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NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths: Exercise-13.1

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NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths


Volume and Surface Area

Exercise- 13.1

Q. 1 If the radius if a sphere is 2r, then its volume will


4 3
(a) pr (b) 4p r 3

(c) 8p r
32 3
(d) pr
3 3

Solution- (d)

Given, radius of a sphere = 2r

Volume of a sphere = p (Radius)3

4 4
= p (2r )3 = p .8r 3
3 3
32p r 3
= cu units Q. 2 The total surface
32p r 3
Hence, the volume of a sphere is cu units.

area of a cube is 96 cm2 . The volume of the cube is

(a) 8 cm3 (b) 512 cm3

(c) 64 cm3 (d) 27 cm3

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Sol. (c)

! Surface area of a cube= 96cm2

\Surface area of a cube= 6 (Side)2 = 96 (Side)2 = 16

(Side)= 4cm

[taking positive square root because side is always a

positive quantity] Volume of cube= (Side)3 = (4)3 =

Hence, the volume of the cube is 64 cm3.

Q. 3 A cone is 8.4 cm high and the radius of its base is

2.1 cm. It is melted and recast into a sphere. The
radius of the sphere is

(a) 4.2 cm (b) 2.1 cm

(c) 2.4 cm (d) 1.6 cm

Sol. (b)

Given, height of a cone = 8.4 cm

Radius of the base of cone= 2.1 cm

Volume of a cone=

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

1 3 1
p r h = ´ p ´ (2.1)2 ´ 8.4
3 3
= ´ p ´ 2.1 ´ 2.1 ´ 8.4
= p ´ 4.41 ´ 2.8cm3

Since, cone is melted and recast into a sphere. Let the

radius of a sphere be R.

Then, volume of a sphere= Volume of a cone

Þ p r 3 = p ´ 4.41 ´ 2.8
Þ r 3 = 4.41 ´ 0.7 ´ 3
Þ r 3 = 4.41 ´ 2.1
\ r = 21

Hence, the radius of the sphere is 2.1 cm.

Q. 4 In a cylinder, radius is doubled and height is

halved, then curved surface area will be

(a) halved (b) doubled

(c) same(d) four times

Solution- (c)

Let the radius be rand height be h of a cylinder.

\Curved surface area of cylinder= 2 p rh

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

We have, radius= 2r, height=

New curved surface area = 2p (2r ) ´ h = 2p rh


Hence, the curved surface area will be same.

Q. 5 The total surface area of a cone whose radius is

and slant height 2L is

æ rö
(a) 2p r (l + r ) (bJ pr çl + ÷
è 4ø

(c) p r (l + r ) (d) 2p rl

Solution- (b)

Given, radius, R = r and slant height, L = 2l


\ Total surface area of a cone=

ræ rö æ rö
p R( L + R) = p ´ ç 2l + ÷ = p r ç l + ÷ Hence, the total surface area of
2è 2ø è 4ø

æ rö
a cone is pr çl + ÷ .
è 4ø

Q. 6. The radii of two cylinders are in the ratio of 2 : 3

and their heights are in the ratio of 5 : 3. The ratio of
their volumes is

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

(a) 10 : 17 (b) 20:27

(c) 17 : 27 (d) 20 : 37

Solution- (b)

Let the radii of two cylinders be r1and r2 and height of

the cylinder be h1 and h2.


r1 2 h 5
= and 1 =
r2 3 h2 3
p r 2h æ r ö æ h ö
\ Ratio of volumes = 1 2 1 = ç 1 ÷ ç 1 ÷
p r2 è r2 ø è h2 ø
æ 2 ö æ 5ö 4 5
= ç ÷ ç ÷ = ´ = 20 : 27
è 3 ø è 3ø 9 3

Hence, the ratio of their volume is 20:27.

Q.7. The lateral surface area of a cube is 256 m2 The

volume of the cube is

(a)512m3 (b)64m3

(c)216m3 (d)256m3

Sol. (a)

Given, lateral surface area of a cube= 256m2

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

We know that, lateral surface area of a cube= 4 x


256 = 4 x (Side)2

(Side)2 = = 64

side = 64
= 8m

[taking positive square root because side is always a

positive quantity]

Now, volume of a cube= (Side)3 = (8)3 = 8 x 8 x 8

= 512m3.

Hence, the volume of the cube is 512m3 .

