CB4001 Teaching Plan
CB4001 Teaching Plan
CB4001 Teaching Plan
Course Aims
This course aims to provide students the fundamentals of microfluidic and Lab-On-
Chip technology, including the basic fluid mechanics theory, microfabrication for
microfluidics, microfluidic flow control and system development. Function of
microfluidics components, such as valves, pumps and mixers will be explained in
details. Applications of microfluidics and Lab-On-Chip will be highlighted by
introducing the microfluidic components for life sciences, chemistry, point-of-care
diagnostics, Organ-on-Chip and so on. Examples of emerging commercial
microfluidic products (i.e. diagnostics cartridge, DNA amplification platforms) will be
introduced during the course. Detailed case studies about microfluidic product
development will be given on the development for disease diagnosis, prognosis,
precision therapy, environment monitoring and so on. Through assignment, students
will have the chance to research a particular type of microfluidic technology and its
utility for specific applications;
Course Content
This course covers basic microfluidic and Lab-On-Chip knowledge, including the fluid
mechanics theory, microfabrication for microfluidics, microfluidic flow control and
system development. Students will be equipped with the relevant knowledge on a
wide range of application areas including environmental sensing, medical diagnostics,
drug discovery, drug delivery, microscale chemical production, combinatorial
synthesis and assays, artificial organs, and microscale energy systems.
Illustrate fabrication of polymer microfluidic chips with case
study a, b, j
Legend: ● Fully consistent (contributes to more than 75% of Intended Learning Outcomes)
◐ Partially consistent (contributes to about 50% of Intended Learning Outcomes)
š Weakly consistent (contributes to about 25% of Intended Learning Outcomes)
Blank Not related to Student Learning Outcomes
Formative feedback
Examination results;
Marker’s report on overall examination performance;
Quiz answers will be discussed in class
Approach How does this approach support students in achieving the learning
Absenteeism: Continuous assessments make up a significant portion of students’
course grade. Absence from continuous assessments without officially approved
leave will result in no marks and affect students’ overall course grade.
Academic Integrity
Good academic work depends on honesty and ethical behaviour. The quality of
your work as a student relies on adhering to the principles of academic integrity and
to the NTU Honour Code, a set of values shared by the whole university community.
Truth, Trust and Justice are at the core of NTU’s shared values.
Course Instructors
Topic Readings/
Week Course LO
Introduction of microfluidics technology
1 1 Face to face lecture
and lab-on-a-chip systems
2 Explain fluid mechanics at small scales 2 Face to face lecture
Elaborate multi-physics for microfluidic
3 3 Face to face lecture
Illustrate standard fabrication technologies
4 3 Face to face lecture
for microfluidics
Illustrate advanced fabrication technologies
5 5 Online lecture
for microfluidics
Master fundamentals of microfabrication
Face to face lecture +
6 techniques and explain the concept of chip 6
Apply various microfluidic components for
7 7 Face to face lecture
life sciences and chemistry – part 1
Apply various microfluidic components for
8 8 Face to face lecture
life sciences and chemistry – part 2
Demonstrate microfluidic applications with
9 9 Face to face lecture
examples – Diagnostics/therapy/ synthesis
10 Illustrate fabrication of polymer
10 Face to face lecture
microfluidic chips with case study
11 Apply microfluidic technology in point-of-
care test (POCT) diagnosis (including 11 Face to face lecture
landscape in Singapore)
12 Microfluidic product development with
12 Tutorial 1
case study – part 1
13 Microfluidic product development with
13 Tutorial 2
case study – part 2
Appendix 1: Assessment Criteria
Criteria Unsatisfactory: Borderline: 40% Satisfactory: Very good: 70% to Exemplary: >90
<40% to 49% 50% to 69% 89% %
Knowledge • Lacks • Partial • Good • Good and • Very good
Understanding understandin understanding understanding comprehensive and
of principles of g of the of the of the understanding comprehensiv
microfluidic principles of principles of principles of of the principles e
technology microfluidic microfluidic microfluidic of microfluidic understanding
technology. technology. technology. technology. of the
principles of
• Unable to • Can apply the • Can apply the • Can apply the microfluidic
apply the principles of principles of principles of technology.
