Road Work03.06
Road Work03.06
Road Work03.06
As per DAR, Vol-5, P/ 2
Description of item :- Supplying and sacking of graded stone aggregate at site of size range
Item No Description Unit Qty Cost (Rs) Remarks
Supplying and sacking of graded
stone aggregate at site of size
17.4 range
17.4.1 90 mm to 45 mm
Details of cost for 1 cum
Stone aggregate 125 mm (one cum 0.10 2901 500.00 50.00
Stone aggregate 90 mm (one size) cum 0.65 2902 500.00 325.00
As per DAR, Vol-5, P/ 3
Description of item :- Laying water bound macadam with specified stone aggregate size, stone screening and blinding
material including screening, sorting , spreading to template and consolidation with power road roller of 8 to 10 tinne
capacity etc. complete (payment for stone aggregate, screening, kankar, moorum and red bajri etc. to be made separately):
Item No Description Unit Qty Cost (Rs) Remarks
Laying water bound macadam with
specified stone aggregate size,
stone screening and blinding
material including screening,
sorting , spreading to template and
consolidation with power road
roller of 8 to 10 tinne capacity etc.
complete (payment for stone
aggregate, screening, kankar,
moorum and red bajri etc. to be
17.6 made separately):
Sub - base with stone aggregate
90 mm to 45 mm including stine
17.6.1 screening 13.2 mm size.
Beldar each 0.35 0,114 150.00 52.50
Coolie each 0.35 0,115 150.00 52.50
Bhishti each 0.25 0,101 150.00 37.50
Roller charges (one roller does
170 cum of consolidation per day
of 8 hours and uses 18 liters of
Hire charges of road roller per day 0.02 0,003 3,000.00 72.00
Chowkidar each 0.02 0,113 150.00 3.60
Diesel for road roller @ 18 litter litre 0.43 1235 32.96 14.24
per day
0.024x18 = 0.432 litres
Carriage of diesel 1 tiem 0.55 9999 2.60 1.43
Sundries 1 tiem 0.7 9999 2.60 1.82
Add for water charges @ 1% 2.36
Add for conctractor's profit and 23.56
over heads @ 10%
Cost per cum 261.50
Add WCT 8.4 % 23.98 121.10%
285.48 above DSR
Say Rs. per cum 285.00 rate 2002
As per DAR, Vol-5, P/ 3
Description of item :- Laying water bound macadam with specified stone aggregate size, stone screening and blinding
material including screening, sorting , spreading to template and consolidation with power road roller of 8 to 10 tinne
capacity etc. complete (payment for stone aggregate, screening, kankar, moorum and red bajri etc. to be made separately):
Item No Description Unit Qty Cost (Rs) Remarks
Base course with stone aggregate
63 mm to 45 mm size including
stone screening 13.2 mm size.
Beldar each 0.26 0,114 150.00 39.00
Coolie each 0.26 0,115 150.00 39.00
Bhishti each 0.26 0,101 150.00 39.00
Roller charges (one roller does 30
cum of consolidation per day of 8
hours and uses 18 liters of diesel)
Hire charges of road roller per day 0.03 0,003 3,000.00 99.00
Chowkidar each 0.03 0,113 150.00 4.95
Diesel for road roller @ 18 litter litre 0.59 1235 32.96 19.45
per day
0.033x18 = 0.59 litres
Carriage of diesel 1 tiem 0.55 9999 2.60 1.43
Sundries 1 tiem 1.05 9999 2.60 2.73
Add for water charges @ 1% 2.45
Add for conctractor's profit and 24.46
over heads @ 10%
Cost per cum 271.46
Add WCT 8.4 % 24.89 143.44%
296.35 above DSR
Say Rs. per cum 297.00 rate 2002
As per DAR, Vol-5, P/ 3
Description of item :- Laying water bound macadam with specified stone aggregate size, stone screening and blinding
material including screening, sorting , spreading to template and consolidation with power road roller of 8 to 10 tinne
capacity etc. complete (payment for stone aggregate, screening, kankar, moorum and red bajri etc. to be made separately):
Item No Description Unit Qty Cost (Rs) Remarks
Base course with stone aggregate
53 mm to 22.4 mm size including
stone screening 11.2 mm size.
