Module 5 Tliter
Module 5 Tliter
Module 5 Tliter
This module will introduce students to security risk involve in using computers. They will become
familiar of various internet and network attacks and identify ways to safeguard against it.
Techniques to prevent unauthorized computer access will be discussed. This module also
describes different ways the software manufacturers does to protect againstsoftware piracy.
Lastly, the module also includes explanations on how file encryption works and why it is necessary
for users to practice the process..
1. Visit Online Account and the scheduled quiz on Computer Security, Safety and Ethics.
2. Essay : Expound on this definition : “Computer security risk is any event or action that could
cause a loss of or damage to computer hardware, software, data, information, or processing
3. Illustrate the process involved when a computer virus affects the computer system.
4. Complete the KWL Chart
5. Create an Infographics
Quick Reflection:
1. What was your worst experience of computer viruses? After that experience, what have you
done so it won’t happen again?
ANSWER: 14-16 sentence
When it comes to protecting your computer from viruses, it's important to take a multi-
layered approach to security. Here are some additional steps you can take to safeguard
your system:Firewall Protection: Ensure that your computer's firewall is enabled. Firewalls
act as a barrier between your computer and the internet, preventing unauthorized access
and blocking malicious traffic. Email Security: Be cautious when opening email
attachments or clicking on links, especially if the sender is unknown or the email seems
suspicious. Email attachments are a common method for spreading viruses, so exercise
caution and use an email security solution if possible. Software Updates: Keep your
operating system, web browser, and other software up to date. Software updates often
include security patches that address vulnerabilities that could be exploited by viruses and
malware.Safe Browsing Practices: Be mindful of the websites you visit and only download
files from reputable sources. Avoid clicking on pop-up ads, and be wary of websites
offering free downloads or pirated software, as they can be sources of malware.User
Awareness: Educate yourself and other users about the potential risks of downloading and
installing software from untrustworthy sources. Encourage safe computing practices, such
as not clicking on suspicious links and being cautious when sharing personal information
online. Regular Scans and Maintenance: Perform regular scans of your computer using
antivirus software to detect and remove any potential threats. Additionally, consider using
antimalware tools to complement your antivirus program for broader protection.
Misconception Check
Do you also think that desktop computers are more vulnerable than mobile phones in terms of
viruses? Explain your response.
ANSWER:14-16 sentence
The misconception that desktop computers are more vulnerable than mobile phones in
terms of viruses is based on historical trends and the perception that desktop computers
have traditionally been the primary target for malware and cyber attacks. However, with the
rapid evolution of technology and changing user habits, the vulnerability landscape has
shifted, making it important to understand that both desktop computers and mobile phones
are susceptible to viruses and other forms of malware.Mobile phones have become an
increasingly attractive target for cybercriminals due to several factors. First, the
widespread adoption of mobile devices has resulted in a larger user base, creating a
lucrative opportunity for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities and access sensitive
information stored on mobile phones. Mobile devices often contain personal and financial
data, making them valuable targets for cyber attacks.Furthermore, the smaller screen size
and different user interface of mobile devices can make users more susceptible to social
engineering attacks, such as phishing scams and fake app downloads. This can lead to
unwittingly downloading and installing malicious software, exposing mobile users to
various forms of malware.While desktop computers may still be more vulnerable to certain
types of viruses that exploit software vulnerabilities or spread through network
connections, the increasing prevalence of mobile malware underscores the importance of
protecting both desktop and mobile devices from cyber threats.To mitigate the risk of virus
infections on both desktop computers and mobile phones, users should take proactive
measures such as using reputable antivirus software, keeping operating systems and
software up to date, being cautious when browsing the internet and opening email
attachments, and practicing good digital hygiene.
