Mentor for giving this opportunity to
explore into the real world and realize the interrelation without which a project can never progress.
In our present project we have chosen the topic “ARDUINO FIRE FIGHTING ROBOT”.
We are also thankful to our present, friends and all staff of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
DEPARTMENT, for providing us relevant information and necessary clarifications, and great
Detecting fire and extinguishing is a hazardous job for a fire extinguisher, it often risks the life
of that person. This project aims in giving a technical solution to the mentioned problem. A robot
is a mechanical design that is capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically,
especially one programmable by a computer. A fire extinguisher robot is a DTMF tone controlled
robot that has a small fire extinguisher unit added on to it. This mobile robot is controlled using
a mobile phone through DTMF tones for its movement and reaching the fire, the flame sensor
detects the fire and gives the further signal to the extinguisher units to trigger the pump and spray
the water. The whole system is programmed using an Arduino UNO board (ATmega328P
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………….
LIST OF TABLE…………………………………………………………
LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………
MATERIAL REQUIRED………………………………………
LITRATURE SURVEY………………………………………..
DESIGN STRUCTURE………………………………………..
Table No.2: DTMF low and high frequency tones and decoded output
many types of robots such as fixed base robot, mobile robot, underwater robot, humanoid robot,
space robot and medicine robot etc. In this paper a FIRE EXTINGUISHING ROBOT is proposed.
This robot is equipped with a single flame sensor used to sense environmental fire and feed the
signals to the microcontroller in order to trigger the pump which sprinkles water in order to
extinguish the fire. This robot is controlled using a mobile phone through DTMF tones decoded by
the DTMF decoder. This robot implements the concepts of environmental fire sensing, proportional
motor control. The motor driver is used for the bidirectional control of the motors equipped in the
robot. Every instruction for motion control is given to the robot with the help of DTMF technology.
Thus, the robot processes information from its various key hardware elements such as flame sensor,
DTMF decoder via Arduino Uno board (microcontroller). The programming of the robot is done
using the arduino C which is derived from C and C++ languages. This paper is presented as follows.
Proposed methodology in section II which constitutes of block diagram and components and their
explanation. Hardware and software details are included in section III. In Section IV, results and
Fig.1 shows the Block Diagram of Fire Fighting robot. The basic theme of this paper is to sense the
environmental fire and extinguish it with the help of a water pump. The Arduino UNO
Microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. The ATmega328P is good platform for robotics
The Arduino software runs on different platforms such as mac, windows and Linux. Simple and clear
programming is possible in case of Arduino software. The Arduino libraries play a major role in
making the programming easier by providing wider range of libraries. There are many built in
libraries available in the Arduino software and it allows to add additional libraries that are available
in the open source for download. Adding of new boards to Arduino software is possible. Since,
Arduino C is derived from C and C++ programming and is much easier when compared other
controller programming.
Figure 1
The microcontroller in turn control the extinguishing system. The Operating Voltage of the controller
is 5V and the Clock Speed is 16 MHz, and the recommended Input Voltage 7-12V, whereas the
limitation of Input Voltage between 6-20V. The Dual-tone multi-frequency signaling (DTMF) is an
in-band telecommunication signaling system which use the voice-frequency band over telephone
lines between telephone equipment and other communications devices and switching centers. Here,
the IC MT8870DE, a touch tone decoder IC is used. The main aim of this project is to develop a
DTMF controlled fire extinguishing robot which detects the fire location and extinguish fire by using
sprinklers on triggering the pump. The direction of movement of the robot are described by the motor
driver board. It is used to give high voltage and high current is given as an output to run the motors
which are used in the project for the movement of the robot. In this project a simple DC motor is used
for the rotation of the wheel which are responsible for the movement of the robot. DC motors usually
convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. To extinguish the fire a pump is used to pump the
water on to the flame. A simple motor is used to pump the water. The pumping motor in extinguishing
The project that is being presented is focused on a firefighting robot. Robots are capable of performing
tasks in a more efficient, cost-effective, and accurate manner than humans. It has grown in popularity
as technology has advanced, making human work simpler. The firefighting robot is programmed to
scan for and extinguish fires in affected areas. The consequences of fire cannot be prevented, and
they can occur in both young, newly formed forests and mature natural forests. Fire has a focused
impact on plant growth because it destroys undesirable vegetation, allowing other species to emerge.
