Vinay Shraff CV
Vinay Shraff CV
Vinay Shraff CV
Experience :
1998 till date
Education :
Merits / Achievements :
A.V. Birla Group Providing opinion on queries of various units of A.V. Birla
( Management Services division) group on the subject of Excise, Customs, Service Tax,
Income Tax matters received by Management Services
Division of A.V. Birla Group and updating them on a monthly
basis through Judicial analysis of case laws, circulars and
notifications on Income Tax, International Taxation, Excise,
Customs, Service Tax, Sales Tax, FEMA etc.
Birla Tyres Internal Audit, Excise, FEMA & Service Tax consultancy.
(B.K. Birla Group Company)
Kesoram Industries Ltd. Income Tax, Excise, FEMA, Service Tax Consultancy.
(B.K. Birla Group Company)
Woodcraft Products Ltd. Drafting & attending Sales Tax appeal matters before
(B.K. Birla Group Company) Commercial Tax Appellate Tribunal.
Damodar Valley Corporation Drafting and attending appeal cases before Central Excise,
Customs & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal.
West Bengal State Electricity Drafting and attending appeal cases before Central Excise,
Board. Customs & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal.
Madhogaria Group Excise, Income Tax, Service Tax, Company Law, Sales Tax
( Manufacturer of machinery Consultancy, Internal Audit, FEMA, merger and demerger,
parts & items of C.I. Castings) System Analysis for ERP Software Development & Project
Consultancy. Drafting and attending appeal cases before
Central Excise, Customs & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal.
Creative Polypack Ltd. Excise, Service Tax consultancy & System Analysis for ERP
(Manaufacturer of Polypack for
Hindustan Lever Ltd & others) Software Development.
United Bank of India Concurrent Audit of one of their largest branch having
business of more than 600 crores including 300 crores
Foreign Exchange business & System Audit of various