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Industrial Training Report PCB

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An Industrial Training REPORT


“Electronic Projects”
In the partial fulfilment of the requirements
For the reward of degree in

Submitted by
R. VAMSI KRISHNA [20020-EC-067]
Under the Esteemed Guidance of

Sri. Murali Krishna (proprietor)



Department of

This is to certify that this is a BONAFIDE REPORT of
Industrial Training on “ELECTRONIC PROJECTS”
Submitted by R. VAMSI KRISHNA bearing pin
(20020-EC-067) in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of Degree of Diploma in
During the academic year 2020-2023 of the period
from 20-07-2022 to 19-01-2023 of project their
conduct and character were found to be satisfactory.

Training incharge Head of the Department



An endeavour of a long period can be successful only with the

advice of many well wishers. We take this opportunity to express our
deep gratitude and appreciation to all those who encouraged for
successfully completion of the mini project work.
We render our deep sense of appreciation for the
guidance rendered by Sri. MURALI KRISHNA, Proprietor of “JUJARE
MATRIX TECHNOLOGIES”, for their valuable guidance tireless Efforts
through discussions keep interest and encouragement through Out of
the course.
We express our profound test of gratitude to Sri. JAYA
CHANDRA, Principal of Government Polytechnic College Anantapur,
for providing Necessary facilities making the project a reality.
We offer special thanks to Sri. G. SUDHAKAR REDDY, Head of
Electronics and communication engineering, Government Polytechnic
College Anantapur, for permitting us to use facilities available in the
section for the successful completion of this work.
Finally, we would like to express our sincere thanks to faculty
members of E.C.E. Department, friends and lab technicians, one and
all who has helped to complete the Industrial training successful.


Electronic devices have gained much importance in today’s

world. In fact, life without electronic gadgets seems to be impossible.
There is no doubt that electronic devices had made our lives much,
much easier. Communication is made very easy with the help of the
smartphones we all possess today. Having a job without possessing a
laptop is unheard of.
But these are not the only electronic devices that we use. Our life is
filled with and made easier by various electronic gadgets such as
television, refrigerator, washing machine, and air conditioners.
Speaking of entertainment, we have various electronic gadgets such
as earphones and lately, air pods, video games and even play stations,
and various other devices created solely for the purpose of pleasure.
Simply put, electronic devices are irreplaceable in our lives today.

In this project we are very much willing to do Arduino based

electronic projects which makes our lives easy and comfortable….


❖ Introduction
❖ Need of electronics
❖ Arduino
❖ Electronic projects using Arduino
1. Car Over Speed Detection
2. Distance measurement using HC-SR04
3. Temperature and humidity measurement
4. Home Automation
5. Voice Controlling Robotic Vehicle
6. Alcohol Detection and Vehicle Controlling
➢ Conclusion

Electronics is about manipulating electricity to accomplish a
particular task and is very much a hands-on endeavour. Since the result
of building electronic circuits is usually a device that performs a task,
this hands-on aspect should be self-evident. What is often obscured in
the study of electronics is that even the most complicated electronic
device is made up of many smaller and simpler circuits and
components. With these circuits we are going to build many useful
electronic projects which are helpful in our daily life……
Here in this project, We are going to do as many projects as
possible using Arduino Uno or Nano which makes our lives easy.
There are many electronics projects which makes our lives easy
and comfortable. Here, We are building electronic projects using
Arduino, a Program based microcontroller, which controls the devices
as per the provided program/code. In these projects we are going to
use many more electronic components from a basic resistor to a very
complex integrated circuit.

So let’s start our journey on electronics and projects……..


Electronic devices are an integral part of our daily lives and
though, not everyone is aware of all the impact and advantages the
work of Electronics Engineers provides them.
Engineering Technology is used in every electronic system – if coffee
machine, car or smartphone. Every electrical device needs circuits and
power, while every electronic device needs data as input and gives
output additionally. Regarding the wording there is a difference
between “electrical” and “electronic” indeed. One can say an
electrical device does not make a decision in any way, while an
electronic device does.