To occupy Gas sensor, tank which consists of water, wireless remote, wireless android device and Wi-
Fi powered camera are all important components in the robot’s construction [1]. A wireless robot can
conduct successful work, allowing the robot to be operated from a distance [2]. LTDAR is an algorithm
developed ultraviolet radiation sensor to reliably find fire using a long wave infrared camera, and
created for a mobile intelligent firefighting robot [3]. The act of sprinkling water on a fire is known as
firefighting. The robotic vehicle is equipped with water tanks and a pump that is operated by wireless
communication [4]. As a result of a fire outbreak (or) fire explosion, we are demanding that we use
human resources that are not secure to put out the fire. It is very much possible to replace human
work in putting out a fire in a dangerous environment by using higher technology, specifically robotics
[5]. This strategy would free firefighters from dangerous tasks, increase their efficiency, and reduce
the number of fires. Moreover,
it will discourage human lives from being jeopardized. Forth is, we'll create an Arduino based
firefighting robot that will detect the fire and it will begin to pump water on the fire detected area
using sprinkler.
1.Material Required:
1. Arduino UNO
2. Fire sensor or Flame sensor (3 Nos)
3. Servo Motor (SG90)
4. L293D motor Driver module
5. Mini DC Submersible Pump
6. Small Breadboard
7. Robot chassis with motors (2) and wheels(2) (any type)
8. A small can
9. Connecting wires
Fire disaster is one of the dangerous problems that can lead to heavy loss both financially and by taking
lives. Sometime it becomes difficult for fighters to access the site of a fire because of explosive
materials, smoke, and high temperatures. Such situations risk the lives of fire fighters too. In such
environments, fire-fighting robots can be useful. This Fire Extinguishing Robot is based on IOT
Technology. In Fire Extinguishing Robot, we intend to build a system that could extinguish a small
flame by sensing and moving to the location itself.Sometime delay in the arrival of fire fighters leads
to numerous consequences.The Fire Extinguishing robot continuously monitors the environment and
extinguishes it without delay
Tawfiqur Rakib, M. A. Rashid Sarkar proposed a fire fighting robot model which consists of a base
platform made up of ‘Kerosene wood’, LM35 sensor for temperature detection, flame sensors to
detect the fire and a water container of 1 litre capacity which is made up of a strong cardboard that
makes it water resistant. The robot has two wheels for its movement. [1] Saravanan P. ,Soni Ishawarya
proposed a model which uses Atmega2560 micro-controller and in which the robot is divided into
three basic units according to their functions which are as locomotive unit, fire detecting unit and
extinguishing unit.Each unit performs their task in order to achieve the desired output of extinguishing
fire.The locomotive unit is used for the movement of the robot and to avoid the obstacles with the
help of four IR and four ultrasonic sensors.The fire detecting unit is used to detect fire using LDR and
temperature sensor. The extinguishing unit is used to extinguish the fire using water container and
BLDC Motor. The robot also have a Bluetooth module that is connected with the smartphones in order
to navigate it in the proper direction. [2] S.Jakthi Priyanka, R. Sangeetha proposed an android
controlled firefighting robot which uses Arduino UNO R3. The robot consists of gas sensor for fire
detection, gear motor and motor drive for the movement of robot, a Bluetooth module to connect
the robot with the android device and to control the robot with the smartphone as well. Water pump
and sprinkler is also used in this. To instruct the Arduino UNO an open source software which is
Arduino IDE is required to code and to implement that code in Arduino UNO. [3] Nagesh MS, Deepika
T V , Stafford Michahial, Dr M Shivakumar proposed a fire extinguishing robot which employs DTMF
(Dual Tone Multi Frequency Tones) technology for the navigation of the robot and uses a flame sensor
for fire detection that is capable of sensing flame of the wavelength range 760 to 1100 nm and
sensitivity varies from 10cm to 1.5feet. [4] Sushrut Khajuria, Rakesh Johar, Varenyam Sharma,
Abhideep Bhatti proposed an arduino based fire fighter robot which consists of RF based remote
operation to operate the robot and water pump.The robot is controlled by the user within a range of
7 metres.It also consists of a wireless camera which helps user to move the robot in the required
direction.[5] Khaled Sailan, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert, Simon Hardt proposed an obstacle
avoidance robot named as Amphibious Autonomous Vehicle. In this robot, a fuzzy controller is used
to avoid static obstacle in real time.It aims to guide the robot or vehicle along its path avoiding all the
obstacle that comes along the path.[6] J Jalani1 , D Misman1 , A S Sadun1 and L C Hong1 proposed a
automatic fire fighting robot with notification.This robot consists of three flame sensors for fire
detection in left,right and centre direction.It also consists of three ultrasonic sensors for obstacle
detection and avoidance.When the robot detects fire it also sends a warning notification to the user
using bluetooth module.
The theme of this paper is to automatically sense the environmental fire and extinguish it without
human intervention. The methodology is divided into three parts. The first part is on the design
structure, followed by hardware description and the finally on the programming design. All these three
parts were assembled together and experiments were then performed to build a system that can
extinguish the fire that was carried out.
