Altair Resume
Altair Resume
Altair Resume
• Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad 2020 - Present
Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering CGPA: 8.02 (till 7th sem)
• D.S.S. Aca SR SS, Nasiya Colony, Gangapur City, Rajasthan 2019
Class 12, Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan Percentage: 82.20
• Vishal Adarsh SR SS, Khandip, Gangapur City, Rajasthan 2017
Class 10, Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan Percentage: 85.83
• Tutorbin Nov 2022 – Feb 2023
DSA Mentor Intern Remote
– Responsible for solving conceptual doubts related to DSA and Object Oriented Programming (OOPS).
– Mentored 300+ students in Data Structures and Algorithms for 100+ hours.
Personal Projects
KhojYatri-JourneyHunters | Github
TechStack: MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS, ReactJS.
• Designed and developed a dynamic web platform using the MERN stack, dedicated to enhancing user interactions
and fostering engagement within the travel community.
• Implemented an array of features including Search, Filtering,Recommendations, Pagination, Authentication, Likes
and more for enhanced user experience.
TechStack: ReactJS, ExpressJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, Google vision API, Multer.
• Developed an application that utilized Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to analyze Thai ID cards and extract
relevant data. The app integrated with the Google Vision API for OCR processing.
• Crafted an interactive UI and Implemented CRUD functionality within this project.
Multiuser Auction System | Github
• Desktop application which allows users to participate in an auction both as sellers and buyers . Users can add a
product that they are willing to sell.
• A list of open auctions at the current time is displayed, any of which the user may choose to enter to place his bid.
Technical Skills and Interests
• Languages: C/C++, Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, SQL.
• Libraries and Framework: C++ STL, ReactJs NodeJS, ExpressJS, XAMPP, Restful APIs.
• Databases and Tools : MongoDB, MySQL, VScode, Git, Github, MATLAB, EDA.
• Soft Skills : Leadership and Managerial Skills, Good Communication Skills.
• Coursework: Data Structures and Algorithms, Object Oriented Programming , Computer Networks, Operating
System, Database Management System.
• Others: Problem Solving, Algorithm Optimization, Competitive Programming, General Aptitude and Reasoning.
• Microsoft Technological Associate(MTA) : Introduction to Programming Using HTML and CSS. Got
Certified by MTA for creating Tindog Application | Certificate
• Open Source Contributor - Participated In OpenCode event by IIIT Allahabad | Certificate
• Secured and Qualified for Round 2 of Google code Jam 2022 with Rank 901 in Round 1, Google HashCode,
Google KickStart(Best Rank - 807) | Certificate
• Selected 2 Times for National Fellowship and Scholarship providing by NSP on merit basis.
• Qualify Pre Regional Mathmatics Olympiad in 2019.
• Expert (Level 7) Coder with 30k Points at Code Studio and lies among the Top 10% of users on Leetcode.
• Solved 1500+ Coding questions among various platforms like Codeforces, Codechef, Hackerearth, GfG etc.
Positions of Responsibility
• Executive of Web operations Team in Aparoksha Tech fest of IIITA. 2023
• Senior Member, PRAYAAS: A social initiative by IIITA students to educate underprivileged kids. 2023