PF-1 Final Bill Aug 2008
PF-1 Final Bill Aug 2008
PF-1 Final Bill Aug 2008
Sl no./ BOQ Description of Qty upto this Qty executed Qty executed Rate
Unit BOQ Qty. Amount upto this bill Amount upto last bill Amount since last bill
MB no. Item Item bill upto last bill since last bill (in Rs.)
E/W in
1 1.1 m3
487 Qazigund 830.649 1474.076 -643.427
547 Sadura 1493.136 1329.748 163.388
468 Anantanag 5009.719 5047.095 -37.376
497 Bijbehera 2636.536 2557.593 78.943
541 Awantipura 1305.651 1042.401 263.250
Total: 10,188 11275.691 11450.913 -175.222 93.55 1,054,840.89 1,071,232.91 (16,392.02)
Filling with
2 1.2 available m3
excaveted earth.
487 Qazigund 720.000 720.000 0.000
547 Sadura 1143.089 0.000 1143.089
468 Anantanag 3339.812 3391.274 -51.462
497 Bijbehera 1032.580 0.000 1032.580
541 Awantipura 1305.651 0.000 1305.651
Total: 8,164 7541.132 4111.274 3429.858 30.25 228,119.24 124,366.04 103,753.20
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1:4:8 PCC with 40
4 2.1.1 mm Nominal size m3
P/L M20
6 3.1.1 m3
Centering and
7 3.2.1 m2
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P/L M25 Grade
8 3.3.1 concrete in stead m3
of M20 concrete.
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Hardcret 62mm
12 6.5 m2
P/f 75 mm PVC
14 8.3 m
487 Qazigund 1086.750 1061.910 24.840
547 Sadura 264.830 386.950 -122.120
468 Anantanag 1216.940 1212.680 4.260
497 Bijbehera 531.080 457.240 73.840
541 Awantipura 772.800 321.560 451.240
Total: 3,118.00 3872.400 3440.340 432.060 56.35 218,209.74 193,863.16 24,346.58
GI Distribution
15 9.2.1 no
487 Qazigund 0 0 0
547 Sadura 0 0 0
468 Anantanag 58 30 28
497 Bijbehera 0 0 0
541 Awantipura 0 0 0
Total: 40.00 58 30 28 117.75 6,829.50 3,532.50 3,297.00
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16 10.1 m3
487 Qazigund 946.350 1378.800 -432.450
547 Sadura 203.425 155.425 48.000
468 Anantanag 1283.1195 1283.1195 0.000
497 Bijbehera 194.240 163.419 30.821
541 Awantipura 650.702 560.071 90.631
Total: 2,586 3277.837 3540.835 -262.998 374.65 1,228,041.44 1,326,573.65 (98,532.20)
Schedule "A" 25,033,436.93 24,438,661.00 590,591.36
18.00% above (quoted rate) 4,506,018.65 4,398,958.98 106,306.45
Total of Schedule "A" 29,539,455.58 28,837,619.98 696,897.81
17 "B" 2 Railing m
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19 "C" 1 Kg
cutting,TMT bar.
487 Qazigund 0.000 0.000 0.000
547 Sadura 1718.605 1712.688 5.917
468 Anantanag 15224.675 13760.429 1464.246
497 Bijbehera 6000.0540 4944.5480 1055.506
541 Awantipura 5298.618 3242.457 2056.161
Total: 182,602 28241.952 23660.122 4581.830 38.00 1,073,194.18 899,084.64 174,109.54
Non Schedule Items
RRM in 1:6
20 NS-1
Sadura m3 124.927 77.322 47.605
468 Anantnag m3 673.181 668.874 4.307
541 Awantipura m3 37.094 29.301 7.793
Total: m3 1,000 835.202 775.497 59.705 1,911.88 1,596,806.00 1,482,657.20 114,148.80
21 NS-2 40mm GI pipe mtr
468 Anantanag 1010.300 1010.300 0.000
497 Bijbehera 206.000 195.000 11.000
541 Awantipura 430.800 400.000 30.800
Total: 2750 1647.100 1605.300 41.800 292.00 480,953.20 468,747.60 12,205.60
40mm wide glass
22 NS-3 mtr
468 Anantanag 3644.000 0.000 3644.000
497 Bijbehera 609.660 0.000 609.660
Total: 10380 4253.660 0.000 4253.660 18.11 77,033.78 0.00 77,033.78
Wall, Jalley
23 NS-4 mtr
468 Anantanag 2081.560 0.000 2081.560
497 Bijbehera 925.036 0.000 925.036
541 Awantipura 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total: 3600 3006.596 0.000 3006.596 50.40 151,532.44 0.00 151,532.44
24 NS-5 Paver block mtr
468 Anantanag 325 276.000 0.000 276.000 834.90 230,432.40 0.00 230,432.40
Total of NS Item: 2,536,757.82 1,951,404.80 585,353.02
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Bill of Quantity above 125% of BOQ
Brick work in 1:6
9 4.1 m3 3,531.25 3018.964 2820.210 198.754 3,097.00 9,349,731.51 8,734,190.37 615,541.14
Supply and filling
18 "B" 1 m3 62,200 52519.341 59005.395 -6486.054 113.280 5,949,390.95 6,684,131.10 (734,740.15)
Amount heldup for incomplete kota stone, paver block, BW repairing at Anantnag Yard Rs. 150,000 Say: 1,693,889.00
Deduction on account of risk and cost For Balance Work of platform (651,774.00)
Contractor AM/ Civil
Total Amount payable in this Final bill is Rupees 0
Ten Lacs Forty Two Thousand One hundred and fifteen only
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Certified that the forgoing claim is correct. The necessary measurement were taken and recorded as follows