➢ Electronics not only help to fulfil our individual needs, but they
also help with the growth of our economy as a whole because
with the growing advent of technology, also comes innovation
and modernity, and that’s where electronics play a huge role.
➢ Using electronics today is so much a part of our daily lives we
hardly think of the way the world would be without electronics.
Everything from cooking to music uses electronics or electronic
components in some way.




Most commonly we may use 2 types of Arduino boards. They are…

• Arduino Uno
• Arduino Nano

Main Features
Arduino UNO is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. It
has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM
outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB

connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. It

contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply
connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC
adapter or battery to get started.

Features of the Arduino UNO:

• Microcontroller: ATmega328
• Operating Voltage: 5V
• Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V
• Input Voltage (limits): 6-20V
• Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
• Analog Input Pins: 6
• DC Current per I/O Pin: 40 mA
• DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA
• Flash Memory: 32 KB of which 0.5 KB used by
• SRAM: 2 KB (ATmega328)
• EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega328)
• Clock Speed: 16 MHz

Arduino Nano is a small breadboard-friendly version of Arduino UNO.

It has more or less functionality of the Arduino UNO but in a small form
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Here, we have done FOUR projects Based on Arduino, namely…
1. Car Over Speed Detection
• In this project, we have shown how to design and build a
simple Car Speed Detector circuit using Arduino UNO and
IR Sensors. This Arduino Car Speed Detector project can
be used to detect speed of a moving car.
2. Distance measurement
• In this project, we can find the distance of the target,
using ultrasonic sensor and Arduino.
3. Temperature and Humidity measurement
• In this project, we have built a small circuit to interface
Arduino with DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor.
One of the main applications of connecting DTH11 sensor
with Arduino is weather monitoring
4. Home Automation
• In this project, we have done designing a simple home
automation project using simple components using
which different electrical appliances can switched on or
5. Voice Controlling Robot Vehicle
• In this project, we have shown how to design and
develop a Bluetooth Voice Controlled Robotic vehicle
using Arduino, HC-05 Bluetooth Module and L298N
Motor Driver Module. On the other end of the Bluetooth
Communication, we have been using a Smart Phone and
a simple Android App to control the Robotic Car.
6. Alcohol Detection and Vehicle Controlling
• This project presents the design and implementation of
an Alcohol Detection with Engine Locking for cars using
the MQ-3 sensor and Arduino UNO as the MCU.
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1. Car Over Speed Detection :

In order to detect the speed of a moving car, the patrolling officers

usually depend on a handheld gun that works on Radar Technology
or Lidar Technology. This is a tedious process as the officer has to
manually check for over speeding for each vehicle.
Principle of the project :
IR Sensors are the main part of the project that detect the speed of
a car. Practically, you can implement the setup of IR Sensors in many ways
but in this project, We have used two reflective type IR Sensors and placed
them 10cm apart.

When a car travelling reaches the first sensor, the IR Sensor gets
activated. From this moment onward, a timer is initiated and will continue
to keep time until the car reaches the second IR Sensor.

By simulating the distance between the two sensors to be 5 meters,

you can calculate the speed at which the car travelled from IR Sensor 1 to
IR Sensor 2 as you already know the time of travel.

All the calculations and data gathering are done by Arduino and the final
result is displayed on a 16X2 LCD Module.
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Components Required
• Arduino UNO
• IR Sensors x 2
• 16X2 LCD Display Module
• Breadboard
• Connecting Wires
• Power Supply
Circuit Design
The Digital OUT of the first IR Sensor is connected to Pin 11 of
Arduino and the Digital OUT of the second IR Sensor is connected
to Pin 12 of Arduino. Both the IR Sensors are provided with
necessary power supply connections.

circuit diagram
In order to view the car speed details, I have used a 16×2 LCD. Its
data pins i.e. D4 – D7 are connected to Digital I/O pins 5 – 2. The RS
and E pins of LCD are connected to pins 7 and 6 of Arduino. Rest of
the connections are mentioned in the circuit diagram.
The working of the Arduino based car speed detector project is very
simple. Arduino continuously reads the inputs from the IR Sensors.
When a car moving in front of the setup reaches the first sensor,
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Arduino becomes alert and capture a time stamp the moment the
car leaves the first IR Sensor.
Another time stamp is recorded when the car reaches the second
IR Sensor. Millis() function of Arduino used for capturing the time
Arduino then calculates the velocity by assuming the distance as 5
meters between the two IR Sensor and displays the result in
kilometres per hour on the 16×2 LCD Display
Arduino Code

• Helps in capturing speed of vehicles without any human
• This project can also be used as traffic logger, traffic counter
and few other traffic related applications.
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Using sound waves, the ultrasonic sensor calculates the distance

between itself and an object and displays on a LCD.