Q. 8 The number of planks of dimensions (4m x 50cm

x 20cm) that can be stored in a pit which is 16 m long,
12 m wide and 40 m deep is

(a) 1900 (b) 1920

(c) 1800 (d) 1840


(b) Given, dimensions of the plank are

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

l= 4m, b = 50cm m = 0.5m

and h=20cm m = 0.2m

Volume of the plank = l x b x h = 4 x 0.5 x 0.2 = 4m3

Also, given dimensions of the pit are

l=16m, b=12m and h=40m

Volume of a pit= l x b x h= (16 x 12 x 40)m3

Number of planks =

Volume of the pit

Volume of the plank
16 ´ 12 ´ 40
= 16 ´ 12 ´ 10 = 1920
Hence, the number of planks are 1920.

Q. 9 The length of the longest pole that can be put in a

room of dimensions (10 m x 10m x 5m) is

(a) 15 m (b) 1 6 m

(c) 10 m (d) 12 m

Sol. (a)

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Given, dimensions of a room, l =10m, b =10m, h = 5


\ Length of the longest pole = Diagonal of a cuboid


= l 2 + b2 + h2
= (10) 2 + (10) 2 + (5)2
= 100 + 100 + 25
= 225 = 15m

Hence, the length of the longest pole is 15 m.

Q. 10 The radius of a hemispherical balloon increases

from 6 cm to 12 cm as air is being pumped into it. The
ratios of the surface areas of the balloon in the two
cases is

(a) 1 . : 4 (b) 1 : 3

(c) 2 : 3 (d) 2 : 1

Sol. (a)

Given, radius of a hemispherical balloon, r1 = 6 cm

Since, air is pumped into balloon. Then, radius of a

hemispherical balloon, r2 = 12

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

\Ratio of the surface areas of the balloon in two


3p r12
3p r22
r12 (6) 2 36
Þ 2 = 2
r2 (12) 144
= = 1: 4

Hence, ratio of the surface areas of the balloon in the

two cases in 1 : 4.

Exercise 13.2

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Write whether True or False and justify your answer

Q. 1 The volume of a sphere is equal to two-third of

the volume of a cylinder whose height and diameter
are equal to the diameter of the sphere.

Sol. True

Let the radius of the sphere and cylinder be r.

Given, height of the cylinder= diameter of the base

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Þ h =2r

According to the given condition,

Volume of sphere = Volume of cylinder

4 3 2
Þ p r = ´ p r 2 ´ 2r
3 3
4 3 4 3
Þ pr = pr
3 3

Hence, the volume of a sphere is equal to two-third of

the volume of a cylinder.

Q. 2 If the radius of a right circular cone is halved and

height is doubled, then volume will remain unchanged.

Solution- False

Let the radius of a right circular cone be r and height of

a right circular cone be h.

1 3
Then, the volume of a right circular cone = pr

Now, r = , h = 2h

New volume of a right circular cone =

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

1 æ rö
p ç ÷ ´ (2h)
3 è 2ø
1 r2
= p ´ ´ 2h
3 4
1 r2
= p´ h
3 2
1æ1 ö
= ç p r 2 h÷
2è3 ø

Hence, the new volume of a right circular cone

becomes half of original volume of a right circular cone.

Q.3 In a right circular cone, height, radius and slant

height do not always be sides of a right triangle.

Sol. True

On rotating a right-angled triangular lamina AOB about

OA, it generates a cone. The point A is the vertex of a
cone. Its base is a circle with centre O and radius 0B.
The length OA is the height of the cone and the length
AB is called its slant height.

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Clearly, ÐAOB = 900

Let the radius of the base= r units, height= h units

and slant height = l units, then,

l 2 = h2 + r 2
Þ l = h2 + r 2

Hence, in a right circular cone, height, radius and slant

height do not always be sides of a right triangle.

Q. 4 If the radius of a cylinder is doubled and its

curved surface area is not changed, the height must be

Solution. True

Let the radius of a cylinder be r and height be h.

Curved surface area of a cylinder = 2p rh

Again, let if the radius of a cylinder be r = 2r and

height be H.

Curved surface of a cylinder is not changed, therefore

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Þ 2p rh = 2p (2r) ´ H.
Þ 2p rh = 4p rH
2p rh
4p r
Þ H=

Hence, the height must be halved.

Q. 5 The volume of the Largest right circular cone that

can be fitted in a cube whose edge is 2r equals to the
volume of a hemisphere radius r.

Sol. True

Given, edge of cube= 2 r, then height of cube becomes

h = 2r.

