End Term 3 2023 Newsletter
End Term 3 2023 Newsletter
End Term 3 2023 Newsletter
We are delighted to report that we completed the syllabus for all the classes in
good time save for Grade 7 which required more time. We thus had time for
revision. Moreover, Grade 3, 4, 5 and 7 satisfactorily carried out KNEC projects
which culminated in a thrilling Grade 3 exhibition of moral values – I appreciate
the Grade 3 parents for their full participation in the exhibition. Further to doing
well in the projects, our outstanding performance in the written National School
Based Assessments was another testimony that our students are ready for the next
Our candidates in std 8 and Grade 6 are equally prepared to do their KCPE and
KPSEA exams respectively starting Monday 30th to 1st of November. We are
optimistic that once again, we shall retain our position one in the county.
As part of the preparation, we had a successful Internal Prayer Day for Grade 6
and Standard 8 on 22nd October 2023. Again, we had a lunch out at White Rock
Msituni for the two classes on 20th October and on 21st October. The candidates
had time to relax, have fun and get advise from their facilitators.
Parental Investment
We are grateful for the strong partnership we have with you parents. This was
evident through our online meetings with you. Your active participation in your
children’s education is a key factor in our students’ success. We appreciate you
and pledge to continue involving you.
Junior Secondary
I applaud the work done by our facilitators in J.S.S who have worked tirelessly to
cover the expansive design in J.S.S. Our learners have shown great improvement in
behavior, interpersonal relationships and in the knowledge and skill acquisition.
The J.S.S learners as well had K.N.E.C school-based assessments that was structural
and they were able to tackle it appropriately.
We had earlier proposed that Grade 7 pupils would be required to buy laptops.
However, the school decided to take up the project. A modern Computer Lab has
been set up and will be fully functional by January 2024.
We have continued to ensure that every learner’s progress in the main
development areas of language and literacy, physical skills, social & emotional
development as well as cognitive skills to help bring up an all-round child.
In the beginning of this term, the PP2 learners went for a successful excursion to
Mt. Kenya Conservancy while the PP1 visited the Aberdare Country Club. The
learners had a chance to see live wild animals in their natural habitat.
We are glad to report that learners in this level PPG, PP1 and PP2 have been
adequately prepared to join the next class come next year 2024. The PP2 are ready
for grade 1 and will bring home a grade one readiness report. They will have a
graduation in school on 25th October 2023 to crown their successful journey of 3
This term our pupils were fully engaged in co-curricular activities which made the
term more involving and exciting to our learners.
The weekly club trainings on Wednesday have been going on well throughout the
term. Football and chess Clubs have created more time for trainings on weekends
and parents have been very supportive.
Despite the term being short, some clubs had activities outside school. Swimming
Club went out for the awarding of their very best in swimming at Jaqanaz Resort
in Narumoru and the red cross members visited Neema Children’s home in Ruringú
where they donated various stuffs as a way of giving back to the community.
This has helped our learners to develop interest in community service learning and
has also helped in raising self – esteem to the individual learners. We are looking
forward to more exciting activities next year.
International trip
In recent years, we have had very educative and fun filled International trips which
have given our students a lot of exposure. We have visited countries like South
Africa, Egypt, Sweden UAE and Thailand. Next year, we shall undertake an
International Trip. Eligible students are from Grade 4 to Grade 8. We shall give
details in term one 2024.
This year, through your children we were able to raise Ksh.1.5 million to cater for
various charity initiatives i.e., Mater Heart Run, Kenya Red Cross and finally the
Nyeri Hospice. I take this opportunity to thank you parents for the contributions,
the students for enthusiastic participation and our staff for very good
coordination. The hand that gives receives! We look forward to your support of
the same come the year 2024.
The boarders had a good stay where they co-existed like one big family respecting
their peers and staff. We have observed that they have continued to develop self-
efficacy, good time management skills and a self-drive. With the help of the
boarding staff, they have maintained very high standards of cleanliness.
In matters health, the boarders had no serious cases of sicknesses and illness save
for common colds, fevers and few cases of chicken pox which were promptly kept
under control. Hygiene among the boarders is a priority to the members of staff
involved. The resident matron and the nurse made sure that the boarders were
clean and healthy at all times. Within the year, girls aged between ten years and
fourteen years- through their parents’ consent, were vaccinated against HPV. The
exercise was very successful.
In terms of co-curricular activities, the boarders were engaged in variety of
extracurricular activities within and out of school. Some boarders were involved in
community service engagement through soliciting of funds and charity walks
which were coordinated and monitored by the school staff.
I sincerely wish to thank you all for your steadfast co-operation and sufficient
provision towards making your child comfortable in boarding.
Grade 2 & 3 - Kshs. 40,650/=
Grade 4 & 5 - Kshs. 46,700/= (Day Scholars)
Grade 4 & 5 - Kshs. 75,200/= (Boarders)
Grade 6 - Kshs. 50,700/= (Day Scholars)
Grade 6 - Kshs. 79,200/= (Boarders)
N.B This includes annual book levy, termly computer fee, library fee, annual diary
fee and termly CBC materials levy.
School fees is paid either by Banker’s cheque or direct deposit to the school’s bank
accounts at: -
Equity Bank A/C No. 0110278718942 or Absa Bank A/C No. 2040619073
Equity Bank A/C No. 0110294604105 Absa Bank A/C No. 030-1196970
GRADE 8 - Kshs. 58,500/= (Day Scholars)
- Kshs. 87,000/= (Boarders)
N.B This includes annual book levy, termly computer fee and termly CBC materials
Fees should be paid in full on or before the first day of the term then the banking
slips should be brought to school for receipting purposes.
Ensure that direct bank transfer slips are duly certified by the issuing bank and
brought to school.
Kamakwa, Ring Road, Classic, Skuta, Mumbi Estate - Kshs. 8,000/=
Town - Kshs. 7,500/=
For those using the school transport, the transport fee is paid together with the
school fees.