Components required
• Arduino Uno
• Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04)
• 16X2 LCD Display
• 10K Potentiometer

How does an Ultrasonic Distance Sensor work?

The Ultrasonic Sensor sends out a high-frequency sound pulse and
then times how long it takes for the echo of the sound to reflect
back. The sensor has 2 openings on its front. One opening transmits
ultrasonic waves, (like a tiny speaker), the other receives them, (like
a tiny microphone).
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The speed of sound Is approximately 341 meters (1100 feet) per

second in air. The ultrasonic sensor uses this information along with
the time difference between sending and receiving the sound pulse
to determine the distance to an object. It uses the following
mathematical equation:
Distance = Time x Speed of Sound divided by 2

Working of HC-SR05 Ultra Sonic sensor

Why/When to use Ultrasonic Sensors ?
Ideally suited to accurate, automatic distance measurement in
normal and difficult environments. Particularly suitable for
environments where optical sensors are unusable such as smoke,
dust and similar.
Very accurate, stable and can be used over large ranges.
Ultrasonic sensors can measure the following parameters without
contacting the medium to be measured:
• Distance
• Level
• Diameter
• Presence
• Position
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Functioning Of Project:
The ultrasonic sensor emits a high-frequency sound pulse and
calculates the distance depending upon the time taken by the echo
signal to travel back after reflecting from the desired target. The
speed of sound is 341 meters per second in air. After the distance
is calculated, it will be displayed on the LCD display.
• Ultrasonic sensors are used primarily as proximity
sensors. They can be found in automobile self-parking
technology and anti-collision safety systems.
• It is commonly used in obstacle avoiding robots and
automation projects.
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DHT11 is a Humidity and Temperature Sensor, which generates

calibrated digital output. DHT11 can be interface with any
microcontroller like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc. and get instantaneous
results. DHT11 is a low cost humidity and temperature sensor which
provides high reliability and long term stability.

Components Required
• Arduino UNO
• DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
• Breadboard
• Power supply
• 16 x 2 LCD Display
• 10K Ohm Potentiometer
• 5K Ohm Resistor (1/4 W)
• Connecting wires

Circuit Description
We will see the circuit design of DHT11 interfacing with Arduino.
Coming to the design, the data pin of the DHT11 Sensor is connected to
the Pin 11 of Arduino. A 16 x 2 LCD display is used to display the results.
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The control pins of LCD i.e. RS and E (Pins 4 and 6 on LCD) are connected
to pins 4 and 5 of Arduino. The data pins of LCD i.e. D4 to D7 (pins 11 to 14
on LCD) are connected to pins 0 to 3 on LCD.

NOTE: For ease of connection, we have connected the DHT11 Sensor

Module at the ICSP pins of the Arduino as it provides adjacent VCC, DATA
and GND pins. This type of connection is not necessary and you can
connect the data pin of sensor to normal Digital I/O pins.

DTH11 Sensor with Arduino Circuit diagram

DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor

DHT11 is a part of DHTXX series of Humidity sensors. The other
sensor in this series is DHT22. Both these sensors are Relative
Humidity (RH) Sensor. As a result, they will measure both the
humidity and temperature. Although DHT11 Humidity Sensors are
cheap and slow, they are very popular among hobbyists and
The DHT11 Humidity and Temperature Sensor consists of 3 main
components. A resistive type humidity sensor, an NTC (negative
temperature coefficient) thermistor (to measure the temperature)
and an 8-bit microcontroller, which converts the analog signals
from both the sensors and sends out single digital signal.
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DHT11 Humidity Sensor consists of 4 pins: VCC, Data Out, Not

Connected (NC) and GND. The range of voltage for VCC pin is 3.5V
to 5.5V. A 5V supply would do fine. The data from the Data Out pin
is a serial digital data.