Sl no. Name of Engineer Date of measurement: MB no Page
1 Sri OP Chouhan, AM/ Civil 30-04-2008 - 487 -
2 Sri Anil Barma, AM/ Civil 30-04-2009 - 547 21-25
3 Sri Surajit Ghosh, AM/ Civil 30-04-2010 19 468 74-78
4 Sri Tanbir Hussain DM/ Civil - - 497 47-51
5 Sri Sarvash Kumar, DM/Civil - 541 -
Certified that,
Measurements Recorded in MB as above and 469(Abs.) are fully accepted by me and I do not have any other claim against
this bill.
2 The labour employed by me have been paid minimum wages as fixed in similar type of work in the area.
All taxes including Royalty charges. Cess, etc. due to the govt. on the materials used for this work have been fully paid and no
payment is due to them.
4 All the insurance polices as per previous of the contract has been taken by me and are valid as on date.
I have extended the provident fund benefits to the staff engaged by me and requisites amount of providend fund has been
remitted to the providend fund commissioner.
Date: Contractor
Certified that,
1 The quantity billed is not more than the quantity actually executed at site.
No material has been issued to the contractor, for which the cost was to be recovered except such as specially provided in the
agreement/ work order.
No departmental tools & plants have been issued to the contractor other than those for which hire charges have been
recovered in this bill.
4 In case of lump sum payment, approximate quantity billed is not more than the quantity actually at site.
5 The work has been executed as per approved drawing and specifications and the method of measurement is correct.
6 That the statury formalities and guidelines has been complied with.
Chargeble to ........................................................................ and to be included in the account for the month of ...................
To be paid at …………................... in presence of ............................................................. by Cheque on or before................
Certified that the forgoing claim is correct. The necessary measurement were taken and recorded as follows
Sl no. Name of Engineer Date of measurement: MB no Page
1 Sri Ben Bahadur Soni, AM/ Civil 31/08/206 5th 487 17 to 21
2 - 547 -
3 Sri Surajit Ghosh, AM/ Civil 31/08/208 5th 468 13 to 16
4 - 497 -
5 Sri Debendra Sohai AM/ Civil 31/08/210 3rd 541 6 to 8
Date: Mgr/ Civil
Certified that,
Measurements Recorded in MB 487, 468,541, 469(Abs.) are fully accepted by me and I do not have any other claim against
this bill.
2 The labour employed by me have been paid minimum wages as fixed in similar type of work in the area.
All taxes including Royalty charges. Cess, etc. due to the govt. on the materials used for this work have been fully paid and no
payment is due to them.
4 All the insurance polices as per previous of the contract has been taken by me and are valid as on date.
I have extended the provident fund benefits to the staff engaged by me and requisites amount of providend fund has been
remitted to the providend fund commissioner.
6 The statury formalities and guidelines has been complied with.
The measurementmade for well steining upto this bill, the Tilt & Shift of well are within permissible limit, as per specification
and contract agreement.
Date: Contractor
Certified that,
1 The quantity billed is not more than the quantity actually executed at site.
No material has been issued to the contractor, for which the cost was to be recovered except such as specially provided in the
agreement/ work order.
No departmental tools & plants have been issued to the contractor other than those for which hire charges have been
recovered in this bill.
4 In case of lump sum payment, approximate quantity billed is not more than the quantity actually at site.
5 The work has been executed as per approved drawing and specifications and the method of measurement is correct.
6 That the statury formalities and guidelines has been complied with.
B.B.Soni AM / civil
Chargeble to ........................................................................ and to be included in the account for the month of ...................
To be paid at …………................... in presence of ............................................................. by Cheque on or before................