5. Hardware Implementation
The hardware part is one of the crucial parts in the development of firefighting robot. It includes
Arduino UNO, IR flame sensors, servo motors, submersible water pump, motor driver, mini
breadboard, BO motors, and rubber wheels. Fig 3 shows the block diagram of firefighting robot which
consists of three IR flame sensors as the input of the system. Arduino UNO is used as a micro-controller
that connects other components. L293D Motor driver is used to drive motors and is capable of running
two DC motors (Left DC motor and Right DC motor) at the same time.
6. Design Structure
In this section, the prototype of robotic system is presented, in which it consists of IR flame sensors,
servo motors, submersible water pump, motor driver, mini breadboard, BO motors, rubber wheels,
processor, and communication module for exchanging data between the fire-fighting robot and
Arduino software. Fig 2 shows the basic prototype of our firefighting robot. The robot carries four
main functions: First, it initializes itself i.e. its sensors gets initializes as the power is supplied. Second,
robot sense the surrounding environment (for instance for the level of temperature) and identify the
fireplace. Third, robot sends the navigating information and starts to navigate itself towards the
fireplace. Fourth, finally the robot starts to extinguish the fire with the help of servo motors and
submersible water pump
As you can see these sensors have an IR Receiver (Photodiode) which is used to detect the fire. How
is this possible? When fire burns it emits a small amount of Infra-red light, this light will be received
by the IR receiver on the sensor module. Then we use an Op-Amp to check for change in voltage across
the IR Receiver, so that if a fire is detected the output pin (DO) will give 0V(LOW) and if the is no fire
the output pin will be 5V(HIGH).
So, we place three such sensors in three directions of the robot to sense on which direction the fire is
We detect the direction of the fire we can use the motors to move near the fire by driving our motors
through the L293D module. When near a fire we have to put it out using water. Using a small container
we can carry water, a 5V pump is also placed in the container and the whole container is placed on top
of a servo motor so that we can control the direction in which the water has to be sprayed. Let’s proceed
with the connections now
A Microcontroller is a compact device with a processor, storage and configurable input/output devices
on a single integrated circuit. We'll be using the Arduino UNO board, which combines a microcontroller
with all of the extras needed to quickly create and debug projects. The ATmega3288based UNO is a
microcontroller board
2. 6 Analog inputs,
4. USB connector,
5. Power jack,
7. Reset button.
Attach it to a computer via USB cable or power it with an AC to DC adapter to get started. The
ATmega3288 has 32kb of memory, 2kb of SRAM, and 1kb of EPROM. The Arduino Software can be
used to programmed the UNO(IDE). The boot loader on the ATmega3288 on the UNO comes
preprogrammed, allowing you to upload new code. It uses the original STK 500 protocol to
Ultrasonic Sensor:
The Transducer's sonic waves would be absorbed by an object and returned to the transducer. The
time it takes for the ultrasonic sensor to transition from emitting to receiving sound waves is
proportional to the distance between the object and the sensor as shown in Figure 3.
Hard surfaces are the strongest reflectors of sonic waves, and may be solids, granules, liquids, or
powder. The distance can be calculated precisely and without touch using an ultrasonic sensor. It could
be anywhere from 2cm to 3m long.
Flame Sensors:
A flame sensor is the most sensitive to normal light of any sensor. This sensor senses flame if the
light source emits a wave length between 760nm and 1100nm.The detection angle would be 60o
and can be achieved from a distance of 100cm. This sensor's output is either an analog or digital
signal. The infrared flame flash method is used by this sensor as shown in Figure 4.
Fig 4.2 shows the flame sensor. This sensor is able to detect a flame by sensing light wavelength
between 760 –1100 nanometers. The test distance depends on the flame size and sensitivity settings.
The detection angle is 60 degrees, so the flame does not have to be right in front of the sensor.
i. Digital – sending either zero for nothing detected or one for a positive detection
ii. Analog – sending values in a range representing the flame probability/size/distance; must be
Fig 7 shows the Servo Motors. Servo Motors are electronic devices that are mainly used for providing
Fig 7. Shows the Submersible Water Pump. Submersible Water Pump is ideal for making automatic
watering system using Arduino. The water pump is an important part of the robot as it will pump
Motor drivers are used to describe the direction of movement of the robot. It is used to give high
voltage and high current as an output to run the motors which are used in the project for the
movement of the robot. Fig 5 is the circuit of the H Bridge which is used for the motor driving in the
The temperature sensors in the LM35 series are accuracy integrated circuits temperature sensors
with a linearly proportional output voltage to Celsius scale value. The Temperature can be measured
The sensor circuitry is fully sealed and is not exposed to the elements. due to oxidation The LM35
produces a higher output voltage than thermocouples, so it might not be necessary to amplify the
output voltage. It calibrates in Celsius with a 0.5°C precision guarantee and a measurable range of
A relay is a switch that is powered by electricity as shown in Figure 7. A magnetic field is generated
by coil of the relay is which the current flows through, which attracts a lever and changes the switch
contacts. There are two switch places on their lay, both of which are double throw switches. There is
no electrical connection between the two circuits within the relay. Only magnetic and mechanical
connections exist. Relays are incredibly basic instruments. Figure 8 shows the Node MCU.