Working of the Project

A simple project is built using Arduino UNO and DHT11 Humidity and
Temperature Sensor, where the Humidity and Temperature of the
surroundings are displayed on an LCD display.

After making the connections, we need not do anything as the program

will take care of everything. Although there is a special library for the
DHT11 module called “DHT”, we didn’t use it. If you want to use this
library, you need to download this library separately and add it to the
existing libraries of Arduino.

The program written is based on the data timing diagrams provided in the
datasheet. The program will make the Arduino to automatically read the
data from the sensor and display it as Humidity and Temperature on the
LCD Display.

• DHT11 Relative Humidity and Temperature Sensor can be used in
many applications like:
• HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) Systems
• Weather Stations
• Medical Equipment for measuring humidity
• Home Automation Systems
• Automotive and other weather control applications
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4. Home Automation :

We are living in 21st century where automation of any form i.e.

home or industrial plays an important role in human life. When it
comes to industrial automation, the concept is applied to large
machines or robots which helps in increasing the efficiency in terms
of production, energy and time.
Home automation on the other hand involves automating the
household environment. This is possible because of the smartphones
and internet that we are widely using. Home automation can be
again divided in to just controlling the appliances using a
smartphone from a remote location and another type filled with
sensors and actuators which controls the lighting, temperature,
door locks, electronic gadgets, electrical appliances etc. using a
“Smart” system.
Components required
• Arduino UNO [Buy Here]
• HC – 05 Bluetooth Module
• 10 KΩ Resistor
• 20 KΩ Resistor
• 1 KΩ Resistor X 4
• 2N2222 NPN Transistor X 4
• 1N4007 Diode X 4
• 12 V Relay X 4
• Prototyping board (Bread board)
• Connecting wires
• 12 V Power supply
• Smartphone or tablet (Bluetooth enabled)
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Circuit Design
The Bluetooth module has 4 – pins: VCC, TX, RX and GND. VCC and
GND are connected to 5V and ground from Arduino UNO. The
Bluetooth module works on 3.3V and it has an on board 5V to 3.3V
The TX and RX pins of the Bluetooth module must be connected to
RX and TX pins of the Arduino. In Arduino UNO, we are defining pins
2 and 4 as RX and TX using software. Hence, TX of Bluetooth is
connected to pin 4 of Arduino.

Home automation using Arduino Circuit Diagram

But when connecting RX of Bluetooth to TX of Arduino (or any

microcontroller as a matter of fact), we need to be careful as the
pin can tolerate only 3.3V. But the voltage from TX or Arduino will
be 5V. So, a voltage divider network consisting of 10K and 20K
resistors are used to reduce the voltage to 3.3V approximately.
The next step is to connect the digital I/O pins of the Arduino to
input of the relay board.
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Arduino code

• Using this project, we can turn on or off appliances remotely
i.e. using a phone or tablet.
• The project can be further expanded to a smart home
automation system by including some sensors like light
sensors, temperature sensors, safety sensors etc. and
automatically adjust different parameters like room lighting,
air conditioning (room temperature), door locks etc. and
transmit the information to our phone.
• Additionally, we can connect to internet and control the home
from remote location over internet and also monitor the
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5. Voice controlling Robotic Vehicle :

Apart from Arduino, which is the main controlling module of

the project, there are two other important modules that you have
to be familiar with in order to implement the Bluetooth Controlled
Robot project.
They are the HC-05 Bluetooth Module and the L298N Motor Driver

L298D motor Driver HC-05 Bluetooth module

The HC-05 Bluetooth Module is responsible for enabling Bluetooth
Communication between Arduino and Android Phone.
Components Required
• Arduino UNO
• L298N Motor Driver Module
• HC-05 Bluetooth Module
• Robot Chassis
• 4 x 5V Geared Motors
• Connecting Wires
• Power Supply
• Android Phone
• Bluetooth Controller App
Circuit Design
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Coming to the design of the circuit, first is the HC-05 Bluetooth

Module. The +5V and GND pins of the Bluetooth Module are
connected to +5V and GND of Arduino.
Since we will be only transmitting data related to the Robot’s
movement from Android Phone to Bluetooth Module and do not
intend to receive any data from Arduino, I will connect only the TX
pin of the Bluetooth Module to RX Pin of Arduino.
This RX pin of Arduino is based on SoftwareSerial library (Pin 2 and
Pin 3 are configured as RX and TX on Arduino). The RX pin of the
Bluetooth is left open.