Beldar each 0.26 0,114 130.00 33.80
Coolie each 0.26 0,115 130.00 33.80
Bhishti each 0.26 0,101 130.00 33.80
Roller charges (one roller does 30
cum of consolidation per day of 8
hours and uses 18 liters of diesel)
Hire charges of road roller per day 0.03 0,003 1,000.00 33.00
Chowkidar each 0.03 0,113 130.00 4.29
Diesel for road roller @ 18 litter litre 0.59 1235 31.89 18.82
per day
0.033x18 = 0.59 litres
Carriage of diesel 1 tiem 0.55 9999 2.12 1.17
Sundries 1 tiem 1.05 9999 2.12 2.23
Add for water charges @ 1% 1.61
Add for conctractor's profit and 16.09
over heads @ 10%
Cost per cum 178.60
Add WCT 8.4 % 16.38 59.84%
194.97 above DSR
Say Rs. 195.00 rate 2002 per cum
As per DAR, Vol-5, P/6
Description of item :- Supplying and stacking of moorum at site
Item No Description Unit Qty Cost (Rs) Remarks
Supplying and stacking of moorum
17.8 at site
Details of cost for 1 cum
Cost of moorum at quarry cum 1.00 0,810 400.00 400.00
Carriage cum 1.00 2265 - rate included
in the above
Add for water charges @ 1% 4.00
Add for conctractor's profit and 40.00
over heads @ 10%
Cost per cum 444.00
Add WCT 8.4 % 40.72 83.23%
484.72 above DSR
Say Rs. 485.00 rate 2002 per cum
As per DAR, Vol-5, P/6
Description of item :- Supplying and stacking of stone screenings/chippings at site
Item No Description Unit Qty Cost (Rs) Remarks
Supplying and stacking of stone
17.10 screenings/chippings at site
17.10.1 13.2 mm nominal size (Type A)
Details of cost for 1 cum
Stone chippings 13.2 mm cum 0.05 2910 600.00 30.00
Stone chippings 10 mm/11.2 mm cum 0.80 2911 600.00 480.00
Stone chippings 5.6 mm cum 0.15 2903 600.00 90.00
Carriage cum 1.00 2202 - - rate included
in the above
Add for water charges @ 1% 6.00
Add for conctractor's profit and 60.00
over heads @ 10%
Cost per cum 666.00
Add WCT 8.4 % 61.07 54.58 %
727.07 above DSR
Say Rs. per cum 728.00 rate 2002 per cum
As per DAR, Vol-5, P/6
Description of item :- Supplying and stacking of stone screenings/chippings at site
Item No Description Unit Qty Cost (Rs) Remarks
17.10.2 11.2 mm nominal size (TypeB)
Details of cost for 1 cum
Stone chippings 11.2 mm cum 0.10 2911 600.00 60.00
Stone chippings 5.6 mm cum 0.75 2903 600.00 450.00
Stone screenings 180 micron cum 0.15 2904 450.00 67.50
Carriage of stone aggregate 11.2 cum 0.90 2202 rate included
cum & 5.6 cum in the above
Carriage of stone screenings 180 cum 0.10 2267 rate included
micron(dust) in the above
Add for water charges @ 1% 5.78
Add for conctractor's profit and 57.75
over heads @ 10%
Cost per cum 641.03
Add WCT 8.4 % 58.78 50.51 %
699.81 above DSR
Say Rs. per cum 700.00 rate 2002 per cum
As per DAR, Vol-5, P/43
Description of item :- Providing and applying tack coat using hot straight run bituemen of grade 80/100 including heating
the bitumen spraying the bitumen with mechanically operated spray unit fitted on bitumen boiler , cleaning and preparing the
existing road surface as per specifications.
Item No Description Unit Qty Cost (Rs) Remarks
Providing and applying tack coat
using hot straight run bituemen of
grade 80/100 including heating the
bitumen spraying the bitumen with
mechanically operated spray unit
fitted on bitumen boiler , cleaning
and preparing the existing road
surface as per specifications.