Volume of a cone =

1 2 1 2
p r h = p r 2 (2r ) = p r 3
3 3 3

Volume of a hemisphere = p r3

Hence, the volume of a cone is equal to the volume of

a hemisphere.

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Q. 6 A cylinder and a right circular cone are having

the same base and same height. The volume of the
cylinder is three times the volume of the cone.

Solution- True

Let the radius of the base of a cylinder and a right

circular cone be r and height be h. Then, Volume of a
cylinder = p r 2 h

1 2
Volume of a cone = pr h

\Volume of a cylinder = 3 x Volume of a cone

Hence, the volume of a cylinder is three times the

volume of the right circular cone.

Q. 7 A cone, a hemisphere and a cylinder stand on

equal bases and have the same height. The ratio of
their volumes is 1 : 2 : 3.

Sol. True

Let radius of hemisphere is r.

Volume of a cone v1 = p r 2 h

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

v1 = p r 2 (r ) [ ! h = r]
Þ p r3

Now, volume of hemisphere, V2 = p r 3

And volume of cylinder,

V3 = p r 2 h = p r 2 ´ r = p r 3 [! h = r ]

1 2
\ V1 : V2 : V3 = p r 3 : p r 3 : p r 3
3 3
= 1: 2 : 3

Hence, the ratio of their volumes is 1:2:3.

Q. 8 If the Length of the diagonal of a cube is 6 3 cm,

then the Length of the edge of the cube is 3 cm.

Sol. False

Given, the length of the diagonal of a cube= 6 3 cm

Let the edge (side) of a cube be a cm.

Then, diagonal of a cube= a 3

Þ6 3 =a 3
Þ a = 6cm

Hence, the edge of a cube is 6 cm.

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Q.9 If a sphere is inscribed in a cube, then the ratio of

the volume of the cube to the volume of the sphere will
be 6 : p.

Solution- True

Volume of cube (V1) = (Side)3

Radius of sphere(r) =

Volume of sphere (V1) = 4 p (r )3


4 æ side ö 4 ( side)3
= pç ÷ = p ´
3 è 2 ø 3 8
v1 ( side)3 6
\ = = or , 6 : p
v2 4 ( side) 3
3 8

Hence, the ratio of the volume of the cube to the

volume of the sphere is 6:p

Q. 10 If the radius of a cylinder is doubled and height

is halved, the volume will be doubled.

Sol. True

Let the radius of a cylinder be rand height be h.

Then, volume of a cylinder, v1= p r 2 h

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

If radius of a cylinder, R = 2r

and height of a cylinder, H=

:. Volume of a cylinder,

v2 = p R 2 H = p (2r ) 2
= 2p r 2 h = 2 ´ V1

Hence, if the radius of a cylinder is doubled and height

of a cylinder is halved, then volume of a cylinder is

Exercise- 13.3

1 Metal spheres, each of radius 2 cm, are packed into a

rectangular box of internal dimensions 16 cm x 8 cm
x 8 cm. When 16 spheres are packed the box is filled
with preservative liquid. Find the volume of this liquid.
Give your answer to the nearest integer. [use p =


Given, radius of each metal sphere = 2 cm

Internal dimensions of a rectangular box,

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

l = 16cm, b =8 cm and h =8 cm

4 3 4
p r = ´ 3.14 ´ (2)3
Volume of a metallic sphere= 3 3
= ´ 3.14 ´ 8

Now, volume of 16 metallic spheres =

4 ´ 3.14 ´ 8 ´ 16 100.48 ´ 16
3 3
= = 535.89cm3

and internal volume of a rectangular box

l ´ b ´ h = 16 ´ 8 ´ 8 = 1024cm3

Volume of preservative liquid

= 1024 - 535.89

= 488.11 cm3

= 488 cm3 ans.

Hence, the volume of preservative liquid when 16

metallic spheres are packed in rectangular box is 488

Q. 2 A storage tank is in the form of a cube. When it

is full of water, the volume of water is 15.625 m3. If

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

the present depth of water is 1.3 m, then find the

volume of water already used from the tank.


Let side of a cube be = x m

Volume of cubical tank = 15.625 m3

x3 = 15.625 m3

x=2.5 m

and present depth of water in cubical tank = 1.3 m

\ Height of water used = 2.5- 1.3 m = 1.2 m

Now, volume of water used= 1.2 x 2.5 x 2.5 = 7.5


= 7. 5 X 1000 = 7500 L

[!1m3 = 100 L]

Hence, the volume of water already used from the tank

is 7500 L.