You have learned the importance of putting the right context to understand ideas or
information clearly. Interview an IT personnel in an office and find difficulties they
encounter in performing computer and network security. After the interview, collate all the
info and complete the KWL chart below. In the first column, write what you already know
about the topic. In the second column, write what you want to know about the topic and in
the Third column, write what you learned from the topic. ANSW
K-W-L Chart
- IT personnel are - What are the specific - During the interview with
responsible for ensuring the difficulties that IT personnel the IT personnel, several
security of computer systems encounter in computer and difficulties were identified:
and networks. network security? 1. Constantly evolving
- They implement various - How do they prioritize and threats: IT personnel struggle
security measures such as allocate resources to address to keep up with the ever-
firewalls, antivirus software, these difficulties? changing tactics and
and encryption. - What strategies or tools do techniques used by
- IT personnel regularly they use to stay updated on cybercriminals.
update and patch systems to the latest security threats? 2. Limited resources:
protect against - How do they handle Budget constraints and
vulnerabilities. incidents of security breaches limited staff can make it
- They monitor network or attempted attacks? challenging to implement
traffic and investigate any - How do they collaborate and maintain robust security
suspicious activities. with other departments or measures.
- They may face challenges external entities in ensuring 3. User awareness and
in keeping up with rapidly security? education: Educating
evolving cyber threats. employees about best
practices, such as strong
password usage and
recognizing phishing
attempts, can be a continuous
4. Balancing security and
usability: IT personnel need
to find a balance between
implementing stringent
security measures and
ensuring the smooth
functioning of computer
systems and networks.
5. Incident response and
recovery: Handling security
incidents, such as breaches or
attempted attacks, requires
quick and effective response
to minimize damage and
prevent future incidents.
6. Compliance with
regulations: IT personnel
must navigate and comply
with various security
regulations and standards.
Chapter Reading:
1. What do you think are the different health issues in using computers?
ANSWER: 14-16 sentence
The use of computers has become an integral part of our daily lives. From work to
entertainment, we heavily rely on computers to perform various tasks. However, prolonged
use of computers can lead to several health issues. One of the most common health issues
associated with computer use is eye strain. Staring at a computer screen for an extended
period can cause dry eyes, headaches, and blurred vision. It is recommended to take a
break every 20-30 minutes to rest the eyes.
Another health issue is musculoskeletal disorders. Poor posture and repetitive movements can
cause strain on the back, neck, shoulders, and wrists. This can lead to chronic pain, stiffness, and
even carpal tunnel syndrome. To prevent these disorders, it is crucial to sit ergonomically and take
frequent breaks to stretch and move around.
Computer use can also affect our mental health. Spending several hours in front of a computer
screen can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression. This is because we tend to isolate ourselves
from the world while using a computer. It is important to take regular breaks and engage in
physical activities to alleviate these issues.
Radiation exposure is another health issue associated with computer use. The electromagnetic
radiation emitted by computers can cause various health problems such as cancer, neurological
disorders, and reproductive disorders. It is important to limit the exposure to radiation by sitting at
a safe distance from the computer screen.
Furthermore, computer use can lead to obesity and other lifestyle diseases. Sitting for prolonged
periods can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and heart diseases. It is essential to take breaks,
exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy diet to prevent these diseases.
In conclusion, while computers have revolutionized our lives, prolonged use can lead to several
health issues. It is crucial to be aware of these health issues and take necessary measures to
prevent them. By following proper ergonomics, taking regular breaks, engaging in physical
activities, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we can use computers without compromising our
2. What are the common ways to steal user information using the internet?
ANSWER:.14-16 sentence .
There are several common ways in which user information can be stolen using the internet. One of
the most prevalent methods is phishing, where attackers create fake websites or emails that
appear legitimate in order to trick users into providing sensitive information such as usernames,
passwords, and credit card details. Another common method is through malware, which can be
delivered through malicious websites, emails, or downloads. Once installed on a user's device,
malware can capture keystrokes, steal personal information, or even take control of the device.
Man-in-the-middle attacks are another way in which user information can be stolen. In this type of
attack, the attacker intercepts communication between the user and a website, allowing them to
eavesdrop on sensitive information being transmitted. Additionally, insecure or fake Wi-Fi
networks can be set up by attackers to intercept data being transmitted over the network.
Another method of stealing user information is through social engineering, where attackers
manipulate individuals into divulging confidential information or performing actions that
compromise their security. This can be done through phone calls, emails, or even in person.
Furthermore, cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks can be used to steal user information by injecting
malicious scripts into legitimate websites, which then execute in the user's web browser and can
steal cookies, session tokens, and other sensitive information.