17.47.1 On W.B.M. @ 0.75 kg/sqm
Details of cost for 100 sqm
Bitumen80/100 tonne 0.08 2916 39,000.00 2,925.00
Carriage of bitumen tonne 0.08 2211 122.00 9.15
Steam coal q 1.15 0,370 400.00 460.00
Carriage of steam coal tonne 0.02 2200 122.00 1.83
Meterials for cleaning the road
Wire brush (with thick wire) each 0.05 0,364 15.00 0.75
Soft brush each 0.12 0,365 12.00 1.44
gunny bags 1 time 3.00 9999 2.60 7.80
spray unit each 0.03 0,007 200.00 6.00
sundries 1 time 3.50 9999 2.60 9.10
(a) For cleaning:
Mate each 0.06 0,128 180.00 10.80
Beldar each 1.46 0,114 150.00 219.00
(b) For heating bitumen:
Beldar each 0.19 0,114 150.00 28.50
( C) For applying tack coat:
Beldar each 0.47 0,114 150.00 70.50
Add for water charges @ 1% 37.50
Add for contractor's profit and over 374.99
- head @ 10%
Cost for 100 sqm 4,162.36
Cost per sqm 41.62
Add WCT 8.4 % 3.82 300 % above
45.44 DSR rate
Say Rs. per sqm 45.00 2002
As per DAR, Vol-5, P/63
Description of item :- 4 cm thick bitumastic sheet with hot bitumen of approved quality using stone chippings (60% 13.2
mm nominal size and 40% 11.2 mm nominal size) @ 2.60cu.m. per 100 sq.m. and coarse sand at 2.60cu.m. per 100 sq.m.
of road surface and with bitumen @ 56 kg/cu.m of stone chippings and at 128 kg/cu.m. of sand over a tack coat with hot
straight run bitumen including consolidation with road roller of 8 to 10 tonne etc. complete. (tack coat to be paid separately).
Item No Description Unit Qty Cost (Rs) Remarks
4 cm thick bitumastic sheet with hot
bitumen of approved quality using
stone chippings (60% 13.2 mm
nominal size and 40% 11.2 mm
nominal size) @ 2.60cu.m. per 100
sq.m. and coarse sand at 2.60cu.m.
per 100 sq.m. of road surface and
with bitumen @ 56 kg/cu.m of stone
chippings and at 128 kg/cu.m. of
sand over a tack coat with hot
straight run bitumen including
consolidation with road roller of 8 to
10 tonne etc. complete. (tack coat to
be paid separately).
With paving Asphalt 80/100 heated
and then mixed with solvent at the
rate of 70 grams per kg of asphalt.
Details of cost for 100 sqm
Paving asphalt 80/100 bitumen @ tonne 0.48 2916 38,000.00 18,202.00
56 kg per cum.
of aggregate and 128 kg. Per cum
of sand:
56x2.60 = 145.6 kg. = 0.146 t.
128x2.60 = 332.8 kg. = 0.333 t.
0.479 t.
As per DAR, Vol-5, P/9
Description of item : Brick edging in full brick width and half brick depth including excavation, refilling and disposal of
surplus earth lead upto 50 metres.
Item No Description Unit Qty Cost (Rs) Remarks
Brick edging in full brick width and
half brick depth including
excavation, refilling and disposal
of surplus earth lead upto 50
17.14 metres.
With F.P.S bricks of class
17.14.1 designation 75
Details of cost for 10 m.
Bricks of class designation 75
including 12% wastage 1000 nos. 0.16 2602 3,000.00 480.00
Carriage included in
the basic rate
of brick work
1000 nos. 0.16 2201 -
Labour: -
Mason 1st class each 0.17 0,123 250.00 42.50
Mason 2nd class each 0.17 0,124 200.00 34.00
Coolie each 0.35 0,115 130.00 45.50
Removal of rubbish 1 time 6.90 9999 2.12 14.63
Sundries 1 time 3.45 9999 2.12 7.31
Add for water charges @ 1% 6.24
Add for contractor's profit and over
- head @ 10% 62.39
Cost for 10 metre 692.58
Cost per m. 69.26
Add WCT 8.4 % 6.35 112.29 %
75.61 above DSR
Say Rs. 76.00 rate 2002 per m.
