Organisational Profile
Organisational Profile
Organisational Profile
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Management Training SWOT Analysis Various Costing
Marketing Plan Project Analysis Internal Control
Company Profile Risk Analysis Company Tax & Vat
First Steps Business Consulting Firm
Your completed business solutions…
Office: 9/17 (Ground Floor), Iqbal Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Mobile: 01755540812, E-mail:
1. NAME OF THE FIRM : First Steps Business Consulting Firm
: Jabedur Rahman
B.B.s(Accounting), M.B.s (Accounting),MBA(Finance)
Setting up branch
Govt. office and
Registration setting up liaison office
Companies’ registration with Board of Investment, Ministry of Industries etc.
Bank accounts opening for foreign clients
Obtaining permission from the central bank regarding inward and outward
Obtaining trade license, factory license, Import Registration Certificate, Export
Registration Certificate, Bonded warehouse facility, VAT registration, Membership of
Trade Association/chambers etc.
Providing services regarding setting up of office, drafting rent/lease agreement,
recruitments of staff etc.
Preparation of manual and policy guidelines in respect of finance, accounts, internal
control, inventory, procurement, operation, administration, human resources etc.
Services relating to fixed assets management, inventory management etc.
Services with regard to share issue, right issue, initial public offering, prospectus etc.
Outsourcing of accounting services, payroll, internal audit etc.
Helping clients in adopting international and local accounting standards
Tax planning and tax management of expatriates
Business plan developments
System development
Feasibility study of projects
Management consultation/development
Due Diligence Review
Data processing with computers
Liquidation and winding up of companies
Organizational consulting services.
Designing computerized systems for MIS and accounting and its implementation
Share/business/asset valuation.
Other services as per needs of the clients.
(b) Following are a few of the major category of clients receiving our services
(iv) Finance
o Finance & Commerce
RTNN Tower .
Dohkina Samanj Sobuj Nir Apartment Project.
And 50+ Apartment City.
(c) Others
Various Industries Setup.
(b) Trading
Hosneara Corporation.
China Bangla Trade.
Anowara Lether Begs
(c) Educational Institutions
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Management Training SWOT Analysis Various Costing
Marketing Plan Project Analysis Internal Control
Company Profile Risk Analysis Company Tax & Vat
First Steps Business Consulting Firm
Your completed business solutions…
Office: 9/17 (Ground Floor), Iqbal Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Mobile: 01755540812, E-mail:
international School &No.:0807976
Registration Collage
international School & Collage
(d) Others
ICAP Agro Ltd.
AL-Monsur Manpower(Dubai, UAE)
First Fashion Ltd.
Prachin Samver Ltd.
Green Club.
Bangladesh Publication.
Fresco Add.
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Management Training SWOT Analysis Various Costing
Marketing Plan Project Analysis Internal Control
Company Profile Risk Analysis Company Tax & Vat