New Resume
New Resume
New Resume
Chandigarh University Mohali, Punjab
Bachelors of Engineering - Computer Science and Engineering CGPA-8.11 2024
Stech Sr. Sec. School Bhilwara, Rajasthan
Intermediate (CBSE) 2020
A’s Steward Morris School Bhilwara, Rajasthan
Matriculation (CBSE) 2018
Web Development Intern | Upskillz 06/2022 - 08/2022
Made a full Stack Hotel Reservation App , interactive and responsive Booking Website.
Used Nodejs and npm for package management.
Ensured proper navigation and handling of route changes.
Technology used for Backend : Nodejs, RestAPI, MongoDb
Technology used for Frontend : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Reactjs
Web Development Training | Upskillz 06/2022 - 08/2022
Learned the fundamentals of React, including components, JSX, state, and props.
Implemented navigation between different views in a React application.
Learned how to make API calls and handle responses.
Explored different ways to style react components like Tailwind CSS.
3D-Portfolio Live | Source-code
Built a portfolio website containing my personal and work details.
Designed 3D models for portfolio elements using Threejs.
Represented my technical skills in a visually appealing way using 3d graphics.
Used vite as a local development server.
Integrated Emailjs as a backend service to receive emails.
Track-IT (Expense Tracking System) Live | Source-code
Created a user-friendly interface for adding, editing, and categorizing expenses.
Integrated Speechly for voice recognition and natural language processing.
Used Chartjs for visualizing expense data through charts and graphs.
Implemented notifications or alerts for successful expense additions or updates.
Travel-Guide Live | Source-code
Developed a website to plan our vacation stays.
Leveraged Tailwind CSS for quick and responsive styling.
Utilized Nextjs page components for routing.
Created visually appealing cards and grids for activity displays.
Ensured a clean and visually appealing design for user interaction.
Languages : Java, JavaScript
Frontend Technologies : HTML, CSS, TailwindCss
Backend Technologies : Nodejs, npm, MongoDb
Frameworks : Reactjs, Nextjs
Other Technologies : GitHub
340+ questions solved on leetcode using Java.
Achieved LOR from professor Saikat Samantha(2 level software developer).
Award of excellence in AMCAT examination for logical and quantative ability in 4th sem.
Java 11 Beyond Basics - Infosys SpringBoard
Full Stack Web Development - UpSkillz
Java Programming:Solving problems with Software(Duke University) - Coursera
Software Testing - NPTEL
Creativity And Critical Thinking - LinkedIn Learning