As per DAR, Vol-5, P/58
Description of item:- P/L 4 cm thick dense bituminous concrete surfacing course using mineral aggregate satisfying the
gradation set out in the specifications with 6 % binder content 8/100 or equivalent (by weight of total mix) with the aid of hot
mix plant and Paver finisher including rolling with road roller to achieve the required compaction and density.
Item No Description Unit Qty Cost (Rs) Remarks
P/L 4 cm thick dense bituminous
concrete surfacing course using
mineral aggregate satisfying the
gradation set out in the
specifications with 6 % binder
content 8/100 or equivalent (by
weight of total mix) with the aid of
hot mix plant and Paver finisher
including rolling with road roller to
achieve the required compaction
17.55 and density.
Details of cost for 147 mt. (62.29
(A day's output of hot mix plant)
taking density as 2.36 gm/CC
Bitumen 80/100 , 6% of 147 mt =
8.82 m.t. tonne 8.82 2916 39000 343,980.00
Carriage of bitumen tonne 8.82 2211 122 1,076.04
Crushed stone aggregate and
stone dut = 147-8.82 = 130.83 m.t.
Taking density of stone aggregate
as 1427 kg/cum
and density of stone dust as 1523
13.2 mm Stone aggregate(one
size ) = 6.54 m.t. cum 4.58 0,296 670 3,068.60
Stone aggregate 11.2 mm =
65.41 m.t. cum 45.84 0,297 670 30,712.80
stone dust 58.87 m.t. cum 38.66 1159 400 15,464.00
Carriage of stone aggregate cum 50.42 2202
Carriage of stone dust cum 38.66 2267
Hydrated lime q. 73.5 0,777 300 22,050.00
Carriage of lime 7.35x1.29
m.y./cum tonne 9.48 2208 122 1,156.68
B) Hire charges of machinery:
Hire charges of plant on 7 hours
working in a day and 35 tonne per
hour out put 60% efficiency
7x35x60/100 = 147 m.t.
Hire charges of B.G. plant per day 1.00 0,008 10540 10,540.00
Hire charges of tipper
No. of trips = 5.19
Carriage capacity = 8 m.t.
No. of tripers required =
147/5.19x8 = 3.54 Nos. per day 3.54 5 1000 3,540.00
Hire charges of loader per day 1.00 0,018 1000 1,000.00
Hire charges of road roller
62.29/0.04x4360 per day 3.39 0,003 1000 3,390.00
C) Fuel charges:
(I)Two enginer for hot mix plant
and one for paver finisher 3 nos.
@ 4 lit. / hour / enginer
= 3x4x7 =
84.00 lit.
(II) For drier (Burning and heating
94/100x147 = 138.18 m.t.@ 5
lit./m.t. = 690.90 lit
(III) Burner : one steam burner is
to start two hours earlier to heat up
the plant at high flames.
Diesel required for 2 hours @ 20
lit. / hour = 40.00 lit.
Reduced flame to burn for 7 hours
diesel for 7 hours = 7x10.00 =
70.00 lit.
Diesel for road roller @ 18 lit. /day
18x3.39 = 61.02 lit.
Diesel for loader @ 11.25 lit. /
each = 11.25
Diesel for tipper
Lead = 5 km.
No. of trips = 5.19 nos.
diesel for tipper =11.58 lit.
carring capacity of tipper = 8 m.t.
diesel required for 147 m.t.
= 147x11.58/8x5.19 = 40.998 say
41.00 lit.
= 41.00 lit.
998.17 lit.
litre 998.17 1235 32.89 32,829.81
Carriage of diesel 1 time 518.8 9999 2.6 1,348.88
Mobil oil:
for 41.52 MT = 0.411 lit.