Bluetooth Controlled Robot using Arduino Circuit Design

Now, the L298N Motor Driver Module. Digital I/O Pins 9 through 12
of Arduino are configured as Input pins of the Motor Driver and are
connected to IN1 through IN4 of the L298N Motor Driver Module.
Both the Enable Pins are connected to 5V through provided jumper.
The robot chassis which I am using in this Bluetooth Controlled
Robot Car project is supplied with 4 geared motors. Since L298N has
slots for only two motors, I have joined the left side motors as one
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set and the right side motors as other set and connected both these
sets to the output of L298N Module.

• Low range Mobile Surveillance Devices
• Military Applications (no human intervention)
• Assistive devices (like wheelchairs)
• Home automation
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6. Alcohol detection and Vehicle


The main purpose of the Alcohol Detection with Vehicle

Controlling project is “Drunk driving detection”. Nowadays, many
accidents are happening because of the alcohol consumption of the
driver or the person who is driving the vehicle. Thus Drunk driving is
a major reason for accidents in almost all countries all over the
world. The alcohol Detector in Car project is designed for the safety
of the people seating inside the car. The alcohol Detection with
Vehicle Controlling project helps to control the vehicle in case the
driver has consumed alcohol. An alcohol breath analyser project
should be fitted/ installed inside the vehicle.

Alcohol gas sensor Block diagram

MQ3 alcohol gas sensor is made by using SnO2 material which has
less conductivity in clean air. Whenever it comes nearby alcohol gas
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its starts conducting highly according to the gas concentration. So

user can sense the difference of output voltage using any
microcontroller and can detect the presence of Alcohol. This is low
cost and a suitable sensor for many applications for alcohol

This project is one of the important Sensor based project ideas. The
main unit of this project is an "Alcohol sensor". If the person inside
the car has consumed alcohol then it is alcohol detection is done by
the sensor. The sensor gives this signal to a comparator IC. The
output of the comparator is connected to the microcontroller.
The microcontroller is the heart of this project. It is the CPU of the
complete circuit. The microcontroller gives a high pulse to the
buzzer circuit and the buzzer is turned on. At the same time, a relay
is turned off. Due to this, the ignition of the car is deactivated. Here
when speed of car crosses the limit, then car will automatically
stops and buzzers the sound, hence it’s advantageous for safe
Alcohol Detection System with Buzzer Indication project is
extended by adding an ignition key at the input and a DC motor at
the output. The input Ignition key is given to the microcontroller. It
is used to find out that the car is started. Whenever a key is inserted
into the ignition lock at that time the alcohol detection process is

Applications of Alcohol Detector in Car:

1. “Alcohol Detector project” can be used in various
vehicles for detecting whether the driver has consumed
alcohol or not.
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2. Breathing analyser projects can also be used in various

companies or organizations to detect the alcohol
consumption of employees. An alcohol detection system
in an automobile is a must feature that every cab or bus
should have.

Advantages of the Alcohol Detector project:

1. “Alcohol Detection System in Cars” provides an automatic
safety system for cars and other vehicles as well.
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Hence from the above discussion, we can say that,
Electronics plays an major role in our daily life. All the above
projects that we have done, are very helpful to make our lives
easy and comfortable.
A microcontroller named Arduino and it’s software is
helpful to control the electronic devices and components as our
wish just by including the program into the chip, which was very
easy and cheap.
In almost all the electronic devices, we can find a microcontroller
and the chip which can be controlled accordingly.
Hence, ARDUINO a microcontroller chip can do any function we
want just by the included program, which makes electronics
world develop and

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