Insecure or weak passwords are also a common vulnerability that can lead to user information
being stolen. Attackers can use techniques such as brute force attacks or password cracking to
gain unauthorized access to user accounts.
To protect against these threats, users should be cautious when sharing personal information
online, use strong and unique passwords for different accounts, enable two-factor authentication
where available, keep their devices and software up to date, and use reputable security software
to protect against malware and phishing attempts. Additionally, being vigilant and verifying the
legitimacy of websites and communications can help prevent falling victim to these types of
Comparative Investigation:
1. Differentiate different Software License
ANSWER:14-16 sentence
Software licenses are legal agreements that define how a user can use a particular piece of
software. Here are some common types of software licenses:
1. Proprietary License: This is the most restrictive type of license. Proprietary software licenses
grant the user certain rights to use the software, but the source code is not available. Users
typically need to purchase a license to use the software and may have limitations on how they can
modify or distribute it.
2. Open Source License: Open source licenses provide users with the freedom to use, modify, and
distribute the software. These licenses usually require that the source code be made available to
the public, allowing for transparency and collaboration. Examples of popular open source licenses
include the GNU General Public License (GPL) and the MIT License.
3. Freeware: Freeware is software that is available for use at no cost. Users are allowed to use the
software without paying any fees, but there may be restrictions on modifying or distributing it.
4. Shareware: Shareware is software that is typically distributed for free on a trial basis. Users can
try the software before deciding whether to purchase a license for the full version. Shareware
licenses usually have limitations on the trial period or functionality until a license is purchased.
5. Creative Commons License: Creative Commons licenses are often used for creative works such
as images, music, or written content. These licenses allow creators to specify the permissions and
restrictions for how their work can be used, shared, or modified.
These are just a few examples of the different software licenses available. It's important to
carefully review and understand the terms and conditions of a software license before using or
distributing any software to ensure compliance with legal requirements.
Infographics Create an infographic about the topic that you have just studied.
1. Comparison of Software, Hardware and Information theft.
2. Different computer virus and their description
1. Explain how green computing helps the environment and site more examples on how to
implement it.
ANSWER:14-16 sentence
Computer ethics refers to the moral principles and guidelines that govern the use of
computers and technology. It involves understanding and applying ethical standards to the
use, creation, and distribution of digital information. In the workplace, computer ethics are
of utmost importance as they help establish a culture of integrity, trust, and responsibility.
Here are several reasons why computer ethics are crucial in the workplace:
1. Protecting sensitive information: Computer ethics ensure the protection of sensitive and
confidential data, both of the organization and its clients. It includes respecting privacy
rights and implementing security measures to prevent unauthorized access or data
2. Maintaining trust and reputation: Ethical behavior regarding computer use helps build
trust among colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. It demonstrates a commitment to
maintaining confidentiality, honesty, and professionalism, contributing to a positive
reputation for the organization.
3. Preventing legal issues: Adhering to computer ethics helps organizations avoid legal
problems related to copyright infringement, intellectual property theft, or unauthorized use
of software and digital resources. It ensures compliance with laws and regulations
governing the use of technology.
4. Promoting fair competition: Computer ethics discourage unethical practices such as
hacking, unauthorized access to competitors' information, or spreading false information.
By promoting fair competition, organizations can foster an environment of trust and
healthy business practices.
5. Minimizing productivity loss: Ethical computer use includes refraining from engaging in
non-work related activities, such as excessive personal internet browsing or using
company resources for personal gain. This helps maintain productivity levels and ensures
that resources are utilized for their intended purposes.
6. Enhancing teamwork and collaboration: Computer ethics encourage respectful
communication, collaboration, and sharing of knowledge and resources among employees.
It helps foster a positive work environment where individuals treat others with respect and
7. Ethical decision-making: Computer ethics provide a framework for making ethical
decisions related to technology use. It helps employees consider the potential
consequences of their actions and make choices that align with ethical principles and
organizational values.
8. Promoting digital citizenship: Computer ethics in the workplace promote responsible
digital citizenship. This includes using technology in a way that respects the rights and
well-being of others, contributing to a positive digital ecosystem.
9. Encouraging lifelong learning: Ethical behavior regarding technology requires
individuals to continuously update their knowledge and skills. This promotes a culture of
learning, professional growth, and adaptability in the workplace.