For 147 m.t. = 0.41x147/41.52 =
1.466 lit. say 1.47 lit. litres 1.47 5001 150 220.50
D) Labour :
Beldar for loading plateform and
paver each 5.00 0,114 150 750.00
Chowkidar each 3.00 0,113 150 450.00
Mistry each 1.00 0,130 250 250.00
Beldar for levels each 6.00 0,114 150 900.00
Bhishti each 3.39 0,101 150 508.50
Add for water charges @ 1% 4,732.36
Add for contractor's profit and over
- head @ 10% 47,323.58
Cost for 147 M.T. (62.29 cum) 525,291.75
Cost per cum 8,433.00
Add WCT 8.4 % 773.33
Say Rs. 9,206.00 per cum
As per DAR, Vol-5, P/75
Description of item :- Providing and fixing Cat’s Eye (Glow studs) heavy duty integral stem, reflective, aluminium die cast with
elegant finish of size 100x100 mm and 20 mm high having a stem of 50 mm (or 12 mm dia. 90 mm long) screwed and nailed to fix
into the road surface or at the nosing of the central verge. The road studs should have reflectors fitted on one side of the studs (3
Nos. 7 element or 1 No, 29 element reflector) complete.
Item No Description Unit Qty Cost (Rs) Remarks
Providing and fixing Cat’s Eye
(Glow studs) heavy duty integral
stem, reflective, aluminium die cast
with elegant finish of size 100x100
mm and 20 mm high having a stem
of 50 mm (or 12 mm dia. 90 mm
long) screwed and nailed to fix into
the road surface or at the nosing of
the central verge. The road studs
should have reflectors fitted on one
side of the studs (3 Nos. 7 element
17.69 or 1 No, 29 element reflector)
Details of cost for 15 nos.
Cats eye. each 15.00 7426 440 6,600.00
Carriage of cats eye 1 time 1.00 9999 2.6 2.60
Mason 2nd class each 0.50 0,125 200 100.00
Beldar each 0.50 0,114 150 75.00
Sundries (including material
required for fixing cats eyes and
providing barricading to divert
traffic) 1 time 15.00 9999 2.6 39.00
Add for water charges @ 1% 68.17
Add for contractor's profit and over
- head @ 10% 681.66
Cost for 15 nos. 7,566.43
Cost per one cat's eye 504.43
Add WCT 8.4 % 46.26
Say Rs. 551.00 per each
As per DAR, Vol-5, P/75
Description of item :- Providing and fixing Cat’s Eye heavy duty integral stem, reflective, aluminium die cast with elegant finish of
size 100x100 mm and 20 mm high having a stem of 50 mm (or 12 mm dia. 90 mm long) screwed and nailed to fix into the road
surface or at the nosing of the central verge. The road studs should have reflectors fitted on one side of the studs (3 Nos. 7 element
or 1 No, 29 element reflector) complete.
Item No Description Unit Qty Cost (Rs) Remarks
Providing and fixing Cat’s Eye
heavy duty integral stem, reflective,
aluminium die cast with elegant
finish of size 100x100 mm and 20
mm high having a stem of 50 mm (or
12 mm dia. 90 mm long) screwed
and nailed to fix into the road
surface or at the nosing of the
central verge. The road studs should
have reflectors fitted on one side of
the studs (3 Nos. 7 element or 1 No,
17.69 29 element reflector) complete.
Details of cost for 15 nos.