principles of microfluidic microfluidic microfluidic
microfluidic technology to technology to technology to • Can apply the
technology to solve simple solve medium solve principles of
solve engineering level engineering microfluidic
engineering problems. engineering problems. technology to
problems. problems solve
Evaluation • Calculations • Calculations • Calculations • Calculations • Calculations
Able to solve are attempted are attempted attempted are attempted are attempted are
numerical but are both but represent mostly all successful all successful
problems in unsuccessful only a portion successful and and sufficiently and fully
basic and are not of the sufficiently comprehensive comprehensiv
microfluidics comprehensiv calculations comprehensiv to solve the e to solve the
e. required with e to solve the problem. problem;
some problem. calculations
comprehensive are also
to solve the presented
problem. elegantly
Appendix 2: Assessment Criteria for Individual Case Study with Report Submission
Assessment of report
Unsatisfactory: Borderline: 40% Satisfactory: 50% Very good: 70% Exemplary: >90
Criteria <40% to 49% to 69% to 89% %
Analysis • Unable to • Can make • Can make • Can make • Can make
make reasonable reasonable reasonable correct
Able to analyze reasonable assumptions assumptions assumptions assumptions,
problems, make assumptions and judgment, and judgment, and can choose
and judgment but the choice can choose judgment, appropriate
according to of methods appropriate can choose methods to
assumptions, and the nature of are not methods and appropriate solve the
suggest/choose the problems, appropriate, predict the methods and problem and
appropriate uncertain uncertain outcome predict the draw
methods. about about the mostly, but outcome, can conclusions.
drawing any accuracy of not draw Can identify
conclusions. the outcome. necessarily reasonable potential
the best conclusions. problems and
choice. tailor the
Appendix 3: Assessment Criteria for Group Assignment
Unsatisfactory: Borderline: 40% Satisfactory: 50% Very good: 70% Exemplary: >90
Criteria <40% to 49% to 69% to 89% %
Analysis • Unable to • Can make • Can make • Can make • Can make
make reasonable reasonable reasonable correct
Able to analyze reasonable assumptions assumptions assumptions assumptions,
problems, make assumptions and judgment, and judgment, and can choose
and judgment but the choice can choose judgment, appropriate
according to of methods appropriate can choose methods to
assumptions, and the nature of are not methods and appropriate solve the
suggest/choose the problems, appropriate, predict the methods and problem and
appropriate uncertain uncertain outcome predict the draw
methods. about about the mostly, but outcome, can conclusions.
drawing any accuracy of not draw Can identify
conclusions. the outcome. necessarily reasonable potential
the best conclusions. problems and
choice. tailor the
Presentation • Topics have • Topics have • Relevant • Includes • Clear and
and Q&A not been been partially topics have several design logical
fully addressed and been alternatives. description of
Demonstrate a addressed discussed addressed. These have the
and with solution Few been analysed development
discussed. well development and discussed. process,
strong Many errors proposed. A few minor including
understanding of alternatives
or Some errors are discussed. errors or several
topic and ambiguities or ambiguities ambiguities solutions.
Errors or
flawless report in are present. are present. ambiguities are present. These have
presentation are present. The final been correctly
The final development analysed,
development solution is discussed and
solution is not adequate. presented.
necessarily Good
adequate. presentation
of the final
If you are working as a group with other students for the homework submission, then, each student
in the group is required to rate the contribution of other group members. All evaluations are held
in confidence so no student will know how other group members rate his/her contribution. You
are to evaluate other group members fairly and objectively, bearing in mind the implications for
the other members’ grades (explained below). It is absolutely essential for you to submit your
peer evaluation form to get marks. To factor peer evaluations into the marks for your homework
assignment, the following computation will be used:
• If, on average, a student receives a rating of 9 or more, that student receives 100% of the
group’s grade.
• If, on average, a student receives a rating of less than 9, that student receives a specific
percentage of the group’s grade to be determined by the formulae below:
An average rating of 4 to < 5 = 50% + (average rating obtained - 4)*10
An average rating of 3 to < 4 = 40% + (average rating obtained - 3)*10
An average rating of < 3 will be investigated by your instructor and the student may receive 0%
of group grades.
Example 1:
Assume the overall group assignment is 50 marks, and out of 50 your group got 50 marks. A
student with an average rating of 9.10 gets 100% of 50 marks, i.e., 50 marks. An average rating
of 6.29 means that a student gets 72.9% (or 70%+(6.29-6)*10) of 50 marks, i.e., 36.45 marks.
Example 2:
Assume the overall group assignment is 50 marks, and out of 50 your group got 30 marks. A
student with an average rating of 9.10 gets 100% of 30 marks, i.e., 30 marks. An average rating
of 6.29 means that a student gets 72.9% (or 70%+(6.29-6)*10) of 30 marks, i.e., 21.87 marks.
Your instructor reserves the right to review the student ratings for questionable circumstances,
which include, but are not limited to, acts of discrimination or malice.
Appendix 4: The EAB (Engineering Accreditation Board) Accreditation SLOs (Student
Learning Outcomes)