They are,
1. Armature,
Node MCU is an open source IoT platform with a low cost. It came with firmware for the ESP8266
Wi-Fi SoC from express if systems at first. The ESP-12 module serves as the basis for its hardware.
Microcontroller Unit (MCU) is an Open-source prototyping board designs are available for Node
MCU, which is an open-source firmware. LUA is the scripting language used by the firmware. The
most popular prototyping hardware is a circuit board. Table 1 shows D0 (GPIO16) can only be used
0[*] GPI016
1 GPI05
2 GPI04
3 GPI00
4 GPI02
5 GPI014
6 GPI012
7 GPI013
8 GPI015
9 GPI03
10 GPI01
11 GPI09
12 GPI010
1.DTMF Signal and Decoder.
using the voice- frequency band over telephone lines between telephone equipment and other
communications devices and switching centers. DTMF was first developed in the Bell System in the
United States, and became known under the trademark Touch-Tone for use in push-button telephones
supplied to telephone customers, starting in 1963 we are using the IC MT8870DE which is a touch
Table.1 shows the DTMF low and high frequency tones and decoded output. The DTMF (Dual Tone
Multi Frequency) decoder circuit identifies the dial tone from the telephone line and decodes the key
pressed on the remote telephone. Here for the detection of DTMF signaling, we are using the IC
MT8870DE which is a touch tone decoder IC. The decoded bits can be interfaced to a computer or
In this project we use simple DC motor for the rotation of the wheel which are responsible for the
movement of the robot. Usually DC motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.
3. Pump:
Pump is a mechanical device which is used to pump water on to the fire to extinguish it. It uses a
For programming, the Arduino software provides an integrated development environment (Arduino
IDE) and core libraries. The Arduino IDE program is a software program written in Java language and
based on the Processing. The Arduino IDE is basically a framework built on top of C and C++ and
compiled using avr-gcc and AVR Libc. The open source Arduino IDE makes it easy to write code and
upload it to the Arduino Uno for execution. It is available for all major desktop platforms i.e.,
Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Fig 10 shows the Arduino IDE program.
The Arduino UNO development board issued to control this firefighting robotic system, which
is made up of HC-SR04 sensors. A gas sensor (MQ2) for sensing hazardous smoke, a
temperature sensor (LM35) for more precise temperature measurement, and a fire flame
sensor (IR) for detecting and sensing the approaching fire are all mounted on a servo-motor
for obstacle detection and free path navigation. In addition, for extinguishing the flames, it
also makes use of a water tank and a spray gun mechanism. With the aid of a 12V pump,
water is pumped from the main water tank to the water nozzle
Fire Fighting Robot has developed to reduce human life lost and to develop such a device that
automatically sense fire and extinguish it without human intervention. In this the fireplace is
detected using the IR Flame sensors and are connected to Arduino UNO, which control the
movement of Motor drive that helps the robot to reach the fireplace and extinguishes it with
the pumping mechanisms. In the industry if any fire accident occurs, there is a need of person
to monitor continuously and rectify it. In this process if any time delay takes place irreparable
loss occurs in industry. The firefighting robot continuously monitors the surrounding and
helps in extinguishing the fire. Fig 11 shows the overall prototype of Fire Fighting Robot
The paper not only demonstrates the effective implementation of a firefighting robot, but
also adds new features that make it more realistic to recognize the severity of the fire and the
The Fire Fighting Robot employs DTMF technology to control the directions of the robot. We design
the fire detection system using flame sensor that is capable of sensing the flame of wavelength range
760 to 1100 nm, and the sensing range depends on the sensitivity and varies from 10cm to 1.5feet.
The robot can operate in the environment which is out of human reach in very short time, the delay
employed is very minimal. The robot accurately and efficiently finds the fire and within minimum
time after the fire is detected it is extinguished.
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[6] Mukul Diwanji, Saurabh Hisvankar, and Chhaya Khandelwal, Autonomous Fire Detecting and
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[10] Develop a Multiple Interface Based Fire Fighting Robot by 1Department of Electronic
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[11] FIRE FIGHTING ROBOT Sahil S.Shah1 , Vaibhav K.Shah2 , Prithvish Mamtora3 and Mohit
Hapani4 1,2,3,4D.J.Sanghvi College of Engineering, Vile Parle – West, Mumbai, India