Cats eye. each 15.00 7426 550 8,250.00 Rate on
verbal enqiry
from CBM
Carriage of cats eye 1 time 1.00 9999 2.6 2.60
Mason 2nd class each 0.50 0,125 200 100.00
Beldar each 0.50 0,114 150 75.00
Sundries (including material 1 time 15.00 9999 2.6 39.00
required for fixing cats eyes and
providing barricading to divert
Total 8,466.60
Add for water charges @ 1% 84.67
Add for contractor's profit and over
- head @ 10% 846.66
Cost for 15 nos. 9,397.93
Cost per one cat's eye 626.53
Add WCT 8.4 % 57.45
Say Rs. 684.00 per each
Description of item :- Providing and fixing delinator in 40 mm dia & 500 mm high pipe used in parapet at both ends
Item No Description Unit Qty Cost (Rs) Remarks
Providing and fixing delinator in 40
mm dia & 500 mm high pipe used in
17.69 parapet at both ends
Details of cost for one delinator
G.I pipe each 1.00 7426 91.04 91.04
Carriage of delinator 1 time 1.00 9999 2.6 2.60
Painter each 0.10 0,125 200 20.00
Beldar each 0.10 0,114 150 15.00
Sundries (including material
required for fixing delinator) 1 time 1.00 9999 2.6 2.60
Total 131.24
Add for water charges @ 1% 1.31
Add for contractor's profit and over
- head @ 10% 13.12
Cost for one delinator 145.68
Add WCT 8.4 % 13.36
Say Rs. 159.00 per each
As per DAR, Vol-5, P/58
Description of item:- P/L 4 cm thick dense bituminous concrete surfacing course using mineral aggregate satisfying the
gradation set out in the specifications with 6 % binder content 80/100 or equivalent (by weight of total mix) with the aid of
hot mix plant and Paver finisher including rolling with road roller to achieve the required compaction and density.
Item No Description Unit Qty Cost (Rs) Remarks
P/L 4 cm thick dense bituminous
concrete surfacing course using
mineral aggregate satisfying the
gradation set out in the
specifications with 6 % binder
content 80/100 or equivalent (by
weight of total mix) with the aid of
hot mix plant and Paver finisher
including rolling with road roller to
achieve the required compaction
17.55 and density.
Details of cost for 147 mt. (62.29
(A day's output of hot mix plant)
taking density as 2.36 gm/CC
Bitumen 80/100 , 6% of 147 mt =
8.82 m.t. tonne 8.82 2916 38000 335,160.00
Carriage of bitumen tonne 8.82 2211 122 1,076.04
Crushed stone aggregate and
stone dut = 147-8.82 = 130.83 m.t.
Taking density of stone aggregate
as 1427 kg/cum
and density of stone dust as 1523
As per DAR, Vol-5, P/52
Description of work :- P/L premix bituminous macadam base course with stone aggregate of quality size and grading as
specified in CPWD specifaction and straight run bitumen of grade 80/100 @ 4% by weight of total mix including hot mixing of
stone aggregate and bitumen in hot mix plant transporting mixed material and laying mixed material with paver finisher to
the required level and grade, rolling with road roller of 8 to 10 tonne capacity to achieve the required compaction and density.
Item No Description Unit Qty Cost (Rs) Remarks
P/L premix bituminous macadam
base course with stone aggregate
of quality size and grading as
specified in CPWD specifaction
and straight run bitumen of grade
80/100 @ 4% by weight of total
mix including hot mixing of stone
aggregate and bitumen in hot mix
plant transporting mixed material
and laying mixed material with
paver finisher to the required level
and grade, rolling with road roller
of 8 to 10 tonne capacity to
achieve the required compaction
and density.
115 mm compacted thickness Unit
17.52.1 = cum
Details of cost for 66.81 cum (or
147 M.T.) (A day's output of hot
mix plant)
Taking density 2.2 gm/c.c
Gross weight of mix = 147 M.T.
bitumen 80/100
4% of 147 M.T. = 5.88 M.T. tonne 5.88 2916 38000 223,440.00
Carriage of bitumen tonne 5.88 2211 122 717.36
Crushed stone aggregate weight
=147.00-5.88 M.T. = 141.12 M.T.
Assumning density of stone
aggregate as 1427 kg/cum
(43.38kg/cft) and taking
Stone aggregate:
26.5-13.2 mm = 22%
13.2-2.8 mm = 75%
fine aggregate = 3%
Ref. to Remark
Sr No MoRTH Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs Cost Rs s/ Input
Spec. ref.