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Q. 3 Find the amount of water displaced by a solid

spherical ball of diameter 4.2 cm, when it is
completely immersed in water.

Sol. Given, diameter of a solid spherical ball= 4.2 cm

\ Radius of a solid spherical ball, r= = 2.1cm

Now, volume of water displaced by a solid spherical ball

when it is completely immersed in water= Volume of a
solid spherical ball

4 3 4 22
p r = ´ ´ (2.1)3
3 3 7
4 22
= ´ ´ 2.1 ´ 2.1 ´ 2.1
3 7
= = 38.808
= 38.81cm3

Hence, the volume of water displaced by a solid

spherical ball, when it is completely immersed in water
is 38.81 cm3.

Q. 4. How many square metres of canvas is required

for a conical tent whose height is 3.5 m and the radius
of the base is 12 m?


NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Given, height of a conical tent, h = 3.5 m and radius of

the base of a conical tent, r = 12 m

l = h 2 + r 2 = (3.5)2 + (12)2
Slant height, =
= 12.25 + 144 = 15625 = 12.5m

\ . Canvas required = Curved surface area of the cone (conical tent)

= p rl = ´ 12 ´ 12.5
= 471.42m2

Hence, the canvas required to make a conical tent is

471.42 m2.

Q. 5 Two solid spheres made of the same metal have

weights 5920 g and 740 g, respectively. Determine
the radius of the larger sphere, if the diameter of the
smaller one is 5 cm.


Given, Weight of one solid sphere-m1 = 5920 g and

weight of another solid sphere, m2 = 740g Diameter of
the smaller sphere = 5 cm

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

r2 = , m2 = 740 g
Mass (M)
we know that, Density, =
Volume (D)
\ Radius of the smaller sphere, Þ Volume V=
5920 3
Þ V1 = cm
740 3
and V2 = cm

On dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii), we get

= D
v2 740

4 3
! Volume of a sphere = pr

4 3
pr 3
3 1 = 5920 Þ æ r 1 ö = 592
4 3 740 çè r ÷ø 74
p r2 2
æ r ö 592 é 5 ù
Þç 1 ÷ = êë! r2 = 2 cm úû
è 5 / 2ø 74
r3 592 8r 3 592
Þ 1 = Þ 1 =
125 74 125 74
592 125 74000
Þ r13 = ´ = = 125
74 8 592
\ r1 = 5cm

[taking positive value of the cube root]

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Hence, the radius of larger sphere is 5 cm.

Q. 6 A school provides milk to the students daily in a

cylindrical glasses of diameter 7 cm. If the glass is
filled with milk upto an height of 12 cm, find how many
litres of milk is needed to serve 1600 students.


Given, diameter of glass= 7 cm

Radius of glass, r = 7 cm

\ Milk contained in the cylindrical glass = Volume of

cylindrical glass

22 7 7
p r 2h = ´ ´ ´ 12 = 462cm3
7 2 2

Now, milk required for 1600 students = 462 x 1600 =

739200 cm3

739200 é 1 ù
= 7392 L êë!1cm = 1000 L úû = 7


Hence, 739.2 L milk is needed to serve 1600 students.

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Q. 7 A cylindrical roller 2.5 m in length, 1.75 m in

radius when rolled on a road was found to cover the
area of 5500 m2. How many revolutions did it make?


Given, length of a cylindrical roller, h = 2.5 m

Radius of a cylindrical roller, r = 1.75 m

and total area rolled on a road by cylindrical roller =

5500 m2

\ Area rolled to cover in one revolution = Curved

surface area of a cylindrical roller

= 2p rh = 2 ´ ´ 1.75 ´ 2.5
44 ´ 4.375 192.5
= = = 27.5m2
7 7

:. Number of revolutions rolled by a cylindrical roller=

Total area rolled by a cylindrical roller
Area rolled to cover by a cylindrical roller in one revolution

= = 200

Hence, the number of revolutions rolled by a

cylindrical roller on a road is 200.

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Q. 8 A small village, having a population of 5000,

requires 75 L of water per head per day. The village
has got an overhead tank of measurement 40 m x 25
m x 15 m. For how many days will the water of this
tank last?


Given, total population of a small village= 5000

Water required per head per day = 75 L

Volume of water required for a small village per day=

5000 x 75 = 375000 L

375000 3
= m = 375m3 [ !1m3 = 1000 L]

Total capacity of water in overhead tank= Volume of

overhead tank

= 40 X 25 X 15 = 15000 m3

Number of days= Total capacity of water in over speed tank

Volume of water required for a small village per day

= 40days

Hence, water of this tank will be last in 40 days.

