Intelligent Saline Monitoring System
Intelligent Saline Monitoring System
Intelligent Saline Monitoring System
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Previous health care systems gives poor [3]. Presently, there is no such monitoring system which
performance, most often because of negligence, will reduce the dependency of the patients on the nurses,
inattentiveness and more number of patients, the saline doctors and would also reduce the need for the nurses to go
is totally consumed. Initially, this might be inferred as a to patient's bed every time to check saline level status of
casual phenomenon. But the consequences are often each patient. Therefore, there is need for development of
fatal. The blood rushes back into the bottle when saline IoT based saline level monitoring system.
gets finished from the bottle and due to difference
between blood pressure and pressure in the empty III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
bottle. Thus, propose Intelligent saline monitoring
system is being developed will bring automation in the The prior objective of proposed system to be
medical field plus it will be made available at low cost developed is to provide system reliability, efficiency,
with high efficiency and performance. The patients are flexibility, less human dependent and more cost effective
monitored continuously by the doctors and nurses, so for automatic monitoring the saline level. Various medical
they can monitor each and every patient without being concepts like heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature,
physically present there. pulse rate and body weight of patient are considered for
injecting the saline into body. The bottle of saline needs to
Keywords:- Ultrasonic Sensor, Nodemcu Microcontroller, be changed after the saline reaches the critical level. The
Actuator, Saline Bottle, Mysql. proposed system will have various components like
Ultrasonic sensor for determining the status of liquid in the
I. INTRODUCTION saline bottle whether it has reached to normal level(i.e
10cm) or at critical level(i.e 14cm)from the top if saline
Now a days, hundreds may be dying and tens of bottle is 15cm in length. By using Wi-Fi module of
thousands are being harmed in the hospitals due to nodeMCU and message API, the notification is sent to the
negligence towards saline completion by doctors, nurses or nurse on her mobile. Notification in the type of SMS is
caretaker of the patients. Therefore, there is a need for send on mobile phones to nurses after the saline gets to the
improvement of saline level monitoring in such a way that critical level. Above programming is written and
patient's dependency should not be there either on doctor, monitored using AurdinoIDE software and uploaded to
nurse or care taker. To develop a saline level monitoring microcontroller NodeMCU ESP-8266 using the same
which automatically alert to nurse when the bottle of saline software
needs to be changed after the saline reaches the critical
level . Due to increase in the population, there is a need for IV. EXPECTED RESULTS
improvement in health care. The bottle of saline needs to
be changed after the saline reaches the critical level. So The step by step procedure:
new idea called IOT based Intelligent Saline Level
Monitoring System is emerged. 1) Level Sensor(Ultrasonic Sensor) will continuously
check the level of saline liquid present in bottle whether
II. EXISTING SYSTEM it is just above(i.e 10cm) or below Critical level(i.e
In the current healthcare measures, professional 2) If the level of saline liquid is at or below critical point,
nurses are responsible for managing, monitoring and Alarm will be generated.
providing care to patient receiving saline. Basically roller 3) Immediately notifications will be sent to the nurse or
clamp present on every saline bottle is used for controlling doctor that saline is below critical level and there is a
the flow rate of the saline manually at the hospitals. The need for replacement of saline bottle.
roller clamp is rolled in anti-clockwise direction, to 4) Prediction of the Saline bottle required based on the
compresses the intravenous tube more tightly which make various perimeters or health condition is given to the
tube more thin resulting in to slower down the flow rate of doctors.
saline fluid. If it is rolled in clockwise direction, it loosens 5) If in case, concerned patient is not been acknowledged
or releases the saline tubing making the tube less thin by the nurse or doctor, automatically the reverse flow of
allowing the saline fluid to flow through at a faster rate blood into the saline bottle will be prevented.
Fig 1
Fig 2