5.7 508 Semi-Dense Bituminous
Providing and laying semi
dense bituminous concrete
with 100-120 TPH batch type
HMP producing an average
output of 75 tonnes per hour
using crushed aggregates of
specified grading, premixed
with bituminous binder @ 4.5
to 5 per cent of mix and
filler, transporting the hot
mix to work site, laying with
a hydrostatic paver finisher
with sensor control to the
required grade, level and
alignment, rolling with
smooth wheeled, vibratory
and tandem rollers to
achieve the desired
compaction as per MoRTH
specification clause No. 508
complete in all respects
Unit = cum
Taking output = 195 cum
(450 tonnes)
a) Labour
Mate day 0.840 150.00 126.00 L-12
Mazdoor working with day 16.000 130.00 2,080.00 L-13
HMP, mechanical broom,
paver, roller, asphalt
cutter and assistance for
setting out lines, levels
and layout of
Skilled mazdoor for day 5.000 150.00 750.00 L-15
checking line & levels
b) Machinery
Batch mix HMP @ 75 hour 6.000 12000.00 72,000.00 P&M-022
tonne per hour
Paver finisher hydrostatic hour 6.000 2500.00 15,000.00 P&M-034
with sensor control @ 75
cum per hour
Generator 250 KVA hour 6.000 1000.00 6,000.00 P&M-081
Ref. to Remark
Sr No MoRTH Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs Cost Rs s/ Input
Spec. ref.
5.10 511 Open - Graded Premix
Providing, laying and rolling
of open - graded premix
surfacing of 20 mm thickness
composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6
mm aggregates either using
penetration grade bitumen or
cut-back or emulsion to
required line, grade and level
to serve as wearing course
on a previously prepared
base, including mixing in a
suitable plant, laying and
rolling with a smooth
wheeled roller 8-10 tonne
capacity, finished to required
level and grades.
Unit = sqm
Taking output = 10250
sqm (205 cum)
(i) Case - I: Mechanical
method using Penetration
grade Bitumen and HMP
of appropriate capacity
not less than 75
tonnes/hour .
a) Labour
Mate day 0.840 150.00 126.00 L-12
Mazdoor working with day 16.000 130.00 2,080.00 L-13
HMP, road sweeper,
paver and roller
Skilled mazdoor for day 5.000 130.00 650.00 L-15
checking line & levels
b) Machinery
i) Batch type HMP 75 hour 6.000 12000.00 72,000.00 P&M-021
tonne per hour
ii) Electric Generator Set hour 6.000 1000.00 6,000.00 P&M-081
250 KVA
iii) Front end loader 1 hour 6.000 800.00 4,800.00 P&M-017
cum bucket capacity
iv) Tipper 10 tonne ### 4.20 15,120.00 Lead
capacity =input
km &
Ref. to Remark
Sr No MoRTH Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs Cost Rs s/ Input
Spec. ref.
4.12 406 Wet Mix Macadam
Providing, laying, spreading
and compacting graded
stone aggregate to wet mix
macadam specification
including premixing the
Material with water at OMC in
mechanical mix plant
carriage of mixed Material by
tipper to site, laying in
uniform layers with paver in
sub- base / base course on
well prepared surface and
compacting with vibratory
roller to achieve the desired
Unit = cum
Taking output = 225 cum
(495 tonnes)
a) Labour
Mate day 0.480 180.00 86.40 L-12
Mazdoor skilled day 2.000 180.00 360.00 L-15
Mazdoor day 10.000 150.00 1500.00 L-13
b) Machinery
Wet mix plant of 75 tonne hour 6.600 1145.10 7557.66 P&M-094
hourly capacity
Electric generator 125 KVA hour 6.000 663.30 3979.80 P&M-018
Smooth 3 wheeled steel hour 12.000
roller @ 8-10 tonnes.
Water tanker 6 KL capacity hour 3.000 250.00 750.00 P&M-060
As per Standard Data Book of Analysis of Rates ,page No:- 110
Description of item :- Providing and laying dense graded bituminous macadam with 100-120 TPH batch type
HMP producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed
with bituminous binder @ 4.0 to 4.5 per cent by weight of total mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work
site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling
with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MoRTH specification
Ref. to Remark
clause No. 507 complete in all respects.