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Q. 9 A shopkeeper has one spherical laddoo of radius

5 cm. With the same amount of material, how many
laddoos of radius 2.5 cm can be made?


Given, radius of a spherical laddoo, r = 5 cm

Volume of a spherical laddoo = 4p r 3

= p (5)3
= 3
4 500
= ´ 125p = p cm3
3 3

Now, radius of small laddoo = 2. 5 cm

4 62.5
So, volume of small laddoo = = p (2.5)3 = p cm3
3 3

Volume of laddoo
\ Number of laddoos =
Volume of small laddoo

3 = 500 = 8
62.5p 62.5

Hence, the number of laddoos are 8.

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Q. 10 A right triangle with sides 6 cm, 8 cm and 10 cm

is revolved about the side 8 cm. Find the volume and
the curved surface of the solid so formed.


When a right triangle with sides 6 cm, 8 cm and 10 cm

is revolved about the side 8 cm, then solid formed is a
cone whose height of a cone, h = 8 cm and radius of a
cone, r = 6 cm.

Slant height of a cone, l = 1Ocm

1 2 1 22
pr h = ´ ´ 6 ´ 6 ´ 8
\ Volume of a cone = 3 3 7
= = 301.7cm3

and curved surface area of a cone = p rl

22 1320
´ 6 ´ 10 = = 188.5cm2
7 7

Hence, the volume and surface area of a cone are

301.7 cm3 and 188.5 cm2 , respectively.

Exercise- 13.4

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Q. 1 A cylindrical tube opened at both the ends is

made of iron sheet which is 2 cm thick. If the outer
diameter is 16 cm and its length is 100 cm, find how
many cubic centimetres of iron has been used in
making the tube?

Sol. Given, outer diameter of a cylindrical tube, d = 16


Þ r1 = outer radius of a cylindrical tube = 8 cm

r2 = inner radius of a cylindrical tube = (r1 - thickness

of the iron sheet)

= 8-2 = 6cm

and height of a cylindrical tube, h = 100 cm

Volume of metal used in making cylindrical tube

=Outer volume of a cylindrical tube - Inner volume

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

= p r12 h - p r22 h = p h(r12 - r22 )

= ´ 100(82 - 62 )
= ´ 100(8 + 6)(8 - 6)
= ´ 100 ´ 14 ´ 2
= 2200 ´ 4 = 8800cm3

Hence, 8800 cm3 of iron has been used in making a

cylindrical tube.

Q. 2 A semi-circular sheet of metal of diameter 28 cm

is bent to form an open conical cup. Find the capacity
of the cup.


Given, diameter of a semi-circular sheet= 28 cm

:. Radius of a semi-circular sheet, r = = 14 cm

Since, a semi-circular sheet of metal is bent to form an

open conical cup. Let the radius of a conical cup be R.

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

\ Circumference of base of cone = Circumference of


2p R = p r
Þ 2p R = p ´ 14
Þ R = 7cm
Now, h = l 2 - R 2
= 142 - 7 2 [ ! l 2 = h 2 + R 2 ]
= 196 - 49 = 147 = 12.1243cm

1 2
Volume (Capacity) of conical cup = pR h

1 22
= ´ ´ 7 ´ 7 ´ 12.1243
3 7
= 622.38cm3

Hence, the capacity of an open conical cup is 622.38


Q. 3 A cloth having an area of 165 m2 is shaped into

the form of a conical tent of radius 5m.

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

(i) How many students can sit in the tent, if a

student on an average occupies m2 on the ground?

(ii) Find the volume of the cone.


(i) Given, radius of the base of a conical tent= 5 m

and area needs to sit a student on the ground = m2

:. Area of the base of a conical tent = p r 2

= x 5 x 5 m2

Now, number of students =

Area of the vase of a conical tent
Area needs to sit a student on the ground

22 ´ 5 ´ 5
7 22 7
= ´ 5 ´ 5 ´ = 110
5 7 5

Hence, 110 students can sit in the conical tent.