Sr No MoRTH Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs Cost Rs s/ Input
Spec. ref.
5.6 507 Dense Graded Bituminous
Providing and laying dense
graded bituminous macadam
with 100-120 TPH batch type
HMP producing an average
output of 75 tonnes per hour
using crushed aggregates of
specified grading, premixed
with bituminous binder @ 4.0
to 4.5 per cent by weight of
total mix and filler,
transporting the hot mix to
work site, laying with a
hydrostatic paver finisher
with sensor control to the
required grade, level and
alignment, rolling with
smooth wheeled, vibratory
and tandem rollers to
achieve the desired
compaction as per MoRTH
specification clause No. 507
complete in all respects.
Unit = cum
Taking output = 195 cum
(450 tonnes)
a) Labour
Mate day 0.840 180.00 151.20 L-12
Mazdoor working with day 16.000 150.00 2400.00 L-13
HMP, mechanical broom,
paver, roller, asphalt
cutter and assistance for
setting out lines, levels
and layout of
Skilled mazdoor for day 5.000 180.00 900.00 L-15
checking line & levels
b) Machinery
Batch mix HMP @ 75 hour 6.000 10000.00 60000.00 P&M-022
tonne per hour
Paver finisher hydrostatic hour 6.000 1725.00 10350.00 P&M-034
with sensor control @ 75
cum per hour
Generator 250 KVA hour 6.000 1000.00 6000.00 P&M-081
As per Standard Data Book of Analysis of Rates ,page No:-
Description of item :- Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion on prepared surface of granular
Base including clearing of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.60 kg/sqm using mechanical means.
Ref. to Remark
Sr No MoRTH Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs Cost Rs s/ Input
Spec. ref.
5.1 502 Prime Coat
Providing and applying
primer coat with bitumen
emulsion on prepared
surface of granular Base
including clearing of road
surface and spraying
primer at the rate of 0.60
kg/sqm using mechanical
Unit = sqm
Taking output = 3500
a) Labour
Mate day 0.080 180.00 14.40 L-12
Mazdoor day 2.000 150.00 300.00 L-13
b) Machinery
Mechanical broom @ hour 2.800 339.00 949.20 P&M-031
1250 sqm per hour
Air compressor 250 cfm hour 2.800 304.00 851.20 P&M-001
Ref. to Remark
Sr No MoRTH Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs Cost Rs s/ Input
Spec. ref.
5.2 503 Tack Coat
Providing and applying tack
coat with bitumen emulsion
using emulsion pressure
distributor at the rate of 0.20
kg per sqm on the prepared
bituminous/granular surface
cleaned with mechanical
Unit = sqm
Taking output = 3500
a) Labour
Mate day 0.080 180.00 14.40 L-12
Mazdoor day 2.000 150.00 300.00 L-13
b) Machinery
Mechanical broom @ hour 2.800 339.00 949.20 P&M-031
1250 sqm per hour
Air compressor 250 cfm hour 2.800 304.00 851.20 P&M-001
Ref. to
Sr No MoRTH Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs Cost Rs
4.12 406 Wet Mix Macadam
Providing, laying,
spreading and
compacting graded
stone aggregate to
wet mix macadam
specification including
premixing the
Material with water at
OMC in mechanical
mix plant carriage of
mixed Material by
tipper to site, laying in
uniform layers with
paver in sub- base /
base course on well
prepared surface and
compacting with
vibratory roller to
achieve the desired
Unit = cum
Taking output =
225 cum (495
a) Labour
Mate day 0.480 180.00 86.40
Mazdoor skilled day 2.000 180.00 360.00
Mazdoor day 10.000 150.00 1500.00
b) Machinery
Wet mix plant of 75 hour 6.600 1145.10 7557.66
tonne hourly capacity
Electric generator 125 hour 6.000 663.30 3979.80
Front end loader 1 hour 6.000 766.70 4600.20
cum capacity
Paver finisher hour 6.000 927.30 5563.80
s/ Input
km &
per cum