(ii) Given, area of the cloth to form a conical tent= 165


Radius of the base of a conical tent: r = 5 m

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Curved surface area of a conical tent = Area of cloth to

form a conical tent

Þ p rl = 165
Þ ´ 5 ´ l = 165
165 ´ 7 33 ´ 7
\l = = = 10.5m
22 ´ 5 22

= l 2 - r 2 = (10.5)2 - (5)2
Now, height of a conical tent=
= 110.25 - 25 = 85.25 = 9.23m

1 1 22
= p r 2 h = ´ ´ 5 ´ 5 ´ 9.23
3 3 7
1 1550 ´ 9.23 5076.5
Volume of a cone (conical tent) = = ´ =
3 7 7´3
= 241.7m 3

Hence, the volume of the cone (conical tent) is 241.7


Q. 4 The water for a factory is stored in a

hemispherical tank whose internal diameter is 14 m.
The tank contains 50 kL of water. Water is pumped
into the tank to fill to its capacity. Calculate the volume
of water pumped into the tank.


NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Given, internal diameter of a hemispherical tank = 14

m and internal radius of a hemispherical tank, r = 7m

Water in the hemispherical tank = 50 KL

50 ´ 1000L = 50000L [ !1kL= 1000L]

=50 m3 [ !1m3 = 1000 L]

\Volume of water in the hemispherical tank=

2 3 2 22
p r = ´ ´ (7)3
3 3 7
2 22
= ´ ´ 7 ´ 7 ´ 7 = 718.66m3
3 7

Now, volumes of water pumped in the hemispherical

tank = 718.66-50= 668.66 m3.

Hence, the volume of water pumped into the tank is

668.66 m3.

Q. 5 The volumes of the two spheres are in the ratio 64

: 27. Find the ratio of their surface areas.


NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Let the radius of two spheres be r1 and r2

Given, the ratio of the volume of two spheres= 64:27

V1 64
V2 27
4 3
p r1 64
Þ 3 =
4 3 27
p r2
3 3
æ r ö æ 4ö
Þç 1÷ =ç ÷
è r2 ø è 3 ø
4 3
[! Volume of sphere = pr ]
r1 4
Þ =
r2 3

Let the surface area of the two sphere be S1 and S2

S 4p r13 æ r1 ö
\ 1 = =
S 2 4p r23 çè r2 ÷ø
æ 4ö 16
Þ S1 : S 2 = ç ÷ =
è 3ø 9
Þ S1 : S 2 = 16 : 9.

Hence, the ratio of the their surface areas is 16:9.

Q. 6 A cube of side 4 cm contains a sphere touching its

sides. Find the volume of the gap in between.


Given, side of a cube= 4cm

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Side of cube =Diameter of sphere

4 =Diameter of sphere

= (side)3 - p r 3
4 = (4)3 - p (2)3
\ Radius of sphere = cm 3
Volume of the gap = Volume of cube - Volume of sphere [ ! side of cube = diameter of sphere]
æ 4 22 ö
= ç 64 - ´ ´ 8÷ = 64 - 33.52cm3
è 3 7 ø

Hence, the volume of the gap in between a cube and a

sphere is 30.48 cm3.

Q. 7 A sphere and a right circular cylinder of the same

volumes. By what percentage does the diameter of the


Let the radius of sphere = r = Radius of a right circular


According to the question,

Volume of cylinder = Volume of a sphere

4 4
Þ p r 2h = p r 3 Þ h = r
3 3

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

!Diameter of the cylinder = 2r

\ Increased diameter from height of the cylinder

4r 2r
= 2r - =
3 3

Now, percentage increase in diameter of the cylinder =

´ 100
3 = 50%

Now, the diameter of the cylinder exceeds its height by


Q. 8. 30 circular plates, each of radius 14 cm and

thickness 3 cm are placed one above the another to
form a cylindrical solid. Find

(i) the total surface area.

(ii) volume of the cylinder so formed.


Given, radius of a circular plate, r = 14 cm

Thickness of a circular plate = 3 cm

Thickness of 30 circular plates = 30 x 3 = 90 cm

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths

Since, 30 circular plates are placed one above the

another to form a cylindrical solid. Then, Height of the
cylindrical solid, h = Thickness of 30 circular plates =
90 cm

(i) Total surface area of the cylindrical solid so formed

= 2p r (h + r) = 2 ´ ´ 14(90 + 14)
= 44 ´ 2 ´ 104 = 9152cm2

Hence, the total surface area of the cylindrical solid is

9152 cm2.

(ii) Volume of the cylinder so formed = p r 2 h

22 22
= ´ (14)2 ´ 90 = ´ 14 ´ 14 ´ 90
7 7
= 22 ´ 28 ´ 90 = 55440cm3

Hence, the volume of the cylinder so formed is 55440



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